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The two forms of the approximately 90-kDa murine heat shock protein, referred to as HSP86 and HSP84, are coded for by separate but related genes. A full-length nucleotide sequence of the cDNA coding for HSP86 from a chemically induced tumor, Meth A, was determined. Sequences from a number of peptides from HSP86 were found to be in complete agreement with the nucleotide sequence. The HSP84 sequence from the same tumor was also completed. HSP86 and HSP84 are acidic polypeptides 733 and 724 amino acids long with calculated molecular weights of 84,796 and 83,290, respectively. The two proteins are 86% homologous. HSP86 was found to contain internal peptide repeats of Glu-Lys-Glu within a region of highly charged amino acid residues. The coding regions of the cDNAs were 76% homologous; however, this homology did not extend to the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions. The 5'-untranslated region of hsp86 cDNA was considerably longer than that of hsp84 cDNA and, unlike that of hsp84, contained extraneous ATG triplets. Hsp86-related sequences were assigned to chromosomes 12, 11, and 3. An evolutionary tree constructed from HSP90-related protein sequences indicated that HSP86 and HSP84 were likely to have diverged more than 500 million years ago. The findings presented herein suggest that HSP86 and HSP84 may have different functions.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, HSP90 is associated with several protein kinases and regulates their activities. HSP90 was also reported to possess an autophosphorylase activity. In this study, we examined in vitro autophosphorylation of HSP90, which was purified from chick muscle. We show that HSP90 was not phosphorylated in vitro, but an 84-kDa protein (p84) was highly phosphorylated. P84 was neither HSP90 nor its degradative product, as it was not detected by an antibody (BF4) specific to HSP90 in denaturing immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis. Phosphorylation of a protein similar to p84 was also detected with purified human brain and HeLa HSP90, indicating that p84 is present in many different types of cells. P84 appeared to exist as large complexes, as determined by HPLC and native gel electrophoresis. Native immunoprecipitation using anti-HSP90 (BF4)-conjugated Affi-gel revealed that this phosphoprotein is specifically associated with HSP90. The interaction of p84 and HSP90 was not affected by p84 phosphorylation. In addition, p84 phosphorylation was prevented by the presence of divalent cations such as Mg(2+) and Mn(2+). In contrast, p84 phosphorylation was significantly activated by addition of exogenous Ca(2+) between 100 and 500 microM, although it was blocked by higher concentrations (>1 mM) of Ca(2+). HSP90, but not p84, could be phosphorylated by casein kinase II. Finally, p84 phosphorylation was specifically prevented by hemin, but not by other kinase inhibitors, indicating that p84 phosphorylation may be regulated by heme-regulated protein kinase.  相似文献   

In this study a model system for expression of the chicken progesterone receptor in cultured cells was developed using a quail fibroblast cell line, QT6. The chicken progesterone receptor form A expressed in QT6 cells was evaluated and determined to have a number of similarities to receptor isolated from chicken oviduct. These include hormone binding, sedimentation profile, phosphorylation pattern, heat shock protein (hsp) 70 and hsp90 associations and the ability to stimulate a reporter gene construct. Therefore, the receptor expressed in this system functioned adequately for further evaluation of the particular region (or regions) involved in hsp70 and hsp90 binding. Several receptor deletion mutants were tested for hsp70/hsp90 binding; only the d369-659 mutant, which has the entire steroid-binding domain deleted, was unable to bind hsp90 and hsp70. Three separate regions of the steroid-binding domain were found to partially restore hsp90 and hsp70 binding to the d369-659 mutant protein. However, hsp binding was not abolished when these or other regions of the steroid binding domain were deleted individually. These findings indicate that hsp90 and hsp70 both bind to the steroid-binding domain of the receptor through interactions at multiple locations or through some structural quality that is distributed throughout this region of the protein.  相似文献   

