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Two dimensional electrophoresis has revealed a microheterogeneity in the recombinant human phenylalanine hydroxylase (hPAH) protomer, that is the result of spontaneous nonenzymatic deamidations of labile asparagine (Asn) residues [Solstad, T. and Flatmark, T. (2000) Eur. J. Biochem.267, 6302-6310]. Using of a computer algorithm, the relative deamidation rates of all Asn residues in hPAH have been predicted, and we here verify that Asn32, followed by a glycine residue, as well as Asn28 and Asn30 in a loop region of the N-terminal autoregulatory sequence (residues 19-33) of wt-hPAH, are among the susceptible residues. First, on MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry of the 24 h expressed enzyme, the E. coli 28-residue peptide, L15-K42 (containing three Asn residues), was recovered with four monoisotopic mass numbers (i.e., m/z of 3106.455, 3107.470, 3108.474 and 3109.476, of decreasing intensity) that differed by 1 Da. Secondly, by reverse-phase chromatography, isoaspartyl (isoAsp) was demonstrated in this 28-residue peptide by its methylation by protein-l-isoaspartic acid O-methyltransferase (PIMT; EC Thirdly, on incubation at pH 7.0 and 37 degrees C of the phosphorylated form (at Ser16) of this 28-residue peptide, a time-dependent mobility shift from tR approximately 34 min to approximately 31 min (i.e., to a more hydrophilic position) was observed on reverse-phase chromatography, and the recovery of the tR approximately 34 min species decreased with a biphasic time-course with t0.5-values of 1.9 and 6.2 days. The fastest rate is compatible with the rate determined for the sequence-controlled deamidation of Asn32 (in a pentapeptide without 3D structural interference), i.e., a deamidation half-time of approximately 1.5 days in 150 mm Tris/HCl, pH 7.0 at 37 degrees C. Asn32 is located in a cluster of three Asn residues (Asn28, Asn30 and Asn32) of a loop structure stabilized by a hydrogen-bond network. Deamidation of Asn32 introduces a negative charge and a partial beta-isomerization (isoAsp), which is predicted to result in a change in the backbone conformation of the loop structure and a repositioning of the autoregulatory sequence and thus affect its regulatory properties. The functional implications of this deamidation was further studied by site-directed mutagenesis, and the mutant form (Asn32-->Asp) revealed a 1.7-fold increase in the catalytic efficiency, an increased affinity and positive cooperativity of L-Phe binding as well as substrate inhibition.  相似文献   

Previous mutagenesis studies with bacteriorhodopsin have shown that reprotonation of the Schiff's base is the rate-limiting step in the photocycle of the D96N mutant, whereas retinal re-isomerization and return of the protein to the initial state constitute the rate-limiting events in the photocycle of the L93A mutant. Thus, in the D96N mutant, decay of the M intermediate is slowed down by more than 100-fold at pH 7. In the L93A mutant, decay of the O intermediate is slowed down by 250-fold. We report here that in the L93A, D96N double mutant, decay of the M intermediate, as well as the formation and decay of the O intermediate, are slowed down dramatically. The photocycle is completed by the decay of a long-lived O intermediate, as in the L93A mutant. The decay of the M and O intermediates in the double mutant parallels the behavior seen in the single mutants over a wide temperature and pH range, arguing that the observed independence is an intrinsic property of the mutant. The slow decay of the M and O intermediates can be selectively and independently reversed under conditions identical to those used for the corresponding intermediates in the D96N and L93A single mutants. Because the effects of the two individual mutations are preserved in the double mutant and can be independently reversed, we conclude that residues Asp 96 and Leu 93 act independently and at different stages of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle. These results also show that formation of the O intermediate only requires protonation of the Schiff's base and is independent of the protonation of Asp 96 from the aqueous medium.  相似文献   

