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The two families of the order Apiales (Apiaceae and Araliaceae) represent a classic example of the difficulty in understanding evolutionary relationships between tropical-temperate family pairs. In Apiales, this problem is further compounded by phylogenetic confusion at almost every taxonomic level, including ordinal, interfamilial, and infrafamilial, due largely to difficulties in understanding trends in morphological evolution. Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL sequences were employed to resolve relationships at the ordinal and familial levels. The results of the ordinal analysis confirm the placement of Apiales in an expanded subclass Asteridae as the sister group to Pittosporaceae, and refute the traditional alliance of Apiales with Cornales and Rosidae. This study has also resolved relationships of a number of enigmatic genera, suggesting, for example, that Melanophylla, Aralidium, Griselinia, and Toricellia are close relatives of Apiales. Clarification of phylogenetic relationships has concomitantly provided insights into trends of morphological evolution, and suggests that the ancestral apialean taxon was probably bicarpellate, simple-leaved, woody, and paleotropical. Phylogenetic analysis at the family level suggests that apiaceous subfamily Hydrocotyloideae, often envisioned as an intermediate group between Apiaceae and Araliaceae, is polyphyletic, with some hydrocotyloids closely allied with Araliaceae rather than Apiaceae. With the exception of some hydrocotyloids, Apiaceae appear to be monophyletic. The relationship between Apiaceae and Araliaceae remains problematic. Although the shortest rbcL trees suggest that Apiaceae are derived from within a paraphyletic Araliaceae, this result is only weakly supported.  相似文献   

基于两个叶绿体基因(matK和rbcL)和一个核糖体基因(18S rDNA)的序列分析,对代表了基部被子植物和单子叶植物主要谱系分支的86科126属151种被子植物(单子叶植物58科86属101种)进行了系统演化关系分析。研究结果表明由胡椒目Piperales、樟目Laurales、木兰目Magnoliales和林仙目Canellales构成的真木兰类复合群是单子叶植物的姐妹群。单子叶植物的单系性在3个序列联合分析中得到98%的强烈自展支持。联合分析鉴定出9个单子叶植物主要谱系(广义泽泻目Alismatales、薯蓣目Dioscorcales、露兜树目Pandanales、天门冬目Asparagalcs、百合目Liliales、棕榈目Arecales、禾本目Poales、姜目Zingiberales、鸭跖草目Commelinales)和6个其他被子植物主要谱系(睡莲目Nymphaeales、真双子叶植物、木兰目、樟目、胡椒目、林仙目)。在单子叶植物内,菖蒲目Acorales(菖蒲属Acorus)是单子叶植物最早分化的一个谱系,广义泽泻目(包括天南星科Araceae和岩菖蒲科Toficldiaccae)紧随其后分化出来,二者依次和其余单子叶植物类群构成姐妹群关系。无叶莲科Petrosaviaceac紧随广义的泽泻目之后分化出来,无叶莲科和剩余的单子叶植物类群形成姐妹群关系,并得到了较高的支持率。继无叶莲科之后分化的类群形成两个大的分支:一支是由露兜树目和薯蓣目构成,二者形成姐妹群关系:另一支是由天门冬目、百合目和鸭跖草类复合群组成,三者之间的关系在单个序列分析和联合分析中不稳定,需要进一步扩大取样范围来确定。在鸭跖草类复合群分支内,鸭跖草目和姜目的姐妹群关系在3个序列联合分析和2个序列联合分析的严格一致树中均得到强烈的自展支持,获得的支持率均是100%。但是,对于棕榈目和禾本目在鸭跖草类中的系统位置以及它们和鸭跖草目-姜目之间的关系,有待进一步解决。值得注意的是,无叶莲科与其他单子叶植物类群(除菖蒲目和泽泻目外)的系统关系在本文中获得较高的自展支持率,薯蓣目和天门冬目的单系性在序列联合分析中都得到了较好的自展支持,而这些在以往的研究中通常支持率较低。鉴于菖蒲科和无叶莲科独特的系统演化位置,本文支持将其分别独立成菖蒲目和无叶莲目Petrosavialcs的分类学界定。  相似文献   

