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Aim Still poorly understood, the main migratory pathways for most trans‐Saharan species pass through the Iberian Peninsula, which acts as a gateway to the European–African migratory system. Arrival patterns in this region for the common swift (Apus apus) and barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), of similar morphology and flight capabilities, were described, and the environmental and geographical factors best explaining them were examined, in a search for common ecological constraints on these two migratory species. Location Latitude ranged from 36.02 to 43.68°N, longitude from 9.05°W to 3.17°E, and altitude from 0 to 1595 m a.s.l. for 482 common swift and 812 barn swallow Spanish localities spread widely over the Iberian breeding grounds of the two species. Methods Our data set, covering the years 1960–1990, consisted of 3206 first‐arrival dates for common swifts and 6036 for barn swallows. Forty topographical, climatic, river basin, geographical and spatial variables were used as explanatory variables in general regression models (GRMs). GRMs included polynomial terms up to cubic functions in all variables when they were significant. A backward stepwise selection procedure was applied in all models until only significant terms remained. GRMs were applied in two steps. First, we searched for the best model in each one of the five types of variables (topographical, climatic, river basin, geographical and spatial). To cope with the unavoidable correlation between explanatory variables, the relative importance of each type of variable was assessed by hierarchical variance partitioning. Secondly, we searched for that model able to explain the maximum amount of the observed variability in arrival date. To obtain this model all significant explanatory variables were subjected jointly to a GRM. Spatial variables were then added to this model to take any remaining spatial structure in the data into account. Moran's I autocorrelation coefficient was used to check for spatial autocorrelation. Results Both species arrived earlier in the south‐western Iberian Peninsula, where summers are warmer and drier. From there, both species followed the main southern Iberian river basins towards the north‐east; however, several mountainous regions impede the colonization of eastern Iberia. The best models for each type of variable explained 19–47% of the variability in common swift arrival dates and 14–44% in barn swallow arrival dates. Variance partitioning indicated that climatic and geographical variables best explained variability. The best predictive models built with all variables accounted for 52% of the variability in common swift arrival dates and 50% for the barn swallow. Residuals from both models were not spatially autocorrelated, an indication that all major spatially structured variation had been accounted for. Main conclusions Spring arrival patterns are highly dependent on the geographical configuration of the Iberian Peninsula. This spatial constraint forces both species to converge very closely in their spring migration, because common swifts and barn swallows are subject to a trade‐off between optimum migratory pathways and territories ecologically suitable for breeding.  相似文献   

Variation in intensity and targets of sexual selection on multiple traits has been suggested to play a major role in promoting phenotypic differentiation between populations, although the divergence in selection may depend on year, local conditions or age. In this study, we quantified sexual selection for two putative sexual signals across two Central and East European barn swallow (Hirundo rustica rustica) populations from Czech Republic and Romania over multiple years. We then related these differences in selection to variation in sexual characters among barn swallow populations. Our results show that tail length and ventral coloration vary between populations, sexes, and age classes (first‐time breeders vs. experienced birds). We found that selection on tail length was stronger in first‐time breeders than in experienced birds and in males than in females in the Romanian population, while these differences between age groups and sexes were weak in Czech birds. We suggest that the populational difference in selection on tail length might be related to the differences in breeding conditions. Our results show that ventral coloration is darker (i.e., has lower brightness) in the Romanian than in the Czech population, and in experienced birds and males compared with first‐time breeders and females, respectively. The sexual difference in ventral coloration may suggest sexual selection on this trait, which is supported by the significant directional selection of ventral coloration in first‐time breeding males on laying date. However, after controlling for the confounding effect of wing length and tarsus length, the partial directional selection gradient on this trait turned nonsignificant, suggesting that the advantage of dark ventral coloration in early breeding birds is determined by the correlated traits of body size. These findings show that ventral coloration may be advantageous over the breeding season, but the underlying mechanism of this relationship is not clarified.  相似文献   