The photovoltage kinetics of the bacteriorhodopsin mutants Asp212-->Asn and Asp85-->Asn after excitation at 580 nm have been investigated in the pH range from 0 to 11. With the mutant Asp85-->Asn (D85N) at pH 7 no net charge translocation is observed and the signal is the same, both in the presence of Cl- (150 mM) and in its absence (75 mM SO4(2-)). Under both conditions the color of the pigment is blue (lambda max = 615 nm). The time course of the photovoltage kinetics is similar to that of the acid-blue form of wild-type, except that an additional transient charge motion occurs with time constants of 60 microseconds and 1.3 ms, indicating the transient deprotonation and reprotonation of an unknown group to and from the extracellular side of the membrane. It is suggested that this is the group XH, which is responsible for proton release in wild-type. At pH 1, the photovoltage signal of D85N changes upon the addition of Cl- from that characteristic for the acid-blue state of wild-type to that characteristic for the acid-purple state. Therefore, the protonation of the group at position at 85 is necessary, but not sufficient for the chloride-binding. At pH 11, well above the pKa of the Schiff base, there is a mixture of "M-like" and "N-like" states. Net proton transport in the same direction as in wild-type is restored in D85N from this N-like state. With the mutant Asp212-->Asn (D212N), time-resolved photovoltage measurements show that in the absence of halide ions the signal is similar to that of the acid-blue form of wild-type and that no net charge translocation occurs in the entire pH range from 0 to 11. Upon addition of Cl- in the pH range from 3.8 to 7.2 the color of the pigment returns to purple and the photovoltage experiments indicate that net proton pumping is restored. However, this Cl(-)-induced activation of net charge-transport in D212N is only partial. Outside this pH range, no net charge transport is observed even in the presence of chloride, and the photovoltage shows the same chloride-dependent features as those accompanying the acid-blue to acid-purple transition of the wild-type.  相似文献   

A full-length human phenylalanine hydroxylase cDNA has been recombined with a prokaryotic expression vector and introduced into Escherichia coli. Transformed bacteria express phenylalanine hydroxylase immunoreactive protein and pterin-dependent conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine. Recombinant human phenylalanine hydroxylase produced in E. coli has been partially purified, and biochemical studies have been performed comparing the activity and kinetics of the recombinant enzyme with native phenylalanine hydroxylase from human liver. The optimal reaction conditions, kinetic constants, and sensitivity to inhibition by aromatic amino acids are the same for recombinant phenylalanine hydroxylase and native phenylalanine hydroxylase. These data indicate that the recombinant human phenylalanine hydroxylase is an authentic and complete phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme and that the characteristic aspects of phenylalanine hydroxylase enzymatic activity are determined by a single gene product and can be constituted in the absence of any specific accessory functions of the eukaryotic cell. The availability of recombinant human phenylalanine hydroxylase produced in E. coli will expedite physical and chemical characterization of human phenylalanine hydroxylase which has been hindered in the past by inavailability of the native enzyme for study.  相似文献   

Hybrid forms of human phenylalanine hydroxylase (hPAH) mutants have been found to present catalytic activities lower than predicted from the individual recombinant forms, indicating that interallelic complementation could be a major determinant of the metabolic phenotype of compound heterozygous phenylketonuric (PKU) patients. To provide a molecular explanation for interallelic complementation we have here developed a bicistronic expression system and a purification strategy to obtain isolated hPAH heteromeric forms. On co-expression of WT-hPAH (~ 50% tetramer; ~ 10% dimer) and the N- and C-terminally truncated form ΔN102/ΔC24-hPAH (~ 80% dimer) no heterodimers were recovered. Moreover, by co-expression of WT-hPAH and the N-terminally truncated form ΔN102-hPAH (~ 95% tetramer), heterotetramers, as a result of an assembly of two different homodimers, were isolated. The recovered (WT)/(ΔN102)-hPAH heterotetramers revealed a catalytic activity deviating significantly from that calculated by averaging the respective recombinant homotetrameric forms. The heterotetramer assembly also results in conformational changes in the WT-hPAH protomer, as detected by trypsin limited proteolysis. The finding that the presence of two homodimers with different kinetic parameters influences the properties of the resulting heterotetrameric protein indicates that the dimers exhibit interactions which are transmitted across the assembled tetramer. The bicistronic expression system developed here allowed the isolation of hybrid forms that exhibit negative interallelic complementation, and may represent a model system for studying the molecular pathogenic mechanisms of PAH gene mutations in compound heterozygous PKU patients, providing the rationale to understand the observed inconsistencies both in genotype/phenotype correlations and in the response to BH4 supplementation.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine hydroxylase, important in phenylalanine metabolism in mammals, is regulated through short-term (activation) and long-term (induction) mechanisms. To help elucidate the structure-function relationships involved in the activation of this enzyme, we have isolated and characterized full-length cDNA clones to rat phenylalanine hydroxylase. Recombinant rat phenylalanine hydroxylase was placed into an expression vector in Escherichia coli. The enzyme has been purified to homogeneity and its physical and catalytic properties have been characterized. The molecular weight and the fluorescence emission spectrum of the recombinant enzyme were identical to those of the native enzyme. The recombinant enzyme could be activated by incubation with phenylalanine or lysolecithin or by phosphorylation, as is the rat liver enzyme. The extent of activation is the same as that for the native enzyme in each case except for phenylalanine, which activates the recombinant enzyme only 5- to 10-fold rather than the 15- to 30-fold activation observed with the native enzyme. The kinetic constants determined for the recombinant enzyme are also essentially the same as those reported for the native enzyme. We conclude that this enzyme is essentially identical to the native enzyme and should be very useful in the future study of this important hydroxylase.  相似文献   

