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The last common bilaterian ancestor   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Many regulatory genes appear to be utilized in at least superficially similar ways in the development of particular body parts in Drosophila and in chordates. These similarities have been widely interpreted as functional homologies, producing the conventional view of the last common protostome-deuterostome ancestor (PDA) as a complex organism that possessed some of the same body parts as modern bilaterians. Here we discuss an alternative view, in which the last common PDA had a less complex body plan than is frequently conceived. This reconstruction alters expectations for Neoproterozoic fossil remains that could illustrate the pathways of bilaterian evolution.  相似文献   

W Higuchi  C Fukazawa 《Gene》1987,55(2-3):245-253
A cDNA clone covering the entire coding region for a glutelin subunit precursor has been identified from a library of endosperm-developing rice cDNA clones using a mixed oligodeoxynucleotide probe, and then by immunoprecipitation of hybrid-selected translation product with an antiserum against the acidic polypeptides of the glutelin. Analysis of the cDNA insert revealed that rice glutelin is synthesized as precursor polypeptides which undergo post-translational processing to form the nonrandom polypeptide pairs, like glycinin precursors of soybean. By comparing the predicted protein sequence of this precursor from monocots with that of glycinin A1aB1b precursor from dicots, it was found that the overall 32% of the amino acid positions are identical in both proteins. Because regions which show identities are dispersed throughout both molecules, the similarity is not due to convergent evolution, but to divergence evolution from a common ancestral gene.  相似文献   

One of the most obvious characteristics of the egg cells of oviparous animals is their large size resulting to a major extent from the deposition of nutritional reserves, mainly constituted of yolk proteins. In general, these are derived from a precursor called vitellogenin, which undergoes posttranslational modifications during secretion and during transport into and storage within the oocytes. Comparative analysis of the structural organization of the vitellogenin gene and of its product in different species shows that the vitellogenin gene is very ancient and that in vertebrates the gene may have more resemblance to the earliest gene than in invertebrates.  相似文献   

The octopine/cucumopine (o/c) Ti plasmids of the grapevine-associated Agrobacterium vitis strains constitute a family of related DNA molecules. Restriction maps were established of two limited-host-range o/c Ti plasmids, pTiAg57 and pTiAB3, and of the wide-host-range o/c Ti plasmid pTiHml. Together with the previously obtained map of the wide-host-range o/c Ti plasmid pTiTm4, about 1000 kb were mapped with a resolution of 0.2 kb, allowing a detailed comparison of the various structures. One region of the o/c Ti plasmids is highly conserved and differs mainly by the presence or absence of relatively small DNA fragments (0.9–2.7 kb); the other region has been modified more extensively and carries large sequences specific for each Ti plasmid type. The sequence similarity within large conserved regions shows that these plasmids have diverged recently and that their evolution was driven by large-scale genetic events rather than single nucleotide changes. These results have important implications for studies on bacterial evolution.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are responsible for the transport of a wide variety of water-soluble molecules and ions into prokaryotic cells. In Gram-negative bacteria, periplasmic-binding proteins deliver ions or molecules such as thiamin to the membrane-bound ABC transporter. The gene for the thiamin-binding protein tbpA has been identified in both Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Here we report the crystal structure of TbpA from E. coli with bound thiamin monophosphate. The structure was determined at 2.25 A resolution using single-wavelength anomalous diffraction experiments, despite the presence of nonmerohedral twinning. The crystal structure shows that TbpA belongs to the group II periplasmic-binding protein family. Equilibrium binding measurements showed similar dissociation constants for thiamin, thiamin monophosphate, and thiamin pyrophosphate. Analysis of the binding site by molecular modeling demonstrated how TbpA binds all three forms of thiamin. A comparison of TbpA and thiaminase-I, a thiamin-degrading enzyme, revealed structural similarity between the two proteins, especially in domain 1, suggesting that the two proteins evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

One of the most important outcomes of modern biology has been the demonstration of the unity of life. All living beings are in fact descendants of a unique ancestor commonly referred to as Luca (the Last universal common ancestor). The discovery - nearly 30 years ago by Carl Woese - that present-day life on our planet can be assigned to only three domains: two of prokaryotic nature (Archaea and Bacteria), and one eukaryoyic (Eucarya), has given birth to a new field of investigation aimed at determining the nature of Luca. Today, thanks to the accumulation of genomic data, we can loop back into the past and infer a few characters of Luca by comparing what present-day organisms have in common. For example, it is now clear that Luca was a cellular organism provided with a cytoplasmic membrane, and that it harboured already a quite sophisticated translation apparatus. However, the inference of other characters of Luca from comparative genomics is less straightforward: for instance, a few key molecular mechanisms for DNA replication are non-homologous across the three domains and their distribution is often puzzling. This evidence has been embraced by proponents of the hypothesis that Luca harboured an RNA genome and that its replacement by DNA and the appearance of the corresponding molecular systems would have occurred independently in the three life domains after their divergence. However, an equally likely scenario would be that of a Luca with a DNA genome and of a subsequent replacement of its DNA-replication systems by non-homologous counterparts either in the bacterial or in the archaeal/eukaroytic branch. Nevertheless, including the viral world into the picture of the tree of life may thus provide us with precious insights into our most distant past since the invention and spread potential of viruses may have played a key role in early evolution.  相似文献   

