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Abstract: Lactic acid has been an intermediate-volume specialty chemical (world production ∼ 40,000 tons/yr) used in a wide range of food processing and industrial applications. Lactic acid has the potential of becoming a very large volume, commodity-chemical intermediate produced from renewable carbohydrates for use as feedstocks for biodegradable polymers, oxygenated chemicals, plant growth regulators, environmentally friendly 'green' solvents, and specialty chemical intermediates. The recent announcements of new development-scale plants for producing lactic acid and polymer intermediates by major U.S. companies, such as Cargill, Ecochem (DuPont/ConAgra), and Archer Daniels Midland, attest to this potential.
In the past, efficient and economical technologies for the recovery and purification of lactic acid from crude fermentation broths and the conversion of lactic acid to the chemical or polymer intermediates had been the key technology impediments and main process cost centers. The development and deployment of novel separations technologies, such as electrodialysis (ED) with bipolar membranes, extractive distillations integrated with fermentation, and chemical conversion, can enable low-cost production with continuous processes in large-scale operations. The use of bipolar ED can virtually eliminate the salt or gypsum waste produced in the current lactic acid processes. Thus, the emerging technologies can use environmentally sound processes to produce environmentally useful products from lactic acid. The process economics of some of these processes and products can also be quite attractive. In this paper, the recent technical advances in lactic and polyactic acid processes are discussed. The economic potential and manufacturing cost estimates of several products and process options are presented. The technical accomplishments at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and the future directions of this program at ANL are discussed.  相似文献   

聚乳酸材料在不同土壤环境中生物降解的菌群结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】评价聚乳酸(Polylactic acid,PLA)材料在不同土壤环境中自然降解的效果,通过对3种不同土壤菌群结构的分析,找到能够对聚乳酸材料有降解作用的优势菌群。【方法】通过扫描电镜、断裂拉伸强度和CO2释放量测定来评价3种土壤对PLA材料的降解效果,并运用高通量测序技术,对3种土壤细菌群落进行基因组测序分析,检测3个样本细菌群落的差异性。【结果】PLA材料在沼泽地、芒果林地和稻田中的生物降解率分别为13.7%、10.6%和4.5%。3种土壤的样品分别获得11 110、11 236和8 848个OTU,共涉及细菌域的9个主要门和16个主要科。其中沼泽地土壤的微生物群落丰富度和多样性最高,稻田土壤最低。【结论】结合土壤的降解效果,土壤中生物群落丰富度和多样性越高,对PLA材料的降解作用越好。同时变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)是降解聚乳酸材料的优势菌群。在科水平上,黄杆菌科(Flavobacteriaceae)、丛毛单胞菌科(Comamonadaceae)和噬纤维菌科(Cytophagaceae)的微生物对聚乳酸材料的降解最有潜力。这一研究成果为能有效降解聚乳酸材料的微生物资源的开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Chemical modification of chitosan by grafting with PLA (CS-g-PLA) was developed via 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) mediated coupling reaction. The introduction of PLA disrupted the crystalline structure of chitosan, improved its solubility and thermal stability. Low degree of PLA substitution showed better degradation efficiency than chitosan and PLA. Weight loss of CS-g-PLA6 and CS-g-PLA4 was 87% and 94%, respectively, in 7 days enzymatic degradation study. CS-g-PLA2 was totally degraded in 1 day. Self-assembly behavior was studied using pyrene fluorescence dye technique and found to be PLA grafting level dependent. CS-g-PLA with low grafting degree showed hydrophilic, self-assembling properties and controllable biodegradability that may widen its applications.  相似文献   

Promotion of plant growth by polymers of lactic acid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polymers of L-lactic acid are shown to promote plant growth. Dry weight of duckweed (Lemna minor L.) and corn (Zea mays L) was more than doubled when plants were grown in media containing the dimer of L-lactic acid, L-lactoyllactic acid. Higher polymers were equally effective at increasing plant biomass. Monomeric lactic acid and polymers of D-lactic acid showed no biological activity. Increased plant biomass was accompanied by increased chlorophyll accumulation and root growth. Promotion of chlorophyll accumulation and biomass may be due to increased ability to assimilate nutrients as plants treated with L-lactoyllactic acid showed no decrease in biomass when grown in medium that was growth limiting for control plants.  相似文献   

Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) was foamed with an endothermic chemical foaming agent (CFA) through an extrusion process. The effects of polymer melt flow index, CFA content, and processing speed on the cellular structures, void fraction, and cell-population density of foamed PLA were investigated. The apparent melt viscosity of PLA was measured to understand the effect of melt index on the cell morphology of foamed PLA samples. The void fraction was strongly dependent on the PLA melt index. It increased with increasing melt index, reaching a maximum value, after which it decreased. Melt index showed no significant effect on the cell-population density of foamed samples within the narrow range studied. A gas containment limit was observed in PLA foamed with CFA. Both the void fraction and cell-population density increased with an initial increase in CFA content, reached a maximum value, and then decreased as CFA content continued to increase. The processing speed also affected the morphology of PLA foams. The void fraction reached a maximum value as the extruder’s screw speed increased to 40 rpm and a further increase in the processing speed tended to reduce the void fraction of foamed samples. By contrast, cell-population density increased one order of magnitude by increasing the screw speed from 20 to 120 rpm. The experimental results indicate that a homogeneous and finer cellular morphology could be successfully achieved in PLA foamed in an extrusion process with a proper combination of polymer melt flow index, CFA content, and processing speed.  相似文献   