O-GlcNAcase is a family 84 beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase catalyzing the hydrolytic cleavage of beta-O-linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-glycopyranose (O-GlcNAc) from serine and threonine residues of posttranslationally modified proteins. O-GlcNAcases use a double-displacement mechanism involving formation and breakdown of a transient bicyclic oxazoline intermediate. The key catalytic residues of any family 84 enzyme facilitating this reaction, however, are unknown. Two mutants of human O-GlcNAcase, D174A and D175A, were generated since these residues are highly conserved among family 84 glycoside hydrolases. Structure-reactivity studies of the D174A mutant enzyme reveals severely impaired catalytic activity across a broad range of substrates alongside a pH-activity profile consistent with deletion of a key catalytic residue. The D175A mutant enzyme shows a significant decrease in catalytic efficiency with substrates bearing poor leaving groups (up to 3000-fold), while for substates bearing good leading groups the difference is much smaller (7-fold). This mutant enzyme also cleaves thioglycosides with essentially the same catalytic efficiency as the wild-type enzyme. As well, addition of azide as an exogenous nucleophile increases the activity of this enzyme toward a substrate bearing an excellent leaving group. Together, these results allow unambiguous assignment of Asp(174) as the residue that polarizes the 2-acetamido group for attack on the anomeric center and Asp(175) as the residue that functions as the general acid/base catalyst. Therefore, the family 84 glycoside hydrolases use a DD catalytic pair to effect catalysis.  相似文献   

Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) catalyses the rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of serotonin. In vertebrates, the homologous genes tph1 and tph2 encode two different enzymes with distinct patterns of expression, enzyme kinetics and regulation. Variants of TPH2 have recently reported to be associated with reduced serotonin production and behavioural alterations in man and mice. We have produced the human forms of these enzymes in Esherichia coli and in human embryonic kidney cell lines (HEK293) and examined the effects of mutations on their heterologous expression levels, solubility, thermal stability, secondary structure, and catalytic properties. Pure human TPH2 P449R (corresponds to mouse P447R) had comparable catalytic activity (V(max)) and solubility relative to the wild type, but had decreased thermal stability; whereas human TPH2 R441H had decreased activity, solubility and stability. Thus, we consider the variations in kinetic values between wild-type and TPH2 mutants to be of secondary importance to their effects on protein stability and solubility. These findings provide potential molecular explanations for disorders related to the central serotonergic system, such as depression or suicidal behaviour.  相似文献   

The stability of the dodecameric Listeria monocytogenes Dps has been compared with that of the Listeria innocua protein. The two proteins differ only in two amino acid residues that form an intersubunit salt-bridge in L. innocua Dps. This salt-bridge is replaced by a hydrogen bonding network in L. monocytogenes Dps as revealed by the X-ray crystal structure. The resistance to low pH and high temperature was assayed for both Dps proteins under equilibrium conditions and kinetically. Despite the identical equilibrium behavior, significant differences in the kinetic stability and activation energy of the unfolding process are apparent at pH 1.5. The higher stability of L. monocytogenes Dps has been accounted for in terms of the persistence of the hydrogen bonding network at this low pH value. In contrast, the salt-bridge between Lys 114 and Asp 126 characteristic of L. innocua Dps is most likely abolished due to protonation of Asp 126.  相似文献   

