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Ultrastructural aspects of cat submandibular glands   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Submandibular glands of five adult female cats were examined by conventional electron microscopic techniques. All gland acini are mucous secreting and each acinus is capped with mucous secreting demilunar cells. Secretory product of demilunar cells is more electron lucent than that of acinar cells. The demilunes show intercellular tissue spaces and intercellular canaliculi whereas similar specializations are absent between acinar cells. Mitochondria and arrays of granular endoplasmic reticulum are more numerous in demilunar cells than in acinar cells. In acinar and demilunar cells secretory droplets first appear as enlarged Golgi saccules which subsequently become closely related to cisternae of the granular endoplasmic reticulum. Filamentous structures, interpreted as mucin molecules, are present in secretory droplets of acinar cells. Intercalated ducts are short, consisting of several junctional cells between acini and striated ducts. Striated ducts are long and tortuous and contain light cells, dark cells and basal cells. Light cells contain numerous membrane bound granules in their distal ends whereas dark cells show electron lucent vesicles in the same position. Basal cells contain a paucity of organelles and membrane plications but exhibit hemidesmosomes along their basal plasma membranes. Myoepithelial cells are abundant in relation to acinar and demilunar cells. Nerve terminals are present in some instances between acinar cells or between acinar and myoepithelial cells.  相似文献   

Summary In this study, antiserum to acinar cell-specific mucin was utilized to determine whether mucin could be detected in the mouse submandibular gland prior to cytodifferentiation of acinar cells. Results from radioimmunoassay indicated that mucin occurs in submandibular glands from newborn mice, i.e., before the appearance of mature acinar cells. Additionally, mucin quantitated in various stages of development was found to be antigenically identical to adult mucin. After sections of glands were treated with immunohistochemical reagents, we observed that the mature acinar cell-specific mucin was present in secretory terminal-tubule cells and in proacinar cells of newborn animals. The present findings suggest that in young animals, the proacinar cells are an immediate precursor of acinar cells and that the secretory terminal-tubule cells may represent an earlier stage in development of acinar cells. In adult female glands, mucin was also detected in the granular intercalating-duct cells. This latter observation is consistent with the hypothesis that these cells are an intermediate in the acinar cell replacement process.  相似文献   

The salivary glands of Culex quinquefasciatus female mosquitoes are paired organs composed of two lateral lobes with proximal and distal secretory portions, and a medial lobe. All portions comprise a simple epithelium that surrounds a salivary duct. In the apical portion of the medial lobe, non-secretory cells strongly resemble cells involved in ion and water transport. The general architecture of the secretory portions is similar between lobes. The appearance of the secretory material and the morphological aspect of the apical cell membrane are the most distinctive features among the three secretory portions. Cells in the lateral proximal lobe display thin membrane projections extending into a translucent and finely filamentous secretory product. At the lateral distal portion, the apical cell membrane forms an intricate meshwork that encloses a dark secretory product. Medial lobe secretory cells also contain secretory cavities surrounded by intracytoplasmic vesicles, all containing a very dark and uniform product. Scattered cells holding numerous vacuoles, some of them containing a small and electron-dense granule eccentrically located and resembling those of the diffuse endocrine system, are frequently observed in the periphery of all secretory portions. Immunofluorescence assays revealed that the distal portion of the lateral lobes contains apyrase, an enzyme putatively responsible for platelet aggregation inhibition, diffusely distributed in the cell cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary The postnatal development of the submandibular gland was investigated in male mice of the Swiss-Webster strain, which were killed at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 20 weeks of age, while the older mice had been weaned at 3 weeks of age. The mean weight of the submandibular gland increases from 9.5 mg at 1 week to 232.9 mg at 20 weeks of age, and the rate of increase is rapid between 3 and 10 weeks of age. The gland's contents of DNA, RNA and protein increase in a similar manner.The changes in the constituent cell types of the gland were studied in radioautographs prepared from Epon-embedded sections of mice given 3H-thymidine and stained with toluidine blue. At 1 week of age, the gland consists of acinar cells (36%), intercalated duct cells (26%), juxta-acinar cells (13%), striated duct cells (12%) and others. The cellular composition of the gland changes little before weaning, but the absolute number of all types of cells increases with age. Between 3 and 4 weeks, juxta-acinar cells disappear and granular convoluted tubule cells appear and increase rapidly in number with age. The rapid expansion of the population size of granular convoluted tubule cells after weaning coincides with the second peak of increased proliferative activity of intercalated duct cells, whereas all the other cell types show a progressive decrease in their proliferative activity with age. In spite of the burst in proliferative activity, there is no corresponding increase in the absolute number of intercalated duct cells. The number of striated duct cells peak at 5 weeks of age and then declines. These findings indicate that the mitoses of intercalated duct cells give rise to granular convoluted tubule cells through a stage of striated duct cells. At 20 weeks of age, the gland consists of granular convoluted tubule cells (47%), acinar cells (28%), intercalated duct cells (12%), striated duct cells (1%) and others.Supported by Public Health Service Research Grant AMDE 19753 from the National Institute of Health. The authors are indebted to Mr. I. Borcsanyi for technical assistance  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated in rats that Chagas' disease affects the salivary glands, by promoting an enlargement of the submandibular gland. In order to further investigate possible functional alterations on infected submandibular glands, the objective of the present study was to analyze epidermal growth factor (EGF) expression on rat submandibular glands during Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Results demonstrated that infected rats presented lower levels of testosterone, and morphological changes in the granular convoluted tubule (GCT) cells of the submandibular glands, along with acinar enlargement and delayed ductal maturation at the developing granular ducts. Immunohistochemistry analysis additionally showed that only few cells immunolabelled with anti-EGF on infected rats during the acute phase of Chagas' disease, while after 64 and 90 days (chronic phase) of infection, EGF expression was similar to non-infected rats. The present findings suggest that at the acute phase of Chagas' disease, lower levels of testosterone may lead to a delayed maturation of GCT, which positively correlates with decreased EGF production by submandibular glands cells.  相似文献   

