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F. K. Kasule 《Oecologia》1985,65(2):260-265
Summary Reproductive strategies have been investigated for three species of Dysdercus from Africa, D. intermedius, D. cardinalis and D. nigrofasciatus. Reproductive parameters were measured for each species on individuals cultured in the laboratory. D. cardinalis is associated more with herbaceous than with arboreal host plants and is intermediate in body size. It tended to have the least age at first reproduction, reproduced most frequently, and layed the smallest clutches on average, spreading relatively high amounts of parental investment in more clutches than the other two species. It also laid the greatest number of clutches and eggs in a lifetime. D. intermedius specializes on arboreal host plants, and is the largest of the three species. It had the greatest age at first reproduction, reproduced less frequently than D. cardinalis, and layed the largest clutches. Its parental investment over time declined earlier than that of D. cardinalis. D. intermedius layed the least number of clutches in a lifetime, but its lifetime gross reproduction was intermediate in magnitude. D. nigrofasciatus has the widest diet breadth, and is the smallest in body size. Its age at first reproduction was similar to that of D. cardinalis, but D. nigrofasciatus reproduced least frequently, laying relatively large clutches. It was similar to D. intermedius in its pattern of parental investment over time, and essentially layed the same number of clutches in a lifetime as the latter species, although its lifetime gross reproduction was the smallest.It is suggested that the reproductive strategies of the three species might have evolved as adaptations to selection events in the niches of the immature stages.  相似文献   

By using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), five different pteridines have been quantified in extracts from Pyrrhocoris apterus: neopterin, isoxanthopterin, isoxantholumazine (violapterin), 7-methylxanthopterin, and erythropterin. Biopterin was also detected using HPLC. Pteridines have been analyzed separately in bodies and eyes of the wild type regarding developmental stage and sex. The pteridine content in both bodies and eyes increased from nymphs to 2-day-old adults. After this period, the concentration of pteridines in the eyes of adults remained approximately constant, while in the bodies isoxantholumazine, 7-methylxanthopterin, and isoxanthopterin kept increasing until 20 days. Considering the total amount of pteridines per insect, no qualitative or quantitative differences between males and females have been observed except a lower concentration of erythropterin in female bodies. But when pteridines are analyzed per unit body weight, a lower amount of pteridines is always detected in females due to its bigger size. A new body-color mutant, the yolk body mutant, that goes through developmental colour changes, was also analyzed during development, showing a general deficient accumulation of all pteridines, especially of 7-methylxanthopterin and isoxantholumazine in adult bodies. The effect on pteridine content of three other recessive (white, yellow, mosaic) and two dominant (Pale and Apricot) body-color mutations, has also been studied. A specific pteridine pattern different from the wild type was obtained for each mutant. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Polymorphic warning signals in aposematic organisms are puzzling because efficient predator learning should select for the most efficient warning colouration. Yet, there are many examples of polymorphic and aposematic organisms in nature. Here, we investigated whether perceived trade-offs between natural and sexual selection, combined with different degrees of morph lineage admixture, can maintain polymorphic yellow and white hindwing colouration in aposematic wood tiger moth males (Arctia plantaginis). Prior research in the system suggests that yellow males have better warning colouration against predators, whereas white male morphs have higher mating success. We performed a mating experiment where females were offered four males: two white and two yellow. One male from each colour came from (purely) monomorphic lines (i.e. including the same paternal colour for multiple generations), whereas one male from each colour were from mixed-morph (or hybrid) lineages. We then assessed whether phenotype (colour), lineage, or an interaction between the two, best affected mating success. Our results showed that although white hindwing coloured males tended to have overall better reproductive success, this was mainly due to the significantly higher mating and hatching success of mixed-morph compared to pure-line individuals. Notably, this suggests the advantage of mixed-morph lineage is limited to white individuals, while on the contrary yellow mixed lineage moths have a disadvantage, i.e. the lowest mating success. The latter also suggests a cost to reproductive success in producing the more efficient against predators yellow warning colouration, even when those individuals recently descend from a white hindwing coloured lineage. Heterozygote, or hybrid advantage, even when confined to only one morph, has been shown to promote polymorphism in some systems, therefore, our results point at the need to further examine genetic architecture and the role of mixed-morph lineages in understanding the maintenance of polymorphisms in nature.  相似文献   

