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The utilization of some amino acids, added at 1 mM and 10 mM concentrations, as the sole combined nitrogen sources by Frankia sp. strain CpI1, has been investigated. Glutamine, like NH 4 + , provided rapid growth without N2 fixation. Histidine at 1 mM yielded poor N2-fixing activity but better cell growth than N2. Aspartate, glutamate, alanine, proline, each at 1 mM concentration, supported similar levels of N2 fixation and growth. Growth on 10 mM glutamate, proline, or histidine resulted in poor N2-fixing activity and poor cell growth. Cells grown on 10 mM alanine had about half the N2-fixing activity of cells grown on N2 but growth was good. Aspartate at 10 mM concentration, however, stimulated N2-fixing activity dramatically and promoted faster growth. Enzyme analysis suggested that asparate is catabolized by glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), since GOT specific activity was induced, and aspartase activity was not detected, in cells grown on aspartate as the sole combined nitrogen source. Thinlayer chromatography (TLC) of metabolites extracted from N2-grown cells fed with [14C]-aspartate showed that label was rapidly accumulated mainly on aspartate and/or glutamate, depending on the cells' physiological state, without detectable labeling on fumarate or oxaloacetate (OAA). These findings provide evidence that aspartate is catabolized by GOT to OAA which, in turn, is rapidly converted to -ketoglutarate through the TCA cycle and then to glutamate by GOT or by glutamate synthase (GOGAT). The stimulation of N2 fixation and growth by aspartate is probably caused by an increased intracellular glutamate pool.  相似文献   

Frankia sp. strain CpI1 has two glutamine synthetases designated GSI and GSII. Biosynthetic activities of both GSI and GSII were strongly inhibited by ADP and AMP. Alanine, aspartate, glycine and serine inhibited both GSI and GSII activities, whereas asparagine and lysine inhibited only slightly. Glutamine inhibited GSII but did not affect GSI. Since GSII is more heat labile than GSI, their relative heat stabilities can be used to determine their contribution to total GS activity. In cells grown on ammonia and on glutamine as sole combined-nitrogen sources most GS activity detected in crude extracts was due to GSI. In cells transferred to glutamate, GSI accounted for all GS activity in the first 15 h and then heat labile GSII was induced and increased to account for 40% of total GS activity within 50 h. Transfer of N2-fixing cells to ammonia-containing medium led to a rapid decrease of GSII and a slow increase of GSI activity within 24 h. Conversely, when ammonia-grown cells were transferred to combined nitrogen-free medium, GSI activity gradually decreased and GSII increased before total activity leveled off in 50 h. GSII appears to be an ammonia-assimilating enzyme specifically synthesized during perceived N-starvation of Frankia cells.  相似文献   

The anaerobic fungusPiromyces sp. strain E2 appeared restricted in nitrogen utilization. Growth was only supported by ammonium as source of nitrogen. Glutamine also resulted in growth, but this was due to release of ammonia rather than to uptake and utilization of the amino acid. The fungus was not able to grow on other amino acids, albumin, urea, allantoin, or nitrate. Assimilation of ammonium is very likely to be mediated by NADP-linked glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP-GDH) and glutamine synthetase (GS). One transaminating activity, glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), was demonstrated. Glutamate synthase (GOGAT), NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD-GDH), and the transaminating activity glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) were not detected in cell-free extracts ofPiromyces sp. strain E2. Specific enzyme activities of both NADP-GDH and GS increased four-to sixfold under nitrogen-limiting conditions.Abbreviations GDH Glutamate dehydrogenase - GOGAT Glutamate synthase - GOT Glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase - GPT Glutamate-pyruvate transaminase - GS Glutamine synthetase  相似文献   