Inclusion of past, in addition to current ecological conditions can improve the realism of animal‐habitat models, because populations may show delayed responses to changing environments. We studied the relationships between the distribution of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica L.) in 2001 and ecological factors between 1986 and 2001. Livestock farming was the best predictor of swallow distribution. Maximum predictive power of swallow abundance was achieved by livestock farming data 7 years before the census and significantly earlier than 2001, as shown by a bootstrap analysis. Breeding philopatry, social facilitation of breeding habitat choice may delay response of barn swallow populations to rapidly changing ecological conditions in anthropogenic habitats. By bootstrapping the set of farms and applying our predictive distribution models to livestock farming data in the past and those predicted for the near future we forecast no significant change in swallow populations until 2015. This study suggests that population studies should incorporate historical ecological data.  相似文献   

Capsule Stable isotope analysis of Swallow feathers, grown in Africa, revealed significant differences between populations breeding in Switzerland and England.

Aims To investigate the extent to which Swallow populations breeding in Switzerland and England are separated on their African wintering grounds.

Methods Swallows were caught at breeding colonies, biometric measurements were taken and feathers, grown in Africa, were collected. Feathers were combusted in a Carlo Erba C/N/S analyser and the δ13C and δ15N signatures were measured using a mass spectrometer.

Results The δ13C signatures of Swiss birds were significantly more depleted than those of birds from England. The δ15N signatures did not differ between the two populations.

Conclusion Birds from Switzerland and England probably winter in geographically distinct parts of Africa. The Swiss birds probably feed on prey that are more reliant on C3 vegetation, from woodlands, than the prey of English birds, which are more reliant on C4 vegetation, from grasslands.  相似文献   

An important issue in migration research is how small‐bodied passerines pass over vast geographical barriers; in European–African avian migration, these are represented by the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert. Eastern (passing eastern Mediterranean), central (passing Apennine Peninsula) and western (via western Mediterranean) major migration flyways are distinguished for European migratory birds. The autumn and spring migration routes may differ (loop migration) and there could be a certain level of individual flexibility in how individuals navigate themselves during a single migration cycle. We used light‐level loggers to map migration routes of barn swallows Hirundo rustica breeding in the centre of a wide putative contact zone between the northeastern and southernwestern European populations that differ in migration flyways utilised and wintering grounds. Our data documented high variation in migration patterns and wintering sites of tracked birds (n = 19 individuals) from a single breeding colony, with evidence for loop migration in all but one of the tracked swallows. In general, two migratory strategies were distinguished. In the first, birds wintering in a belt stretching from southcentral to southern Africa that used an eastern route for both the spring and autumn migration, then shifted their spring migration eastwards (anti‐clockwise loops, n = 12). In the second, birds used an eastern or central route to their wintering grounds in central Africa, shifting the spring migration route westward (clockwise loops, n = 7). In addition, we observed an extremely wide clockwise loop migration encompassing the entire Mediterranean, with one individual utilising both the eastern (autumn) and western (spring) migratory flyway during a single annual migration cycle. Further investigation is needed to ascertain whether clockwise migratory loops encircling the entire Mediterranean also occur other small long‐distance passerine species.  相似文献   