All theories about the origin and evolution of membrane bound cells necessarily have to cope with the nature of the last common ancestor of cellular life. One of the most important aspect of this ancestor, whether it had a closed biological membrane or not, has recently been intensely debated. Having a consensus about it would be an important step towards an eventual (though probably still remote) synthesis of the best elements of the current multitude of cell evolution models. Here I analyse the structural and functional conservation of the few universally distributed proteins that were undoubtedly present in the last common ancestor and that carry out membrane-associated functions. These include the SecY subunit of the protein-conducting channel, the signal recognition particle, the signal recognition particle receptor, the signal peptidase, and the proton ATPase. The conserved structural and functional aspects of these proteins indicate that the last common ancestor was associated with a hydrophobic layer with two hydrophilic sides (an inside and an outside) that had a full-fledged and asymmetric protein insertion and translocation machinery and served as a permeability barrier for protons and other small molecules. It is difficult to escape the conclusion that the last common ancestor had a closed biological membrane from which all cellular membranes evolved.  相似文献   

Cryptocercus cockroaches and lower termites harbour obligate, diverse and unique symbiotic cellulolytic flagellates in their hindgut that are considered critical in the development of social behaviour in their hosts. However, there has been controversy concerning the origin of these symbiotic flagellates. Here, molecular sequences encoding small subunit rRNA and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase were identified in the symbiotic flagellates of the order Trichonymphida (phylum Parabasalia) in the gut of Cryptocercus punctulatus and compared phylogenetically to the corresponding species in termites. In each of the monophyletic lineages that represent family-level groups in Trichonymphida, the symbionts of Cryptocercus were robustly sister to those of termites. Together with the recent evidence for the sister-group relationship of the host insects, this first comprehensive study comparing symbiont molecular phylogeny strongly suggests that a set of symbiotic flagellates representative of extant diversity was already established in an ancestor common to Cryptocercus and termites, was vertically transmitted to their offspring, and subsequently became diversified to distinct levels, depending on both the host and the symbiont lineages.  相似文献   

The octopine/cucumopine (o/c) Ti plasmids of the grapevine-associated Agrobacterium vitis strains constitute a family of related DNA molecules. Restriction maps were established of two limited-host-range o/c Ti plasmids, pTiAg57 and pTiAB3, and of the wide-host-range o/c Ti plasmid pTiHml. Together with the previously obtained map of the wide-host-range o/c Ti plasmid pTiTm4, about 1000 kb were mapped with a resolution of 0.2 kb, allowing a detailed comparison of the various structures. One region of the o/c Ti plasmids is highly conserved and differs mainly by the presence or absence of relatively small DNA fragments (0.9–2.7 kb); the other region has been modified more extensively and carries large sequences specific for each Ti plasmid type. The sequence similarity within large conserved regions shows that these plasmids have diverged recently and that their evolution was driven by large-scale genetic events rather than single nucleotide changes. These results have important implications for studies on bacterial evolution.  相似文献   

Animal collective behaviors give rise to various spatial patterns, such as the nests of social insects. These structures are built by individuals following a simple set of rules, slightly varying within and among species, to produce a large diversity of shapes. However, little is known about the origin and evolution of the behavioral mechanisms regulating nest structures. In this study, we discuss the perspective of inferring the evolution of collective behaviors behind pattern formations using a phylogenetic framework. We review the collective behaviors that can be described by a single set of behavioral rules, and for which variations of the environmental and behavioral parameter values produce diverse patterns. We propose that this mechanism could be at the origin of the pattern diversity observed among related species, and that, when they are placed in the proper conditions, species have the behavioral potential to form patterns observed in related species. The comparative analysis of shelter tube construction by lower termites is consistent with this hypothesis. Although the use of shelter tubes in natural conditions is variable among species, most modern species have the potential to build them, suggesting that the behavioral rules for shelter tube construction evolved once in the common ancestor of modern termites. Our study emphasizes that comparative studies of behavioral rules have the potential to shed light on the evolution of collective behaviors.  相似文献   

The nature of the last universal common ancestor   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Cytologically, prokaryotes appear simpler and thus evolutionarily 'older' than eukaryotes. In terms of RNA processing, however, prokaryotes are sophisticated and eukaryotes, which retain many features of an RNA-world, appear primitive. The last universal common ancestor may have been mesophilic and could have had many features of the eukaryote genome, but its cytology is unknown.  相似文献   

