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Hyde Roberts Sam Rossizela Retsiraiky J. Longosoa Tsimijaly H. Strang Kathryn Chmurova Lucia Nijman Vincent Donati Giuseppe 《International journal of primatology》2022,43(2):360-362
International Journal of Primatology - 相似文献
Gary R. Hepp Robert A. Gitzen Robert A. Kennamer 《The Journal of wildlife management》2020,84(2):320-330
The wood duck (Aix sponsa) is a common and important cavity-nesting duck in North America; however, we know very little about how changes in vital rates influence population growth rate (λ). We used estimates of fertility and survival of female wood ducks from our nest-box studies in South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia, USA, to create a stage-based matrix population model. We conducted perturbation analyses and ranked elasticity values to examine the relative importance of 17 component vital rates to λ. Female survival is influenced by nest success, so we recognized this female heterogeneity in our analyses. Four vital rates showed the greatest importance to λ. Analytic elasticities were greatest for breeding season and nonbreeding season survival of females that nested successfully, followed by nest success and female recruitment to the breeding population. Differences in female quality were important to λ. Next, we used process variation of vital rates and conducted life-stage simulation analyses (LSA) followed by variance decomposition to determine the amount of variation in λ explained by each vital rate. Female recruitment to the breeding population explained 57.7% of the variation in λ followed by nest success (11.4%), and breeding and nonbreeding season survival of females that nested successfully (9.3% and 9.4%, respectively). Together these 4 vital rates explained 88% of the variation in λ. Mean asymptotic population growth rate (λ = 0.80 ± 0.08 [SD]) from LSA revealed a declining population. Recruitment of females hatched from nest boxes was insufficient to sustain the nest-box population. However, including yearling (SY) females that were produced outside of nest boxes (i.e., immigrants) increased recruitment rates 1.5 to 2 times more than when only SY females recruited from nest boxes were included. Future research that examines how emigration and immigration interact with survival and reproduction to influence local population dynamics of wood ducks will be important for identifying the value of nest-box programs to wood duck conservation and management. © 2019 The Wildlife Society. 相似文献
Little is known about the nature of bacteria associated with the surface and gut of marine copepods, either in laboratory-reared animals or in the natural environment. Nor is it known whether such animals possess a gut flora. The present report deals with studies of microorganisms isolated from healthy, laboratory-reared copepods of the species Acartia tonsa Dana, from several species of wild copepods collected from a marine or estuarine environment, and from laboratory dishes containing moribund copepods. Evidence for a unique gut flora in laboratory-reared animals is presented; the predominant bacteria were represented by the genus Vibrio. Other organisms such as Pseudomonas and Cytophaga were found less abundantly associated with the copepods and not specifically associated with the gut. 相似文献
In this study, we use a spatially implicit, stage-structured model to evaluate marine reserve effectiveness for a fish population exhibiting depensatory (strong Allee) effects in its dynamics. We examine the stability and sensitivity of the equilibria of the modelled system with regards to key system parameters and find that for a reasonable set of parameters, populations can be protected from a collapse if a small percentage of the total area is set aside in reserves. Furthermore, the overall abundance of the population is predicted to achieve a maximum at a certain ratio \(A\) of reserve area to fished area, which depends heavily on the other system parameters such as the net export rate of fish from the marine reserves to the fished areas. This finding runs contrary to the contested “equivalence at best” result when comparing fishery management through traditional catch or effort control and management through marine reserves. Lastly, we analyse the problem from a bioeconomics perspective by computing the optimal harvesting policy using Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle, which suggests that the value for \(A\) which maximizes the optimal equilibrium fishery yield also maximizes population abundance when the cost per unit harvest is constant, but can increase substantially when the cost per unit harvest increases with the area being harvested. 相似文献