rbcL (1310 bp) and matK (1014 bp), using 15 species representing the family. The study included analyses of Ticodendron (Ticodendraceae) and three species of Betulaceae as close relatives, and one species each of Juglandaceae and Myricaceae as outgroups. Analyses based on matK gene sequences, which provided a much better resolution than the analyses based on rbcL gene sequences alone, resulted in a single most parsimonious tree whose topology is almost identical with the strict consensus tree generated by the combined data set of rbcL and matK gene sequences. Results showed that Casuarinaceae are monophyletic, comprising four distinct genera, Allocasuarina, Casuarina, Ceuthostoma and Gymnostoma, which were not recognized until recently. Within the family, Gymnostoma is positioned at the most basal position and sister to the remainder. Within the remainder Ceuthostoma is sister to the Allocasuarina-Casuarina clade. Morphologically the basalmost position of Gymnostoma is supported by plesiomorphies such as exposed stomata in the shallow longitudinal furrows of the branchlets, a basic chromosome number x=8 and the gynoecium composed of two fertile, biovulate carpels. The three other genera, Allocasuarina, Casuarina, and Ceuthostoma, have invisible stomata in the deep longitudinal furrows of the branchlets, a higher basic chromosome number x=9 or 10–14 (unknown in Ceuthostoma), the gynoecium composed of one fertile and one sterile carpel with a single ovule (unknown in Ceuthostoma). The diversity of infructescence morphology found in the latter three genera suggests that they may have evolved in close association with the elaboration of fruit dispersal mechanisms. Received 14 September 2001/ Accepted in revised form 12 October 2001  相似文献   

The large genus Saxifraga, which consists of ≈400 morphologically and cytologically diverse species, has long been considered taxonomically complex. Phylogenetic analysis of over 2500 bp of chloroplast sequence data derived from matK and rbcL was employed to examine relationships among sections of Saxifraga, the segregate genera Zahlbrucknera, Saxifragopsis, and Cascadia, and the relationships of these taxa to other Saxifragaceae sensu stricto. Phylogenetic trees resulting from separate analyses of the matK and rbcL sequences were highly congruent; phylogenetic analysis of a combined matK–rbcL data matrix was therefore also conducted. Our analyses indicate that Saxifraga is polyphyletic, comprising two well-differentiated clades. One clade, Saxifraga sensu stricto, is the sister to the remainder of the family and consists of Saxifraga sections Irregulares, Heterisia, Trachyphyllum, Cymbalaria, Mesogyne, Xanthizoon, Porphyrion, Ciliatae, Cotylea, Ligulatae, Saxifraga, and Gymnopera. With the exception of Gymnopera, the species-rich sections of this clade are monophyletic. Also part of this clade is the problematic Zahlbrucknera paradoxa, which is allied with members of section Saxifraga. A second major clade of Saxifraga species, Micranthes sensu lato, comprises the large section Micranthes, as well as the segregate genus Cascadia, and S. tolmiei of section Merkianae. This clade is allied with the Heuchera, Darmera, and Chrysosplenium-Peltoboykinia groups of genera. The segregate genus Saxifragopsis is only distantly related to species of Saxifraga, and is instead the sister to Astilbe. The monotypic Oresitrophe is confirmed as a member of the Darmera group of genera. These results suggest that the floral features used to define Saxifraga may simply be symplesiomorphic in these well-separated Saxifraga lineages. Furthermore, the enormous cytological diversity encompassed by Saxifraga likely represents two independent instances of extensive aneuploidy and polyploidy in Saxifragaceae.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast gene matK for members of Cornales, a well-supported monophyletic group comprising Cornaceae and close relatives. The shortest trees resulting from this analysis were highly concordant with those based on previous phylogenetic analysis of rbcL sequences. Analysis of a combined matK and rbcL sequence data set (a total of 2652 bp [base pairs]) provided greater resolution of relationships and higher internal support for clades compared to the individual data sets. Four major clades (most inclusive monophyletic groups) of Cornales are indicated by both sets of genes: (1) Cornus-Alangium, (2) nyssoids (Nyssa-Davidia-Camptotheca)- mastixioids (Mastixia, Diplopanax), (3) Curtisia, and (4) Hydrangeaceae-Loasaceae. The combined evidence indicates that clades 2 and 3 are sisters, with clade 4 sister to the remainder of Cornales. These relationships are also supported by other lines of evidence, including synapomorphies in fruit and pollen morphology and gynoecial vasculature. Comparisons of matK and rbcL sequences based on one of the most parsimonious rbcL-matK trees indicate that matK has a much higher A-T content (66.9% in matK vs. 55.8% in rbcL) and a lower transition:transversion ratio (1.23 in matK vs. 2.21 in rbcL). The total number of nucleotide substitutions per site for matK is 2.1 times that of rbcL in Cornales. These findings are similar to recent comparisons of matK and rbcL in other dicots. Variable sites of matK are almost evenly distributed among the three codon positions (1.0:1.0:1.3), whereas variable sites of rbcL are mostly at the third position (1.8:1.0 :7.5). Among- lineages rates of nucleotide substitutions in rbcL are basically homogeneous throughout Cornales, but are more heterogeneous in matK.  相似文献   

