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The nonmigratory and endemic Florida mottled duck (Anas fulvigula fulvigula) is facing conservation threats from the combined effects of urbanization and introgressive hybridization with feral mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and mallard x mottled duck hybrids. In the past, the status of the Florida mottled duck population was assessed during annual aerial surveys and most brown ducks (mottled ducks, mallards, and hybrids of them) detected during the survey would have been mottled ducks. But the release of domesticated mallards for aesthetic purposes has led to increases in the prevalence of mallards-hybrids (mallards or mallard x mottled duck hybrids) throughout peninsular Florida, USA, and because it is impossible to differentiate among mottled ducks, female mallards, and hybrids during aerial surveys, helicopter surveys were halted in 2009 until state researchers could conduct a range-wide study to determine what proportion of brown ducks are mottled ducks versus mallards-hybrids. We used plumage keys and high-resolution photography to categorize brown ducks from 557 wetland grid points as either mottled ducks or mallards-hybrids. Of the 5,179 brown ducks categorized, 40.1% were mottled ducks and 59.9% were mallards-hybrids. We used logistic regression analysis to model the interactive effect of a site's latitude and level of urbanization (urban gradient value within a 2-km buffer) to generate a predictive raster surface (1-km resolution) of the study area with values corresponding to the probability that a brown duck observed within a cell is a pure mottled duck. Predicted values will be used as correction factors when estimating final mottled duck population abundance from brown-duck survey data. Additionally, the predictive raster surface will be used to identify wetlands where mottled ducks remain predominant so that these sites can be targeted for preservation. Overall, mallards-hybrids outnumbered mottled ducks throughout most of peninsular Florida, especially in more urbanized regions, and their current prevalence rate presents a serious conservation threat, via hybridization, to extant mottled duck populations.  相似文献   

Along with manipulating habitat, the direct release of domesticated individuals into the wild is a practice used worldwide to augment wildlife populations. We test between possible outcomes of human‐mediated secondary contact using genomic techniques at both historical and contemporary timescales for two iconic duck species. First, we sequence several thousand ddRAD‐seq loci for contemporary mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) throughout North America and two domestic mallard types (i.e., known game‐farm mallards and feral Khaki Campbell's). We show that North American mallards may well be becoming a hybrid swarm due to interbreeding with domesticated game‐farm mallards released for hunting. Next, to attain a historical perspective, we applied a bait‐capture array targeting thousands of loci in century‐old (1842–1915) and contemporary (2009–2010) mallard and American black duck (Anas rubripes) specimens. We conclude that American black ducks and mallards have always been closely related, with a divergence time of ~600,000 years before present, and likely evolved through prolonged isolation followed by limited bouts of gene flow (i.e., secondary contact). They continue to maintain genetic separation, a finding that overturns decades of prior research and speculation suggesting the genetic extinction of the American black duck due to contemporary interbreeding with mallards. Thus, despite having high rates of hybridization, actual gene flow is limited between mallards and American black ducks. Conversely, our historical and contemporary data confirm that the intensive stocking of game‐farm mallards during the last ~100 years has fundamentally changed the genetic integrity of North America's wild mallard population, especially in the east. It thus becomes of great interest to ask whether the iconic North American mallard is declining in the wild due to introgression of maladaptive traits from domesticated forms. Moreover, we hypothesize that differential gene flow from domestic game‐farm mallards into the wild mallard population may explain the overall temporal increase in differentiation between wild black ducks and mallards, as well as the uncoupling of genetic diversity and effective population size estimates across time in our results. Finally, our findings highlight how genomic methods can recover complex population histories by capturing DNA preserved in traditional museum specimens.  相似文献   