Production of Bacterial Substrate by Marine Copepods: Effect of Phytoplankton Biomass and Cell Size 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Laboratory experiments were performed to evaluate the importanceof grazing activity of the marine copepod Acartia tonsa forproduction of substrate for bacteria. Acartia tonsa were feda range of concentrations of the nanoflagellate Rhodomonas baltica,the diatom Ditylum brightwelli and the dinoflagellate Ceratiumlineatum. Regardless of the concentration of R. baltica, nodetectable response in bacterial biomass was observed due tograzing. However, when A. tonsa grazed the larger phytoplanktoncells of D. brightwelli and C. lineatum, responses in bacterioplanktonwere observed. It was estimated that approximately 5469%of the grazed carbon was lost to the surroundings when A. tonsawas feeding on these large phytoplankton species. The laboratoryresults were applied to a dataset from a coastal temperate ecosystem.This analysis showed that the copepod contribution to the DOCpool was as important as the leakage from the primary producers.It is concluded, that the DOM contribution from copepods willbe largest when grazing plankton communities are composed oflarge species. 相似文献
Middelboe M Hagström A Blackburn N Sinn B Fischer U Borch NH Pinhassi J Simu K Lorenz MG 《Microbial ecology》2001,42(3):395-406
Viral lysis of specific bacterial populations has been suggested to be an important factor for structuring marine bacterioplankton
communities. In the present study, the influence of bacteriophages on the diversity and population dynamics of four marine
bacterial phage-host systems was studied experimentally in continuous cultures and theoretically by a mathematical model.
By use of whole genome DNA hybridization toward community DNA, we analyzed the dynamics of individual bacterial host populations
in response to the addition of their specific phage in continuous cultures of mixed bacterial assemblages. In these experiments,
viral lysis had only temporary effects on the dynamics and diversity of the individual bacterial host species. Following the
initial lysis of sensitive host cells, growth of phage-resistant clones of the added bacteria resulted in a distribution of
bacterial strains in the phage-enriched culture that was similar to that in the control culture without phages after about
50-60 h incubation. Consequently, after a time frame of 5-10 generations after lysis, it was the interspecies competition
rather than viral lysis of specific bacterial strains that was the driving force in the regulation of bacterial species composition
in these experiments. The clonal diversity, on the other hand, was strongly influenced by viral activity, since the clonal
composition of the four species in the phage-enriched culture changed completely from phage-sensitive to phage-resistant clones.
The model simulation predicted that viral lysis had a strong impact on the population dynamics, the species composition, and
the clonal composition of the bacterial community over longer time scales (weeks). However, according to the model, the overall
density of bacteria in the system was not affected by phages, since resistant clones complemented the fluctuations caused
by viral lysis. Based on the model analysis, we therefore suggest that viral lysis can have a strong influence on the dynamics
of bacterial populations in planktonic marine systems. 相似文献
基于Kendall-Goodman模型,提出了一个两性具有不同生理性态的随机配对的两性模型.如果不考虑密度制约因素,那么模型存在一个全局渐近稳定的指数解;如果考虑密度制约因素,对于给定的一个出生函数,得到了唯一正平衡态存在及全局稳定的充要条件.结论表明,无论是否考虑密度制约因素,种群的性比总是稳定的. 相似文献
We use population genetic methods to describe the expected population dynamics of the selfish-gene chromosomal factor, Medea (maternal-effect dominant embryonic arrest), recently discovered in flour beetles, genus Tribolium. In the absence of deleterious effects on gross fecundity, Medea factors spread to fixation for all degrees of maternal-effect lethality greater than zero and the rate of spread is proportional to the strength of the maternal-effect. The rate of spread when rare is very slow, on the order of the frequency squared p(2), but this can be accelerated to order p when there is density regulation at the level of families as is known to occur for some genetic strains of flour beetles. When there are general deleterious effects of Medea on fecundity, affecting all offspring genotypes in addition to the genotype-specific maternal effect, then a stable interior polymorphism is possible. The location of the interior equilibrium and the probability of loss or fixation are sensitive to the degree of dominance of these fecundity effects. 相似文献
MICHAEL H. CRAWFORD 《American anthropologist》2004,106(2):415-416
Human Population Dynamics: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Helen Macbeth and Paul Collinson, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 224 pp. 相似文献
