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Actinomycetes produce a large variety of pharmaceutically active compounds, yet production titers often require to be improved for discovery, development and large-scale manufacturing. Here, we describe a new technique, multiplexed site-specific genome engineering (MSGE) via the ‘one integrase-multiple attB sites’ concept, for the stable integration of secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs). Using MSGE, we achieved five-copy chromosomal integration of the pristinamycin II (PII) BGC in Streptomyces pristinaespiralis, resulting in the highest reported PII titers in flask and batch fermentations (2.2 and 2 g/L, respectively). Furthermore, MSGE was successfully extended to develop a panel of powerful Streptomyces coelicolor heterologous hosts, in which up to four copies of the BGCs for chloramphenicol or anti-tumour compound YM-216391 were efficiently integrated in a single step, leading to significantly elevated productivity (2–23 times). Our multiplexed approach holds great potential for robust genome engineering of industrial actinomycetes and novel drug discovery by genome mining.  相似文献   

In the production of secondary metabolites yield and productivity are the most important design parameters. The focus is therefore to direct the carbon fluxes towards the product of interest, and this can be obtained through metabolic engineering whereby directed genetic changes are introduced into the production strain. In this process it is, however, important to analyze the metabolic network through measurement of the intracellular metabolites and the flux distributions. Besides playing an important role in the optimization of existing processes, metabolic engineering also offers the possibility to construct strains that produce novel metabolites, either through the recruitment of heterologous enzyme activities or through introduction of specific mutations in catalytic activities.  相似文献   

为探讨共培养对放线菌产生活性次生代谢产物的影响,结合抗菌活性测定及HPLC-PDA分析,研究了22株放线菌的单培养及其与枯草芽孢杆菌的共培养发酵代谢产物的差异,并选取抗菌活性较强的链霉菌FXJ2.014进一步研究其代谢产物。发现FXJ2.014、FXJ1.296、AS4.1252三株菌与枯草芽孢杆菌共培养时产生其在相同条件下单培养时没有的物质,其中链霉菌FXJ2.014单培养时主要产生醌霉素A,共培养时产物中增加了醌霉素结构类似物FXJ2.014-HB。进一步的抗菌、抗肿瘤活性测定结果表明,两者的生物活性有较显著的差异,且FXJ2.014-HB对多种肿瘤细胞系的抑制活性普遍弱于高毒性的醌霉素A,为有潜力的细胞毒性较小的抗生素。共培养是一条很有希望的发掘放线菌活性次生代谢产物的新途径。  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering has achieved encouraging success in producing foreign metabolites in a variety of hosts. However, common strategies for engineering metabolic pathways focus on amplifying the desired enzymes and deregulating cellular controls. As a result, uncontrolled or deregulated metabolic pathways lead to metabolic imbalance and suboptimal productivity. Here we have demonstrated the second stage of metabolic engineering effort by designing and engineering a regulatory circuit to control gene expression in response to intracellular metabolic states. Specifically, we recruited and altered one of the global regulatory systems in Escherichia coli, the Ntr regulon, to control the engineered lycopene biosynthesis pathway. The artificially engineered regulon, stimulated by excess glycolytic flux through sensing of an intracellular metabolite, acetyl phosphate, controls the expression of two key enzymes in lycopene synthesis in response to flux dynamics. This intracellular control loop significantly enhanced lycopene production while reducing the negative impact caused by metabolic imbalance. Although we demonstrated this strategy for metabolite production, it can be extended into other fields where gene expression must be closely controlled by intracellular physiology, such as gene therapy.  相似文献   