Developmental processes exert their influence on the evolution of complex morphologies through the genetic correlations they engender between traits. Butterfly wing color patterns provide a model system to examine this connection between development and evolution. In butterflies, the nymphalid groundplan is a framework used to decompose complex wing patterns into their component pattern elements. The first goal of this work has been to determine whether the components of the nymphalid groundplan are the products of independent developmental processes. To test this hypothesis, the genetic correlation matrices for two species of butterflies, Precis coenia and Precis evarete, were estimated for 27 wing pattern characters. The second purpose was to test the hypothesis that the differentiation of serial homologs lowers their genetic correlations. The “eyespots” found serially repeated across the fore- and hindwing and on the dorsal and ventral wing surfaces provided an opportunity to test this hypothesis. The genetic correlation matrices of both species were very similar. The pattern of genetic correlation measured between the different types of pattern elements and between the homologous repeats of a pattern element supported the first hypothesis of developmental independence among the elements of the groundplan. The correlation pattern among the differentiated serial homologs was similarly found to support the second hypothesis: pairs of eyespots that had differentiated had lower genetic correlations than pairs that were similar in morphology. The implications of this study are twofold: First, the apparent developmental independence among the distinct elements of wing pattern has facilitated the vast diversification in morphology found in butterflies. Second, the lower genetic correlations betweendifferentiated homologs demonstrates that developmental constraints can in fact be broken. The extent to which genetic correlations readily change, however, remains unknown. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Patterns of phenotypic variation within and among species can be shaped and constrained by trait genetic architecture. This is particularly true for complex traits, such as butterfly wing patterns, that consist of multiple elements. Understanding the genetics of complex trait variation across species boundaries is difficult, as it necessitates mapping in structured populations and can involve many loci with small or variable phenotypic effects. Here, we investigate the genetic architecture of complex wing pattern variation in Lycaeides butterflies as a case study of mapping multivariate traits in wild populations that include multiple nominal species or groups. We identify conserved modules of integrated wing pattern elements within populations and species. We show that trait covariances within modules have a genetic basis and thus represent genetic constraints that can channel evolution. Consistent with this, we find evidence that evolutionary changes in wing patterns among populations and species occur in the directions of genetic covariances within these groups. Thus, we show that genetic constraints affect patterns of biological diversity (wing pattern) in Lycaeides, and we provide an analytical template for similar work in other systems.  相似文献   

Sexual selection arises from competition among individuals for access to mates, resulting in the evolution of conspicuous sexually selected traits, especially when inter‐sexual competition is mediated by mate choice. Different sexual selection regimes may occur among populations/subspecies within the same species. This is particularly the case when mate choice is based on multiple sexually selected traits. However, empirical evidence supporting this hypothesis at the among‐populations level is scarce. We conducted a meta‐analysis of the intensity of sexual selection on the largest database to date for a single species, the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), relying on quantitative estimates of sexual selection. The intensity of sexual selection was expressed as the strength (effect size) of the relationships between six plumage ornaments (tail length, tail asymmetry, size of white spots on tail, ventral plumage colour, throat plumage colour and throat patch size) and several fitness proxies related to reproduction, parental care, offspring quality, arrival date from spring migration, and survival. The data were gathered for four geographically separated subspecies (H. r. rustica, H. r. erythrogaster, H. r. gutturalis, H. r. transitiva). The overall mean effect size (Zr = 0.214; 95% confidence interval = 0.175–0.254; N = 329) was of intermediate magnitude, with intensity of sexual selection being stronger in males than in females. Effect sizes varied during the breeding cycle, being larger before egg deposition, when competition for access to mates reaches its maximum (i.e. in the promiscuous part of the breeding cycle), and decreasing thereafter. In addition, effect sizes from experiments were not significantly larger than those from correlative studies. Finally, sexual selection on different sexually dimorphic traits varied among subspecies. This last result suggests that morphological divergence among populations has partly arisen from divergent sexual selection, which may eventually lead to speciation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that sexual signals can rapidly diverge among closely related species. However, we lack experimental studies to demonstrate that differences in trait‐associated reproductive performance maintain sexual trait differences between closely related populations, in support for a role of sexual selection in speciation. Populations of Northern Hemisphere distributed barn swallows Hirundo rustica are closely related, yet differ in two plumage‐based traits: ventral color and length of the outermost tail feathers (streamers). Here we provide experimental evidence that manipulations of these traits result in different reproductive consequences in two subspecies of barn swallow: (H. r. erythrogaster in North America and H. r. transitiva in the East Mediterranean). Experimental results in Colorado, USA, demonstrate that males with (1) darkened ventral coloration and (2) shortened streamers gained paternity between two successive reproductive bouts. In contrast, exaggeration of both traits improved reproductive performance within H. r. transitiva in Israel: males with a combination treatment of darkened ventral coloration and elongated streamers gained paternity between two successive reproductive bouts. Collectively, these experimental results fill an important gap in our understanding for how divergent sexual selection maintains phenotype differentiation in closely related populations, an important aspect of the speciation process.  相似文献   