聚乳酸降解菌株筛选鉴定及降解过程优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】筛选能够降解聚乳酸的微生物, 提高聚乳酸的降解速率并鉴定聚乳酸降解酶种类。【方法】以明胶为唯一碳源, 筛选能够降解聚乳酸的微生物; 通过优化明胶添加浓度、聚乳酸添加量以及金属离子种类提高聚乳酸的降解速率; 通过分析降解过程中代谢产物和酶活力变化明确聚乳酸降解酶类别。【结果】筛选获得一株聚乳酸降解菌株, 鉴定为Lentzea waywayandensis; 经优化培养, 聚乳酸在25 d后失重84.8%; 降解过程中, 检测到乳酸的产生, 体外酶活实验仅检测到蛋白酶活力。【结论】明胶作为唯一碳源适用于聚乳酸降解菌株的筛选; 明胶作为碳源的同时可以作为诱导剂诱导菌株L. waywayandensis降解聚乳酸; 此外, 研究表明蛋白酶在聚乳酸降解过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

聚乳酸是以乳酸为原料而合成得到的一种高分子材料,具有良好生物相容性、可生物降解性。目前工业规模化生产的聚乳酸主要是以左旋乳酸合成得到的聚乳酸,制得的制品透明性好,但缺点是不能耐热。添加成核剂可以提高聚乳酸的结晶度,从而提高它的耐热性能。本文综述了有机成核剂和无机成核剂的研究进展。  相似文献   

The mechanism of the spontaneous initiation of the polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) was investigated theoretically. The six minimum energy paths (MEP) of the possible reactions were calculated using the density functional theory (DFT) in conjunction with the B3LYP functional and 6-31G* basis set. The Diels-Alder initiation mechanism (path (I) and path (II)) with remarkably high energy barriers is not applicable to MMA. Four favorable paths were found (path (III), path (IV), path (V) and path (VI)), which are supporting the Flory mechanism. Path (V) has the lowest active energy. Therefore this path is considered as the main path for the spontaneous polymerization of MMA. Figure The mechanism of the spontaneous initiation of the polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) was investigated theoretically. The six minimum energy paths (MEP) of the possible reactions were calculated using the density functional theory (DFT) in conjunction with the B3LYP functional and 6-31G* basis set.  相似文献   

The preservation of lactic acid starter cultures by drying are of increased interest. A further improvement of cell viability is, however, still needed, and the insight into inactivation mechanisms of the cells is a prerequisite. In this present work, we review the inactivation mechanisms of lactic acid starter cultures during drying which are not yet completely understood. Inactivation is not only induced by dehydration inactivation but also by thermal- and cryo-injuries depending on the drying processes employed. The cell membrane has been reported as a major site of damage during drying or rehydration where transitions of membrane phases occur. Some drying processes, such as freeze drying or spray drying, involve subzero or very high temperatures. These physical conditions pose additional stresses to cells during the drying processes. Injuries of cells subjected to freezing temperatures may be due to the high electrolyte concentration (solution effect) or intracellular ice formation, depending on the cooling rate. High temperatures affect most essential cellular components. It is difficult to identify a critical component, although ribosomal functionality is speculated as the primary reason. The activation during storage is mainly due to membrane lipid oxidation, while the storage conditions such as temperature moisture content of the dried starter cultures are important factors.  相似文献   

Most fermentation models presented in the literature are unstructured, i.e., the biomass composition is assumed constant during all operating conditions. These models are unable to simulate experiments carried out at widely different operating conditions. It is therefore interesting to examine simple structured models where knowledge of the cell physiology is taken into account in the modeling phase. In this article, a simple structured model is presented. The model is based on experimental work with the lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus cremoris, but due to the similarities in basic metabolism for many microorganisms it is applicable also for other fermentation system. The basic assumption in the model is that the biomass can be divided into two parts (compartments)-an active part and a mainly inactive structural part. The size of the active part has a pivotal role in the model.  相似文献   

成功地建立了小鼠幽门螺杆菌感染模型,并对两株在体外对幽门螺杆菌有显著抑制作用的乳酸菌,进行了体内预防与治疗作用的初步验证。通过尿素酶反应、细菌培养、病理组织切片检验三种指标测试,证明J16发酵乳能够有效预防幽门螺杆菌感染;小鼠胃中乳酸菌数量和幽门螺杆菌数量相反。  相似文献   