Translocating species is an important management tool to establish or expand the range of species. Success of translocations requires an understanding of potential consequences, including whether a sufficient number of individuals were used to minimize founder effects and if interspecific hybridization poses a threat. We provide an updated and comprehensive genetic assessment of a 1970s–1980s translocation and now established mottled duck (Anas fulvigula) population in South Carolina, USA. In addition to examining the population genetics of these mottled ducks, we simulated expected genetic assignments for generational hybrids (F1–F10), permitting formal purity assignment across samples to identify true hybrids and establish hybridization rates. In addition to wild mallards (A. platyrhynchos), we tested for presence of hybrids with migrant American black ducks (A. rubripes) and released domestic game-farm mallards (A. p. domesticus). We used wild reference populations of North American mallard-like ducks and sampled game-farm mallards from 2 sites in South Carolina that could potentially interbreed with mottled ducks. Despite 2 different subspecies of mottled duck (Florida [A. f. fulvigula] and the Western Gulf Coast [A. f. maculatlus]) used in original translocations, we determined the gene pool of the Western Gulf Coast mottled duck was overwhelmingly represented in South Carolina's current population. We found no evidence of founder effects or inbreeding and concluded the original translocation of 1,285 mottled ducks was sufficient to maintain current genetic diversity. We identified 7 hybrids, including an F1 and 3 late-staged (i.e., F2–F3 backcrosses) mottled duck × black duck hybrids, 1 F2-mottled duck backcrossed with a wild mallard, and 2 F3-mottled ducks introgressed with game-farm mallard. We estimated a 15% hybridization rate in our mottled duck dataset; however, the general lack of F1 and intermediate hybrids were inconsistent with scenarios of high hybridization rates or presence of a hybrid swarm. Instead, our results suggested a scenario of infrequent interspecific hybridization between South Carolina's mottled ducks and congeners. We concluded that South Carolina's mottled duck population is sufficiently large now to absorb current hybridization rates because 85% of sampled mottled ducks were pure. These results demonstrate the importance in managing and maintaining large parental populations to counter hybridization. As such, future population management of mottled ducks in South Carolina will benefit from increased geographical and continued sampling to monitor hybridization rates with closely related congeners. We also suggest that any future translocations of mottled ducks to coastal South Carolina should originate from the Western Gulf Coast. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

North Carolina, USA, represents the southern extent of the American black duck's (Anas rubripes) breeding range. Mallards (A. platyrhynchos) are present on the breeding grounds of the American black duck and hybridization is observed between these species; therefore, we assessed the genetic integrity, hybridization rates, and population structure of this local breeding population. We extracted genomic and mitochondrial DNA from chorioallantoic membranes and contour feathers from monitored black duck nests. We then prepared the extracted DNA for analysis using high-throughput DNA sequencing methods (ddRAD-seq). First, we assessed nuclear and mitochondrial population structure, genetic diversity, and differentiation across samples from North Carolina, and compared them against 199 genetically vetted mallards, black ducks, and mallard × black duck hybrids that served as genetic references. Next, we tested for parentage and sibling relationship and overall relatedness of black ducks in North Carolina. We recovered strong population structure and high co-ancestry across genetic markers due to interrelatedness among sampled nests in North Carolina and concluded that black ducks have been locally breeding in this area for a prolonged period of time. Despite a high level of interrelatedness among our samples, nucleotide diversity was similar to the reference continental black duck population, suggesting little effect of genetic drift, including inbreeding. Additionally, we conclude that molecular diversity of black ducks in North Carolina is maintained at reference population levels through the influx of genetic material from unrelated, migrating male black ducks. Finally, we report a hybridization level of 47.5%, covering 3 filial generations. Of identified hybrids, 54.7% and 53% were the direct result of interbreeding between black ducks and captive-reared or wild mallards, respectively. We conclude that because of high rates of interspecific hybridization and successive backcrossing events, introgression from wild and feral mallards is occurring into this population of breeding black ducks and requires careful consideration in future management efforts. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Resolving evolutionary relationships and establishing population structure depends on molecular diagnosability that is often limited for closely related taxa. Here, we use 3,200 ddRAD‐seq loci across 290 mallards, American black ducks, and putative hybrids to establish population structure and estimate hybridization rates. We test between traditional assignment probability and accumulated recombination events based analyses to assign hybrids to generational classes. For hybrid identification, we report the distribution of recombination events complements ADMIXTURE simulation by extending resolution past F4 hybrid status; however, caution against hybrid assignment based on accumulated recombination events due to an inability to resolve F1 hybrids. Nevertheless, both analyses suggest that there are relatively few backcrossed stages before a lineage's hybrid ancestry is lost and the offspring are effectively parental again. We conclude that despite high rates of observed interspecific hybridization between mallards and black ducks in the middle part of the 20th century, our results do not support the predicted hybrid swarm. Conversely, we report that mallard samples genetically assigned to western and non‐western clusters. We indicate that these non‐western mallards likely originated from game‐farm stock, suggesting landscape level gene flow between domestic and wild conspecifics.  相似文献   

