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Platelet vinculin: a substrate of activated factor XIII   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In addition to plasma, Factor XIII of blood coagulation (FXIII) is also present in the cytosol of platelets, monocytes and macrophages. However, its intracellular function has not yet been revealed. Activated Factor XIII (FXIIIa) is a transglutaminase (protein-glutamine: amine gamma-glutamyltransferase, EC of highly restricted substrate specificity with only a few known protein substrates. In this report, we showed that FXIIIa can link dansylcadaverine, radiolabelled histamine and putrescine to vinculin. Quantitative determinations revealed that in the vinculin molecule a single glutamine residue can serve as acyl donor for the incorporation of small-molecular-weight amines. Vinculin could not be crosslinked to another vinculin molecule. It could be covalently bound, however, to fibrinogen, which indicates that the acyl donor glutamine residue can be engaged in an epsilon-(gamma-glutamyl)lysyl crosslink formation. Since it has been shown that platelet actin and myosin, two main components of cytoskeleton, are also substrates for FXIIIa, and that vinculin is associated to the cytoskeleton during platelet activation, the involvement of FXIII in the stabilization of cytoskeleton at certain phases of cellular function is a likely possibility.  相似文献   

Excessive accumulation of platelets at sites of athero-sclerotic plaque rupture leads to the development of arterial thrombi, precipitating clinical events such as the acute coronary syndromes and ischemic stroke. The major platelet adhesion receptor glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa (integrin alpha(IIb)beta3) plays a central role in this process by promoting platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. We demonstrate here a novel mechanism down-regulating integrin alpha(IIb)beta3 adhesive function, involving platelet factor XIII (FXIII) and calpain, which serves to limit platelet aggregate formation and thrombus growth. This mechanism principally occurs in collagen-adherent platelets and is induced by prolonged elevations in cytosolic calcium, leading to dramatic changes in platelet morphology (membrane contraction, fragmentation, and microvesiculation) and a specific reduction in integrin alpha(IIb)beta3 adhesive function. Adhesion receptor signal transduction plays a major role in the process by sustaining cytosolic calcium flux necessary for calpain and FXIII activation. Analysis of thrombus formation on a type I fibrillar collagen substrate revealed an important role for FXIII and calpain in limiting platelet recruitment into developing aggregates, thereby leading to reduced thrombus formation. These studies define a previously unidentified role for platelet FXIII and calpain in regulating integrin alpha(IIb)beta3 adhesive function. Moreover, they demonstrate the existence of an autoregulatory feedback mechanism that serves to limit excessive platelet accumulation on highly reactive thrombogenic surfaces.  相似文献   

The role of calpain in platelet function is generally associated with aggregation and clot retraction. In this report, data are presented to show that one component of the platelet secretory machinery, SNAP-23, is specifically cleaved by calpain in activated cells. Other proteins of the membrane fusion machinery, e.g. syntaxins 2 and 4 and alpha-SNAP, are not affected. In vitro studies, using permeabilized platelets, demonstrate that cleavage is time- and calcium-dependent. Analysis of SNAP-23 cleavage products suggests that the calpain cleavage site(s) is in the C-terminal third of the molecule potentially between the cysteine-rich acyl attachment sites and the C-terminal coiled-coil domain. The time course of cleavage is most consistent with late calpain-mediated events such as pp60(c-src) cleavage, but not early events such as protein-tyrosine phosphatase-1B activation. SNAP-23 cleavage is inhibited by calpeptin, calpastatin, calpain inhibitor IV, and E-64d, but not by caspase 3 inhibitor III or cathepsin inhibitor I. When tested for their effect on secretion, none of the calpain-specific inhibitors significantly affected release of soluble components from any of the three platelet granule storage pools. These results indicate that SNAP-23 cleavage occurs after granule release and therefore may play a role in affecting granule membrane exteriorization. This is consistent with the ultrastructural morphology of calpeptin-treated platelets after activation.  相似文献   