We explored two mutually nonexclusive hypotheses on autumnal leaf colouration. The co-evolutionary hypothesis states that autumnal leaf colouration functions as a handicap signal to herbivorous insects, whereas the photoprotection hypothesis posits that plant pigments primarily protect the plant against cold-induced photoinhibition and enhance nutrient transfer. To contrast both hypotheses, we compared yellow and red leaf colouration in three groups of mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.). Two montane groups of different age were characterised by low aphid numbers and low temperature, and a lowland group by high aphid numbers and high temperature. There were no consistent altitudinal differences in leaf colouration. Compared to young trees, adult trees developed fewer red but more yellow leaves at high altitude. In the lowland population, the development of red leaf colour was related to decreasing daytime temperature, whereas the appearance of yellow leaf colouration corresponded to the decreasing photoperiod. This is consistent with the photoprotection hypothesis. Individual differences in red and yellow leaf colouration were inversely correlated to the number of fruits, which might be interpreted as a trade-off between reproductive and protective commitment. Temperature effects explained variation in aphid numbers over time and leaf colouration explained aphid distribution on a given day. As predicted by the co-evolutionary hypothesis, strongly coloured individuals harboured fewer aphids than green or dull-coloured ones. Since decreasing temperature reduced the number of migrating aphids but induced red leaf colouration, these processes are not mutually fine-tuned, which likely restricts the potential for co-evolution between mountain ash and aphids.  相似文献   

Atypical colouration of the fur is not commonly recorded in bats. Here we report a transient yellow colouration attributed to dietary components in Artibeus jamaicensis in 2004 and 2005 at two localities of Yucatan, Mexico. Change in colouration was recorded in January when 62% of A. jamaicensis captured (n = 50) appeared yellow. All faecal samples collected from atypically coloured individuals consisted mainly of Ceiba pentandra pollen, which was also recovered from the fur. Carotenoid pigments contained in pollen ingested during peak Ceiba flowering appear to be incorporated into the hairs of A. jamaicensis. Further investigations are required to understand how pigment is transferred between the pollen and the hairs of A. jamaicensis.  相似文献   

The relative importance of three factors-mating, nutrition, and crowding-in regulating the reproductive biology of Dysdercus fasciatus Signoret, D. nigrofasciatus Stål and D. cardinalis Gerst. was studied under standard laboratory conditions. Observations on mated and virgin females of these three species of Dysdercus showed that there were no significant differences in pre-oviposition period and inter-oviposition period. In D. fasciatus and D. nigrofasciatus there was, further, no significant difference in the rate of oocyte development; but D. cardinalis differed from these two species in that mating had a profound effect on the rate of oocyte development and consequently on the first oviposition. However, in all three species of Dysdercus mating had a significant effect on the number of eggs produced in each batch, the egg batches of mated females being significantly larger than those produced by virgin females. Further, in both D. fasciatus and D. nigrofasciatus virgin females lived longer than mated females but in D. nigrofasciatus mating had no significant effect on adult longevity. Mating activity was drastically reduced in starved adult bugs. But where it occurred under these conditions, mating did not have any effect on the development of the oocytes, even in D. cardinalis. Under starvation conditions, growth proceeded up to the stage where yolk deposition would normally occur, then stopped; the oocytes showed no signs of degeneration or oosorption. Crowding of female adults led to the acceleration of oocyte development and the onset of oviposition in all three species. These findings are discussed in relation to the known field biology of the three Dysdercus species.
Résumé La biologie de la reproduction de 3 espèces de Dysdercus du Kenya a été étudiée au laboratoire. Des 3 espèces, D. fasciatus Signoret présente les périodes les plus courtes de pré-copulation et de pré-oviposition. Puisque cette espèce est inféodée à un relativement petit nombre de plantes-hôtes, qui ont une courte saison de fructification procurant alors une ample source de nourriture, elle tire un avantage maximum de la brièveté de cette période favorable, grâce à la réduction des phases de pré-copulation et de pré-oviposition.Par contre D. nigrofasciatus Stål est adaptée à un très grand nombre de plantes hôtes et pour elle il n'est pas indispensable d'avoir une très grande capacité de reproduction. Cela s'applique encore mieux à D. cardinalis Gerst. qui a une plus longue période de pré-copulation et de pré-oviposition. Cette espèce préfère les plantes qui sont dispersées sur une grande superficie et cela exige une longue période de vol exploratoire avant de s'alimenter et de se reproduire.Chacune de ces 3 espèces s'accouple de façon presque continue, mais les observations faites au laboratoire montrent que l'accouplement n'a aucun effet notable sur la longévité des adultes, sur la durée des phases de pré-oviposition ou d'inter-oviposition et sur le nombre total d'ufs pondus chez D. fasciatus et D. nigrofasciatus. Chez D. cardinalis, au contraire, l'accouplement a un effet important sur la vitesse de croissance des ovocytes, mais non sur les autres aspects de la reproduction évoqués ci-dessus.Le rassemblement en masse des femelles adultes accélère le développement des ovocytes et déclenche la ponte dans chacune des 3 espèces de Dysdercus.L'alimentation a un effet sur le développement des ovocytes. De jeunes femelles adultes doivent être alimentées pendant au moins 3–4 jours avant de déposer leur première ponte. Après chaque ponte une alimentation plus abondante est encore nécessaire pour assurer le maintien de la production d'ufs. Les femelles de chacune des 3 espèces peuvent survivre avec de l'eau pure mais leurs ovocytes arrêtent leur développement au stade où normalement se dépose le vitellus, mais ils ne sont pas résorbés.

