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Summary. Internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) sequences of the nuclear rDNA of eight bee species of the genus Melipona were studied. Complete ITS-1 sequence and flanking regions from three Melipona species were PCR-amplified, cloned, sequenced, and their variability compared. These sequences show length variation (1391 to 1417 bp), several repeated elements of one, two, three, and four nucleotides, and a repeated tandem sequence of approximately 80 bp. The low variation level between M. quadrifasciata and M. mandacaia sequences supports the hypothesis that they diverged recently. PCR-amplification, cloning, and sequencing of a partial ITS-1 sequence (394 to 496 bp) of eight Melipona species and two outgroups were performed and the obtained sequences used for phylogenetic analysis. The single tree estimated from parsimony analysis recovered four well-defined clades and monophyly of the genus Melipona. The phylogenetic relationships derived from sequences of ITS-1 fragments corroborate the taxonomic classification of Melipona based on morphological characters.Received 17 July 2003; revised 10 May 2004; accepted 1 June 2004.  相似文献   

The genus Legionella is represented by 48 species and Legionella pneumophila includes 15 serogroups. In this work, we have studied the intergenic 16S-23S spacer region (ITS) in L. pneumophila to determine the feasability of using amplification polymorphisms in this region, to establish intraspecies differences and to discriminate Legionella species. The amplification of this region, using 16S14F and 23S0R primers, and the analysis of amplicons by the analysis of fragments technique showed that all the L. pneumophila serogroups studied presented the same electrophoretic pattern. Moreover, the analysis of different Legionella species showed that the amplification polymorphisms obtained were species-specific. In order to study the sequence variability of this region, the existence in L. pneumophila of three ribosomal operons was determined by pulsed field gel eletrophoresis (PFGE). Two of the 16S-23S rRNA ITS presented a tRNA Ala and the third one a tRNA Ile. Nevertheless, the variability expected in this region of the operon was not found and the rest of the ITS contained only punctual mutations.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer (ITS1, 5.8S rDNA, and ITS2) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) was sequenced from 53 species, which represent most of the living species diversity in the genus Phalaenopsis (Orchidaceae). A phylogeny was developed for the genus based on the neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony analyses of molecular data. Results of these analyses provided support for the monophyly of the genus Phalaenopsis and concurred in that the genera Doritis and Kingidium should be treated as being parts of the genus Phalaenopsis as suggested by Christenson (2001). Within the genus Phalaenopsis, neither subgenera Aphyllae nor Parishianae were monophyletic, and they were highly clustered with subgenus Proboscidioides plus sections Esmeralda and Deliciosae of subgenus Phalaenopsis based on ITS data. Those species also have the same characters of morphology of four pollinia and similar biogeographies. Furthermore, neither subgenus Phalaenopsis nor Polychilos was monophyletic. Within the subgenus Phalaenopsis, only section Phalaenopsis was highly supported as being monophyletic. As for the subgenus Polychilos, only section Polychilos was moderately supported as being monophyletic. In conclusion, the present molecular data obtained from the ITS sequence of nrDNA of the genus Phalaenopsis provide valuable information for elucidating the phylogeny of this genus.  相似文献   

We analyze the structure of the internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2 of the nuclear ribosomal DNA in the gymnosperm Gnetum, using a phylogenetic framework derived mainly from an intron in the nuclear low-copy LEAFY gene. Gnetum comprises 25-35 species in South America, Africa, and Asia, of which we sampled 16, each with two to six clones. Criteria used to assess ITS functionality were highly divergent nucleotide substitution, GC content, secondary structure, and incongruent phylogenetic placement of presumed paralogs. The length of ITS1 ranged from 225 to 986 bp and that of ITS2 from 259 to 305 bp, the largest ranges so far reported from seed plants. Gnetum ITS1 contains two informative sequence motifs, but different from other gymnosperms, there are only few and short (7-13 bp) tandem repeats. Gnetum ITS2 contains two structural motifs, modified in different clades by shortening of stems and loops. Conspecific sequences grouped together except for two recombinant pseudogenes that had ITS1 of one clade and ITS2 of another. Most of the pseudogenic ITS copies, paralogs, and putative chimeras occurred in a clade that according to a fossil-calibrated chloroplast-DNA clock has an age of a few million years. Based on morphology and chromosome numbers, the most plausible causes of the observed high levels of ITS polymorphism are hybridization, allopolyploidy, and introgression.  相似文献   

