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1. The spatial arrangement of resources and climatically favourable sites affects the dispersal pattern of butterflies. 2. The microdistribution of the satyrine butterfly Lethe diana changes seasonally, meaning that the relative spatial arrangement of resources also changes seasonally. The seasonal change in the dispersal pattern of this butterfly was studied. 3. Males of the May–June generation tended to stay in a restricted habitat patch while females of the same generation did not. A number of the May–June generation males became resident at prime forest edge sites, where a territorial behaviour that was rarely seen in other generations was prevalent. Females of the May–June generation moved to these territorial sites for mating but left after copulation to avoid male harassment; their residency was therefore weak. 4. In both sexes, the July–August generation tended to be more mobile than the September–October generation. This was because the July–August generation butterflies utilised dark environments for thermoregulation and, because these conditions were widespread throughout the forest, the butterflies were able to move widely. The September–October generation, however, preferred intermediate light conditions, which tended to be restricted to the forest edge; as this was a relatively small area, butterfly movement was restricted.  相似文献   

The time schedule of mate-locating behavior in the male satyrine butterfly Lethe diana was studied. Males displayed territorial behavior only in the afternoon, but it was not known whether they attempted to locate mates in the morning. In order for males of most butterfly species to mate with a virgin female, it would be most effective to initiate mate-locating behavior in the morning, when synchronous eclosions occur. Males of L.diana flew patrols in the morning and displayed territorial behavior in the afternoon. The cost of territorial behavior is probably less than that of patrolling, as territorial flights are shorter than those when patrolling. The temporal switching of mate-locating behavior is theoretically favored, since the reproductive value of females decreases later in the day, when males perform the less costly mate-locating behavior. Thus, the diurnal switching of male mate-locating behavior may be an adaptive strategy in response to the rapid decline in the reproductive value of females over the course of a day.  相似文献   

冯照军  季丽萍  施雯  夏小明 《动物学报》2007,53(6):1048-1053
于2005年11月至2006年10月,用硫酸-蒽酮比色法和比重法测定了中华蟾蜍各月份的肝糖原和肌糖原含量及肝比重。结果显示:冬眠期间(11月至次年的2月),糖原含量逐月下降;2月份时出现临时回升,然后继续下降;4月份时肝糖原含量最低;5月份起,肝糖原含量逐渐上升;5月份时肌糖原含量为最低;6月份起,肌糖原含量逐渐上升。虽然在7-8月间出现过下降,两种糖原的含量在10月份时达到一年中的最高值。这些结果表明,蟾蜍糖原含量在一年中呈现显著的季节性波动。越冬前所储备糖原的一部分可能用于越冬期间维持高水平的血糖,一部分用于基础代谢。2月份时糖原含量的临时上升,可能是血液中作为防冻保护剂的葡萄糖运回肝脏和肌肉中再合成糖原的结果。7-8月间糖原含量降低可能与蟾蜍夏蛰有关。雌性5月至10月期间的肝糖原总体水平显著低于雄性,可能与依赖可得到葡萄糖的卵母细胞中的糖原合成有关。糖原含量的季节变化与蟾蜍的生活状态(越冬、繁殖等)有关,并与血糖含量有联动关系。  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in plant NO3 -N use were investigated by measuring leaf nitrate reductase activity (NRA), leaf N concentration, and leaf expansion in one evergreen woody species (Quercus glauca Thunb.) and two deciduous woody species [Acer palmatum Thunb. and Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino]. Leaf N concentration was highest at the beginning of leaf expansion and decreased during the expansion process to a steady state at the point of full leaf expansion in all species. The leaf NRA of all species was very low at the beginning of leaf expansion, followed by a rapid increase and subsequent decrease. The highest leaf NRA was observed in the middle of the leaf-expansion period, and the lowest leaf NRA occurred in summer for all species. Significant positive correlations were detected between leaf NRA and leaf expansion rates, while leaf N concentrations were negatively correlated with leaf area. In the evergreen Q. glauca, the N concentration in current buds increased before leaves opened; concurrently, the N concentration in 1-year-old leaves decreased by 25%. Our results show that the leaf-expansion period is the most important period for NO3 -N assimilation by broadleaf tree species, and that decreases in leaf N concentration through the leaf-expansion period are at least partly compensated for by newly assimilated NO3 -N in current leaves.  相似文献   