The colouration of some traits in nestlings of altricial birds may influence parental food allocation as it may reflect physical condition or hunger. There is increasing evidence of the relationship between colouration of begging traits and nestling performance. However, evidence of the influence of hunger level on nestling colouration is scarce, mainly because of difficulty of distinguishing between the effects of physical condition and hunger levels. Here, we used the appetite stimulant cyproheptadine hydrochloride to increase the sensation of hunger of magpie Pica pica nestlings for eight days and assessed the effect on the colouration of rictal flanges, mouth and body skin. We found that nestlings administered with cyproheptadine had flanges more conspicuous (chromatic visual contrast), more UV coloured and less yellow coloured than their control nestmates. Conversely, mouths of experimental nestlings were more yellow coloured and less UV coloured than controls. Our pharmacological experiment affected the strength of the relationship between body mass and some colour components of body skin (chromatic and achromatic visual contrasts, UV–chroma and yellow–chroma) and of rictal flanges (chromatic visual contrasts, UV–chroma and yellow–chroma), but not for mouth colouration. These results taken together suggest that the effect of the cyproheptadine on nestling colourations is probably mediated by an increase in hunger levels of nestlings for rictal flanges and body skin colourations, and by an increase in physical condition in the case of mouth coloration.  相似文献   

The albino mutant strain in the woodlice, Armadillidium vulgare, was investigated with respect to the yellow patterns on the dorsal integument. Pigment cells were observed with electron microscope in order to determine the cell types of yellow markings. Quantitative analyses of pteridines in the albino were carried out by HPLC. The result indicated that the albino integument contain sepiapterin, biopterin, pterin, isoxanthopterin as in the wild type and the red mutant strain. The total amount of the four pteridines in the albino was about half as much as that in the red phenotype for both males and females, respectively. Males and females showed almost the same totals and ratios of the four pteridines in the albino and red phenotypes. Therefore, pteridine contents in both phenotypes of A. vulgare may not be related to the activity of androgenic gland hormone. Yellow chromatophores of the albino and red phenotypes were morphologically identical, emitting a yellow fluorescence. These cells contained numerous electron-lucent pigment organelles which were similar to pteridine granules of the wild type.  相似文献   

The colouration of living specimens of Lineus atrocaeruleus (Lineidae, Nemertea) is bluish or brownish black with many transverse yellow rings. The pigments responsible for the colouration are granular and are elaborated by epidermal and dermal pigment cells, both of which contain uroporphyrins. Granules of melanic nature occur in the dermal pigment cells. The significance of the epidermal pigment cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Vividly coloured chromatic signals play a key role in social and sexual signalling in diurnal birds, but their role is considered negligible in favour of achromatic (i.e. white, pure grey and black colourations) signals in nocturnal species. Here we studied colour variation and potential signalling of the yellow bill – a trait functioning as sexual signal in diurnal raptors during the breeding season in females of a truly nocturnal raptor, the little owl Athene noctua. We found that yellow‐red chroma of the bill was highly variable between individuals and positively correlated with female fitness prospects (i.e. brood size at fledging). In addition, we found that females with brighter bills were larger in size and produced owlets with a higher mass at fledging. This study suggests that yellow bill colouration in female little owls may potentially play a role in sexual signalling and may constitute the first evidence of chromatic colour signalling in a nocturnal bird.  相似文献   

Photoperiod and temperature were examined for their effects on the four major pteridine components of the wings of Colias eurytheme. Orange individuals show reduced pteridine pigmentation in response to short photoperiods, but make no significant adjustment of pigmentation as a result of varying temperatures. ‘Alba’ females, on the other hand, respond to temperature, but levels of the coloured pteridines are apparently insufficient for there to be an observable effect of photoperiod. Low temperature causes an increase in the concentrations of the coloured pteridines in these white females. The action of photoperiod in reducing resources committed to pigmentation in orange animals is consistent with the notion that it is advantageous to free nitrogen for other purposes under thermally stringent conditions. The response of the ‘alba’ females to temperature is more puzzling, but it may reflect the absence of selection for the canalization of this phenotype against the effects of temperature.  相似文献   

