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This paper describes a three-dimensional finite element model of the human upper airways during rigid laryngoscopy. In this procedure, an anaesthetist uses a rigid blade to displace and compress the tongue of the patient, and then inserts a tube into the larynx to allow controlled ventilation of the lungs during an operation. A realistic model of the main biomechanical aspects involved would help anaesthetists in training and in predicting difficult cases in advance. For this purpose, the finite element method was used to model structures such as the tongue, ligaments, larynx, vocal cords, bony landmarks, laryngoscope blade, and their inter-relationships, based on data extracted from X-ray, MRI, and photographic records. The model has been used to investigate how the tongue tissue behaves in response to the insertion of the laryngoscope blade, when it is subjected to a variety of loading conditions. In particular, the mechanical behaviour of the soft tissue of the tongue was simulated, from simple linear elastic material to complex non-linear viscoelastic material. The results show that, within a specific set of tongue material parameters, the simulated outcome can be successfully related to the view of the vocal cords achieved during real laryngoscopies on normal subjects, and on artificially induced difficult laryngoscopy, created by extending the upper incisors teeth experimentally.  相似文献   

Pressure drops across the upper (larynx) and central airways of a human lung cast were measured at steady state inspiratory and expiratory flows. Air, HeO2 and SF6-O1 gas mixtures were used at tracheal Reynolds' numbers ranging from 145 to 30 000. The pressure-flow characteristics of the model were analysed using standard pressure-flow diagrams and Moody plots. We found that the asymmetry between inspiratory and expiratory resistances, observed in the central airways (larynx excluded), was markedly reduced in the presence of the larynx. However, static pressure differences were greater across the entire model of the upper and central airways than across the model of the five generations of the tracheo-bronchial tree (without larynx) at the same flow-rates. In addition, our results showed that the presence of the larynx tended to reduce the zone of fully developed laminar flow in the Moody diagram with the higher density gas, while extending the zone of turbulent flow even for the low density gas at low Reynold's numbers.  相似文献   

A possible route of clearance of surfactant phosphatidylcholine from the lungs is via the airways. To quantify surfactant loss via this pathway, latex bags were surgically placed into the abdomens of adult rabbits such that secretions cleared via the esophagus could be collected. The rabbits then were given treatment or trace doses of radiolabeled phosphatidylcholine-surfactant by tracheal injection and/or intravascular radiolabeled precursors of phosphatidylcholine. Labeled saturated phosphatidylcholine was measured in all fluids that were collected from the bags at 2-h intervals for 24 h and in alveolar washes and lung tissues at 24 h. No more than 7% of either treatment or trace doses of intratracheal surfactant-saturated phosphatidylcholine was lost via clearance up the airways over 24 h. Clearances of endogenously synthesized and secreted saturated phosphatidylcholine were estimated to be no more than 3% of the flux of labeled saturated phosphatidylcholine through the alveolar pool. These experiments demonstrate that surfactant phosphatidylcholine clearance via movement up the airways is not a major pathway leading to surfactant catabolism.  相似文献   

A technique for preparing casts of the macroscopic airways of mammalian lungs, which is both simplified and inexpensive in comparison with previous techniques, is described. The models are accurate, durable and flexible, and clearly demonstrate the orientation and branching pattern of the bronchial tree. The nature of the procedure also extends the availability of casts to laboratories or individuals with limited instrumentation and/or funding. Preliminary results using this technique to inject the lungs and certain air sacs of birds are also discussed.  相似文献   

Influence of relative humidity on the photochemistry of DNA films   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

The method of character importance ranking (CIR) is proposed here as a means for estimating the relative "importance" of characters in cladistic analyses, especially those based on morphological features. CIR uses the weighting variable to incrementally remove one character at a time from the analysis, and then evaluates the impact of the removal on the shape of the cladogram. The greater the impact, the more important the character. The CIR method for determining which characters drive the shape of a particular cladogram has several applications. It identifies the characters with the strongest (though not necessarily most accurate) signal in a cladistic analysis; it permits the informed prioritization of characters for further investigation via genetic, developmental, and functional approaches; and it highlights characters whose definition, scoring, independence, and variation should be reviewed with particular care. The application of CIR reveals that at least some cladograms depend entirely on a single character.  相似文献   

