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Mechanical properties and isoform composition of myosin heavy and light chains were studied in hypertrophying rat urinary bladders. Growth of the bladder was induced by partial ligation of the urethra. Preparations were obtained after 10 days. In maximally activated skinned preparations from the hypertrophying tissue, the maximal shortening velocity and the rate of force development following photolytic release of ATP were reduced by about 20 and 25%, respectively. Stiffness was unchanged. The relative content of the basic isoform of the essential 17 kDa myosin light chain was doubled in the hypertrophied tissue. The expression of myosin heavy chain with a 7 amino acid insert at the 25K/50K region was determined using a peptide-derived antibody against the insert sequence. The relative amount of heavy chain with insert was decreased to 50%, in the hypertrophic tissue. The kinetics of the cross-bridge turn-over in the newly formed myosin in the hypertrophic smooth muscle is reduced, which might be related to altered expression of myosin heavy or light chain isoforms. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The smooth muscle of the uterus during pregnancy presents a unique circumstance of physiological mechanotransduction as the tissue remodels in response to stretches imposed by the growing foetus(es), yet the nature of the molecular and functional adaptations remain unresolved. We studied, in myometrium isolated from non-pregnant (NP) and pregnant mice, the active and passive length-tension curves by myography and the expression and activation by immunoblotting of focal adhesion-related proteins known in other systems to participate in mechanosensing and mechanotransduction. In situ uterine mass correlated with pup number and weight throughout pregnancy. In vitro myometrial active, and passive, length-tension curves shifted significantly to the right during pregnancy indicative of altered mechanosensitivity; at term, maximum active tension was generated following 3.94 +/- 0.33-fold stretch beyond slack length compared to 1.91 +/- 0.12-fold for NP mice. Moreover, mechanotransduction was altered during pregnancy as evidenced by the progressive increase in absolute force production at each optimal stretch. Pregnancy was concomitantly associated with an increased expression of the dense plaque-associated proteins FAK and paxillin, and elevated activation of FAK, paxillin, c-Src and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) which reversed 1 day post-partum. Electron microscopy revealed close appositioning of neighbouring myometrial cells across a narrow extracellular cleft adjoining plasmalemmal dense plaques. Collectively, these results suggest a physiological basis of myometrial length adaptation, long known to be a property of many smooth muscles, whereupon plasmalemmal dense plaque proteins serve as molecular signalling and structural platforms contributing to functional (contractile) remodelling in response to chronic stretch.  相似文献   

Bladder smooth muscle contraction is mediated by both direct calcium entry through the cell membrane, and by calcium induced calcium release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) storage sites. Ryanodine is a neutral plant alkaloid which binds to an ion channel located on the SR membrane. Its effects in cardiac skeletal muscle are well characterized where it inibits the efflux of intracellular calcium stores, and thus it serves as a negative inotrope. It has also been shown that in the develpping rabbit myocardium, there is a gradual increase in the expression of this ion channel. Little has been written about the expression and function of the ryanodine sensitive ion channel in smooth muscle. Recently we have shown that neonatal rabbit bladder smooth muscle is not very sensitive to ryanodine, while that from mature rabbits is extremely sensitive. This leads us to quantify the expression of the ryanodine sensitive ion channel. In this paper we demonstrate that the Kd values do not change to any significant degree with normal rabbit bladder development. However the Bmax values for 3 day, 2, 4, 6, and 8 week rabbit bladder smooth muscle are 7, 10, 15, 29, and 44 fmol specifically bound ryanodine/mg protein. The differences between the neonatal groups and the mature groups are significant (P<0.5). This increase in ryanodine sensitive ion channel expression with normal growth would suggest that with normal maturation, the bladder smooth muscle cell acquires an increased pool of sequestrered intracellular calcium. This would follow a similar pattern of development that has already been described in rabbit myocardium.