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1. A method is described for measuring the accumulation of K at 37°C. by washed human red cells in glucose-containing systems in which the pH is kept constant, the K content of the cells being compared with that of the cells of systems which contain no added glucose but which are otherwise treated similarly. 2. In systems containing added glucose, the accumulation of K begins shortly after the cells have been warmed to 37°C., proceeds to a maximum which is reached after about 10 hours, and then falls exponentially. The maximum rate of accumulation is found during the first 3 hours. In systems which contain no added glucose, the K content of the cells appears to decrease exponentially with time for about 18 to 24 hours; thereafter the K content of the cells may decrease rapidly and the systems may show considerable hemolysis. Sometimes a small accumulation effect is observed during the first 2 to 3 hours; this may be the result of the washed cells not having been completely freed of glucose. 3. The accumulation process proceeds at its maximum rate at pH 7.4 to 7.6, which is also the pH at which the K loss from the red cells is at a minimum in systems containing no added glucose. 4. When red cells are stored at 4°C. for increasing lengths of time, the storage is accompanied by increasing K loss and the maximum rate of accumulation observed when the cells are warmed to 37°C. at first becomes greater. If the storage at 4°C. is continued for more than 3 to 4 days, the rate of the accumulation which occurs at 37°C decreases again, the accumulation mechanism showing progressive deterioration with time even at low temperatures. This deterioration has a counterpart in the progressive deterioration (deduced from the analysis of the curves relating K content and time) of the accumulation mechanism with time at 37°C. 5. The accumulation of K occurs at a maximum rate when the concentration of glucose in the system is between 50 and 200 mg./100 ml. Its temperature coefficient over the range 27–37°C. is 2.4. In the presence of glucose and at pH 7.6, accumulation of K takes place from isotonic mixtures of KCl and LiCl or of KCl and CsCl only a little less actively than from mixtures of KCl and NaCl; i.e., the accumulation of K under optimum conditions seems to be an active process which is at least partly independent of the excretion of Na.  相似文献   

Outward sodium and potassium cotransport in human red cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary This paper reports some kinetic properties of Na–K cotransport in human red cells. All fluxes were measured in the presence of 10–4 M ouabain. We measured Na and K efflux from cells loaded by the PCMBS method to contain different concentrations of these ions into a medium that contained neither Na nor K (MgCl2-sucrose substitution) in the absence and presence of furosemide. Furosemide inhibited 30–60% of the total efflux depending on the internal ion concentration and the individual subject. We took the furosemide-sensitive fluxes to be a measure of Na–K cotransport. The ratio of Na to K cotransport was 1 over the entire range of internal Na and K concentrations studied. When Na was substituted for K as the only internal cation, cotransport was maximally activated when the Na and K concentrations were between 20 and 90 mmol/liter cells. The concentration of internal Na required to produce half-maximal cotransport was about 13±4 mmol/liter cells (n=4), while the comparable concentration of K was somewhat lower. The activation curve was definitely sigmoid in character, suggesting that at least two Na ions are involved in the transport process. The maximum of Na–K cotransport was about 0.5±0.15 mmol/liter cells × hr (n=5); it had a flat maximum in the medium at about pH 7.0, decreasing in both the acid and alkaline sides. furosemide-resistant effluxes were found to be linear functions of internal Na and K concentrations and to yield rate coefficients of 0.019±0.002 hr–1 and 0.014±0.002 hr–1 (n=7), respectively. These values are of the same order of magnitude expected of ions moving across phospholipid bilayers.Charge de Recherches CNRS.  相似文献   

Effects of bicarbonate on lithium transport in human red cells   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Lithium influx into human erythrocytes increased 12-fold, when chloride was replaced with bicarbonate in a 150 mM lithium medium (38 degrees C. pH 7.4). The increase was linearly related to both lithium- and bicarbonate concentration, and was completely eliminated by the amino reagent 4, 4'- diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS). DIDS binds to an integral membrane protein (mol wt approximately 10(5) dalton) involved in anion exchange. Inhibition of both anion exchange and of bicarbonate-stimulated lithium influx was linearly related to DIDS binding. 1.1 X 10(6) DIDS molecules per cell caused complete inhibition of both processes. Both Cl- and Li+ can apparently be transported by the anion transport mechanism. The results support our previous proposal that bicarbonate-induced lithium permeability is due to transport of lithium-carbonate ion pairs (LiCO-3). DIDS-sensitive lithium influx had a high activation energy (24 kcal/mol), compatible with transport by the anion exchange mechanism. We have examined how variations of passive lithium permeability, induced by bicarbonate, affect the sodium-driven lithium counter-transport in human erythrocytes. The ability of the counter-transport system to establish a lithium gradient across the membrane decrease linearly with bicarbonate concentration in the medium. The counter-transport system was unaffected by DIDS treatement. At a plasma bicarbonate concentration of 24 mM, two-thirds of the lithium influx is mediated by the bicarbonate-stimulated pathway, and the fraction will increase significantly in metabolic alkalosis.  相似文献   