植物内生放线菌是一类具有巨大开发潜力的新微生物资源。目前从许多活体植物组织内已分离到种类众多的植物内生放线菌,已有的研究表明植物内生放线菌能产生许多重要的生理活性物质,如抗生素类物质、植物生长促进剂、植物生长抑制剂以及具有新特性的酶类。植物内生放线菌在农业生产、医药新药的筛选上显示出广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Due to its small size and intense luminescent signal, Gaussia princeps luciferase (GLuc) is attractive as a potential imaging agent in both cell culture and small animal research models. However, recombinant GLuc production using in vivo techniques has only produced small quantities of active luciferase, likely due to five disulfide bonds being required for full activity. Cell-free biology provides the freedom to control both the catalyst and chemical compositions in biological reactions, and we capitalized on this to produce large amounts of highly active GLuc in cell-free reactions. Active yields were improved by mutating the cell extract source strain to reduce proteolysis, adjusting reaction conditions to enhance oxidative protein folding, further activating energy metabolism, and encouraging post-translational activation. This cell-free protein synthesis procedure produced 412 μg/mL of purified GLuc, relative to 5 μg/mL isolated for intracellular Escherichia coli expression. The cell-free product had a specific activity of 4.2×1024 photons/s/mol, the highest reported activity for any characterized luciferase.  相似文献   

利用合成生物学技术深入挖掘放线菌中活性次级代谢产物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白超弦  卓英  张立新 《微生物学通报》2013,40(10):1885-1895
放线菌是一类能够产生丰富生物小分子药物的微生物, 对人类的健康事业做出了杰出的贡献。但近几十年来, 来源于微生物并最终上市的药物越来越少, 而病原菌的抗药性问题却越发严重, 人们对新药的期待越来越迫切。本文介绍了近十年里发展迅速的合成生物学对微生物次级代谢产物研发的促进作用。合成生物学以工程化的思想对生命系统进行设计与改造, 使传统方法难以获取的放线菌次级代谢产物通过外源宿主得以产生, 充分利用了自然界的资源; 此外, 对次级代谢基因簇的合理设计和对生物元件的应用不仅使人们获得了自然界中原本不存在的新化合物, 还能使某些具有广泛应用价值药物的产量得以显著提高; 最后, 本文还介绍了合成生物学领域近些年DNA组装的新技术和新方法, 为从事次级代谢产物研发的工作者提供便利。  相似文献   

Actinomycetes are virtually unlimited sources of novel compounds with many therapeutic applications and hold a prominent position due to their diversity and proven ability to produce novel bioactive compounds. There are more than 22,000 known microbial secondary metabolites, 70% of which are produced by actinomycetes, 20% from fungi, 7% from Bacillus spp. and 1–2% by other bacteria. Among the actinomycetes, streptomycetes group are considered economically important because out of the approximately more than 10,000 known antibiotics, 50–55% are produced by this genus. The ecological role of actinomycetes in the marine ecosystem is largely neglected and various assumptions meant there was little incentive to isolate marine strains for search and discovery of new drugs. The search for and discovery of rare and new actinomycetes is of significant interest to drug discovery due to a growing need for the development of new and potent therapeutic agents. Modern molecular technologies are adding strength to the target-directed search for detection and isolation of bioactive actinomycetes, and continued development of improved cultivation methods and molecular technologies for accessing the marine environment promises to provide access to this significant new source of chemical diversity with novel/rare actinomycetes including new species of previously reported actinomycetes.  相似文献   

Marine actinomycetes as a source of novel secondary metabolites   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
A set of 600 actinomycetes strains which were isolated from marine sediments from various sites in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans were screened for the production of bioactive secondary metabolites. Marine streptomycete strains were found to be producers of well known chemically diverse antibiotics isolated from terrestrial streptomycetes, as in the case of marine Micromonospora strains. New marine members of the rare genus Verrucosispora seem to be a promising source for novel bioactive secondary metabolites as shown in the case of the abyssomicin producing strain AB-18-032.  相似文献   