Isometamidium chloride has remained a very important prophylactic and therapeutic drug against trypanosomosis in cattle since its introduction into the market in the 1950s with, unfortunately, a concomitant development of resistance in trypanosomosis endemic areas. Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) was used to compare two isogenic clones of Trypanosoma congolense. The parent clone, sensitive to isometamidium, has a CD50 (the curative dose that gives complete cure in 50% of the animals) in the mouse of 0.018 mg/kg and its derivative exposed to increasing doses of isometamidium, has a CD50 that is 94-fold higher. Sixty-four combinations of eight Eco RI and eight Mse I primers were used in comparative AFLP analysis to detect subtle genetic differences between the two clones. Thirty-five polymorphic fragments of DNA that were observed only in the resistant clone were purified and then sequenced. The nucleotide sequences were used in searching the GeneDB T. congolense database to find surrounding sequences upstream of an open reading frame and downstream to a stop codon. The sequences of the open reading frames were subsequently compared to the sequences in the genomic databases. A predicted gene coding for an 854 amino acids protein was thus identified. The protein contains a putative ATP binding site, Walker B and LSGG motifs and eight predicted trans-membrane domains. The gene in the resistant strain of T. congolense has a triplet insertion coding for an extra lysine. Using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism, the insertion was sought in the genomes of 35 T. congolense strains isolated from different geographic origins and whose response to isometamidium chloride had been determined through single dose mouse tests. The presence of the insertion, specifying an extra codon was found to always be present in the genomes of T. congolense clones that were resistant to isometamidium chloride.  相似文献   

The majority of Trypanosoma evansi can be detected using diagnostic tests based on the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of Trypanosoma evansi Rode Trypanozoon antigen type (RoTat) 1.2. Exceptions are a number of T. evansi isolated in Kenya. To characterize T. evansi that are undetected by RoTat 1.2, we cloned and sequenced the VSG cDNA from T. evansi JN 2118Hu, an isolate devoid of the RoTat 1.2 VSG gene. A 273 bp DNA segment of the VSG gene was targeted in PCR amplification for the detection of non-RoTat 1.2 T. evansi. Genomic DNA samples from different trypanosomes were tested including 32 T. evansi, 10 Trypanosoma brucei, three Trypanosoma congolense, and one Trypanosoma vivax. Comparison was by PCR amplification of a 488 bp fragment of RoTat1.2 VSG gene. Results showed that the expected 273 bp amplification product was present in all five non-RoTat 1.2 T. evansi tested and was absent in all 27 RoTat 1.2-positive T. evansi tested. It was also absent in all other trypanosomes tested. The PCR test developed in this study is specific for non-RoTat 1.2 T. evansi.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of the internal transcribed spacer ITS1 of the rDNA within individuals ofTulipa gesneriana L.,T. kaufmanniana Regel, and their interspecific hybrids was analyzed by PCRRFLP, using the polymorphic restriction enzymesRsaI andHinfI, and by nucleotide sequence analysis. In most cases, the sum of the sizes of the restriction fragments was higher than the entire length of the undigested ITS fragment, indicating heterogeneity at the restriction sites within an individual. Differences in band intensities within the restriction patterns indicate the occurrence of variation in copy number of these different ITS1 variants within individuals. Automated sequencing without a visual inspection often failed to detect existing heterogeneity within sequences, resulting in a discrepancy between the sequencing and restriction analysis results. By visual interpretation of the sequences, the restriction patterns could mostly be predicted well. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments in fourTulipa species revealed the occurrence of several rDNA spots. The number of rDNA loci varied from seven inT. gesneriana Christmas Marvel to ten inT. australis Link. This might explain the occurrence of heterogeneity in ITS sequences inTulipa, as homogenization of variants has to take place over different loci.  相似文献   

Thelazia gulosa, Thelazia rhodesi and Thelazia skrjabini are nematodes transmitted by some species of Musca (Diptera: Muscidae) which cause ocular infestations in bovines. Differences in the rDNA of these species were determined by a PCR using different sets of relatively conserved oligonucleotide primers. PCR on the first internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) revealed differences in size in Thelazia species (437 bp for T. gulosa, 370 bp for T. rhodesi and 506 bp for T. skrjabini) while the DNA control of Musca spp. was not amplified. The ITS-1 amplicons of the three species were sequenced and then analysed. The GC contents ranged from 26 to 36% and the level of differences in the nucleotide sequences of ITS-1 was lower between T. skrjabini and T. gulosa (39%) than the latter and T. rhodesi (49–56%). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of ITS-1 amplicons was also carried out and the restriction profiles compared. Clear genetic differences among the three Thelazia examined were demonstrated by using the enzymes HpaII, CpoI and SspI. This PCR–RFLP for the delineation of T. gulosa, T. rhodesi and T. skrjabini offers prospects as a molecular epidemiological tool to study parasite transmission patterns and prevalence.  相似文献   

