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P J Butler 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(11):2599-2604
Earlier work on the condensation of chromatins of different repeat lengths into the 30 nm fibre has been surveyed and it is shown that the external geometry of the fibre must be the same for all the chromatins. This can only be fitted by a helical coiling of nucleosomes into a solenoid with the linker DNA disposed internally. On this basis, various models were calculated and compared with published electric dichroism data. The only good fit is found with a 'reverse-loop' model, where the linker DNA forms a complete turn into the hole of the solenoid, of opposite hand to the nucleosomal DNA superhelix. This gives a topological linking number of one per nucleosome and would resolve the 'linking number paradox' if the DNA screw is the same in chromatin as in solution. The feasibility of a reverse-loop for short linkers (down to 15 base pairs) was investigated by model building and kinks of approximately 120 degrees into both DNA grooves are described, which will allow such packing. There will, however, be a 'forbidden' range for the linker DNA length, between approximately 1 and 14 bp, corresponding to nucleosomal repeats of 163 and 176 bp.  相似文献   

The ionic strength dependences of yeast and chicken erythrocyte chromatin structure have been examined by analysis of nuclear DNase I and Staphylococcal nuclease digestions done under various salt and divalent cation concentrations. The basic features of yeast DNase I profiles (intracore/intercore patterns and their 5-base pair offset) remain present under all conditions tested. However, there are changes in specific parts of the patterns. In very low salt, the intercore DNase I pattern is enhanced; even very small intercore bands can be detected. Staphylococcal nuclease intracore cleavage becomes prominent. Increasing salt enhances the large DNase I intracore bands and the frequency of spacer cleavage for both nucleases. Thus, yeast has a salt-dependent higher order structure: a chromatin fiber with a prominent spacer/core distinction in (physiological) salt; a fiber with a decreased distinction between spacer and core, i.e. a more uniform fiber, in very low salt. The salt-dependent bulk changes resemble single gene chromatin changes during gene expression and may provide a model for that process. Above bands 16.5-17.5, chicken and yeast intercore patterns are coincident. Thus, at least a fraction of chicken chromatin has discrete length spacers like yeast does. This fraction may be significant, for the prominence of the intercore pattern, and hence the apparent abundance of discrete spacers, can be significantly enhanced by digestion in very low salt. The major differences between the two chromatins are in the intracore/intercore transition region: the region is larger and more complex in chicken; ionic strength changes affect the chicken transition region more strongly. Since this region of the profile corresponds to digestion near the ends of the core, that part of the nucleosome must differ in structure and in conformational flexibility in the two chromatins.  相似文献   

S McGavin 《Bio Systems》1976,8(3):147-151
The relationship between chiral bias at the molecular and at higher levels of structural organisation is discussed. The discussion is based on observations made on collagen and in particular on elastoidin fibres.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that in rat and murine tissues glucosidase II (GII) is formed by two subunits, GIIalpha and GIIbeta, respectively, responsible for the catalytic activity and the retention of the enzyme in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To test this proposal we disrupted genes (gls2alpha(+) and gls2beta(+)) encoding GIIalpha and GIIbeta homologs in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Both mutant cells (gls2alpha and gls2beta) were completely devoid of GII activity in cell-free assays. Nevertheless, N-oligosaccharides formed in intact gls2alpha cells were identified as Glc(2)Man(9)GlcNAc(2) and Glc(2)Man(8)GlcNAc(2), whereas gls2beta cells formed, in addition, small amounts of Glc(1)Man(9)GlcNAc(2). It is suggested that this last compound was formed by GIIalpha transiently present in the ER. Monoglucosylated oligosaccharides facilitated glycoprotein folding in S. pombe as mutants, in which formation of monoglucosylated glycoproteins was completely (gls2alpha) or severely (gls2beta and UDP-Glc:glycoprotein:glucosyltransferase null) diminished, showed ER accumulation of misfolded glycoproteins when grown in the absence of exogenous stress as revealed by (a) induction of binding protein-encoding mRNA and (b) accumulation of glycoproteins bearing ER-specific oligosaccharides. Moreover, the same as in mammalian cell systems, formation of monoglucosylated oligosaccharides decreased the folding rate and increased the folding efficiency of glycoproteins as pulse-chase experiments revealed that carboxypeptidase Y arrived at a higher rate but in decreased amounts to the vacuoles of gls2alpha than to those of wild type cells.  相似文献   