A major challenge for small-scale fisheries management is high spatial variability in the demography and life history characteristics of target species. Implementation of local management actions that can reduce overfishing and maximize yields requires quantifying ecological heterogeneity at small spatial scales and is therefore limited by available resources and data. Collaborative fisheries research (CFR) is an effective means to collect essential fishery information at local scales, and to develop the social, technical, and logistical framework for fisheries management innovation. We used a CFR approach with fishing partners to collect and analyze geographically precise demographic information for grass rockfish (Sebastes rastrelliger), a sedentary, nearshore species harvested in the live fish fishery on the West Coast of the USA. Data were used to estimate geographically distinct growth rates, ages, mortality, and length frequency distributions in two environmental subregions of the Santa Barbara Channel, CA, USA. Results indicated the existence of two subpopulations; one located in the relatively cold, high productivity western Channel, and another in the relatively warm, low productivity eastern Channel. We parameterized yield per recruit models, the results of which suggested nearly twice as much yield per recruit in the high productivity subregion relative to the low productivity subregion. The spatial distribution of fishing in the two environmental subregions demonstrated a similar pattern to the yield per recruit outputs with greater landings, effort, and catch per unit effort in the high productivity subregion relative to the low productivity subregion. Understanding how spatial variability in stock dynamics translates to variability in fishery yield and distribution of effort is important to developing management plans that maximize fishing opportunities and conservation benefits at local scales. 相似文献
Photoperiodic induction of flowering in the long-day plant Arabidopsis is mediated by the circadian regulated CONSTANS gene. New evidence suggests that CONSTANS-like genes have a similar role in short-day induction of flowering of rice and Pharbitis. 相似文献
O. N. Pavlyuk 《Russian Journal of Marine Biology》2000,26(6):399-405
Seasonal changes in the distribution density and trophic-group composition of marine nematodes were studied in a strait between Reineke and Popova islands (Amurskii Bay, Sea of Japan). Four nematode species dominated throughout the observation period, constituting altogether over 60% of the total nematode population density. Temperature indirectly affected the population composition of mass nematode species. The nine dominant species from Amurskii Bay (Sea of Japan) were classified into three trophic groups. In the spring, the nematode taxocene was dominated by predators; in the autumn, by nonselective detrivorous species; and in the winter and summer, by bottom feeders. Within each season, the trophic structure of the nematode taxocene was almost constant, with the number of species constituting the trophic group being the only variable. 相似文献
Food subsidies have the potential to modify ecosystems and affect the provision of goods and services. Predictable Anthropogenic Food Subsidies (PAFS) modify ecosystems by altering ecological processes and food webs. The global concern over the effects of PAFS in ecosystems has led to development of environmental policies aimed at curbing the production or ultimately banning of PAFS. However, the effects of reducing or banning PAFS are not known. We explore the consequences of PAFS removal in a marine ecosystem under two scenarios: 1) gradual reduction, or 2) an abrupt ban, using a mass balance model to test these hypotheses–The reduction or loss of PAFS will: i) modify trophic levels and food webs through effects on foraging by opportunistic species, ii) increase the resilience of opportunistic species to food shortages, and iii) modify predator–prey interactions through shifts in prey consumption. We found that PAFS lower the trophic levels of opportunistic scavengers and increase their food pathways. Scavengers are able to switch prey when PAFS are reduced gradually but they decline when PAFS are abruptly banned. PAFS reduction to a certain minimal level causes a drop in the ecosystem’s stability. We recommend gradual reduction of PAFS to a minimal level that would maintain the ecosystem’s stability and allow species exploiting PAFS to habituate to the food subsidy reduction. 相似文献
Davis SJ 《Current biology : CB》2002,12(24):426-R843
Many plants use the seasonal change in daylength as a signal for flowering. Daylength sensing in Arabidopsis has now been shown to occur by an external coincidence mechanism, which operates by the circadian and light regulation of CONSTANS. 相似文献