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Trine Bilde  Søren Toft 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):54-58
A method for quantifying food limitation of arthropod predators in the field is presented and applied to species of ground beetles (Carabidae) and sheet-web spiders (Linyphiidae) from a cereal field. Food limitation is expressed quantitatively as accumulated hunger (=starvation) by transforming 24-h food consumption at 20°C of animals newly collected in the field into days of starvation at 20°C. This is done by means of a reference curve relating 24-h food intake at 20°C to starvation periods (days) at 20°C. Such a reference curve was obtained for the carabid beetle Agonum dorsale in the laboratory. For other species the reference curve was modified with species-specific data. The procedure makes it possible to compare the feeding conditions of different species populations that are part of the same community. Hunger levels in the field for females of A.␣dorsale were equivalent to c. 15 days of starvation in early spring, c. 5 days in June, increasing to c. 10 days in late summer. Two ground beetles occurring during summer also showed increasing hunger levels from June to July, probably the result of a dry summer. Two spider species experienced a hunger level in the range of 4–8 days of starvation. Received: 15 August 1997 / Accepted: 22 January 1998  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2004,29(1):5-13
This paper describes field and laboratory time-lapse video analyses of the behavioral responses of the groups: Arachnida: Acari, Araneae, and Opiliones; Myriapoda: Chilopoda; Hymenoptera: Formicidae; Crustacea: Isopoda; and Coleoptera: Staphylinidae to live eggs of the brown blowfly, Calliphora stygia F. (Diptera: Calliphoridae), used as factitious prey in two contrasting agricultural field margins and in the laboratory. Field video results showed that predation by mites was greatest in tree-lined boundaries while centipede numbers and activity were greater in post-and-wire boundaries. All except Staphylinidae showed clear diurnal patterns of activity and egg predation rate over the 12 h recording period. Based on the number of eggs removed, number of eggs examined, predator numbers, and predator activity, three indices were formulated that allowed predator groups to be ranked according to their effectiveness as predators. Commensal interactions between the mites and harvestmen, mediated via mite-pierced eggs, were suggested from field data and confirmed in the laboratory. Phalangium opilio preferred to feed on both manually and mite-pierced compared with untreated eggs, but showed a stronger preference for manually pierced ones than mite-pierced, consuming six times as many over the same period. This is the first demonstration of a commensal interaction between two agroecosystem predators. If commensalism is common in agroecosystems it could increase the effectiveness of biological control. It may also need to be incorporated within theoretical models and may complicate the extrapolation of laboratory-based feeding studies to field situations.  相似文献   

Integrated pest management (IPM) programs emphasize the combination of tactics, such as chemical and biological control, to maintain pest populations below economic thresholds. Although combining tactics may provide better long-term sustainable pest suppression than one tactic alone, in many cases, insecticides and natural enemies are incompatible. Insecticides can disrupt natural enemies through lethal and sub-lethal means causing pest resurgence or secondary pest outbreaks. Legislative actions such as the Food Quality Protection Act (US) and the Directive on Sustainable Use of Pesticides (EU) have placed greater restrictions on insecticides used in agriculture, potentially enhancing biological control. Here we focus on the effects of insecticides on biological control, and potential mitigation measures that can operate at different scales. At the farm scale, natural enemies can be conserved through the use of selective insecticides, low doses, special formulations, creation of refugia, special application methods, and targeted applications (temporal or spatial). At the landscape scale, habitat quality and composition affect the magnitude of biological control services, and the degree of mitigation against the effects of pesticides on natural enemies. Current research is teasing apart the relative importance of local and landscape effects of pesticides on natural enemies and the ecosystem services they provide, and the further development of this area will ultimately inform the decisions of policy makers and land managers in terms of how to mitigate pesticide effects through habitat manipulation.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Disappearance of different amounts of aphid ingested by three species of polyphagous predators, the carabids Bembidion lampros (Herbst) and Nebria brevicollis (F.) and the staphylinid Philonthus cognatus Stephens, was monitored by a quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The effect on the rate of inactivation of prey antigens by the ingestion of subsequent, non-aphid food was also studied.
2. Antigen inactivation was significantly more rapid in the staphyilinid than in the carabids.
3. No statistically significant differences were found in the rate of antigen inactivation between beetles which consumed only aphids and those which were given a different type of food after feeding on aphids; the detection period was longer in the former groups. A higher proportion of beetles with low levels of aphid antigen were found earlier in the latter group.
4. The results did not unequivocally support the prediction derived from optimal digestion theory that beetles without continuous access to food would retain an initial meal longer than beetles with unlimited access.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Polyphagous predator densities were manipulated in a wheat crop using polythene exclusion barriers.
2. The rates at which aphids fell to the ground and subsequently climbed and returned to the crop canopy were measured.
3. Peak aphid density was highest when polyphagous predator density was lowest.
4. Similar rates of aphid fall-off were measured in each plot, but aphid climbing rate was highest when predator densities were lowest.
5. It was concluded that ground-zone predators reduced the rate at which aphids return to the crop canopy.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Life history parameters tend to differ between aphidophagous and coccidophagous ladybird beetles. It seems that the nature of prey, in particular the abundance, number and size of the colonies and their spatial distribution, may have been selected for the evolution of the life histories in these two groups of coccinellids, leading the aphidophagous ladybird beetles to develop at a fast pace and the coccidophagous beetles at a slower pace. To study the abundance, number and size of the colonies and the spatial distribution of aphid and coccid species, 100 sampling plots regularly spaced along four parallel transects were surveyed in the summer of 2004. At each sampling plot, species abundance, and the number and size of colonies of aphid and coccid species were recorded. Iwao's patchiness regression was used to assess the spatial distribution of aphids and coccids. From this study, it was found that coccids are much rarer than aphids but formed more colonies. Whereas aphids display a stonger tendency to crowding, aphid colonies are randomly distributed in space while coccid groups are aggregated. So, it seems that the abundance and spatial distribution of prey distribution may be factors selecting for the evolution of different life histories among aphidophagous and coccidophagous ladybird beetles.  相似文献   