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that the mucosa of the urinary bladder may play a major role in the maintenance of normal bladder function. The mucosal surface of the urinary bladder serves as a protective layer against the irritative solutes found in the urine. The integrity of this barrier can be broken by overdistension, anoxia, detergents, alcohols, bacterial infection and by contact with agents to which the mucosa has been sensitized.In view that both anoxia and ischemia can mediate a breakdown in the role of the mucosal layer as a permeability barrier, it is reasonable to assume that this function is dependent on cellular metabolism. As an initial investigation we have compared a variety of biochemical and metabolic parameters between the mucosal layer (consisting of the lamina propria, urothelium, and any connective tissue and vascular tissue within this layer); and the muscularis layer.The results of these studies demonstrated that the rate of glucose metabolism to lactic acid (LA) of the mucosa was more than three-fold greater than that of the smooth muscle. The rate of CO2 production of the mucosa was 60% greater than that of the unstimulated smooth muscle. The maximal activity of the mitochondrial enzyme citrate synthase was significantly greater in the mucosa than in the smooth muscle, however, the activity of malate dehydrogenase was similar for both tissues. The maximal activity of the cytosolic enzyme creatine kinase was more than two-fold greater in the bladder smooth muscle than in the mucosa; although the affinities of the creatine kinase isoforms of the mucosa were sigificantly greater than those of the muscle.Although the concentrations of ATP and ADP were similar in both muscle and mucosa, the level of creatine phosphate (CP) was over four-fold greater in the bladder muscle while the level of AMP in the muscle was only 58% of that in the mucosal epithelium.In summary, the rate of glucose metabolism was greater in the mucosa than in the smooth muscle although the concentrations of high energy phosphates (ATP+CP) was significantly greater in the smooth muscle. Future studies will be directed at identifying the specific cellular processes within the mucosal layer that relate to the function of the urothelium as a permeability barrier.  相似文献   

Diffusable growth factors induce bladder smooth muscle differentiation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bladder smooth muscle differentiation is dependent on the presence of bladder epithelium. Previously, we have shown that direct contact between the epithelium and bladder mesenchyme (BLM) is necessary for this interaction. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that bladder smooth muscle can be induced via diffusable growth factors. Fourteen-day embryonic rat bladders were separated into bladder mesenchyme (prior to smooth muscle differentiation) and epithelium by enzymatic digestion and microdissection. Six in vitro experiments were performed with either direct cellular contact or no contact (1) 14-d embryonic bladder mesenchyme (BLM) alone (control), (Contact) (2) 14-d embryonic bladders intact (control), (3) 14-d embryonic bladder mesenchyme combined with BPH-1 cells (an epithelial prostate cell line) in direct contact, (4) 14-d embryonic bladder mesenchyme with recombined bladder epithelium (BLE) in direct contact, (No Contact) (5) 14-d embryonic bladder mesenchyme with BPH-1 prostatic epithelial cells cocultured in type 1 collagen gel on the bottom of the well, and (6) 14-d embryonic bladder mesenchyme with BPH-1 epithelium cultured in a monolayer on a transwell filter. In each case the bladder tissue was cultured on Millicell-CM 0.4-microm membranes for 7 d in plastic wells using serum free medium. Growth was assessed by observing the size of the bladder organoids in histologic cross section as well as the vertical height obtained in vitro. Immunohistochemical analysis of the tissue explants was performed to assess cellular differentiation with markers for smooth muscle alpha-actin and pancytokeratin to detect epithelial cells. Control (1) bladder mesenchyme grown alone did not exhibit growth or smooth muscle and epithelial differentiation. Contact experiments (2) intact embryonic bladder, (3) embryonic bladder mesenchyme recombined with BPH-1 cells, and (4) embryonic bladder mesenchyme recombined with urothelium each exhibited excellent growth and bladder smooth muscle and epithelial differentiation. Both noncontact experiments (5) and (6) exhibited growth as well as bladder smooth muscle and epithelial differentiation but to a subjectively lesser degree than the contact