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Two holding media were compared for their effects on total coliform recovery by the delayed-incubation membrane filter procedure. LES-MF holding medium contains tryptone, m-Endo broth, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, sodium benzoate, sulfanilamide, para-aminobenzoic acid, and cycloheximide (pH 7.0). m-ST holding medium contains ethanol, sodium monophosphate, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, sulfanilamide, and Tris (pH 8.6). In tests with natural water and wastewater samples from various sources, recovery with LES-MF and m-ST were similar after a 1-day holding period. With LES-MF, however, after a 2- or 3-day holding period, coliform bacteria frequently were partially or totally overgrown by noncoliforms, causing significant reductions in coliform counts. No significant overgrowth was observed with m-ST. We propose that m-ST be used for all holding periods longer than 1 day.  相似文献   

Three holding media, including the vitamin-free Casitone holding medium (m-VFC) recommended by Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater for use with the delayed-incubation membrane filter procedure, were compared for their ability to maintain viability of fecal coliforms. Each medium was tested according to the procedure described in the above reference with 60 to 80 pure cultures of fecal coliforms and a variety of natural water samples containing fecal coliforms. Fecal coliform recovery with m-ST holding medium (containing ethanol, sulfanilamide, and Tris [pH 8.6] was significantly greater than recovery with m-VFC (containing vitamin-free casein hydrolysate, sodium benzoate, sulfanilamide, and ethanol). Recovery with m-VFC, was, in turn, significantly greater than with NSB medium (containing nutrient broth, boric acid, and NaCl as major ingredients). Fecal coliform counts obtained with m-ST by the delayed-incubation membrane filter procedure were higher than counts obtained by the standard immediate incubation. This result suggested that some of the sublethally injured fecal coliforms in natural water samples may have recovered during the incubation period. We propose that m-ST be used in place of m-VFC for the delayed-incubation membrane filter procedure.  相似文献   

The 7-h fecal coliform (FC) test for detection of FC organisms in water was evaluated to establish its validity and usefulness for emergency and disaster situations. The waters tested consisted of routine samples collected for public health surveillance and enforcement purposes. A total of 984 water samples from throughout California were assayed. These included samples from coastal salt waters, rivers, canals, and reservoirs, in addition to potable and miscellaneous freshwater sources. A portion of each sample was tested concurrently by both the 7-h FC test and the most-probable-number FC five-tube test. The 7-h FC test samples were incubated for 7 to 7.25 h at 41.5 degrees C. Overall, greater than 90% agreement was obtained between the methods in determining whether the water quality was acceptable or unacceptable. Statistical analysis of the 984 samples confirmed that the 7-h FC method was a suitable alternative to the most-probable-number FC method for evaluation of freshwater samples. During emergencies or disasters, the 7-h FC test could provide a means for detection of fecal contamination of water with results available in less than 1 day.  相似文献   

Three holding media, including the vitamin-free Casitone holding medium (m-VFC) recommended by Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater for use with the delayed-incubation membrane filter procedure, were compared for their ability to maintain viability of fecal coliforms. Each medium was tested according to the procedure described in the above reference with 60 to 80 pure cultures of fecal coliforms and a variety of natural water samples containing fecal coliforms. Fecal coliform recovery with m-ST holding medium (containing ethanol, sulfanilamide, and Tris [pH 8.6] was significantly greater than recovery with m-VFC (containing vitamin-free casein hydrolysate, sodium benzoate, sulfanilamide, and ethanol). Recovery with m-VFC, was, in turn, significantly greater than with NSB medium (containing nutrient broth, boric acid, and NaCl as major ingredients). Fecal coliform counts obtained with m-ST by the delayed-incubation membrane filter procedure were higher than counts obtained by the standard immediate incubation. This result suggested that some of the sublethally injured fecal coliforms in natural water samples may have recovered during the incubation period. We propose that m-ST be used in place of m-VFC for the delayed-incubation membrane filter procedure.  相似文献   

The 7-h fecal coliform (FC) test for detection of FC organisms in water was evaluated to establish its validity and usefulness for emergency and disaster situations. The waters tested consisted of routine samples collected for public health surveillance and enforcement purposes. A total of 984 water samples from throughout California were assayed. These included samples from coastal salt waters, rivers, canals, and reservoirs, in addition to potable and miscellaneous freshwater sources. A portion of each sample was tested concurrently by both the 7-h FC test and the most-probable-number FC five-tube test. The 7-h FC test samples were incubated for 7 to 7.25 h at 41.5 degrees C. Overall, greater than 90% agreement was obtained between the methods in determining whether the water quality was acceptable or unacceptable. Statistical analysis of the 984 samples confirmed that the 7-h FC method was a suitable alternative to the most-probable-number FC method for evaluation of freshwater samples. During emergencies or disasters, the 7-h FC test could provide a means for detection of fecal contamination of water with results available in less than 1 day.  相似文献   

