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Despite the recognition that actin filaments are important for numerous cellular processes, and decades of investigation, the dynamics of in vitro actin filaments are still not completely understood. Here, we follow the time evolution of the length distribution of labeled actin reporter filaments in an unlabeled F-actin solution via fluorescence microscopy. Whereas treadmilling and diffusive length fluctuations cannot account for the observed dynamics, our results suggest that at low salt conditions, spontaneous fragmentation is crucial.  相似文献   

Cultured myofibroblasts are characterized by stress fibers, containing alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) and by supermature focal adhesions (FAs), which are larger than FAs of alpha-SMA-negative fibroblasts. We have investigated the role of alpha-SMA for myofibroblast adhesion and FA maturation. Inverted centrifugation reveals two phases of initial myofibroblast attachment: during the first 2 h of plating microfilament bundles contain essentially cytoplasmic actin and myofibroblast adhesion is similar to that of alpha-SMA-negative fibroblasts. Then, myofibroblasts incorporate alpha-SMA in stress fibers, develop mature FAs and their adhesion capacity is significantly increased. When alpha-SMA expression is induced in 5 d culture by TGFbeta or low serum levels, fibroblast adhesion is further increased correlating with a "supermaturation" of FAs. Treatment of myofibroblasts with alpha-SMA fusion peptide (SMA-FP), which inhibits alpha-SMA-mediated contractile activity, reduces their adhesion to the level of alpha-SMA negative fibroblasts. With the use of flexible micropatterned substrates and EGFP-constructs we show that SMA-FP application leads to a decrease of myofibroblast contraction, shortly followed by disassembly of paxillin- and beta3 integrin-containing FAs; alpha5 integrin distribution is not affected. FRAP of beta3 integrin-EGFP demonstrates an increase of FA protein turnover following SMA-FP treatment. We conclude that the formation and stability of supermature FAs depends on a high alpha-SMA-mediated contractile activity of myofibroblast stress fibers.  相似文献   

P21-activated kinase 4 (PAK4) is a Cdc42 effector protein thought to regulate cell adhesion disassembly in a kinase-dependent manner. We found that PAK4 expression is significantly higher in high-grade human breast cancer patient samples, whereas depletion of PAK4 modifies cell adhesion dynamics of breast cancer cells. Surprisingly, systematic analysis of PAK4 functionality revealed that PAK4-driven adhesion turnover is neither dependent on Cdc42 binding nor kinase activity. Rather, reduced expression of PAK4 leads to a concomitant loss of RhoU expression. We report that RhoU is targeted for ubiquitination by the Rab40A–Cullin 5 complex and demonstrate that PAK4 protects RhoU from ubiquitination in a kinase-independent manner. Overexpression of RhoU rescues the PAK4 depletion phenotype, whereas loss of RhoU expression reduces cell adhesion turnover and migration. These data support a new kinase-independent mechanism for PAK4 function, where an important role of PAK4 in cellular adhesions is to stabilize RhoU protein levels. Thus, PAK4 and RhoU cooperate to drive adhesion turnover and promote cell migration.  相似文献   

Chfr, a checkpoint with FHA and RING finger domains, plays an important role in cell cycle progression and tumor suppression. Chfr possesses the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity and stimulates the formation of polyubiquitin chains by Ub-conjugating enzymes, and induces the proteasome-dependent degradation of a number of cellular proteins, including Plk1 and Aurora A. While Chfr is a nuclear protein that functions within the cell nucleus, how Chfr is localized in the nucleus has not been clearly demonstrated. Here, we show that nuclear localization of Chfr is mediated by nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequences. To reveal the signal sequences responsible for nuclear localization, a short lysine-rich stretch (KKK) at amino acid residues 257–259 was replaced with alanine, which completely abolished nuclear localization. Moreover, we show that nuclear localization of Chfr is essential for its checkpoint function but not for its stability. Thus, our results suggest that NLS-mediated nuclear localization of Chfr leads to its accumulation within the nucleus, which may be important in the regulation of Chfr activation and Chfr-mediated cellular processes, including cell cycle progression and tumor suppression.  相似文献   