Traditional sources of taxonomic characters in the large and taxonomically complex subfamily Apioideae (Apiaceae) have been confounding and no classification system of the subfamily has been widely accepted. A restriction site analysis of the chloroplast genome from 78 representatives of Apioideae and related groups provided a data matrix of 990 variable characters (750 of which were potentially parsimony-informative). A comparison of these data to that of three recent DNA sequencing studies of Apioideae (based on ITS, rpoCl intron, and matK sequences) shows that the restriction site analysis provides 2.6–3.6 times more variable characters for a comparable group of taxa. Moreover, levels of divergence appear to be well suited to studies at the subfamilial and tribal levels of Apiaceae. Cladistic and phenetic analyses of the restriction site data yielded trees that are visually congruent to those derived from the other recent molecular studies. On the basis of these comparisons, six lineages and one paraphyletic grade are provisionally recognized as informal groups. These groups can serve as the starting point for future, more intensive studies of the subfamily.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Fruit structural characters have traditionally been important in the taxonomy of the family Apiaceae. Previous investigations using a limited number of taxa have shown that the carpophore may be especially useful in helping to circumscribe subfamily Azorelloideae. The present study examines, for the first time, carpophore structure in 92 species from 43 genera, representing all subfamilies of Apiaceae, and including all genera assigned to subfamily Azorelloideae. Phylogenetic interpretations are made for the first time, using all available information, and a standard terminology is proposed to describe the various character states found in carpophores.


Carpophore structure was studied in detail using light microscopy.

Key Results

Carpophores, when present, may be categorized into two main groups (B and C) based mainly on the arrangement of the vascular bundles in transverse section, and further divided into six sub-types according to the length of the carpophore (short in B1 and C1) and whether they are entire (B1–B3 and C1) or bifurcate (B4 and C2). Free carpophores are absent in subfamily Mackinlayoideae, and in tribes Lichtensteinieae and Phlyctidocarpeae, which have two opposite vascular bundles (Group A). Entire carpophores with one or two vascular bundles, or bifurcate carpophores with lateral vascular bundles (arranged side by side within the commissural plane), are the main types characterizing Azorelloideae. The short, hygroscopic carpophores found in Choritaenia are unique in Apiaceae and provide additional evidence for the exclusion of this genus from Azorelloideae. Carpophore type C2 is typical for most Apioideae sensu lato (exceptions are, for example, Arctopus and Alepidea, which have type B2).


