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In order to determine the extent and variations in surface concavanalin A (CON A) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) labeling of different varieties of normal blood cells, gluraraldehyde-fixed human blood cells were exposed to CON A-gold labeled horseradish peroxidase (CON A-HRP-G) and WGA-gold labeled ovomucoid (WGA-OVO-G) histochemical methods. The resultant particulate reaction product permitted assessment of binding and number of gold particles per micrometer of cell surface. Particle counts and data were subjected to statistical analysis. Six subjects (three female and three male) were used and compared in this study. In spite of moderate variations in surface labeling of the various types of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets within a given subject, determinations of mean labeling values for similar cell varieties proved quite similar between subjects with the given lectin. WGA and CON A had substantially different labeling densities on the various hemic cells. WGA surface labeling of all types of hemic cells, with the exception of platelets, showed far more labeling than was found with CON A. WGA mean labeling of the grouped subjects was significantly higher for each variety of leukocyte than for either erythrocytes or platelets although this distinction was not always evident in an individual subject. With CON A, mean labeling density for each of hemic cell types showed significant differences between each of the hemic cell varieties. Erythrocytes had only minimal CON A binding while monocyte and platelet populations represented the most reactive of the hemic cells. No difference was noted between corresponding cell varieties in the female vs. male subjects.  相似文献   

By using fluorescence and electron microscopy, the endocytic pathway encountered by cell surface components after they had bound wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) was visualized. The majority of these components are thought to consist of sialylated glycoproteins (HMWAG) that represent a subpopulation of the total cell surface proteins but most of the externally disposed plasma membrane proteins of the cell. Examination of semi-thin sections by medium- and high-voltage electron microscopy revealed the three-dimensional organization of vesicular and tubular endosomes. Binding of either fluorescein isothiocyanate-, horseradish peroxidase-, or ferritin-conjugated WGA to cells at 4 degrees C showed that the HMWAG were distributed uniformly over the cell surface. Warming of surface-labeled cells to 37 degrees C resulted in the endocytosis of WGA into peripheral endosomes via invagination of regions of both coated and uncoated membrane. The peripheral endosome appeared as isolated complexes comprising a vesicular element (300-400 nm diam.) surrounded by and continuous with tubular cisternae (45-60 nm diam.), which did not interconnect the endosomes. After 30 min or more label also became localized in a network of anastomosing tubules (45-60 nm diam.) that were located in the centrosomal region of the cell. Endocytosed WGA-HMWAG complexes did not become associated with cisternae of the Golgi apparatus, although tubular and vesicular endosomes were noted in the vicinity of the trans-Golgi region. The accumulation of WGA-HMWAG in the endosomes within the centrosomal region was inhibited when cells were incubated at 18 degrees C. None of these compartments contained acid phosphatase activity, a result that is consistent with other data that the HMWAG do not pass through lysosomes initially. The kinetics of labeling were consistent with the interpretation that recycling of most of the WGA binding surface glycoproteins occurred rapidly from early peripheral endosomes followed by the late trans-Golgi compartment. In conclusion, a portion of cell surface glycoproteins are routed to a complex arrangement of tubular and vesicular compartments following endocytosis that includes a putative post-endosomal, tubular reticulum that appears to be separate from the trans-most Golgi saccule.  相似文献   

We analyzed surface glycoproteins of human natural killer (NK) cells by utilizing lectins. Among the lectins tested, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) was found to bind preferentially to CD16(Leu11)-positive lymphocytes as determined by two-colour flow cytometry. Analysis of glycoproteins in the lysate prepared from NK cells with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gel electrophoresis followed by Western blotting and125I labeled WGA staining revealed that a glycoprotein with anM r of 65 kDa was strongly bound to the lectin, but no corresponding glycoprotein was detected in the lysate of T lymphocytes. This glycoprotein (GP65) gave several spots in the pI range 4.1–4.6 on 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Sialidase treatment of GP65 resulted in a single spot on the 2-dimensional gel, suggesting that GP65 is heterogeneous in the degree of sialylation. GP65 was shown to be exposed on the cell surface, since it was radiolabeled with125I by the lactoperoxidase-catalyzed method. We next isolated GP65 from human peripheral blood lymphocytes by a combination of chromatography on a cation-exchange column and a WGA-agarose column and preparative SDS gel electrophoresis. It is suggested that GP65 is a novel surface glycoprotein on human NK cells.  相似文献   

Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), a tetravalent lectin, has both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on human T lymphocytes. It has been suggested that these actions are related and that WGA selectively stimulates a suppressive subset of T cells. We studied the ability of WGA to stimulate and inhibit subpopulations of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) known to have helper or suppressor activity. Fresh human PBMC were depleted of either T4+ or T8+ cells by using antibody-mediated complement lysis. The resultant cell populations were stimulated with WGA, and the proliferative response was assessed by [3H]thymidine incorporation, IL 2 receptor expression, the ability to elaborate IL 2 in culture supernatants, and the susceptibility to inhibition by the monoclonal antibody anti-Tac. Similar experiments with cells from a WGA-responsive continuous T cell culture were also performed. WGA inhibited phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-induced proliferation of PBMC depleted of either T4+ or T8+ cells. WGA also inhibited PBMC that had been depleted of adherent cells and Ia+ cells and then induced to proliferate with a combination of TPA and PHA. Our findings indicate that WGA induces IL 2-dependent proliferation in a small proportion of both T4+ and T8+ lymphocytes. We also provide evidence that the inhibitory activity of WGA is not mediated by a T4+, T8+, or Ia+ cell, suggesting that WGA acts directly on the proliferating cell rather than selectively stimulating a suppressive subpopulation.  相似文献   

Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) from embryos of the monocotyledonous plant Triticum vulgaris (Graminaceae) is a carbohydrate binding protein characterized by high specificity to N-acetyl-d-glucosamine and N-acetyl-d-neuraminic acid. In this study we show that parallel to its carbohydrate binding activities, WGA binds with several orders of magnitude higher affinity adenine, adenine-related cytokinins: kinetin, zeatin and isopentenyl-adenine as well as abscisic and gibberellic acids (K(d) 0.43-0.65 microM). Its interactions with these ligands cause conformational rearrangements in the protein molecules and significant enhancement of the protein tryptophan fluorescence (up to 60%) allowing characterization of the protein-hormone complexes. Dimeric WGA molecules possess two different classes of binding sites for the fluorescent hydrophobic probe 2-(p-toluidinyl) naphthalene sulfonic acid (TNS) as suggested by the sigmoid shape of the fluorescence titration curve and the value of the Hill coefficient (n(H) 1.6+/-0.3). The plant hormones displace part of the bound TNS probe and share the higher affinity TNS binding sites. These results characterize WGA as a hormone-binding protein.  相似文献   

125I-Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binding parameters of human urothelial cell lines of different grades of transformation (TGrll and TGrlll) were compared. The values of association constant (Ka) and the number of binding sites/cell for HCV29 (TGrll) cell line were about 3×106M–1 and over 4×107, respectively. Two TGrlll cell lines, HCV29T and Hu549 revealed lower values for Ka, and considerably higher numbers of binding sites/cell (about 3×108 and 2×108, respectively). Binding of125I-WGA to total cellular proteins resolved by SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitrocellulose showed multiple diffused bands in the range of 58–180 kDa. Some of these bands were characteristic for TGrll cells (124 kDa) or TGrlll cells (135 and 148 kDa).Abbreviations TGr transformation grade - WGA wheat germ agglutinin - sWGA succinylated wheat germ agglutinin - GlcNAc N-acetyl-d-glucosamine - BSA bovine serum albumin - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (Con A), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA) bound with either 125I, fluorescent dyes, or fluorescent polymeric microspheres were used to quantitate and visualize the distribution of lectin binding sites on mouse neuroblastoma cells. As viewed by fluorescent light and scanning electron microscopy, over 107 binding sites for Con A, WGA, and RCA appeared to be distributed randomly over the surface of differentiated and undifferentiated cells. An energy-dependent redistribution of labeled sites into a central spot occurred when the cells were labeled with a saturating dose of fluorescent lectin and maintained at 37°C for 60 min. Reversible labeling using appropriate saccharide inhibitors indicated that the labeled sites had undergone endocytosis by the cell. A difference in the mode of redistribution of WGA or RCA and Con A binding sites was observed in double labeling experiments. When less than 10% of the WGA or RCA lectin binding sites were labeled, only these labeled sites appeared to be removed from the cell surface. In contrast, when less than 10% of the Con A sites were labeled, both labeled and unlabeled Con A binding sites were removed from the cell surface. Cytochalasin B uncoupled the coordinate redistribution of labeled and unlabeled Con A sites, suggesting the involvement of microfilaments. Finally, double labeling experiments employing fluorescein-tagged Con A and rhodamine-tagged WGA indicate that most Con A and WGA binding sites reside on different membrane components and redistribute independenty of each other.  相似文献   