D D Pittman  J H Wang  R J Kaufman 《Biochemistry》1992,31(13):3315-3325
Sulfated tyrosine residues within recombinant human factor VIII were identified by [35S]sulfate biosynthetic labeling of Chinese hamster ovary cells which express human recombinant factor VIII. Alkaline hydrolysis of purified [35S]sulfate-labeled factor VIII showed that greater than 95% of the [35S]sulfate was incorporated into tyrosine. [3H]Tyrosine and [35S]sulfate double labeling was used to quantify the presence of 6 mol of tyrosine sulfate per mole of factor VIII. Amino acid sequence analysis of thrombin and tryptic peptides isolated from [35S]sulfate-labeled factor VIII demonstrated tyrosine sulfate at residue 346 in the factor VIII heavy chain and at residues 1664 and 1680 in the factor VIII light chain. In addition, the carboxyl-terminal half of the A2 domain contained three tyrosine sulfate residues, likely at positions 718, 719, and 723. Interestingly, all sites of tyrosine sulfation border thrombin cleavage sites. The functional importance of tyrosine sulfation was examined by treatment of cells expressing factor VIII with sodium chlorate, a potent inhibitor of tyrosine sulfation. Increasing concentrations of sodium chlorate inhibited sulfate incorporation into factor VIII without affecting its synthesis and/or secretion. However, factor VIII secreted in the presence of sodium chlorate exhibited a 5-fold reduction in procoagulant activity, although the protein was susceptible to thrombin cleavage. These results suggest that tyrosine sulfation is required for full factor VIII activity and may affect the interaction of factor VIII with other components of the coagulation cascade.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine hydroxylase was purified from crude extracts of human livers which show enzyme activity by usine two different methods: (a) affinity chromatography and (b) immunoprecipitation with an antiserum against highly purified monkey liver phenylalanine hydroxylase. Purified human liver phenylalanine hydroxylase has an estimated mol. wt. of 275 000, and subunit mol. wts. of approx. 50 000 and 49 000. These two molecular-weight forms are designated H and L subunits. On two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel under dissociating conditions, enzyme purified by the two methods revealed at least six subunit species, which were resolved into two size classes. Two of these species have a molecular weight corresponding to that of the H subunit, whereas the other four have a molecular weight corresponding to that of the L subunit. This evidence indicates that active phenylalanine hydroxylase purified from human liver is composed of a mixture of sununits which are different in charge and size. None of the subunit species could be detected in crude extracts of livers from two patients with classical phenylketonuria by either the affinity or the immunoprecipitation method. However, they were present in liver from a patient with malignant hyperphenylalaninaemia with normal activity of dihydropteridine reductase.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel analyses of purified human and monkey liver phenylalanine hydroxylase reveal that the enzyme consists of two different apparent molecular weight forms of polypeptide, designated H (Mr = 50,000) and L (Mr = 49,000), each containing three isoelectric forms. The two apparent molecular weight forms, H and L, represent the phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms of phenylalanine hydroxylase, respectively. After incubation of purified human and monkey liver enzyme with purified cAMP-dependent protein kinase and [gamma-32P]ATP, only the H forms contained 32P. Treatment with alkaline phosphatase converted the phenylalanine hydroxylase H forms to the L forms. The L forms but not the H forms could be phosphorylated on nitrocellulose paper after electrophoretic transfer from two-dimensional gels. Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of human liver phenylalanine hydroxylase is not accompanied by significant changes in tetrahydrobiopterin-dependent enzyme activity. Peptide mapping and acid hydrolysis confirm that the apparent molecular weight heterogeneity (and charge shift to a more acidic pI) in human and monkey liver enzyme results from phosphorylation of a single serine residue. However, phosphorylation by the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase does not account for the multiple charge heterogeneity of human and monkey liver phenylalanine hydroxylase.  相似文献   

