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Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of moisture on thermal inactivation of Salmonella spp. in poultry litter under optimal composting conditions. Methods and Results: Thermal inactivation of Salmonella was studied in fresh poultry compost by simulating early phase of composting process. A mixture of three Salmonella serotypes grown in Tryptic soy broth with rifampin (TSB‐R) was inoculated in fresh compost with 40 or 50% moisture at a final concentration of c. 7 log CFU g?1. The inoculated compost was kept in an environmental chamber which was programmed to rise from room temperature to target composting temperatures in 2 days. In poultry compost with optimal moisture content (50%), Salmonella spp. survived for 96, 72 and 24 h at 50, 55 and 60°C, respectively, as compared with 264, 144 and 72 h at 50, 55 and 60°C, respectively, in compost with suboptimal moisture (40%). Pathogen decline was faster during the come‐up time owing to higher ammonia volatilization. Conclusions: Our results demonstrated that Salmonella spp. survived longer in fresh poultry compost with suboptimal moisture of 40% than in compost with optimal moisture of 50% during thermophilic composting. High nitrogen content of the poultry compost is an additional factor contributing to Salmonella inactivation through ammonia volatilization during thermal exposure. Significance and Impact of the Study: This research validated the effectiveness of the current composting guidelines on Salmonella inactivation in fresh poultry compost. Both initial moisture level and ammonia volatilization are important factors affecting microbiological safety and quality of compost product.  相似文献   

Both food-storing behaviour and the hippocampus change annually in food-storing birds. Food storing increases substantially in autumn and winter in chickadees and tits, jays and nutcrackers and nuthatches. The total size of the chickadee hippocampus increases in autumn and winter as does the rate of hippocampal neurogenesis. The hippocampus is necessary for accurate cache retrieval in food-storing birds and is much larger in food-storing birds than in non-storing passerines. It therefore seems probable that seasonal change in caching and seasonal change in the hippocampus are causally related. The peak in recruitment of new neurons into the hippocampus occurs before birds have completed food storing and cache retrieval for the year and may therefore be associated with spacing caches, encoding the spatial locations of caches, or creating a neuronal architecture involved in the recollection of cache sites. The factors controlling hippocampal plasticity in food-storing birds are not well understood. Photoperiodic manipulations that produce change in food-storing behaviour have no effect on either hippocampal size or neuronal recruitment. Available evidence suggests that changes in hippocampal size and neurogenesis may be a consequence of the behavioural and cognitive involvement of the hippocampus in storing and retrieving food.  相似文献   

Migratory birds occupy different geographical areas during breeding and non-breeding periods, and thus different factors may determine their range limits depending on each season. One such factor is the spatial climatic component of the niche, which is widely used to model species distributions, yet the temporal component is often neglected and is generally assumed to be constant. We tested the hypothesis that the climatic niche is conserved between breeding and non-breeding areas in 355 bird species migrating through Eurasian–African flyways. For this, we performed niche overlap analyses and compared niche differences between sister or phylogenetically closely related species, as well as linking the differences to migratory distances. For more than 80% of the species, there was no or very little overlap between their breeding and non-breeding climatic niches. For most closely related species, the degree of overlap of their breeding climatic niches was larger than the overlap observed within each species, but not for their wintering climatic niches, suggesting a phylogenetic conservation of breeding climatic niches. Finally, there was a clear negative relationship between migratory distances and climatic niche overlap within each species. Our results confirmed that the climatic niche of most Eurasian–African migratory species differs between both breeding and non-breeding ranges, suggesting distinctive seasonal climatic requirements. Given these results and the geographically uneven effects of climate change, the impact of global change is likely to have different effects in each seasonal range. Hence, both breeding and non-breeding climatic data need to be considered when using species distribution models.  相似文献   

Biodegradability of fecal nitrogen in composting process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biodegradability of fecal nitrogen was studied in composting process. Fecal nitrogen was subdivided into two fractions: a type originally inert in biological activity (N(XI)), and a slowly biodegradable one (N(XS)). During the composting process, an inert type of organic matter (N(XIB)) was reproduced by endogenous respiration of heterotrophic microorganism. Evaluations for fecal nitrogen formed a conclusion of 75% (N(XS)) and 25% (N(XI)), respectively. It was estimated that the N(XIB) could be 9% of initial fecal nitrogen. Thus, approximately 34% (N(XI)+N(XIB)) of initial fecal nitrogen remained in the composting material (mixture of sawdust and feces) as biologically inert type of organic nitrogen.  相似文献   

Seasonal reproduction in birds is the adaptation to breed at the time of the greatest survival of young. This exact moment is mainly imposed by the photoperiod which stimulates the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis and starts breeding season. This article summarizes present knowledge concerning: 1/ perception and transduction of light into the biological signal; 2/ model of the avian photoperiodic response; 3/ seasonal changes in hypothalamic secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), vasoactive intestinal polipeptide (VIP), as well as the gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH); 4/ seasonal interactions between pituitary hormones; 5/ seasonal morphological and functional changes within the avian gonads.  相似文献   

