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梁兴善 《昆虫学报》1966,(4):327-332
1.榆毒蛾在北京地区,一年两代,每代的历期与季节性气候变化有关。第—代在夏季完成,卵期,约在7月上中旬,幼虫于7月中下旬孵化,至8月下旬化蛹,9月上旬羽化,历期约50日;第二代从秋末到次年春末夏初,卵期在9月上旬至下旬,幼虫9月中下旬孵化至10月中旬前后进入越冬,次年4月中下旬活动至6月下旬化蛹,7月上旬羽化,除越冬期外,历期约120日。 2.榆毒蛾的雌雄性比,1956年统计:第一代雌雄比例(%)为68:32,第二代为56.5:43.5。其产卵量,每雌最多215粒,少为26粒,平均79.1粒。成虫期遇天气晴朗,卵量较多,阴雨天气,产卵量减少。卵的孵化率,在自然条件下,每代都在90%以上。 3.榆毒蛾在北京地区,以2龄幼虫越冬。越冬场所主要在榆树洞穴、裂皮和树下的堆积物内。榆毒蛾成虫不取食,幼虫取食叶片;幼虫1-3龄,趋光性弱,大部在榆树下层,叶片背面,5-7龄,趋光性增强,栖居于榆树上部、叶片表面;成虫夜晚有趋光习性,白天在晴朗的中午前后飞翔数量较多,阴雨和风速在3级以上的夭气停止飞翔。 4.榆毒蛾虫口数量的变化与降雨量及其分布有关。少雨的世代,榆毒蛾数量上升,多雨的世代,其数量下降。如1955年第一代幼虫初期降雨125.5毫米。蛾量较越冬代增长11.8倍,1956年第一代幼虫期降雨529.0毫米,其蛾量较越冬代却有所下降。  相似文献   

松茸毒蛾生物学特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
松茸毒蛾Dasychira axutha Collenette是马尾松的一种重要害虫,该虫在福建一年发生3代,以蛹越冬,翌年4月上旬羽化,幼虫一般6龄,少数7或8龄。卵期4-13天,幼虫期30-53天,越冬代蛹期143-170天。母雄可产卵34-529粒,成虫寿命3-16天,该虫多发生在避风、郁闭度大的中、幼龄纯林中。  相似文献   

灰斑古毒蛾(Orgyia ecricae germ)又名沙枣毒蛾,是宁夏及西北地区主要旱生植物害虫之一。幼虫危害沙枣、榆、柠条、花棒、苹果、沙拐枣等植物。此虫在宁夏地区一年发生两代,以卵在树上的茧内越冬。越冬卵于次年6月中、下旬孵化,第2代卵于7月下旬至8月中旬孵化;取食植物叶、果及嫩枝皮层,给林业生产造成巨大损失,严重影响沙荒地区造  相似文献   

2010-2012年对云南省普洱市茶黑毒蛾Dasychira baibarana Matsumura的发生规律开展了系统调查,结果表明, 茶黑毒蛾在云南普洱市一年发生5代, 6-10月为茶黑毒蛾幼虫的发生高峰期,3-4代为主害代。茶黑毒蛾幼虫历期以第1代最长,平均33-34 d,其次是第5代,平均为26 d。第2、3、4代幼虫历期为20-21 d。7-9月为茶黑毒蛾成虫的主要发生期。此外, 研究发现, 根据茶园茶黑毒蛾的发蛾高峰日,采用历期法预测防治时期基本可行,可按照预测的时间进行防治或适当提前进行防治。   相似文献   

木毒蛾的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
木毒蛾(Lymantria xylina Swinhoe)是木麻黄的重要害虫,1971年以来,连续在福建沿海的木麻黄防护林内大面积发生。该虫一年一代,以滞育幼虫在卵壳内越冬。翌年3月中旬孵化。幼虫一般7龄,幼虫期45—64天。在木麻黄枝条或树干上化蛹,化蛹盛期为5月下旬,蛹期5—14天。羽化盛期为6月上旬。卵产在木麻黄枝条或树干上。已知的被害植物有21科39种。嗜食普通木麻黄。主要天敌是核多角体病毒和卵跳小蜂。 可采用人工采卵、喷洒化学农药、施放白僵菌粉炮或喷洒多角体病毒悬液进行防治。  相似文献   

灰白蚕蛾生物学特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
灰白蚕蛾Ocinara varians Walker是榕树的一种重要害虫,该虫在福建福州一年发生7代,无明显越冬现象。幼虫一般5龄,少数6龄。卵期4-18天,幼虫期11-15天,肾期3-17天。每雌可产卵155-261粒,成虫寿命5-16天。  相似文献   