Recent speciation events provide potential opportunities to understand the microevolution of reproductive isolation. We used a marker-based approach and a common garden to estimate the additive genetic variation in skeletal traits in a system of two ecomorphs within the coral species Favia fragum: a Tall ecomorph that is a seagrass specialist, and a Short ecomorph that is most abundant on coral reefs. Considering both ecomorphs, we found significant narrow-sense heritability (h(2) ) in a suite of measurements that define corallite architecture, and could partition additive and nonadditive variation for some traits. We found positive genetic correlations for homologous height and length measurements among different types of vertical plates (costosepta) within corallites, but negative correlations between height and length within, as well as between costosepta. Within ecomorphs, h(2) estimates were generally lower, compared to the combined ecomorph analysis. Marker-based estimates of h(2) were comparable to broad-sense heritability (H) obtained from parent-offspring regressions in a common garden for most traits, and similar genetic co-variance matrices for common garden and wild populations may indicate relatively small G × E interactions. The patterns of additive genetic variation in this system invite hypotheses of divergent selection or genetic drift as potential evolutionary drivers of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

The outermost tail feathers in male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)are the target of a strong directional female mate preference.The tail ornament is also expressed in females, since femaleshave considerably longer tails than juveniles, either due to(1) a strong genetic correlation between the characters in thetwo sexes, or (2) direct sexual selection on females. To discriminatebetween these two hypotheses, we manipulated the length of theoutermost tail feathers in female barn swallows shortly afterarrival by either shortening or elongating the outermost tailfeathers, or maintaining their length among control individuals.Start of laying of the first clutch, reproductive performance,or provisioning of offspring did not show any significant differencesamong treatments. Original female tail length before manipulationwas unrelated to reproductive performance, while male tail lengthexplained some variation in the number of clutches and, to someextent, the total number of eggs laid per year. Females withlonger tails arrived earlier at the breeding grounds. Manipulatedfemale tail length was positively correlated to the tail lengthof their mates. Our results support the correlated responsehypothesis but do not support the sexual selection explanationfor the existence of exaggerated tail feathers in female barnswallows.  相似文献   

