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The three-dimensional structure of ferric myoglobin from the mollusc Aplysia limacina has been refined at 2 X 0 A resolution. The crystallographic R factor, calculated at this stage, is 0 X 194. Despite its high content of apolar residues (both aromatic and aliphatic), Aplysia limacina myoglobin, which contains only one histidine residue (at the proximal position), has a structure that conforms to the common eight-helices globin fold observed in other phyla.  相似文献   

The time course of ligand recombination to the myoglobin from Aplysia limacina, which has Val(E7), was measured following photolysis by flashes of 35 ps to 300 ns with a time resolution of 10 ps or 1 ns. CO shows only biomolecular recombination. O2 has a small geminate reaction with a half-time of tens of picoseconds, but no nanosecond geminate reaction. NO has two picosecond relaxations with half-times of 70 ps (15%) and 1 ns (80%) and one nanosecond relaxation with a half-time of 4.6 ns. The biomolecular rates for O2 and NO are the same: 2 x 10(7) M-1 s-1. Methyl and ethyl isonitriles have a geminate reaction with a half-time of 35 ps. Ethyl isonitrile has, in addition, a nanosecond relaxation (25%) with a half-time of 100 ns. t-Butyl isonitrile has four geminate relaxations (10 ps, 35 ps, 1 ns, and 1 microseconds). Analysis of the results suggests much easier movement of ligand between the heme pocket and the exterior than in sperm whale myoglobin (His(E7]. The reactivity of the heme is little different, placing the effect of the differences from sperm whale myoglobin on the distal side of the heme.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide and dioxygen were employed as resonance Raman-visible ligands for probing the nature of the heme-binding site in elephant myoglobin, which has glutamine in the distal position (E7) instead of the usual histidine. The distal histidine (E7) residue has been thought to be responsible for weakening carbon monoxide binding to hemoproteins. It is of interest to see how the His(E7)----Gln replacement affects such parameters as nu(Fe-N epsilon), nu(Fe-CO), delta(Fe-C-O), nu(C-O), delta(Fe-O-O), and nu(O-O) vibrational frequencies and relative intensities. Elephant myoglobin has a CO affinity approximately 6 times higher than that for human/sperm whale myoglobin (Mb). If this enhanced affinity were solely due to the removal of some of the steric hindrance that normally tilts the CO off the heme axis, one would expect the nu(Fe-CO) frequency to decrease and the nu(C-O) frequency to increase relative to the corresponding values in sperm whale Mb. However, the opposite was found. In addition, strong enhancement of the Fe-C-O bending mode was observed. These results suggest that the Fe-C-O linkage remains distorted. In elephant Mb, new interactions resulting from the conformational change accompanying ligand binding may be responsible for the increased CO binding. Similar spectra were obtained for elephant and sperm whale oxymyoglobin. This suggests that the interactions of bound O2 are not markedly affected by the glutamine replacement.  相似文献   