The stimulation of ouabain-sensitive Na+ efflux by external Na+, K+ and Li+ was studied in control and ATP-depleted human red cells. In the presence of 5 mM Na+, with control and depleted cells, Li+ stimulated with a lower apparent affinity than K+, and gave a smaller maximal activation than K+. The ability of Na+, K+ and Li+ to activate Na+ efflux was a function of the ATP content of the cells. Relative to K+ both Na+ and Li+ became more effective activators when the ATP was reduced to about one tenth of the control values. At this low ATP concentration Na+ was absolutely more effective than K+.  相似文献   

The kinetic characteristics of the ouabain-sensitive (Na + K) transport system (pump) of high potassium (HK) and low potassium (LK) sheep red cells have been investigated. In sodium medium, the curve relating pump rate to external K is sigmoid with half maximal stimulation (K1/2) occurring at 3 mM for both cell types, the maximum pump rate in HK cells being about four times that in LK cells. In sodium-free media, both HK and LK pumps are adequately described by the Michaelis-Menten equation, but the K1/2 for HK cells is 0.6 ± 0.1 mM K, while that for LK is 0.2 ± 0.05 mM K. When the internal Na and K content of the cells was varied by the PCMBS method, it was found that the pump rate of HK cells showed a gradual increase from zero at very low internal Na to a maximum when internal K was reduced to nearly zero (100% Na). In LK cells, on the other hand, no pump activity was detected if Na constituted less than 70% of the total (Na + K) in the cell. Increasing Na from 70 to nearly 100% of the internal cation composition, however, resulted in an exponential increase in pump rate in these cells to about ⅙ the maximum rate observed in HK cells. While changes in internal composition altered the pump rate at saturating concentrations of external K, it had no effect on the apparent affinity of the pumps for external K. These results lead us to conclude that the individual pump sites in the HK and LK sheep red cell membranes must be different. Moreover, we believe that these data contribute significantly to defining the types of mechanism which can account for the kinetic characteristics of (Na + K) transport in sheep red cells and perhaps in other systems.  相似文献   

The organic mercurial p-chloromercuribenzensulfonic acid (PCMBS) reversibly increases fluxes of sodium and potassium across the human red blood cell membrane. We examined the effect of different monovalent anions on cation fluxes stimulated by PCMBS. A substantial portion of the fluxes of both cations was found to have a specific anion requirement for chloride or bromide, and was not observed when chloride was replaced by nitrate, acetate or methylsulfate. The chloride-dependent component of the cation fluxes was only observed when the cells were exposed to PCMBS concentrations of 0.5 mM or greater. Furosemide (1 mM) did not inhibit the PCMBS-stimulated cation fluxes. The observed anion specificity is directly associated with the transport process rather than PCMBS binding to the membrane. A portion of the potassium transport stimulated by PCMBS appears to involve K+-K+ exchange; however, Na+ + K+ cotransport is not stimulated by this sulfhydryl reagent.  相似文献   

G A Plishker 《Cell calcium》1984,5(2):177-185
Elevation of red blood cell calcium increases the efflux of potassium. The active extrusion of calcium from the red cell is regulated by calmodulin. Phenothiazines bind to calmodulin in a calcium-dependent manner preventing the calmodulin from activating a wide variety of cellular processes. The present study shows that phenothiazines increase the efflux of potassium from red cells incubated with the calcium ionophore A23187. The dose dependent effect of trifluoperazine on potassium efflux correlates with its inhibition of Ca-ATPase activity. The phenothiazine effects are dependent upon ATP in that increases in potassium efflux are not observed in energy depleted cells. In calcium buffered ghosts no direct effect of calmodulin or an antibody to calmodulin can be shown. These data suggest that phenothiazines stimulate calcium-dependent potassium loss indirectly by a drug-induced blockage of the calmodulin-activated Ca-ATPase.  相似文献   

Summary Using ion-specific electrodes, the potassium leakage induced by ouabain in human erythrocytes can be measured continuously and precisely near physiological conditions. Upon small additions of isotonic sucrose solution to a suspension of red cells in physiological saline the passive potassium efflux increases proportionally to the chloride ratio. The same result is obtained upon addition of hypertonic sucrose solution, suggesting that neither osmolarity nor intracellular concentrations have any influence on the passive potassium efflux. The independence of the potassium efflux and osmolarity can be verified by addition of a penetrating substance like glucose to the cell suspension. Adding water or hypertonic sodium chloride solution shows that the potassium efflux increases slightly in more concentrated salt solutions. Inasmuch as it can be interpreted as a pure ionic strength effect, this result supports the hypothesis of independence of potassium efflux and intracellular concentrations. The results of this investigation together with other studies show that the passive permeability of the human red blood cell to potassium depends uniquely on the membrane potential near physiological conditions, while it depends on parameters such as pH or concentrations for large membrane potentials. This suggests that two different mechanisms of transport might be involved: one would control the permeability under normal conditions; the other would represent a leak through the route normally used by anions and become important only under extreme conditions.  相似文献   

