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Zasada  M.  Gorkovenko  A. V.  Strafun  S. S.  Vasylenko  D. A.  Pilewska  W.  Kulyk  Yu. A.  Kostyukov  A. I. 《Neurophysiology》2020,52(5):397-406
Neurophysiology - A new approach to mechanostimulation of the human forelimbs is proposed for studying various problems of motor control. The prototype of the device is based on a modern...  相似文献   

Vereshchaka  I. V.  Pilewska  W.  Zasada  M.  Kostyukov  A. I. 《Neurophysiology》2018,50(6):475-488
Neurophysiology - In this theoretical study, two-joint equilibrium muscle contractions were simulated to determine the end-point forces created by the hand of the human right upper limb within the...  相似文献   

In tests on humans, we recorded EMG activity from the muscles flexing and extending the forearm and shoulder in the course of realization of sequential single-joint and simultaneous two-joint movements of the upper limb. As was shown, the shoulder muscles m. biceps brachii and m. triceps brachii are involved in flexion/extension of both elbow and shoulder joints. Central commands sent to the above muscles in the course of a two-joint movement could be considered a superposition of the central commands coming to the same muscles in realization of the corresponding sequential single-joint movements with the same changes in the angles of the elbow and shoulder joints. External loadings applied in the direction of extension of the elbow and shoulder joints induced, in general, similar changes in coordination of the activity of muscles moving the forearm and shoulder under conditions of both single-joint and two-joint movements. These facts allow us to suppose that coordination of the muscle activity in two-joint movements depends to a greater extent on the forces influencing limb links than on the mode of realization of the movements (two sequential single-joint movements vs a two-joint movement corresponding to the above motor events).  相似文献   

We studied coordination of central motor commands (СMCs) coming to muscles of the shoulder and shoulder belt in the course of single-joint and two-joint movements including flexion and extension of the elbow and shoulder joints. Characteristics of rectified and averaged EMGs recorded from a few muscles of the upper limb were considered correlates of the CMC parameters. Special attention was paid to coordination of CMCs coming to two-joint muscles that are able to function as common flexors (m. biceps brachii, caput breve, BBcb) and common extensors (m. triceps brachii, caput longum, TBcl) of the elbow and shoulder joints. Upper limb movements used in the tests included planar shifts of the arm from one spatial point to another resulting from either simultaneous changes in the angles of the shoulder and elbow joints or isolated sequential (two-stage) changes in these joint angles. As was found, shoulder muscles providing movements of the elbow with changes in the angle of the elbow joint, i.e., BBcb and TBcl, were also intensely involved in the performance of single-joint movements in the shoulder joint. The CMCs coming to two-joint muscles in the course of two-joint movements appeared, in the first approximation, as sums of the commands received by these muscles in the course of corresponding single-joint movements in the elbow and shoulder joints. Therefore, if we interpret the isolated forearm movement performed due to a change in the angle of the elbow joint as the main motor event, while the shoulder movement is considered the accessory one, we can conclude that realization of a two-joint movement of the upper-limb distal part is based on superposition of CMCs related to basic movements (main and accessory). Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 48–56, January–February, 2009.  相似文献   

In tests on four volunteers, we examined coordination of central motor commands (CMCs) controlling slow two-joint movements of the arm within the horizontal plane. Current amplitudes of EMGs recorded from six muscles of the shoulder belt and shoulder and subjected to full-wave rectifying and low-frequency filtration were considered correlates of these commands. In particular, we studied the dependence of coordination of CMCs on the direction of an external force applied to the distal forearm part. As was found, coordination of CMCs significantly depends on the direction of the force flexing the elbow joint. According to our observations, EMGs of definite muscles in the case of performance of a two-joint movement can, in a first approximation, be presented as linear combinations of the EMGs recorded in the course of separate sequential single-joint movements under conditions of shifting the reference point of the hand toward the same point of the operational space as that in the two-joint movement. These data can be interpreted as confirmation of the principle of superposition of elementary CMCs in the performance of complex movements of the extremity.  相似文献   

Adaptation to deterministic force perturbations during reaching movements was extensively studied in the last few decades. Here, we use this methodology to explore the ability of the brain to adapt to a delayed velocity-dependent force field. Two groups of subjects preformed a standard reaching experiment under a velocity dependent force field. The force was either immediately proportional to the current velocity (Control) or lagged it by 50 ms (Test). The results demonstrate clear adaptation to the delayed force perturbations. Deviations from a straight line during catch trials were shifted in time compared to post-adaptation to a non-delayed velocity dependent field (Control), indicating expectation to the delayed force field. Adaptation to force fields is considered to be a process in which the motor system predicts the forces to be expected based on the state that a limb will assume in response to motor commands. This study demonstrates for the first time that the temporal window of this prediction needs not to be fixed. This is relevant to the ability of the adaptive mechanisms to compensate for variability in the transmission of information across the sensory-motor system.  相似文献   