Morphological aspects of apoptosis in heart diseases   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It has been suggested that apoptosis may be responsible for a significant amount of cardiomyocyte death during acute myocardial infarction as well as for a progressive loss of surviving cells in failing hearts. Typical apoptosis can indeed be induced in cardiomyocytes at the experimental conditions. In actual heart diseases, in contrast, there is very little direct morphological evidence of apoptosis in cardiomyocytes occurring at any stage of myocardial infarction and heart failure, despite the availability of much indirect evidence that includes detection of DNA fragmentation and apoptosis-related factors. For that reason, the potential efficacy of therapeutic intervention to prevent apoptosis remains controversial. This review will survey available data from both animals and humans to critically assess the role of cardiomyocyte apoptosis during myocardial infarction and its relevance to myocardial remodeling and during progression to heart failure. Also considered will be nonmyocyte interstitial cells, which have received less attention than myocytes despite definitive evidence of their apoptosis in the infarcted heart and recent studies suggesting that blockade of apoptosis among these cells mitigates postinfarction cardiac remodeling and heart failure. We conclude from our survey that there are many hurdles to surmount before regulation of apoptosis can be clinically applied in the treatment of myocardial infarction and heart failure.  相似文献   

The localization of renin in the developing mouse submandibular gland was studied immunocytochemically using the unlabelled antibody-enzyme method of Sternberger ('74). Bouin-fixed submandibular glands of mice of both sexes were examined at 5-day-intervals from birth (day 0) to 50 days of age. At all stages studied, only granular convoluted tubule (GCT) cells stained immunocytochemically for renin; such cells were first seen in glands of 30-day-old males and of 30-day-old females. The size and number of renin-containing GCT cells increased rapidly in males, attaining adult status by 50 days of age. In females, differentiation of GCT cells immunoreactive for renin was slower and less regular than in males, and at 50 days of age the GCT segment had not yet reached adult conditions with respect to the distribution of renin. Renin appears in GCT cells at later ages than other GCT cell products (e.g., EGF and amylase), suggesting the existence of independent developmental control for the expression of various biologically active substances in the GCTs.  相似文献   