A histological study was undertaken to clarify seasonal changes in the spermatogenic epithelium of Japanese macaques. Testicular tissue samples were excised by biopsies from five adult laboratory-maintained males in mating and non-mating seasons. The samples were fixed with Bouin's solution, embedded in paraffin, and stained with PAS and hematoxylin. Microscopic observations on cross-sections of seminiferous tubules revealed that the seminiferous epithelium in the mating season was thicker than in the non-mating season. PAS-stained granules were found in some of the dark A-type spermatogonia, which significantly increased in the non-mating season. Spermatids of the steps preceding the appearance of the acrosomic cap in stages I to III were observed significantly more often than those in the step coinciding with the formation of the acrosomic cap in stage IV. In stage I, the ratio of mature spermatids or spermatozoa to immature spermatids in the mating season was higher than that in the non-mating season. These findings suggest that spermiogenesis, as well as spermatocytogenesis, is inhibited in the non-mating season.  相似文献   

  • 1 Egg-laying by Pararge aegeria (L.) was studied in relation to host plant abundance, temperature and behaviour in one woodland site in central England.
  • 2 Eggs were laid on the undersides of leaves of fifteen of thirty-one species of grass located in the study site. Most were deposited singly although on several occasions a number of females laid on a single leaf.
  • 3 There was no clear relationship between host plant abundance and host plant use, the species used being widespread and abundant.
  • 4 Most eggs were laid on plants within the temperature range 24–30°C. In spring and later summer these sites were in sunlit open areas but in midsummer they were in the woodland ground layer.
  • 5 Females distributed their eggs over a large area, usually making a dispersal flight after laying an egg.

典型草原区布氏田鼠的活动节律及其季节变化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用标志重捕、染色标记和野外观测法研究典型草原区布氏田鼠野外实验种群,采用4 种活动模式指数(日活动差异指数θ,昼行性指数λ,峰型指数;活动强度指数η)分析田鼠昼夜活动节律及其季节变化。结果表明,布氏田鼠全年12 个月的昼行性指数λ 均高于0.542,为典型的昼行性种类。其活动节律的季节变化主要与环境温度有关:1、2、3、4、11、12 月,气温较低,布氏田鼠的活动模式呈典型的单峰型;5、6、7 月气温较高,为典型的双峰型;而8、9、10 月则属于单双峰过渡类型。田鼠的峰型指数 在冬季最低,夏季最高,与月均气温呈显著的正相关关系(r=0.89,n = 12,P<0.05)。活动强度指数η与气温也存在显著的正相关(r=0.94,n = 12,P < 0.05)。5~9 月,布氏田鼠的活动强度最高,每日活动时间在6 h 以上;冬季布氏田鼠的日活动量骤降,很少外出活动,尤其在1~2 月,布氏田鼠日均地面活动时间不足1min。另外,室内实验表明,布氏田鼠具有在黑暗环境中活动能力,但在野外条件下,夜间活动极少发生。  相似文献   

The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) spends more than 12 h a day in the water. Hippos are often submitted to water temperatures that vary with the seasons. We hypothesize that this difference between cool and warm water temperatures leads to variations in behavioural thermoregulation. We recorded the exposure of hippos to sunshine at the beginning and at the end of the dry season. Our results show that (1) sunshine exposure lasted much longer in cool water and (2) sun-bathing occurred during the hottest hours. It is therefore likely that in cool water hippos were cold and expressed an original behaviour of search for heat.  相似文献   

We studied physiological thermal adaptation in the lizard Microlophus atacamensis along a latitudinal range.  相似文献   

