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Isozymatic variation and phylogenetic relationships among extant henequén (Agave fourcroydes) germplasm and wild populations of its ancestor A. angustifolia in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico were analyzed. Analysis of three isozyme systems using starch gel electrophoresis indicated that while A. angustifolia populations have relatively high levels of variation, within each henequén cultivar all individuals were identical. This result corresponds to previous ethnobotanical and morphological analyses, which indicated severe loss of genetic variation of this domesticated plant as a consequence of the promotion by means of asexual propagation of only one cultivar since the middle of the last century. The three extant cultivars of henequén were distinct from each other. Two of them, Sac Ki (SK) and Yaax Ki (YK), could be matched within the progenitor, but Kitam Ki (KK) has a MDH electrophenotype not found in any of the plants growing inside the Yucatan Peninsula, but found in some A. angustifolia plants growing in the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Veracruz. A parsimony analysis of the morphological data indicated two lineages: that of SK and YK, cultivated cordage plants selected for stronger and longer fibers, whose sister group is the Tropical subdeciduous forest ecotype (SF), and that of all the other wild populations, which also included KK, the cultivated textile plants selected for finer fibers and nearly extinct in Yucatan. These results support the hypothesis of the yucatecan origin of SK and YK from the SF ecotype, as well as the hypothesis of a recent introduction of KK to the Yucatan Peninsula in a domestication trend that probably included also Chelem White (its cultivation being abandoned later).  相似文献   

This work presents a statistical and numerical analysis of the patterns of morphological variation of the cultivated variants of henequén (Agave fourcroydes Lem.) presently found in the Mexican state of Yucatan and of the wild populations of A. angustifolia Haw., its putative progenitor. This is the first step in the study of the intrageneric genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships. The study indicated that: (1) There exists a significant discontinuation in morphological variation corresponding to the cultivated variants of traditionally recognized henequén: Sac Ki, Yaax Ki, and Kitam Ki, and to three possible ecotypes of A. angustifolia Haw.: Coastal Dunes, Tropical Deciduous Forest, and Tropical Subdeciduous Forest. (2) Sac Ki and Yaax Ki differ from wild populations in four syndromes of domestication: gigantism, greater fibrosity, less thorniness, and less reproductive capacity. The lower coefficient of variation of their characteristics compared with the wild populations suggests less genetic diversity. This fact, and the disappearance of four out of the seven variants existing early in this century, indicate a dramatic genetic erosion of this crop. (3) Kitam Ki is the cultivated variant more similar to wild ones. Differences with them suggest recent introduction and an artificial selection process with different direction and intensity than the other cultivated variants. (4) A tendency from more to less is observed for characteristics indicating degree of domestication: Sac Ki, Yaax Ki, and Kitam Ki. (5) The differences among the possible wild ecotypes may be associated with the soil conditions and precipitation.  相似文献   

The pathways of micro- and megagametophyte development in Agave fourcroydes (henequén) and A. angustifolia were studied. We used histology and light microscopy to observe anther ontogeny and ovary differentiation in relation to flower bud size. Both species have the same sexual reproductive strategies and gametophyte development that may be divided into three phases: (1) premeiotic, which includes the establishment of the megaspore mother cell and the pollen mother cell; (2) meiotic, the formation of mature microspores and functional megaspores; (3) postmeiotic, which encompasses the development of mature pollen grains and the formation of the embryo sac. A successive type microsporogenesis was found in both species with formation of T-shaped tetrads and binuclear pollen grains. In vitro germination tests revealed very low pollen fertility. The female gametophyte is formed from two micropylar megaspore cells after the first meiotic division (bisporic type). Male and female gametogenesis occur asynchronously with microsporogenesis finishing before macrosporogenesis. The results so far show that the formation of male and female gametophytes in henequén is affected at different stages and that these alterations might be responsible for the low fertility shown by this species.  相似文献   

