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The effects of several variables on the refolding of hen egg white lysozyme have been studied. Lysozyme was denatured in both urea, and guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl), and batch refolded by dilution (100 to 1000 fold) into 0.1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.2, 1 mM EDTA, 3 mM reduced glutathione and 0.3 mM oxidised glutathione. Refolding was found to be sensitive to temperature, with the highest refolding yield obtained at 50°C. The apparent activation energy for lysozyme refolding was found to be 56 kJ/mol. Refolding by dilution results in low concentrations of both denaturant and reducing agent species. It was found that the residual concentrations obtained during dilution (100-fold dilution: [GuHCl]=0.06 mM, [DTT]=0.15 mM) were significant and could inhibit lysozyme refolding. This study has also shown that the initial protein concentration (1–10 mg/mL) that is refolded is an important parameter. In the presence of residual GuHCl and DTT, higher refolding yields were obtained when starting from higher initial lysozyme concentrations. This trend was reversed when residual denaturant components were removed from the refolding buffer.  相似文献   

Stabilization of a protein using cavity-filling strategy has hardly been successful because of unfavorable van der Waals contacts. We succeeded in stabilizing lysozymes by cavity-filling mutations. The mutations were checked by a simple energy minimization in advance. It was shown clearly that the sum of free energy change caused by the hydrophobicity and the cavity size was correlated very well with protein stability. We also considered the aromatic-aromatic interaction. It is reconfirmed that the cavity-filling mutation in a hydrophobic core is a very useful method to stabilize a protein when the mutation candidate is selected carefully.  相似文献   

Understanding of the driving forces of protein folding is a complex challenge because different types of interactions play a varying role. To investigate the role of hydrogen bonding involving the backbone, the effect of thio substitutions in a protein, hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL), was investigated through molecular dynamics simulations of native as well as partly (only residues in loops) and fully thionated HEWL using the GROMOS 54A7 force field. The results of the three simulations show that the structural properties of fully thionated HEWL clearly differ from those of the native protein, while for partly thionated HEWL they only changed slightly compared with native HEWL. The analysis of the torsional-angle distributions and hydrogen bonds in the backbone suggests that the α-helical segments of native HEWL tend to show a propensity to convert to 3(10)-helical geometry in fully thionated HEWL. A comparison of the simulated quantities with experimental NMR data such as nuclear overhauser effect (NOE) atom-atom distance bounds and (3)J((H)(N)(H)(α))-couplings measured for native HEWL illustrates that the information content of these quantities with respect to the structural changes induced by thionation of the protein backbone is rather limited.  相似文献   

The fully reduced hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL), which is a good model of random coil structure, has been converted to highly organized amyloid fibrils at low pH by adding ethanol. In the presence of 90% (v/v) ethanol, the fully reduced HEWL adopts beta-sheet secondary structure at pH 4.5 and 5.0, and an alpha-to-beta transition is observed at pH 4.0. A red shift of the Congo red absorption spectrum caused by the precipitation of the fully reduced HEWL in the presence of 90% (v/v) ethanol is typical of the presence of amyloid aggregation. EM reveals unbranched fibrils with a diameter of 2-5 nm and as long as 1-2 microm. The pH dependence of the initial structure of the fully reduced HEWL in the presence of 90% (v/v) ethanol suggests that Asp and His residues may play an important role.  相似文献   

Various proteins have been shown to form various aggregated structures including the filamentous aggregates known as amyloid fibrils depending on the solution conditions. Hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) is one of the proteins that form the amyloid fibrils. To gain insight into the mechanism of this polymorphism of the aggregated structures, we employed a model system consisting of HEWL, pure water, and ethanol, and investigated the kinetic process of the fibril formation in various salt concentrations with time-resolved neutron scattering. It was shown that by addition of NaCl in a range between 0.3 mM and 1.0 mM to HEWL solution in 90% ethanol, gelation occurred, and this gelation proceeded through a two-step process: the lateral association of the protofilaments, followed by the cross-linking of these fibrils formed. Both the structures of the fibrils and the rate of the gelation depended on NaCl concentration. The average structures of the fibrils formed at 1.0 mM NaCl were characterized by the radius of gyration of their cross-section (45.9(+/-0.4)A) and the number of the protofilaments within the fibril (4.10(+/-0.12)), corresponding to the mature amyloid fibrils. A range of intermediate structures was formed below 1 mM NaCl. Above 2 mM NaCl, precipitation occurred because of the formation of amorphous aggregates. Here the branch point to the formation of the mature amyloid fibrils or to the amorphous aggregates was after the formation of the protofilaments. Sensitivity of the aggregated structures to salt concentration suggests that electrostatic interaction plays an essential role in the formation of these structures. The structural diversity both in the fibrils and the aggregated structures of the fibrils can be interpreted in terms of the difference in the degree of the electrostatic shielding at different salt concentrations.  相似文献   