To establish if nutrients limit the growth of bivalves requires information not only on the quality of food available, but also the animals' feeding behaviour and endogenous metabolic demands. We hypothesized that growth of the Sydney rock oyster (Saccostrea glomerata) would vary in response to seasonal changes in food quality rather than quantity. We also predicted that the oysters would show feeding preferences for nitrogen over carbon, and this behaviour would result in carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios for ingested and absorbed matter that would be lower than the C/N of both the seston and the oysters' estimated metabolic maintenance requirements. The experiments were done in two phases under natural conditions. In phase 1, feeding behaviour was assessed on a single occasion and the results used to pose hypotheses for testing in phase 2, which included measurements made on three occasions encompassing autumn, winter and spring conditions. Growth rates varied with changes in ambient food quality and not with the concentration of total suspended matter. Feeding behaviour responded to food quality and, in most cases, resulted in nitrogen enrichment. For example, when nitrogen was potentially limiting to growth and/or maintenance, due to high food C/N (July) or high nitrogen demand (March), pre-ingestive selection ensured nitrogen enrichment of ingested matter and C/N ratios of ingested matter which were below the maintenance requirement. However, in November, when endogenous demands indicated an increased requirement for carbon, feeding behaviour resulted in carbon enrichment, an increase in carbon conversion efficiency, and ingested C/N ratios greater than the maintenance requirement. The results support the assertion of variable feeding physiology in oysters, responsive to both exogenous (seasonal differences in carbon and nitrogen availability) and endogenous (cycles of reproduction and growth) factors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Influences of rising global CO(2) concentration and temperature on plant growth and ecosystem function have become major concerns, but how photosynthesis changes with CO(2) and temperature in the field is poorly understood. Therefore, studies were made of the effect of elevated CO(2) on temperature dependence of photosynthetic rates in rice (Oryza sativa) grown in a paddy field, in relation to seasons in two years. METHODS: Photosynthetic rates were determined monthly for rice grown under free-air CO(2) enrichment (FACE) compared to the normal atmosphere (570 vs 370 micromol mol(-1)). Temperature dependence of the maximum rate of RuBP (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate) carboxylation (V(cmax)) and the maximum rate of electron transport (J(max)) were analysed with the Arrhenius equation. The photosynthesis-temperature response was reconstructed to determine the optimal temperature (T(opt)) that maximizes the photosynthetic rate. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: There was both an increase in the absolute value of the light-saturated photosynthetic rate at growth CO(2) (P(growth)) and an increase in T(opt) for P(growth) caused by elevated CO(2) in FACE conditions. Seasonal decrease in P(growth) was associated with a decrease in nitrogen content per unit leaf area (N(area)) and thus in the maximum rate of electron transport (J(max)) and the maximum rate of RuBP carboxylation (V(cmax)). At ambient CO(2), T(opt) increased with increasing growth temperature due mainly to increasing activation energy of V(cmax). At elevated CO(2), T(opt) did not show a clear seasonal trend. Temperature dependence of photosynthesis was changed by seasonal climate and plant nitrogen status, which differed between ambient and elevated CO(2).  相似文献   

1. This study investigated the effect of temperatures ranging from 10.8 to 34.2 °C on seven walking parameters of an egg parasitoid, Anaphes listronoti. Those responses were compared with a theoretical kinetic model in order to disentangle the kinetic response of the insect from its integrated response. 2. Walking speed increased continuously with temperature, but walking distance and duration were maximised between 25 and 30 °C, and decreased at higher and lower temperatures. At the lowest temperature, females unexpectedly walked a greater distance and for a longer duration in comparison with intermediate temperatures. 3. The number of walking bouts followed the same polynomial trend as walking distance and duration, with a maximum between 30 and 35 °C. The duration of walking bouts was maximised at 20 °C and decreased at lower and higher temperatures, whereas the duration of resting bouts linearly decreased with increasing temperature. There was no effect of temperature on the turning rate of females. 4. For A. listronoti, walking speed and duration of resting bouts followed the kinetic response, but the other behavioural components did not, especially at the lowest and highest temperatures. Walking distance and duration were higher than expected under the kinetic response at 10.8 °C and lower than expected at 34.2 °C. This pattern suggests an integrated response combining behavioural escape from adverse temperature and energy saving. 5. This detailed analysis of the walking behaviour of A. listronoti illustrates the complexity of insect behavioural responses to temperature and the difficulty involved in assessing underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

