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Summary The influence of ambient temperature and water supply on water metabolism and O2-consumption was measured in rock hyraxes (Procavia habessinica).With ad libitum food and water (control), water turnover rates of hyraxes were significantly lower than the general eutherian mean; water turnover rates were 61.4, 44.1 and 55.1 ml·kg–0.82·24 h–1 at 20, 27 and 35°C respectively. When greens were fed ad libitum but no drinking water was given, water turnover rate at 20°C was twofold higher, but at 27 and 35°C it was similar to that in control experiments.Water turnover rates were significantly reduced when no drinking water and only 25 g greens per day were offered (25.8, 22.0 and 29.3 ml·kg–0.82·24 h–1 at 20, 27 and 35°C respectively). Highest urine osmolality (3,200 mosm·kg–1) was recorded at 20°C.Oxygen consumption under control conditions was 43% below that predicted on the basis of body weight for most eutherian mammals. The thermoneutral zone ranged from 27 to 35°C, and the basal metabolic rate was 165 kJ·kg–0.75·h–1.  相似文献   

The cineradiographic study of the locomotion of the rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) and the functional interpretation of its locomotory system, reveals that the main action of proximal segments is combined with flexed position and low movements of limb joints. This observation can be applied to the locomotion of other small mammals. In the forelimb, scapular rotation and translation account for more than 60% of step length. Effective shoulder joint movements are mostly restricted to less than 20°, and elbow movements range mainly between 20°-50°. The detachment of the shoulder girdle of therian mammals from the axial skeleton, and development of a supraspinous fossa, are correlated with movements at a high scapular fulcrum. Movements at such a high fulcrum are in interdependency with a crouched posture. Only flexed limbs can act as shock absorbers and prevent vertical changes in the center of gravity. Basic differences in forelimb movements exist between larger primates (humeral retraction) and smaller mammals (scapula retraction). In the hyrax, propulsion is due mainly to hip joint movements in symmetrical gaits, but sagittal lumbar spine movements play the dominant role at in-phase gaits. Joint and muscular anatomy, especially of the shoulder region, are discussed in view of the kinematic data.  相似文献   

In pregnant rock hyraxes isolated leucocytes metabolise both [3H]pregnenolone and [3H]progesterone while whole blood, erythrocytes and an erythrocyte/leucocyte mixture only metabolised [3H]progesterone. Plasma displayed no tendency to metabolically convert any one of these two steroids. In whole blood [3H]progesterone appears to be converted to 5alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione and a compound with chromatographic properties similar to that of 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha-ol-20-one. 5Alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione exhibited a high relative binding affinity for the uterine progesterone eceptor (94%), but 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha-ol-20-one displayed very little affinity for the same receptor (0.4%). 5Alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione may therefore aid in the maintenance of pregnancy. Corpora lutea metabolised progesterone to 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, a compound exhibiting no progestational function because of its low relative binding affinity for the uterine progesterone receptor (2%). Progesterone appears to be the main product of the corpus luteum. However, 5alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione circulated at concentrations approximately 8.5 times higher than progesterone, probably due to the metabolic conversion of progesterone to 5alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione by the blood. We conclude that in the hyrax progesterone, produced by the corpora lutea, enters the circulation, where it is reduced to 5alpha-pregnanes. 5Alpha-pregane-3,20-dione may then be transported to the uterus where it binds to the progesterone receptor to assist in the maintenance of pregnancy. This mechanism appears to be analogous to that of the African elephant which is phylogenetically related to the hyrax, except that in the elephant the 5alpha-reduced metabolites are produced by luteal tissue and not the blood.  相似文献   

The male genitalia of the rock hyrax (Procavia and Heterohyrax) are described. Features of the gross anatomy and histology of the testes and male accessory organs are presented, and comparison is made between the sexually active and sexually quiescent animal.
Microscopical observations have revealed the main area of storage of spermatozoa in this mammal and partly on these grounds, a new nomenclature for different parts of the reproductive system is proposed. Seasonal variations in male sexual activity in these mammals are also discussed, in addition to anatomical considerations.  相似文献   

Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) are faced with large daily fluctuations in ambient temperature during summer and winter. In this study, peritoneal body temperature of free-living rock hyrax was investigated. During winter, when low ambient temperatures and food supply prevail, rock hyrax maintained a lower core body temperature relative to summer. In winter body temperatures during the day were more variable than at night. This daytime variability is likely a result of body temperatures being raised from basking in the sun. Body temperatures recorded during winter never fell to low levels recorded in previous laboratory studies. During summer ambient temperatures exceeded the thermoneutral zone of the rock hyrax throughout most of the day, while crevice temperatures remained within the thermoneutral zone of rock hyrax. However, in summer variation in core body temperature was small. Minimum and maximum body temperatures did not coincide with minimum and maximum ambient temperatures. Constant body temperatures were also recorded when ambient temperatures reached lethal limits. During summer it is likely that rock hyrax select cooler refugia to escape lethal temperatures and to prevent excessive water loss. Body temperature of rock hyrax recorded in this study reflects the adaptability of this animal to the wide range of ambient temperatures experienced in its natural environment.  相似文献   

The interhaemal membrane consisted of only two cellular elements: a single layer of cellular trophoblast and the fetal capillary endothelium. The hyrax is therefore one of the few mammals known to possess the cellular haemomonochorial type of placenta. The trophospongium was also cellular while the basal trophoblastic cells were strongly phagocytic. The giant multinucleate cells at the feto-maternal junction were ultrastructurally different from the trophoblast cells and showed no signs of degeneration. Their appearance suggests that they are of maternal rather than fetal origin.  相似文献   

A cell suspension culture from Tabernaemontana divaricata was fed with 15N-labelled ammonium or nitrate. The incorporation of label in free amino acids, protein amino acids and indole alkaloids was determined. Ammonium was found to be used more extensively than nitrate in the biosynthesis of these compounds. For tryptamine considerably lower labelling percentages were found than for the indole alkaloid O-acetylvallesamine and the amino acids. This indicates a vacuolar pool of tryptamine, formed at the beginning of the culture-period and not available for further alkaloid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

In mammals, males maintain significantly higher testosterone (T, 'the male hormone') levels than females throughout the year and are typically dominant over females. Our study of the cooperatively breeding rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) demonstrated a distinct exception. In most hyrax social groups that we studied, adult females were at the highest social rank within the group and showed higher than or equal T levels to males. To our knowledge, this is the first reported instance of adult female mammals demonstrating higher T levels than adult males. However, although T levels significantly correlated with rank in males, in females such correlations were not detected, suggesting a more complex interplay between behavior and endocrine factors in this species.  相似文献   

We studied the seasonal variation on aerobic metabolism and the response of oxidative stress parameters in the digestive glands of the subpolar limpet Nacella (P.) magellanica. Sampling was carried out from July (winter) 2002 to July 2003 in Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Whole animal respiration rates increased in early spring as the animals spawned and remained elevated throughout summer and fall (winter: 0.09 ± 0.02 μmol O2 h− 1 g− 1; summer: 0.31 ± 0.06 μmol O2 h− 1 g− 1). Oxidative stress was assessed at the hydrophilic level as the ascorbyl radical content / ascorbate content ratio (A / AH). The A / AH ratio showed minimum values in winter (3.7 ± 0.2 10− 5 AU) and increased in summer (18 ± 5 10− 5 AU). A similar pattern was observed for lipid radical content (122 ± 29 pmol mg− 1 fresh mass [FW] in winter and 314 ± 45 pmol mg− 1 FW in summer), iron content (0.99 ± 0.07 and 2.7 ± 0.6 nmol mg− 1 FW in winter and summer, respectively) and catalase activity (2.9 ± 0.2 and 7 ± 1 U mg− 1 FW in winter and summer, respectively). Since nitrogen derived radicals are thought to be critically involved in oxidative metabolism in cells, nitric oxide content was measured and a significant difference in the content of the Fe–MGD–NO adduct in digestive glands from winter and summer animals was observed. Together, the data indicate that both oxygen and nitrogen radical generation rates in N. (P.) magellanica are strongly dependent on season.  相似文献   

Nitrogen excretion and assimilation efficiencies in Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus), a marine teleost present in high-energy surf zones in Algoa Bay, South Africa, were determined under controlled laboratory conditions at 15, 20 and 25 °C. Ammonia was the major form of nonfaecal nitrogen excreted by starved and fed L. mormyrus. Urea and amino acids were secondary excretory products. Ammonia excretion rates were temperature independent and the excretion rates of fed fish were significantly higher than starved fish at 20 and 25 °C but not at 15 °C. The mass component (b) of the mass/ammonia excretion equation was temperature independent and ranged from 0.590 to 0.669 and from 0.670 to 0.767 for starved and fed fish, respectively. The mean percentage of food energy lost via the dissolved nonfaecal excretory products (exogenous plus endogenous) was 4.12%. Assimilation efficiencies ranged from 71.89 to 98.78% for dry matter and from 96.89 to 99.88% on an energy basis. The combined nonfaecal and faecal energy loss was calculated at 10.11% of the ingested energy. The omnivorous ichthyofauna present in the surf zone ecosystem recycle 33 g N · m strip · yr−1. This constitutes < 1 % of total phytoplankton nitrogen requirements.  相似文献   

Restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to evaluate geographic population genetic structure in the rock hyrax, Procavia capensis, a species which occurs widely, though restricted to rocky habitat, throughout South Africa. Ten restriction endonucleases were employed to assay mtDNAs from 55 specimens representing 10 localities. Haplotypes showed strong geographic patterning, and estimates of nucleotide sequence divergence indicate two major clades thought to be dispersing along separate routes. The divergence time of approximately 2 Myr between clades is relatively high for intraspecific variation. We speculate that the marked genetic break distinguishing the northwestern populations from those constituting the south/central clade may be indicative of two species in what has conventionally been regarded as P. capensis.  相似文献   

Semi-thin plastic sections reveal that the carotid baroreceptor region in the rock hyrax comprising the origin of the internal carotid artery has a preponderantly elastic structure and a thick tunica adventitia. In contrast, the common carotid artery has a musculoelastic structure, whereas the cranial segment of the internal carotid artery (immediately distal to the baroreceptor areas) shows the features of a muscular artery. Electron microscopy discloses the presence of sensory nerve endings within the parts of the tunica adventitia adjoining the preponderantly elastic zone of the internal carotid artery. These nerve endings are characterized by varicose regions containing a large quantity of mitochondria. Bundles of collagen fibers in the tunica adventitia form convolutions or whorls around the nerve terminals and often terminate on the surface of the elastic fibers or into the basement membranes of the neuronal profiles. The large content of elastic tissue in the tunica media of the baroreceptor region may render the vessel wall highly distensible to intraluminal pressure changes. This, in turn, would facilitate the transmission of the stimulus intensity to the sensory nerve terminals located in the tunica adventitia. It is suggested that the stretching of elastic fibers may form the main mechanical event leading to the distortion of the associated nerve terminals. However, a change in the geometrical configuration of the bundles of collagen under the influence of the elastic fibers may provide a better insight into the mechanisms of distortion of the baroreceptors related to and/or in contact with collagen fibers.  相似文献   

The nitrogen uptake and growth capabilities of the potentially harmful, raphidophycean flagellate Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Sournia were examined in unialgal batch cultures (strain CCMP 1912). Growth rates as a function of three nitrogen substrates (ammonium, nitrate and urea) were determined at saturating and sub-saturating photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFDs). At saturating PPFD (110 μE m−2 s−1), the growth rate of H. akashiwo was slightly greater for cells grown on NH4+ (0.89 d−1) compared to cells grown on NO3 or urea, which had identical growth rates (0.82 d−1). At sub-saturating PPFD (40 μE m−2 s−1), both urea- and NH4+-grown cells grew faster than NO3-grown cells (0.61, 0.57 and 0.46 d−1, respectively). The N uptake kinetic parameters were investigated using exponentially growing batch cultures of H. akashiwo and the 15N-tracer technique. Maximum specific uptake rates (Vmax) for unialgal cultures grown at 15 °C and saturating PPFD (110 μE m−2 s−1) were 28.0, 18.0 and 2.89 × 10−3 h−1 for NH4+, NO3 and urea, respectively. The traditional measure of nutrient affinity—the half saturation constants (Ks) were similar for NH4+ and NO3 (1.44 and 1.47 μg-at N L−1), but substantially lower for urea (0.42 μg-at N L−1). Whereas the α parameter (α = Vmax/Ks), which is considered a more robust indicator for substrate affinity when substrate concentrations are low (<Ks), were 19.4, 12.2 and 6.88 × 10−3 h−1/(μg-at N L−1) for NH4+, NO3 and urea, respectively. These laboratory results demonstrate that at both saturating and sub-saturating N concentrations, N uptake preference follows the order: NH4+ > NO3 > urea, and suggests that natural blooms of H. akashiwo may be initiated or maintained by any of the three nitrogen substrates examined.  相似文献   

The rock shag (Phalacrocorax magellanicus) is an endemic species from southern Argentina and Chile. In Argentina, the population is distributed along the Patagonian coast in 143 small colonies (5–377 pairs). We studied colony and nest site fidelity of rock shags at Punta Loma, Patagonia, Argentina. We banded 37 adults from December 2001 to June 2003, during two breeding and two non-breeding seasons. Nest site fidelity was extremely high during consecutive breeding and also non-breeding seasons. The high percentage of banded birds residing in the colony in consecutive seasons suggests that rock shags are highly faithful to breeding sites and supports the idea of low post-breeding dispersion.  相似文献   

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