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峨眉山藏猕猴雄-婴社会行为的补充观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
藏猕猴(Macaccathilbetana)雄-婴行为的补充数据收集于1997年1-9月,覆盖了整个出生季节和半个交配季节,分别用1分钟取样和5分钟事件取样收集雄婴照料(怀抱+接近)和雄-婴-雄三边作用(triad)的数据,焦点动物为两个猴群中的8个婴儿,数据处理结果表明:(雄-婴照料集中4.5-10周龄,而20周龄内的婴儿平均有7.9%的时间受到雄性照料,(雄9.6%,雌5.6%),(2)雄性婴  相似文献   

人工投食行为对非人灵长类社会生态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张鹏 《人类学学报》2008,27(3):274-283
近年来,国内开展了对几种非人灵长类投食群的研究。借鉴日本猴(Macaca fuscata)、恒河猴(M.mulatta)和黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes)长期积累的研究经验,有利于我们减少人工投食对非人灵长类带来的不利影响,也有利于推动国内非人灵长类社会生态学的深入研究。本文通过比较这三种灵长类野生群和投食群之间的差异,量化地分析了人工投食对灵长类动物社会生态学方面的影响。结果表明在社会行为方面,人工投食会导致灵长类动物的聚集、增加争斗频率、改变个体间等级关系、延缓分群现象、影响活动域和增加新兴行为。在种群数量方面,人工投食会缩短雌性性成熟时间、增加出生率和婴猴存活率、减少成年猴死亡率。而人工投食对雄性性成熟、出生间隔等方面的影响仍需要进一步考证。最后我们讨论了人工投食行为的利弊,并建议应谨慎和妥善地实施人工投食,和对非人灵长类投食群进行合理的监管。  相似文献   

昆虫社会行为的进化与生态适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言昆虫社会行为的进化涉及两大问题:(1)社会行为的起源和进化过程;(2)社会行为的适应意义。这两个问题都曾使达尔文感到困惑。达尔文曾详尽地描述过蜜蜂复杂的造巢行  相似文献   

汝少国  侯文礼 《生态学杂志》1998,17(5):11-13,23
灰喜鹊在吉林省梅河口市海龙水库地区是常见的留鸟。利用灰喜鹊防治森林虫害已经取得了一定的效果[1~3],但对灰喜鹊的繁殖习性,生态规律及食性的研究还尚少[4~7],对灰喜鹊巢位选择的研究亦属空白。因此,本文在吉林省环保局“梅河口市海龙水库水源涵养林保护...  相似文献   

灰喜鹊的繁殖生态和巢位选择I繁殖生态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

灵长类社会中存在着非母亲成员(成年雌猴、青少年猴和成年雄猴)对婴儿的照料行为,即非母亲照料行为,该行为直接影响新生婴儿的存活与发育以及婴儿母亲的日常活动,是灵长类学研究领域的热点问题.本研究于2019年3月至2019年11月,采用焦点动物取样和瞬时扫描取样,探究了川金丝猴非母亲照料行为的影响因素及其对母亲活动分配的影响...  相似文献   

向左甫  霍晟  肖文 《动物学研究》2010,31(2):189-197
雄猴照料婴猴行为通常都是从雄猴的角度来分析该行为具有何种适应功能,很少有研究关心为什么雌猴会让雄猴参与照料活动。该文通过西藏小昌都黑白仰鼻猴群的系统观察取样,采用回归分析雄婴照料行为季节变动与婴猴年龄及生态因子(环境温度、食物供应)之间的关系,试图分析是否由于能量胁迫导致雌猴让雄猴参与照料活动,并通过分析高能量胁迫季节(环境温度低、食物缺乏,婴猴年幼需要雌猴携带多)与低能量胁迫季节(环境温度高、食物丰富,婴猴年长需要雌猴携带少)雄婴照料行为差异检验了能量胁迫假说。结果表明雄婴照料行为与温度呈负相关函数,而雌猴照料婴猴行为与温度呈正相关函数;在高能量胁迫的季节,雄猴参与照料行为多,而在低能量胁迫的季节雄猴照料行为少。因此,作者认为是能量胁迫迫使雌猴放弃部分照料婴猴的机会,雄猴利用照料机会获得了其他利益。  相似文献   