George K. Rogers 《Brittonia》2000,52(3):218-233
The genusAgave (Agavaceae) is revised taxonomically for the Lesser Antilles. All 12 previously recognized species are placed into synonymy underAgave karatto Miller. A neotype is selected for the nameAgave karatto, and lectotypes are designated forA. barbadensis Trel.,A. medioxima Trel.,A. obducta Trel.,A. vangrolae Trel., andA. ventum-versa Trel. Specimens are cited for most of the Lesser Antillean islands. That the Caribbean agaves are similar to the MexicanAgave nayaritensis Gentry is supported. The hypothesis that the pattern of partial sterility, clonality, and minimal morphological differentiation of the Lesser Antillean agaves is related to prehistoric human activity is developed based on similar patterns among mainland agaves and historical information. Uses for the archaeological “Barbados shell tool” may have included decorticating agave leaves for fiber extraction.  相似文献   

Morphological variation was analyzed in wild, managed in situ, and cultivated populations of the columnar cactus Stenocereus stellatus in central Mexico. The purpose was to evaluate whether morphological divergence between manipulated and wild populations has resulted from domestication processes. Variation of 23 morphological characters was analyzed among 324 individuals from 19 populations of the Tehuacán Valley and La Mixteca Baja. Multivariate statistical analyses were used to group individuals and populations according to their morphological similarity. Individuals grouped according to the way of management and fruit characteristics were the most relevant for grouping. Within each region, sweet fruits with pulp colors other than red were more frequent in cultivated populations, where fruits were also larger, contained more and bigger seeds, and had thinner peel and fewer spines than fruits from wild individuals. Phenotypes common in managed in situ and cultivated populations generally occur in the wild but in lower frequencies. Artificial selection has thus operated by enhancing and maintaining desirable rare phenotypes in managed in situ and cultivated populations, causing divergent patterns of morphological variation from wild populations. Cultivation has caused the strongest level of divergence, but divergence has also been significant with management of wild populations in situ.  相似文献   


Some taxa of Sicilian Helichrysum related to sect. Stoeachadina have an uncertain systematic position; moreover, they are rare and endangered. In order to preserve these taxa in a genebank, a strategy to keep their genetic variation as high as possible is required. The high informative content of AFLP markers was used to assess genetic variations within and between populations and their relationships. The results show that all populations are genetically similar, even though there are two distinct groups: the first is the population referred to H. pendulum, and the second is represented by other populations belonging to several different specific and intraspecific taxa. The H. pendulum population is homogeneous, and characterised by the lowest genetic variation among all the populations considered. The second group shows a greater variation as evidenced by the presence of three subgroups: (i) populations referred to H. panormitanum var. panormitanum and H. panormitanum var. stramineum, (ii) populations referred to H. errerae var. errerae and H. errerae var. messerii, (iii) a population referred to H. hyblaeum, which, despite morphological and chorological differences, is similar to the other populations of the second group from a genetic stand point. Each population of the above-mentioned taxa has local fragment markers whose frequency is useful to determine how many plants should be sampled in order to collect the seeds necessary to preserve the population's genetic diversity in a genebank.  相似文献   

The pattern of morphological variation of Cocos nucifera in Mexico was statistically and numerically evaluated. Forty-one populations were analyzed, using 17 morphological fruit characters. Principal components and cluster analyses indicated four main groups of coconut populations that showed high similarity with four different genotypes recently imported into Mexico from areas that could be the origin of Mexican coconut populations. These four genotypes were evaluated with regard to the lethal yellowing disease in Jamaica and showed a differential susceptibility. Therefore it is possible to speculate upon a difference in susceptibility of the Mexican genotypes. The analysis of correlation between morphological and geographical distances showed a high positive correlation that supports: (1) historical evidence that indicates early introductions of coconut from different regions of the world, (2) that on both coasts of Mexico two different patterns of dispersal were involved: continuous and in jumps. Collectively these results suggest that the impact of the lethal yellowing disease on coconut populations will vary depending on the specific area and the origin of its coconuts.  相似文献   