珊毒蛾的生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳晶莹  杨上爱 《昆虫知识》1992,29(5):285-287
珊毒蛾是我国亚热带地区橄榄的一种食叶性害虫。在福州市金山1年发生3代。本文介绍该虫的为害习性、形态特征、生物学特性和防治方法。天敌有蚕饰腹寄蝇和一种核型多角体病毒。  相似文献   

本报道甘薯烦夜蛾的生物学和防治方法。结果表明.在福建莆田沿海地区一年发生5代,步数6代,冬季无明显越冬现象。日均温26.8℃,相对湿度61%,卵期31天,幼虫期15.2天,蛹期14.2天,成虫产卵前期1.8天,全代历期34.3天。7-9月为幼虫大发生季节,危害早甘薯。幼虫共6龄,成虫单雌产卵量平均111粒。此虫天敌资源较为丰富,烦夜蛾多角体病毒NPV很有利用价值。  相似文献   

1.本文主要研究松毛虫卵的两种黑卵蜂(Telenomus dendrolimusi Chu及Teleno-mus sp.,Scelionidae,Hymenoptera)的生物学特性;及1954—55年江苏南京和浙江常山等地林间的寄生情况,同时对松毛虫卵及黑卵蜂的冷藏也进行了试验。 2.两种黑卵蜂中,松毛虫黑卵蜂(Telenomus dendrolimusi Chu)与毒蛾黑卵蜂(Telenomus sp.)不但在形态上有所不同。而且在生活习性及各期虫态对低温的反应上亦各异,证明它们确系不同的两种。毒蛾黑卵蜂在我国系首次记载寄生于松毛虫卵中,现知在江苏南京、江宁,浙江常山及广东广州均有分布,在南京的黑卵蜂中占80%以上。 3.毒蛾黑卵蜂以幼虫态在寄主卵内越冬,利于冬季生存。越冬代成虫羽化时间接近松毛虫第1代卵出现期。且有松毒蛾(Lymantria sp.,Lymantriidae,Lepidoptera)作为补充寄主。这些特性均较松毛虫黑卵蜂为优。 4.室内外饲育结果,知松毛虫黑卵蜂在南京年可发生10—12代,毒蛾黑卵蜂年有8—9代,性比雌蜂占80%左右,毒蛾黑卵蜂破坏寄主卵粒平均为30粒左右比松毛虫黑卵蜂平均15粒左右为高。产卵期较集中,且在室内容易繁殖。 5.从发育1天的松毛虫卵冷藏于4℃冰箱中1个月不影响毒蛾黑卵蜂的寄生发育。毒蛾黑卵蜂在4℃冰箱中冷藏,以老熟幼虫为最好,冷藏1个月后,对其产生后代数无影  相似文献   

1992-1994年在平潭县对甘薯蠹野螟的生物学进行观察。该虫在平潭县一年发生5代,以幼虫在越冬薯茎内越冬。旬平均温度28-30℃,卵期6.20天,幼虫期24.6天,蛹期12.3天,雌成虫寿命4.4天,雄成虫寿命6.7天。并对各虫期的生活习性和田间清长规律进行观察。  相似文献   

壮铗普瘿蚊的形态学与生物学习性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壮铗普瘿蚊是厦门市区出现的一种危害芒果树叶片的新害虫,现已扩散到厦门周边地区。文中对其各虫态的形态特征作了详细的描述,并对其生活史、习性进行了研究。该虫在厦门1 a发生5代,一个世代历期44-52 d。成虫在芒果嫩叶背面产卵,经2-4 d孵出幼虫后侵入叶肉并逐渐发育形成疱状突起的虫瘿,以幼虫和蛹在叶片上的虫瘿内越冬。  相似文献   

Kaolin clays and copper salts might be considered as alternative chemical control products for controlling olive pests in the contexts of both organic farming and integrated pest management programmes. Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neur. Chrysopidae) represents one of the most significant generalist predators of olive grove pests. In this study, we evaluated the side effects of these compounds on the predatory lacewing. First, kaolin and two copper salts (copper oxychloride and Bordeaux mixture) were tested on C. carnea eggs to determine their effects on egg viability and larval hatching suppression by topical application. Second, L3 larvae were exposed to the pesticide residues on treated olive tree leaves. Third, a series of three residual tests in adults were sequentially performed as follows: residues on glass surfaces, on olive tree leaves and on small olive trees. Finally, kaolin- and water-treated eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lep. Pyralidae) were offered to L3 larvae in both dual- and no-choice tests. C. carnea egg hatching was reduced by the kaolin treatment compared to the control treatment. Residual treatments were harmless to larvae and adults, without any deleterious effects on reproduction. L3 larvae consistently preferred to feed on water-treated E. kuehniella eggs compared to kaolin-treated eggs. The larvae from the no-choice test that had fed ad libitum until pupation on kaolin-treated E. kuehniella eggs, pupated and emerged as healthy adults in reduced proportions compared with those that fed on water-treated eggs. In conclusion, our data suggest that both kaolin and copper products appeared to be largely harmless or only slightly harmful to the predator.  相似文献   