A single carpophore and ventral vascular bundles not forming free carpophores are proposed to be the ancestral conditions in Apiaceae, while bifurcate carpophores with opposite vascular bundles are the derived state, present in most Apioideae. Secondary reductions seem to have occurred in several unrelated lineages in all major groups, e.g. many Azorelloideae, several protoapioids (including nearly all members of the tribe Saniculeae) and 29 euapioid genera (e.g. some Oenantheae).  相似文献   

Polemoniaceae are often considered a model family for studying evolutionary processes, yet a reliable phylogeny for the family is only now beginning to emerge. To test the monophyly of this family and to elucidate intergeneric relationships, we employed comparative sequencing of the chloroplast gene matK. Parsimony analysis of matK sequences representing 18 genera of Polemoniaceae and nine families from Asteridae sensu lato places Polemoniaceae apart from Solanaceae near Fouquieriaceae, Ericaceae, Sarraceniaceae, and Diapensiaceae. Both this and a subsequent analysis of 59 species of Polemoniaceae indicate that Cobaea is derived from within Polemoniaceae, rather than being the sister to Polemoniaceae as suggested by some authors. The tropical genera Bonplandia, Cantua, and Cobaea form a clade, and the remaining, primarily temperate genera, excluding Acanthogilia, form a second monophyletic group. Acanthogilia is placed ambiguously as sister to either the tropical or temperate groups depending on the location of the root for Polemoniaceae. Within the temperate lineage, Polemonium is sister to three large clades: a well-supported clade comprising Phlox, Gymnosteris, Linanthus, Leptodactylon, and Gilia filiformis; a moderately well-supported clade comprising Allophyllum, Collomia, Navarretia, and several species of Gilia; and a weakly supported clade comprising Eriastrum, Ipomopsis, Langloisia, Loeseliastrum, Loeselia, and several species of Gilia. In addition to revealing the extreme polyphyly of Gilia, this analysis suggests that Ipomopsis and Linanthus are also polyphyletic.  相似文献   

Chinese Araliaceae consist of 20 genera and ca. 175 species. To assess the evolutionary relationships of Araliaceae and their biogeographic diversification in China, the phylogeny of Chinese Araliaceae was constructed by sampling 96 accessions representing 20 genera and 50 species of Chinese Araliaceae and 45 closely related taxa using sequences of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and six plastid regions (the ndhF gene, the trnL-trnF region, the rps16intron, the atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer, the rpl16 intron, and the psbA-trnH intergenic spacer). Phylogenetic analyses of the combined plastid and ITS data supported the results of the previously studies that the Chinese members of Araliaceae were scattered within the Asian Palmate group and the Aralia-Panax group withOsmoxylon at the base of core Araliaceae. The generic status of Pentapanax and Tupidanthus is not supported. Our analysis clearly places them in Aralia and AsianSchefflera, respectively. In a broader phylogenetic framework of Araliaceae, based on the fossil-calibrated Bayesian dating, Chinese Araliaceae was inferred to have originated in Asia and underwent a rapid radiation in its evolutionary history. Its diversification is hypothesized to have been driven largely by the orogenies in Asia during the Cenozoic. In China, the distribution pattern of the phylogenetic diversity of Araliaceae corresponds with its taxonomic diversity across the entire region.  相似文献   

We investigated phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships within Juglans (walnuts), a Tertiary disjunct genus, using 15 species of Juglans and related (Juglandaceae) outgroups. The relationships were analyzed using nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast gene matK and its flanking spacers and of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and 5.8S gene of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The DNA sequences provided 246 informative characters for parsimony analysis. ITS data supported as monophyletic groups the four generic sections, Cardiocaryon, Dioscaryon, Rhysocaryon, and Trachycaryon. Within Rhysocaryon, the temperate black walnuts and the tropical black walnuts were supported as monophyletic groups. When the two data sets were combined, J. cinerea was nested within Cardiocaryon. Combined analysis with published nuclear DNA restriction site data placed J. cinerea in a monophyletic group with Cardiocaryon. These analyses consistently supported Juglans as a monophyletic group and as the sister group to the genus Pterocarya. The results of this work are consistent with the known geological history of Juglans. The fossil record suggests that the butternuts had evolved by the early Oligocene in North America. The presence of butternuts in Eurasia could be the result of migration from North America to Eurasia during the warming trend of the mid Oligocene.  相似文献   