We report here the identification of a cultured human hepatoma cell line which possesses an active phenylalanine hydroxylase system. Phenylalanine hydroxylation was established by growth of cells in a tyrosine-free medium and by the ability of a cell-free extract to convert [14C]phenylalanine to [14C]tyrosine in an enzyme assay system. This enzyme activity was abolished by the presence in the assay system of p-chlorophenylalanine but no significant effect on the activity was observed with 3-iodotyrosine and 6-fluorotryptophan. Use of antisera against pure monkey or human liver phenylalanine hydroxylase has detected a cross-reacting material in this cell line which is antigenically identical to the human liver enzyme. Phenylalanine hydroxylase purified from this cell line by affinity chromatography revealed a multimeric molecular weight (estimated 275,000) and subunit molecular weights (estimated 50,000 and 49,000) which are similar to those of phenylalanine hydroxylase purified from a normal human liver. This cell line should be a useful tool for the study of the human phenylalanine hydroxylase system.  相似文献   

《Biochemical medicine》1976,15(1):55-86
Phenylalanine hydroxylase prepared from rat and human liver occurs in three unique isozymal forms. The enzyme was separated into three fractions on neutral calcium phosphate gel columns. Authenticity of the enzyme activities was confirmed by substrate specificity, Michaelis constants for substrate and cofactor, and pH optima. Differentiation of three forms as suggested by column chromatography was confirmed by rechromatography, gel filtration, density gradient centrifugation, and dissimilar responses to temperature, para-chlorophenylalanine, and pretreatment with lecithin.We have demonstrated that the isozymes mature at different times during intrauterine and extrauterine development and that the enzyme is not mature at birth in the rat.We offer various proposals of the significance of isozymes of this enzyme, particularly with regard to the various states of hyperphenylalaninemia and particularly phenylketonuria.  相似文献   

We have examined 11 previously described cultured rat hepatoma mutants with absent or reduced phenylalanine hydroxylase activity (Choo and Cotton, 1977). Immunological and electrophoretic methods failed to detect any structurally altered protein in these mutants. In nine independently isolated revertants from four different mutants, wild-type protein was regained (or accentuated). This evidence suggests that the mutation involved in these mutants is most likely to be regulatory in nature. These studies have provided three reasons for believing that in cultured rat hepatoma cells one gene codes for a single polypeptide chain, a number of which combine to form the active phenylalanine hydroxylase multimer: (1) Analysis of the purified protein by two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed only a single polypeptide chain. (2) This polypeptide was diminished or undetectable in crude extracts of 11 independently isolated mutants with absent of reduced activity. (3) In none of these 11 mutants was the polypeptide we have designated to be phenylalanine hydroxylase present at normal levels, as would be expected if the mutation were at another locus responsible for a possible second subunit.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine hydroxylase is regulated in a complex manner, including activation by phosphorylation. It is normally found as an equilibrium of dimeric and tetrameric species, with the tetramer thought to be the active form. We converted the protein to the dimeric form by deleting the C-terminal 24 residues and show that the truncated protein remains active and regulated by phosphorylation. This indicates that changes in the tetrameric quaternary structure of phenylalanine hydroxylase are not required for enzyme activation. Truncation also facilitates crystallization of both phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), a Gs protein‐coupled receptor of the melanocyte's plasma membrane, is a major determinant of skin pigmentation and phototype. Upon activation by α‐melanocyte stimulating hormone, MC1R triggers the cAMP cascade to stimulate eumelanogenesis. We used whole‐exome sequencing to identify causative alleles in Pakistani families with skin and hair hypopigmentation. Six MC1R mutations segregated with the phenotype in seven families, including a p.Val174del in‐frame deletion and a p.Tyr298* nonsense mutation, that were analyzed for function in heterologous HEK293 cells. p.Tyr298* MC1R showed no agonist‐induced signaling to the cAMP or ERK pathways, nor detectable agonist binding. Conversely, signaling was comparable for p.Val174del and wild‐type in HEK cells overexpressing the proteins, but binding analysis suggested impaired cell surface expression. Flow cytometry and confocal imaging studies revealed reduced plasma membrane expression of p.Val174del and p.Tyr298*. Therefore, p.Tyr298* was a total loss‐of‐function (LOF) allele, while p.Val174del displayed a partial LOF attribute.  相似文献   

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