Phosphorescence from the 9-adenylyl group in the fom of microcrystalline powders of adenosine films of poly(riboadenylic acid) (poly(rA)) in hyaluronic acid has been studied at 77 K. For adenosine, clearly resolved vibronic structure consists of two progressions, A and B, with A ‡ 1363 cm−1 and B ‡ 1575 cm −1, correlated with in-plane C5-N7 and in-plane C4-C5 stretch, respectively. The relative strength of the progressions varies with excitation wavelength and this, together with the absence of a common origin, indicates the existence of two independent emitting states with 0-0' levels separated by either 300 or 1000 cm−1. Two different excitation spectra are observed lying below the normal (ππ*) adsorption and one is assigned as a previously undetected 1(nπ*) transition. For poly(rA) films the emission band envelope is identical with that of adenosine but the vibronic structure is lost. Only one excitation peak is observed at 32.9×103 cm−1, identical with one of the adenosine spectra. The second adenosine excitation spectrum probably represents an intermolecular charge transfer transition. Comparison is made with the predictions of six semi-empirical MO calculations.  相似文献   

A novel immobilization matrix, poly(3-methylthienyl methacrylate)–poly(3-thiopheneacetic acid) (PMTM–PTAA), was synthesized and used for the covalent immobilization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae invertase to produce invert sugar. The immobilization resulted in 87% immobilization efficiency. Optimum conditions for activity were not affected by immobilization and the optimum pH and temperature for both free and immobilized enzyme were found to be 4.5 and 55 °C, respectively. However, immobilized invertase was more stable at high pH and temperatures. The kinetic parameters for free and immobilized invertase were also determined using the Lineweaver–Burk plot. The Km values were 35 and 38 mM for free and immobilized enzyme, respectively. The Vmax values were 29 and 24 mg glucose/mg enzyme min for free and immobilized enzyme, respectively. Immobilized enzyme could be used for the production of glucose and fructose from sucrose since it retained almost all the initial activity for a month in storage and retained the whole activity in repeated 50 batch reactions.  相似文献   

The growing interest of consumers towards nutritionally enriched, and health promoting foods, provoke interest in the eventual development of fermented functional foods. Soymilk is a growing trend that can serve as a low-cost non-dairy alternative with improved functional and nutritional properties. Soymilk acts as a good nutrition media for the growth and proliferation of the micro-organism as well as for their bioactivities. The bioactive compounds produced by fermentation of soymilk with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) exhibit enhanced nutritional values, and several improved health benefits including antihypertensive, antioxidant, antidiabetic, anticancer and hypocholesterolaemic effects. The fermented soymilk is acquiring a significant position in the functional food industry due to its increased techno-functional qualities as well as ensuring the survivability of probiotic bacteria producing diverse metabolites. This review covers the important benefits conferred by the consumption of soymilk fermented by LAB producing bioactive compounds. It provides a holistic approach to obtain existing knowledge on the biofunctional attributes of fermented soymilk, with a focus on the functionality of soymilk fermented by LAB.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess the effect of formulation parameters of a mucoadhesive vaginal gel based on chitosan and lactic acid, and to highlight its release mechanisms. Two molecular weight chitosans were used to prepare gels with 2 lactic acid concentrations. Both chitosan molecular weight and lactic acid concentration had a significant and mutually dependent influence on mucoadhesion, measured on pig vaginal mucosa. Similarly, the lactate release profiles were found to be dependent on lactic acid content and polymer molecular weight. One gel formulation based on the stoichiometric lactate to chitosan ratio was subjected to release test in media with 2 different counterions and increasing ionic strength. This test demonstrated that the lactate release is mainly due to ionic displacement.  相似文献   

Several bacteria were isolated which were able to utilize poly(beta-L-malic acid) as sole carbon source for growth. The poly(beta-L-malic acid) hydrolyzing enzyme of Comamonas acidovorans strain 7789 was detected in the membrane fraction. The enzyme was purified by isolation of crude cell membranes by ultracentrifugation of disrupted cells, solubilization of the membrane fraction with octylglucoside, selective precipitation with 50% saturated ammonium sulfate and preparative isolectric focusing. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed a M(r) of 43,000. The pH optimum was 8.1 and the Km was 0.13 microM (in terms of monomeric units) and 0.0021 microM poly(beta-L-malic acid) at pH 8.1 (100 mM glycylglycine buffer). Addition of NaCl, KCl, CaCl2 or MgCl2 (from 25 to 100 mM) decreased the hydrolase activity, whereas EDTA or polymethane sulfonic acid fluoride had no influence on the enzyme. The depolymerization of poly(beta-L-malic acid) proceeded from the ends of the polyester resulting in the formation of L-malate. Esterase activity was not detectable with p-nitrophenyl acetate or p-nitrophenyl butyrate, which is used to determine for example poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) depolymerase activity.  相似文献   

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