D. Cammaerts  M. Jacobs 《Planta》1985,163(4):517-526
Glutamate-dehydrogenase (GDH, EC activity and isoenzyme patterns were investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana plantlets, and parallel studies were carried out on glutamine synthetase (GS, EC Both NADH-GDH and NAD-GDH activities increased during plant development whereas GS activity declined. Leaves deprived of light showed a considerable enhancement of NADH-GDH activity. In roots, both GDH activities were induced by ammonia whereas in leaves nitrogen assimilation was less important. It was demonstrated that the increase in GDH activity was the result of de-novo protein synthesis. High nitrogen levels were first assimilated by NADH-GDH, while GS was actively involved in nitrogen metabolism only when the enzyme was stimulated by a supply of energy, generated by NAD-GDH or by feeding sucrose. When methionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of GS, was added to the feeding solution, NADH-GDH activity remained unaffected in leaves whereas NAD-GDH was induced. In roots, however, there was a marked activation of GDH and no inactivation of GS. It was concluded that NADH-GDH was involved in the detoxification of high nitrogen levels while NAD-GDH was mainly responsible for the supply of energy to the cell during active assimilation. Glutamine synthetase, on the other hand was involved in the assimilation of physiological amounts of nitrogen. A study of the isoenzyme pattern of GDH indicated that a good correlation existed between the relative activity of the isoenzymes and the ratio of aminating to deaminating enzyme activities. The NADH-GDH activity corresponded to the more anodal isoenzymes while the NAD-GDH activity corresponded to the cathodal ones. The results indicate that the two genes involved in the formation of GDH control the expression of enzymes with different metabolic functions.Abbreviations GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - GS glutamine synthetase - MSO methionine sulfoximine  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas globiformis strain 7950 grew with a variety of amino acids, urea, or N2 as sole nitrogen sources. Cultures grown on N2 reduced acetylene to ethylene; this activity was absent from cells grown on nonlimiting NH 4 + . Glutamate dehydrogenase could not be detected in extracts of cells of strain 7950, although low levels of an alanine dehydrogenase were present. Growth ofR. globiformis on NH 4 + was severely inhibited by the glutamate analogue and glutamine synthetase inhibitor, methionine sulfoximine. High levels of glutamine synthetase (as measured in the -glutamyl transferase assay) were observed in cell extracts of strain 7950 regardless of the nitrogen source, although N2 and amino acid grown cells contained somewhat higher glutamine synthetase contents than cells grown on excess NH 4 + . Levels of glutamate synthase inR. globiformis were consistent with that reported from other phototrophic bacteria. Both glutamate synthase and alanine dehydrogenase were linked to NADH as coenzyme. We conclude thatR. globiformis is capable of fixing N2, and assimilates NH 4 + primarily via the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase pathway.Abbreviations GS glutamine synthetase - GOGAT Glutamineoxoglutarate aminotransferase - GDH Glutamate dehydrogenase - ADH Alanine dehydrogenase - MSO Methionine sulfoximine  相似文献   

Beggiatoa alba B18LD was investigated for its pathways of ammonia assimilation. The increase in growth yields ofB. alba with excess acetate was linear from 0.1 to 2.0 mM ammonia.B. alba had strong glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) activities, irrespective of the ammonia concentration in the medium. Glutamate dehydrogenase activity was not found, and alanine dehydrogenase (aminating) was observed only whenB. alba was grown at high (2.0 mM) ammonia. Methionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of GS, inhibited growth ofB. alba irrespective of the ammonia concentration in the medium. Thus it appears the primary pathway for ammonia assimilation inB. alba is via the GS-GOGAT pathway at both low and high ammonia concentrations. Preliminary experiments were unable to discern if theB. alba GS is modified by covalent modification.Non-standard abbreviations GS Glutamine synthetase - GOGAT glutamate-oxoglutarate aminotransferase - GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - ADH alanine dehydrogenase - MSX methionine sulfoximine - GOT glutamate-oxaloacetate aminotransferase - GPT glutamate-pyruvate aminotransferase  相似文献   