The binding mode of azide to the ferric form of Aplysia limacina myoglobin has been studied by X-ray crystallography. The three-dimensional structure of the complex has been refined at 1.9 A resolution to a crystallographic R-factor of 13.9%, including 126 ordered solvent molecules. Azide binds to the heme iron, at the sixth co-ordination position, and is oriented towards the outer part of the distal site crevice. This orientation is stabilized by an ionic interaction with the side-chain of Arg66 (E10) which, from an outer orientation in the 'aquo-met' ligand-free myoglobin, folds back towards the distal site in the presence of the anionic ligand. In the absence of a hydrogen bond donor residue at the distal E7 position in Aplysia limacina myoglobin, a different polar residue, Arg66 at the E10 topological position, has been selected by molecular evolution in order to grant ligand stabilization.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of the fluoride derivative of Aplysia limacina ferric myoglobin has been solved and refined at 2.0 A resolution; the crystallographic R-factor is 13.6%. The fluoride ion binds to the sixth co-ordination position of the heme iron, 2.2 A from the metal. Binding of the negatively charged ligand on the distal side of the heme pocket of this myoglobin, which lacks the distal His, is associated with a network of hydrogen bonds that includes the fluoride ion, the residue Arg66 (E10), the heme propionate III, three ordered water molecules and backbone or side-chain atoms from the CD region. A comparison of fluoride and oxygen dissociation rate constants of A. limacina myoglobin, sperm whale (Physeter catodon) myoglobin and Glycera dibranchiata monomeric hemoglobin, suggests that the conformational readjustment of Arg66 (E10) in A. limacina myoglobin may represent the molecular basis for ligand stabilization, in the absence of a hydrogen-bond donor residue at the distal E7 position.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on the enthalpy changes for binding of azide and fluoride to ferric myoglobin from Aplysia limacina, which lacks the distal histidine, has been investigated. Over the whole pH range explored (3.8 to 9.5), -delta H degrees values for the formation of the hemoprotein-ligand complexes are: (1) much greater than the variations in -delta G degrees; (2) always negative; and (3) show a dependence upon pH characterized by a maximum for azide and a minimum for fluoride binding, centered at pH 4.55 (identical to pHch). This value agrees well with that expected from the linear correlation between pHch and the simple function "Lys+Arg-Glu-Asp-2" proposed by Beetlestone and others. Data reported here greatly extend the pH range for which the linear correlation between the net charge of the macromolecule and pHch has been found to hold, and indicate unequivocally that the pH dependence of -delta H degree for the binding of anionic ligands does not uniquely require the presence of the histidyl residue at the distal position.  相似文献   

Thermal pertubation difference spectra of sperm whale myoglobin (Mb) and soybean leghemoglobin a (Lb a) in the near-ultraviolet reveal similarities in the tryptophan environment of the two proteins. Of the two tryptophans in each protein, one has its indolyl NH group fully exposed to aqueous solvent, while the other behaves as if it were surrounded by motile but nonpolar residues with little access to water. These environments are not significantly altered by removal of the heme group. Assuming conformational homology, the helix-spacing role of Trp-A12 in Mb (Kendrew, J.C. (1962), Brookhaven Symp. Biol. 15, 216-228) may be taken over, in Lb a, by Trp-H8 which, though remote in linear sequence, would occupy a suitable spatial location. Thermal difference spectra in the Soret and visible regions of pure high-spin (fluoroferric) and pure low-spin (cyanoferric) complexes showed a red shift on cooling Mb complexes, reflecting a predominantly nonpolar environment around the heme, but a blue shift on cooling Lb complexes, reflecting a more solvent-exposed environment. Thermal difference spectra using rose bengal as a probe of the heme pockets in the two apoproteins supported these conclusions. Thermal difference spectra for the high-spin complexes of both Mb and Lb are slightly larger in magnitude than in the low-spin complexes. This may reflect a more flexible heme pocket in the high-spin state, as suggested by recent circular dichroic results. A structural basis for the high oxygen affinity of Lb compared with Mb is proposed, based upon the observed differences in polarity and flexibility of the heme pocket and in amino acid substitutions.  相似文献   

The sea hare Aplysia limacina possesses a myoglobin in which a distal H-bond is provided by Arg E10 rather than the common His E7. Solution (1)H NMR studies of the cyanomet complexes of true wild-type (WT), recombinant wild-type (rWT), and the V(E7)H/R(E10)T and V(E7)H mutants of Aplysia Mb designed to mimic the mammalian Mb heme pocket reveal that the distal His in the mutants is rotated out of the heme pocket and is unable to provide a stabilizing H-bond to bound ligand and that WT and rWT differ both in the thermodynamics of heme orientational disorder and in heme contact shift pattern. The mean of the four heme methyl shifts is shown to serve as a sensitive indicator of variations in distal H-bonding among a set of mutant cyanomet globins. The heme pocket perturbations in rWT relative to WT were traced to the absence of the N-terminal acetyl group in rWT that participates in an H-bond to the EF corner in WT. Analysis of dipolar contacts between heme and axial His and between heme and the protein matrix reveal a small approximately 2 degrees rotation of the axial His in rWT relative to true WT and a approximately 3 degrees rotation of the heme in the double mutant relative to rWT Mb. It is demonstrated that both the direction and magnitude of the rotation of the axial His relative to the heme can be determined from the change in the pattern of the contact-dominated heme methyl shift and from the dipolar-dominated heme meso-H shift. However, only NOE data can determine whether it is the His or heme that actually rotates in the protein matrix.  相似文献   

