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The absolute rates of synthesis of specific ribosomal proteins have been determined during growth and meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes, as well as during early embryogenesis in the mouse. These measurements were made possible by the development of a high-resolution twodimensional gel electrophoresis procedure capable of resolving basic proteins with isoelectric points between 9.1 and 10.2. Mouse ribosomal proteins were separated on such gels and observed rates of incorporation of [35S]methionine into each of 12 representative ribosomal proteins were converted into absolute rates of synthesis (femtograms or moles synthesized/hour/oocyte or embryo) by using previously determined values for the absolute rates of total protein synthesis in mouse oocytes and embryos (R. M. Schultz, M. J. LaMarca, and P. M. Wassarman, 1978,Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA,75, 4160;R. M. Schultz, G. E. Letourneau, and P. M. Wassarman, 1979,Develop. Biol.,68, 341–359). Ribosomal proteins were synthesized at all stages of oogenesis and early embryogenesis examined and, while equimolar amounts of ribosomal proteins were found in ribosomes, they were always synthesized in nonequimolar amounts during development. Rates of synthesis of individual ribosomal proteins differed from each other by more than an order of magnitude in some cases. Synthesis of ribosomal proteins accounted for 1.5, 1.5, and 1.1% of total protein synthesis during growth of the oocyte, in the fully grown oocyte, and in the unfertilized egg, respectively. During meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes the absolute rate of synthesis of ribosomal proteins decreased about 40%, from 620 to 370 fg/hr/cell, as compared to a 23% decrease in the rate of total protein synthesis during the same period. On the other hand, during early embryogenesis the absolute rates of synthesis of each of the 12 ribosomal proteins examined increased substantially as compared with those of the unfertilized egg, such that at the eight-cell stage of embryogenesis synthesis of ribosomal proteins (4.17 pg/hr/embryo) accounted for about 8.1% of the total protein synthesis in the embryo. Consequently, while the absolute rate of total protein synthesis increased about 1.5-fold during development from an unfertilized mouse egg to an eight-cell compacted embryo, the absolute rate of ribosomal protein synthesis increased more than 11-fold during the same period. These results seem to reflect the differences reported for the patterns of ribosomal RNA synthesis during early development of mammalian, as compared to nonmammalian, animal species. The results are compared with those obtained using oocytes and embryos fromXenopus laevis.  相似文献   

In human TG tumor cells, the role of silver-NOR proteins was investigated by examining their relationship with the chromatin structure during inhibition of RNA synthesis by actionomycin-D treatment. This induced segregation of the nucleoli into four distinct zones and weakened the silver reaction. The fibrillar components were found to constitute the site of silver-stained proteins segregation. Feulgen-like osmium-ammine staining revealed that the DNA disappeared from the segregated nucleoli except for a network of nonnucleosomal filaments. When Ag-NOR protein detection was combined with chromatin visualization, we found constant overlapping of the silver reaction sites with the nonnucleosomal DNA filaments. Our results indicate that certain Ag-NOR proteins are not directly linked to active rRNA synthesis, but might rather affect the structure of ribosomal genes.  相似文献   

Summary Protein synthesis in egg follicles and blastoderm embryos ofDrosophila melanogaster has been studied by means of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Up to 400 polypeptide spots have been resolved on autoradiographs. Stage 10 follicles (for stages see King, 1970) were labelled in vitro for 10 to 60 min with35S-methionine and cut with tungsten needles into an anterior fragment containing the nurse cells and a posterior fragment containing the oocyte and follicle cells. The nurse cells were found to synthesize a complex pattern of proteins. At least two proteins were detected only in nurse cells but not in the oocyte even after a one hour labelling period. Nurse cells isolated from stages 9, 10 and 12 follicles were shown to synthesize stage specific patterns of proteins. Several proteins are synthesized in posterior fragments of stage 10 follicles but not in anterior fragments. These proteins are only found in follicle cells. No oocyte specific proteins have been detected. Striking differences between the protein patterns of anterior and posterior fragments persist until the nurse cells degenerate. In mature stage 14 follicles, labelled in vivo, no significant differences in the protein patterns of isolated anterior and posterior fragments could be detected; this may be due to technical limitations. At the blastoderm stage localized synthesis of specific proteins becomes detectable again. When blastoderm embryos, labelled in vivo, are cut with tungsten needles and the cells are isolated from anterior and posterior halves, differences become apparent. The pole cells located at the posterior pole are highly active in protein synthesis and contribute several specific proteins which are found exclusively in the posterior region of the embryo. In this study synthesis of specific proteins could only be demonstrated at those developmental stages which are characterized by the presence of different cell types within the egg chamber, while no differences were detected when stage 14 follicles were cut and anterior and posterior fragments analyzed separately. The differences in the pattern of protein synthesis by pole cells and blastoderm cells indicate that even the earliest stages of determination are reflected by marked changes at the biochemical level.  相似文献   