A group of the medaka,Oryzias latipes (Cyprinodontidae, orange-red variety, 25 males and 25 females), was kept in an aquarium, which was placed outdoors under natural conditions from December 1984 to January 1986. Locomotor activity at three layers (upper, middle, and lower layers) was recorded with a phototransistor system in each season. In summer, the fish showed typical diurnal activity at all three layers and the activity was greater than in other seasons. However, in autumn and winter, the fish became less active and showed relatively high activity at night at the upper or middle layer and diurnal activity at the lower layer. Nocturnal activity seemed to appear when the water temperature was decreased and the photoperiod was shortened. A free-running activity rhythm was also recorded under continuous darkness (DD) in each season; however, the fish showed clear free-running activity rhythms under DD only in summer.  相似文献   

为研究野生雌性川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)不同季节体内睾酮水平与性行为频次的变化及二者的关系,我们以秦岭一野生川金丝猴种群为研究对象,通过长时间连续跟踪观察,完成了该种群中所有87只金丝猴的个体识别。用无损伤取样法采集了三只成年雌性川金丝猴不同季节的粪样,对粪样中的睾酮进行抽提测定,同时对采样个体的性行为进行记录。结果显示:1)成年雌猴在交配盛期与非交配盛期,粪样中睾酮水平均呈明显的周期性波动,交配盛期时睾酮水平的变化周期为24.56 d±4.07 d,非交配盛期时为43.67 d±2.89 d,显著长于交配盛期;2)成年雌猴在交配盛期的粪样睾酮水平为2.85 ng±1.12 ng/g,邀配频次为0.98±1.04次/d,非交配盛期时睾酮水平为1.71 ng±0.77 ng/g,邀配频次为0.28±0.53次/d,与交配盛期相比,非交配盛期的睾酮水平和邀配频次均明显降低;3)交配盛期各成年雌猴的粪样睾酮水平与邀配频次均有较显著的正相关关系(相关系数分别为0.631、0.683和0.659),而在非交配盛期这种相关关系并不存在(相关系数分别为0.091、0.493和0.205)。本研究表明,成年雌性川金丝猴体内睾酮水平、睾酮水平变化周期及邀配行为频次均具有明显的季节性差异,这种季节性差异可能是川金丝猴行季节性繁殖的内在原因和外在表现之一。本研究亦表明交配盛期雌猴的性行为频次在一定程度上可能受体内睾酮水平的控制,而在非交配盛期这种控制作用较弱。  相似文献   

In short-horn sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius , the power requirements for fast-start swimming and the length-specific velocity of the curvature wave travelling down the spine ( Û ) were not influenced significantly by acclimation to summer and winter conditions at test temperatures of 5 and 15° C. However, in-vivo and in-vitro muscle performance exhibited acclimation responses at 15° C. Seasonal acclimation altered the escape performance curves for power and Û significantly over a wider temperature range of 0·8–20° C. Û was significantly higher at 20° C in the summer- than winter-acclimation group. The acclimation of lower levels of physiological organization at 15° C may thus serve to extend the thermal limits for escape performance in summer acclimated fish.  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠褐色脂肪组织和肝脏产热特征的季节性变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguiculatus)是一种栖息于典型草原和荒漠草原非冬眠群居性的小型哺乳动物。为研究其产热功能的季节变化,我们分别在2003年秋季(9月下旬)、冬季(11月下旬)、2004年春季(3月底-4月下旬)和夏季(7月下旬),分别测定了其体重、褐色脂肪组织和肝脏的重量、线粒体总蛋白含量和细胞色素c氧化酶活力,以及褐色脂肪组织中解偶联蛋白1(Uncoupling protein1,UCPl)的含量等。结果显示:除雄鼠的体重显著高于雌鼠外,其它各项指标均无性别差异。体重和褐色脂肪组织的重量都在冬季较高,显著高于夏季,而肝脏的重量在夏季显著高于其它季节。褐色脂肪组织和肝脏的线粒体蛋白含量和细胞色素c氧化酶活力以及UCP1含量,都在冬季较高,夏季较低。这些结果表明:在野外条件下,褐色脂肪组织和肝脏在细胞水平上产热能力的提高和UCP1含量的增加,是长爪沙鼠抵御寒冷的重要方式。  相似文献   

