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By the end of 2005, the estimated number of HIV infected people in China was 650,000. The seriousness of the epidemic calls for effective control measures to tackle the problems in order to avoid the tragedy in Africa from happening in China. "Prevention First" is the cornerstone of the country's health policy. On 2003 World AIDS Day, Premier Jiabao Wen announced a new national AIDS control policy, "Four Frees and One Care". This policy clearly shows that the Chinese government has once again taken full responsibility to solve public health problems and has profound impact far beyond the AIDS field. In early 2006, the central government put scientific and technology innovation as a national priority and set the target to build an innovative China by year 2020. Since then, the government has been increasing investment in science and technology with major emphasis on both infectious diseases control and new drug research and development. For the first time, development of 100 new drugs and control of major infectious diseases (AIDS, HBV, TB and other emerging infectious diseases) have been selected as national key scientific projects. China's best minds in related fields will be pooled to work together in order to remove the technical barriers blocking efficient control of the major infectious disease in China. Knowledge on molecular epidemiology, immunology, pathogenesis, HAART, as well as HIVDR strains will certainly provide urgently needed scientific information for China's AIDS control program. Only evidence-based strategy from good research will provide long-term effective control of AIDS.  相似文献   

本文对狂犬病在犬、猫等宠物中的流行情况;宠物狂犬病及其危害;宠物狂犬病的预防及国外宠物狂犬病的防控经验等进行了综述,为保证宠物和人类健康、有效防控宠物狂犬病提供参考。  相似文献   

Yi ZENG 《Virologica Sinica》2007,22(6):419-420
HIV/AIDS has been circulating in China for over 25 year. While making progress and achievements on HIV/AIDS prevention,there still are great challenge and difficulties such as HIV epidemic controlling and vaccine research.  相似文献   

2005年,我们进行了部分动物园饲养野生动物使用疫苗情况调查,了解到动物园动物使用36种疫苗预防31种疫病,其中涉及人兽共患病9种,7种疫病是动物园动物没有明确发生但在进行免疫预防的疾病。调查发现所用疫苗没有适应野生动物使用的疫苗和相应的免疫程序,疫苗接种均是参照家畜家禽的使用剂量和程序,大部分动物园动物没有进行禽流感、狂犬病等人兽共患病的监测,动物园之间的技术交流较少。主要原因是技术落后、设备缺乏、人员不济。应加强对圈养野生动物疾病防控技术的研究,加强对动物园动物重要疫病的监测,进一步加强动物园之间对疫病信息的交流和防疫资源的利用,加大对动物园动物疫病的研究投入。  相似文献   

By the end of 2005, the estimated number of HIV infected people in China was 650,000. The seriousness of the epidemic calls for effective control measures to tackle the problems in order to avoid the tragedy in Africa from happening in China. “Prevention First” is the cornerstone of the country’s health policy. On 2003 World AIDS Day, Premier Jiabao Wen announced a new national AIDS control policy, “Four Frees and One Care”. This policy clearly shows that the Chinese government has once again taken full responsibility to solve public health problems and has profound impact far beyond the AIDS field. In early 2006, the central government put scientific and technology innovation as a national priority and set the target to build an innovative China by year 2020. Since then, the government has been increasing investment in science and technology with major emphasis on both infectious diseases control and new drug research and development. For the first time, development of 100 new drugs and control of major infectious diseases (AIDS, HBV, TB and other emerging infectious diseases) have been selected as national key scientific projects. China’s best minds in related fields will be pooled to work together in order to remove the technical barriers blocking efficient control of the major infectious disease in China. Knowledge on molecular epidemiology, immunology, pathogenesis, HAART, as well as HIVDR strains will certainly provide urgently needed scientific information for China’s AIDS control program. Only evidence-based strategy from good research will provide long-term effective control of AIDS.   相似文献   

Surveillance for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Japan started in September 1984 and in February 1987 was extended to seropositive carriers of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibodies. A total of 2,000 hospitals and clinics throughout the country have actively participated in the surveillance. An educational program for health care workers, including physicians, was initiated in July 1985 by issuing a series of government memoranda and distributing pamphlets and posters. Counseling programs for people concerned about AIDS and laboratory support to provide screening services have been developed. Laboratories that can also perform confirmatory tests will be established shortly. The screening of all donated blood was established in November 1986.Education programs for the public have been conducted mainly through the production and distribution of various materials and pamphlets. Research has been focused primarily on diagnosis and treatment, with international cooperation emphasized. A new act of legislation has been proposed in the Parliament that will require mandatory reporting of cases of AIDS and HIV infection with confidentiality preserved. Further debate may be needed to reach national consensus on this issue. The proposed law will not include provisions that would affect international travelers, foreign students or immigrants.  相似文献   