An actively and passively mode-locked Nd:YAG laser, producing 30-ps pulses of 1-mJ energy at 532 nm, has been used to photolyze (carbonmonoxy)myoglobin (MbCO) and generate its resonance Raman spectrum, which was recorded with a vidicon multichannel analyzer. The photoproduct spectrum was obtained by subtraction of the MbCO spectrum, obtained at lower incident power levels. Comparison with the spectrum of deoxyMb, obtained with the same apparatus, revealed frequency downshifts of approximately 4 cm-1, for bands at 1604, 1554, and 1542 cm-1, which are identified with porphyrin skeletal modes v10, v19, and v11. These frequencies are known to correlate inversely with the core size of the porphyrin ring, and the shifts imply a larger core size for the photoproduct than for deoxyMb. Similar shifts have been observed for the (carbonmonoxy)hemoglobin (HbCO) photoproduct; in that case, the shifts persist for longer than 20 ns, whereas they are absent in the MbCO photoproduct spectrum within 7 ns of photolysis. The unrelaxed state of the heme group region is therefore suggested to be maintained by protein forces, which relax more rapidly for Mb than Hb. This may reflect a tighter coupling in Hb of the out-of-plane movement of the Fe atom with the proximal histidine-containing F helix.  相似文献   

In the marine mollusk Aplysia limacina, a substantial amount of endogenous D-aspartic acid (D-Asp) was found following its synthesis from L-aspartate by an aspartate racemase. Concentrations of D-Asp between 3.9 and 4.6 micromol/g tissue were found in the cerebral, abdominal, buccal, pleural, and pedal ganglia. In non nervous tissues, D-Asp occurred at a very low concentration compared to the nervous system. Immunohistochemical studies conducted on cultured Aplysia neurons using an anti-D-aspartate antibody demonstrated that D-Asp occurs in the soma, dendrites, and in synaptic varicosities. Synaptosomes and synaptic vesicles from cerebral ganglia were prepared and characterized by electron microscopy. HPLC analysis revealed high concentrations of D-Asp together with L-aspartate and L-glutamate in isolated synaptosomes In addition, D-Asp was released from synaptosomes by K+ depolarization or by ionomycin. D-Asp was one of the principal amino acids present in synaptic vesicles representing about the 25% of total amino acids present in these cellular organelles. Injection of D-Asp into live animals or addition to the incubation media of cultured neurons, caused an increase in cAMP content. Taken as a whole, these findings suggest a possible role of D-Asp in neurotransmission in the nervous system of Aplysia limacina.  相似文献   

The pH dependence in the range 3--7 of the optical absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance of the nitric oxide adduct of ferrous Aplysia myoglobin is reported. Optical spectra in the Soret region show a transition between two conformers with an apparent pK in the range 3.5--5 depending on the presence of carboxylic anions as third component. In the same pH range, the EPR spectrum undergoes a change from a 9-line to a 3-line hyperfine pattern in the g. region, similar to that reported for synthetic heme derivatives and for other hemoproteins. The structural interpretation of the pH-induced transition experienced by Aplysia myoglobin nitric oxide is that of a proton-linked cleavage of the proximal bond as suggested by several lines of evidence. Temperature-jump measurements allowed an estimation of the relaxation time for the process, which is of the order of 0.3 ms at 25 degrees C.  相似文献   