The phenomenon that epidermal cells under the white stripes rather than black stripes contain many uric acid granules was found in larvae of several Lepidopteran species. However, the biological mechanism of this phenomenon is still unknown. In the present study, we take advantage of several silkworm (Bombyx mori) body color mutant strains to investigate the deposition patterns and biological mechanism of urate and melanin in the integuments of these mutant larvae. By imaging with transmission electron microscope, we found that there were some melanin granules in the larval cuticle in black body color mutant plain Black (pB), but not in background strain plain (p) with white larval body color. In contrast, the larval epidermal cell of background strain had much more urate granules than that of black one. Furthermore, the uric acid content under the black stripes was significantly lower than that under the white stripes in a single individual of mottled stripe (pS) with black and white stripes in each segment. Ultraviolet A (UVA) exposure experiments showed that the distinct oily (od) mutant individuals with translucent larval integument were more sensitive to the UVA damage than black body color mutant and background strain without any pigmentation in the larval cuticle. This is likely due to the absence of melanin granules and few urate granules in the integument of od mutant. Thus, both the deposited melanin granules in the cuticle and the abundant urate granules in the epidermis cells constitute effective barriers for the silkworm to resist UVA‐induced damage.  相似文献   

Red colouration is common in young and old leaves of broadleaf woody species. Assuming that leaf colours are adaptive, we examined, by comparing the colouration in young versus old leaves, the possibility that different selection agents may have operated on spring versus autumn leaf colouration. We observed spring versus autumn colouration in three very different woody floras (Finland, Japan and Israel) in order to allow for a broad ecological and evolutionary spectrum. The null hypothesis was that if the same selective agents operated in spring and autumn, it is expected that when spring leaves are red, they should always be red in autumn, and when spring leaves are green, they should be green or yellow in autumn. We found that green spring leaves are almost exclusively associated with yellow leaf colour at senescence in autumn. Species with red autumn leaves almost always have at least some red colouration in their spring leaves. However, about half of the species with red spring leaves have yellow autumn leaves. Brown autumn leaves were not common in the species we studied. As about half of the species with red spring leaves have yellow autumn leaves but not vice versa, we conclude that there are many cases in which the selecting agents for spring versus autumn leaf colour were not the same.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms that produce pigment patterns in the insect cuticle were studied. Larvae of the armyworm Pseudaletia separata have stripe patterns that run longitudinally along the body axis. The pattern in the cuticle became clear by being emphasized by the increasing contrast between the black and white colors of the lines after the last larval molt. We demonstrated that dopa decarboxylase (DDC) mRNA as well as protein are expressed specifically in the epidermal cells under the black stripes. The pigmentation on the stripes was clearly diminished by injection of a DDC inhibitor (m-hydroxybenzylhydrazine) to penultimate instar larvae for 1 day before molting, suggesting that DDC contributes to the production of melanin. Further, electron microscopic observation showed that the epidermal cells under the gap cuticle region (white stripe) between the black stripes contain many uric acid granules, which gives a white color. Our findings suggest that the spatially regulated expression of DDC in the epidermal cells produces the black stripes while abundant granules of uric acid in the cells generate the white stripes in the cuticle. Based on these results, we concluded that this heterogeneity in the epidermal cells forms cuticular stripe patterns in the armyworm larvae.  相似文献   

The study of avian integumentary colouration can offer insight into dietary and metabolic processes as well as fitness in focal species. Yet, we know relatively less about the system of feather colouration in African birds in comparison to Europe, North America and the neotropics. In this study, we biochemically characterised and quantified the pigmentary basis for breast plumage colouration in the Yellow-breasted Boubou Laniarius atroflavus, a little-known Afromontane species restricted to the Nigerian–Cameroon Highlands. We also measured differences in carotenoid concentration and feather reflectance between sexes, and between birds inhabiting edge and riparian habitats. Six carotenoid pigments were recovered from the yellow feathers – canary xanthophyll A and B, a cis isomer of each, isoastaxanthin and an unidentified carotenoid. We determined that the yellow colour of the breast feathers is carotenoid-based, with the greater proportion as canary xanthophylls. The presence of the ketocarotenoid, isoastaxanthin, provides the basis for further studies into red, orange and yellow coloured congenerics. Males appeared to have higher feather pigment concentrations than females, and birds resident in the edge habitat appeared to have slightly higher feather pigment concentrations than those in the degraded riparian habitat. There was little indication of differences in feather reflectance between sexes and habitat types. However, low samples size restricted further differentiation. There is also the need for further studies on the dietary and metabolic pathways of feather colouration to better understand how ecological variation may shape pigment uptake, transport, synthesis and deposition in feathers.  相似文献   