Traditional farming communities frequently maintain high levels of agrobiodiversity, so understanding their agricultural practices is a priority for biodiversity conservation. The cultural origin of agave spirits (mezcals) from west-central Mexico is in the southern part of the state of Jalisco where traditional farmers cultivate more than 20 landraces of Agave angustifolia Haw. in agroecosystems that include in situ management of wild populations. These systems, rooted in a 9000-year-old tradition of using agaves as food in Mesoamerica, are endangered by the expansion of commercial monoculture plantations of the blue agave variety (A. tequilana Weber var. Azul), the only agave certified for sale as tequila, the best-known mezcal. Using intersimple sequence repeats and Bayesian estimators of diversity and structure, we found that A. angustifolia traditional landraces had a genetic diversity (H(BT) = 0.442) similar to its wild populations (H(BT) = 0.428) and a higher genetic structure ((B) = 0.405; (B) =0. 212). In contrast, the genetic diversity in the blue agave commercial system (H(B) = 0.118) was 73% lower. Changes to agave spirits certification laws to allow the conservation of current genetic, ecological and cultural diversity can play a key role in the preservation of the traditional agroecosystems.  相似文献   

A series of morphometric and meristic analyses conducted on specimens of sand smelt, Atherina , from populations around the British Isles, and including classic A. boyeri and A. presbyter forms, has shown that the characteristics variously used in the past to distinguish these two species are invalid. Multivariate analyses showed no significant splitting of the material into two groups which might correlate to these two species; classic A. boyeri and the very large Atlantic coast A. presbyter individuals represent the tails of a continuum of form. From these and published data, it is concluded that the A. boyeri morphology varies under the influence of conditions of temperature and salinity during embryo development, and the isolation of populations maintains comparative morphological distinctions resulting from local selection and random genetic drift.  相似文献   

In this study spontaneous behavior and endocrine parameters were compared between the domestic guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) and its wild ancestor, the cavy (Cavia aperea), to elucidate the process of domestication in this species. In 120 h of observation time the behavior of five groups of wild and seven groups of domestic guinea pigs, each consisting of one adult male and two adult females, was analyzed quantitatively. To assess the activities of the pituitary-adrenocortical (PAC), the pituitary-gonadal (PG), and the sympathetic-adrenomedullary (SAM) systems, serum cortisol, testosterone, epinephrine, and norepinephrine concentrations, as well as adrenal tyrosine hydroxylase activities, were determined in males of both forms. The following significant differences between wild cavies and domestic guinea pigs were found: the domesticated animals displayed less aggressive but more sociopositive and more male courtship behavior than their wild ancestors. In addition, they were distinctly less attentive to their physical environment than the wild cavies. The basal activity of the SAM system, as well as the reactivity of the SAM and the PAC systems, was distinctly reduced in the domesticated animals. In contrast, the basal activity of the PAC system did not differ between both forms. The activity of the PG system was significantly higher in males of the domestic guinea pig than in male wild cavies. Thus, in guinea pigs the process of domestication has led to typical behavioral traits-reduced aggressiveness, increased social tolerance-which have also been found in comparisons between wild and domestic forms of other species. The decreased reactivity of the organism's stress axes can be regarded as a physiological mechanism which helps domesticated animals to adjust to man-made housing conditions.  相似文献   

Jirds (genus Meriones) comprise a group of rodents, of which the biodiversity is still poorly known. Reason for this is that several species of similar morphologies are known to occur sympatrically. In the north‐west of Iran, four such species occur: Meriones tristrami, Meriones persicus, Meriones vinogradovi and Meriones libycus, prone to several issues of taxonomical ambiguity. A proper characterization of morphological distinctiveness between these species, in relation to the variation within species, could provide the required information for species diagnosis and identification. As some cranial characters of M. tristrami, M. persicus and M. vinogradovi are quite similar, demarcations of species‐specific phenotypic variation have proven to be difficult. To tackle this problem, this study involves a geometric morphometric analysis of skull shape and size, incorporating a large representative sample of these four species, originating from most parts of their natural distribution range (especially for M. tristrami). It is first tested whether M. tristrami can be distinguished from the other sympatric species, and if so, to what degree the species shows a geoclimatic pattern in its skull shape and size when comparing different populations. The shape and size analyses show that M. libycus can be distinguished because of its largest skull and the relatively largest tympanic bulla, and that M. tristrami can be distinguished from the other species. At an intraspecific level in M. tristrami, the Iranian groups (Qazvin and west Iran) do not differ in shape among them, but do so in skull size. They could, however, be distinguished in skull shape from the non‐Iranian populations included (Turkey and Jordan). To what degree this continuous data can now be translated into discrete and diagnostic features, useful for taxonomic purposes, remains to be studied.  相似文献   