The present work is a contribution to the systematics of Bilhorziello and Dendritobilharzio. Wildfowl was killed in hunting seasons or found dead in Champagne-Ardenne region, France, and autopsied with focus on schistosomes. Seven Anas plotyrhynchos (mallards), one Ardeo cinerea (grey heron) and two Cygnus olor (mute swans) were parasitized by Bilharziella. One C. olor was parasitized by Dendritobilharzia. Depending on season and hosts, various morphological forms of Bilharziello suggesting several species were observed. The differences in male and female worms concerned the morphology of genital apparatus, the spination on suckers, the body size and proportions. However, the comparison of DNA sequences led to a conclusion that these forms belonged to one species, Bilharziella polonica (Kowalewski, 1895). The morphological features and the body sizes of our samples of Dendritobilharzia seemed to differ from the type species of D. pulverulenta (Braun, 1901). Nevertheless, molecular analysis confirmed identity. We hypothesize that the differences in Bilharziella and Dendritobilharzia might be linked to internal host factors (e.g. hormonal levels), and influenced by season, host, and worm age. The definition of the genera Bilharziello and Dendritobilharzio was amended.  相似文献   

The author reviews his investigations in The Netherlands on the relationship between the incidence of cancer and birth months, based on large samples. He found that more cancer cases were born during winter than the summer months. These seasonal differences were statistically highly significant.The observation was confirmed in other countries of the northern hemisphere.In the southern hemisphere the same seasonal incidence was observed.
Zusammenfassung Der Autor berichtet über eigene Untersuchungen über den Beziehungen zwischen Häufigkeit von Karzinomfällen und Geburtsmonat in den Niederlanden anhand grosser Reihen. Danach war die Zahl der Karzinomkranken, die im Winter geboren waren, grösser als die der im Sommer geborenen.Die Unterschiede sind statistisch hoch signifikant. Bestätigungen dieser Beobachtung liegen auch aus anderen Ländern der nördliche Hemisphäre vor. In der südlichen Hemisphäre war die jahreszeitliche Abhängigkeit gleich. Die praktische Bedeutung dieser Erkenntnisse wird kurz diskutiert.

Resume L'auteur relate ses propres expériences sur la relation entre la fré{ie295-1}uence des cas de cancer et les mois de leur naissance, en Hollande à l'appui de nombreux essais. D'après ces recherches les cas de cancer nés en hiver sont plus nombreux que ceux nés pendant les mois d'été. Les différences sont statistiquement fortement significatives. Cette observation fut confirmée dans d'autres pays de l'hémisphère nord. Dans l'hémisphère sud, la fréquence observée par rapport aux saisons est exactement opposée.

Seasonal variations in the sleep-wake cycle of four captiveMicrocebus murinus were studied, using electroencephalography. TheMicrocebus were maintained under artificial light which reproduced the day-night cycle at the latitude of Paris, France (49°). Microcebus spends from three fourths to two thirds of the 24-hr cycle in sleep phase from September to January, whereas sleep phase constitutes only a half of the daily cycle in summer. The REM-S duration is relatively constant throughout the year, although being notably lengthened in September. Quiet wakefulness constitutes the major part of the time spent awake during the first part of the annual rest season (October to December). These patterns are similar to those seen during the prehibernation state in hibernating mammals.  相似文献   

The variations in isoflavonoid content in Radix Puerariae, the root of Pueraria lobata (Wild) Ohwi, have been examined in order to determine the optimum time to harvest the herb. Total isoflavonoid contents have been analysed by a UV spectrophotometric method whilst HPLC with photodiode array detection has been used to monitor the contents of seven major individual isoflavonoids, namely, 3'-hydroxypuerarin, puerarin, 3'-methoxypuerarin, daidzin, genistin, formononetin-7-glucoside and daidzein. Ninety-six samples of Radix Puerariae of different ages and harvested in different months were collected and analysed. The results clearly showed that 3-year-old roots harvested in January have the highest yields of isoflavonoid compounds. Moreover, the results obtained by both methods have a strong correlation. This suggested that the simple and fast UV spectrophotometric method could be used for monitoring the phytochemical quality of Radix Puerariae.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the carbohydrate content of bracken   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The amounts of dry matter, mobile carbohydrate and reserve carbohydrate have been determined in bracken fronds and buds, frond-bearing rhizomes and storage rhizomes over a period of 13 months. Dry matter and reserve carbohydrate levels are closely linked, especially in the rhizomes, falling from May to the beginning of July and rising until complete frond death at the end of September; but variations occur between frond-bearing and storage rhizomes. The carbohydrate reserve of frond-bearing rhizome is rapidly exhausted by the developing fronds and further carbohydrate is drawn from the storage rhizomes, but a concurrent fall in mobile carbohydrate suggests that the rate of conversion of reserve carbohydrate is slower than the rate of translocation to the fronds. By August, there is an accumulation of carbohydrate in the frond-bearing rhizome, which is followed by a fall in September and this again suggests low enzyme activity in the storage rhizome, but also that sink strengths in bracken are in the order (1) developing buds, (2) storage rhizome, (3) frond-bearing rhizome.
The responses of bracken to cutting and herbicide-application are discussed in relation to sink strengths and a low level of enzyme activity in the storage rhizome.  相似文献   

Norbert Caspers 《Oecologia》1977,26(4):379-383
Summary In 1975 some higher herbaceous plants of two different habitats were investigated according to seasonal variations of their caloric values both on a dry weight base and on an ash-free dry weight base. In eight speceis of a meadow and an old-field community, which were harvested each second month from February to December 1975, there were slight changes in energy content despite the fact that only flowering stages have been analysed. The reasons for these variations are climatic resp. endogenous ones.  相似文献   

Li  Yan  Zidorn  Christian 《Phytochemistry Reviews》2022,21(5):1549-1575
Phytochemistry Reviews - The present review gives an overview about the status of research on seasonal variation of natural products in herbs growing in or grown in Europe. Due to pronounced...  相似文献   

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