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The distribution of 34 flavonoids detected in the North American species of Parthenium indicates that flavonoid diversity and structural types are correlated with biological aspects of different species types. Widespread species occurring in a variety of habitat types are characterized by greater numbers of flavonoids, primarily as the result of flavonoid glycoside diversity; while species which are geographically isolated in limestone or gypsum habitats are characterized by a tendency to depauperate flavonoid patterns with major methylated aglycone components. The possibility that glycosylation is related to self-detoxification and preservation of toxic phenolic potential is discussed. It is shown that parallel chemical adaptations, similar to the well-known parallel morphological adaptations of unrelated species which coexist in certain habitats, may occur  相似文献   

Thirty-three populations of A. cordifolia, a wide-ranging apomictic polyploid complex, were examined for flavonoid content. A total of ten compounds, including simple and methylated flavone and flavonol glycosides as well as methylated aglycones, were isolated and identified. The number of compounds per population varies from two to nine. With the exception of luteolin 7-O-glucoside and its 6-methyl ether, which are restricted to northern populations, the remaining compounds are randomly distributed. This distribution pattern is probably the result of a combination of factors including founder effect, genetic drift and a general reduction of flavonoid profile as a result of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight flavonoid aglycones have been identified from Arnica chamissonis, A. longifolia, A. amplexicaulis, A. mollis, and A. parryi of the subgenus Chamissonis of the genus Arnica. The flavonoid pattern was largely homogeneous. Only A. mollis is an exception by the occurrence of 7-methylation.  相似文献   

Bolton  John J. 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):173-178
Brown algal species diversity is compared in 100 km sections of the coastlines of four warm temperate regions: southern Australia, California, southwestern Africa, north-central Chile. The highest diversity (over 140 species per section) is found in southern Australia. California has a reasonable diversity (around 70 species per section), and both southern Australia and California have high regional endemism. Sections of north-central Chile and southwestern Africa have similar patterns, with low diversity (< 30 species per 100 km section), low endemism, few or no fucoids, and up to 25% of the brown algal flora are environmentally tolerant species of Scytosiphonales. Species turnover between contiguous sections of coast is generally related to relative change in temperature regime. Thus the high diversity of southern Australia is due to high species diversity within the 100 km sections, with little turnover, except for a rapid reduction in eastern Victoria likely to be related to lack of rocky substatum. It is hypothesized that low diversity and endemism in Chile and southwestern Africa can be explained by the occurrence of major environmental perturbations (upwelling and El Nino effects) in these regions, producing variable inter-annual temperature conditions that select out tolerant species from the local floras.  相似文献   

Silurian brachiopods of Middle Llandovery (Aeronian) ages are reviewed, and 215 genera are identified here, compared with 109 in the preceding Early Llandovery (Rhuddanian), indicating a recovery‐radiation interval after the end‐Ordovician mass extinction. The chief regions in which they are found are the continents of South China, Avalonia‐Baltica, Laurentia and Siberia, which were all at tropical latitudes with the exception of Avalonia. In addition, the very large superterrane of Gondwana, although with patchy brachiopod distribution, included temperate faunas, as well as subtropical faunas (in Iran and Afghanistan). Aeronian brachiopods greatly increased in diversity, with dominance of four major groups: orthides and strophomenides (which had flourished previously in the Rhuddanian), pentamerides and atrypides (which became dominant in the Aeronian), and many newly evolved taxa, and occupied deeper water and wider ecological niches (level bottom and reef) than those in the Rhuddanian. Each of the continents has some endemic genera, but there is a greater proportion of them in South China, where some groups (such as the pentamerides and atrypides) are more diverse and others, such as the orthides, are much less common than elsewhere. Affinity indices (AI) show that two megaunits can be recognized: South China and Avalonia‐Baltica‐Laurentia (ABL); Siberia seems to have been loosely connected with ABL and even more loosely to South China presumably because of its geographical separation in the Northern Hemisphere. The separation of South China from the other megaunits is further supported by cluster analysis.  相似文献   

Namibia supports a highly diverse avifauna of 644 species, including over 90 species endemic to the southern African subregion and 13 species endemic to the country. Patterns of species diversity in relation to protected areas and habitat types were analysed using data from the Southern African Bird Atlas Project. A modified Shannon index appropriate for atlas data was used to derive an index of diversity for all species, wetland, terrestrial, threatened, and regional endemic species. Species richness for Namibian endemics was mapped. Overall species diversity is highest in the northeast of Namibia where wetland and riparian habitats coincide. Both wetland and terrestrial species show highest diversity in this area. The greatest diversity of southern African endemics falls within the Savanna-Karoo systems. Several key areas are identified for red data species, including the Caprivi Strip, Kunene and Orange Rivers, coastal wetlands and ephemeral river mouths and pans. This highlights the pressures operating on wetland and riparian habitats in arid environments. Concentrations of Namibian endemics are found in the northwestern (Kaoko) escarpment of the country. Although much of the area of high diversity of wetland, terrestrial and red data species falls within protected areas, national and regional endemics are poorly represented within national parks.  相似文献   