experiments. Direct contact of the epithelium with bladder mesenchyme provides the optimal environment for growth and smooth muscle differentiation. Smooth muscle growth and differentiation can also occur without direct cell to cell contact and is not specific to urothelium. This data supports the hypothesis that epithelium produces diffusable growth factors that induce bladder smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Summary Human arterial smooth muscle cells (hASMC) from explants of the inner media of uterine arteries were studied in secondary culture. We had previously found that these cells depend on exogenous platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) for proliferation in vitro. Deprivation of the serum mitogen(s) by culture in plasma-derived serum or bovine serum albumin (BSA) caused a true growth arrest that was reversible upon reexposure to the mitogen(s). When added to serum-containing medium, heparin caused a reversible growth arrest which could be competed for by increasing concentrations of serum. In the current study we used a set of smooth muscle-specific actin and myosin, antibodies to study the expression of contractile proteins in stress fibers under indirect immunofluorescence on hASMC in culture. Even in sparse culture, grwoth-arrested hASMC expressed stress fibers containing these actin and myosin epitopes. This was true irrespective of whether growth arrest was achieved by culture in media containing only BSA or a combination of heparin and whole blood serum. hASMC proliferating in whole blood serum in sparse culture did not express such strees fibers, as judged by immunofluorescent staining. This was true also for cells that were restimulated to proliferate in serum after a growth arrest. Utilizing a monoclonal antibody against a nuclear antigen expressed in proliferating human cells, we were able to demonstrate an inverse relationship between the expression of this antigen and the SMC-specific contractile proteins, respectively. Under these culture conditions, the reversible transition between defifferentiated and differentiated hASMC was almost complete and terminated about 1 wk after the change in culture condition. We conclude that hASMC in vitro respond, to exogenous PDGF by proliferation and dedifferetiation as a single population of cells. We also conclude that this modulation is reversible, because the cells become uniformly quiescent and differentiated when the mitogenic stimulus is blocked or removed. This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project no. 4531 and 6816), the Swedish Association against Heart and Chest Diseases, the King Gustaf V and Queen Victoria Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (grant HL 29873) and the Swedish National Board for Laboratory Animals.  相似文献   

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is mainly caused by increased prostatic smooth muscle (SM) tone and volume. SM myosin (SMM) and non‐muscle myosin (NMM) play important roles in mediating SM tone and cell proliferation, but these molecules have been less studied in the prostate. Rat prostate and cultured primary human prostate SM and epithelial cells were utilized. In vitro organ bath studies were performed to explore contractility of rat prostate. SMM isoforms, including SM myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms (SM1/2 and SM‐A/B) and myosin light chain 17 isoforms (LC17a/b), and isoform ratios were determined via competitive RT‐PCR. SM MHC and NM MHC isoforms (NMMHC‐A, NMMHC‐B and NMMHC‐C) were further analysed via Western blotting and immunofluorescence microscopy. Prostatic SM generated significant force induced by phenylephrine with an intermediate tonicity between phasic bladder and tonic aorta type contractility. Correlating with this kind of intermediate tonicity, rat prostate mainly expressed LC17a and SM1 but with relatively equal expression of SM‐A/SM‐B at the mRNA level. Meanwhile, isoforms of NMMHC‐A, B, C were also abundantly present in rat prostate with SMM present only in the stroma, while NMMHC‐A, B, C were present both in the stroma and endothelial. Additionally, the SMM selective inhibitor blebbistatin could potently relax phenylephrine pre‐contracted prostate SM. In conclusion, our novel data demonstrated the expression and functional activities of SMM and NMM isoforms in the rat prostate. It is suggested that the isoforms of SMM and NMM could play important roles in BPH development and bladder outlet obstruction.  相似文献   