The frequency of mallard and black duck hybrids along the Atlantic flyway was estimated based on serum protein and serum esterase electrophoresis and plumage analysis. Hybrid frequencies for black ducks were low (below 10%) in Nova Scotia - Maine, Ontario and New Jersey and high (above 10%) in Maryland and Massachusetts. Plumage estimates tended to be higher for black ducks in Massachusetts and Maryland than estimates based on the electrophoretic work.  相似文献   

Changes in hematological and serum biochemistry parameters in female zinc (Zn)-dosed farm-raised mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) fed four different diets were examined. Sixty ducks received an average dose of 0.97 g of Zn in the form of eight, 3.30-mm diameter shot pellets containing 98% Zn and 2% tin, and another 60 ducks were sham-dosed as controls. Fifteen ducks from each of the two dosing groups were assigned to one of four dietary treatments: corn only, corn with soil, commercial duck ration only, or commercial duck ration with soil. Shot-pellet dissolution rates ranged from 7 mg/Zn/day to 27 mg/Zn/day. Regardless of diet, the Zn dose resulted in mortality; incoordination; paralysis and anorexia; decreased body, liver, pancreas, gonad, and gizzard weight; increased kidney weight; and macroscopic lesions. Zn-dosed ducks had a lower mean erythrocyte packed cell volume (PCV), higher mean reticulocyte count, and a greater number of individuals with immature and/or abnormal erythrocytes, than did control mallards. Mean total leucocyte counts were higher in Zn-dosed ducks than in controls. Zn-dosed ducks that had soil available had higher leucocyte counts than those without soil. Zn-dosed ducks were characterized by a marked heterophilia and relative lymphopenia. In Zn-dosed ducks, the mean lymphocyte count was highest in those provided a commercial duck ration, and lowest in those fed corn. In control ducks, the mean lymphocyte count was highest in ducks fed corn, and lowest in those provided soil along with a commercial duck ration. Zn-dosed mallards had higher serum aspartate aminotransferase and amylase levels, and lower alkaline phosphatase activities than control ducks. Serum phosphorus and uric acid concentrations were higher, and calcium, glucose, and total protein levels lower, in Zn-dosed ducks than in control ducks. Diet did affect serum calcium, phosphorus, total protein, and uric acid concentrations. Differences in erythrocyte and leucocyte parameters, serum enzyme activities, and metabolite concentrations were associated with dose and diet effects. Diets high in protein and other organic matter and calcium and phosphorus did not prevent or substantially alleviate Zn toxicosis in farm-raised mallard ducks.  相似文献   