Postnatal developmental changes in submandibular glands of rats and mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The submandibular glands of mice and rats are not fully developed at birth. In early postnatal life, differentiation of acini takes place before that of granular convoluted tubule (GCT) cells. The latter develop from striated duct cells, and first appear in both species around 15 days of age. In mice their full development gets under way by 20 days of age and is rapid in males and slow in females, resulting in a clear sexual dimorphism in adults. In rats, GCT development is more protracted, and accelerates around 40 days of age, with no sexual dimorphism seen at any time. The course of postnatal development of several GCT cell products is correlated with the cytodifferentiation of these cells. Reliable data are available for the development of amylase, proteases (including kallikrein), renin, epidermal growth factor, and nerve growth factor. Preliminary information exists for a glucagon-like substance. Cytodifferentiation of GCT cells is under hormonal control. Androgens alone can not precociously induce GCT cells, but thyroid hormones can do so, acting either alone or synergistically with androgens.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase activity was measured in homogenates of submandibular glands of 1 to 42 day old rats. During this period of time the gland reached its final stage of differentiation. Adenylate cyclase activity was higher in the glands of one day old rats than in those of 7 and 14 day old animals. Between 14 and 28 days of age the enzyme activity more than doubled and approached the level that characterized the glands of adult animals. Fluoride (10mM) stimulated the enzyme activity in all age groups but the stimulation was less in the case of one day old rats as compared to older animals. Isoproterenol (10?4 M) stimulated adenylate cyclase by 50–60% in the gland of adult rats but had no effect on the enzyme activity in 7 to 28 day old animals. Administration of isoproterenol for 5 days to 9 day old rats increased the weight of the submandibular gland by 70 per cent. Total adenylate cyclase activity increased parallel with the weight of the gland but the specific activity of the enzyme remained unchanged. It is concluded that during the postnatal development of the submandibular gland the rapid increase in adenylate cyclase activity occurs after weaning and it coincides with an accelerated rate of functional differentiation of the acinar cells.  相似文献   

Corticosterone administration to pregnant Wistar rats on days 16 and 18 of pregnancy leads to changes in genital system of male offspring during postnatal ontogenesis: reduction of ano-genital distance in two days old rats, increase of preputial glands' weight in 35 and 70 day old embryos, changes in nature of puberal increase in testosterone blood level from day 35 to day 70 of life. The obtained data suggest that the increase in the corticosteroid level in blood of pregnant females owing to any stress factor can affect the postnatal development of genital system of male offspring.  相似文献   

1. Phosphofructokinases (PFKs) in immature and adult rat submandibular glands were purified to near homogeneity, and their properties were compared. 2. PFK in immature gland was less sensitive to inhibition by ATP than adult PFK. 3. Saturation curve for fructose 6-phosphate of PFK in immature gland was less sigmoidal than that of adult PFK indicating the lower cooperativity of subunits in immature PFK. 4. Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate relieved PFK from inhibition by ATP in adult gland, but a similar effect was not clearly observed in immature gland PFK. 5. Adult PFK was a heterotetramer consisting of C-, M-, L-subunits, but in immature PFK another type of subunit, which was slightly smaller than L-subunit, existed in addition to C-, M- and L-subunits.  相似文献   

The morphology and functionality of salt glands in four Italian Armeria canescens populations were investigated. Microscopic analysis showed that salt glands consist of 16 cells arranged in four quadrants, including four subsidiary cells and 12 gland cells. The main secreted elements are K, Ca and Cl, although qualitative and quantitative differences were observed between gland and subsidiary cells. Soil characteristics like texture, pH and C/N ratio were shown to vary between population sites. The highest number of glands per leaf area was found in plants from Ca-rich sites. Although A. canescens is not a halophilous species, its salt glands were revealed to be active, suggesting that they could represent an ancestral character.  相似文献   

Apoptosis appears to have an essential role in the control of germ cell number in testes. During spermatogenesis germ cell deletion has been estimated to result in the loss of up to 75% of the potential number of mature sperm cells. At least three factors seem to determine the onset of apoptosis in male germ cells: (1) lack of hormones, especially gonadotropins and androgens; (2) the specific stage in the spermatogenic cycle; (3) and the developmental stage of the animal. Although male germ cell apoptosis has been well characterized in various animal models, few studies are presently available regarding germ cell apoptosis in the human testis. The first part of this review is focused on germ cell apoptosis in testes of prepubertal boys, with special emphasis on apoptosis in normal and cryptorchid testes. A higher percentage of apoptotic spermatogonia was seen in the cryptorchid testes than in the scrotal testes. The hCG-treatment increased the number of apoptotic spermatogonia. The hCG-treatment-induced apoptosis in spermatogonia had severe long-term consequences in reproductive functions in adulthood. Increased apoptosis after hCG-treatment was associated with subnormal testis volumes, subnormal sperm density and pathologically elevated serum FSH. This finding indicates that increased apoptosis in spermatogonia in prepuberty leads to disruption of testis development. To evaluate the role of apoptosis in human adult testes, apoptosis was induced in seminiferous tubules that were incubated under serum-free conditions in the absence or presence of testosterone. Most frequently apoptosis was identified in spermatocytes. Occasionally some spermatids also showed signs of apoptosis. In short term incubations apoptosis was suppressed by testosterone. Our findings lead to the conclusion that apoptosis is a normal, hormonally controlled phenomenon in the human testis. The role of apoptosis in disorders of spermatogenesis remains to be established.  相似文献   

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