Plant species richness, endemism, and genetic resources in Namibia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Namibia is a floristically diverse, arid to mesic country, with several highly distinct taxa. Including naturalized plants, there are about 4334 vascular plant species and infraspecific taxa within the country's borders, a substantial increase from the existing major reference work. Dominant families are the Poaceae (422species), Fabaceae (377), Asteraceae (385) and Mesembryanthemaceae (177). Freshwater algae and most other groups of lower plants remain poorly known. Concentrations of plant species richness are found in the Succulent Karoo biome, Kaokoveld, Otavi highland/Karstveld area, Okavango Basin, and Khomas highlands. Recent studies have led to a new estimate of 687 endemic plant species, defined as those contained wholly within Namibia's borders, amounting to about 17% of the Namibian flora. At least a further 275 species are Namib Desert endemics shared between the Kaokoveld and southern Angola (75spp.) and between the Succulent Karoo and northwestern South Africa (200spp.). Research on plant genetic resources is focused on species of potential or actual agricultural importance, such as pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum, and cucurbits. Many wild plants have considerable genetic diversity and development potential. Primary threats to plant diversity fall in the category of poor land management and inappropriate development.  相似文献   

Aim  The study aimed to identify areas of endemism for aphids in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas (QTPH), and to test congruence between patterns of endemism and patterns of overall species richness identified in a previous study.
Location  The QTPH.
Methods  A distribution data base of 326 endemic aphids in the QTPH was compiled. The study area was divided into a grid of 2°× 2° operative geographical units. Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) was used to identify areas of endemism, and the diversity patterns of endemic species were then mapped using GIS.
Results  We identified 326 endemic species belonging to 138 genera within Adelgidae and 14 subfamilies of Aphididae. Five areas of endemism were found using PAE analysis: the eastern Himalayas, the western Himalayas, north-western Yunnan, southern Tibet and the eastern QTPH. Maps of patterns of endemism identified four major centres for endemic aphids, namely the western Himalayas, the eastern Himalayas (or Sikkim-Assam Himalayas), north-western Hengduan Mountains and the mountains of southern Gansu Province, and three minor centres, southern Tibet, south-eastern Tibet and the eastern Qinghai Province in the north-eastern QTPH.
Main conclusions  Our study identifies major centres of aphid endemism. Furthermore, there is a noticeable congruence between patterns of endemism and patterns of species richness. The patterns of endemism were most likely influenced by the recent uplift of the QTPH.  相似文献   

Plant diversity and endemism in sub-Saharan tropical Africa   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

We used DNA barcoding to assess the diversity and distribution of New Zealand''s groundwater amphipods and isopods (Crustacea) and to determine whether biodiversity and endemism within tectonically active New Zealand are similar to those of more tectonically stable continents. Sixty‐five wells were sampled in seven aquifers across four regions within the North and South islands of New Zealand, and resident invertebrates were morphologically identified and then assessed using sequencing of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit one (COI) gene. Invertebrates were found in 54 wells. Of the 228 individual amphipods and isopods found in 36 of the wells, 154 individuals were successfully sequenced for COI (68% success rate) from 25 wells, with at least one well in each aquifer containing sequenced individuals. Of the 45 putative species identified using Barcode Index Numbers (BINs), 30 BINs (78% of all taxa and 83% of amphipods) were previously unrecorded. Substantial morphologically cryptic, species‐level diversity was revealed, particularly within the amphipod Family Paraleptamphopidae. Similarly, one isopod taxon morphologically identified as Cruregens fontanus was assigned to five well‐separated BINs based on COI sequences. Endemism appeared high, with all taxa regionally endemic; 87% of species were restricted to one aquifer and more than 50% restricted to one well. Non‐saturated species accumulation curves indicated that, while additional sampling may increase the range of some currently identified taxa, additional range‐restricted taxa are also likely to be discovered. Patterns of diversity and short‐range endemism were similar to those found elsewhere, including locations which are more tectonically stable. The predominance of local endemism within New Zealand''s groundwater fauna suggests that land‐use activities and groundwater extraction require careful evaluation to minimize threats to groundwater biodiversity.  相似文献   

We present a new, broadly applicable measure of the spatial restriction of phylogenetic diversity, termed phylogenetic endemism (PE). PE combines the widely used phylogenetic diversity and weighted endemism measures to identify areas where substantial components of phylogenetic diversity are restricted. Such areas are likely to be of considerable importance for conservation. PE has a number of desirable properties not combined in previous approaches. It assesses endemism consistently, independent of taxonomic status or level, and independent of previously defined political or biological regions. The results can be directly compared between areas because they are based on equivalent spatial units. PE builds on previous phylogenetic analyses of endemism, but provides a more general solution for mapping endemism of lineages. We illustrate the broad applicability of PE using examples of Australian organisms having contrasting life histories: pea-flowered shrubs of the genus Daviesia (Fabaceae) and the Australian species of the Australo-Papuan tree frog radiation within the family Hylidae.  相似文献   

Fourteen flavonoids were isolated from Xanthisma texanum. Chemosystematic interpretations are made concerning the origin and distribution of the infraspecific taxa of the species.  相似文献   