Summary Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) can influence proliferation and differentiation in vascular smooth muscle cells. Basic FGF promotes some features of the synthetic phenotype (proliferation) but is known to inhibit others (collagen synthesis). Whether bFGF availability influences smooth muscle cell phenotype independent of proliferation is not known. The purpose of this study was to determine if the effects of bFGF on extracellular matrix and contractile protein expression are dependent on changes in proliferation. Basic FGF availability was manipulated by adding bFGF to cultured cells or by inhibiting bFGF expression using antisense RNA, and adjusting culture conditions such that proliferation was held constant. Compared to cells cultured in serum alone, smooth muscle α-actin and myosin heavy chain expression was markedly reduced by added bFGF, but was not influenced by antisense inhibition of bFGF expression. Under the same conditions, collagen synthesis was inhibited by added bFGF, and was stimulated by reduced bFGF expression. These consequences of altering bFGF availability were not associated with changes in FGF receptor expression. These findings demonstrate that alterations in bFGF availability can regulate smooth muscle cell phenotype independent of proliferation, which may be related to the regulation of smooth muscle cell phenotype in vivo.  相似文献   

We investigated in vivo expression of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, 17 kDa myosin light chain (MLC17), and phosphorylation of the 20 kDa MLC (MLC20) as well as mechanical performance of chemically skinned fibers of normal and hypertrophied smooth muscle (SM) of human myometrium. According to their immunological reactivity, we identified three MHC isoenzymes in the human myometrium: two SM-MHC (SM1 with 204 kDa and SM2 with 200 kDa), and one non-muscle specific MHC (NM with 196 kDa). No cross-reactivity was detected with an antibody raised against a peptide corresponding to a seven amino acid insert at the 25K/50K junction of the myosin head (a-25K/50K) in both normal and hypertrophied myometrium. In contrast, SM-MHC of human myomatous tissue strongly reacted with a-25K/50K. Expression of SM1/SM2/NM (%) in normal myometrium was 31.7/34.7/33.6 and 35.1/40.9/24 in hypertrophied myometrium. The increased SM2 and decreased NM expression in the hypertrophied state was statistically significant (P < 0.05). MHC isoform distribution in myomatous tissue was similar to normal myometrium (35.3/35.3/29.4). In vivo expression of MLC17a increased from 25.5% in normal to 44.2% in hypertrophied (P < 0.001) myometrium. Phosphorylation levels of MLC20 upon maximal Ca20-calmodulin activation of skinned myometrial fibers were the same in normal and hypertrophied myometrial fibers. Maximal force of isometric contraction of skinned fibers (pCa 4.5, slack-length) was 2.85 mN/mm2 and 5.6 mN/mm2 in the normal and hypertrophied state, respectively (P < 0.001). Apparent maximal shortening velocity (Vmaxapp, extrapolated from the force-velocity relation) of myometrium rose from 0.13 muscle length s 1 (ML/s) in normal to 0.24 ML/s in hypertrophied fibers (P < 0.001). J. Cell. Biochem, 64:171–181. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanism of bladder smooth muscle differentiation. We hypothesize that epithelial-mesenchymal signaling induces the expression of smooth muscle proteins in bladder mesenchyme resulting in smooth muscle differentiation. We confirmed that smooth muscle differentiation in the mouse urinary bladder occurs first at gestational day 14 (E14) based upon immunohistochemical localization of smooth muscle alpha-actin (SMAA). To investigate murine bladder smooth muscle differentiation and epithlelial-mesenchymal signaling in the developing bladder, we analyzed gene expression profiles of intact embryonic murine bladders and separated epithelial and mesenchymal components at embryonic days E13, E14, E15, E16, and postnatal day 1 (P1). Using cDNA microarray, we identified regulators of vascular smooth muscle differentiation in bladder mesenchyme, including serum response factor (SRF) and its cofactors, ELK1 and SRF accessory protein (SAP)1, as well as two SRF-associated pathways, angiotension receptor II and transforming growth factor- beta2. Immunohistochemistry showed diffuse expression of SRF in the bladder at E12 with localization of expression to the peripheral mesenchyme at E13 and E14. Our results suggest that bladder smooth muscle differentiation may share a similar gene expression program as occurs during vascular smooth muscle differentiation. The unique structure of the urinary bladder makes it an ideal model for studies of smooth muscle differentiation and epithelial-mesenchymal signaling.  相似文献   