未建华  李净净  倪金凤 《微生物学报》2019,59(10):1864-1871
昆虫共生微生物是一种特殊的微生物资源,其中放线菌在昆虫肠道、体表和巢穴中广泛分布。近年来,人们从培菌昆虫来源的放线菌中分离得到多种新型化合物,可以选择性抑制菌圃的致病真菌,部分还对植物致病真菌、昆虫致病真菌、人类病原菌和癌细胞有抑制活性。因此,研究培菌昆虫相关微生物不仅有助于了解宿主与微生物的共生机制,还能发掘新的活性物质,用于生物农药、生物医药的开发。本文对培菌昆虫来源放线菌次级代谢产物的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Actinomycetes are important producers of pharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes. However, wild type strains require laborious development prior to industrial usage. Here we present a generally applicable reporter-guided metabolic engineering tool based on random mutagenesis, selective pressure, and single-cell sorting. We developed fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) methodology capable of reproducibly identifying high-performing individual cells from a mutant population directly from liquid cultures. Actinomycetes are an important source of catabolic enzymes, where product yields determine industrial viability. We demonstrate 5-fold yield improvement with an industrial cholesterol oxidase ChoD producer Streptomyces lavendulae to 20.4 U g−1 in three rounds. Strain development is traditionally followed by production medium optimization, which is a time-consuming multi-parameter problem that may require hard to source ingredients. Ultra-high throughput screening allowed us to circumvent medium optimization and we identified high ChoD yield production strains directly from mutant libraries grown under preset culture conditions. Genome-mining based drug discovery is a promising source of bioactive compounds, which is complicated by the observation that target metabolic pathways may be silent under laboratory conditions. We demonstrate our technology for drug discovery by activating a silent mutaxanthene metabolic pathway in Amycolatopsis. We apply the method for industrial strain development and increase mutaxanthene yields 9-fold to 99 mg l−1 in a second round of mutant selection. In summary, the ability to screen tens of millions of mutants in a single cell format offers broad applicability for metabolic engineering of actinomycetes for activation of silent metabolic pathways and to increase yields of proteins and natural products.  相似文献   

For a long time people are using plants not only as crop cultures but also for obtaining of various chemicals. Currently plants remain one of the most important and essential sources of biologically active compounds in spite of progress in chemical or microbial synthesis. In our review we compare potentials and perspectives of modern genetic engineering approaches for pharmaceutical biotechnology and give examples of actual biotechnological systems used for production of several promising natural compounds: artemisinin, paclitaxel and scopolamine.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is an essential coenzyme involved in numerous physiological processes. As an attractive product in the industrial field, NAD+ also plays an important role in oxidoreductase-catalyzed reactions, drug synthesis, and the treatment of diseases, such as dementia, diabetes, and vascular dysfunction. Currently, although the biotechnology to construct NAD+-overproducing strains has been developed, limited regulation and low productivity still hamper its use on large scales. Here, we describe multi-strategy metabolic engineering to address the NAD+-production bottleneck in E. coli. First, blocking the degradation pathway of NAD(H) increased the accumulation of NAD+ by 39%. Second, key enzymes involved in the Preiss-Handler pathway of NAD+ synthesis were overexpressed and led to a 221% increase in the NAD+ concentration. Third, the PRPP synthesis module and Preiss-Handler pathway were combined to strengthen the precursors supply, which resulted in enhancement of NAD+ content by 520%. Fourth, increasing the ATP content led to an increase in the concentration of NAD+ by 170%. Finally, with the combination of all above strategies, a strain with a high yield of NAD+ was constructed, with the intracellular NAD+ concentration reaching 26.9 μmol/g DCW, which was 834% that of the parent strain. This study presents an efficient design of an NAD+-producing strain through global regulation metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

南昌链霉菌是从江西农业大学校园油茶根际土壤中分离筛选到的一株链霉菌新种,它至少可以产生两种具有重要应用和基础研究价值的抗生素——南昌霉素和梅岭霉素。在国家自然科学基金、国家科技攻关计划、上海市科委的资助下,对这一链霉菌新种进行了多年全面系统的研究,本文对此进行了全面的回顾,并对后续研究进行展望。  相似文献   

