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Malaria is a major cause of death in tropical and sub-tropical countries, killing each year over 1 million people globally; 90% of fatalities occur in African children. Although effective ways to manage malaria now exist, the number of malaria cases is still increasing, due to several factors. In this emergency situation, prompt and effective diagnostic methods are essential for the management and control of malaria. Traditional methods for diagnosing malaria remain problematic; therefore, new technologies have been developed and introduced to overcome the limitations. This review details the currently available diagnostic methods for malaria.  相似文献   

The leafhoppers, planthoppers and their allies (collectively known as the Auchenorrhyncha) are presented as a group of insects that are highly appropriate for studying grassland ecology and conservation, evaluating the conservation status of sites and monitoring environmental and habitat change. Semi-natural grasslands typically support dense populations and a wide range of species with diverse ecological strategies. Their numerical dominance in many grasslands means that they have considerable functional significance, both as herbivores and as prey for higher trophic levels. Population and assemblage studies are supported by good ecological knowledge about most species and modern identification keys. Hitherto, most studies have focused on the composition and structure of assemblages and how they are affected by conservation management. However, grasslands support many rare species with small and fragmented populations which deserve conservation attention in their own right, and recent work has started to reflect this. The effects of management on the composition and structure of grassland leafhopper populations and assemblages are described and an assessment is given of the main threats facing individual species and overall diversity. There is a need to synthesise the scattered literature on grassland leafhoppers, to provide a model for how the composition and structure of populations and assemblages respond to major environmental and anthropogenic gradients across large biogeographic areas. Such an analysis could help predict the impact of likely future changes in land use and climate.  相似文献   

Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta-analytic Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


The quality and quantity of individuals'' social relationships has been linked not only to mental health but also to both morbidity and mortality.


This meta-analytic review was conducted to determine the extent to which social relationships influence risk for mortality, which aspects of social relationships are most highly predictive, and which factors may moderate the risk.

Data Extraction

Data were extracted on several participant characteristics, including cause of mortality, initial health status, and pre-existing health conditions, as well as on study characteristics, including length of follow-up and type of assessment of social relationships.


Across 148 studies (308,849 participants), the random effects weighted average effect size was OR = 1.50 (95% CI 1.42 to 1.59), indicating a 50% increased likelihood of survival for participants with stronger social relationships. This finding remained consistent across age, sex, initial health status, cause of death, and follow-up period. Significant differences were found across the type of social measurement evaluated (p<0.001); the association was strongest for complex measures of social integration (OR = 1.91; 95% CI 1.63 to 2.23) and lowest for binary indicators of residential status (living alone versus with others) (OR = 1.19; 95% CI 0.99 to 1.44).


The influence of social relationships on risk for mortality is comparable with well-established risk factors for mortality. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   

In trees, new wood develops from a layer of stem cells called the vascular cambium. A subpopulation of cambial cells—the fusiform initials—are elongated and capable of coordinated reorientation in response to internal and external stimuli. Changes in the orientation of fusiform initials in turn leads to changes in the grain pattern of developing wood. This article reviews the phenomenon of cambial orientation, with an emphasis on a recent computer model that takes the plant hormone auxin as the orienting signal. New model results are presented that demonstrate the surprisingly complex grain patterns that can emerge from simple initial conditions, in qualitative agreement with similar patterns found in wood. Lastly, an alternative theory of wood grain pattern that takes mechanical stress as the orienting signal is critically evaluated.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to focus the attention on the nutrition ecology of the heavy metals and on the major criticisms related to the heavy metals content in animal feeds, manure, soil and animal-origin products. Heavy metals are metallic elements that have a high density that have progressively accumulated in the food chain with negative effects for human health. Some metals are essential (Fe, I, Co, Zn, Cu, Mn, Mo, Se) to maintain various physiological functions and are usually added as nutritional additives in animal feed. Other metals (As, Cd, F, Pb, Hg) have no established biological functions and are considered as contaminants/undesirable substances. The European Union adopted several measures in order to control their presence in the environment, as a result of human activities such as: farming, industry or food processing and storage contamination. The control of the animal input could be an effective strategy to reduce human health risks related to the consumption of animal-origin products and the environmental pollution by manure. Different management of raw materials and feed, animal species as well as different legal limits can influence the spread of heavy metals. To set up effective strategies against heavy metals the complex interrelationships in rural processes, the widely variability of farming practices, the soil and climatic conditions must be considered. Innovative and sustainable approaches have discussed for the heavy metal nutrition ecology to control the environmental pollution from livestock-related activities.  相似文献   