Isetti G  Maurer MC 《Biochemistry》2004,43(14):4150-4159
In blood coagulation, thrombin helps to activate factor XIII by cleaving the activation peptide at the R37-G38 peptide bond. The residues N-terminal to the scissile bond are important in determining rates of hydrolysis. Solution studies of wild-type and mutant peptides of factor XIII AP (28-37) suggest residues P(4)-P(1) are most critical in substrate recognition. By contrast, the X-ray crystal structure of FXIII AP (28-37) displays all of the residues, P(10)-P(1), interacting with the thrombin active site in a conformation similar to that of fibrinogen Aalpha (7-16) [Sadasivan, C., and Yee, V. C. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 36942-36948]. Peptides were therefore synthesized with the N-terminal P(10)-P(6) residues removed to further characterize interactions of thrombin with factor XIII activation peptides. The truncations have no adverse effects on thrombin's ability to bind and to hydrolyze the shortened peptides. The wild-type FXIII AP (33-41) V34 sequence actually exhibits a decrease in K(m) relative to the longer (28-41) sequence whereas the cardioprotective FXIII AP (33-41) V34L exhibits a further increase in k(cat) relative to its longer parent sequence. One-dimensional proton line broadening NMR and 2D transferred-NOESY studies indicate that the shortened peptides maintain similar bound conformations as their FXIII AP (28-37) counterparts. Furthermore, the distinctive NOE between the L34 and P36 side chains is preserved. Kinetic and NMR studies thus reveal that the N-terminal portions of FXIII AP (28-37) (V34 and V34L) are not necessary for effective interaction with the thrombin active site surface. FXIII activation peptides bind to thrombin in a manner more like PAR1 than fibrinogen Aalpha.  相似文献   

The effect of NCO-700, a cystine protease inhibitor, on platelet-activating factor-induced platelet aggregation was determined. A newly synthesized cystine protease inhibitor (calcium-activated neutral protease and cathepsin B inhibitor), NCO-700 (bis[ethyl (2R, 3R)-3-[(S)-methyl-1-[4-(2,3,4- trimethoxyphenylmethyl) piperazine-1-ylcarbonyl]butylcarbonyl]oxiran-2-carboxy late]sulfate), inhibited platelet-activating factor-induced platelet aggregation. The inhibition was dependent on the preincubation time with NCO-700 and on the concentration of the inhibitor. The release of serotonin was also inhibited almost completely by the 20-min preincubation with 10(-4) M NCO-700. Leupeptin also inhibited platelet-activating factor-induced platelet aggregation. But calcium-activated neutral protease inhibitor did not inhibit it. These observations suggest that NCO-700-sensitive protease(s) such as cystine protease may contribute to platelet aggregation induced by platelet-activating factor.  相似文献   

It was found that similar to alpha-thrombin, beta-thrombin (possessing a high esterase and only a trace coagulating activities) converts plasmic transglutaminase (factor XIII) into its active form, thus promoting stabilization of fibrin. Activation of pure and plasmic preparations of factor XIII after incubation with beta-thrombin was observed in vitro. alpha-Thrombin at concentration corresponding to the trace coagulating activity of beta-thrombin had no activating effects. An intravenous injection of beta-thrombin to animals with aminazine-inhibited anticoagulating system reflectory arc resulted in an increase of factor XIII activity in the same way as was observed in vitro. On the other hand, an intravenous injection of beta-thrombin to intact animals did not increase factor XIII activity, which may be accounted for by a decrease in the level of factor XIII due to activation of the anticoagulating system.  相似文献   