Sexual selection results in the evolution of exaggerated secondary sexual characters that can entail a viability cost. However, in species where sexual ornaments honestly reflect individual quality, the viability cost of secondary sexual characters may be overwhelmed by variation in individual quality, leading to expect that individuals with the largest secondary sexual characters show higher, rather than lower viability. Here, we used meta‐analyses to test whether such expected positive relationship between sexual ornamentation and viability exists in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica, which is one of the most studied model species of sexual selection under field conditions. We found a mean positive effect size of viability in relation to the expression of secondary sexual characters of 0.181 (CI: 0.084–0.278), indicating that in this species the more ornamented individuals are more viable, and therefore of high quality. Analyses of moderator variables showed similar effects in males and females, the H. r. rustica subspecies rather than others and tail length rather than other secondary sexual characters. Future research emphasis on other subspecies than the European one and secondary sexual characters than tail length may help identify the sources of heterogeneity in effect sizes.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity provides means for adapting to environmental unpredictability. In terms of accelerated development in the face of pond-drying risk, phenotypic plasticity has been demonstrated in many amphibian species, but two issues of evolutionary interest remain unexplored. First, the heritable basis of plastic responses is poorly established. Second, it is not known whether interpopulational differences in capacity to respond to pond-drying risk exist, although such differences, when matched with differences in desiccation risk would provide strong evidence for local adaptation. We investigated sources of within- and among-population variation in plastic responses to simulated pond-drying risk (three desiccation treatments) in two Rana temporaria populations originating from contrasting environments: (1) high desiccation risk with weak seasonal time constraint (southern population); and (2) low desiccation risk with severe seasonal time constraint (northern population). The larvae originating from the environment with high desiccation risk responded adaptively to the fast decreasing water treatment by accelerating their development and metamorphosing earlier, but this was not the case in the larvae originating from the environment with low desiccation risk. In both populations, metamorphic size was smaller in the high-desiccation-risk treatment, but the effect was larger in the southern population. Significant additive genetic variation in development rate was found in the northern and was nearly significant in the southern population, but there was no evidence for genetic variation in plasticity for development rates in either of the populations. No genetic variation for plasticity was found either in size at metamorphosis or growth rate. All metamorphic traits were heritable, and additive genetic variances were generally somewhat higher in the southern population, although significantly so in only one trait. Dominance variances were also significant in three of four traits, but the populations did not differ. Maternal effects in metamorphic traits were generally weak in both populations. Within-environment phenotypic correlations between larval period and metamorphic size were positive and genetic correlations negative in both populations. These results suggest that adaptive phenotypic plasticity is not a species-specific fixed trait, but evolution of interpopulational differences in plastic responses are possible, although heritability of plasticity appears to be low. The lack of adaptive response to desiccation risk in northern larvae is consistent with the interpretation that selection imposed by shorter growing season has favored rapid development in north (approximately 8% faster development in north as compared to south) or a minimum metamorphic size at the expense of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

The evolution of migratory strategies in birds is likely to have been influenced by ecological as well as socio-sexual factors in both wintering and breeding areas. In this comparative study, we analysed timing of spring passage of 38 long-distance migratory bird species that winter south of the Sahara desert and breed in Europe, in relation to wintering and breeding latitudes, moult strategy, nesting site (open vs. cavity), and sexual dimorphism in size and coloration, which may reflect intensity of sexual selection. We employed a large data set consisting of more than 190 000 individuals ringed during spring migration in the Mediterranean Sea. We found that the species that migrated earlier were those wintering farther north, nesting in cavities and showing the largest degree of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). However, sexual dichromatism was not related to migration date. Among passerine species, moulting wing-feathers in Africa delayed migration. We found no support for the energetic constraint hypothesis, which proposes that early arrival selects for large male size, since early arriving species were not larger than late arriving ones. Thus, the observed associations suggest that variation in migration schedules at the interspecific level may have evolved in relation to ecological factors and SSD, possibly reflecting the intensity of mating competition.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 199–210.  相似文献   

Two symmetric matrices underlie our understanding of microevolutionary change. The first is the matrix of nonlinear selection gradients (gamma) which describes the individual fitness surface. The second is the genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) that influences the multivariate response to selection. A common approach to the empirical analysis of these matrices is the element-by-element testing of significance, and subsequent biological interpretation of pattern based on these univariate and bivariate parameters. Here, I show why this approach is likely to misrepresent the genetic basis of quantitative traits, and the selection acting on them in many cases. Diagonalization of square matrices is a fundamental aspect of many of the multivariate statistical techniques used by biologists. Applying this, and other related approaches, to the analysis of the structure of gamma and G matrices, gives greater insight into the form and strength of nonlinear selection, and the availability of genetic variance for multiple traits.  相似文献   