法国旧石器技术研究概述   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
作为史前学和人类学的一个分支,史前石器技术研究从20世纪40年代开始在法国奠基,迄今形成以操作链为基础的比较完善的理论体系和研究方法。纵观60多年来法国代表性学者的理论与实践,以操作链概念为基础,到用剥坯和修型概念对前者加以完善,再到"操作型板"概念与技术-功能研究方法,法国旧石器技术研究经历了从初创、发展到深入三个研究阶段。结合中国旧石器时代考古学研究的历史与现状,本文对如何运用旧石器技术研究理论和方法也给予了简要探讨。  相似文献   

Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis (CPA) is a destructive pulmonary disease caused by a fungal infection, affecting mainly individuals with prior or concurrent pulmonary conditions. It has a global prevalence of 42 per 100,000 population, but in the US and Europe, prevalence is less than 1 per 100,000. The clinical definition of CPA is based on various factors accounting for comorbidities, clinical presentation, and duration. It may be categorized into five subtypes that the disease may evolve between over time. Based on global consensus covering the spectrum of low-resource to high-resource settings, diagnosis is a multi-factorial process that involves a combination of clinical presentation persisting over 3 months, radiological findings, positive culture growth, and serological tests. CPA remains underdiagnosed due to a lack of awareness and is often misdiagnosed due to the comorbidities present. Treatment options are limited due to a lack of research. Furthermore, associated comorbidities and drug interactions further complicate treatment plans. Follow-up throughout treatment should be based on understanding the predictors of mortality. Identification of potential relapse or resistance to antifungal therapy is crucial to limit the low long-term survival rate. Awareness surrounding this devastating disease needs to be raised further to enable earlier identification, improve understanding of patient factors associated with prognosis, and the future potential for targeted therapies. This review aims to raise awareness of this rare condition among practitioners, by providing an overview of common risk factors influencing the prevalence and incidence of the disease. We further discuss current approaches and recent advancements in CPA diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   


I provide a brief review and perspective thoughts concerning the antisense oligonucleotide, drug discovery paradigm.  相似文献   

Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) is an important variable in the study of autonomic activity in both normotensive and hypertensive subjects. It is measured directly from the peroneal nerve using microneurography. The technique is complex and difficult to learn, but yields accurate and direct information about sympathetic nerve impulses. MSNA provides not only greater reproducibility than other measures of sympathetic activity, but also a clearer and more consistent reflection of changes in sympathetic activity caused by changes in the subject's status or disease. This technique has been used primarily in basic research settings studying stress and hypertension. It has much potential to enhance our understanding of sympathetic nervous system activity and its role in applied psychophysiology and biofeedback.  相似文献   

Since the proposal for pangenomic study, there have been a dozen software tools actively in use for pangenomic analysis. By the end of 2014, Panseq and the pan-genomes analysis pipeline(PGAP) ranked as the top two most popular packages according to cumulative citations of peerreviewed scientific publications. The functions of the software packages and tools, albeit variable among them, include categorizing orthologous genes, calculating pangenomic profiles, integrating gene annotations, and constructing phylogenies. As epigenomic elements are being gradually revealed in prokaryotes, it is expected that pangenomic databases and toolkits have to be extended to handle information of detailed functional annotations for genes and non-protein-coding sequences including non-coding RNAs, insertion elements, and conserved structural elements. To develop better bioinformatic tools, user feedback and integration of novel features are both of essence.  相似文献   

氯代苯胺类化合物微生物降解的研究进展*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对氯代苯胺类化合物(Chlovoanilines,CAS)好氧微生物降解的研究现状进行了系统的综述,内容包括具有降解氯代苯胺类化合物能力的微生物、氯代苯胺类化合物的代谢途径及相关代谢酶的分析、降解质粒和关键代谢酶的基因克隆和表达,并提出了氯代苯胺类化合物好氧微生物降解研究中存在的问题和尚需进一步研究的方面。  相似文献   