Hawaiian ducks (Anas wyvilliana), or koloa, are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and are listed as a federal and state endangered species. Hybridization between koloa and introduced mallards (A. platyrhynchos) is believed to be a primary threat to the recovery of koloa. We evaluated the utility of two sets of nuclear markers (microsatellite loci and amplified fragment length polymorphisms) and a variable portion of the mitochondrial DNA control region to distinguish among koloa, mallards, and hybrids. We show that microsatellite and AFLP markers can be used to distinguish between koloa and mallard-koloa hybrids with a high degree of confidence. For all but one of the putative koloa in our sample, the posterior probability of belonging to the koloa category was >0.90. Similarly all but one of the mallard-koloa hybrids were assigned to the hybrid category with posterior probabilities >0.98. Subsets of markers led to poorer resolution among koloa, mallard and hybrid categories. Among a sample of 61 koloa, hybrids and mallards, we found 25 different mtDNA haplotypes, belonging to two groups of haplotypes (A and B) identified previously in mallards and their relatives. All putative koloa samples exhibited group B haplotypes, of which 65% comprised one haplotype, while the rest were divided among four haplotypes. All Hawai’i mallard samples exhibited haplotypes that belonged to group A. Hybrids and California mallards exhibited haplotypes belonging to both groups, but a majority were of group A, suggesting that hybridization may more commonly involve mating between Hawai’i mallard females and koloa males.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization has been implicated in population declines for some waterfowl species within the mallard complex, and hybridization with mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) is currently considered the largest threat to mottled ducks (A. fulvigula), one North American member of that complex. We assessed genetic variation among 225 mottled ducks and mallards using five microsatellite loci, and detected significant overall differences between these species within two geographic areas. We characterized hybridization in Florida, where mottled ducks are endemic and mallards are beginning to appear on the breeding grounds, and in South Carolina, where mottled ducks were introduced outside their native range. We used Bayesian genetic mixture analysis in an attempt to distinguish between these closely related species. In Florida, we detected two distinct genetic groups, and 10.9% of our samples from Florida mottled ducks were inferred to have been hybrids. In contrast only 3.4% of Florida mallards were inferred to have been hybrids, suggesting asymmetric hybridization. Populations from different geographic areas within Florida exhibited hybridization rates ranging from 0% to 24%. These data indicate a genetic component would be appropriate in actively managing interspecific hybridization in Florida mottled ducks. In contrast, South Carolina mottled ducks and mallards cannot be differentiated.  相似文献   

Under drift-mutation equilibrium, genetic diversity is expected to be correlated with effective population size (N e ). Changes in population size and gene flow are two important processes that can cause populations to deviate from this expected relationship. In this study, we used DNA sequences from six independent loci to examine the influence of these processes on standing genetic diversity in endemic mottled ducks (Anas fulvigula) and geographically widespread mallards (A. platyrhynchos), two species known to hybridize. Mottled ducks have an estimated census size that is about two orders-of-magnitude smaller than that of mallards, yet these two species have similar levels of genetic diversity, especially at nuclear DNA. Coalescent analyses suggest that a population expansion in the mallard at least partly explains this discrepancy, but the mottled duck harbors higher genetic diversity and apparent N e than expected for its census size even after accounting for a population decline. Incorporating gene flow into the model, however, reduced the estimated N e of mottled ducks to 33 % of the equilibrium N e and yielded an estimated N e consistent with census size. We also examined the utility of these loci to distinguish among mallards, mottled ducks, and their hybrids. Most putatively pure individuals were correctly assigned to species, but the power for detecting hybrids was low. Although hybridization with mallards potentially poses a conservation threat to mottled ducks by creating a risk of extinction by hybridization, introgression of mallard alleles has helped maintain high genetic diversity in mottled ducks and might be important for the adaptability and survival of this species.  相似文献   

The metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene [BP], a model carcinogenic PAH, by hepatic microsomes of two duck species, mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and common merganser (Mergus merganser americanus) collected from chemically-contaminated and relatively non-contaminated areas was investigated. The rate of metabolism of BP by liver microsomes of common merganser and mallard collected from polluted areas (2,650 +/- 310 and 2,200 +/- 310 pmol/min per mg microsomal protein, respectively) was significantly higher than that obtained with liver microsomes of the two species collected from non-polluted areas (334 +/- 33 and 231 +/- 30 pmol/min per mg microsomal protein, respectively). The level of cytochrome P-450 1A1 was significantly higher in the liver microsomes of both duck species from the polluted areas as compared to the ducks from the non-polluted areas. The major BP metabolites, including BP-9, 10-diol, BP-4, 5-diol, BP-7, 8-diol, BP-1, 6-dione, BP-3, 6-dione, BP-6, 12-dione, 9-hydroxy-BP and 3-hydroxy-BP, formed by liver microsomes of both duck species from polluted and non-polluted areas, were qualitatively similar. However, the patterns of these metabolites were considerably different from each other. Liver microsomes of ducks from the polluted areas produced a higher proportion of benzo-ring dihydrodiols than the liver microsomes of ducks from the non-polluted areas, which converted a greater proportion of BP to BP-phenols. The predominant enantiomer of BP-7,8-diol formed by hepatic microsomes of the two duck species had an (-)R,R absolute stereochemistry. The data suggest that duck and rat liver microsomal enzymes have different regioselectivity but similar stereoselectivity in the metabolism of BP.  相似文献   

Two collection methods for screening the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) population in the Netherlands for the ingestion of spent lead shot were compared. One method consisted of examination of gizzards from mallards shot by hunters (n = 2,859) and the other method consisted of examination of gizzards from mallards caught in duck traps (n = 865). The 95% confidence interval of lead shot ingestion in the mallard population estimated by the first method was 1.7 to 2.9% and by the second method 1.1 to 3.1%. These values were not significantly different. From the numbers of lead pellets embedded in the gizzard wall in hunter-killed and trapped mallards it was estimated that at least 22 to 68% of the trapped ducks had been hit by lead shot previously, but survived. Furthermore, this study shows that it is reasonable to assume that a substantial part of the pellets which are identified (in this study and other studies) as ingested, may well have been shot into the gizzard lumen at some time before the birds were actually killed. To avoid lead poisoning in mallards and in raptors depredating waterfowl hit by lead shot, a change to steel shot is advocated.  相似文献   

Hou ZC  Yang FX  Qu LJ  Zheng JX  Brun JM  Basso B  Pitel F  Yang N  Xu GY 《Animal genetics》2012,43(3):352-355
To elucidate the origin and genetic structure of the domesticated duck in Eurasia and North America, we sequenced 114 duck D-loop sequences and retrieved 489 D-loop sequences from GenBank. In total, 603 ducks including 50 duck breeds/populations from eight countries (China, France, Russia, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Thailand and USA) were used in this study. One hundred and thirty-four haplotypes and 81 variable sites were detected. H49 was the predominant haplotype, which was considered to be the same dominant haplotype found in the previous studies, and was found in 309 birds. The smallest values for both genetic differentiation index (F(ST), 0.04156) and the number of the net nucleotide substitutions between two populations (D(A), 0.00018) were observed between Eurasian domestic ducks and Eurasian mallards. No geography, breed or population clusters were observed in the Eurasian domestic ducks and mallards. Five haplotypes were shared by USA mallards and Eurasian domestic duck/Eurasian mallards. Only one haplotype (H49) was shared by Eurasian domestic ducks and China spot-billed ducks. By combining phylogenetic analyses, haplotype network profile, genetic distances and shared haplotypes, we can draw two major conclusions: (i) Eurasian and North American mallards show a clear geographic distribution pattern; (ii) Eurasian domestic ducks are derived from the Eurasian mallards, not from the spot-billed ducks.  相似文献   