高斯光束中细胞横向受力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照几何光学的原理建立了高斯光束中细胞受力的力学模型,并利用数值计算,得到了细胞偏离光轴受到的向轴回复力大小与细胞的离轴距离X0、直径2R等的关系.结果表明高斯光束对大小不同的细胞有相同的光学势阱宽度,对较大细胞势阱较深所以较容易稳定俘获.讨论了光钳设计中注意的问题.  相似文献   

Migration of Dictyostelium discoideum slugs results from coordinated movement of their constituent cells. It is generally assumed that each cell contributes to the total motive force of the slug. However, the basic mechanisms by which mechanical forces (traction and resistive forces) are transmitted to the substrate, their magnitude and their location, are largely unknown. In this work, we performed detailed observations of cell movements by fluorescence microscopy using two-dimensional (2D) slugs. We show that 2D slugs share most of the properties of 3D ones. In particular, waves of movement propagate in long 2D slugs, and slug speed correlates with slug length as found in 3D slugs. We also present the first measurements of the distribution of forces exerted by 2D and 3D slugs using the elastic substrate method. Traction forces are mainly exerted in the central region of the slug. The large perpendicular forces around slug boundary and the existence of parallel resistive forces in the tip and/or the tail suggest an important role of the sheath in the transmission of forces to the substrate.  相似文献   

In this article, we review the dynamic nature of the filaments (microtubules) that make up the labile fibers of the mitotic spindle and asters, we discuss the roles that assembly and disassembly of microtubules play in mitosis, and we consider how such assembling and disassembling polymer filaments can generate forces that are utilized by the living cell in mitosis and related movements.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have addressed the issue of where people look when they perform hand movements. Yet, very little is known about how visuomotor performance is affected by fixation location. Previous studies investigating the accuracy of actions performed in visual periphery have revealed inconsistent results. While movements performed under full visual-feedback (closed-loop) seem to remain surprisingly accurate, open-loop as well as memory-guided movements usually show a distinct bias (i.e. overestimation of target eccentricity) when executed in periphery. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether gaze position affects movements that are performed under full-vision but cannot be corrected based on a direct comparison between the hand and target position. To do so, we employed a classical visuomotor reaching task in which participants were required to move their hand through a gap between two obstacles into a target area. Participants performed the task in four gaze conditions: free-viewing (no restrictions on gaze), central fixation, or fixation on one of the two obstacles. Our findings show that obstacle avoidance behaviour is moderated by fixation position. Specifically, participants tended to select movement paths that veered away from the obstacle fixated indicating that perceptual errors persist in closed-loop vision conditions if they cannot be corrected effectively based on visual feedback. Moreover, measuring the eye-movement in a free-viewing task (Experiment 2), we confirmed that naturally participants’ prefer to move their eyes and hand to the same spatial location.  相似文献   

The disadvantages caused by the swing of a fish body were analyzed. The coordinate system of a two-joint robot fish was built. The hydrodynamic analysis of robot fish was developed. The dynamic simulation of a two-joint robot fish was carried out with the ADAMS software. The relationship between the swing of fish body and the mass distribution of robot fish, the relationship between the swing of fish body and the swing frequency of tail, were gained. The impact of the swing of fish body on the kinematic parameters of tail fin was analyzed. Three methods to restrain the swing of fish body were presented and discussed.  相似文献   


Absolute anchorages proved to be very effective for orthodontic tooth movements. We used a 3D digitizer to record each tooth on pre-treatment diagnostic and post-treatment predictive setup models and then 3D coordinate system conversion was performed to make the coordinate values comparable. An arithmetic calculation of vector and moment based on the orthodontic forces and the tooth displacement under preliminary premises undertaken to decide the most favorable pOsition and number for absolute anchorages. Position-For two-dimensional and three-dimensional calculations, the most appropriate positions for absolute anchorages should theoretically be on the line of resultant force (2D) and the plane (3D) where the total moment effect tends to be zero. Number-As for the number of the absolute anchorages needed, it depends on the number of target teeth. Different combinations of target teeth provide different sets of results.  相似文献   