Plant characteristics, such as leaf structure or hairiness, are important for the movement and attachment of insects. It has been suggested that increased trichome density on new Salix cinerea L. (Salicaceae) leaves, produced after grazing by the willow leaf beetle Phratora vulgatissima L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), function as an inducible defence against the beetle and especially its larvae. Here we studied whether and how two of the main natural enemies of P. vulgatissima, viz., Anthocoris nemorum L. (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) and Ortothylus marginalis L. (Heteroptera: Miridae), were influenced by trichome density on S. cinerea leaves. The effect of trichome density on these two predators was studied on plants with different trichome densities, comparing natural enemy efficiency, measured as number of P. vulgatissima eggs consumed or larvae missing and/or killed. To obtain different trichome densities, cuttings of several different clones of S. cinerea were used. In the experiment using eggs as prey, an increase in trichome density was, in addition, induced through leaf beetle defoliation on half of the plants of each willow clone. Furthermore, a field study was performed to investigate whether trichome density was correlated with natural enemy abundance. The results indicate that neither the efficiency of these two natural enemies in the greenhouse, nor their abundance in the field was influenced by trichome density. A well‐known behavioural difference between the two predator species could probably account for the higher disappearance of larvae after exposure to the more active predator. These findings are relevant for the development of pest management programs, not least because the enemies are polyphagous predators. It is concluded that an induced increase in leaf hairiness in willows in response to leaf beetle grazing could be a plant resistance trait worthy of further study in this system, because no negative effects on the main natural enemies were observed.  相似文献   

农业生态系统中天敌多样性的保护和维持是当前生物多样性科学研究中的薄弱环节。作者对江苏通州市1970’s后期到1980’s前期和近年(2003~2004)棉田中捕食性节肢动物的多样性作了比较研究。调查表明,1970’s后期到1980’s前期,通州市棉田生态系统中常见的捕食性节肢动物的主要优势种维持在10余种。2003~2004年,在同一区域,采用相同的方法进行调查。结果表明,棉田的天敌物种多样性锐减,仅有龟纹瓢虫、草间小黑蛛等少数几类天敌。对棉田天敌的物种多样性锐减的原因作了初步的定性分析。  相似文献   

The consumption rates of nine species of Carabidae and five species of Staphylinidae which feed on the aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) were studied under conditions of surplus food in the laboratory. The mean daily consumption of aphids was between 2.5% and 45.6% of the predator species' mean body weight; the lowest values were for large Carabidae and the highest for small Staphylinidae. Separate significant positive relationships were found between the mean total weight of aphids consumed per day, and the mean weight of the adult of the carabid and staphylinid species at each temperature. A re-evaluation of published data also showed this. The slopes of the regression lines were steeper for the Staphylinidae than for the Carabidae and possible reasons are given. The regression equations could be used in simulation models to determine the maximum possible effects of these beetles on aphid populations.
Résumé La consommation de Sitobion avenae F. par 9 espèces de Carabidae et de 5 de Staphylinidae a été examinée au laboratoire en condition de surapprovisionnement. Les expériences ont été répétées dans 4 conditions de températures variables caractérisées par des moyennes de 12°3, 16°6, 20°6 et 23°6. Les poids moyens de pucerons consommés variaient entre 2,5% et 45,6% du poids des prédateurs; les valeurs les plus faibles correspondant aux gros carabes et les plus élévées aux petits staphylins.Les différences entre sexes étaient vraisemblablement dues au dimorphisme pondéral. Une relation significative et positive entre le poids moyen de pucerons consommés et le poids moyen du coléoptère a été mise en évidence tant pour les carabes que les staphylins à toutes les températures (Fig. 1, Tableau 2). Cette relation ressort aussi d'une réévaluation des données publiées. L'utilisation de formules de régression dans des modèles de simulation permettra de prédire les effets des carabes et des staphylins sur les populations de pucerons dans ces conditions optimales.