When murine mastocytoma cells (FMA 1) were heat shocked (42 degrees C for 4 h), nine heat shock proteins (HSPs) were detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Their apparent molecular weights were 100, 85, 69, 68, 32, 30, and 23 kDa (3 of 23 kDa). The structural homology of 4, 69, 68, 32, and 30 kDa, was demonstrated by two-dimensional tryptic peptide mapping. The 69- and 68-kDa HSPs were purified and rabbit antisera against these HSPs were prepared. A small fraction (less than 10%) of the 69- and 68-kDa HSPs were copurified with the microtubules and were present in the Triton X-100/KCl cytoskeletal fraction as shown by immunoblotting with the antiserum and by peptide mapping. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis of a cytoskeletal role for HSPs.  相似文献   

Aging affects expression of 70-kDa heat shock proteins in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the effect of cellular aging on adult mortality and hsp70 gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster under thermal stress. The results showed that flies exposed to 37 degrees C for various time intervals had reduced survival rate with age. The level of hsp70 mRNA increases in flies up to 23-28 days of age, but then declines as they get older. When flies are shifted to 25 degrees C after 30 min of heat stress, the time-dependent decrease in hsp70 mRNA levels occurs more rapidly in young flies than in old ones. The hsp70 mRNA present during this recovery period is translated into protein, and senescent flies continue to synthesize this protein for up to 5 h after heat shock. The prolonged expression of hsp70 RNA during recovery from heat shock was also observed in young flies fed canavanine, an arginine analogue. These data suggest that in old insects, the accumulation of conformationally altered proteins plays a role in the regulation of hsp70 RNA expression. These results are discussed in relation to the finding that old flies are more sensitive to thermal stress than young ones.  相似文献   

The 70-kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp70s) are highly conserved ATP-dependent molecular chaperones composed of an N-terminal nucleotide binding domain (NBD) and a C-terminal protein substrate binding domain (SBD) in a bilobate structure. Interdomain communication and nucleotide-dependent structural motions are critical for Hsp70 chaperone functions. Our understanding of these functions remains elusive due to insufficient structural information on intact Hsp70s that represent the different states of the chaperone cycle. We report here the crystal structures of DnaK from Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426 bound with ADP-Mg(2+)-P(i) at 2.37A and the 70-kDa heat shock cognate protein from Rattus norvegicus bound with ADP-P(i) at 3.5A(.) The NBD and SBD in these structures are significantly separated from each other, and they might depict the ADP-bound conformation. Moreover, a Trp reporter was introduced at the potential interface region between NBD and the interdomain linker of GkDnaK to probe environmental changes. Results from fluorescence measurements support the notion that substrate binding enhances the domain-disjoining behavior of Hsp70 chaperones.  相似文献   

70 kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp70s) act as molecular chaperones involved in essential cellular processes such as protein folding and protein transport across membranes. They also play a role in the cell’s response to a wide range of stress conditions. The Arabidopsis family of Hsp70s homologues includes two highly conserved proteins, cpHsc70-1 and cpHsc70-2 which are both imported into chloroplasts (Su and Li in Plant Physiol 146:1231–1241, 2008). Here, we demonstrate that YFP-fusion proteins of both cpHsc70-1 and cpHsc70-2 are predominantly stromal, though low levels were detected in the thylakoid membrane. Both genes are ubiquitously expressed at high levels in both seedlings and adult plants. We further show that both cpHsc70-1 and cpHsc70-2 harbour ATPase activity which is essential for Hsp70 chaperone activity. A previously described T-DNA insertion line for cpHsc70-1 (ΔcpHsc70-1) has variegated cotyledons, malformed leaves, growth retardation, impaired root growth and sensitivity to heat shock treatment. In addition, under stress conditions, this mutant also exhibits unusual sepals, and malformed flowers and sucrose concentrations as low as 1% significantly impair growth. cpHsc70-1/cpHsc70-2 double-mutants are lethal. However, we demonstrate through co-suppression and artificial microRNA (amiRNA) approaches that transgenic plants with severely reduced levels of both genes have a white and stunted phenotype. Interestingly, chloroplasts in these plants have an unusual morphology and contain few or no thylakoid membranes. Our data show that cpHsc70-1 and cpHsc70-2 are essential ATPases, have overlapping roles and are required for normal plastid structure.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are immunodominant antigens recognized by the host immune system in various infectious diseases. We analyzed HSP-specific antibodies, including immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgM and IgA, in sera from malaria patients in Thailand by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. All of the antibodies to HSP90 were remarkably increased in the patients compared with those in controls, while only IgM to HSP70 or IgA to HSP65 was significantly elevated. Further experiments showed that anti-HSP IgG was significantly increased in C57BL/6 mice infected with a non-lethal strain of Plasmodium yoelii, with anti-HSP90 IgG being the most elevated. These results suggest that the antigenic potential of HSP90 is higher than those of HSP70 and HSP65 in malaria infection.  相似文献   