Crystalline monoclonal antibody Fabs complexed to hen egg white lysozyme   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Fab of a monoclonal anti-lysozyme antibody (HyHEL-10) has been crystallized as the free Fab and as the Fab-antigen complex. Crystals have also been grown of the antigen complex of the Fab of another monoclonal anti-lysozyme antibody (HyHEL-9), which recognizes a different binding surface of lysozyme. All three crystals diffract to at least 3 A resolution and are suitable for X-ray diffraction studies.  相似文献   

The majority of pKa values in protein unfolded states are close to the amino acid model pKa values, thus reflecting the weak intramolecular interactions present in the unfolded ensemble of most proteins. We have carried out thermal denaturation measurements on the WT and eight mutants of HEWL from pH 1.5 to pH 11.0 to examine the unfolded state pKa values and the pH dependence of protein stability for this enzyme. The availability of accurate pKa values for the folded state of HEWL and separate measurements of mutant-induced effects on the folded state pKa values, allows us to estimate the pKa values of seven acidic residues in the unfolded state of HEWL. Asp-48 and Asp-66 display pKa values of 2.9 and 3.1 in our analysis, thus representing the most depressed unfolded state pKa values observed to date. We observe a strong correlation between the folded state pKa values and the unfolded state pKa values of HEWL, thus suggesting that the unfolded state of HEWL possesses a large degree of native state characteristics.  相似文献   

Mutant human lysozymes (Ile56Thr & Asp67His) have been reported to form amyloid deposits in the viscera. From the standpoint of understanding the mechanism of amyloid formation, we searched for conditions of amyloid formation in vitro using hen egg lysozyme, which has been extensively studied from a physicochemical standpoint. It was found that the circular dichroism spectra in the far-ultraviolet region of the hen egg lysozyme changed to those characteristic of a beta-structure from the native alpha-helix rich spectrum in 90% ethanol solution. When the concentration of protein was increased to 10 mg/mL, the protein solution formed a gel in the presence of 90% ethanol, and precipitated on further addition of 10 mM NaCl. The precipitates were examined by electron microscopy, their ability to bind Congo red, and X-ray diffraction to determine whether amyloid fibrils were formed in the precipitates. Electron micrographs displayed unbranched protofilament with a diameter of approximately 70 A. The peak point of the difference spectrum for the Congo red binding assay was 541 nm, which is characteristic of amyloid fibrils. The X-ray diffraction pattern showed a sharp and intense diffraction ring at 4.7 A, a reflection that arises from the interstrand spacing in beta-sheets. These results indicate that the precipitates of hen egg lysozyme are amyloid protofilament, and that the amyloid protofilament formation of hen egg lysozyme closely follows upon the destruction of the helical and tertiary structures.  相似文献   

Both collagen and amyloidogenic proteins have an inherent ability to undergo a self-assembly process leading to formation of supramolecular structures. Though our understanding of collagen–amyloid link is very poor, a few experimental evidences have indicated the protective nature of collagen against amyloid fibril formation. To further our understanding of collagen–amyloid relationship, we have explored the role of type I collagen on amyloid-aggregation of lysozyme. Thioflavin-T assay data indicated strong inhibition of both spontaneous and seeded aggregation of lysozyme by collagen. Both chemical and thermal denaturation experiments have showed increased lysozyme stability in the presence of collagen. However, the presence of collagen did not alter lysozyme activity. These findings confirm that type I collagen is capable of blocking or interfering with the amyloid aggregation of lysozyme, and the results may have significant implications for the design of collagen based therapeutics against aggregation of disease linked amyloidogenic proteins.  相似文献   

The liquid–liquid extraction of protein from buffered aqueous phases using reverse micelles (RM) has been extensively researched from a fundamental point of view. However, very little effort has been expended at scaling up this process for the extraction of real fermentation broth. When real broths are used with reverse micellar phases there are major problems with emulsion formation. In this study the effect of a variety of demulsifiers on lysozyme extraction was evaluated in terms of their influence on the separating properties of the emulsion, water content (W o ), and, extraction yield and kinetics from both buffer and hen egg white. In addition, the use of a low shear contactor (a Graesser or `raining bucket') was assessed in terms of its suitability as a RM contactor. It was found that most of the demulsifiers reduced the settling time of the emulsion, and enhanced the yield and kinetics of lysozyme extraction from hen egg white. It was hypothesised that this was due to the demulsifier displacing the lysozyme from the interface and preventing the protein unfolding and precipitating. This effect was found to depend on both the generic type of demulsifier, and its concentration.  相似文献   