乙醇酸(Glycolate)是一种在工业上有多种用途的重要化合物。本研究首先在大肠杆菌MG1655(DE3)中敲除了ldh A(乳酸脱氢酶),获得菌株Mgly1,作为出发菌株。然后通过调节乙醇酸合成途径的关键酶——异柠檬酸裂解酶(ace A)、乙醛酸还原酶(ycd W)、异柠檬酸脱氢酶激酶/磷酸化酶(ace K)的表达水平,得到乙醇酸产率为0.24 g/g葡萄糖(占理论产率的28.2%)。过量表达柠檬酸合成酶(glt A),乙醇酸产率提高到0.326 g/g葡萄糖(占理论产率的38.3%)。然后在Mgly1中敲除了glc B和ace B(苹果酸合成酶),减少了乙醇酸合成的前体乙醛酸的消耗。最终获得的工程菌株Mgly335乙醇酸产率达到0.522 g/g葡萄糖(占理论产率的61.4%)。  相似文献   

Terpenoids are among the most ubiquitous and diverse secondary metabolites observed in nature. Although actinomycete bacteria are one of the primary sources of microbially derived secondary metabolites, they rarely produce compounds in this biosynthetic class. The terpenoid secondary metabolites that have been discovered from actinomycetes are often in the form of biosynthetic hybrids called hybrid isoprenoids (HIs). HIs include significant structural diversity and biological activity and thus are important targets for natural product discovery. Recent screening of marine actinomycetes has led to the discovery of a new lineage that is enriched in the production of biologically active HI secondary metabolites. These strains represent a promising resource for natural product discovery and provide unique opportunities to study the evolutionary history and ecological functions of an unusual group of secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Efficient conversion of glucose to acetaldehyde is achieved by nisin-controlled overexpression of Zymomonas mobilis pyruvate decarboxylase (pdc) and Lactococcus lactis NADH oxidase (nox) in L. lactis. In resting cells, almost 50% of the glucose consumed could be redirected towards acetaldehyde by combined overexpression of pdc and nox under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Actinomycetes are one of the most valuable sources of natural products with industrial and medicinal importance. After more than half a century of exploitation, it has become increasingly challenging to find novel natural products with useful properties as the same known compounds are often repeatedly re-discovered when using traditional approaches. Modern genome mining approaches have led to the discovery of new biosynthetic gene clusters, thus indicating that actinomycetes still harbor a huge unexploited potential to produce novel natural products. In recent years, innovative synthetic biology and metabolic engineering tools have greatly accelerated the discovery of new natural products and the engineering of actinomycetes. In the first part of this review, we outline the successful application of metabolic engineering to optimize natural product production, focusing on the use of multi-omics data, genome-scale metabolic models, rational approaches to balance precursor pools, and the engineering of regulatory genes and regulatory elements. In the second part, we summarize the recent advances of synthetic biology for actinomycetal metabolic engineering including cluster assembly, cloning and expression, CRISPR/Cas9 technologies, and chassis strain development for natural product overproduction and discovery. Finally, we describe new advances in reprogramming biosynthetic pathways through polyketide synthase and non-ribosomal peptide synthetase engineering. These new developments are expected to revitalize discovery and development of new natural products with medicinal and other industrial applications.  相似文献   

Here we report associations between secondary metabolite production and phylogenetically distinct but closely related marine actinomycete species belonging to the genus Salinispora. The pattern emerged in a study that included global collection sites, and it indicates that secondary metabolite production can be a species-specific, phenotypic trait associated with broadly distributed bacterial populations. Associations between actinomycete phylotype and chemotype revealed an effective, diversity-based approach to natural product discovery that contradicts the conventional wisdom that secondary metabolite production is strain specific. The structural diversity of the metabolites observed, coupled with gene probing and phylogenetic analyses, implicates lateral gene transfer as a source of the biosynthetic genes responsible for compound production. These results conform to a model of selection-driven pathway fixation occurring subsequent to gene acquisition and provide a rare example in which demonstrable physiological traits have been correlated to the fine-scale phylogenetic architecture of an environmental bacterial community.  相似文献   

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