This work aimed to establish the lineage of cells similar to the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), the arterial ICC-like (AIL) cells, which have recently been described in resistance arteries, and to study their location in the artery wall. Segments of guinea-pig mesenteric arteries and single AIL cells freshly isolated from them were used. Confocal imaging of immunostained cells or segments and electron microscopy of artery segments were used to test for the presence and cellular localization of selected markers, and to localize AIL cells in intact artery segments. AIL cells were negative for PGP9.5, a neural marker, and for von Willebrand factor (vWF), an endothelial cell marker. They were positive for smooth muscle alpha-actin and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SM-MHC), but expressed only a small amount of smoothelin, a marker of contractile smooth muscle cells (SMC), and of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), a critical enzyme in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction. Cell isolation in the presence of latrunculin B, an actin polymerization inhibitor, did not cause the disappearance of AIL cells from cell suspension. The fluorescence of basal lamina protein collagen IV was comparable between the AIL cells and the vascular SMCs and the fluorescence of laminin was higher in AIL cells compared to vascular SMCs. Moreover, cells with thin processes were found in the tunica media of small resistance arteries using transmission electron microscopy. The results suggest that AIL cells are immature or phenotypically modulated vascular SMCs constitutively present in resistance arteries.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that ischemia, reperfusion, and the generation of free radicals are major etiological factors in the progression of bladder dysfunction after partial outlet obstruction. In vitro studies demonstrated that the magnitude of contractile dysfunction following exposure of bladder smooth muscle to hypoxia followed by re-oxygenation was related to the level of lipid peroxidation indicating that membrane lipid peroxidation participated in the contractile failure induced. Recent studies demonstrated that incubation of isolated strips of bladder smooth muscle with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) result in progressive contractile dysfunctions and is associated with progressive increases in MDA (peroxidation product). The current study investigates if feeding rabbits a diet high in vitamin E protects the bladder from the effects of in vitro H2O2. Sixty-four male New Zealand White rabbits were separated into two groups: The rabbits in group 1 were fed a normal diet (28 rabbits) whereas the rabbits in group 2 were placed on a diet enriched with -tocopherol (36 rabbits). After 3 weeks on the normal or high E diet, each rabbit was anesthetized and the bladder excised and cut into 6 isolated strips of bladder detrusor. Each strip was mounted in individual 15 ml baths containing oxygenated Tyrode's solution. The contractile responses to field stimulation (FS), carbachol, and KCl were determined. The strips were washed and exposed to one of the following concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2): 0% (control), 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 3.0% for a period of 1 h. At the end of the hour each strip was washed free of H2O2 and a second set of contractile responses were performed and compared to the first set. At the end of the experiment, each strip was frozen and stored at –70°C for analysis of malondialdehyde (MDA) as a measure of peroxidation. In both groups, H2O2 produced similar dose dependent decreases in the contractile responses to all forms of stimulation. In the normal-diet group H2O2 produced a dose dependent increase in MDA formation, whereas in the high E group there were no increases in MDA at any concentration of H2O2. Feeding rabbits a diet high in vitamin E protected the bladder smooth muscle from peroxidation, but had no significant effect on the contractile dysfunctions mediated by direct incubation with H2O2.  相似文献   