Richard Cornall and collaborators recently developed a mouse model of Ligase IV syndrome with growth retardation and immunodeficiency due to a defect in nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) of DNA double-strand breaks. They demonstrated age-dependent loss of hematopoietic stem cell function in these mice. Simultaneously, Irving Weissman and colleagues demonstrated a similar phenomenon in Ku80(-/-) mice defective in NHEJ and telomere maintenance, Xpd(TTD) mice defective in nucleotide excision repair, and late generation mTr(-/-) missing telomerase activity. These studies strongly support the hypothesis that genomic stress causes aging by limiting the ability of stem cells to indefinitely maintain tissue homeostasis.  相似文献   

Mayer C  Neubert M  Grummt I 《EMBO reports》2008,9(8):774-780
Silencing of ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) requires binding of the chromatin remodelling complex NoRC to RNA that is complementary to the rDNA promoter. NoRC-associated RNA (pRNA) folds into a conserved stem–loop structure that is required for nucleolar localization and rDNA silencing. Mutations that disrupt the stem–loop structure impair binding of TIP5, the large subunit of NoRC, to pRNA and abolish targeting of NoRC to nucleoli. Binding to pRNA results in a conformational change of TIP5, as shown by enhanced sensitivity of TIP5 towards trypsin digestion. Our results indicate an RNA-dependent mechanism that targets NoRC to chromatin and facilitates the interaction with co-repressors that promote heterochromatin formation and rDNA silencing.  相似文献   

A kinase-independent function of Ask1 in caspase-independent cell death   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ask1 (apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1) is activated as a consequence of cell exposure to a variety of stresses and can then initiate apoptosis. A known pathway of apoptosis downstream of Ask1 involves the activation of the stress-activated protein kinases, the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, the activation of caspases, and the fragmentation of nuclei. Here, we characterized a novel mechanism of Ask1-mediated cell killing that is triggered by the interaction with Daxx. Co-transfection of Ask1 and Daxx induced a caspase-independent cell-death process characterized at the morphological level by distinctive crumpled nuclei easily distinguishable from the condensed and fragmented nuclei seen during classical caspase-dependent apoptosis. The kinase activity of Ask1 was not involved in this process, because mutants lacking kinase activity were as efficient as wild type Ask1 in mediating Daxx-induced cell death. Ask1N, a deletant that lacks the C-terminal half including the kinase domain of Ask1, was constitutively active in producing crumpled nuclei. In contrast, Ask1DeltaN, the reciprocal deletant that possesses constitutive kinase activity, produced fragmented nuclei typical of caspase-dependent death processes. We conclude that in addition to a caspase-dependent pro-apoptotic function that depends on its kinase activity, Ask1 possesses a caspase-independent killing function that is independent on its kinase activity and is activable by interaction with Daxx. In the physiological situation, such an activity is induced as a consequence of the translocation of Daxx from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, a condition that occurs following activation of the death receptor Fas.  相似文献   