Particle deposition and transport in human airways isfrequently modeled numerically by the Lagrangian approach. Current formulations of such models always require some ad hoc assumptions, and they are computationally expensive. A new drift-flux model is developed and incorporated into a commercial finite volume code. Because it is Eulerian in nature, the model is able to simulate particle deposition patterns, distribution and transport both spatially and temporally. Brownian diffusion, gravitational settling, and electrostatic force are three major particle deposition mechanisms in human airways. The model is validated against analytical results for three deposition mechanisms in a straight tube prior to applying the method to a single bifurcation G3-G4. Two laminar flows with Reynolds numbers 500 and 2000 are simulated. Particle concentration contour deposition pattern, and enhancement factor are evaluated. To demonstrate how the diffusion and settling influence the deposition and transport along the bifurcation, particle sizes from 1 nm to 10 microm are studied. Different deposition mechanisms can be combined into the mass conversation equation. Combined deposition efficiency for the three mechanisms simultaneously was evaluated and compared with two commonly used empirical expressions.  相似文献   

In this study, a label-free relative quantification strategy was developed for quantifying low-abundance glycoproteins in human serum. It included three steps: (1) immunodepletion of 12 high-abundance proteins, (2) enrichment of low-abundance glycoproteins by multi-lectin column, (3) relative quantification of them between different samples by micrOTOF-Q. We also evaluated the specificity and efficiency of immunodepletion, the accuracy of protein quantification and the possible influence of immunodepletion, glycoprotein enrichment, trypsin digestion and peptide ionization on quantification. In conclusion, the relative quantification method can be effectively applied to the screening of low-abundance biomarkers.  相似文献   

The existing X-ray diffraction data of DNA at 92% relative humidity are different from those obtained from the B form at 66% relative humidity. Though the intensity spots are less well defined in the former, they can nevertheless be fitted with a four stranded helical model.  相似文献   

Bacterial pleomorphism and competition in a relative humidity gradient   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The response of different bacterial species to reduced water availability was studied using a simple relative humidity gradient technique. Interestingly, distinct differences in morphology and growth patterns were observed between populations of the same species growing at different relative humidity. Gram-positive cocci increased in cell size as they approached humidity growth limits and staphylococcal species started growing in tetrad/cubical formations instead of their normal grape-like structures. Gram-negative rods displayed wave-like patterns, forming larger waves as they became increasingly filamentous at low humidity. In contrast, cells of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis became shorter, curved, and eventually almost coccoid. Moreover, B. subtilis started to sporulate at low humidity. The altered morphology and/or growth patterns of bacteria growing at low humidity might be more ecologically relevant than their textbook appearance at high humidity since their natural habitats are often dry. Transmission electron microscopic analyses revealed that staphylococci grown at low humidity have significantly thickened cell walls, which may explain why these cells displayed increased resistance to vancomycin. We conclude that our relative humidity gradient technique is widely applicable for investigating effects of relative humidity on microbial survival, growth and competitive success at solid–air interfaces, making it a versatile tool in microbial ecology.  相似文献   

A capacitive sensor was tested for its suitability for measuring relative humidity in an anaesthetic gas circuit. The valvo sensor PH1 was tested using various different anaesthetic gas mixtures. Measuring accuracy was influenced neither by such volatile anaesthetics as isoflurane and halothane, nor by oxygen or nitrous oxide. The response time of the sensor depends on its position within the gas, and in the most favourable case is about 3 minutes. The sensor is readily incorporated within an existing gas circuit. The linearity of the characteristic curve must be corrected by external electronic compensation to avoid measuring problems in the lower humidity range.  相似文献   

Morphology of distal airways in the human lung   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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