Human alpha(2)-antiplasmin (alpha(2)AP), the main inhibitor of plasmin-mediated fibrinolysis, is a substrate for plasma transglutaminase, also termed activated factor XIII (FXIIIa). Of 452 amino acids in alpha(2)AP, only Gln(2) is believed to be a fibrin-cross-linking (or FXIIIa-reactive) site. Kinetic efficiencies (k(cat)/K(m)((app))) of FXIIIa and the guinea pig liver tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and reactivities of Gln substrate sites were compared for recombinant wild-type alpha(2)AP (WT-alpha(2)AP) and Q2A mutant alpha(2)AP (Q2A-alpha(2)AP). [(14)C]Methylamine incorporation showed the k(cat)/K(m)((app)) of FXIIIa to be 3-fold greater than that of tTG for WT-alpha(2)AP. With FXIIIa or tTG catalysis, [(14)C]methylamine was incorporated into Q2A-alpha(2)AP, indicating that WT-alpha(2)AP has more than one Gln cross-linking site. To identify transglutaminase-reactive sites in WT-alpha(2)AP or Q2A-alpha(2)AP, each was labeled with 5-(biotinamido)pentylamine by FXIIIa or tTG catalysis. After each labeled alpha(2)AP was digested by trypsin, sequence and mass analyses of each labeled peptide showed that 4 of 35 Gln residues were labeled with the following reactivities: Gln(2) > Gln(21) > Gln(419) > Gln(447). Q(2)A-alpha(2)AP was also labeled at Gln(21) > Gln(419) > Gln(447), but became cross-linked to fibrin by FXIIIa or tTG at approximately one-tenth the rate for WT-alpha(2)AP. These results show that alpha(2)AP is a better substrate for FXIIIa than for this particular tTG, but that either enzyme involves the same Gln substrate sites in alpha(2)AP and yields the same order of reactivities.  相似文献   

The action of human plasma factor XIIIa (thrombin-activated blood coagulation factor XIII) and guinea pig liver transglutaminase on purified caseins, fibrin, the derivatized gamma chain of fibrin, and a number of synthetic glutamine peptides, and peptide derivatives is reported. There are wide variations in the properties of the individual proteins and peptides as substrates for amine incorporation by the two transglutaminases. beta-Casein and several of its derivatives are excellent substrates for factor XIIIa. However, beta-casein is a relatively poor substrate for the liver enzyme. The primary site of amine incorporation by factor XIIIa in beta-casein was identified as glutamine 167. This was accomplished by labeling with fluorescent amine followed by proteolytic digestion and identification of labeled peptides. An 11-residue peptide and a 15-residue peptide, each containing 1 glutamine residue and each modeled after the primary site of amine incorporation in beta-casein, were prepared. A 13-residue peptide modeled after the primary crosslinking site in fibrin gamma chain was also prepared. Each of these polypeptides proved to be an efficient substrate for factor XIIIa and displayed significantly better substrate properties than a number of small glutamine peptide derivatives that are good substrates for liver transglutaminase.  相似文献   

We evaluated the activation of mu-calpain in progesterone-activated human sperm. Semen collected from fertile donors with informed consent was liquefied and subjected to percoll gradient centrifugation. After exposure to different concentrations of progesterone, the samples were used for immunostaining, SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. An increase of the intracellular free calcium concentration in the sperm following the addition of progesterone was observed using fura-2 AM. Immunostaining using an antibody against active mu-calpain produced 6 distinct staining patterns: (1) the acrosome, (2) an equatorial segment, (3) the whole head, (4) the neck, (5) the neck and tail or (6) unstained sperm. After addition of progesterone, the predominant type changed from the neck type (90%) to the neck and tail type (79%). Western blot analysis using a pro-mu-calpain and a mu-calpain domain III antibody revealed autodigestion of mu-calpain, indicating activation by progesterone. Using calpain-specific inhibitors it was shown that calpain activation contributes to sperm motility as well as to the acrosome reaction. These results suggest the possibility that activation of mu-calpain in human sperm by progesterone plays an important role in fertilization.  相似文献   

