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Cuphea luteola is described from cerrado vegetation in Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, eastern Bolivia. It is assigned to sectionEuandra subsectionOidemation and is distinguished by yellow flowers, linear uninerved leaves, and the inner surface of the floral tube pilose and without vesicles. Several species of the subsection share one or more characters withC. luteola, but none are closely similar.  相似文献   

Described as new areCuphea flavovirens (sect.Heterodon), C. dibrachiata (sect.Leptocalyx), andC. ownbeyi (sect.Diploptychia).  相似文献   

Five new species are described, three of which, C. crassiflora, C. paucipetala, and C. trochilus, belong to sect. Heterodon, a group of predominantly annual, western Mexican species. The perennial C. rasilis is a new member of sect. Melvilla and the perennial C. spectabilis is new to sect. Diploptychia. Chromosome numbers for the annual species and two additional ones, C. procumbens and C. koehneana, closely related to the novelties, are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Three new species in the genus Gyrosigma Hassall (G. caliG. Reid sp. nov., G. gibbyiG. Reid sp. nov. and G. murphyi G. Reid sp. nov) are described. A cladistic analysis on the basis of 10 morphological characters, was undertaken to investigate the interrelationships of these new species within Gyrosigma. As well as ‘standard’ cladistic analysis, which apportions equal weight to all characters, a posteriori differential weighting was also investigated. Pleurosigma subtilis Brébisson is transferred to Gyrosigma, as G. subtile (Brébisson) G. Reid comb. nov., because it is more closely related to other species of Gyrosigma than to Pleurosigma Smith. G. balticum var. californicum Grunow in Cleve and Möller is elevated to specific status [as G. californicum (Grunow in Cleve and Möller) G. Reid stat. nov.], because it does not form a monophyletic group with G. balticum (Ehrenberg) Rabenhorst.  相似文献   

Three novelties inCuphea sectionMelvilla subsect.Pachycalyx are described from Brazil;C. andersonii andC. cylindracea from Pará, andC. sabulosa from Amazonas. An annotated key to the 47 species ofCuphea sectionMelvilla is provided, the first since the 1903 monograph of the family, which then included 27 species in the section. The key identifies those species ofCuphea with thick, dorsally convex, red- or yellow-tubed flowers distributed from Mexico to Argentina.  相似文献   

Rhabdocoel flatworms are abundant members of marine meiofaunal communities worldwide, contributing to a reservoir of biodiversity that thrives in sediments and on macroalgae. Yet, they are relatively understudied due to bias in meiofaunal collection techniques, time‐intensive identification and a lack of taxonomic expertise. Here, sampling of intertidal habitats in British Columbia, Canada, was undertaken to enhance our understanding of rhabdocoel diversity in this region. Six species of neodalyellid rhabdocoel were discovered and characterized with DNA sequence and morphological data: Pogaina paranygulgus, Anoplodium hymanae, Baicalellia pusilla n. comb., B. solaris n. sp., B. daftpunka n. sp. and Tamanawas kalipis n. g., n. sp. The latter three species are new to science. A phylogenetic analysis of neodalyellid rhabdocoels, inferred from 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA gene sequences of 39 taxa, provided further insight into their interrelationships, trait evolution and systematics, including the recognition of a new genus, Tamanawas, and the suppression of Canetellia and Coronopharynx.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of the New World genus Cuphea was conducted employing sequences from the nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and chloroplast trnL-trnF spacer and rpl16 intron. The analysis expands the number of Cuphea species from 53 in an earlier ITS study to 70 and adds two chloroplast data sets in order to generate a more complete and robust phylogeny and to test a previous result that suggested the presence of a large North American clade. Results reaffirm the monophyly of Cuphea with Pleurophora as the sister genus and recover a basal divergence event that mirrors the two subgenera of the current classification. Phylogenies of the two chloroplast regions are largely unresolved beyond the initial dichotomy and some resolution at the terminal and subterminal nodes. Based on the ITS phylogeny, five major clades are recognized. Subgenus Cuphea (Clade 1), defined morphologically by the synapomorphic loss of bracteoles, is sister to the much larger subg. Bracteolatae (Clades 2–5). Clades 2–4, comprising the South American and Caribbean species, grade successively to Clade 5, an exclusively North American lineage of 29 species. Among the 12 sections included in the study, only section Trispermum, a subclade of Clade 4, is monophyletic. Section Pseudocircaea is nested within Clade 3, which is largely equivalent to section Euandra. The North American endemic clade includes four sections, of which none are recovered as monophyletic in this study.  相似文献   