To add an additional aspect to the process of recognition and removal of senescent human erythrocytes from the circulation, the binding of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to separated young, old and sialidase-treated human erythrocytes is evaluated with the immune-electron microscopical method. WGA/gold conjugate binding to old erythrocytes was lower (27%) than to young erythrocytes and even lower following treatment with sialidase (82%), exhibiting a clustered, non-continuous labeling pattern in all three erythrocyte populations, thus showing a possible redistribution of WGA binding sites. The decrease in bound WGA/gold particles correlates well with the previously reported decrease in surface sialic acid on old erythrocytes. The binding of WGA/gold are indicative of the changes occurring on erythrocyte membrane surfaces when interacting with different agglutinins.  相似文献   

Two Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutants selected for resistance to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) have been shown to exhibit defective sialylation of membrane glycoproteins and a membrane glycolipid, GM3. The mutants (termed WgaRII and WgaRIII) have been previously shown to belong to different genetic complementation groups and to exhibit different WGA-binding abilities. These mutants and a WGA-resistant CHO cell mutant termed WgaRI (which also possesses a surface sialylation defect arising from a deficient N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity), have enabled us to investigate the role of sialic acid in WGA binding at the cell surface. Scatchard plots of the binding of 125I- WGA (1 ng/ml to 1 mg/ml) to parental and WgaR CHO cells before and after a brief treatment with neuraminidase provide evidence for several different groups of sialic acid residues at the CHO cell surface which may be distinquished by their differential involvement in WGA binding to CHO cells.  相似文献   

We have compared the binding parameters of native wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and its succinylated form (SWGA) to rat lymphocytes. Scatchard plots were obtained with the fluoresceinated lectins in a concentration range of 10 nM to 0.1 mM. Association and dissociation rate parameters were also measured. The following differences were observed: at low concentration of WGA, binding is positively cooperative with a Hill coefficient of 1.75, whereas binding of SWGA is not. The numbers of high-affinity sites are respectively (2.5 +/- 0.8) X 10(6) and (6.4 +/- 1.3) X 10(5) for WGA and SWGA. Association constants were found to be (4.7 +/- 1.7) X 10(6) l mol-1 for WGA and (1.42 +/- 0.36) X 10(7) l mol-1 for SWGA, which is 35 times higher than for native WGA. Neuraminidase treatment decreases the Hill coefficient as well as the number of sites involved in the cooperative binding of native WGA. Equilibrium data were obtained at three temperatures to determine the thermodynamic parameters (delta H degree and delta S degree). These results are indicative of an oligomerization process dynamically formed at the membrane level before tight binding of the lectin to its receptors could occur.  相似文献   

Variants of B 16-F 1 mouse melanoma cells selected for resistance to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) toxicity invitro were found to have undergone a stable surface change correlated both to lectin resistance and reduced metastasizing potential. The surface alteration, as indicated by the increased electrophoretic mobilities of several lactoperoxidase-iodinated cell surface proteins in SDS-PAGE, was restricted to polypeptides able to interact with WGA. The availability of lectin-resistant melanoma cell variants having altered metastasizing behavior provides a promising approach to studies of the role of specific cell surface components in the metastasizing process.  相似文献   

Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) is emblematic of proteins that specialize in the recognition of carbohydrates. It was the first lectin reported to have a capacity for discriminating between normal and malignant cells. Since then, it has become a preferred model for basic research and is frequently considered in the development of biomedical and biotechnological applications. However, the molecular basis for the structural stability of this homodimeric lectin remains largely unknown, a situation that limits the rational manipulation and modification of its function. In this work we performed a thermodynamic characterization of WGA folding and self-association processes as a function of pH and temperature by using differential scanning and isothermal dilution calorimetry. WGA is monomeric at pH 2, and one of its four hevein-like domains is unfolded at room temperature. Under such conditions, the agglutinin exhibits a fully reversible thermal unfolding that consists of three two-state transitions. At higher pH values, the protein forms weak, nonobligate dimers. This behavior contrasts with that observed for the other plant lectins studied thus far, which form strong, obligate oligomers, indicating a distinctly different molecular basis for WGA function. For dimer formation, the four domains must be properly folded. Nevertheless, depending on the solution conditions, self-association may be coupled with folding of the labile domain. Therefore, dimerization may proceed as a rigid-body-like association or a folding-by-binding event. This hybrid behavior is not seen in other plant lectins. The emerging molecular picture for the WGA assembly highlights the need for a reexamination of existing ligand-binding data in the literature.  相似文献   