徐凤霞 《西北植物学报》2003,23(7):1169-1172
采用PCR直接测序法,对木兰属国产组(各1种)和含笑属各组(各1种)的叶绿体DNA,matK基因序列进行测定分析,结果表明:木兰属和含笑属不能明显区分开,故不支持以顶生花和腋生花来划分木兰族和含笑族。  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene were used to examine phylogenetic relationships of the genus Salix together with other allied genera of the family Salicaceae. Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL sequences strongly suggest the monophyly of three commonly recognized genera (Chosenia, Salix, and Toisusu). Two monophyletic groups are recognized within the larger monophyletic group. They do not correspond with any infrageneric taxa proposed so far. With regard to character evolution, it is thought that the reduction of stamen number from more than two stamens to two might occur in at least three lineages and that fused bud scales evolved several times and/or the reverse evolution occurred from fused to free. Some types of pollen surfaces are considered to have evolved independently.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were examined within the "higher" Hamamelididae using 21 species representing eight families and related outgroups. Chloroplast DNA sequences encoding the matK gene (/1 kilobase) provided 258 informative nucleotide sites. Phylogenetic analysis of this variation produced one most parsimonious tree supporting three monophyletic groups. In this tree, Nothofagus was basal to a well supported clade of remaining "higher" hamamelids, in which Fagaceae, including Fagus, were sister to a clade of core "higher" hamamelids that share wind-pollination, bicarpellate flowers, granular pollen walls, and reduced pollen apertures. Within the core "higher" hamamelids three subclades were resolved, Myricaceae, (Casuarina-(Ticodendron-(Betulaceae))), and (Rhoiptelea-Juglandaceae). Each subclade was well supported but relationships among them were not. The basal position of Nothofagus within the matK tree is consistent with the fossil record of "higher" hamamelids in which Nothofagus pollen appears earlier than microfossils with affinities to other modern "higher" hamamelids. This placement supports the exclusion of Nothofagus from Fagaceae and suggests two hypotheses for the origin of the cupule. The cupule may be ancestral within "higher" hamamelids and subsequently lost in core members of the clade or there may have been two independent origins. It is suggested that the three clades (1) Nothofagaceae, (2) Fagaceae, and (3) Juglandaceae, Rhoiptelea, Myricaceae, Casuarina, Ticodendron, and Betulaceae be considered at the ordinal level and that traditional orders, such as Fagales sensu Cronquist (Fagaceae, Nothofagaceae, and Betulaceae) be abandoned. Comparative analyses of matK sequences with previously published rbcL sequences demonstrate that for the taxa considered here matK sequences produced trees with greater phylogenetic resolution and a higher consistency index.  相似文献   

Cnidium officinale Makino is important medicinally and economically, but its origin is uncertain. The phylogenetic relationship ofC. officinale is provided from the analyses based on the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxgenase gene (rbcL) sequences of 41 species which represent the 34 genera of Aplaceae, the four genera of Araliaceae, and one genus each of Pittosporaceae, Cornaceae, and Caprifoliaceae. The strict consensus tree obtained supports a close relationship ofC. officinale to the Chinese members ofLigusticum, especially toL. chuanxiong. Additionally, the tree shows (1) polyphyly of the genusLigusticum and (2) monophyly of the subfamily Apioideae. Within Apioideae, we recognized some groups in our phylogenetic tree. The grouping is discordant in several respects with the traditional tribal divisions based mainly on fruit morphology.  相似文献   

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