American black ducks (Anas rubripes) and mallards (A. platyrhynchos) are morphologically and behaviorally similar species that were primarily allopatric prior to European colonization of North America. Subsequent sympatry has resulted in hybridization, and recent molecular analyses of mallards and black ducks failed to identify two distinct taxa, either due to horizontal gene flow, homoplasy, or shared ancestry. We analyzed microsatellite markers in modern and museum specimens to determine if the inter-relatedness of mallards and black ducks was an ancestral or recent character. Gst, a measure of genetic differentiation, decreased from 0.146 for mallards and black ducks living before 1940, to 0.008 for birds taken in 1998. This is a significant reduction in genetic differentiation, and represents a breakdown in species integrity most likely due to hybridization. Using modern specimens, we observed that despite a lower incidence of sympatry, northern black ducks are now no more distinct from mallards than their southern conspecifics.  相似文献   

Birds have been incriminated as disseminaters of Borrelia burgdorferi and have the potential to spread the organism over a wide geographic range. Borrelia burgdorferi has been isolated from the liver and blood of passerine birds and from Ixodes dammini removed from passerines. The objective of this study was to determine if waterfowl, specifically mallards (Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos), were susceptible to infection with B. burgdorferi. Eight ducks were inoculated with B. burgdorferi; four orally and four intravenously (i.v.) and two ducks were inoculated with phosphate buffered saline as controls. All eight inoculated birds became infected and developed antibodies to B. burgdorferi. The spirochete was isolated from cloacal material from an orally infected duck on day 22 postinoculation (PI) and from an i.v. infected bird on day 29 PI, from the blood of an i.v. infected bird on day 7 PI, and from the kidney of an orally infected bird. Borrelia burgdorferi was detected by indirect immunofluorescence using the B. burgdorferi specific monoclonal antibody H5332 in kidneys of three orally infected birds and one i.v. infected bird and from the mesentery of one orally infected bird. These findings show that mallard ducks are susceptible to infection by B. burgdorferi and that they can be infected orally and shed the organism in the droppings. Thus, mallards could disseminate B. burgdorferi over long distances without the need of an arthropod vector.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization is recognized as an important process in the evolutionary dynamics of both speciation and the reversal of speciation. However, our understanding of the spatial and temporal patterns of hybridization that erode versus promote species boundaries is incomplete. The endangered, endemic koloa maoli (or Hawaiian duck, Anas wyvilliana) is thought to be threatened with genetic extinction through ongoing hybridization with an introduced congener, the feral mallard (A. platyrhynchos). We investigated spatial and temporal variation in hybrid prevalence in populations throughout the main Hawaiian Islands, using genomic data to characterize population structure of koloa, quantify the extent of hybridization, and compare hybrid proportions over time. To accomplish this, we genotyped 3,308 double‐digest restriction‐site‐associated DNA (ddRAD) loci in 425 putative koloa, mallards, and hybrids from populations across the main Hawaiian Islands. We found that despite a population decline in the last century, koloa genetic diversity is high. There were few hybrids on the island of Kaua?i, home to the largest population of koloa. By contrast, we report that sampled populations outside of Kaua?i can now be characterized as hybrid swarms, in that all individuals sampled were of mixed koloa × mallard ancestry. Further, there is some evidence that these swarms are stable over time. These findings demonstrate spatial variation in the extent and consequences of interspecific hybridization, and highlight how islands or island‐like systems with small population sizes may be especially prone to genetic extinction when met with a congener that is not reproductively isolated.  相似文献   

The ruddy duck, Oxyura jamaicensis, was introduced to Great Britain in the mid-20th century and has recently spread to other Western European countries. In Spain, ruddy ducks hybridize with the globally endangered white-headed duck, Oxyura leucocephala. We assessed the effects of hybridization on the Spanish white-headed ducks, which constitute 25% of the global population of this species, using a panel of eight nuclear intron markers, 10 microsatellite loci, and mtDNA control region sequences. These data allowed parental individuals, F(1) hybrids, and the progeny of backcrossing to be reliably distinguished. We show that hybrids between the two species are fertile and produce viable offspring in backcrosses with both parental species. To date, however, we found no extensive introgression of ruddy duck genes into the Spanish white-headed duck population, probably due to the early implementation of an effective ruddy duck and hybrid control programme. We also show that genetic diversity in the expanding European ruddy duck population, which was founded by just seven individuals, exceeds that of the native Spanish white-headed duck population, which recently recovered from a severe bottleneck. Unless effective control of ruddy ducks is continued, genetic introgression will compromise the unique behavioural and ecological adaptations of white-headed ducks and consequently their survival as a genetically and evolutionary distinct species.  相似文献   