A new method for separating Drosophila egg chambers into different developmental classes (Jacobs-Lorena and Crippa, 1977) made it possible to study changes in the rate of ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 5S RNA, and tRNA synthesis and the changes in ribosomal gene number during oogenesis. Synthesis of RNA was measured by [3H]uridine incorporation in vivo and subsequent analysis on sucrose gradients or gel electrophoresis. Specific radioactivity of nucleotide pools has also been determined. Ribosomal gene number has been measured by hybridization of egg chamber DNA to rRNA of high specific radioactivity. Our findings led us to conclude that in Drosophila melanogaster: (i) rRNA, 5S RNA, and tRNA are synthesized in all stages of oogenesis. (ii) In every stage, rRNA is the main RNA species synthesized. (iii) The rate of rRNA, 5S RNA, and tRNA synthesis increases greatly during oogenesis and is paralleled by a similar increase in ribosomal gene number resulting from the polyploidization of the nurse cell nuclei.  相似文献   

DNA fiber autoradiography was used in mouse oogenesis to test Callan's hypothesis that a longer S phase results from a reduction in the number of active initiation sites. The data indicated that the premeiotic increase in the duration of S phase in mouse oogenesis was characterized by a rapid initial rate of chain growth and a larger replicon size when compared with replicating DNA of somatic mouse cells. These findings were at variance with those in mouse spermatogenesis and also did not support the Callan hypothesis of activation site repression.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the functions of metazoan ribosomal proteins in ribosome synthesis remains fragmentary. Using siRNAs, we show that knockdown of 31 of the 32 ribosomal proteins of the human 40S subunit (ribosomal protein of the small subunit [RPS]) strongly affects pre–ribosomal RNA (rRNA) processing, which often correlates with nucleolar chromatin disorganization. 16 RPSs are strictly required for initiating processing of the sequences flanking the 18S rRNA in the pre-rRNA except at the metazoan-specific early cleavage site. The remaining 16 proteins are necessary for progression of the nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation steps and for nuclear export. Distribution of these two subsets of RPSs in the 40S subunit structure argues for a tight dependence of pre-rRNA processing initiation on the folding of both the body and the head of the forming subunit. Interestingly, the functional dichotomy of RPS proteins reported in this study is correlated with the mutation frequency of RPS genes in Diamond-Blackfan anemia.  相似文献   

Protein synthetic patterns during oogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster were examined; in particular the site, time, and rate of tubulin synthesis and accumulation during oogenesis were determined. Ovarian proteins were labeled with [35S]methionine in vivo or in organ culure in vitro, and the proteins synthesized in egg chambers of specific developmental stages displayed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A dissection technique was devised to examine proteins synthesized in each of the three cell types present in stage 10B egg chambers. The majority of proteins which were resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, including tubulin and actin, were synthesized throughout oogenesis and, at least to some extent, in each of the stage 10B cell types. Protein synthesis specific to developmental stage and/or cell type was also observed; for example, two nonchorion proteins were synthesized only in follicle cells and primarily at stage 10. A sensitive and specific radioimmune assay was developed in order to quantitate tubulin accumulation. Synthesis of several α-tubulin subunits and one β-tubulin subunit was observed. The tubulin content per egg chamber increased from 3 ng in stage 9 to 17 ng in stage 14, a period of about 13 hr. An accumulation rate of 1 ng/hr suggests that tubulin mRNA can account for about 4% of the total, nonmitochondrial, poly(A)+ RNA of the egg. Analysis of separated cell types at stage 10B revealed that both the follicle and nurse cells synthesize and accumulate appreciable amounts of tubulin. The stage 10B oocyte contains relatively little tubulin but actively synthesizes it. These two complementary analyses demonstrate that the tubulin present in the egg is synthesized within the oocyte-nurse cell syncytium, first in the nurse cells and later in the oocyte.  相似文献   