We examined multivariate evolution of 20 leaf terpenoids in the invasive plant Melaleuca quinquenervia in a common garden experiment. Although most compounds, including 1,8-Cineole and Viridiflorol, were reduced in home compared with invaded range genotypes, consistent with an evolutionary decrease in defense, one compound (E-Nerolidol) was greater in invaded than home range genotypes. Nerolidol was negatively genetically correlated with Cineole and Viridiflorol, and the increase in this compound in the new range may have been driven by this negative correlation. There was positive selection on all three focal compounds, and a loss of genetic variation in introduced range genotypes. Selection skewers analysis predicted an increase in Cineole and Viridiflorol and a decrease or no change in Nerolidol, in direct contrast to the observed changes in the new range. This discrepancy could be due to differences in patterns of selection, genetic correlations, or the herbivore communities in the home versus introduced ranges. Although evolutionary changes in most compounds were consistent with the evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis, changes in other compounds as well as selection patterns were not, indicating that it is important to understand selection and the nature of genetic correlations to predict evolutionary change in invasive species.  相似文献   

In altricial species, offspring competing for access to limiting parental resources (e.g. food) are selected to achieve an optimal balance between the costs of scrambling for food, the benefits of being fed and the indirect costs of subtracting food to relatives. As the marginal benefits of acquiring additional food decrease with decreasing levels of need, satiated offspring should be prone to favour access to food by their needy kin, thus enhancing their own indirect fitness, while concomitantly reducing costs of harsh competition with hungry broodmates. We tested this prediction in feeding trials of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings by comparing begging behaviour and food intake of two similar-sized nestmates, one of which was food-deprived (FD). Non-food-deprived (NFD) offspring modulated begging intensity depending on their nestmate's need: when competing with FD nestmates, NFD nestlings reduced both the intensity and frequency of begging displays compared to themselves in the control trial before food deprivation. Hence, NFD nestlings reduced their competitiveness to the advantage of FD nestmates, which obtained more feedings and showed a threefold larger increase in body mass. Moderation of individual selfishness can therefore be adaptive in the presence of a needier kin, because the indirect fitness benefits of promoting its condition can outweigh the costs of forgoing being fed, and because it limits the cost of begging escalation against a vigorous competitor.  相似文献   

Understanding pathogen infectivity and virulence requires combining insights from epidemiology, ecology, evolution and genetics. Although theoretical work in these fields has identified population structure as important for pathogen life-history evolution, experimental tests are scarce. Here, we explore the impact of population structure on life-history evolution in phage T4, a viral pathogen of Escherichia coli. The host–pathogen system is propagated as a metapopulation in which migration between subpopulations is either spatially restricted or unrestricted. Restricted migration favours pathogens with low infectivity and low virulence. Unrestricted migration favours pathogens that enter and exit their hosts quickly, although they are less productive owing to rapid extirpation of the host population. The rise of such ‘rapacious’ phage produces a ‘tragedy of the commons’, in which better competitors lower productivity. We have now identified a genetic basis for a rapacious life history. Mutations at a single locus (rI) cause increased virulence and are sufficient to account for a negative relationship between phage competitive ability and productivity. A higher frequency of rI mutants under unrestricted migration signifies the evolution of rapaciousness in this treatment. Conversely, spatially restricted migration favours a more ‘prudent’ pathogen strategy, in which the tragedy of the commons is averted. As our results illustrate, profound epidemiological and ecological consequences of life-history evolution in a pathogen can have a simple genetic cause.  相似文献   

Behavioural ecologists have proposed various evolutionary mechanisms as to why different personality types coexist. Our ability to understand the evolutionary trajectories of personality traits requires insights from the quantitative genetics of behavioural reaction norms. We assayed > 1000 pedigreed stickleback for initial exploration behaviour of a novel environment, and subsequent changes in exploration over a few hours, representing their capacity to adjust their behaviour to changes in perceived novelty and risk. We found heritable variation in both the average level of exploration and behavioural plasticity, and population differences in the sign of the genetic correlation between these two reaction norm components. The phenotypic correlation was not a good indicator of the genetic correlation, implying that quantitative genetics are necessary to appropriately evaluate evolutionary hypotheses in cases such as these. Our findings therefore have important implications for future studies concerning the evolution of personality and plasticity.  相似文献   

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