Recovery of total coliforms and Escherichia coli on a new membrane filtration (MF) medium was evaluated with 25 water samples from seven states. Testing of the new medium, m-ColiBlue24 broth, was conducted according to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency protocol. For comparison, this same protocol was used to measure recovery of total coliforms and E. coli with two standard MF media, m-Endo broth and mTEC broth. E. coli recovery on the new medium was also compared to recovery on nutrient agar supplemented with 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide. Comparison of specificity, sensitivity, false positive error, undetected target error, and overall agreement indicated E. coli recovery on m-ColiBlue24 was superior to recovery on mTEC for all five parameters. Recovery of total coliforms on the new medium was comparable to recovery on m-Endo.  相似文献   

Methods for detecting total coliform bacteria in drinking water were compared using 1,483 different drinking water samples from 15 small community water systems in Vermont and New Hampshire. The methods included the membrane filter (MF) technique, a 10-tube fermentation tube (FT) technique, and the presence-absence (P-A) test. Each technique was evaluated using a 100-ml drinking water sample. Of the 1,483 samples tested, 336 (23%) contained coliforms as indicated by either one, two, or all three techniques. The FT detected 82%, the P-A detected 88%, and the MF detected 64% of these positives. All techniques simultaneously detected 55% of the positives. Evaluation of the confirmation efficiency of the P-A technique showed 94% of the presumptive positives confirming as coliforms. Thirteen different species of coliforms were identified from the 37 tests in which the P-A was positive but the MF and FT were negative. The P-A test was simple to inoculate and interpret and was considerably more sensitive than the MF and slightly more sensitive than the FT in detecting coliforms in this type of drinking water supply.  相似文献   

Analytical procedures based on filtration of homogenates through membrane filters, and particularly hydrophobic grid-membrane filters (HGMF), offer definite improvements in the enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliforms in foods. Whereas the counted specimen in pour plates may not usually be greater than 0.1 g, up to 1.0 g of ground beef, green beans, potato, cod, strawberries, or grapes could be filtered and counted on HGMF. Greatly improved limit of detection, reduced interference by noncoliforms, and complete removal of growth inhibitors such as polyphenols were demonstrated for HGMF, using violet red bile and mFC agars. In addition, counting on HGMF eliminated a false-positive reaction caused by sucrose in ice cream.  相似文献   

Analytical procedures based on filtration of homogenates through membrane filters, and particularly hydrophobic grid-membrane filters (HGMF), offer definite improvements in the enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliforms in foods. Whereas the counted specimen in pour plates may not usually be greater than 0.1 g, up to 1.0 g of ground beef, green beans, potato, cod, strawberries, or grapes could be filtered and counted on HGMF. Greatly improved limit of detection, reduced interference by noncoliforms, and complete removal of growth inhibitors such as polyphenols were demonstrated for HGMF, using violet red bile and mFC agars. In addition, counting on HGMF eliminated a false-positive reaction caused by sucrose in ice cream.  相似文献   

Methods for detecting total coliform bacteria in drinking water were compared using 1,483 different drinking water samples from 15 small community water systems in Vermont and New Hampshire. The methods included the membrane filter (MF) technique, a 10-tube fermentation tube (FT) technique, and the presence-absence (P-A) test. Each technique was evaluated using a 100-ml drinking water sample. Of the 1,483 samples tested, 336 (23%) contained coliforms as indicated by either one, two, or all three techniques. The FT detected 82%, the P-A detected 88%, and the MF detected 64% of these positives. All techniques simultaneously detected 55% of the positives. Evaluation of the confirmation efficiency of the P-A technique showed 94% of the presumptive positives confirming as coliforms. Thirteen different species of coliforms were identified from the 37 tests in which the P-A was positive but the MF and FT were negative. The P-A test was simple to inoculate and interpret and was considerably more sensitive than the MF and slightly more sensitive than the FT in detecting coliforms in this type of drinking water supply.  相似文献   