Yi Zeng 《中国病毒学》2007,22(6):419-420
HIV/AIDS has been circulating in China for over 25 year. While making progress and achievements on HIV/AIDS prevention, there still are great challenge and difficulties such as HIV epidemic controlling and vaccine research.   相似文献   

本文对艾滋病在中国的流行趋势、主要传播途径和我国艾滋病预防和控制工作等问题进行探讨,阐明了法医学尸体检验与鉴定工作中应该特别注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

卵母细胞成熟调控机制一直是发育生物学和生殖生物学领域的热点问题。以现代分子生物学理论为基础,科学家们对卵母细胞成熟分裂的分子生物学调控机理进行了大量研究。发现了细胞周期中许多关键的调控因子:cdc基因、周期蛋白依赖性激酶(CDKs)及细胞周期蛋白(cyclin)。本文对卵母细胞成熟调控的核心调控物质——成熟促进因子(maturation—promoting factor,MPF)的分子结构、周期变化及其在卵母细胞成熟过程中与丝裂原激活蛋白激酶(mitogen—activated protein kinase,MAPK)相互作用关系的最新进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

本文结合作者科研工作实际和相关文献资料,对犬、猫、猴等实验动物犬瘟热、犬细小病毒病、猫瘟热、布病、钩体病及弓形虫病等重要疫病及其防控研究进行了概述.  相似文献   

目的:探讨三级质控体系在预防压疮中的作用,有效控制压疮发生。方法:通过成立压疮护理三级质控体系即基层压疮护理小组、医院压疮管理小组及护理部压疮质控小组,改进压疮管理流程,强化护理人员专项技能,有效实施基础护理,从根本上预防压疮发生。结果:难免压疮发生率明显下降,患者对护理服务满意度提高。结论:三级质控体系能有效控制压疮发生,促进原发疾病痊愈,减轻患者经济负担,提高医院社会效益。  相似文献   

阿片类药物引起痛觉过敏(opioid-induced hyperalgesia,OIH)是指暴露于阿片类药物的患者出现一种痛阈降低和对正常疼痛刺激的超敏反应为特点的感觉异常现象。瑞芬太尼是一种μ受体激动剂,且由于起效迅速,时量半衰期短而恒定,重复用药亦无蓄积,这些良好的药代动力学特点导致它发生的痛觉过敏现象也明显频于、强于其他阿片类药物。N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体(N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor,NMDAR)激活在产生超敏现象中是非常重要的。但是关于NMDAR在瑞芬太尼诱发痛觉过敏的机制尚未完全清楚,仍然缺乏系统的预防和治疗方案。本文简要介绍了NMDAR,总结了NMDAR在瑞芬太尼引起痛觉过敏的机制中的作用,归纳了临床上一些NMDAR拮抗药物来预防瑞芬太尼引起的痛觉过敏现象,以期对后续的围术期的疼痛管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的 分析健康教育在狂犬病预防控制中的应用价值.方法 选取2020年1~11月,因动物致伤至我院犬伤处置重点门诊就诊的200例患者作为研究对象,对其开展狂犬病预防相关知识的健康教育,比较健康教育开展前后患者对狂犬病相关知识的知晓情况.结果 经健康教育后,患者对狂犬病相关知识知晓率明显高于健康教育前,差异有统计学意义(P...  相似文献   

亚洲各国艾滋病疫苗简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodeficiencysy ndrome,AIDS),即"艾滋病",是一种致死率极高的全球传染性疾病,尚无有效的治愈方法。目前,亚洲已成为世界第二大艾滋病高发区。对经济并不发达的亚洲地区来说,研发艾滋病疫苗,对于预防人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV),即"艾滋病病毒"的传播具有重要的战略意义。本文对中国、泰国、印度、日本和澳大利亚的艾滋病疫苗研发和临床试验进行了分析和总结,并分析了亚洲开发艾滋病疫苗的前景及应对策略。  相似文献   

The HIV/AIDS pandemic data in Nigeria indicates that 3.5 million Nigerians have HIV/AIDS. The Obasanjo administrations National Action Committee on AIDS is uncoordinated and lacks commitment as indicated by the shortage of antiretroviral drugs, corruption and administration of expired drugs. NGOs combating the spread of HIV in Nigeria attempt to reach many community groups, religious, womens, youth and mens organizations. The increased awareness about HIV/AIDS through promotion of public discourse has helped people to take positive action toward prevention of HIV infection.  相似文献   