Nesaea petrensis sp. nov., from seepage areas on granitic outcrops in the Bay Region of southern Somalia, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Three new species ofSelaginella from Panama are described and illustrated:S. correae, S. salazariae, andS. taylorii. In addition, a new name,S. smithiorum, is proposed forS. velutina A. R. Smith (nonS. velutina Cesati), and eleven new distribution records are reported. The relationships of the species are discussed and keys to some of the species are provided.  相似文献   

In a recent study unusual taxa of epiphyllous ascomycota belonging to Chaetothyriaceae (Eurotiomycetes) were collected in northern Thailand. This family is poorly understood due to morphological confusion and lack of phylogenetic studies. This paper deals with three new species, Ceramothyrium thailandicum, Chaetothyrium brischofiacola and Phaeosaccardinula ficus, which are fully described and illustrated. A DNA sequence analyses of LSU and ITS rDNA genes shows that the new species cluster in the Chaetothyriaceae. This paper adds six sequences for Chaetothyriaceae to GenBank, providing much needed data for the family.  相似文献   

Raja HA  Shearer CA 《Mycologia》2006,98(2):319-332
Three new species of loculoascomycetes collected from freshwater habitats in North America are described as new species of Jahnula (Jahnulales, Dothideomycetes). All three share these morphological features: hyaline to blackish translucent, membranous ascomata with subtending, wide, septate brown, spreading hyphae; peridia composed of large angular cells; hamathecium of septate pseudoparaphyses; 8-spored, clavate to cylindrical asci; and 1-septate, broadly fusiform, brown, multiguttulate ascospores. Four additional species, J. aquatica, J. bipolaris, J. potamophila, and J. seychellensis, are reported for the first time from the western hemisphere.  相似文献   

Forty-six Lecanicillium strains and one Verticillium strain were isolated from subterranean and epiphytic arthropods, soil, and other sources collected in Indonesia and Japan. These strains were identified as nine Lecanicillium and one Verticillium species including six undescribed species based on light microscopy and the sequences of the ITS-1 and ITS-2 regions including 5.8S ribosomal DNA. Four of the ten species (L. araneicola, L. kalimantanense, Lecanicillium sp. 4, and V. indonesiacum) were recovered from Indonesia, five of the ten (L. attenuatum, L. fusisporum, L. psalliotae, Lecanicillium sp. 1, and Lecanicillium sp. 3) were from Japan, and L. saksenae was from both countries. In this article, new species (L. araneicola, L. kalimantanense, and V. indonesiacum) and a new combination (L. saksenae) are proposed from the fungi isolated from epiphytic and subterranean arthropods collected in East Kalimantan.  相似文献   

Three new species of Mya Linné are described from Greenland. Mya eideri sp. nov. is figured and compared with boreal and fossil species with which it has been confused, and the known distribution of the species is indicated. The validity in Recent faunas of the fossil species M. pseudoarenaria and M. uddevallensis is discussed; two new Recent species, M. neoovata sp. nov. and M. neouddevallensis sp. nov., from Ikka Fjord, southwest Greenland, and Scoresbysund, East Greenland, respectively, are described for Recent material of the comparable two fossil taxa. Accepted: 2 May 1999  相似文献   