Several DNA‐based marker systems are available for genetic fingerprinting of plants but information on their relative usefulness for yam germplasm characterisation is lacking. The efficiency of RAPD, AFLP and SSR markers for the assessment of genetic relationships, and for cultivar identification and discrimination among 45 West and Central African white yam cultivars belonging to 22 morphotypes/cultivar groups was investigated. Dendrograms were produced based on band pattern scores using the UPGMA method. Results showed that each of the three techniques could unequivocably identify each cultivar, but that techniques differed in the mean number of profiles generated per primer (or primer pair) per cultivar, referred to as genotype index (GI). The order of merit based on this criterion in this study was AFLPs (GI = 2.56), SSRs (GI = 0.39) and RAPDs (GI = 0.35). Yam genotypes classified in the same cultivar group based on morphology were often genetically different, emphasising the need for molecular fingerprinting in yam germplasm characterisation. AFLPs showed the highest efficiency in detecting polymorphism and revealed genetic relationships that most closely reflected morphological classification.  相似文献   

Khaya senegalensis (African mahogany or dry-zone mahogany) is a high-value hardwood timber species with great potential for forest plantations in northern Australia. The species is distributed across the sub-Saharan belt from Senegal to Sudan and Uganda. Because of heavy exploitation and constraints on natural regeneration and sustainable planting, it is now classified as a vulnerable species. Here, we describe the development of microsatellite markers for K. senegalensis using next-generation sequencing to assess its intra-specific diversity across its natural range, which is a key for successful breeding programs and effective conservation management of the species. Next-generation sequencing yielded 93,943 sequences with an average read length of 234 bp. The assembled sequences contained 1030 simple sequence repeats, with primers designed for 522 microsatellite loci. Twenty-one microsatellite loci were tested with 11 showing reliable amplification and polymorphism in K. senegalensis. The 11 novel microsatellites, together with one previously published, were used to assess 73 accessions belonging to the Australian K. senegalensis domestication program, sampled from across the natural range of the species. STRUCTURE analysis shows two major clusters, one comprising mainly accessions from west Africa (Senegal to Benin) and the second based in the far eastern limits of the range in Sudan and Uganda. Higher levels of genetic diversity were found in material from western Africa. This suggests that new seed collections from this region may yield more diverse genotypes than those originating from Sudan and Uganda in eastern Africa.  相似文献   

Igor Hudec 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):291-297
Bosmina (Eubosmina) longicornis kessleri and B. (Bosmina) longirostris are minor components among the crustacean zooplankton in the pelagial of Bukovec Reservoir. B. (E.) l. kessleri is a recent colonist in the Carpathian region and was first found in the Bukovec reservoir in 1986. The present study gives some information about the niche occupied by B. (E.) l. kessleri in the zooplankton community; the seasonal abundance of zooplankton and phenotypic variability (cyclomorphosis) of B. (E.) l. kessleri are also examined.  相似文献   