中国灭螺技术的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
刘颖芳  彭宇  刘凤想 《四川动物》2005,24(4):651-654
本文就我国在化学药物灭螺、环境改造灭螺、利用食螺动物和靶螺竞争生物灭螺及植物灭螺的研究进展进行了综述,以期为灭螺技术的开发和应用提供依据.  相似文献   

In theoretical physics, there exist two basic mathematical approaches, algebraic and geometrical methods, which, in most cases, are complementary. In the area of genome sequence analysis, however, algebraic approaches have been widely used, while geometrical approaches have been less explored for a long time. The Z-curve theory is a geometrical approach to genome analysis. The Z-curve is a three-dimensional curve that represents a given DNA sequence in the sense that each can be uniquely reconstructed given the other. The Z-curve, therefore, contains all the information that the corresponding DNA sequence carries. The analysis of a DNA sequence can then be performed through studying the corresponding Z-curve. The Z-curve method has found applications in a wide range of areas in the past two decades, including the identifications of protein-coding genes, replication origins, horizontally-transferred genomic islands, promoters, translational start sides and isochores, as well as studies on phylogenetics, genome visualization and comparative genomics. Here, we review the progress of Z-curve studies from aspects of both theory and applications in genome analysis.  相似文献   

After wheat, rice, maize, and barley, sorghum is the fifth most widely grown cereal on the planet. Due to its highproduction, drought resistance, and heat tolerance, this crop is replacing maize in some areas. Sorghum is available in a variety of colors, including cream, lemon-yellow, red, and even black. The principal grain anatomicalcomponents are pericarp, germ or embryo and endosperm. This review provides an overview of key sorghumgrain components, including starches, fiber, proteins, lipids, and vitamins. Also, we summarized phenolic compounds, flavonoids, tannins, carotenoids, vitamin E, amines, Policosanols and Phytosterols in sorghum grains.Sorghum is used to manufacture bread and porridge, and it provides a significant source of energy and nutritionfor humans; sorghum is extensively farmed for animal feed. However, because the natural components in sorghum are useful in the development of healthy and functional foods, sorghum farming for both biofuel production and human consumption is gaining popularity. Pigmented sorghum grain is high in antioxidants such aspolyphenols, primarily tannins, which have a variety of health benefits, including antiproliferative propertieslinked to the prevention of certain cancers, antioxidant activities linked to the prevention of diseases linked tooxidative stress, and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as improving glucose metabolism. Because these chemicalscannot be assimilated, their application in the food business has been limited, as sorghum is regarded as a lownutritional grain due to the presence of anti-nutritional components such as strong tannins, which form complexes with proteins and iron, limiting their digestibility. This review aims to show the utilization of sorghumas a source of bioactive chemicals and the value they bestow on human health due to the general biological potential it possesses.  相似文献   

张建新  朱麟 《蛛形学报》2012,21(1):61-64
蜘蛛的繁殖行为可以分为求偶行为、交配行为、产卵和携卵行为、携幼行为,本文根据国内外研究进展,对蜘蛛的繁殖行为进行简要综述.  相似文献   

Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder caused by impaired hypocretin (orexin) neurotransmission. Growth hormone (GH) secretion may be altered in narcolepsy for various reasons. Slow-wave sleep episodes, which are closely associated with GH-secretory events, are more randomly dispersed over 24 h in narcoleptics. Furthermore, hypocretins may inhibit pituitary GH release. We assessed the function of the somatotropic axis in narcolepsy by deconvolving 24-h (10-min sampling interval) plasma GH concentration profiles in seven hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic patients and in seven healthy controls matched for age, sex, and body weight. Both basal and pulsatile GH secretion rate and secretagogue-induced GH release were similar in patients and controls. However, narcoleptics secreted approximately 50% of their total production during the daytime, whereas controls secreted only 25% during the day. Also, the GH output pattern of narcoleptics was significantly less regular. We propose that hypocretin deficiency disrupts the circadian distribution of hypothalamic GH-releasing hormone release in narcoleptic patients to simultaneously cause daytime GH release and promote their propensity to fall asleep during the day.  相似文献   

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