类社会行为的局限及可能原因。目前,对非人灵长类社会中的亲缘选择研究正逐步深入,其中分子遗传学技术的应用是重要的推动力量。同时,依然存在诸如汉密尔顿规则参数估计和新大陆猴的亲缘选择研究案例的难点,有待研究者进一步探究。  相似文献   

张萌萌  王帅  傅伯杰  刘焱序  武旭同 《生态学报》2021,41(21):8309-8319
社会-生态系统是由一个或多个社会和生态子系统交互作用形成的复杂的、非线性的、动态耦合系统。理解社会与生态子系统之间的复杂交互关系对于实现有效、可持续的环境治理至关重要。社会-生态网络方法是网络理论在社会-生态交互作用研究中应用与发展的产物,在定量刻画社会-生态系统结构、分析系统动态变化、推动系统适应性治理等方面具有重大的应用潜力。系统梳理了国内外现有的社会-生态网络研究,首先从网络的类型、构建模式、分析方法3个方面介绍社会-生态网络方法,并阐述其在资源管理、社会-生态匹配、社会-生态适应性治理领域中的应用,探讨社会-生态网络方法在研究社会-生态交互作用中的优势和挑战,最后提出未来社会-生态网络研究的重点方向,即社会-生态网络的动态变化过程以及社会-生态网络结构与功能关系。研究旨在深化网络分析可用于描述人—自然关系的认识,为社会-生态系统的网络研究提供实践指导,以期促进社会-生态网络方法在我国社会-生态系统研究中的应用。  相似文献   

2005年3~12月,在江西桃红岭自然保护区对华南梅花鹿主雄的社会行为进行了初步研究,记录了主雄等级序位的建立与维持、声音通讯、领域性、争雌打斗、交配和护群等6类社会行为,并对这些行为的生物学意义进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

圈养林麝幼仔的时间分配和行为发育   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
杜卫国  盛和林 《兽类学报》1997,17(4):253-258
林麝幼仔的躺卧时间随周龄而减少(R = 01870, P <0101) , 运动时间则相反(R = 01906,P < 0105)。7 周龄后幼麝采食青料的时间明显延长。蹭尾行为和上树行为是林麝的特有行为, 4周龄始出现, 蹭尾行为发生在母仔之间, 可能在母幼通讯中起重要作用, 而幼麝的上树行为是一种戏耍行为。  相似文献   

四川梅花鹿的社群行为研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
郭延蜀  胡锦矗 《兽类学报》1991,11(3):165-170

Social selection is presented here as a parallel theory to sexual selection and is defined as a selective force that occurs when individuals change their own social behaviors, responding to signals sent by conspecifics in a way to influence the other individuals' fitness. I analyze the joint evolution of a social signal and behavioral responsiveness to the signal by a quantitative-genetic model. The equilibria of average phenotypes maintained by a balance of social selection and natural selection and their stability are examined for two alternative assumptions on behavioral responsiveness, neutral and adaptive. When behavioral responsiveness is neutral on fitness, a rapid evolution by runaway selection occurs only with enough genetic covariance between the signal and responsiveness. The condition for rapid evolution also depends on natural selection and the number of interacting individuals. When signals convey some information on signalers (e.g., fighting ability), behavioral responsiveness is adaptive such that a receiver's fitness is also influenced by the signal. Here there is a single point of equilibrium. The equilibrium point and its stability do not depend on the genetic correlation. The condition needed for evolution is that the signal is beneficial for receivers, which results from reliability of the signal. Frequency-dependent selection on responsiveness has almost no influence on the equilibrium and the rate of evolution.  相似文献   