The accessibility of the heme binding site of two apomyoglobins, i.e. tuna and sperm whale apomyoglobin, has been evaluated by quenching the fluorescence of their ANS-conjugates. The quenching pattern obtained by using charged and uncharged quenchers revealed that the heme pocket of tuna apomyoglobin is more accessible than that of sperm whale. Moreover, a larger number of positively charged groups is present in the heme pocket of tuna apomyoglobin as indicated by comparing the extent of quenching produced by iodide and cesium ion. The relaxation time of ANS bound to tuna apomyoglobin is lower than that of the same chromophore bound to sperm whale globin thus indicating that there is some localized flexibility in the tuna globin.  相似文献   

A triple mutant of sperm whale myoglobin (Mb) [Leu(B10) --> Tyr, His(E7) --> Gln, and Thr(E10) --> Arg, called Mb-YQR], investigated by stopped-flow, laser photolysis, crystallography, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, proved to be quite unusual. Rebinding of photodissociated NO, O2, and CO from within the protein (in a "geminate" mode) allows us to reach general conclusions about dynamics and cavities in proteins. The 3D structure of oxy Mb-YQR shows that bound O2 makes two H-bonds with Tyr(B10)29 and Gln(E7)64; on deoxygenation, these two residues move toward the space occupied by O2. The bimolecular rate constant for NO binding is the same as for wild-type, but those for CO and O2 binding are reduced 10-fold. While there is no geminate recombination with O2 and CO, geminate rebinding of NO displays an unusually large and very slow component, which is pretty much abolished in the presence of xenon. These results and MD simulations suggest that the ligand migrates in the protein matrix to a major "secondary site," located beneath Tyr(B10)29 and accessible via the motion of Ile(G8)107; this site is different from the "primary site" identified by others who investigated the photolyzed state of wild-type Mb by crystallography. Our hypothesis may rationalize the O2 binding properties of Mb-YQR, and more generally to propose a mechanism of control of ligand binding and dissociation in hemeproteins based on the dynamics of side chains that may (or may not) allow access to and direct temporary sequestration of the dissociated ligand in a docking site within the protein. This interpretation suggests that very fast (picosecond) fluctuations of amino acid side chains may play a crucial role in controlling O2 delivery to tissue at a rate compatible with physiology.  相似文献   

Incubation of horseradish peroxidase with phenylhydrazine and H2O2 markedly depresses the catalytic activity and the intensity, but not position, of the Soret band. Approximately 11-13 mol of phenylhydrazine and 25 mol of H2O2 are required per mol of enzyme to minimize the chromophore intensity. The enzyme retains some activity after such treatment, but this activity is eliminated if the enzyme is isolated and reincubated with phenylhydrazine. The prosthetic heme of the enzyme does not react with phenylhydrazine to give a sigma-bonded phenyl-iron complex, as it does in other hemoproteins, but is converted instead to the delta-mesophenyl and 8-hydroxymethyl derivatives. The loss of activity is due more to protein than heme modification, however. The inactivated enzyme reacts with H2O2 to give a spectroscopically detectable Compound I. The results imply that substrates interact with the heme edge rather than with the activated oxygen of Compounds I and II and specifically identify the region around the delta-meso-carbon and 8-methyl group as the exposed sector of the heme. Horseradish peroxidase, in contrast to cytochrome P-450, generally does not catalyze oxygen-transfer reactions. The present results indicate that oxygen-transfer reactions do not occur because the activated oxygen and the substrate are physically separated by a protein-imposed barrier in horseradish peroxidase.  相似文献   

