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Parallel chemical analyses of ribs and femurs from the Middle Woodland Gibson site and the Late Woodland Ledders site show that the elements most closely related to diet (strontium, zinc, magnesium) are found in identical proportions in the two bones. Elements associated with soil contamination (iron, aluminum, potassium, manganese) are found in a significantly higher proportion in the rib. The major elements calcium and sodium are found in lower levels in the ribs. Thus the rib is more sensitive to diagenetic processes that alter elemental proportions than is the femur. Conclusions concerning subgroupings by sex or site, derived from the diet-related elements (Sr, Zn, Mg), were found to be essentially the same for the rib and the femur.  相似文献   

Cortical human bone samples from three tightly dated components of a single Sicilian site were chemically analyzed employing the highly sensitive technique of inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy. Although the skeletons appeared to be excellently preserved, significant diagenesis was detected. Moreover, a majority of the elements tested showed no constant or linear variation over time, implying that diagenetic change tends not to be a predictable function of duration of interment. Variation among major long bones of a single skeleton was quite high, as was variation across the cortex. The latter may reflect chemical inhomogeneity in bone tissue or may be an artifact of postmortem change. The results demonstrate the hazards of unsuspected and unpredictable diagenesis, which must be controlled before reliable dietary inferences can be drawn.  相似文献   

A synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence microprobe analysis technique was used to scan a slice of the femoral head from its periphery to its center, via cartilage, compact, and spongy zones in order to determine the distribution and the way inorganic substances are lost in bone tissue. The sample preparation and experimental apparatus are described in detail. The quantitative computerized tomography of elemental distribution, such as Ca, P, K, Fe, Zn, Sr, and Pb in bone slice tissue, including cartilage, substantial compact, and substantial spongy, is investigated. Combined with the correlation among, P, K, Zn, Sr, and Ca, the route of loss of minerals and the physiological functions of some metal elements in bone are also discussed.  相似文献   

The biogeochemical cycles of many elements in the ocean are linked by their simultaneous incorporation into protists. In order to understand these elemental interactions and their implications for global biogeochemical cycles, accurate measures of cellular element stoichiometries are needed. Bulk analysis of size-fractionated particulate material obscures the unique biogeochemical roles of different functional groups such as diatoms, calcifying protists, and diazotrophs. Elemental analysis of individual protist cells can be performed using electron, proton, and synchrotron X-ray microprobes. Here we review the capabilities and limitations of each approach and the application of these advanced techniques to cells collected from natural communities. Particular attention is paid to recent studies of plankton biogeochemistry in low-iron waters of the Southern Ocean. Single-cell analyses have revealed significant inter-taxa differences in phosphorus, iron, and nickel quotas. Differences in the response of autotrophs and heterotrophs to iron fertilization were also observed. Two-dimensional sub-cellular mapping indicates the importance of iron to photosynthetic machinery and of zinc to nuclear organelles. Observed changes in diatom silicification and cytoplasm content following iron fertilization modify our understanding of the relationship between iron availability and silicification. These examples demonstrate the advantages of studying ocean biogeochemistry at the level of individual cells.  相似文献   

Electron-dense inclusion bodies were found in most Plesiomonas shigelloides cells, regardless of the incubation time. At the 4-hr incubation period, the size of inclusion bodies was distributed in the range of 50 to 150 nm in diameter, and at the logarithmic phase of growth it increased up to a size visible by light microscope. By an electron microprobe X-ray analysis, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium were detected in the inclusion bodies which confirms the assumption of Pastian and Bromel (Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 47: 216 (1984] that the inclusion bodies have a very similar elemental composition to the polyphosphate granules of C. diphtheriae.  相似文献   