Zinc atoms play an essential role in a number of enzymes. Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT), the most potent toxin known in nature, is a zinc-dependent endopeptidase. Here we identify the nontoxic nonhemagglutinin (NTNHA), one of the BoNT-complex constituents, as a zinc-binding protein, along with BoNT. A protein structure classification database search indicated that BoNT and NTNHA share a similar domain architecture, comprising a zinc-dependent metalloproteinase-like, BoNT coiled-coil motif and concanavalin A-like domains. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated that every single NTNHA molecule contains a single zinc atom. This is the first demonstration of a zinc atom in this protein, as far as we know. However, the NTNHA molecule does not possess any known zinc-coordinating motif, whereas all BoNT serotypes possess the classical HEXXH motif. Homology modeling of the NTNHA structure implied that a consensus K-C-L-I-K-X(35)-D sequence common among all NTNHA serotype molecules appears to coordinate a single zinc atom. These findings lead us to propose that NTNHA and BoNT may have evolved distinct functional specializations following their branching out from a common ancestral zinc protein.  相似文献   

CaV1 and CaV2 voltage-gated calcium channels evolved from an ancestral CaV1/2 channel via gene duplication somewhere near the stem animal lineage. The divergence of these channel types led to distinguishing functional properties that are conserved among vertebrates and bilaterian invertebrates and contribute to their unique cellular roles. One key difference pertains to their regulation by calmodulin (CaM), wherein bilaterian CaV1 channels are uniquely subject to pronounced, buffer-resistant Ca2+/CaM-dependent inactivation, permitting negative feedback regulation of calcium influx in response to local cytoplasmic Ca2+ rises. Early diverging, nonbilaterian invertebrates also possess CaV1 and CaV2 channels, but it is unclear whether they share these conserved functional features. The most divergent animals to possess both CaV1 and CaV2 channels are placozoans such as Trichoplax adhaerens, which separated from other animals over 600 million years ago shortly after their emergence. Hence, placozoans can provide important insights into the early evolution of CaV1 and CaV2 channels. Here, we build upon previous characterization of Trichoplax CaV channels by determining the cellular expression and ion-conducting properties of the CaV1 channel orthologue, TCaV1. We show that TCaV1 is expressed in neuroendocrine-like gland cells and contractile dorsal epithelial cells. In vitro, this channel conducts dihydropyridine-insensitive, high-voltage–activated Ca2+ currents with kinetics resembling those of rat CaV1.2 but with left-shifted voltage sensitivity for activation and inactivation. Interestingly, TCaV1, but not TCaV2, exhibits buffer-resistant Ca2+/CaM-dependent inactivation, indicating that this functional divergence evolved prior to the emergence of bilaterian animals and may have contributed to their unique adaptation for cytoplasmic Ca2+ signaling within various cellular contexts.  相似文献   

The two smallest polypeptide components of D. discoideum cytochrome c oxidase, whose alternative expression depends on oxygen concentration [Schiavo, G. and Bisson, R. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 7129-7134], have been partially sequenced. They show 45% homology and are isoforms of the same subunit, which must be encoded on two different genes.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis elongation factor Tu from E. coli shares several physical, chemical, and functional properties with actin-like proteins. Limited tryptic degradation indicartes that the two polypeptides have a similar molecular architecture. These observations suggest that they could have evolved from a common ancestor, although more information will be necessary to prove or disprove this hypothesis. A partial sequence, comprising 22 aminoacid residues from the aminoterminal end of the large tryptic fragment of elongation factor Tu is presented.  相似文献   


Eukaryogenesis, the origin of the eukaryotic cell, represents one of the fundamental evolutionary transitions in the history of life on earth. This event, which is estimated to have occurred over one billion years ago, remains rather poorly understood. While some well-validated examples of fossil microbial eukaryotes for this time frame have been described, these can provide only basic morphology and the molecular machinery present in these organisms has remained unknown. Complete and partial genomic information has begun to fill this gap, and is being used to trace proteins and cellular traits to their roots and to provide unprecedented levels of resolution of structures, metabolic pathways and capabilities of organisms at these earliest points within the eukaryotic lineage. This is essentially allowing a molecular paleontology. What has emerged from these studies is spectacular cellular complexity prior to expansion of the eukaryotic lineages. Multiple reconstructed cellular systems indicate a very sophisticated biology, which by implication arose following the initial eukaryogenesis event but prior to eukaryotic radiation and provides a challenge in terms of explaining how these early eukaryotes arose and in understanding how they lived. Here, we provide brief overviews of several cellular systems and the major emerging conclusions, together with predictions for subsequent directions in evolution leading to extant taxa. We also consider what these reconstructions suggest about the life styles and capabilities of these earliest eukaryotes and the period of evolution between the radiation of eukaryotes and the eukaryogenesis event itself.  相似文献   

The strategy for detecting oxygen, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, and sulfides is predominantly through heme-based sensors utilizing either a globin domain or a PAS domain. Whereas PAS domains bind various cofactors, globins bind only heme. Globin-coupled sensors (GCSs) were first described as regulators of the aerotactic responses in Bacillus subtilis and Halobacterium salinarum. GCSs were also identified in diverse microorganisms that appear to have roles in regulating gene expression. Functional and evolutionary analyses of the GCSs, their protoglobin ancestor, and their relationship to the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) are discussed in the context of globin-based signal transduction.  相似文献   

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