Schooling and aggression in fish are known to be partially inherited traits. Their genetic relationship to growth rate and to each other is, however, not fully understood. In this study we present evidence that schooling, social tolerance, and agonistic behavior in medaka (Oryzias latipes) are altered as an indirect result of selection on growth in two environments that differed in the intensity of social interactions required to obtain access to food. In the high interaction environment food was provided to excess inside a floating cork ring, which limited access to the food and allowed fish to attempt to monopolize it. In the low interaction environment the same amount of food was spread over the container's surface. After two generations of selection on growth the correlation of agonistic behavior and mean growth of broods was negative in the line selected for fast growth, when selection took place in a high interaction environment, but not when it took place in a low interaction environment. School cohesion was higher in the lines selected for fast growth than in those selected for slow growth when selection and rearing environments were both the same, either high or low interaction, but not when they were different. The correlation of social tolerance with growth was significantly more positive in the line selected for fast growth than in that selected for slow growth, but only when selection took place under high social interaction. It appears from these experiments that when resources are aggregated, but unlimited in quantity, competition favors individuals that avoid wasting time and energy on unnecessary and ultimately futile attempts to monopolize food and that also exhibit higher tolerance of nearby conspecifics. The results are interpreted in terms of a hypothesized stimulus-response threshold level for agonistic responses to conspecifics. We suggest that this threshold, which is altered by selection on growth, could provide a common causal (genetic) link between growth and the observed aspects of social behavior. By combining the probabilities from the separate behavioral experiments to obtain an overall significance of our hypothesis we conclude that the probability of no change in threshold is in fact low (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

During 1991 through 1994, natural selection on reproductive effort in side-blotched lizards was indexed by measuring total clutch mass produced on the first clutch of the reproductive season and assessing how such effort in current reproduction affects subsequent survival and clutch production. In addition, selection was also experimentally assessed in free-ranging female side-blotched lizards by (1) surgically decreasing total clutch mass (direct ovarian manipulation) and enhancing clutch mass using (2) exogenous gonadotropin, and (3) exogenous corticosterone. Surgical reduction of clutch mass uniformly enhanced survival. However, increasing clutch mass had more complex effects depending on year. Experimentally enhanced clutch mass enhanced survival in 1991, had no effect on survival in 1992, and decreased survival in 1993. Despite the complexity of these experimental results, they are corroborated by our comparative data. It is important to note that local environmental effects can obscure detection of costs arising from natural variation in reproductive effort, and we removed such effects using path analysis. The striking shift in natural selection favoring females laying a large clutch mass (1991) to selection against females laying a large clutch mass (1993) is associated with an end of a severe multiyear drought. Our natural-history observations suggest that the correlated increase in predatory snake activity on our study site, coincident with the end of the drought, is the agent of natural selection. Although the actual agents of selection (e.g., snake predation versus drought-related effects) are not resolved, the patterns of natural selection measured in our comparative and experimental data are also consistent with year-to-year changes in clutch mass and egg size that would be indicative of rapid short-term evolution in these traits.  相似文献   

Correlational selection favors combinations of traits and is a key element of many models of phenotypic and genetic evolution. Multiple regression techniques for measuring selection allow for the direct estimation of correlational selection gradients, yet few studies in natural populations have investigated this process. Color patterns and antipredator behaviors of snakes are thought to function interactively in predator escape and therefore may be subject to correlational selection. To investigate this hypothesis, I studied the survivorship of juvenile garter snakes, Thamnophis ordinoides, as a function of a suite of escape behaviors and color pattern. The only natural selection detected favored opposite combinations of stripedness of the color pattern and the tendency to perform during escape evasive behaviors called reversals. This selection presumably results from optical illusions created by moving patterns and their effects on visually foraging predators. Analysis of the bivariate selection surface shows that pure correlational selection can be thought of as a series of linear selection functions on one trait whose slopes depend on the value of the second trait. Alternatively, viewing the selection surface along its major axes reveals stabilizing and disruptive components of correlational selection. It is further shown that correlational selection alone can promote genetic variance and covariance within a generation. This phenomenon may be partially responsible for the extreme variation in color pattern and the genetic covariance between color pattern and behavior observed in natural populations of T. ordinoides.  相似文献   