Heat shock and the heat shock proteins.   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文

A genetic analysis of heat shock protein (HSP) synthesis was performed in seedling leaf tissue of two maize inbred lines, their F1 hybrid and F2 progeny. Protein synthesis following a high temperature treatment was visualized by [35S]-methionine in vivo labelling and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The parental lines' HSP synthesis patterns revealed both qualitative and quantitative polymorphisms implicative of differences in HSP structural genes and regulatory factors. The F1 hybrid HSP profile indicated that synthesis of all parental HSPs conformed to dominant inheritance patterns, including complete dominance, over-dominance and co-dominance. Alleles for six low-molecularweight HSPs in F2 progeny assorted according to typical 31 Mendelian ratios for dominant gene expression. There is evidence for unlinked gene loci of four different HSP gene pairs, but data for three other HSP gene pairs were inconclusive, perhaps reflecting linkage for one pair and complex regulatory factor interactions for the other two pairs of genes. These results clearly indicate the existence of genetic variability in HSP synthesis and emphasize the potential of partitioning their roles in thermal tolerance using genetic and molecular analyses.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Gao B  Tsan MF 《Cytokine》2005,32(3-4):149-154
There has been considerable interest in the effect of heat shock proteins (HSPs) on the innate immune system. Whether HSPs have any direct effects on the activation of lymphocytes is not clear. Using gene expression array, protein array and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we demonstrated that highly purified recombinant murine Hsp60 (rmHsp60), essentially free of lipopolysaccharide contamination, had no effect in the expression of 113 cytokine genes and the release of 22 common cytokines including interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) by murine splenocytes. Likewise, recombinant human Hsp60 (rhHsp60) and rhHsp70 had no effect in the release of IFN-gamma and IL-2. In contrast, concanavalin A induced the expression of a number of cytokine genes and the release of IFN-gamma and IL-2. These results suggest that Hsp60 and Hsp70 do not induce cytokine production by murine splenocytes.  相似文献   

Four heat-resistant variants were isolated after treatment of Chinese hamster lung cells with the mutagen ethyl methane sulfonate, followed by a single-step selection procedure consisting in a severe hyperthermic treatment of 4 h at 44 degrees C. The isolated clones had a stable resistant phenotype for at least 150 generations during which they showed a 5,000-fold increased survival to a 4-h treatment at 44 degrees C when compared to wild-type cells. Comparative two-dimensional electrophoretic analyses of proteins revealed that, like induced thermotolerant wild-type cells (i.e., cells induced to a transient physiological state of thermotolerance by a sublethal heat conditioning treatment administered 18 h before), the heat-resistant variants had, at normal temperature, an increased content of a heat-shock protein with Mr of 27,000 (HSP27). In three of the four heat-resistant variants, the increased content of HSP27 was correlated with a two-fold increase in the constitutive level of the mRNA encoding HSP27. Chinese hamster HSP27 is composed of three species that differ in their relative isoelectric point, among which the two most acidic forms are phosphoproteins. In both the heat-resistant variant and wild-type cells, heat shock induces a rapid enhancement of the phosphorylation of HSP27: maximal phosphorylation occurs within 10 min upon changing the incubation temperature from 35 degrees to 44 degrees C. A concomitant shift in silver-staining intensity is rapidly detectable between the three isoforms, which seems to indicate that the two phosphorylated species represent post-translational modifications of the more basic species. It is concluded that most likely the enhanced expression of HSP27 is linked to the resistant phenotype of the variants. The study provides supporting evidence that both the content and phosphorylation status of HSP27 are determining factors in the ability of cells to survive hyperthermic treatments.  相似文献   

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