The analysis of regional scale patterns of diversity allows insights into the processes that have shaped modern biodiversity at the macro‐scale. Previous analyses studying biogeographic regionalisation across different high‐level taxa have shown similar trends at a global scale. However, incorporating phylogenetic methods when comparing biogeographic regionalisation between subgroups facilitates identification of mechanisms leading to the biogeographic distribution of specific taxa. We analysed the spatial trends of phylogenetic diversity and phylogenetic endemism of 325 species of New World bats, using updated range maps of the modern distributions. These analyses showed phylogeographic signals that reflect the different evolutionary histories of these families. Zoogeographical zones were detected based on range‐weighted phylogenetic turnover. Values of high phylogenetic diversity and endemism were distributed differently across families, suggesting niche conservatism, but a general latitudinal trend of diversity was evident across taxa. Overall, two main bioregions were shared across New World bat taxa (Nearctic and Neotropical), with two additional subregions (Andean and La Platan). We found strong support for an additional transitional zone in the Pacific coast of South America for Emballonuridae and Molossidae. Differences in regionalisation across families indicate that niche conservatism, in situ diversification and dispersal ability are major drivers for the regionalisation of New World bats, within a dual‐centre of diversification scenario. We also found strong inter‐familial support for an independent Caribbean biogeographic region.  相似文献   

The Western Ghats (WG) mountain chain in peninsular India is a global biodiversity hotspot, one in which patterns of phylogenetic diversity and endemism remain to be documented across taxa. We used a well‐characterized community of ancient soil predatory arthropods from the WG to understand diversity gradients, identify hotspots of endemism and conservation importance, and highlight poorly studied areas with unique biodiversity. We compiled an occurrence dataset for 19 species of scolopendrid centipedes, which was used to predict areas of habitat suitability using bioclimatic and geomorphological variables in Maxent. We used predicted distributions and a time‐calibrated species phylogeny to calculate taxonomic and phylogenetic indices of diversity, endemism, and turnover. We observed a decreasing latitudinal gradient in taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in the WG, which supports expectations from the latitudinal diversity gradient. The southern WG had the highest phylogenetic diversity and endemism, and was represented by lineages with long branch lengths as observed from relative phylogenetic diversity/endemism. These results indicate the persistence of lineages over evolutionary time in the southern WG and are consistent with predictions from the southern WG refuge hypothesis. The northern WG, despite having low phylogenetic diversity, had high values of phylogenetic endemism represented by distinct lineages as inferred from relative phylogenetic endemism. The distinct endemic lineages in this subregion might be adapted to life in lateritic plateaus characterized by poor soil conditions and high seasonality. Sites across an important biogeographic break, the Palghat Gap, broadly grouped separately in comparisons of species turnover along the WG. The southern WG and Nilgiris, adjoining the Palghat Gap, harbor unique centipede communities, where the causal role of climate or dispersal barriers in shaping diversity remains to be investigated. Our results highlight the need to use phylogeny and distribution data while assessing diversity and endemism patterns in the WG.  相似文献   

Southern Africa boasts a wealth of endemic fauna and flora, comprising both massive recent radiations such as those characteristic of the Cape flora, and solitary ancient species such as the peculiar desert gymnosperm Welwitschia. This study was undertaken to identify ancient biological lineages (tetrapod and vascular plant lineages of Eocene age or older) endemic to southern Africa, and to map their distribution across the region. Twenty‐seven (17 plant and ten animal) lineages were identified, and distribution maps were generated for each of them across 74 operational geographic units, which were then combined into total endemism and corrected weighted endemism per unit area. Total endemism peaked along South Africa's coast and Great Escarpment, but in the case of weighted endemism high values were also recorded along other portions of the Great Escarpment further north. A review of the lineages sister to southern African ancient endemic lineages showed that these are often globally widespread, and many of them differ substantially from the southern African ancient lineages in terms of morphology and ecology. The mechanisms of ancient lineage survival in the region are discussed, and their importance for conservation in southern Africa is emphasised.  相似文献   

Distributions, endemism and diversity among East African linyphiids are analysed and discussed in relation to other forest organisms and the environmental history of eastern African. A total of 231 species are reported from eastern Africa, of which 14 are confined to the Afroalpine region and 114 species to moist forests. Only 12 of the latter are widely distributed. The rest are only known from one or two localities. Information on habitats and distributions of all species is tabulated. Few species are shared between East African mountains and there are no detectable gradients of species diversity between mountains. There is, however, a gradient of decreasing species diversity from high latitudes to the Equator. Vicariance patterns are demonstrated for Elgonia, Ophrynia and Callitrichia in the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania—areas that also hold the highest degree of endemism (> 80% on individual mountains) among linyphiids. The many endemic species on nearby mountains suggest that intermontane dispersal (ballooning) is rare or non-existent. There is no evidence for a distinction between highland and lowland linyphiid faunas, but altitudinal segregation of single species is demonstrated. The question of the reality of highland and lowland faunas cannot be solved by studying the altitudinal distribution of single species. Phylogenetic relationships must be taken into consideration to determine where sister-groups/species are located (lowland or highland).  相似文献   

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