To assess the performance of femoral orthopedic implants, they are often attached to cadaveric femurs, and biomechanical testing is performed. To identify areas of high stress, stress shielding, and to facilitate implant redesign, these tests are often accompanied by finite element (FE) models of the bone/implant system. However, cadaveric bone suffers from wide specimen to specimen variability both in terms of bone geometry and mechanical properties, making it virtually impossible for experimental results to be reproduced. An alternative approach is to utilize synthetic femurs of standardized geometry, having material behavior approximating that of human bone, but with very small specimen to specimen variability. This approach allows for repeatable experimental results and a standard geometry for use in accompanying FE models. While the synthetic bones appear to be of appropriate geometry to simulate bone mechanical behavior, it has not, however, been established what bone quality they most resemble, i.e., osteoporotic or osteopenic versus healthy bone. Furthermore, it is also of interest to determine whether FE models of synthetic bones, with appropriate adjustments in input material properties or geometric size, could be used to simulate the mechanical behavior of a wider range of bone quality and size. To shed light on these questions, the axial and torsional stiffness of cadaveric femurs were compared to those measured on synthetic femurs. A FE model, previously validated by the authors to represent the geometry of a synthetic femur, was then used with a range of input material properties and change in geometric size, to establish whether cadaveric results could be simulated. Axial and torsional stiffnesses and rigidities were measured for 25 human cadaveric femurs (simulating poor bone stock) and three synthetic "third generation composite" femurs (3GCF) (simulating normal healthy bone stock) in the midstance orientation. The measured results were compared, under identical loading conditions, to those predicted by a previously validated three-dimensional finite element model of the 3GCF at a variety of Young's modulus values. A smaller FE model of the 3GCF was also created to examine the effects of a simple change in bone size. The 3GCF was found to be significantly stiffer (2.3 times in torsional loading, 1.7 times in axial loading) than the presently utilized cadaveric samples. Nevertheless, the FE model was able to successfully simulate both the behavior of the 3GCF, and a wide range of cadaveric bone data scatter by an appropriate adjustment of Young's modulus or geometric size. The synthetic femur had a significantly higher stiffness than the cadaveric bone samples. The finite element model provided a good estimate of upper and lower bounds for the axial and torsional stiffness of human femurs because it was effective at reproducing the geometric properties of a femur. Cadaveric bone experiments can be used to calibrate FE models' input material properties so that bones of varying quality can be simulated.  相似文献   

Fate of elemental sulfur in an intertidal sediment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: Sediment from a tidal flat at Wedderwarden, near the mouth of the Weser estuary, northern Germany, was amended with elemental sulfur, and concentrations of metabolic end products were monitored. The production of both sulfate and sulfide was consistent with disproportionation as the most important fate of the added elemental sulfur. A population of bacteria conducting active elemental sulfur disproportionation was also enriched from the sediment. In the enrichments, containing both elemental sulfur and Fe oxides as a sulfide 'scrub', sulfide and sulfate were produced in a ratio of     , somewhat lower than the predicted ratio of     . The mismatch between predicted and observed production ratios is explained by the channelling of electrons into autotrophic or mixotrophic CO2 fixation rather than sulfide formation. The production of organic carbon, in the correct amount to explain the observed sulfide to sulfate production ratio, was verified by organic carbon analysis. Finally, rates of sulfate reduction were identical in the elemental sulfur amended sediment, and in control sediment with no added sulfur. Hence, the heterotrophic bacterial community was completely unaffected by an active metabolism conducting elemental sulfur disproportionation.  相似文献   

When materials used in restorative dentistry, such as a glass-ionomer cement or a compomer, were applied to dentin, ion exchanges occur between the material and the dentin. This work is based on an assessment in vitro of the ion exchanges occurring over time between (i) a glass-ionomer cement and dentin and (ii) a compomer and dentin. An electron microprobe analysis, technique not previously used for such a study, permitted qualitative and quantitative analysis of the interface and of the peripheral dentin. Analysis of the distribution of the elements in the interface and nearby showed continuous, progressive exchanges between the glass-ionomer cement and the dentin and absence of diffusion between the compomer and the dentin.  相似文献   

Summary Electron micrographs have been taken of unfixed, freeze dried, unstained epiphyseal cartilage. In the mineralized long septa round to elliptic clusters (up to 0.6 m in diameter) consisting mainly of dots and needles could be observed. The clusters were surrounded by microareas with a low contrast consisting mainly of ribbon plate-like crystallites. With the aid of scanning mode (STEM) of a transmission electron microscope, equipped with a Si(Li)detector system, both regions were analyzed for calcium and phosphorus by electronprobe X-ray microanalysis. In ten series of 106 measurements in each region, it could be determined by registration of the CaK and PKX-ray counts that the mineral content in the clusters was in the range of 30–100 % higher than in the light regions. The question of the sequence of the epiphyseal plate mineralization is discussed and whether the dense clusters represent the mineralized matrix vesicles.The authors thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial supportDedicated to Professor Dr. G. Pfefferkorn on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