The fluorescence and phosphorescence emission of wheat germ agglutinin are reported. Fluorescent tryptophan residues of wheat germ agglutinin are found highly exposed to solvent: fluorescence quenching induced by temperature fits with a single Arrhenius critical energy close to that of tryptophan in solution; the whole fluorescence emission is susceptible to iodide ion quenching and data reveal the homogeneity of fluorescence arising from only one type of tryptophan exposition. Energy transfers are analyzed at singlet and triplet state level. Tyrosine fluorescence at 25 degrees C is very weak. Results obtained from the relative excitation fluorescence quantum yield and from intrinsic fluorescence polarization show that a large amount of energy absorbed by tyrosine at 280 nm is transferred to tryptophan residues. However, tyrosine fluorescence is highly increased at 70 degrees C although disulfide bridges are not reduced. The phosphorescence spectrum at 77 K in 50% ethylene glycol is finely structured with several resolved vibrational bands at 405, 432 and 455 nm. Phosphorescence decay can be fitted with a single exponential. Lifetime is independent of excitation wave-length. Its value is very close to that of free tryptophan. Influence of tri-N-acetyl-chitotriose binding on luminescence properties are investigated. Results are analyzed in terms of steric tryptophan-ligand relationships. It is shown that all the fluorescent chromophores are concerned by the ligand binding but all fluorescence emission is still susceptible to iodide ion quenching. There is no change induced in energy transfer at the singlet state level and no modification in triplet state population.  相似文献   

The synthesis of N-acetyl- and N-trifluoroacetyl-glucosaminides was reported. The interaction of these compounds with wheat germ agglutinin, a plant lectin specific for N-acetyl-glucosamine and sialic acid, was investigated by two complementary approaches: 1H and 19F NMR, and fluorescence spectroscopy. This last technique relies on the existence of a competitive equilibrium involving the protein, the ligand and O-(methylumbelliferyl)-N-acetyl-glucosaminide, a fluorescent saccharide. The binding constants and the chemical shifts in the complex were determined and were related to the protein structure.  相似文献   

Binding of the plant lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to erythrocyte membranes causes membrane rigidification. One of our objectives has been to directly measure the effects of WGA binding on membrane rigidity and to relate rigidification to the kinetics and levels of WGA binding. Our other objective has been to measure the strength of adhesion and mechanics of cell separation for erythrocytes bound together by WGA. The erythrocyte membrane rigidity was measured on single cells by micropipette aspiration. The slope of the suction pressure-length data for entry into the pipette provided the measure of the membrane extensional modulus. Data were collected for cells equilibrated with WGA solutions in the range of concentrations of 0.01- 10 micrograms/ml. Erythrocyte-erythrocyte adherence properties were studied by micropipette separation of two-cell aggregates. First, a "test" cell was selected from a WGA solution by aspiration into a small micropipette, then transferred to a separate chamber that contained erythrocytes in WGA-free buffer. Here, a second cell was aspirated with another pipette and maneuvered into close proximity of the test cell surface, and adhesive contact was produced. The flaccid cell was separated from the test cell surface in steps at which the force of attachment was derived from the pipette suction pressure and cell geometry. In addition, we measured the time-dependent binding and release of fluorescently labeled WGA to single erythrocytes with a laser microfluorometry system. The results showed that the stiffening of the erythrocyte membrane and binding of fluorescently labeled WGA to the membrane surface followed the same concentration and time dependencies. The threshold concentration for membrane stiffening was at approximately 0.1 microgram/ml where the time course to reach equilibrium was close to 1 h. The maximal stiffening (almost 30-fold over the normal membrane elastic modulus) occurred in concentrations greater than 2 micrograms/ml where the time to reach equilibrium took less than 1 min. The WGA binding also altered the normal elastic membrane behavior into an inelastic, plastic-like response which indicated that mechanical extension of the membrane caused an increase in cross-linking within the surface plane. Similar to the stiffening effect, we observed that the membrane adhesivity of cells equilibrated with WGA solutions greatly increased with concentration greater than 0.1 microgram/ml.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The binding of fluorescently labelled carbohydrates to concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin was studied at equilibrium and by the stopped-flow and temperature jump relaxation methods. Ligand were mainly die 4-methylumbelliferyl glycosides of α (1 → 2)-linked manno-oligosaccharides and of β (1 → 4)-linked chito oligosaccharides as limited homologous series. They offer distinct advantages, parti cularly for kinetic studies.Enthalpie and kinetic considerations suggest that concanavalin A specifically binds a single mannopyranosyl group in α (1 →2)-linked manno-oligosaccharides. This occurs preferentially at the non-reducing end. Glycosylation of a carbohydrate withe.g. an aryl group does not afect die binding kinetics and for all carbohydrates the association rate is comparable but relatively slow, which indicates that a common process is involved in the binding of all carbohydrates to concanavalin A. The affinity of a carbohydrate for concanavalin A is determined by the dissociation-rate parameter, resulting in a longer residence time for a better ligand.Interaction of chito-oligosaccharides with wheat germ agglutinin is complex. With the larger members of the 4-methylumbelliferyl chito-oligosaccharides, binding studies were only possible at low fractional saturation to avoid formation of unsoluble complexes. The binding kinetics of wheat germ agglutinin are faster than with concanavalin A and are consistent with a wheat germ agglutinin binding region composed of two adjacent subsites. For binding of the monoside as well as the bioside, two consistent kinetic models apply. They have common that for each ligand there exist two complexes with comparable population.  相似文献   