Summary The ventral apterium of free-living female White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) becomes an incubation patch during the breeding season. At this time, it loses its feathers, increases in wet and defatted dry weight, and undergoes marked histological alterations. At times of year other than the breeding season, the apterium consists of a low squamous epidermis and a thin, poorly vascularized dermis of dense connective tissue. The dermis is separated from subcutaneous tissue by an internal elastic lamina. During the breeding season, the epidermis is a proliferative, stratified squamous eptihelium with well-defined basal, intermediate, transitional, and cornified layers; and the dermis consists of a superficial layer of collagen and a deep layer of highly vascular areolar connective tissue, noticeably edematous and mildly inflamed. Blood vessels are frequently in large groups in the center of the dermis. Edema and hypervascularity are most pronounced during incubation, but the epidermis is best developed during egg-laying. The apterium reverts to its basal state after the incubation period. Captive females, which do not breed, do not develop incubation patches.Estrogen is apparently responsible for feather loss and collagen synthesis. It and other unidentified hormones (probably prolactin and/or androgens) produce the hypervascularity, edema, and epidermal growth.This study was supported by an NIH Training Grant (GM 01276) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and by funds from the Faculty Research Council at Fordham University, New York, N.Y. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance of Drs. Brina Kessel and George West at the University of Alaska during summer, 1968; Dr. William A. deGraw for help in the field; and Drs. Laura Englisch and James Wiggins, as well as my son, Robert, for help with the photomicrography. Wallace Moreland of the Singer-Friden Company kindly provided a desk calculator for my use. The content of this paper profitted substantially from the suggestions of Dr. Robert A. Lewis. This paper is based on part of a dissertation done to fulfill the Ph.D. requirements at Washington State University  相似文献   

Li H Q  Lian Z M  Chen C G  Wu S B 《农业工程》2009,29(5):302-306
A study on the seasonal changes in the ranging area of Brown-eared pheasant and its affecting factors was conducted in the Huanglongshan Nature Reserve, Huanglong County, Shaanxi Province, China, from March 2006 to January 2007. Forty used sites and forty random plots were selected along 8–9 transects crossing the study area. Fifteen factors related to the changes of altitude were measured in each site. The results showed that the altitude of home range of Brown-eared pheasant varied with seasons: the highest home range was found in summer, and the lowest one was found in winter, while the home range in autumn was higher than that in spring. According to the frequency of occurrences of Brown-eared pheasant in different seasons, we found that its home range occurred mainly at an altitude below 1400 m in spring, above 1500 m in summer, between 1200 m and 1500 m in autumn and below 1300 m in winter. The possible reason that Brown-eared pheasants preferred to live at lower altitude in spring was to have access to water sources and the abundance of food, correlated to the slope locations, number of trees and number of shrubs; in summer, they tended to appear at highest altitude, and the average height of shrubs, average height of grasses, sheltering class and distance to edge of woods, and human disturbance were affecting factors; in autumn, they appeared at higher altitude which was correlated with the covers of trees, shrubs and grasses, and ultimately related to the abundance of food; in winter, they lived at lowest altitude, which was correlated to the distance from the edge of woods, cover of trees and sheltering class, and ultimately related to the abundance of food and shelter.  相似文献   

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