本项目对福建闽西地区奇和洞与南山两处新石器时代遗址出土古人类牙齿进行了表面残留物提取与鉴定,通过对其中淀粉粒残留物的种类与数量对比,讨论了全新世初期至中期闽西地区古人类对植物资源的利用方式。这些古人类牙齿表面包含四大类形态不同的淀粉粒:1)多面体形;2)圆形或椭圆形;3)圆锥形;4)水滴形。这些淀粉粒分别代表了禾本科植物种子、植物地下根茎部分和疑似的坚果类,这些都是古人类容易获得的野生食物资源,在新石器时代古人类的饮食中占据着重要的地位。  相似文献   

本文对河南官庄遗址两周时期人牙结石开展了淀粉粒分析,发现了数量丰富的淀粉粒以及少量植硅体。可鉴定形态的淀粉粒主要来自粟、黍、小麦、小豆等农作物以及坚果、块茎植物;植硅体中则有来自水稻颖片的双峰型植硅体。此次研究表明官庄先民食物来源广泛,包括多种农作物和采集植物,其中粟黍类农作物在食物构成中占据主要地位,而小麦所占比例很可能已仅次于粟黍。结合包括官庄遗址和周边若干遗址的浮选结果,两周时期中原腹心地区仍是北方传统的粟作农业,但农作物种植已明显多样化;与此同时,小麦在农作物体系中的重要性增加,中原地区农作物种植体系由以粟黍为主转向以小麦为主的趋势已经出现。  相似文献   

Summary In the intact, in vitro frog skin, isoproterenol (ISO) stimulates and amiloride-insensitive increase in short-circuit current (SCC) that can be localized to the exocrine glands and is associated with secretion of chloride. To determine which cells in the glands respond to stimulation we measured the intracellular electrolyte concentrations of the various cell types of the mucous and seromucous glands of the skin using freeze-dried cryosections and electron microprobe analysis. In the resting state, the various cell types of the glands have intracellular electrolyte concentrations similar to the epithelial cells of the skin. Exposure to amiloride (10–4 m) has little effect on the concentration of Na and Cl in the cells of the glands. The effect of isoproterenol has two distinct phases. Analysis of glands in tissues frozen at the peak of the SCC response (13 min after addition of isoproterenol) shows that the only significant change is an increase in Na and Ca in a group of cells at the ductal pole of the acini of both gland types. These are termed gland cells. The duct cells and cells that secrete macromolecules did not show any significant changes at this timepoint. In the gland cells, after a one-hour exposure to isoproterenol the Na concentration is at prestimulation levels while Cl drops. There is also a smaller drop in Cl in the duct and skin epithelial cells. Ouabain, which can completely block the isoproterenol SCC response, has little short-term effect on Na and Cl in the control gland but accentuates the gain of Na and drop in Cl in the isoproterenol-treated condition. Bumetanide and, to a lesser extent, furosemide, also blocks the isoproterenol SCC response and causes a further drop in Cl. The results provide indirect evidence that a major portion of the ionic component of the gland secretion is produced by a distinct group of cells separate from those producing the macromolecular component and that the mechanism of secretion involves a Na:Cl coupled transport system linked to the activity of the basolateral Na pump.  相似文献   

Summary Bundles of tibia tendon from 19 week-old turkeys were deep frozen, freeze dried and embedded in styrol methacrylate or Epon. In the distal mineralized region, bundles of unmineralized collagen fibrils as well as mineralized regions consisting of round microcompartments with low contrast surrounded by a mineral sheath with high contrast were found. The inner regions with low contrast corresponded to the mineralized collagen fibrils, while the contrast-rich peripheral zones corresponded to the mineralized collagen-free ground substance. Using electron microscopic microprobe analysis, it was shown that the peripheral mineralized region, consisting mainly of closely packed needles, often contained 100% more mineral substance than the central, mineralized collagen zone, which consisted mainly of plate-like crystallites. Possible reasons for this difference in mineral content are discussed on the molecular level.The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support and to Fräulein Christine Dörnen for valuable technical assistance  相似文献   