2,7-Dihydroxycadalene and lacinilene C, sesquiterpenoid phytoalexins that accumulate at infection sites during the hypersensitive resistant response of cotton foliage to Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum, have light-dependent toxicity toward host cells, as well as toward the bacterial pathogen. Adaxial epidermal cells surrounding and sometimes covering infection sites turn red. The red cells exhibited 3-4-fold higher absorption at the photoactivating wavelengths of sunlight than nearby colorless epidermal cells. Red epidermal cells protected underlying palisade mesophyll cells from the toxic effects of 2,7-dihydroxycadalene plus sunlight, indicating a role for epidermal pigments in protecting living cells that surround infection sites from toxic effects of the plant’s own phytoalexins. A semi-quantitative survey of UV-absorbing substances extracted from epidermal strips from inoculated and mock-inoculated cotyledons indicated that the principal increase in capacity to absorb the photoactivating wavelengths was due to a red anthocyanin and a yellow flavonol, which were identified as cyanidin-3-O-β-glucoside and quercetin-3-O-β-glucoside, respectively.  相似文献   

The pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus) is a major pest of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) at the inflorescence stage and is well known to prefer colours called yellow by human observers over many other colours. While commercial cultivars of oilseed rape have yellow flowers, little is known about the potential to manipulate host plant location and reduce subsequent infestation by this pest through variation in flower colour. We investigated the responses of pollen beetles to flowers of a white-petalled oilseed rape variety that had been dyed different colours in semi-field arena and field experiments. Flowers dyed blue or red were less heavily infested than those dyed yellow or the white flowers, indicating that blue and red flowers were less attractive than yellow and white ones. This response was most likely due to differences in petal colour because olfactometer studies showed that beetle responses to the odours of the coloured treatments did not differ. The comparatively high infestation of untreated white flowers is interpreted as a consequence of their high UV reflectance; the presence of a UV receptor in M. aeneus is suggested, and its role in visually guided insect–plant interactions in this species described. The potential for manipulation of petal colour in control strategies for the pollen beetle is discussed.  相似文献   

The southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, shows clear phenotypic differences between shallow water (red coloured) and deeper water (pale coloured) individuals. Translocations of individuals from deeper water to shallower waters are currently being trialled as a management strategy to facilitate a phenotypic change from lower value pale colouration, common in deeper waters, to the higher value red colouration found in shallow waters. Although panmixia across the J. edwardsii range has been long assumed, it is critical to assess the genetic variability of the species to ensure that the level of population connectivity is appropriately understood and translocations do not have unintended consequences. Eight microsatellite loci were used to investigate genetic differentiation between six sites (three shallow, three deep) across southern Tasmania, Australia, and one from New Zealand. Based on analyses the assumption of panmixia was rejected, revealing small levels of genetic differentiation across southern Tasmania, significant levels of differentiation between Tasmania and New Zealand, and high levels of asymmetric gene flow in an easterly direction from Tasmania into New Zealand. These results suggest that translocation among Tasmanian populations are not likely to be problematic, however, a re-consideration of panmictic stock structure for this species is necessary.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Protoglossus is described from the west coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula. It lives buried in clay bottoms below the halocline where the salinity is at least 33–34 psu. Body small, estimated maximal length 1.5 cm. Collar broader than long, with a forward inclination. The thickest part is the collar region where it can be up to 1 mm in diameter. Proboscis colouration light pink to golden yellow; collar white with transversal yellow bands; branchial, hepatic and intestinal regions translucent pale yellow to golden yellow; brown intestine visible through the body wall. Proboscis groove extends through posterior half of proboscis. Nine to 17 pairs of gill openings, the size of the posteriormost successively smaller. It differs from the other European species, Protoglossus koehleri, in colouration, smaller size, fewer gill openings, body shape and proportions. It was sequenced (18S rRNA gene) and clustered within the family Harrimaniidae, with Saxipendium as its closest relative.  相似文献   

The pigment areas of the wings of Colias hyale L., C. australis Verity and Colias myrmidons Esper are investigated autoradiographically by pupal injections of 35S-Sodium sulphate. The red erythropterin areas radiate more than the colourless leucopterin and isoxanthopterin ones as well as the yellow sepiapterin and xanthopterin parts. The dark districts take up the isotope differently.  相似文献   

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