Nitrogen-starved cells of Frankia strain HFPArl3 incorporated [13N]-labeled ammonium into glutamine serine (glutamate, alanine, aspartate), after five-minute radioisotope exposures. High initial endogenous pools of glutamate were reduced, while total glutamine increased, during short term NH inf4 sup+ incubation. Preincubation of cells in methionine sulfoximine (MSX) resulted in [13N]glutamine reduced by more than 80%, while [13N]glutamate and [13N]alanine levels increased. The results suggest that glutamine synthetase is the primary enzyme of ammonium assimilation, and that glutamate dehydrogenase and alanine dehydrogenase may also function in ammonium assimilation at low levels. Efflux of [13N]serine and lesser amounts of [13N]glutamine was detected from the Frankia cells. The identity of both Ser and Gln in the extracellular compartment was confirmed with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Serine efflux may be of significance in nitrogen transfer in Frankia.Abbreviations Pthr phosphothreonine - Aad -amino-adipate - MSX methionine sulfoximine  相似文献   

Addition of ammonium salts to N2 fixing continuous cultures of Clostridium pasteurianum caused immediate stop of nitrogenase synthesis, while the levels of glutamine synthetase, glutamate dehydrogenase and asparagine synthetase remained constant. No evidence for an interconversion of the glutamine synthetase was found. The activities of glutamate synthase in crude extracts were inversely related to the nitrogenase levels. The intracellular glutamine pool rapidly expanded during nitrogenase repression and decreased as fast during derepression while the pool sizes of all other amino acids were not strongly related to the rate of nitrogenase formation. These investigations suggest glutamine as corepressor of nitrogenase synthesis.  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas acidophila strain 7050 assimilated ammonia via a constitutive glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase enzyme system.Glutamine synthetase had a K m for NH 4 + of 0.38 mM whilst the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide linked glutamate synthase had a K m for glutamine of 0.55 mM. R. acidophila utilized only a limited range of amino acids as sole nitrogen sources: l-alanine, glutamine and asparagine. The bacterium did not grow on glutamate as sole nitrogen source and lacked glutamate dehydrogenase. When R. acidophila was grown on l-alanine as the sole nitrogen source in the absence of N2 low levels of a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide linked l-alanine dehydrogenase were produced. It is concluded, therefore, that this reaction was not a significant route of ammonia assimilation in this bacterium except when glutamine synthetase was inhibited by methionine sulphoximine. In l-alanine grown cells the presence of an active alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase and, on occasions, low levels of an alanine-oxaloacetate aminotransferase were detected. Alanine-2-oxo-glutarate aminotransferase could not be demonstrated in this bacterium.Abreviations ADH alanine dehydrogenase - GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - GS glutamine synthetase - GOGAT glutamate synthase - MSO methionine sulphoximine  相似文献   

Characteristics of the three major ammonia assimilatory enzymes, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) in Corynebacterium callunae (NCIB 10338) were examined. The GDH of C. callunae specifically required NADPH and NADP+ as coenzymes in the amination and deamination reactions, respectively. This enzyme showed a marked specificity for -ketoglutarate and glutamate as substrates. The optimum pH was 7.2 for NADPH-GDH activity (amination) and 9.0 for NADP+-GDH activity (deamination). The results showed that NADPH-GDH and NADP+-GDH activities were controlled primarily by product inhibition and that the feedback effectors alanine and valine played a minor role in the control of NADPH-GDH activity. The transferase activity of GS was dependent on Mn+2 while the biosynthetic activity of the enzyme was dependent on Mg2+ as essential activators. The pH optima for transferase and biosynthetic activities were 8.0 and 7.0, respectively. In the transfer reaction, the K m values were 15.2 mM for glutamine, 1.46 mM for hydroxylamine, 3.5×10-3 mM for ADP and 1.03 mM for arsenate. Feedback inhibition by alanine, glycine and serine was also found to play an important role in controlling GS activity. In addition, the enzyme activity was sensitive to ATP. The transferase activity of the enzyme was responsive to ionic strength as well as the specific monovalent cation present. GOGAT of C. callunae utilized either NADPH or NADH as coenzymes, although the latter was less effective. The enzyme specifically required -ketoglutarate and glutamine as substrates. In cells grown in a medium with glutamate as the nitrogen source, the optimum pH was 7.6 for NADPH-GOGAT activity and 6.8 for NADH-GOGAT activity. Findings showed that NADPH-GOGAT and NADH-GOGAT activities were controlled by product inhibition caused by NADP+ and NAD+, respectively, and that ATP also had an important role in the control of NADPH-GOGAT activity. Both activities of GOGAT were found to be inhibited by azaserine.Abbreviations GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - GOGAT glutamate synthase - GS glutamine synthetase  相似文献   