施崇阳  郭怡 《人类学学报》2022,41(2):308-318
对渔业食用资源的利用是人类生业经济的重要方面,然而至今尚无专文介绍如何定量分析渔业食物资源在先民食物结构中所占的比例。本文采用利用同位素传递信号重建食谱(FRUITS)模型,以田螺山遗址与梁王城遗址已发表的先民和动植物稳定同位素数据为例,对先民食物结构中的多种食物资源比重进行分析。结果显示,梁王城遗址渔业资源在食谱中占5%~22%;田螺山遗址淡水渔业资源在食谱中占5%~20%,而海洋渔业资源在10%以下。  相似文献   

The calcium content and distribution across the abscission zones of (2-chloroethyl) phosphonic acid-treated bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Contender) leaves were lower and not uniformly distributed as compared to the control. Calcium chloride-treated bean leaves had a higher calcium content, with more calcium localized in the potential abscission layer. Ethephon treatment promoted abscission in both debladed and nondebladed plants; there was a corresponding decrease in calcium in the abscission zone just prior to separation. Deblading of bean leaves under a calcium solution increased the calcium level in the abscission zone and delayed abscission.  相似文献   

Aqueous humor is secreted by the bilayered ciliary epithelium. Solutes and water enter the pigmented ciliary epithelial (PE) cell layer, cross gap junctions into the nonpigmented ciliary epithelial (NPE) cell layer, and are released into the aqueous humor. Electrical measurements suggest that heptanol reduces transepithelial ion movement by interrupting PE-NPE communication and that gap junctions may be a regulatory site of aqueous humor formation. Several lines of evidence also suggest that net ciliary epithelial transport is strongly region dependent. Divided rabbit iris-ciliary bodies were incubated in chambers under control and experimental conditions, quick-frozen, cryosectioned, and freeze-dried. Elemental intracellular contents of NPE and PE cells were determined by electron probe X-ray microanalysis. With or without heptanol, ouabain produced concentration- and time-dependent changes more markedly in anterior than in posterior epithelium. Without heptanol, there were considerable cell-to-cell variations in Na gain and K loss. However, contiguous NPE and PE cells displayed similar changes, even when nearby cell pairs were little changed by ouabain in aqueous, stromal, or both reservoirs. In contrast, with heptanol present, ouabain added to aqueous or both reservoirs produced much larger changes in NPE than in PE cells. The results indicate that 1) heptanol indeed interrupts PE-NPE junctions, providing an opportunity for electron microprobe analysis of the sidedness of modification of ciliary epithelial secretion; 2) Na and K undergo faster turnover in anterior than in posterior epithelium; and 3) PE-NPE gap junctions differ from PE-PE and NPE-NPE junctions in permitting ionic equilibration between adjoining ouabain-stressed cells. pigmented ciliary epithelial cells; nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells; gap junctions; aqueous humor; Na+/K+ exchange pump; rabbit iris-ciliary body  相似文献   

The rate of aqueous humor formation sequentially across the pigmented (PE) and nonpigmented (NPE) ciliary epithelial cell layers may not be uniform over the epithelial surface. Because of the tissue's small size and complex geometry, this possibility cannot be readily tested by conventional techniques. Rabbit iris-ciliary bodies were divided, incubated, quick-frozen, cryosectioned, and freeze-dried for electron probe X-ray microanalysis of the elemental contents of the PE and NPE cells. We confirmed that preincubation with ouabain to block Na(+),K(+)-ATPase increases Na(+) and decreases K(+) contents far more anteriorly than posteriorly. The anterior and posterior regions were the iridial portion of the primary ciliary processes and the pars plicata, respectively. Following interruption of gap junctions with heptanol, ouabain produced smaller changes in anterior PE cells, possibly reflecting higher Na(+) or K(+) permeability of anterior NPE cells. Inhibiting Na(+) entry selectively with amiloride, benzamil, or dimethylamiloride reduced anterior effects of ouabain by approximately 50%. Regional dependence of net secretion was also assessed with hypotonic stress, which stimulates ciliary epithelial cell regulatory volume decrease (RVD) and net Cl(-) secretion. In contrast to ouabain's actions, the RVD was far more marked posteriorly than anteriorly. These results suggest that 1) enhanced Na(+) reabsorption anteriorly, likely through Na(+) channels and Na(+)/H(+) exchange, mediates the regional dependence of ouabain's actions; and 2) secretion may proceed primarily posteriorly, with secondary processing and reabsorption anteriorly. Stimulation of anterior reabsorption might provide a novel strategy for reducing net secretion.  相似文献   

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