In humans, we tested targeted movements of the forearm and shoulder performed in the vertical direction (in a parallel manner with respect to the sagittal plane). Movements were realized, first, with the possibility for visual control of the coincidence of the angle of the limb link axis vs the vertical and the target angle value (using an optic system and video recording), and, second, in the absence of the above control. Movements including flexion (i.e., movement against the gravitation force) – extension of the limb link with an individually selected convenient velocity were initiated and terminated according to the presentation of permissive sound signals; simultaneously, EMGs were recorded from a few muscles flexing and extending the elbow and shoulder joints. We analyzed systematic errors of target positioning of the forearm and shoulder in movements realized exclusively under kinesthetic control. In the case of isolated flexion of the forearm for a 90 deg target angle, such errors in all members of the examined group (n = 11) were positive. These errors were, on average, 8.1 ± 0.7 deg without loading and reached 11.2 ± 0.9 deg with introduction of a 10 to 30 N additional loading on the forearm. Isolated movements of the shoulder for a 70 deg target angle (performed without loading, with full extension of the forearm and its voluntary fixation) were accompanied by positive errors of 18.3 ± 1.1 deg, on average. Both the movements and positioning were performed due to changes in the levels of activity of the flexor muscles, with minimum involvement of the antagonists. The nonlinear properties of the receptor apparatus responsible for the formation of a kinesthetic estimate of the joint angle (first of all, of muscle spindles) are a fundamental reason for positive errors of target positioning of the limb links realized under kinesthetic control in the absence of the visual one.  相似文献   


It follows from previous studies that changes in the base pair vertical separation (BPVS) influence the architecture of DNA much more than any other conformational parameter. This inspired us to compare BPVS in the available oligonucleotide crystal structures with the optimum values provided by nine different empirical potentials employed in the theoretical studies of DNA conformation. This comparison shows that BPVS is reproduced by three fields in all steps of the highly resolved o] i go nucleoli de crystal structures while the remaining six empirical potentials, including AMBER, GROMOS and CHARMM, provide systematic deviations. We further find that the base pairs are poorly stacked (mostly compressed) in some other refined DNA crystal structures. Our analysis indicates that this poor stacking originates from improperly determined positions of the bases. The approach described in the present communication can be used to identify DNA structures which are not accurate enough for studies of the relationships between the base sequence and DNA conformation.  相似文献   

Embryonic morphogenesis takes place via a series of dramatic collective cell movements. The mechanisms that coordinate these intricate structural transformations across an entire organism are not well understood. In this study, we used gentle mechanical deformation of developing zebrafish embryos to probe the role of physical forces in generating long-range intercellular coordination during epiboly, the process in which the blastoderm spreads over the yolk cell. Geometric distortion of the embryo resulted in nonuniform blastoderm migration and realignment of the anterior-posterior (AP) axis, as defined by the locations at which the head and tail form, toward the new long axis of the embryo and away from the initial animal-vegetal axis defined by the starting location of the blastoderm. We found that local alterations in the rate of blastoderm migration correlated with the local geometry of the embryo. Chemical disruption of the contractile ring of actin and myosin immediately vegetal to the blastoderm margin via Ca2+ reduction or treatment with blebbistatin restored uniform migration and eliminated AP axis reorientation in mechanically deformed embryos; it also resulted in cellular disorganization at the blastoderm margin. Our results support a model in which tension generated by the contractile actomyosin ring coordinates epiboly on both the organismal and cellular scales. Our observations likewise suggest that the AP axis is distinct from the initial animal-vegetal axis in zebrafish.  相似文献   

我国生物多样性保护与减贫协同发展模式探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性和贫困是全球关注的热点论题,生物多样性保护与减贫是关乎我国可持续发展、人民生活水平提高和2020年能否全面实现小康社会的重要问题。近年来,生态环境保护特别是生物多样性保护与贫困地区区域整体协调发展越来越受到社会各界的关注。本文对我国生物多样性保护与减贫的积极和消极影响关系进行了梳理和分析,采用态势分析法对我国现行的生物多样性保护与减贫的宏观政策在未来二者协同发展过程中的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行了深入探讨。并在此基础上对以生物多样性可持续利用为核心的保护与减贫协调发展的途径进行了探索,提出了促进二者协同发展的生态移民、绿色资本带动、生态旅游、绿色考评等模式,以期对我国推进生物多样性保护与减贫协同发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

We report theoretical and experimental study of surface plasmon (SP) radiation force on micrometer-sized polystyrene latex spheres with different radii. Two theoretical methods are introduced to numerically investigate the SP sphere system: the arbitrary beam theory for electromagnetic field distribution and the generalized Lorenz–Mie scattering theory for radiation force calculation. Transport velocity of the spheres in water is tested experimentally and compared with numerical results. Our work also shows effective coupling from SP field to micrometer-sized spheres, with high consistency between experiment and calculation, which has significant potential in future applications.  相似文献   

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