The fibrosarcoma IC9 is deficient in the expression of the major histocompatibility complex class I genes Kb, Kk, and Dk and expresses only the Db molecule. Because class I deficiency may enable tumor cells to escape the immune response by cytotoxic T lymphocytes, we investigated why the class I genes are not expressed. Expression of the silent class I genes could not be induced, but all known DNA-binding factors specific for class I genes could be detected in nuclear extracts of IC9 cells. After cloning of the silent Kb gene from the IC9 cells and subsequent transfection of this cloned Kb gene into LTK- and IC9 cells, normal Kb antigens were expressed on the cell surface of both cell lines. Digestion of the chromatin of IC9 cells with micrococcal nuclease and DNase I showed a decreased nuclease sensitivity of the silent class I genes in comparison with active genes and the absence of DNase I hypersensitive sites in the promoter region of the silent Dk gene. These findings demonstrate that class I expression is turned off by a cis-acting regulatory mechanism at the level of the chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Many studies have investigated the possible impact of climate change on the distributions of plant species. In the present study, we test whether the concept of potential distribution is able to effectively predict the impact of climate warming on plant species.Using spatial simulation models, we related the actual (current species distribution), potential (modelled distribution assuming unlimited dispersal) and predicted (modelled distribution accounting for wind-limited seed dispersal) distributions of two plant species under several warming scenarios in the Sagarmatha National Park (Nepal). We found that the two predicted distributions were, respectively, seven and nine times smaller than the potential ones. Under a +3 °C scenario, both species would likely lose their actual and predicted distributions, while their potential distributions would remain partially safe. Our results emphasize that the predicted distributions of plant species may diverge to a great extent from their potential distributions, particularly in mountain areas, and predictions of species preservation in the face of climate warming based on the potential distributions of plant species are at risk of producing overoptimistic projections.We conclude that the concept of potential distribution is likely to lead to limited or inefficacious conservation of plant species due to its excessively optimistic projections of species preservation. More robust strategies should utilize concepts such as “optimal reintroduction”, which maximizes the benefit–cost ratio of conservation activities by limiting reintroduction efforts to suitable areas that could not otherwise be reached by a species; moreover, such strategies maximize the probability of species establishment by excluding areas that will be endangered under future climate scenarios.  相似文献   

The binding properties of a strain of Propionibacterium granulosum derived from human skin was investigated with reference to glycosphingolipids separated on thin layer chromatograms or coated in microtiter wells using externally (125I) and metabolically [( 35S]methionine) labeled bacteria. Binding was found to lactosylceramide (LacCer; Gal beta 1-4Glc beta 1-Cer) but not to glycolipids lacking the lactose sequence (i.e. Glc beta 1-Cer, Gal beta 1-Cer or Gal alpha 1-4Gal beta 1-Cer). In microtiter wells, binding occurred at 50 ng and became half-maximal at the theoretical value for a monomolecular layer of LacCer (i.e. 100-200 ng/well). The bacteria also bound to glycolipids with various substitutions (e.g. GalNAc beta 1-4, Gal beta 1-3GalNAc beta 1-4, Fuc alpha 1-2Gal beta 1-3GalNAc beta 1-4, Gal alpha 1-3, GlcNAc beta 1-3, Gal beta 1-3GlcNAc beta 1-3, Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3, and Gal beta 1-3(Fuc alpha 1-4)GlcNAc beta 1-3) at the Gal of LacCer, although only those species with GalNAc beta 1-4 or Gal beta 1-3GalNAc beta 1-4 were as active as LacCer itself. Glycolipids with other additions (e.g. Gal alpha 1-4 and NeuAc alpha 2-3) were negative. For unsubstituted LacCer, the binding required either a trihydroxy base or 2-hydroxy fatty acid, specifying the epithelial type of ceramide; LacCer composed of a dihydroxy base and nonhydroxy fatty acid was negative. This is interpreted as indicating that the proper presentation of the binding epitope depends on the ceramide structure. The relevance of this to biological membranes has not yet been established. Neither free lactose (up to 20 mg/ml) nor lactose-bovine serum albumin (5 mg/ml) prevented the binding of bacteria to LacCer, two facts that support the solid-phase binding data demonstrating a low affinity binding and the crucial importance of a particular lactose epitope.  相似文献   