The mechanism of activation of human erythrocyte calpain was investigated using the immunoblotting technique with anticalpain monoclonal antibody. The purified calpain underwent a Ca2+-induced fragmentation of the 80 kDa subunit to 76 kDa and 36 kDa fragments. The behavior of the 76 kDa fragment in electrophoresis corresponded to the proteinase activity of calpain, whereas the behavior of the 80 kDa subunit and the 36 kDa fragment did not. When inside-out membrane vesicles were added to the reaction mixture of calpain and Ca2+ and the vesicles were separated from the supernatant solution by centrifugation, the 80 kDa subunit and 76 kDa fragment were found in the vesicle fraction. No other fragments were found in this fraction. On the other hand, the 80 kDa subunit and 36 kDa fragment were found in the supernatant fraction. When right-side-out membrane vesicles were added to the reaction mixture and the vesicles were separated from the supernatant fraction, no fragment was found in the vesicle fraction, while only the 36 kDa fragment was found in the supernatant fraction. These results indicate that the 80 kDa subunit of procalpain was bound in a Ca2+-dependent manner to the cytosolic surface of the plasma membrane and then underwent fragmentation to produce the 76 kDa fragment (active form) and that it expressed its proteinase activity at the surface of the membrane.  相似文献   

Factor XIII was determined by enzymatic and immunochemical methods in 3 patients with congenital factor XIII deficiency. Factor XIII activity measured by trans-glutaminase assay was below 1% of normal value in each of these cases. Immunelectrophoresis determination revealed the absence of the functionally active subunit A, whereas subunit S was only slightly diminished (30 to 50% of the normal value). Substitution with factor XIII concentrate caused a parallel increase of factor XIII activity and subunit A concentration. No uptake of factor XIII activity or of subunit. A by platelets could be demonstrated. Despite discontinuous substitution over a period of six years no antibody against factor XIII activity could be demonstrated in one patient with congenital factor XIII deficiency.  相似文献   

Factor XIII (FXIII) is a pro-transglutaminase found in the plasma as well as intracellularly in platelets and macrophages. Plasma FXIII is activated by thrombin cleavage (FXIIIa*) and acts in the final stages of blood coagulation cascade. In contrast, the function and activation of cellular FXIII are less characterized. Cellular FXIII relies on a conformational activation of the protein. The nonproteolytic activation of FXIII to FXIIIa° induced by Ca(2+) alone is well known, but up until now it has been discussed under which conditions the process can be induced and whether it can be reversed. Here, we study the nature of the Ca(2+)-induced FXIII activation. Previously used methods to evaluate FXIII activity detect both FXIIIa* and FXIIIa° because they rely on occurrence of enzyme activity or on active site Cys-314 solvent accessibility. Therefore, an analytical HPLC method was developed that separates zymogen recombinant FXIII (rFXIII) from rFXIIIa°. The data demonstrate that nonproteolytic activation and deactivation are highly dependent on Ca(2+) concentration, buffer, and salt components. Moreover, it is established that Ca(2+) activation of rFXIII is fully reversible, and only 2-5 mm CaCl(2) is sufficient to retain full rFXIIIa° activity. However, below 2 mm CaCl(2) the rFXIIIa° molecule deactivates. The deactivated molecule can subsequently undergo a new activation round. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that thermal stress of freeze-dried rFXIII can induce a new predisposed form that activates faster than nonstressed rFXIII.  相似文献   

Platelet factor 4 (PF-4), a platelet-derived CXC chemokine, has been shown to induce the differentiation of monocytes into a subset of macrophages that lack the expression of HLA-DR Ag. This suggests a potential role for PF-4 in the modulation of monocyte-dependent T cell activation. Using an Ag-specific stimulation model in which T cells were cocultured with monocytes in the presence of recall Ags, we could show that under these conditions PF-4-treatment caused a strong decrease of T cell proliferation as well as of IFN-gamma release. However, inhibition of T cell functions such as proliferation, IL-2 release, and IL-2 mRNA production did also occur when isolated T cells were activated in the absence of monocytes with immobilized Abs directed against CD3 in combination with cross-linked anti-CD28 Abs. The effect could be reversed when low concentrations of exogenous IL-2 instead of anti-CD28 were used as a costimulus in combination with anti-CD3 Abs. Further evidence for direct modulation of T cell function by PF-4 was obtained by the detection of specific binding sites for the chemokine on the surface of these cells. Taken together, our results show that specific binding of PF-4, resulting in the down-regulation of the IL-2-release correlates with the inhibition of functions in activated T cells.  相似文献   