Eighteen isolates of the red algae Chondrus crispus were collected from Northern Atlantic sites, together with C. ocellatus, C. yendoi and C. pinnulatus from the North Pacific. The nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was sequenced and compared, spanning both the ITS regions and the 5.8S rRNA gene. Percentage of nucleotide variation for C. crispus ranged from 0.3% to 4.0%. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using maximum parsimony (MP), neighbor-joining (NJ) and minimum evolution methods. They showed that two main clades existed within the C. crispus samples examined and that suggested C. crispus had a single Atlantic origin. The clustering however did not follow the geographic origin. We hypothesized that the current distribution of C. crispus populations might be a result of three main factors: temperature boundaries, paleoclimate and paleoceanography. ITS data exhibited abundant molecular information not only for phylogeographical investigation but also for systematics studies. Handling editor: C. Sturmbauer  相似文献   

Abstract The size of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as measured by gel electrophoresis of PCR products, amplified by primers ITS1 and ITS4, was over 800 bp for all Saccharomyces sensu stricto species, but yeasts belonging to other Saccharomyces species had a shorter ITS region, making this characteristic potentially useful in the identification of Saccharomyces isolates. The ITS product length was homogeneous within the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae .  相似文献   

Metastrongylus species are important parasites of free-range pigs and wild boar, but little is known about the genetic make-up of natural populations. This study was undertaken to examine sequence variation in internal transcribed spacer 2 of ribosomal DNA within and among three species of Metastrongylus using PCR-linked restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. In contrast to many other species of bursate nematodes, significant intraspecific variation was detected in restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles among individual worms. In spite of this, it was possible to identify the three species by their distinctive restriction profiles. The findings suggest that the internal transcribed spacer 2 region should be useful for analysing population variation within Metastrongylus species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the utilization of a standard treatment with diminazene aceturate against the infection caused by Trypanosoma evansi, associated to sodium selenite and vitamin E. In vitro tests showed trypanocidal effect related to the treatment with diminazene aceturate and sodium selenite, but vitamin E had no harmful effect on the trypanosomes. In vivo experiments utilized a total of 72 adult outbreed females rats, separated into 9 groups (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I), 8 animals each. Group A was the uninfected group; groups B to I were infected with 0.2 mL of blood containing 106 trypanosomes. Parasitemia was estimated daily by microscopic examination of blood smears. Group B served as positive control; group C was treated with diminazene aceturate; group D with sodium selenite; group E with vitamin E; group F received an association of diminazene aceturate and sodium selenite; group G received an association of diminazene aceturate and vitamin E; group H received an association of diminazene aceturate, sodium selenite and vitamin E, and group I received an association of sodium selenite and vitamin E. Diminazene aceturate was administrated in a single dose on the 3rd day post infection (PI). Sodium selenite and vitamin E were administered at the 3rd and 23rd day PI. In vivo tests showed increase of longevity in groups treated with diminazene aceturate associated with sodium selenite (groups F and H). No difference was found between groups C and E, thus the vitamin E did not increase the efficacy of treatment against T. evansi when associated to diminazene aceturate. The curative efficacy of treatments was 37.5, 87.7, 37.7 and 75% to the groups C, F, G and H, respectively. Other treatments showed no efficacy. The sodium selenite when combined with chemotherapy may represent an alternative in the treatment of trypanosomosis.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of Packera is presented based on sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA of 26 species (28 populations) of Packera and 23 outgroup taxa, including representatives of all three subtribes of the Senecioneae. The results support a Mexican origin for Packera, with its closest relatives found among Old World taxa in the subtribe Senecioninae, such as Senecio jacobaea and Pericallis. Packera species from the west coast of the United States, previously included in the section Bolanderi of Greenman, are part of a basal assemblage including species of Greenman's Mexican section Sanguisorboidei. The rest of Packera separates into two sister groups, one containing species from the Arizona-New Mexico region and the other containing more geographically diverse taxa. Among the outgroups, New World Senecio species are monophyletic and two Tussilaginoid assemblages are strongly supported; the Tephroseroid group (Tephroseris and Sinosenecio) plus Petasites combine with the Luina complex to form a clade of north temperate taxa, and the four Mexican genera (Psacalium, Robinsonecio, Barkleyanthus, and Pittocaulon) form a monophyletic group.  相似文献   