A G Harford  C I Zuchowski 《Cell》1977,11(2):389-394
Sucrose gradient analysis of DNA isolated from detergent-pronase lysates of adult flies has been used to look for ribosomal genes not integrated into the DNA of the chromosome in genotypes containing various combinations of inversions having breakpoints in the proximal heterochromatin of the X chromosome. Unintegrated genes are found in females heterozygous for inversions which have one breakpoint between the nucleolus organizer and the centromere. Homozygotes and males do not have unintegrated genes. The results suggest that unintegrated ribosomal genes result from an interaction between homologues having different arrangements of the proximal heterochromatin. In addition, data from a series of stocks carrying duplications of the X heterochromatin provide independent evidence for the size of the DNA on our gradients.  相似文献   

P Nacharaju  A S Acharya 《Biochemistry》1992,31(50):12673-12679
The site selectivity of nonenzymic glycation of proteins has been suggested to be a consequence of the Amadori rearrangement activity of the protein at the respective glycation sites [Acharya, A. S., Roy, R. P., & Dorai, B. (1991) J. Protein Chem. 10, 345-358]. The catalytic activity that determines the potential of a site for nonenzymic glycation is the propensity of its microenvironment to isomerize the protein bound aldose (aldimine) to a protein bound ketose (ketoamine). The catalytic power of the microenvironment of the glycation sites could be endowed to them either by the amino acid sequence (nearest-neighbor linear effects) or by the higher order structure (tertiary/quarternary) of the protein (nearest-neighbor three-dimensional effect). In an attempt to resolve between these two structural concepts, the glycation potential of Val-1(alpha) and Lys-16(alpha), the residues of hemoglobin A exhibiting the least and the highest isomerization activity in the tetramer, respectively, has been compared in the segment alpha 1-30, isolated alpha-chain, and the tetramer. When alpha-chain is used as the substrate for the nonenzymic glycation, the influence of the quaternary structure of the tetramer will be absent. Similarly, the contribution of the tertiary and quaternary structure of the protein will be absent when alpha 1-30 is used as the substrate. The microenvironment of Lys-16(alpha) exhibited hardly any Amadori rearrangement activity in the segment alpha 1-30. The tertiary structure of the alpha-chain induces a considerable degree of catalytic activity to the microenvironment of Lys-16(alpha) to isomerize the aldimine adduct at this site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Salinity remarkably inhibits NO3 - uptake but the mechanisms are not well understood. This study was addressed to elucidate the role of ionic and osmotic components of salinity on NO3 - influx and efflux employing classic kinetics involving a low affinity transport system (LATS) and a high affinity transport system (HATS). In the presence of KCl, NaCl, and Na2SO4 at 100 mM concentrations, in both LATS and HATS, Michaelis constant (Km) was similar for the three salts and maximum rate (Vmax) decreased as follows: KCl > NaCl > Na2SO4, compared to control indicating a non-competitive interaction with NO3 -. Unexpectedly, iso-osmotic solutions (osmotic potential Ψπ = -0.450) of polyethylene glycol (PEG, 17.84 %, v/v) and mannitol (100 mM) remarkably increased Km in both the LATS and the HATS, but Vmax did not change indicating a competitive inhibition. Under the PEG and mannitol treatments, Km and Vmax were higher than under the salt treatments. The salts increased slightly NO3 - efflux in the following order KCl > NaCl > Na2SO4. In contrast, mannitol strongly stimulated and the PEG inhibited NO3 - efflux. The obtained data reveal that salinity effects were not dependent on the anion type (Cl- versus SO4 2-) indicating a non-competitive inhibition mechanism between Cl- and NO3 -. In contrast, the cation types (K+ versus Na+) had a pronounced effect. The osmotic component is important to net NO3 - uptake affecting remarkably the influx in both LATS and HATS components of cowpea roots.  相似文献   

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