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郭林 《菌物学报》1995,14(Z1):169-172
本文报道从某些黑粉菌的黑粉孢子粉末中提取核糖体脱氧核酸(rDNA)后,用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)的方法,对其转录间区(ITS2)片断进行了扩增,核苷酸序列测定和分析,其结果表明异形黑粉菌(Ustilago anomala)与其它3种近似黑粉菌,科尔达黑粉菌(U. cordae),柳叶刺黑粉菌(U. bungeana)和网孢黑粉菌(U. reticulata)的rDNA ITS2序列区别很大,在被测定的190个碱基对中,差别达69个位点以上(26.3-36.3%),异形黑粉菌与这三种黑粉菌亲缘关系较远,在中国作者原定名为异形黑粉菌的种与在欧洲取材的科尔达黑粉菌相似程度较高.因此将在中国已报道的异形黑粉菌更正为科尔达黑粉菌,而柳叶刺黑粉菌与科尔达黑粉菌近似程度也较高,将柳叶刺黑粉菌作为科尔达黑粉菌的异名.  相似文献   

郭林 《菌物学报》1988,7(Z1):211-240
黑粉菌属是Roussel 1806年建立的,全世界记载有三百余种,主要寄生于禾本科,是经济作物及牧草的重要致病菌·长期以来,对黑粉菌的邢子使用过各种名称,如厚垣孢子,冬孢子及黑粉孢子等.本文采用黑粉孢子以区别锈菌的冬孢子. 芳’(1979)在《中国真菌总汇》中列出黑粉菌属五十种及一个变型.作者经过显微结构和超显微结构的研究,承认其中二十九种为正确名称,八种及一变型为异名,顶黑粉菌(Ustilago acrearus Berk.)由于错拼而被废弃.埃地黑粉菌(Ustilago emodensis Berk.)被转移至利罗粉菌属(Liroa).另有十一种黑粉菌因缺少标本留待今后订正.自1979年以后,杨信东(1983)增加黑粉菌属二种我国新纪录,K.范基和郭林(1986)描述一新种,四种新纪录.在本文中,作者描述一新种:鸢尾蒜黑粉(Ustilago ixiolirii Guo L) ,孢子堆生在蒴果内,不开裂,黑色,粉末状.黑粉孢子球形,近球形,稀椭圆形, 12.5-21×10-21μm,黑褐色,壁厚1-1.Sμm,纹饰脑状.是迄今生在石蒜科植物上唯一黑粉菌的种,其它几种黑粉菌均属条黑粉菌属.本文增加七种我国新纪录.共计四十九种,寄生于六科四十四属植物,主要是禾本科和蓼科.这仅是黑粉菌属研究的初步报告,在全国范围内大量采集黑粉菌标本后,作者相信会有更多新种和我国新纪录被发现.利罗黑粉菌属(Liroa)是从黑粉菌属(Ustaligo)分出的,此属为单种属.  相似文献   

郭林 《菌物学报》1993,12(Z1):51-55
本文描述采自河北小五台山的黑粉菌一新种,即寄生在野青茅(Deyeuxia arundinacea(L.) Beauv)上的野青茅黑粉菌(Ustilago deyeuxiae L. Guo)。此种与网优黑粉菌(Ustilago scrobiculata Liro)近似,但野青茅黑粉菌网纹明显,网眼高。并报道三种黑粉菌中国新记录。1)酢浆草黑粉菌(Ustilago oxalidis Ellis&Tracy)寄生于醉浆草(Oxalis corniculata L.),此种是我国首次在酢浆草科(Oxalidaceae)植物上发现的黑粉菌。2)网状黑粉菌(Ustilago polygoni-alati Thirum. & Pavgi)寄生于尼泊尔萝(Polygonum nepalense Meisn.),作者对此种进行了订正研究。3)臭草条黑粉菌(Urocystis melicae (Lagerheim & Liro) Zundel)寄生于细叶臭草(Melica radula Fr.)。  相似文献   