P. A. Edge  T. R. Ricketts 《Planta》1978,138(2):123-125
Platymonas striata Butcher displays significant levels of glutamate synthase (GS) (EC and glutamine synthetase (GOGAT) (EC, but very low levels of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) (EC This suggests that the GS/GOGAT pathway is important for nitrogen assimilation. The in vitro rates of enzyme activity can however only account for about 10% of the in vivo rates of nitrogen assimilation. Nitrogen-starvation reduced GS activity to undetectable levels. On nitrate or ammonium ion refeeding the cellular GS activity was rapidly restored, and reached levels of 56% and 91% greater than the unstarved values 24h after refeeding nitrate or ammonium respectively.Abbreviations NAR nitrate reductase - NIR nitrate reductase  相似文献   

In Pseudomonas aeruginosa the formation of urease, histidase and some other enzymes involved in nitrogen assimilation is repressed by ammonia in the growth medium. The key metabolite in this process appears to be glutamine or a product derived from it, since ammonia and glutamate did not repress urease and histidase synthesis in a mutant lacking glutamine synthetase activity when growth was limited for glutamine. The synthesis of these enzymes was repressed in cells growing in the presence of excess glutamine. High levels of glutamine were also required for the derepression of NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase formation in the glutamine synthetase-negative mutant.  相似文献   

Abstract: The structure of glutamine synthetase (GS) enzymes from diverse bacterial groups fall into three distinct classes. GSI is the typical bacterial GS, GSII is similar to the eukaryotic GS and is found together with GSI in plant symbionts and Streptomyces , while GSIII has been found in two unrelated anaerobic rumen bacteria. In most cases, the structural gene for GS enzyme is regulated in response to nitrogen. However, different regulatory mechanisms, to ensure optimal utilization of nitrogen substrates, control the GS enzyme in each class.  相似文献   

In this article, we advocate the radical revision of the 20th-century version of amino acid metabolism as follows. (1) Classic studies on the incorporation of [15N]ammonia into glutamate, once considered to be an epoch-making event, are not distinctive proof of the ability of animals to utilize ammonia for the synthesis of alpha-amino nitrogen. (2) Mammalian glutamate dehydrogenase has been implicated to function as a glutamate-synthesizing enzyme albeit lack of convincing proof. This enzyme, in combination with aminotransferases, is now known to play an exclusive role in the metabolic removal of amino nitrogen and energy production from excess amino acids. (3) Dr. William C Rose's "nutritionally nonessential amino acids" are, of course, essential in cellular metabolism; the nutritional nonessentiality is related to their carbon skeletons, many of which are intermediates of glycolysis or the TCA cycle. Obviously, the prime importance of amino acid nutrition should be the means of obtaining amino nitrogen. (4) Because there is no evidence of the presence of any glutamate-synthesizing enzymes in mammalian tissues, animals must depend on plants and microorganisms for preformed alpha-amino nitrogen. This is analogous to the case of carbohydrates. (5) In contrast, individual essential amino acids, similar to vitamins and essential fatty acids, should be considered important nutrients that must be included regularly in sufficient amounts in the diet.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa is regulated by repression/derepression of enzyme synthesis and by adenylylation/deadenylylation control. High levels of deadenylylated biosynthetically active glutamine synthetase were observed in cultures growing with limiting amounts of nitrogen while synthesis of the enzyme was repressed and that present was adenylylated in cultures with excess nitrogen.NADP-and NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase could be separated by column chromatography and showed molecular weights of 110,000 and 220,000, respectively. Synthesis of the NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase is repressed under nitrogen limitation and by growth on glutamate. In contrast, NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase is derepressed by glutamate. Glutamate synthase is repressed by glutamate but not by excess nitrogen.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium callunae (NCIB 10338) grows faster on glutamate than ammonia when used as sole nitrogen sources. The levels of glutamine synthetase (GS; EC and glutamate synthase (GOGAT; EC of C. callunae were found to be influenced by the nitrogen source. Accordingly, the levels of GS and GOGAT activities were decreased markedly under conditions of ammonia excess and increased under low nitrogen conditions. In contrast, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH; EC activities were not significantly affected by the type or the concentration of the nitrogen source supplied. The carbon source in the growth medium could also affect GDH, GS and GOGAT levels. Of the carbon sources tested in the presence of 2 mM or 10 mM ammonium chloride as the nitrogen source pyruvate, acetate, fumarate and malate caused a decrease in the levels of all three enzymes as compared with glucose. GDH, GS and GOGAT levels were slightly influenced by aeration. Also, the enzyme levels varied with the growth phase. Methionine sulfoximine, an analogue of glutamine, markedly inhibited both the growth of C. callunae cells and the transferase activity of GS. The apparent K m values of GDH for ammonia and glutamate were 17.2 mM and 69.1 mM, respectively. In the NADPH-dependent reaction of GOGAT, the apparent K m values were 0.1 mM for -ketoglutarate and 0.22 mM for glutamine.Abbreviations GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - GS glutamine synthetase - GOGAT glutamate synthase  相似文献   