Promotion of thrombin-catalyzed activation of factor XIII by fibrinogen   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
T J Janus  S D Lewis  L Lorand  J A Shafer 《Biochemistry》1983,22(26):6269-6272
High-performance liquid chromatography was used to analyze the kinetics of the thrombin-catalyzed release of the activation peptide from the factor XIII zymogen (fibrin-stabilizing factor). The specificity constant (kcat/Km) for this reaction, measured at factor XIII concentrations much below Km, was (0.13-0.16) X 10(6) M-1 s-1 at pH 7.4, mu = 0.15, and 37 degrees C. Separate estimates, obtained from the dependence of the initial rates of release of the activation peptide on the concentration of factor XIII, gave values of 10 (+/- 3) s-1 for kcat and 84 (+/- 30) microM for Km, in terms of ab protomers of the zymogen. The thrombin-mediated release of the activation peptide was dramatically enhanced in the presence of fibrinogen. Furthermore, the time course of release, in relation to that of fibrinopeptide A, suggested that some des-A-fibrinogen species (e.g., alpha 2B beta 2 gamma 2) may be the true activator for promoting the cleavage of the Arg-36 peptide bonds in the a subunits of factor XIII. This observation suggests that generation of factor XIIIa and its substrate (fibrin) is coordinated so that thrombin-mediated zymogen activation proceeds efficiently only after the process of clotting has been initiated by the removal of fibrinopeptide A from fibrinogen.  相似文献   

Inheritance of factor XIII.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Self-induced crosslinking of factor XIII   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Activated plasma factor XIII has been found to autopolymerize as a result of self-induced crosslinking. Only the “a” subunits are involved in the crosslinking process, an a2 dimer being produced upon urea-SDS dissociation of the polymer. The dimerization can take place between a subunits whether or not these chains have been converted to a1 by thrombin. Taken in context with other properties of factor XIII, the autopolymerization phenomenon suggests interesting possibilities for its evolution and participation in vertebrate hemostasis.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) activates various signal transduction pathways including those involving phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), extracellular signal-regulated kinases (Erk), c-Jun N-terminal protein kinases (JNK), and p38 kinases. Using the Rac binding domain of PAK (PAK-RBD) as an activation-specific probe, here we demonstrate that TNFalpha very rapidly and transiently activates the Rho family GTPase Rac in L929 cells. The PI3K inhibitor LY294002 significantly inhibited TNFalpha activation of Rac as well as Erk and abolished that of the PI3K target Akt, without showing any inhibitory effects on JNK and p38 activation. Furthermore, TNFalpha activation of Erk was abolished by a dominant negative Rac mutant, Rac17N, or by an activated Rac mutant, Rac12V. These findings suggest that Rac is activated by a mechanism that is at least partly dependent on PI3K in TNFalpha stimulated cells and plays a critical role in activation of the Erk signaling pathway.  相似文献   

As a key mediator of type I interferon (IFN) (IFN-alpha/beta) responses, IFN regulatory factor 7 (IRF7) is essential to host immune defenses. Activation of IRF7 generally requires virus-induced C-terminal phosphorylation, which leads to its nuclear accumulation and activation of target genes. Here we use the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) oncoprotein LMP1, which activates IRF7, to identify factors involved in IRF7 activation. We demonstrate for the first time that RIP activates IRF7 and that RIP and IRF7 interact under physiological conditions in EBV-positive Burkitt's lymphoma cells. We provide evidence that both RIP and IRF7 are ubiquitinated in these cells and that IRF7 preferentially interacts with ubiquitinated RIP. RIP is required for full activation of IRF7 by LMP1, with LMP1 stimulating the ubiquitination of RIP and its interaction with IRF7. Moreover, LMP1 stimulates RIP-dependent K63-linked ubiquitination of IRF7, which regulates protein function rather than proteasomal degradation of proteins. We suggest that RIP may serve as a general activator of IRF7, responding to and transmitting the signals from various stimuli, and that ubiquitination may be a general mechanism for enhancing the activity of IRF7.  相似文献   

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