黑粉菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑粉菌是一种低等植物,由于它形成黑色类似煤烟状的孢子而得名。它是真菌类中的一个重要组成集体。根据科学家们公认的意见,在分类上,黑粉菌目是担子菌纲的一个成员,下分黑粉菌科与腥黑粉菌科二科,其下又分为若干属。据 G·W·费歇(Fischer)和 C.S.何顿(Holton)的统计,在全世界已  相似文献   

本文报道3个新组合种和3个中国新记录种。新组合是:广州孢堆黑粉菌 [Sporisoriumcantonense (Ztmdel) L. Guo]香茅粒孢堆黑粉菌[Sporisorium cymbopogonis-distantis(1ing)L Gao]和海南孢堆黑粉菌[Spor#orium haianae(Ztmdel) L. Guo]。中国新记录种为:中间炭黑粉菌(Anthracoidea intercedens Nannfeldt],戴维斯黑粉菌(Ustilago davisii Iato)和田中黑粉菌(Ustitago tanakae S. Ito).  相似文献   

郭林 《菌物学报》2006,25(3):364-365
自中国甘肃桑科草原发现一种寄生在禾本科Koeleriasp.植物上的黑粉菌新种,王氏条黑粉菌Urocystiswangii。此种与寄生在Koeleria属植物上条黑粉菌Urocystiskoeleriae近似,其区别是王氏条黑粉菌孢子球中黑粉孢子数目多,由(0~)1~6(~8)黑粉孢子组成;而U.koeleriae孢子球由(0~)1~4(~5)黑粉孢子组成。  相似文献   

郭林 《菌物学报》1995,14(Z1):163-168
本文报道炭黑粉菌一新种,即细叶蒿草炭黑粉菌(Anthracoidea filifoliae L. Guo sp.nov.)和4个我国新记录种:1)角孢炭黑粉菌(A. angulata(H. Sydow) Boidol & Poclt), 2)黍状苔炭黑粉菌(A. paniceae Kukkenen), 3)狼尾草团黑粉菌(Sorosporium penniseti Mundkur)和4)米勒粘孢黑粉菌(Tolyposporium muellerianum (Thuemen) McAlpine)。  相似文献   

郭林 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):155-163
摘要:本文报道我国黑粉菌五种新纪录。1)刺蓼轴黑粉菌(Sphacelotheca polygoni-senticosi(P. Hennings) Miyabe & Takahashi)寄生于假长尾叶蓼(Polygonum longisetum De Bruyn)和长尾叶蓼(Polygonum posumbu Hamilt.)。此种与水蓼轴黑粉菌(Sphacelotheca hydropiperis(Schum.) de Bary)的区别是黑粉孢子表面纹饰瘤状,常连接为脊状或不完全网状。2)七筋菇条黑粉菌(Urocystis clintoniae (Komarov) Vánky)寄生于七筋菇(Clintonia udensis Trautv. &Mey.)和扭柄花(Streptopus obtusatus Fassett)。3)宫部条黑粉菌(Urocystis miyabeana Togashi& Onuma)寄生于轮叶黄精(Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All.)。4)喜马拉雅黑粉菌(Ustilagohimalensis (Kakishima & Ono) Vánky & Oberwinkler)寄生于细穗支柱蓼(Polygonum suffultumMaxim. var. pergracile (Hemsl.) G. Sam.)。5)伊朗黑粉菌(Ustilago iranica H. Sydow)寄生于远东友友草(Achnatherum extremiorientale (Hara) Keng)。  相似文献   