P. J. McAuley 《Planta》1987,171(4):532-538
Chlorella algae symbiotic in the digestive cells of Hydra viridissima Pallas (green hydra) were found to contain less amino-N and smaller pools of free amino acids than their cultured counterparts, indicating that growth in symbiosis was nitrogen-limiting. This difference was reflected in uptake of amino acids and subsequent incorporation into protein; symbiotic algae incorporated a greater proportion of sequestered radioactivity, supplied as 14C-labelled alanine, glycine or arginine, than algae from nitrogen-sufficient culture, presumably because smaller internal pools diluted sequestered amino acids to a lesser extent. Further experiments with symbiotic algae showed that metabolism of the neutral amino acid alanine differed from that of the basic amino acid arginine. Alanine but not arginine continued to be incorporated into protein after uptake ceased, and while internal pools of alanine were exchangeable with alanine in the medium, those of arginine were not exchangeable with external arginine. Thin-layer chromatography of ethanol-soluble extracts of algae incubated with [14C]alanine or [14C]arginine showed that both were precursors of other amino acids. The significance of nitrogen-limiting growth of symbiotic algae is discussed in terms of host-cell regulation of algal cell growth and division.  相似文献   

Two new methane-oxidizing bacteria have been isolated from seawater samples from Plymouth Sound. These marine methanotrophs have an obligate requirement for NaCl and exhibit many properties of typical Type I methanotrophs previously isolated from freshwater environments. However, they are different from all other methanotrophs thus far described in that they failed to grow on all solid media tested. The nitrogen metabolism of both strains was investigated. They were not N2-fixers nor would they use ammonia as nitrogen source. They appeared to utilize the glutamate dehydrogenase pathway for the assimilation of ammonia under all growth conditions tested.  相似文献   

The primary steps of N2, ammonia and nitrate metabolism in Klebsiella pneumoniae grown in a continuous culture are regulated by the kind and supply of the nitrogenous compound. Cultures growing on N2 as the only nitrogen source have high activities of nitrogenase, unadenylated glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase and low levels of glutamate dehydrogenase. If small amounts of ammonium salts are added continuously, initially only part of it is absorbed by the organisms. After 2–3 h complete absorption of ammonia against an ammonium gradient coinciding with an increased growth rate of the bacteria is observed. The change in the extracellular ammonium level is paralleled by the intracellular glutamine concentration which in turn regulates the glutamine synthetase activity. An increase in the degree of adenylation correlates with a repression of nitrogenase synthesis and an induction of glutamate dehydrogenase synthesis. Upon deadenylation these events are reversed.—After addition of nitrate ammonia appears in the medium, probably due to the action of a membrane bound dissimilatory nitrate reductase.—Addition of dinitrophenol causes transient leakage of intracellular ammonium into the medium.  相似文献   

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