When traits cause variation in fitness, the distribution of phenotype, weighted by fitness, necessarily changes. The degree to which traits cause fitness variation is therefore of central importance to evolutionary biology. Multivariate selection gradients are the main quantity used to describe components of trait‐fitness covariation, but they quantify the direct effects of traits on (relative) fitness, which are not necessarily the total effects of traits on fitness. Despite considerable use in evolutionary ecology, path analytic characterizations of the total effects of traits on fitness have not been formally incorporated into quantitative genetic theory. By formally defining “extended” selection gradients, which are the total effects of traits on fitness, as opposed to the existing definition of selection gradients, a more intuitive scheme for characterizing selection is obtained. Extended selection gradients are distinct quantities, differing from the standard definition of selection gradients not only in the statistical means by which they may be assessed and the assumptions required for their estimation from observational data, but also in their fundamental biological meaning. Like direct selection gradients, extended selection gradients can be combined with genetic inference of multivariate phenotypic variation to provide quantitative prediction of microevolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   

The degree to which closely related species interbreed is determined by a complex interaction of ecological, behavioral, and genetic factors. We examine the degree of interbreeding between two woodrat species, Neotoma bryanti and N. lepida, at a sharp ecological transition. We identify the ecological association of each genotypic class, assess the opportunity for mating between these groups, and test whether they have similar patterns of year‐to‐year persistence on our study site. We find that 13% of individuals have a hybrid signature but that the two parental populations and backcrosses are highly segregated by habitat type and use. Also, we find that adult hybrids are comparable to parental types in terms of year‐to‐year persistence on our site but that, among juveniles, significantly fewer hybrids reach adulthood on site compared to their purebred counterparts. Our analyses show that this hybrid zone is maintained by occasional nonassortative mating coupled with hybrid fertility, but that these factors are balanced by lower apparent survival of juvenile hybrids and habitat‐based preference or selection that limits heterospecific mating while promoting backcrossing to habitat‐specific genotypes. This system presents a novel example of the role that sharp resource gradients play in reproductive isolation and the potential for genetic introgression.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that egg size in side-blotched lizards is heritable (parent-offspring regressions) and thus will respond to natural selection. Because our estimate of heritability is derived from free-ranging lizards, it is useful for predicting evolutionary response to selection in wild populations. Moreover, our estimate for the heritability of egg size is not likely to be confounded by nongenetic maternal effects that might arise from egg size per se because we estimate a significant parent-offspring correlation for egg size in the face of dramatic experimental manipulation of yolk volume of the egg. Furthermore, we also demonstrate a significant correlation between egg size of the female parent and clutch size of her offspring. Because this correlation is not related to experimentally induced maternal effects, we suggest that it is indicative of a genetic correlation between egg size and clutch size. We synthesize our results from genetic analyses of the trade-off between egg size and clutch size with previously published experiments that document the mechanistic basis of this trade-off. Experimental manipulation of yolk volume has no effect on offspring reproductive traits such as egg size, clutch size, size at maturity, or oviposition date. However, egg size was related to offspring survival during adult phases of the life history. We partitioned survival of offspring during the adult phase of the life history into (1) survival of offspring from winter emergence to the production of the first clutch (i.e., the vitellogenic phase of the first clutch), and (2) survival of the offspring from the production of the first clutch to the end of the reproductive season. Offspring from the first clutch of the reproductive season in the previous year had higher survival during vitellogenesis of their first clutch if these offspring came from small eggs. We did not observe selection during these prelaying phases of adulthood for offspring from later clutches. However, we did find that later clutch offspring from large eggs had the highest survival over the first season of reproduction. The differences in selection on adult survival arising from maternal effects would reinforce previously documented selection that favors the production of small offspring early in the season and large offspring later in the season—a seasonal shift in maternal provisioning. We also report on a significant parent-offspring correlation in lay date and thus significant heritable variation in lay date. We can rule out the possibility of yolk volume as a confounding maternal effect—experimental manipulation of yolk volume has no effect on lay date of offspring. However, we cannot distinguish between genetic effects (i.e., heritable) and nongenetic maternal effects acting on lay date that arise from the maternal trait lay date per se (or other unidentified maternal traits). Nevertheless, we demonstrate how the timing of female reproduction (e.g., date of oviposition and date of hatching) affect reproductive attributes of offspring. Notably, we find that date of hatching has effects on body size at maturity and fecundity of offspring from later clutches. We did not detect comparable effects of lay date on offspring from the first clutch.  相似文献   

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