以薏苡黑粉菌病瘿为研究对象,采用固体和液体培养方法对薏苡黑粉菌进行分离纯化培养和形态观察;利用Illumina、Pacbio测序和Hi-C辅助基因组组装技术对黑粉菌进行测序、组装和注释,分析其基因组结构和组成特征。通过与其他6个黑粉菌物种基因组进行比较基因组学研究,分析薏苡黑粉菌的基因家族进化和系统发育关系。在pH 7的固体PDA和液体PDB培养基中实现了薏苡黑粉菌的纯化培养,固体培养菌落表现为白色、表面隆起、具褶皱,较湿润且不透明的形态特征。Illumina、Pacbio和Hi-C组装结果显示,薏苡黑粉菌具有20对染色体(2n=40),基因组大小20.093 417 Mb,GC含量53.81%;共预测和注释到7 476个蛋白编码基因和164个非编码基因,占整个基因组长度的61.02%和0.285 3%;查找到3 674个散在重复序列和8 139个串联重复序列,分别占整个基因组长度的2.754 4%和1.605 4%。同源基因家族聚类显示,7个黑粉菌物种Ustilago coicisU. bromivoraU. maydisU. hordeiSporisorium reilianumS. scitamineumS. graminicola的编码基因被聚类为6 999个基因家族,其中共有基因家族5 379个。薏苡黑粉菌包含5 339个单拷贝基因、105个多拷贝基因、89个特异基因、752个其他基因和188个未分类基因。基因家族进化和系统发育聚类表明,薏苡黑粉菌U. coicis在~60.9 MYA分化出来,与雀麦黑粉菌U. bromivova、大麦坚黑粉菌U. hordei聚为一支,表现为更近的亲缘关系;而玉米黑粉菌U. maydis在~66.6 MYA分化出来与3个孢堆黑粉菌物种S. scitamineumS. graminicolaS. reilianum聚为一支。  相似文献   

本文对我国黑粉菌属(Ustilago)51个样本,选取33个形态学和生物学编码性状进行了类平均法的系统聚类分析。根据聚类分析结果,建议将我国黑粉菌属分为3个表观群(Phenons);茭白黑粉菌目前以放在黑粉菌属内为妥;还认为 Ustilago ocrearum 是 Ustilagokoenigiae 的变种;Ustilago kusanoi 是 Ustilago minima 的变种;Us(?)ilago aoenoe 和 Usti-lago nuda 是两个不同种。  相似文献   

通过对Amana anhuiensis主模式的存放地中国科学院植物研究所标本馆(PE)的查找及向原作者证实,确认该种的模式已不存在。在对模式产地的野外调查过程中,发现仅有这一种老鸦瓣分布,且其花期及果实成熟期植株的一些重要形态性状与原描述不符或在原描述中没有提及,这些性状不仅在个体间比较稳定,而且在种的划分上具有重要价值。它们是:鳞茎皮黄褐色,薄纸质,内侧被绵毛;第1叶自基部向上3/4处最宽;苞片狭披针形;花被片内侧基部具黄绿色斑块;内轮3枚雄蕊比外轮3枚长,花粉黄色,雌蕊花柱与子房近等长。朔果近球形,果喙长10 mm左右。为此,我们指定了该种的新模式,并对其形态特征进行了补充描述。  相似文献   

在野外考察和查阅模式标本的基础上,将紫云小檗Berberis ziyunensis P. K. Hsiao & Z. Y. Li与单花小檗B. uniflora F. N. Wei & Y. G. Wei归并。  相似文献   

Pinus armandii Franch. var. dabeshanensis (W. C. Cheng & Y. W. Law) Silba, the highly threatened Dabei Shan pine from the mountains of central China, is illustrated; its introduction, cultivation and horticultural merits are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Paeonia decomposita Hand.‐Mazz. subsp. rotundiloba D. Y. Hong is here raised to the specific rank, P. rotundiloba (D. Y. Hong) D. Y. Hong, based on its distinctiveness of four diagnostic characters: number of carpels; height of disk; number of leaflets of the lower leaves, and shape of the terminal leaflets; and unpublished molecular data. Paeonia rotundiloba differs distinctly from P. decomposita in having carpels mostly 3, less often 2 or 4, very rarely 5 (vs. almost always 5, very occasionally 4 or 3), disk 8–15 mm high (vs. 4–9.6 mm), leaflets mostly 19–39 (vs. 29–63) in number, and ratio of length to width of the terminal leaflets 1.09–1.93 (vs. 1.81–2.99).  相似文献   