Asn46Asp/Asp52Ser or Asn46Glu/Asp52Ser hen egg white lysozyme (HEL) mutant was designed by introducing the substituted catalytic residue Asp46 or Glu46, respectively, based on Venerupis philippinarum (Vp) lysozyme structure as a representative of invertebrate‐type (i‐type) lyzozyme. These mutations restored the bell‐shaped pH‐dependency of the enzyme activity from the sigmoidal pH‐dependency observed for the Asp52Ser mutant. Furthermore both lysozyme mutants possessed retaining mechanisms like Vp lysozyme and HEL. The Asn46Glu/Asp52Ser mutant, which has a shorter distance between two catalytic residues, formed a glycosyl adduct in the reaction with the N‐acetylglucosamine oligomer. Furthermore, we found the accelerated turnover through its glycosyl adduct formation and decomposition. The turnover rate estimated from the glycosyl formation and decomposition rates was only 20% of the observed hydrolysis rate of the substrate. Based on these results, we discussed the catalytic mechanism of lysozymes.  相似文献   

The refolding of four disulfide lysozyme (at pH 5.2, 20 degrees C) involves parallel pathways, which have been proposed to merge at a near-native state. This species contains stable structure in the alpha- and beta-domains but lacks a functional active site. Although previous experiments have demonstrated that the near-native state is populated on the fast refolding pathway, its relevance to slow refolding molecules could not be directly determined from previous experiments. In this paper, we describe experiments that investigate the effect of added salts on the refolding pathway of lysozyme at pH 5.2, 20 degrees C. We show, using stopped flow tryptophan fluorescence, inhibitor binding, and circular dichroism (CD), that the rate of formation of native lysozyme on the slow refolding track is significantly reduced in solutions of high ionic strength in a manner dependent on the position of the anion in the Hofmeister series. By contrast, the rate of evolution of hydrogen exchange (HX) protection monitored by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) is unchanged under the refolding conditions studied. The data show, therefore, that at high ionic strengths beta-domain stabilization and native state formation on the slow refolding pathway become kinetically decoupled such that the near-native state becomes significantly populated. Thus, by changing the energy landscape with the addition of salts new insights into the relevance of intermediate states in lysozyme refolding are revealed.  相似文献   

A new kinetic scheme for lysozyme refolding and aggregation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The competing first- and third-order reaction scheme for lysozyme is shown to not predict fed-batch lysozyme refolding when the model is parameterized using independent batch experiments, even when variations in chemical composition during the fed-batch experiment are accounted for. A new kinetic scheme is proposed that involves rapid partitioning between the alternative fates of refolding and aggregation, and which allows for aggregation via a sequential mechanism. The model assumes that monomeric lysozyme in different states, including native, is able to aggregate with intermediates, accounting for recent experimental evidence that native protein can be incorporated into aggregates and explaining why native protein in the refolding buffer reduces yield. Stopped-flow light-scattering measurements were used to measure the association rate for the sequential aggregation mechanism, and refolding rate constants were determined in a series of batch experiments designed to be "snapshots" of the composition during a fed-batch experiment. The new kinetic scheme gave a good a priori prediction of fed-batch refolding performance.  相似文献   

It has become clear that the binding of small and large ligands to proteins can invoke significant changes in side chain and main chain motion in the fast picosecond to nanosecond timescale. Recently, the use of a "dynamical proxy" has indicated that changes in these motions often reflect significant changes in conformational entropy. These entropic contributions are sometimes of the same order as the total entropy of binding. Thus, it is important to understand the connections amongst motion between the manifold of states accessible to the native state of proteins, the corresponding entropy, and how this impacts the overall energetics of protein function. The interaction of proteins with carbohydrate ligands is central to a range of biological functions. Here, we examine a classic carbohydrate interaction with an enzyme: the binding of wild-type hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) to the natural, competitive inhibitor chitotriose. Using NMR relaxation experiments, backbone amide and side chain methyl axial order parameters were obtained across apo and chitotriose-bound HEWL. Upon binding, changes in the apparent amplitude of picosecond to nanosecond main chain and side chain motions are seen across the protein. Indeed, binding of chitotriose renders a large contiguous fraction of HEWL effectively completely rigid. Changes in methyl flexibility are most pronounced closest to the binding site, but average to only a small overall change in the dynamics across the protein. The corresponding change in conformational entropy is unfavorable and estimated to be a significant fraction of the total binding entropy.  相似文献   