We demonstrate reduction and restoration of contractile ability in response to protein extraction and reconstitution in Triton X-100/glycerol-permeabilized smooth muscle fibers. Through significant reduction in the content of caldesmon (CaD), calponin (CaP), and the 20-kDa regulatory light chain (RLC) of myosin, but not other contractile proteins in "chemically skinned" fibers, we substantially reduced the contractile ability of these fibers, as measured by their ability to generate isometric force and to hydrolyze ATP by actomyosin Mg2+ ATPase. When the protein-depleted fibers were then reconstituted (either with a mixture of purified protein standards of CaD, CaP, and myosin RLC or with a protein extract from the demembranized muscle fibers containing CaD, CaP, and myosin RLC plus several low-molecular-mass proteins), all proteins used for reincorporation returned nearly to control levels, as did isometric force generation and rate of ATP hydrolysis. The fact that the low-molecular-mass proteins do not affect contractility in this model system indicates that our methods for reversible modulation of the content of CaP and CaD may provide a valuable tool for studying the thin-filament-based regulation of contractility.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-activated monovalent cation selective transient receptor potential melastatin 4 (TRPM4) channel has been recently identified in detrusor smooth muscle (DSM) of the urinary bladder. Two recent publications by our research group provide evidence in support of the novel hypothesis that TRPM4 channels enhance DSM excitability and contractility. This is a critical question as prior studies have primarily targeted hyperpolarizing currents facilitated by K+ channels, but the depolarizing component in DSM cells is not well understood. For the first time, we utilized the selective TRPM4 channel inhibitor, 9-phenanthrol, to investigate TRPM4 channel functional effects in DSM at both cellular and tissue levels in rodents. Our new data presented here showed that in rat DSM cells, 9-phenanthrol attenuates spontaneous inward currents in the presence of the muscarinic receptor agonist, carbachol, thus reducing DSM cell excitability. In support of our original hypothesis, we found that TRPM4 channel mRNA levels are much higher in DSM vs. vascular smooth muscle and that inhibition of TRPM4 channels can potentially attenuate DSM excitability. Thus, we postulate the novel concept that selective pharmacological inhibition of TRPM4 channels can limit both excitability and contractility of DSM.  相似文献   

Summary— The distribution of smooth muscle (SM)-type myosin heavy chain isoforms in several bovine muscular and non-muscular (NM) tissues was evaluated by immunofluorescence tests using monoclonal antibodies SM-E7, reactive with 204 (SM1) and 200 (SM2) kDa isoforms, and SM-F11, specific for SM2 isoform. SM-E7 reacted equally with vascular, respiratory and intestinal SM tissues, whereas SM-F11 stained heterogeneously SM cells in the various muscular systems examined and in some peculiar tissues was unreactive (perisinusoidal cells of hepatic lobule, pulmonary interstitial cells and intestinal muscularis mucosae) or uniquely reactive (nerve cells). On the whole, our findings indicate that SM1 and SM2 isoforms are unequally distributed at the cellular level in various SM and NM tissues and support previous results obtained with tissue extracts and electrophoretic procedures.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of bovine carotid artery smooth muscle cells, during long-term in vitro subcultivation (up to 100 population doublings), have revealed phenotypic heterogeneity among cells, as characterized by differences in proliferative behavoir, cell morphology, and contractile-cytoskeletal protein profiles. In vivo, smooth muscle cells were spindle-shaped and expressed desmin and alpha-smooth muscle actin (50% of total actin) as their predominant cytoskeletal and contractile proteins. Within 24 h of culture, vimentin rather than desmin was the predominant intermediate filament protein, with little change in alpha-actin content. Upon initial subcultivation, all cells were flattened and fibroblastic in appearance with a concommitant fivefold reduction in alpha-actin content, whereas the beta and gamma nonmuscle actins predominated. In three out of four cell lines studied, fluctuations in proliferative activity were observed during the life span of the culture. These spontaneous fluctuations in proliferation were accompanied by coordinated changes in morphology and contractile-cytoskeletal protein profiles. During periods of enhanced proliferation a significant proportion of cells reverted to their original spindle-shaped morphology with a simultaneous increase in alpha-actin content (20 to 30% of total actin). These results suggest that in long-term culture smooth muscle cells undergo spontaneous modulations in cell phenotype and may serve as a useful model for studying the regulation of intracellular protein expression. This work was supported by grants from from National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, to DMW (HL35684), JW (HL36412), and JM and RL (SCOR HL 14212).  相似文献   

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