The results of a revision of the Sciaridae (Diptera: Nematocera) from the British Isles are presented, carried out as a preliminary to the preparation of a new Handbook for the identification of the British and Irish fauna of this family. A total fauna of 263 species is confirmed, including many species new to the British Isles: 111 new to Great Britain and 32 new to Ireland. Epidapus ( Pseudoaptanogyna ) echinatum Mohrig & Kozánek, 1992 , hitherto known only from North Korea, is newly recorded from Europe. Six species are described as new to science: Bradysia austera Menzel & Heller sp. nov. , Bradysia ismayi Menzel sp. nov. , Bradysia nigrispina Menzel sp. nov. , Corynoptera flavosignata Menzel & Heller sp. nov. , Corynoptera uncata Menzel & Smith sp. nov. and Epidapus subgracilis Menzel & Mohrig sp. nov . The following new synonymies are proposed: Leptosciarella nigrosetosa (Freeman, 1990) =  Leptosciarella truncatula Mohrig & Menzel, 1997 ; Sciara nursei Freeman, 1983 =  Sciara ulrichi Menzel & Mohrig, 1998. Many misidentifications in the previous literature are corrected. Details of the collection data and location of specimens examined are provided under each species. The localities from which Sciaridae were collected in the British Isles are documented by modern county and grid references and the habitat indicated where known, to assist in assessing the ecological requirements of each species.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 1–147.  相似文献   

The monophyly and phylogeny of the adaptive radiation of Hawaiian finches (Fringillidae: Drepanidini; honeycreepers, auct.) were studied using parsimony analysis of comparative osteology, combined with Templeton (Wilcoxon signed‐ranks) tests of alternative phylogenetic hypotheses. Eighty‐four osteological characters were scored in 59 terminal taxa of drepanidines, including 24 fossil forms, and in 30 outgroup species. The optimal phylogenetic trees show considerable agreement, and some conflict, with independently derived ideas about drepanidine evolution. The monophyly of a large Hawaiian radiation was upheld, although one fossil taxon from Maui fell outside the drepanidine clade. The finch‐billed species were placed as basal drepanidine taxa, and continental cardueline finches (Carduelini) were identified as the radiation's closest outgroups. The study found anatomical as well as phylogenetic evidence that the radiation had a finch‐billed ancestor. The optimal trees identify the red‐and‐black plumage group as a clade, and suggest that the tubular tongue evolved only once in the radiation. Because comparative osteology provides too few characters to strongly support all the nodes of the tree, it was helpful to evaluate statistical support for alternative hypotheses about drepanidine relationships using the Templeton test. Among the alternatives that received significant statistical support are a relationship of the drepanidines with cardueline finches rather than with the Neotropical honeycreepers (Thraupini), classification of the controversial genera Paroreomyza and Melamprosops as drepanidines, and a secondary loss of the tubular tongue in Loxops mana. The hypothesis of monophyly for all the Hawaiian taxa in the study was not rejected statistically. The study provides a framework for incorporating morphological and palaeontological information in evolutionary studies of the Drepanidini. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 141 , 207–255.  相似文献   

Morphological and culture studies were carried out on the genus Scytosiphon (Scytosiphonales, Phaeophyceae) growing in Japan. Morphologies of plurilocular zo-idangia and sporophytic thalli were found to be useful as taxonomic characters. Two types of plurilocular zo-idangial sori were recognized: (i) loosely coherent plurilocular zoidangia without a cuticular layer (loose type); (ii) tightly coherent plurilocular zoidangia with a cuticular layer (coherent type). The sporophytic thallus morphology was different among species in general appearance (tufted or discoid), degree of cohesion of erect filaments, and presence or absence of paraphyses. Two new species are described, Scytosiphon gracilis sp. nov. and Scytosiphon tenellus sp. nov, Scytosiphon gracilis is distinguished from other species by a thin medullary layer, coherent plurilocular zoidangia, no ascocysts associated with plurilocular zoidangia, and Compsonema-like sporophytic thalli. Scytosiphon tenellus is characterized by a thin medullary layer, coherent plurilocular zoidangia, ascocysts among plurilocular zoidangial sori, and Stragularia-like sporophytic thalli. Scytosiphon lo-mentaria (Lyngbye) Link is characterized by a constricted gametophytic thallus, loose plurilocular zoidangia, the presence of ascocysts, and sporophytic thaili identified with Microspongium gelatlnosum Reinke.  相似文献   

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