We investigate the hydration dynamics of a small globular protein, hen egg-white lysozyme. Extensive simulations (two trajectories of 9 ns each) were carried out to identify the time-scales and mechanism of water attachment to this protein. The location of the surface and integral water molecules in lysozyme was also investigated. Three peculiar temporal scales of the hydration dynamics can be discerned: two among these, with sub-nanosecond mean residence time, tau(w), are characteristic of surface hydration water; the slower time-scale (tau(w) approximately 2/3 ns) is associated with buried water molecules in hydrophilic pores and in superficial clefts. The computed tau(w) values in the two independent runs fall in a similar range and are consistent with each other, thus adding extra weight to our result. The tau(w) of surface water obtained from the two independent trajectories is 20 and 24 ps. In both simulations only three water molecules are bound to lysozyme for the entire length of the trajectories, in agreement with nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion estimates. Locations other than those identified in the protein crystal are found to be possible for these long-residing water molecules. The dynamics of the hydration water molecules observed in our simulations implies that each water molecule visits a multitude of residues during the lifetime of its bound with the protein. The number of residues seen by a single water molecule increases with the time-scale of its residence time and, on average, is equal to one only for the water molecules with shorter residence time. Thus, tau(w) values obtained from inelastic neutron scattering and based on jump-diffusion models are likely not to account for the contribution of water molecules with longer residence time.  相似文献   

The physiological stability curve--a plot of the free energy of unfolding versus temperature--is calculated for hen egg white lysozyme from a combination of extrapolated unfolding thermodynamic data from reversible conditions and isothermal titrations with guanidine hydrochloride. The shape of the curve suggests the existence of only one folded conformation.  相似文献   

2,4-Dinitrophenyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranosyl-(1-->4)-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-beta-d-glucopyranoside (GN2FG-DNP) and 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranosyl-(1-->4)-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-beta-d-glucopyranosyl fluoride (GN2FG-F) were prepared using a divergent synthetic approach involving 10 steps. The key steps involved the preparation of 1-O-acetyl-3,6-di-O-benzyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-alpha/beta-d-glucopyranose using Selectfluor(trade mark) in the presence of acetic acid and the subsequent glycosylation of this acceptor to generate the core 2-fluorodisaccharide. After further elaboration, the target molecules were obtained and tested as probes of the mechanism of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL). Compound GN2FG-DNP is not a substrate for the enzyme while compound GN2FG-F is cleaved slowly with an apparent K(m) greater than 5mM and a second-order rate constant of k(cat)/K(m)=9.6s(-1)M(-1). Comparison of this value to that estimated for the hydrolysis of beta-chitobiosyl fluoride by HEWL (1200s(-1)M(-1)) [Ballardie, F. W.; Capon, B.; Cuthbert, M. W.; Dearie, W. M. Bioorg. Chem.1977, 6, 483-509] revealed a 126-fold rate decrease upon substitution of a fluorine group for the 2-acetamido group of beta-chitobiosyl fluoride. This decrease resulted in the steady-state accumulation of an intermediate as visualized by mass spectrometry and the ultimate crystallographic determination of its structure [Vocadlo, D. J.; Davies, G. J.; Laine, R.; Withers, S. G. Nature2001, 412, 835-838].  相似文献   

Studies on the influence of organic cosolvents on lysozyme folding have been reported. As most of the researches are confined to a few specific molecules and focus on equilibrium states, less is known about the effect on folding dynamics. We have studied the influence of six soluble organic cosolvents on hen egg white lysozyme heat induced denaturation and refolding dynamics. It was found that trifluoroethanol (TFE) can change the folding pathway significantly. With the presence of TFE, the overshot phenomenon generally observed in lysozyme folding at 222 nm disappears. The common mechanism of how organic cosolvents influence folding is analyzed. The heat induced denaturation temperature was found to have a quantitative relationship with the slow phase rate constant during folding. We discuss this finding and hypothesize that it is due to the similar influence of organic cosolvent on the transition state of heat denaturation and refolding.  相似文献   

Statistics-based experimental design was used to investigate the effect of medium components (starch, peptone, ammonium sulfate, yeast extract, and CaCl2.2H2O) on hen's egg white lysozyme production by Aspergillus niger HEWL WT-13-16. A 2(5-1) fractional factorial design augmented with center points revealed that peptone, starch, and ammonium sulfate were the most significant factors, whereas the other factors were not important within the levels tested. The method of steepest ascent was used to approach the proximity of optimum. This task was followed by a central composite design to develop a response surface for medium optimization. The optimum medium composition for lysozyme production was found to be: starch 34 g L-1, peptone 34 g L-1, ammonium sulfate 11.9 g L-1, yeast extract 0.5 g L-1, and CaCl2.2H2O 0.5 g L-1. This medium was projected to produce, theoretically, 212 mg L-1 lysozyme. Using this medium, an experimental maximum lysozyme concentration of 209+/-18 mg L-1 verified the applied methodology.  相似文献   

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