We have analysed the effects of an inhibition of DNA replication by hydroxyurea on the synthesis of ribosomal proteins (r-proteins) and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in Tetrahymena cells resuming growth after long-term starvation. The coordinate regulation of the synthesis of individual r-proteins and their increased rate of synthesis during refeeding are not impaired by inhibition of DNA replication. Moreover, the presence of hydroxyurea does not prevent an increase in the rate of synthesis of rRNA around 70-80 min after refeeding. Previously, this increase was claimed to be gene dose-dependent. Up to 180 min after refeeding, the synthesis of r-proteins appears to be closely coupled with that of rRNA and proceed in stoichiometric balance, irrespective of whether hydroxyurea is present or not. After 180 min of refeeding in the presence of hydroxyurea, this stoichiometric balance breaks down, and the rate of synthesis of r-proteins clearly exceeds that of the rRNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The distribution of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles containing U snRNAs (U snRNPs) during oogenesis and early development in Xenopus was analyzed with a lupus antibody (anti-Sm) that reacts with snRNA-binding proteins. Fully grown oocytes and embryos prior to gastrulation were found to be relatively depleted of U snRNPs in their nuclei and to contain an excess of snRNA-binding proteins stored in the cytoplasm. During late blastula-early gastrula, or after microinjection of U snRNAs into the cytoplasm of a mature oocyte, the proteins migrate into the nucleus. Dot hybridization analysis showed that small previtellogenic oocytes already contain a maximal amount of U1 (and U2) snRNAs, which then decreases to about 20% of that value in fully mature oocytes, even though the cell's volume has increased enormously. Thus fully grown oocytes and eggs accumulate snRNA-binding proteins for use during early development, but this is not coupled with the accumulation of U snRNA.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the sperm receptor during oogenesis in the mouse   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
During their growth phase, mouse oocytes synthesize and secrete three different glycoproteins, called ZP1, 2 and 3, that constitute the extracellular coat, or zona pellucida, of the oocyte. One of these glycoproteins, ZP3, exhibits properties expected for a sperm receptor. We have now used rabbit antisera that recognize ZP3 to immunoprecipitate [35S]methionine-labeled, intracellular precursors of this glycoprotein from growing oocytes cultured in vitro in the presence or absence of tunicamycin, a drug that prevents addition of N-linked oligosaccharides to nascent polypeptide chains. Electrophoretic analyses of these immunoprecipitates, as well as of immunoprecipitates digested with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H (Endo H), indicate that ZP3 is synthesized as a 44,000 mol. wt. polypeptide chain to which either three or four high-mannose-type oligosaccharides are added, resulting in 53,000 and 56,000 mol. wt. ZP3 precursors, respectively. The latter species are converted to mature ZP3 (mol. wt. approximately 80,000) by processing of the high-mannose-type oligosaccharides (Endo H-sensitive) to complex-type oligosaccharides (Endo H-insensitive) prior to ZP3 secretion. The evidence presented reveals that the extreme heterogeneity of mature ZP3, with respect to both mol. wt. and isoelectric point, is partly a consequence of the N-linked oligosaccharides and not the polypeptide chain itself.  相似文献   

The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) have been assayed in mouse oocytes at several stages of follicle development isolated from XX and XO female mice. Throughout the entire growth period the activity of G6PD was proportional to the number of X chromosomes present in the oocyte, whereas no difference in LDH activity was detected between XX and XO oocytes. It is concluded, therefore, that both X chromosomes are functional throughout oogenesis.  相似文献   

Synthesis of histone H4 by mouse oocytes and unfertilized eggs has been examined by using a modified high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis procedure capable of resolving basic proteins (M. J. LaMarca and P. M. Wassarman, 1979, Develop. Biol.73, 103–119). Histones were separated on such gels and observed rates of incorporation of [35S]methionine into histone H4 were converted into absolute rates of synthesis by using previously determined values for the absolute rates of total protein synthesis in mouse oocytes and unfertilized eggs Schultz et al., 1979a, Schultz et al., 1979b. Histone H4 was synthesized at all stages of oogenesis examined, and accounted for 0.07, 0.05, and 0.04% of total protein synthesis in growing oocytes, fully grown oocytes, and unfertilized eggs, respectively. During oocyte maturation the absolute rate of histone H4 synthesis decreased by about 40%, as compared to a 23% decrease in the rate of total protein synthesis during the same period. These measurements indicate that enough histone is synthesized during oogenesis in the mouse to support two to three cell divisions. Examination of the intracellular location of newly synthesized proteins in fully grown oocytes revealed that histone H4 was highly concentrated in the nucleus (germinal vesicle), whereas total protein and tubulin were not. Nearly 50% of the histone H4 synthesized during a 5-hr period was located in the oocyte's germinal vesicle, as compared to 1.9 and 0.9% for total protein and tubulin, respectively. These results are compared with those obtained using oocytes and eggs from nonmammalian animal species.  相似文献   

Murine L5178Y cell ribosomes were dissociated into subunits either with potassium chloride in the presence of puromycin or with the chelating agent EDTA. The proteins of ribosomal subunits obtained by these different methods were compared by means of bidimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. KCl-derived 60S and 40S subunits were shown to contain 38 and 31 proteins respectively, 3 of them having identical electrophoretic mobilities. Preparations of EDTA-dissociated ribosomal subparticles contained different proportions of these proteins, and 11 major spots were shared between the EDTA-derived large and small ribosomal subunits. Furthermore, 10 proteins absent from subunits treated by high concentrations of KCl were reproducibly found in EDTA-treated ribosomal subparticles.  相似文献   

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