Arginine-rich peptides, including octaarginine (R8), HIV-1 Tat, and branched-chain arginine-rich peptides, belong to one of the major classes of cell-permeable peptides which deliver various proteins and macromolecules to cells. The importance of the endocytic pathways has recently been demonstrated in the cellular uptake of these peptides. We have previously shown that macropinocytosis is one of the major pathways for cellular uptake and that organization of the F-actin accompanies this process. In this study, using proteoglycan-deficient CHO cells, we have demonstrated that the membrane-associated proteoglycans are indispensable for the induction of the actin organization and the macropinocytic uptake of the arginine-rich peptides. We have also demonstrated that the cellular uptake of the Tat peptide is highly dependent on heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG), whereas the R8 peptide uptake is less dependent on HSPG. This suggests that the structure of the peptides may determine the specificity for HSPG, and that HSPG is not the sole receptor for macropinocytosis. Comparison of the HSPG specificity of the branched-chain arginine-rich peptides in cellular uptake has suggested that the charge density of the peptides may determine the specificity. The activation of the Rac protein and organization of the actin were observed within a few minutes after the peptide treatment. These data strongly suggest the possibility that the interaction of the arginine-rich peptides with the membrane-associated proteoglycans quickly activates the intracellular signals and induces actin organization and macropinocytotis.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death in the worker ovary of Apis mellifera reduces the number of ovarioles during metamorphosis from 150-200 primordia to less than 10. In contrast, practically all ovarioles in the ovary of queens survive to the adult stage. The correct formation and persistence of polyfusomes has been suggested as a critical factor for ovariole survival. We have analyzed the developmental dynamics of F-actin and alpha-spectrin in fusomes of queen and worker larvae, and in juvenile-hormone-treated worker larvae. Small fusomes containing actin and spectrin can be detected in the ovaries of fourth instar larvae in both castes. After molting to the fifth instar, the actin-spectrin association persists in the enlarged fusomes of queen ovarioles. In workers, actin dissociates from the fusomal and cortical alpha-spectrin. Coinciding with the appearance of apoptosis markers, large agglomerates of actin are detectable in worker ovarioles. Treatment of fourth-instar worker larvae with juvenile hormone rescues ovarioles from apoptosis and maintains the actin-spectrin association. Juvenile-hormone-dependent actin-spectrin interaction is thus one of the earliest steps in the differentiation of a polymorphic ovary. Plasticity in ovariole numbers as a result of hormone-dependent fusome formation may be a more widespread phenomenon in insects, extending beyond caste polymorphism in highly eusocial Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

Phosphoproteins of the organic matrix of bone and dentin have been implicated as regulators of the nucleation and growth of the inorganic Ca-P crystals of vertebrate bones and teeth. One such protein identified in the dentin matrix is phosphophoryn (PP). It is highly acidic in nature because of a high content of aspartic acid and phosphate groups on serines. The 244-residue carboxyl-terminal domain of rat PP, predominantly containing the aspartic acid-serine repeats, has been cloned, and the corresponding protein has been expressed recombinantly in Escherichia coli. This portion of PP, named DMP2 (dentin matrix protein 2), is not phosphorylated by the bacteria and thus provided a means to study the function of the phosphate groups, the major post-translational modification of native PP. The recombinant DMP2 (rDMP2) possessed much lower calcium binding capacity than native PP. Small angle x-ray scattering experiments demonstrated that PP folds to a compact globular structure upon calcium binding, whereas rDMP2 maintained an unfolded structure. In vitro nucleation experiments showed that PP could nucleate plate-like apatite crystals in pseudophysiological buffer, whereas rDMP2 failed to mediate the transformation of amorphous calcium phosphate to apatite crystals under the same experimental conditions. Collagen binding experiments demonstrated that PP favors the formation of collagen aggregates, whereas in the presence of rDMP2 thin fibrils are formed. Overall these results suggested that the phosphate moieties in phosphophoryn are important for its function as a mediator of dentin biomineralization.  相似文献   

FilGAP is a newly recognized filamin A (FLNa)-binding RhoGTPase-activating protein. The GTPase-activating protein (GAP) activity of FilGAP is specific for Rac and FLNa binding targets FilGAP to sites of membrane protrusion, where it antagonizes Rac in vivo. Dominant-negative FilGAP constructs lacking GAP activity or knockdown of endogenous FilGAP by small interference RNA (siRNA) induce spontaneous lamellae formation and stimulate cell spreading on fibronectin. Knockdown of endogenous FilGAP abrogates ROCK-dependent suppression of lamellae. Conversely, forced expression of FilGAP induces numerous blebs around the cell periphery and a ROCK-specific inhibitor suppresses bleb formation. ROCK phosphorylates FilGAP, and this phosphorylation stimulates its RacGAP activity and is a requirement for FilGAP-mediated bleb formation. FilGAP is, therefore, a mediator of the well-established antagonism of Rac by RhoA that suppresses leading edge protrusion and promotes cell retraction to achieve cellular polarity.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(2):168-179