鸭生长激素基因内含子2、3多态性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据鸭生长激素基因内含子2、3的序列设计5对引物,利用PCR-SSCP方法对北京鸭、西湖野鸭、金定鸭、山麻鸭、荆江鸭、绍兴鸭等6个鸭品种进行了单核苷酸多态性分析, 并检测其多态性。结果共发现8个突变位点, 其中内含子2有7个: 2593处C-T, 2770处G-A, 2813处T-A, 2829处C-A, 2894处C-T, 2896处T-C,3100处C-G; 内含子3有1个: 3270处A-G。统计结果显示, 这8个变异位点的基因型频率分布与品种有关, 在这些基因座的变异水平上, 北京鸭和绍兴鸭表现出了相当的品种保守性, 本研究所检测到的这些基因座可能与鸭的生产性能有关。  相似文献   


Research on stoat diet composition in New Zealand has primarily focussed on consumption of indigenous fauna in largely unmodified landscapes. This study used stomach content and stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) analysis to assess stoat diet in a highly modified agricultural landscape in Southland, New Zealand, focussing on stoat predation of the mallard duck. Stoats were captured in Lochiel, Southland during August–November 2016 and 2017. Stomach content analysis of 26 captured stoats revealed limited stoat predation of mallards (n?=?1) and mallard eggs (n?=?1). Using liver tissue, stable isotope mixing models suggested that bird eggs on average met between 73 and 85% of stoat metabolic requirements throughout the mallard breeding period. Furthermore, mixing model outputs suggested that bird eggs made up a substantial proportion (77–84%) of stoat assimilated diet early in the mallard breeding period, when mallard eggs are readily available. In contrast, isotope mixing models suggested that mallard ducks/ducklings did not make a large overall contribution to stoat diets (< 3%). This study shows that stoats are an egg predator in the Southland agricultural landscape and mallard eggs may contribute to stoat assimilated diet early in the mallard breeding season before alternative prey items become available.  相似文献   

Presence of fish affects lake use and breeding success in ducks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several previous studies indicate that presence of fish has negative effects on waterbirds breeding on lakes, owing either to competition for common invertebrate prey or fish predation on ducklings/chicks. However, others have reported results to the contrary and it remains unresolved what factors trigger, inhibit, and modulate fish–waterbird interactions. The present study was designed to test the effect of fish presence per se, with a minimum of variation in possibly confounding environmental variables. Thus, after stratifying for area, depth, altitude, pH, and total phosphorus we compared 13 lakes with and 12 without fish (mainly pike Esox lucius and perch Perca fluviatilis) with respect to (i) general species richness of waterbirds, (ii) species-specific utilization and breeding success of two dabbling ducks (mallard Anas platyrhynchos and teal Anas crecca) and a diving duck (goldeneye Bucephala clangula). General species richness of waterbirds was higher on fishless lakes. Overall use (bird days) and brood number of teal and goldeneye were higher on fishless lakes. The latter also had more benthic and free-swimming prey invertebrates compared to lakes with fish. Mallard use, mallard brood number, and abundance of emerging insects did not differ between lake groups. Generalized linear models including fish presence as factor and considering seven environmental variables as covariates, confirmed that all waterbird variables except mallard days and broods were negatively correlated to fish presence. There was also a residual positive relationship of lake area on general species richness, teal days, and teal broods. Our data demonstrate a stronger effect of fish presence on diving ducks and small surface feeding ducks than on large surface-feeding ducks. We argue that observed patterns were caused by fish predation on ducks rather than by fish–duck competition for common prey.  相似文献   

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