Insecticide susceptibility varies with the insect life stage and although the egg stage is sometimes perceived as the most vulnerable, it is a difficult target for insecticide application and little studied as such. Egg susceptibility to insecticides is generally considered important for insect growth regulators and insect pests of reduced mobility like leaf miners because of their placement on the host plant part targeted by the insecticidal application. The egg exposure to the juvenile hormone mimic pyriproxyfen was studied here in the tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), a key tomato insect pest, aiming to assess if mortality is achieved due to insecticide ovicidal activity or due to behavioural impairment of the larvae preventing egg hatching. Survival analysis of treated tomato leaves and/or eggs indicated the importance of egg exposure to pyriproxyfen leading to a significant decrease in survival with a nearly 50% reduction in survival time, which peaked at the first instar. Ovicidal activity of pyriproxyfen in the tomato leaf miner was negligible, but image recording and behaviour analysis indicated behavioural impairment of larval activity compromising hatching and leaf mining by early instar larvae leading to high mortality at this stage (ca 50%). The likely causes and management implications of such findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The selection of oviposition and feeding sites within cotton plants by Spodoptera littoralis was investigated in the field in 2 years, 2007 and 2008. The female moths exhibited significant oviposition preference for young leaves (YL), particularly the 3rd and 4th leaves from top. The larvae originating from egg batches deposited on YL fed mostly in situ for about 5 days, after which they gradually moved their feeding site toward fully expanded or mature leaves on the same individual plant or on neighboring plants. Larvae hatching from batches deposited on fully expanded leaves (FE) fed in situ only for about 2 days, after which they moved toward younger leaves, where they fed for about 3 more days. After the fifth day, however, larvae of the two groups dispersed mainly downward and outward from their hatching site until the end of a 12-day observation. Larvae hatching from eggs deposited on mature or pre-senescent leaves (MP) moved mainly horizontally to other plants after a slight upward shift. The YL and FE larvae grew significantly faster than MP larvae, both in the field and in a laboratory experiment. In the laboratory experiment, the larval period was shorter and the pupal weight was higher when the animals were offered young leaves or young and fully expanded leaves, than when the animals were offered mature and pre-senescent leaves during the first 5 days after hatching. Possible causes and advantages of the exhibited oviposition preference, as well as the apparent ability of larvae to correct for small egg misplacements made by the females, are discussed.  相似文献   

The European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is a major grapevine pest in Europe. The larva is polyphagous and able to develop on more than 25 plant species, several of them being more suitable than Vitaceae for the fitness of L. botrana. Larvae normally eat the pulp of the berry, but may also consume the seeds according to the development stage of the berry and the larval density per bunch. Understanding the effect on individual fitness of such feeding behaviour is important to assess how suitable the different berry tissues are for this insect. We offered to the larvae either entire berries, seeds, or pulp with skin of the variety Vitis vinifera cv. ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ as larval food in order to assess several life history traits from egg hatching to adult death. Two control groups were raised on semisynthetic diets, offering a low (no plant material) or a higher (with corn flour) nutritive value medium. The larvae performed differently when fed on diets containing different parts of berries. The larvae fed on a diet containing grape berry seeds had a prolonged development time and showed higher mortality. The females emerging from these larvae had a lower fecundity and mating success than the females emerging from larvae fed on diets containing other parts of the berries. However, their longevity was greater in comparison to the other groups. We conclude that seeds of Cabernet Sauvignon are not toxic to larvae but affect the reproductive life history traits in L. botrana.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Notwithstanding the introduction of several pest management tactics, the stalk borer Eldana saccharina Walker (Lep., Pyralidae) remains the most serious pest in South African sugarcane. A novel tactic for managing this pest in sugarcane would be the use of a dead-end trap crop that attracts moths for oviposition and curtails subsequent larval development, thereby reducing pest population size. Glasshouse bioassays, in which moths chose to oviposit on maize producing Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab toxin ( Bt -maize), non- Bt -maize or sugarcane of two cultivars (borer-resistant and -susceptible), showed that E. saccharina laid significantly more eggs and egg batches per dry leaf and unit mass of dry leaf on maize ( Bt or non- Bt ) than on either of the cane cultivars. When moths had a choice of ovipositing on 2-, 3-, 4- or 5-month-old maize ( Bt and non- Bt ), dry leaf number and mass of dry leaf material was significantly correlated with number of eggs and egg batches, indicating that older plants, which carried larger amounts of dry leaf matter, were more attractive for oviposition. Finally, glasshouse assays in which hatching larvae fed on 2.5-, 3.5- and 4.5-month-old Bt and non- Bt -maize plants, showed that the Cry1Ab toxin was effective in killing E. saccharina larvae in all Bt -maize plant growth stages, confirming that Bt -maize fulfilled the third requirement (curtailing larval development) of a dead-end trap crop for this pest. We argue that Bt -maize warrants further testing in the field as a trap crop, both alone and as a component of a 'push–pull' or habitat management system for E. saccharina in sugarcane.  相似文献   