Even though the deleterious effects of increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels have been implicated in a variety of neurodegenerative disorders, the triggering events that lead to the increased ROS and successive damages are still ill-defined. Mitochondria are the key organelles controlling the ROS balance, being their main source and also counteracting them by the action of the ROS scavenging system. Mitochondria, moreover, control the presence of ROS-damaged proteins by action of the protein quality control (PQC) system. One of its components is the mitochondrial chaperone Hsp60 assisting the folding of a subset of mitochondrial matrix proteins. Mutations in Hsp60 cause a late onset form of the neurodegenerative disease hereditary spastic paraplegia (SPG13). In this study, we aimed to address the molecular consequences of Hsp60 shortage. We here demonstrate that a heterozygous knockout Hsp60 model that recapitulates features of the human disease and exhibits increased oxidative stress in neuronal tissues. Moreover, we indicate that the increase of ROS is, at least in part, due to impaired folding of the manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), a key antioxidant enzyme. We observed that the Hsp60 and MnSOD proteins interact. Based on these results, we propose that MnSOD is a substrate of the Hsp60 folding machinery and that under conditions of diminished availability of Hsp60, MnSOD is impaired in reaching the native state. This suggests a possible link between Hsp60-dependent PQC and the ROS scavenging systems that may have the function to increase ROS production under conditions of folding stress.  相似文献   

Chen JF  Guo NN  Li T  Wang ED  Wang YL 《Biochemistry》2000,39(22):6726-6731
The amino acid discrimination by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase is achieved through two sifting steps; amino acids larger than the cognate substrate are rejected by a "coarse sieve", while the reaction products of amino acids smaller than the cognate substrate will go through a "fine sieve" and be hydrolyzed. This "double-sieve" mechanism has been proposed for IleRS, a class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. In this study, we created LeuRS-B, a mutant leucyl-tRNA synthetase from Escherichia coli with a duplication of the peptide fragment from Met328 to Pro368 (within its CP1 domain). This mutant has 50% of the leucylation activity of the wild-type enzyme and has the same ability to discriminate noncognate amino acids in the first step of the reaction. However, LeuRS-B can catalyze mischarging of tRNA(Leu) by methionine or isoleucine, suggesting that it is impaired in the ability to edit incorrect products. Wild-type leucyl-tRNA synthetase can edit the mischarged tRNA(Leu) made by LeuRS-B, while a separated CP1 domain cannot. These data suggest that the CP1 domain of leucyl-tRNA synthetase is crucial to the second editing sieve and that CP1 needs the structural context in leucyl-tRNA synthetase to fulfill its editing function.  相似文献   

Protein kinase D (PKD) has been implicated in the regulation of cell shape, adhesion, and migration. At the leading edge of migrating cells active PKD co-localizes with F-actin, Arp3 and cortactin. Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) activates PKD and recruits the kinase to the leading edge, suggesting a role for PKD in actin remodelling. In support of this, PKD directly interacts with F-actin and phosphorylates cortactin in vitro. Interference with PKD function by overexpression of a dominant negative PKD or by PKD-specific siRNA enhanced cell migration, whereas cells overexpressing PKD wild type displayed reduced migratory potential. Taken together, these data reveal a negative regulatory function of PKD in cell migration.  相似文献   

Actin is a key structural protein that makes up the cytoskeleton of cells, and plays a role in functions such as division, migration, and vesicle trafficking. It comprises six different cell-type specific isoforms: ACTA1, ACTA2, ACTB, ACTC1, ACTG1, and ACTG2. Abnormal actin isoform expression has been reported in many cancers, which led us to hypothesize that it may serve as an early biomarker of cancer. We show an overview of the different actin isoforms and highlight mechanisms by which they may contribute to tumorigenicity. Furthermore, we suggest how the aberrant expression of actin subunits can confer cells with greater proliferation ability, increased migratory capability, and chemoresistance through incorporation into the normal cellular F-actin network and altered actin binding protein interaction. Studying this fundamental change that takes place within cancer cells can further our understanding of neoplastic transformation in multiple tissue types, which can ultimately aid in the early-detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.  相似文献   

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