G Bains  R T Lee  Y C Lee  E Freire 《Biochemistry》1992,31(50):12624-12628
The energetics of association of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) with N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and its beta(1,4) oligomers have been measured using isothermal titration calorimetry. Association constants of 0.4, 5.3, 11.1, 12.3, and 19.1 mM-1 and enthalpies of binding of -6.1, -15.6, -19.4, -19.3, and -18.2 kcal mol-1 were obtained at 26 degrees C for the titration of WGA with GlcNAc, (GlcNAc)2, (GlcNAc)3, (GlcNAc)4, and (GlcNAc)5, respectively. The term T delta S was always of negative value, indicating that the binding process is enthalpically driven. Titrations of WGA performed at pH 4.5 did not differ significantly from those performed at pH 7.0, suggesting that no groups with a pKa in this range are directly involved in the binding event. Also, performing the titration in a buffer system with a higher enthalpy of protonation did not change the enthalpy of binding confirming that there is no net protonation or deprotonation when WGA binds GlcNAc residues at pH 7. A model of four independent binding sites was found to adequately describe the binding curves, except in the case of (GlcNAc)4 which exhibited positive cooperativity. The energetic values are discussed within the context of the structure of the WGA-(GlcNAc)2 complex.  相似文献   

We propose here the use of freeze-fracture to gain access and to label in vitro glomerular components and locate WGA receptors and anionic sites. Tissues are frozen, fractured under liquid nitrogen, and thawed. Freeze-fracture rendered all glomerular structures directly accessible to the reagents. This made possible study of the nature and topology of cationized ferritin and WGA binding sites. WGA-gold complexes were observed over plasma membranes of podocytes and of endothelial and mesangial cells. Labeling of podocytes and endothelial cells was similar in the mesangial area and in the peripheral part of the capillary loop. Cross-fractures of extracellular matrices showed that WGA bound uniformly to the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) as well as to mesangial matrix. In fractured specimens treated with neuraminidase, WGA was no longer observed over podocytes but it consistently labeled the surface of endothelial and mesangial cells. Whereas in GBM cross-sections WGA binding was greatly reduced or even abolished, it remained unmodified in the mesangium. This shows that only NeuNAc (sialic acid) might account for the binding of WGA to podocytes, whereas GlcNAcs appear to be the main WGA binding sites on endothelial and mesangial cells and in the mesangial matrix. Both NeuNAc and GLcNAc residues are probably associated in GBM. With cationized ferritin (pI 8.3) at pH 7.4, intense, continuous labeling was seen all over the different plasma membranes, denser in podocytes than in endothelial cells. CF was also observed in cross-fractured profiles of extracellular matrices and never appeared agglutinated in discrete sites.  相似文献   

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