A combined one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect, paramagnetic-induced relaxation and two-dimensional sequence-specific 1H n.m.r. assignment of the spectrum of portions of the distal pocket of Aplysia cyano metMyoglobin (metMbCN) has been carried out in order to establish the presence and identity of distal residues in the heme pocket. In the absence of the usual distal E7 His in Aplysia Mb (E7 Val), the sequence-specific assignment of the E7 and E10 residues, together with their hyperfine shift patterns, relaxivities and dipolar connectivities to each other and the remainder of the E helix, reveal that the E10 Arg is turned into the pocket and hydrogen bonds to the bound cyanide group. We have previously found a similar rearrangement of the E10 Arg in Aplysia fluoro metMyoglobin, and the stabilizing effect of this residue was proposed to be responsible for the slow rate of cyanide dissociation from rapidly reduced ferrous Aplysia myoglobin. Based on the similar distal E7 His hydrogen-bonding interaction to the bound ligand in the crystal of sperm whale MbO2 and in solution of its cyano met complex, we propose that the E10 Arg similarly hydrogen bonds to the bound O2 in Aplysia MbO2 and accounts for its strong ligand binding and slow dissociation rate.  相似文献   

K Alston  C B Storm 《Biochemistry》1979,18(20):4292-4300
Copper(II) protoporphyrin IX has been introduced into apomyoglobin, and its utility as a reporter group of the heme environment has been examined. The Soret and visible absorption bands and electron spin resonance spectrum show that the Cu(II) is five coordinate, probably through coordination to the F-8 proximal histidine. The resonance Raman spectrum does not indicate any appreciable distortion from the solution conformation of copper(II) protoporphyrin IX dimethyl ester in CS2. The ultraviolet circular dichroism shows no alteration of the helical content of the globin from that of metmyoglobin. The circular dichroism of the porphyrin transitions suggests that the packing of the amino acid side chains around the porphyrin is different than that in the native metmyoglobin.  相似文献   

Adrenal cytochrome b(561) (cyt b(561)), a transmembrane protein that shuttles reducing equivalents derived from ascorbate, has two heme centers with distinct spectroscopic signals and reactivity towards ascorbate. The His54/His122 and His88/His161 pairs furnish axial ligands for the hemes, but additional amino acid residues contributing to the heme centers have not been identified. A computational model of human cyt b(561) (Bashtovyy, D., Berczi, A., Asard, H., and Pali, T. (2003) Protoplasma 221, 31-40) predicts that His92 is near the His88/His161 heme and that His110 abuts the His54/His122 heme. We tested these predictions by analyzing the effects of mutations at His92 or His110 on the spectroscopic and functional properties. Wild type cytochrome and mutants with substitutions in other histidine residues or in Asn78 were used for comparison. The largest lineshape changes in the optical absorbance spectrum of the high-potential (b(H)) peak were seen with mutation of His92; the largest changes in the low-potential (b(L)) peak lineshape were observed with mutation of His110. In the EPR spectra, mutation of His92 shifted the position of the g=3.1 signal (b(H)) but not the g=3.7 signal (b(L)). In reductive titrations with ascorbate, mutations in His92 produced the largest increase in the midpoint for the b(H) transition; mutations in His110 produced the largest decreases in DeltaA(561) for the b(L) transition. These results indicate that His92 can be considered part of the b(H) heme center, and His110 part of the b(L) heme center, in adrenal cyt b(561).  相似文献   

By means of the comparison of the constant oxidation reactions of both the myoglobin modified by N-acetylimidazole and the intact myoglobin in the presence of H2O2 or ferrylmyoglobin we characterized the role of the tyrosine residues (Tyr) of myoglobin in the synproportionation reaction between heme iron (II) of one molecule and heme iron (IV)--of another. It was demonstrated that Tyr derivatization resulted in the decrease of the velocity of redox interaction between deoxymyoglobin (II) and ferrylmyoglobin (IV) and led to the decrease of the efficiency of oxymyoglobin deoxygenation. The effects were shown to be independent on Tyr quantity in myoglobin molecule and to have the same character for both the sperm-whale myoglobin and the horse myoglobin.  相似文献   

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