Detailed morphological observations were made on two strains of cultivated Porphyra: HG‐1 (pure line isolated from Dai‐1) and Noriken‐4 (parental strain of a pure line HG‐4). The two strains were identified as P. yezoensis f. narawaensis based on their macroscopic and microscopic features, such as long linear or oblanceolate blades up to 50 cm in maximum length, division formulae of spermatangia and zygotosporangia, shape of trichogynes and carpogonia, and the second transverse divisional plane formed at the division from c/2 to c/4 in zygotosporangia. Gametophytic blades from two completely homozygous conchocelis strains isolated in this study (HG‐1 and HG‐4) were cultured under the same conditions and compared to confirm whether the differences in their shapes are genetically determined. The shape of blades from both of conchospores and monospores was always more slender in HG‐4 than in HG‐1 at the same blade age, suggesting that the difference in the blade shape between the two pure lines is due to genetic variation. To estimate the level of genetic variation the two pure lines were subjected to amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprint analysis. A total of 230 bands were detected in HG‐1 and HG‐4 using eight selective primer pairs, and the number of polymorphic bands was only two in HG‐1. These results indicate that the two pure lines certainly show genetic variation, which is, however, at an extremely low level. The importance of pure‐line breeding and the origin of currently cultivated Porphyra are discussed. This is the first report to identify currently cultivated Porphyra strains in Japan based on combined results of detailed morphological observations and molecular analysis.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at five microsatellite loci was used to investigate the evolutionary and geographical origins of cassava (Manihot esculenta subsp. esculenta) and the population structure of cassava's wild relatives. Two hundred and twelve individuals were sampled, representing 20 crop accessions, 27 populations of cassava's closest wild relative (M. esculenta subsp. flabellifolia), and six populations of a potentially hybridizing species (M. pruinosa). Seventy-three alleles were observed across all loci and populations. These data indicate the following on cassava's origin: (1) genetic variation in the crop is a subset of that found in the wild M. esculenta subspecies, suggesting that cassava is derived solely from its conspecific wild relative. (2) Phenetic analyses group cassava with wild populations from the southern border of the Amazon basin, indicating this region as the likely site of domestication. (3) Manihot pruinosa, while closely related to M. esculenta (and possibly hybridizing with it where sympatric), is probably not a progenitor of the crop. Genetic differentiation among the wild populations is moderately high (F:(ST) = 0.42, rho(ST) = 0.54). This differentiation has probably arisen primarily through random genetic drift (rather than mutation) following recent population divergence.  相似文献   

Variation within populations is a prerequisite for the action of selection on morphological traits. Darwin assumed that there was much greater variation in sexual ornament size than in body size, but this may not be generally true of natural populations. I analyse field data on variation in body size and the length, area and mass of tail ornaments in paradise (Vidua paradisaea) and shaft-tailed whydahs (V. regia). Whydahs are promiscuous, brood parasitic African finches with elaborate tail ornaments in breeding males. The short, unadorned tails of male shaft-tailed whydahs, which carry a wire-like tail ornament, are non-significantly (1%) longer than female tails, but male paradise whydahs, which carry a large, broad ornament, have unadorned tails 10% longer than those of conspecific females. Fully grown ornament length, mass and area vary little more (CVs = 1.8-6.4%) than male or female body size traits (CVs = 1.7-6.1%). Instead, there is high variation in the timing of ornament development during prenuptial moult (CVs = 30.8–39.5% for paradise whydahs and 12.6–23.8% for shaft-tailed whydahs when corrected to a standard date). This temporal variation in development probably has greater significance for sexual selection in whydahs than maximum ornament size.  相似文献   

Genetic variation is a key component for improving a stock through selective breeding programs. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess genetic variation in three wild population of the catla carp (Catla catla Hamilton 1822) in the Halda, Jamuna and Padma rivers and one hatchery population in Bangladesh. Five decamer random primers were used to amplify RAPD markers from 30 fish from each population. Thirty of the 55 scorable bands were polymorphic, indicating some degree of genetic variation in all the populations. The proportion of polymorphic loci and gene diversity values reflected a relatively higher level of genetic variation in the Halda population. Sixteen of the 30 polymorphic loci showed a significant (p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001) departure from homogeneity and the F(ST) values in the different populations indicated some degree of genetic differentiation in the population pairs. Estimated genetic distances between populations were directly correlated with geographical distances. The unweighted pair group method with averages (UPGMA) dendrogram showed two clusters, the Halda population forming one cluster and the other populations the second cluster. Genetic variation of C. catla is a useful trait for developing a good management strategy for maintaining genetic quality of the species.  相似文献   

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