A new membrane filter agar medium (MI agar) containing a chromogen, indoxyl-beta-D-glucuronide, and a fluorogen, 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, was developed to simultaneously detect and enumerate Escherichia coli and total coliforms (TC) in water samples on the basis of their enzyme activities. TC produced beta-galactosidase, which cleaved 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside to form 4-methylumbelliferone, a compound that fluoresced under longwave UV light (366 nm), while E. coli produced beta-glucuronidase, which cleaved indoxyl-beta-D-glucuronide to form a blue color. The new medium TC and E. coli recoveries were compared with those of mEndo agar and two E. coli media, mTEC agar and nutrient agar supplemented with 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide, using natural water samples and spiked drinking water samples. On average, the new medium recovered 1.8 times as many TC as mEndo agar, with greatly reduced background counts (< or = 7%). These differences were statistically significant (significance level, 0.05). Although the overall analysis revealed no statistically significant difference between the E. coli recoveries on MI agar and mTEC agar, the new medium recovered more E. coli in 16 of 23 samples (69.6%). Both MI agar and mTEC agar recovered significantly more E. coli than nutrient agar supplemented with 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide. Specificities for E. coli, TC, and noncoliforms on MI agar were 95.7% (66 of 69 samples), 93.1% (161 of 173 samples), and 93.8% (61 of 65 samples), respectively. The E. coli false-positive and false-negative rates were both 4.3%. This selective and specific medium, which employs familiar membrane filter technology [corrected] to analyze several types of water samples, is less expensive than the liquid chromogen and fluorogen media and may be useful for compliance monitoring of drinking water.  相似文献   

The Autoanalysis Colilert (AC) test was compared with the membrane filter (MF), 10-tube multiple-tube fermentation (MTF) technique, and the presence-absence test as described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater for the detection and enumeration of total coliforms in water. The methods were evaluated with 31 samples from seven different sources. Each sample was analyzed by each of the techniques, using replicate 100-ml sample volumes. A total of 582 confirmed tubes were positive by the MTF test, and 533 tubes were positive by the AC test. Statistical analysis of the most-probable-number comparability data showed a statistically significant difference in the number of positive tubes, with the MTF test resulting in more positive tubes. There were no statistically significant differences in precision between the two methods. All the methods were comparable in detection of total coliforms. Levels of heterotrophic bacteria generally encountered in drinking water did not interfere with detection or enumeration of coliforms by the AC test.  相似文献   

Anaerobic incubation of membrane filter cultures significantly enhanced detection of fecal coliforms in surface-water samples from recreational beaches. In contrast to standard aerobic incubation, anaerobic incubation suppressed overgrowth of masking, noncoliform bacteria but did not increase the frequency of fecal coliform recovery.  相似文献   

MacConkey (MC), membrane lauryl sulphate (MIS), membrane faecal coliform amended with rosolic acid (MFC + R) and without the acid (MFC - R) were evaluated in the anaerobic membrane filtration (anaerobic-MF) recovery of faecal coliform populations (FCs), genera and faecal coliform positive (FC-positive) strains isolated from various sources of freshwater, i.e., rivers, rural wells, unchlorinated distributive supplies and hand pumps. Mean counts (x 10(2)/100 ml) of presumptive (typical) FCs varied from 13.69 (MC) to 40.81 (MLS) in river samples, and from 2.0 (MC) to 4.19 (MFC + R) in wells. The proportion of FC-positive, typical FCs ranged from 48.66 (MIS) to 66-67% (MC) in rivers, and from 50 (MC) to 90.22% (MFC + R) in wells. More than 30% of the typical FCs from all sources on each medium was FC-negative. These usually formed small (ca 1.0 mm diam.) colonies on the test agar, and were prevalent in wells. Typical FCs and FC-positive strains were not recovered from piped supplies and hand pumps. In spite of anaerobic incubation, non-faecal coliforms (NFCs) were often higher than the FCs; the FC:NFC ratios for rivers ranged from 1.65 (MC) to 7.65 (MLS) and (MFC + R) but were < 1.0 for wells on each medium. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella and Enterobacter species were recovered on all media: approximately 35-64% of the strains confirmed as FCs were E. coli, 20-42% were Kl. pneumoniae. The FC counts on the media were variable, but the overall performance in recovering 'true' FCs was similar; < 70% of strains per medium were FC-positive. None could count E. coli exclusively.  相似文献   

The Autoanalysis Colilert (AC) test was compared with the membrane filter (MF), 10-tube multiple-tube fermentation (MTF) technique, and the presence-absence test as described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater for the detection and enumeration of total coliforms in water. The methods were evaluated with 31 samples from seven different sources. Each sample was analyzed by each of the techniques, using replicate 100-ml sample volumes. A total of 582 confirmed tubes were positive by the MTF test, and 533 tubes were positive by the AC test. Statistical analysis of the most-probable-number comparability data showed a statistically significant difference in the number of positive tubes, with the MTF test resulting in more positive tubes. There were no statistically significant differences in precision between the two methods. All the methods were comparable in detection of total coliforms. Levels of heterotrophic bacteria generally encountered in drinking water did not interfere with detection or enumeration of coliforms by the AC test.  相似文献   