Anemia and potassium permeability of red blood cells in analbuminemic rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A mutant strain, Nagase analbuminemia rats (NAR), was established from Sprague-Dawley rats. Hematological evaluations were made on NAR of 4 to 52 weeks of age. NAR had an abnormally low number of red blood cells (RBC), a low hematocrit, a reduced hemoglobin concentration and an increased number of reticulocytes. Their plasma electrolyte level was normal. Osmotic fragility of RBC was slightly increased in the rats. Thus NAR shows a slight anemia. The in vitro experiments on RBC were performed. The incubation of blood showed a hemolytic tendency and elevated potassium efflux in the blood of NAR. In addition, an increased efflux of potassium was found in the RBC of NAR, when the RBC was washed with phosphate buffered saline and then was incubated with the saline containing CaCl2. This potassium efflux was prevented in the presence of rat albumin. These findings suggest that the deficiency of serum albumin may increase the permeability of potassium in erythrocyte membrane in NAR.  相似文献   

The passive K influx in low K(LK) red blood cells of sheep saturates with increasing external K concentration, indicating that this mode of transport is mediated by membrane-associated sites. The passive K influx, iMLK, is inhibited by external Na. Isoimmune anti-L serum, known to stimulate active K transport in LK sheep red cells, inhibits iMLK about twofold. iMLK is affected by changes in intracellular K concentration, [K]i, in a complex fashion: increasing [K]i from near zero stimulates iMLK, while further increases in [K]i, above 3 mmol/liter cells, inhibit iMLK. The passive K influx is not mediated by K-K exchange diffusion. The effects of anti-L antibody and [K]i on passive cation transport are specific for K: neither factor affects passive Na transport. The common characteristics of passive and active K influx suggest that iMLK is mediated by inactive Na-K pump sites, and that the inability to translocate Na characterizes the inactive pumps. Anti-L antibody stimulates the K pump in reticulocytes of LK sheep. However, anti-L has no effect on iMLK in these cells, apparently because reticulocytes do not have the inactive pump sites which, in mature LK cells, are a consequence of the process of maturation of circulating LK cells. The results also indicate that anti-L alters the maximum velocity of both active and passive K fluxes by converting pumps sites from a form mediating passive K influx to an actively transporting form.  相似文献   

After incubation in isotonic KCl, dog red blood cells can be separated by centrifugation into subgroups which assume different cell volumes and possess different transport characteristics. Those red cells which swell in isotonic KCl exhibit a higher permeability to K and possess a greater volume dependence for transport of K than those red cells which shrink. A high Na permeability characterizes cells which shrink in isotonic KCl and these cells exhibit a larger volume-dependent Na flux than those red cells which swell. These two subgroups of red cells do not seem to represent two cell populations of different age. The results indicate that the population of normal cells is evidently heterogeneous in that the volume-dependent changes in Na and K permeability are distributed between differnt cell types rather than representing a single cell type which reciprocally changes its selectivity to Na and K.  相似文献   

Summary The exposure of red cell ghosts to external Ca++ and K+ leads to a rapid net K+ efflux. Preincubation of the ghosts for various lengths of time in the absence of K+ in the external medium prior to a challenge with maximally effective concentrations of Ca++ and K+ renders the ghosts unresponsive to that challenge with a half-time of about 7–10 min. Preincubation at a range of K+ concentrations for a fixed length of time (60 min) prior to the challenge revealed that K+ concentrations of about 500 m or more suffice to maintain the K+ channel in a maximally responsive state for at least 60 min. These K+ concentrations are considerably lower than the K+ concentrations required to make the responsive channel respond with a maximal rate of K+ efflux. Thus, external K+ is not only necessary to induce the permeability change but also to maintain the transport system in a functional state.The presence of Mg++ or ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA) in the K+-free preincubation media preserves the responsiveness to a challenge with Ca++ plus K+. In contrast to external K+, the presence of external Ca++ does not reduce but rather enhances the loss of responsiveness. An excess of EDTA prevents the effects of Ca++ while washes with EDTA after exposure to Ca++ do not reverse them.In red cell ghosts that contain Ca++ buffers, the transition from a responsive to a nonresponsive state incubation in the absence of external K+ is enhanced. The effects of incubation in the presence of Ca++ in K+-free media are reversed; external Ca++ now reduces the rate at which the responsiveness is lost. The loss of responsiveness after incubation in K+-free media prior to a challenge with external K+ and internal Ca++ does also take place when K+-efflux from red cell ghosts is measured by means of42K+ into media that have the same K+ concentrations as the ghost interior. This confirms that the effects of K+-free incubation are due to the modification of the K+-selective channel rather than to an inhibition of diffusive Cl-efflux.Abbreviation used in text TRIS Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethan This paper is dedicated to the memory of Walther Wilbrandt.  相似文献   

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