The lack of a suitable animal model is a major obstacle to developing anti-HIV-1 vaccines. We successfully generated an SIVmac/HIV-1 chimeric virus (SHIV) (designated as NM-3rN) that contains the HIV-1 env gene and is infectious to macaque monkeys. Challenging the vaccinated macaque monkeys with NM-3rN, we developed an evaluation system for anti-HIV-1 Env-targeted vaccines. For the purpose of making the vaccine, a series of gene-mutated SHIVs were constructed. The monkeys vaccinated with these SHIVs had long-term anti-virus immunities without manifesting the disease, and became resistant to a challenge inoculation with NM-3rN. The sera from a monkey showed that, after the vaccination, the neutralizing antibodies not only against the parental HIV-1 but also against an antigenically different HIV-1 were raised. In vivo experiments confirmed that the vaccinated monkeys were protected from the challenge inoculum of an antigenically different SHIV-MN. Vaccination of monkeys with the attenuated SHIVs showed that further gene-deletion of the SHIV resulted in less immunogenicity. Nevertheless, the attenuated SHIVs had a vaccine effect against the challenge inoculation. In addition to specific immunities including neutralizing antibodies and cytotoxic T cells, a more complicated immune mechanism induced by live vaccine appears to play a role in this protection. Our data suggest that the live vaccine can induce strong and wide-range immunity against HIV-1. These SHIVs should contribute to understanding the pathogenicity of AIDS and to the development of future anti-HIV-1 live vaccines for humans.  相似文献   

目的:报道1例马尔尼菲青霉败血症。方法患者男性,39岁,主因“发热伴淋巴结肿大1个月”就诊。进行骨髓瑞士染色、血液接种于有氧及厌氧培养瓶、沙氏培养基培养等检查,并对培养物进行形态学及 rDNA 序列鉴定。结果骨髓涂片见细胞内分隔孢子,3种培养方法均见真菌生长。沙氏培养基上菌落为丝状菌,表面为黄绿色粉末状,背面为红色;脑心浸汁培养基为酵母样菌落,37℃培养受限制。经 DNA 序列分析,与马尔尼菲青霉相似性在100℅,鉴定为马尔尼菲青霉。患者诊断为艾滋病并马尔尼菲青霉败血症,立即给予氟康唑治疗,转入传染病医院后因极度衰弱死亡。结论败血症可作为马尔尼菲青霉病首发症状,临床应予以重视;患者血液极具传染性,应注意隔离;对于有冶游史的不明原因发热患者,注意考虑本病可能,必要时行血液培养及 HIV 检测。  相似文献   

目的:观察枯草杆菌二联活菌肠溶胶囊对艾滋病(AIDS)相关性腹泻的防治作用。方法:选择2013年7月至2014年5月在我科门诊进行高效抗逆转录病毒(HAART)治疗的AIDS患者80例,随机分成对照组40例和观察组40例。对照组给予单用HAART治疗,观察组在对照组的基础上联合使用枯草杆菌二联活菌肠溶胶囊,两组疗程均为24周。治疗结束后观察两组的HAART疗效、AIDS相关性腹泻的发生率,以及大便培养真菌感染情况。结果:观察组和对照组HAART治疗有效率分别为75%和70%,两组比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。对照组腹泻发生率明显高于观察组,比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05),且对照组大便培养真菌感染率明显高于观察组,比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:枯草杆菌二联活菌肠溶胶囊能有效预防AIDS相关性腹泻的发生,并减少继发肠道真菌感染的发生。  相似文献   

弓形虫病是一种世界性分布的人兽共患寄生虫病,对人类,尤其是妇女、儿童危害很大,估计全世界有1/3人受到该病的威胁。孕妇感染弓形虫后导致早产、流产、胎儿发育畸形;弓形虫是免疫功能低下患者的主要死亡原因之一。犬、猫是弓形虫的中间宿主和终末宿主,是人类感染弓形虫的主要来源。随着我国经济的迅速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,城市中饲养犬、猫作为宠物的人越来越多,人、宠物间的亲密接触增加了弓形虫病传播给人的机会。加强对宠物犬、猫弓形虫病的研究及防控势在必行。本文就弓形虫的危害、宠物犬猫弓形虫感染及其防控措施作以综述。  相似文献   

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