The current investigation was carried out in order to compare directly the multiple tube fermentation method (MTF), using standard procedures (lactose broth, LB) and the Colilert reagent, with the membrane filter method (MF) using Les Endo agar (LEA), m-faecal coliform agar (mFCA) and chromogenic coliform agar (CCA), for recovery of coliforms and Escherichia coli in 80 surface water samples. Total coliforms were isolated from 100% of samples by all methodologies. Faecal coliforms/E. coli were detected in 100% of samples by MTF methods, but only in 75.5% by MF-mFCA and in 86.2% by MF-CCA. Even if MTF-LB counts were consistently higher, the Colilert reagent accurately determined total coliforms and E. coli levels within 24 h with no additional confirmatory tests. Therefore, it could be a powerful tool for rapidly assessing possible faecal contamination and a suitable alternative to the traditional MTF and MF techniques utilized for coliform detection.  相似文献   

The standard one-step M-FC broth-membrane-filter procedure for recovery of fecal coliforms from chlorinated sewage effluents is much less effective than the multiple-tube (most-probable-number) technique. A two-step membrane-filter method, using a pre-enrichment technique with phenol red lactose broth and incubation at 35 degrees C for 4 h, followether 18+/-2 h, enhanced fecal coliform recovery from chlorinated effluents. The results of 126 comparisons using chlorinated effluents from five wastewater plants showed that fecal coliform recovery by using the two-step membrane-filter method is comparable to that using the multiple-tube procedure.  相似文献   

Drinking water regulations under the Final Coliform Rule require that total coliform-positive drinking water samples be examined for the presence of Escherichia coli or fecal coliforms. The current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-approved membrane filter (MF) method for E. coli requires two media, an MF transfer, and a total incubation time of 28 h. A newly developed MF method, the MI agar method, containing indoxyl-beta-D-glucuronide and 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside for the simultaneous detection of E. coli and total coliforms, respectively, by means of their specific enzyme reactions, was compared with the approved method by the use of wastewater-spiked tap water samples. Overall, weighted analysis of variance (significance level, 0.05) showed that the new medium recoveries of total coliforms and E. coli were significantly higher than those of mEndo agar and nutrient agar plus MUG (4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide), respectively, and the background counts were significantly lower than those of mEndo agar (< 5%). Generally, the tap water source, overall chlorine level, wastewater source, granular activated carbon treatment of the tap water, and method of grouping data by E. coli count for statistical analysis did not affect the performance of the new medium.  相似文献   

Two media were developed that allowed both a total coliform count and an Escherichia coli count to be determined on the same medium after 24 h of incubation at 35 degrees C. The new media were tested along with two standard media on 10 surface water and 7 sewage samples. The experimental media yielded equivalent or higher counts relative to the standard media and recovered more specifically the desired indicator groups as determined by colony identification.  相似文献   

M.T. OGAN. 1992. MacConkey (MC), membrane lauryl sulphate (MIS), membrane faecal coliform amended with rosolic acid (MFC + R) and without the acid (MFC — R) were evaluated in the anaerobic membrane filtration (anaerobic-MF) recovery of faecal coliform populations (FCs), genera and faecal coliform positive (FC-positive) strains isolated from various sources of freshwater, i.e. rivers, rural wells, unchlorinated distributive supplies and hand pumps. Mean counts (x 102/100 ml) of presumptive (typical) FCs varied from 13.69 (MC) to 40.81 (MLS) in river samples, and from 2.0 (MC) to 4.19 (MFC + R) in wells. The proportion of FC-positive, typical FCs ranged from 48.66 (MIS) to 66.67% (MC) in rivers, and from 50 (MC) to 90.22% (MFC + R) in wells. More than 30% of the typical FCs from all sources on each medium was FC-negative. These usually formed small ( ca 1.0 mm diam.) colonies on the test agar, and were prevalent in wells. Typical FCs and FC-positive strains were not recovered from piped supplies and hand pumps. In spite of anaerobic incubation, non-faecal coliforms (NFCs) were often higher than the FCs; the FC: NFC ratios for rivers ranged from 1.65 (MC) to 7.65 (MLS) and (MFC + R) but were < 1.0 for wells on each medium. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella and Enterobacter species were recovered on all media: approximately 35–64% of the strains confirmed as FCs were E. coli, 20–42% were Kl. pneumoniae. The FC counts on the media were variable, but the overall performance in recovering 'true' FCs was similar; < 70% of strains per medium were FC-positive. None could count E. coli exclusively.  相似文献   

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