Paeonia decomposita Hand.-Mazz.subsp,rotundiloba D.Y.Hong is here raised to the specific rank,P.rotundiloba (D.Y.Hong) D.Y.Hong,based on its distinctiveness of four diagnostic characters:number of carpels;height of disk; number of leaflets of the lower leaves,and shape of the terminal leaflets; and unpublished molecular data.Paeonia rotundiloba differs distinctly from P.decomposita in having carpels mostly 3,less often 2 or 4,very rarely 5 (vs.almost always 5,very occasionally 4 or 3),disk 8-15 mm high (vs.4-9.6 mm),leaflets mostly 19-39(vs.29-63) in number,and ratio of length to width of the terminal leaflets 1.09-1.93 (vs.1.81-2.99).  相似文献   

C. L. Barton  C. Shaw  D. W. Halton  L. Thim 《Peptides》1992,13(6):1159-1163
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has been isolated from brain extracts of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and subjected to structural analyses. Plasma desorption mass spectroscopy estimated the molecular mass of the purified peptide as 4303.9 Da. Automated Edman degradation unequivocally established the sequence of a 36 amino acid residue peptide as: Tyr-Pro-Pro-Lys-Pro-Glu-Asn-Pro-Gly-Glu-Asp-Ala-Pro-Pro-Glu-Glu-Leu-Ala-Lys-Tyr-Tyr-Ala-Leu-Arg-His-Tyr-Ile-Asn-Leu-Ile-Thr-Arg-Gln-Arg-Tyr. The molecular mass calculated from this sequence (4304 Da) is consistent with that obtained by mass spectroscopy. The presence of a C-terminal amide was established by radioimmunoassay. Rainbow trout NPY is identical in primary structure to coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) pancreatic polypeptide (PP). These data may indicate that, in this group of salmonid fishes, a single member of the NPY/PP peptide family is expressed in both neurons and peripheral endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Familial mosaicism of del(Y) and inv del(Y)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Molecular cytogenetic investigation of a male proband showing oligozoospermia (OAT I-II degrees ) has led to the detection of a Y-chromosome mosaicism. This mosaicism consists of a deleted Y chromosome with deletion of most of the long-arm heterochromatin, including the PAR2, del(Y), and a Y chromosome, which, in addition to that deletion, shows a paracentric long-arm inversion, inv del(Y), with breakpoints in the DAZ gene cluster in deletion interval 6 and within the remainder of the long-arm heterochromatin of the Y. The Y mosaicism is not confined to the sterile proband but is also detected in both his father and his fertile brother. Interestingly, the percentage of inv del(Y) is highest (80%) in the proband showing oligozoospermia.  相似文献   

邓敏  李谦盛  曹明  席世丽 《广西植物》2011,31(2):148-152
分布于华南的雷公青冈Quercus hui Chun和分布于云南及广西的滇南青冈Q.austroglauca(Y.T.Chang)Y.T.Chang长期被认为是我国特有植物,实则分别为越南北部分布的Q.auricoma A.Camus和云南东南部分布的龙迈青冈Q.lungmaiensis(Hu)C.C.Huang & ...  相似文献   

Dihydropyridine neuropeptide Y Y(1) receptor antagonists   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dihydropyridine 5a was found to be an inhibitor of neuropeptide Y(1) binding in a high throughput (125)I-PYY screening assay. Structure-activity studies around certain portions of the dihydropyridine chemotype identified BMS-193885 (6e) as a potent and selective Y(1) receptor antagonist. In a forskolin-stimulated c-AMP production assay using CHO cells expressing the human Y(1) receptor, 6e demonstrated full functional antagonism (K(b)=4.5 nM). Compound 6e inhibited NPY-induced feeding in satiated rats when dosed at 3.0 and 10.0 mg/kg (ip), and also decreased spontaneous overnight food consumption in rats at doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg (ip).  相似文献   

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