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Stable isotope analysis of teeth of marine mammals can provide valuable information on trophic level and source of feeding. However, the isotopic analysis of whole teeth presents only an average dietary estimate for individuals across the period of growth of that tooth. While such analyses can be valuable, particularly in the case of fossil material, in contrast, isotopic analysis of individual annuli of teeth can provide dietary information for each year of tooth growth, in some cases representing the whole of the animal's life. We measured stable-carbon isotope ratios (13C/12C) in the inorganic (hydroxyapatite) and stable-nitrogen isotope ratios (15N/14N) in the organic (primarily collagenous) components of individual tooth annuli of 18 male Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) obtained from archived collections from the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska and from single northern fur seals (Callorbinus ursinus) and northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) from the central Aleutian Islands and eastern Gulf of Alaska, respectively. In several individuals, we detected considerable variation in stable isotope values among annuli, up to 6.1%O for δ15N and 5.1%O for δ13C values. Enrichment in δ15N and depletion of δ13C values in the first annulus may correspond to dietary inputs from mother's milk during the period of suckling. Other variations among years may be caused by dietary changes or movements of individuals between regions differing in isotopic signatures of foodweb primary production. Our study indicates that the isotopic signatures of foodweb primary production. Our study indicates that the isotopic analysis of individual tooth annuli represents a fine-seale tool for dietary reconstructions involving marine mammals, and cautions against the use of whole-tooth material averaged over several annuli.  相似文献   

We measured stable-nitrogen (δ15N) and stable-carbon (δ13C) isotope ratios in muscle and hair from 7 northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) from the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, and 27 Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus), and 14 harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the Gulf of Alaska and coast of Washington State, in order to contrast dietary information derived from isotopic vs. available conventional dietary studies. Stable-nitrogen-isotope analysis of muscle revealed that harbor seals were enriched over sea lions (mean δ15N = 18.6‰vs. 17.5‰) which were in turn enriched over northern fur seals (mean δ15N = 16.6‰). Trophic segregation among these species likely results primarily from differential reliance on herring (Clupea harengus), Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius), and large vs. small walleye pollock (Theregra chalcogramma). According to their δ15N values, adult male Steller sea lions showed a higher trophic position than adult females (mean δ15N: 18.0‰vs. 17.2‰), whereas adult female northern fur seals were trophically higher than juvenile male fur seals (mean δ15N: 16.5‰vs. 15.0‰). Each of these observed differences likely resulted from differential reliance on squid or differences in the size range of pollock consumed. Three northern fur seal pups showed higher δ15N enrichment over adults (mean 17.7‰vs. 15.8‰) due to their reliance on their mother's milk. Stable-carbon isotope measurements of hair revealed a cline toward more negative values with latitude. Segregation in hair δ13C between Steller sea lions and harbor seals off the coast of Washington (mean δ13C: ?13.6‰vs.?15.0‰) reflected the greater association of harbor seals with freshwater input from the Columbia River. Our study demonstrates the utility of the stable isotope approach to augment conventional dietary analyses of pinnipeds and other marine mammals.  相似文献   

We estimated the risk that the Steller sea lion will be extirpated in western Alaska using a population viability analysis (PVA) that combined simulations with statistically fitted models of historical population dynamics. Our analysis considered the roles that density‐dependent and density‐independent factors may have played in the past, and how they might influence future population dynamics. It also established functional relationships between population size, population growth rate and the risk of extinction under alternative hypotheses about population regulation and environmental variability. These functional relationships can be used to develop recovery criteria and guide research and management decisions. Life table parameters (e.g., birth and survival rates) operating during the population decline (1978–2002) were estimated by fitting simple age‐structured models to time‐series of pup and non‐pup counts from 33 rookeries (subpopulations). The PVA was carried out by projecting all 33 subpopulations into the future using these estimated site‐specific life tables (with associated uncertainties) and different assumptions about carrying capacities and the presence or absence of density‐dependent population regulation. Results suggest that the overall predicted risk of extirpation of Steller sea lions as a species in western Alaska was low in the next 100 yr under all scenarios explored. However, most subpopulations of Steller sea lions had high probabilities of going extinct within the next 100 yr if trends observed during the 1990s were to continue. Two clusters of contiguous subpopulations occurring in the Unimak Pass area in the western Gulf of Alaska/eastern Aleutian Islands and the Seguam–Adak region in the central Aleutian Islands had relatively lower risks of extinction. Risks of extinction for a number of subpopulations in the Gulf of Alaska were reduced if the increases observed since the late 1990s continue into the future. The risks of subpopulations going extinct were small when density‐dependent compensation in birth and survival rates was assumed, even when random stochasticity in these vital rates was introduced.  相似文献   

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