李明  龙正权 《昆虫知识》1998,35(6):340-343
本文首次报道了杨白织潜蛾LeucopterasusinellaHerrich-Schaffer在贵州的发生危害情况,详细记述了杨白纹潜蛾各虫态的形态特征和生物学特性。在贵阳和铜仁地区,杨树受害株率达95%~100%,受害叶率达75%以上,受害叶每叶虫数3.6米以上,株虫口密度84.8头以上。该虫在铜仁地区1年发生5代,越冬代9月上旬化蛹,翌年4月上旬羽化。成虫寿命4~8天。卵块产于叶片正面贴近主脉或主侧脉处,卵历期2~5天,每卵块平均16卵粒。幼虫孵化时从卵壳底部咬孔潜入叶片组织取食叶肉,历期8~20天,幼虫老熟后咬破上表皮钻出,在被害叶片背面或吐丝下垂至下部叶片的叶背或下部主干与分技交界处的树皮裂缝中织“H”形茧化蛹。第一至第四代蛹历期为8~11天。本文还提出了该虫的防治方法。  相似文献   

为探究降雨对草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda种群的影响,本研究通过室外模拟降雨研究了雨水冲刷对草地贪夜蛾卵和幼虫的影响。结果表明:在4种不同降雨强度0 mm/h(对照)、10.2 mm/h(中雨)、26.5 mm/h(暴雨)、42.8 mm/h(大暴雨)处理下,卵块的掉落率随着降雨强度的增加而增加;在暴雨、大暴雨条件下卵块的孵化率分别为75.14%、43.58%,显著低于对照和中雨;对比有无鳞毛层覆盖的卵块之间的掉落率和孵化率,二者在各个降雨强度之间差异不显著;对比玉米叶片不同位置卵块的掉落率和孵化率,在中雨降雨强度影响下,二者差异不显著,而在暴雨、大暴雨条件下,玉米叶片背面卵块的掉落率低于正面,孵化率高于正面。此外,在相同的降雨强度下,草地贪夜蛾幼虫(2龄、3龄、4龄、5龄)的掉落率随着龄期的增加而降低;当降雨强度增加时,3龄幼虫的掉落率增加。结果表明降雨,特别是暴雨和大暴雨,对草地贪夜蛾的卵和幼虫均有不利影响,为预测草地贪夜蛾种群提供一定依据。  相似文献   

茉莉花蕾螟生物学特性及其防治初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
茉莉花蕾螟是广西横县茉莉花的首要害虫 ,主要危害茉莉花蕾 ,在横县室内每年发生 1 0代 ,世代重叠 ,田间以蛹落于枯叶或土中越冬。卵散产于花萼或花瓣上 ,卵期 5~ 1 2d。幼虫在开花期间匿居在花蕾内取食 ,将花蕾食空后 ,再转蕾危害 ,使受害蕾凋萎或花蕾变为紫红色 ,幼虫期 1 2~ 2 0d,老熟幼虫于落叶上吐丝作茧化蛹 ,蛹期 5~ 8d。成虫寿命 4~ 6d。综合防治比单一农药防治效果显著 ,成本更低  相似文献   

This study aims at evaluating the larvicidal efficacy of slow-release formulations of bacterial insecticide Spinosad blended with two insect growth regulators (IGRs), Altosid XR–briquets and Dudim DT tablets against mosquito larvae of Aedes aegypti. This insect is the cause of dengue arthropod-borne viral disease. Treatment based on vector control using chemicals poses risks to human and environment, while the strategy based on the use of natural products poses lower risks. The results of the present study indicated that the mixture of Spinosad plus Dudim or Altosid tablets continued their fatal activity against the 3rd instar larvae for a longer period than the treatment with Spinosad, Altosid or Dudim tablets alone. The treatment of Spinosad plus either Altosid or Dudim has given effect to female mosquitoes in laying eggs in egg cups containing the treated pond water compared to the control egg cups. The results also showed that the treatment of Spinosad plus Altosid did not affect the egg hatching rate in the treated pond water, while the treatment of Spinosad combination with Dudim showed a significant decrease in the percentage of egg hatching. Use of natural products with larvicidal activities offers better approaches to integrated pest management and insecticide resistance management.  相似文献   

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