We compared two methods to generate polymorphic markers to investigate the population genetics of Trypanosoma evansi; random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified restriction fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses. AFLP accessed many more polymorphisms than RAPD. Cluster analysis of the AFLP data showed that 12 T.evansi isolates were very similar ('type A') whereas 2 isolates differed substantially ('type B'). Type A isolates have been generally regarded as genetically identical but AFLP analysis was able to identify multiple differences between them and split the type A T. evansi isolates into two distinct clades.  相似文献   

Fusarium species causing wilt diseases in different plants were characterised by comparing nonpathogenic and different pathogenic species using rDNA RFLP analysis. The ITS (internal transcribed spacer) region of 12 isolates belonging to the section Elegans, Laseola, Mortiella, Discolor, Gibbosum, Lateritium and Sporotrichiella were amplified by universal ITS primers (ITS-1 and ITS-4) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Amplified products, which ranged from 522 to 565 bp were obtained from all 12 Fusarium isolates. The amplified products were digested with seven restriction enzymes, and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns were analysed. A dendrogram derived from PCR-RFLP analysis of the rDNA region divided the Fusarium isolates into three major groups. Assessment of molecular variability based on rDNA RFLP clearly indicated that Fusarium species are heterogeneous and most of the forma speciales have close evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

Niu Q  Luo J  Guan G  Liu Z  Ma M  Liu A  Gao J  Ren Q  Li Y  Qiu J  Yin H 《Experimental parasitology》2009,121(1):64-68
The first and second internal transcribed spacers (ITS1, ITS2) as well as the intervening 5.8S coding region of the rRNA gene for six Babesia spp. isolated from different geographic origins were characterized. Varying degrees of ITS1 and ITS2 intra- and inter-species sequence polymorphism were found among these isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS1-5.8S gene-ITS2 region clearly separated the isolates into two clusters. One held an unidentified Babesia sp. transmitted by Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum. The second held five other isolates, which were considered to be Babesia motasi. Each Babesia species cluster possessed ITS1 and ITS2 of unique size(s) and species specific nucleotide sequences. The results showed that ITS1, ITS2 and the complete ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region could be used to discriminate these ovine Babesia spp. effectively.  相似文献   

We examined the genetic variability in the pig–human tapeworm, Taenia solium, by sequencing the genes for cytochrome oxidase I, internal transcribed spacer 1, and a diagnostic antigen, Ts14, from individual cysts isolated from Peru, Colombia, Mexico, India, China, and the Philippines. For these genes, the rate of nucleotide variation was minimal. Isolates from these countries can be distinguished based on one to eight nucleotide differences in the 396 nucleotide cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequence. However, all of the 15 isolates from within Peru had identical COI sequences. The Ts14 sequences from India and China were identical and differed from the Peru sequence by three nucleotides in 333. These data indicate that there is minimal genetic variability within the species T. solium. Minimal variability was also seen in the ITS1 sequence, but this variation was observed within the individual. Twenty-two cloned sequences from six isolates sorted into 13 unique sequences. The variability observed within the sequences from individual cysts was as great as the variability between the isolates.  相似文献   

The two ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (1 and 2) of the hookworms Ancylostoma caninum, A. tubaeforme, A. ceylanicum and A. duodenale were sequenced. The sequence lengths were similar among the four species, except that A. ceylanicum had slightly longer (by 5–7 bp) internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 sequences. The predicted secondary structure of the internal transcribed spacer 2 precursor rRNA was similar for all species, despite interspecific differences in primary sequence ranging from 0.9% to 13.2%. Interspecific differences in internal transcribed spacer 1 sequence ranged from 0.9% to 7.5%. A cladistic analysis of the sequence data, using the human hookworm Necator americanus as the outgroup, provided little resolution of the phylogenetic relationships, except that A. ceylanicum occurred on a branch external to the other three species. Nonetheless, internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 may provide useful phylogenetic information at higher taxonomic levels within the superfamily Ancylostomatoidea.  相似文献   

Metastrongylus species are important parasites of free-range pigs and wild boar, but little is known about the genetic make-up of natural populations. This study was undertaken to examine sequence variation in internal transcribed spacer 2 of ribosomal DNA within and among three species of Metastrongylus using PCR-linked restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. In contrast to many other species of bursate nematodes, significant intraspecific variation was detected in restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles among individual worms. In spite of this, it was possible to identify the three species by their distinctive restriction profiles. The findings suggest that the internal transcribed spacer 2 region should be useful for analysing population variation within Metastrongylus species.  相似文献   

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