Non-consumptive effects (NCEs) of predators on prey can be as strong as consumptive effects (CEs) and may be driven by numerous mechanisms, including predator characteristics. Previous work has highlighted the importance of predator characteristics in predicting NCEs, but has not addressed how complex life histories of prey could mediate predator NCEs. We conducted a meta-analysis to compare the effects of predator gape limitation (gape limited or not) and hunting mode (active or sit-and-pursue) on the activity, larval period, and size at metamorphosis of larval aquatic amphibians and invertebrates. Larval prey tended to reduce their activity and require more time to reach metamorphosis in the presence of all predator functional groups, but the responses did not differ from zero. Prey metamorphosed at smaller size in response to non-gape-limited, active predators, but counter to expectations, prey metamorphosed larger when confronted by non-gape-limited, sit-and-pursue predators. These results indicate NCEs on larval prey life history can be strongly influenced by predator functional characteristics. More broadly, our results suggest that understanding predator NCEs would benefit from greater consideration of how prey life history attributes mediate population and community-level outcomes.  相似文献   

There are many reasons why it is important that we find ways to conserve, and better utilize natural enemies of invertebrate crop pests. Currently, measures of natural enemy impact are rarely incorporated into studies that purport to examine pest control. Most studies examine pest and natural enemy presence and/or abundance and then qualitatively infer impact. While this provides useful data to address a range of ecological questions, a measure of impact is critical for guiding pest management decision‐making. Often some very simple techniques can be used to obtain an estimate of natural enemy impact. We present examples of field‐based studies that have used cages, barriers to restrict natural enemy or prey movement, direct observation of natural enemy attack, and sentinel prey items to estimate mortality. The measure of natural enemy impact used in each study needs to be tailored to the needs of farmers and the specific pest problems they face. For example, the magnitude of mortality attributed to natural enemies may be less important than the timing and consistency of that mortality between seasons. Tailoring impact assessments will lead to research outcomes that do not simply provide general information about how to conserve natural enemies, but how to use these natural enemies as an integral part of decision‐making.  相似文献   

Summary Current evidence suggests that many animals trade off energy gain against the risk of predation while feeding. In contrast, energetic considerations alone have proven successful in explaining and predicting the behaviour of feeding hummingbirds. This success may reflect the relative lack of natural predation on hummingbirds, but this study suggests that it may additionally reflect the lack of studies taking a predation perspective. In particular, when Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna) are faced with an obstructed view of their surroundings, they engage in behaviour suggestive of anti-predatory vigilance. In doing so, they voluntarily reduce their rate of energy intake. These birds also forgo better feeding opportunities that occur close to the ground, where observations suggest they are wary of opportunistic predators such as roadrunners (Geococcys californianus). While energy-based concepts will remain useful in the study of hummingbird feeding behaviour, the lack of predation on these birds should not be equated with an insensitivity to the risk of predation. This realization may lead to further insights into hummingbird-plant interactions, and hummingbird biology in general.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in relative abundance and biomass of nektonic predators were analysed on the eastern Patagonian Shelf and continental slope; one of the most productive large marine ecosystems of the southern hemisphere. Several migratory types were revealed for species belonging to either temperate or sub-Antarctic faunas. Despite high productivity, only a few large nektonic predators spend their entire life cycle on the eastern Patagonian Shelf and use only a small proportion of the meso-nektonic resource. Most of the resource is exploited by non-resident nektonic migrants, which move to the area from distant spawning grounds. Pelagic and demersal sharks and skates, the squid Illex argentinus, tunas and gadoids migrate to the eastern part of the Patagonian Shelf to feed at different times of the year; arriving in seasonal waves according to their life cycle and spawning seasonality. Some deepwater fishes and squid migrate onto the shelf as juveniles to harvest the resource, and then return to deepwater habitat as adults. It is hypothesized that the large biomass of meso-planktonic and meso-nektonic consumers prevents most higher-trophic level predators from establishing spawning populations in this area, as their larvae and fry would be overwhelmed by predation. Instead, the higher-trophic level predators establish spawning and nursery grounds elsewhere and arrive to feed on the meso-planktonic and meso-nektonic resources after they have outgrown their own stages of predation vulnerability.  相似文献   



If biology is modular then clusters, or communities, of proteins derived using only protein interaction network structure should define protein modules with similar biological roles. We investigate the link between biological modules and network communities in yeast and its relationship to the scale at which we probe the network.  相似文献   

不同尺度下城市景观综合指数的空间变异特征研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
在GIS与RS技术支持下,采用5 m分辨率的SPOT遥感图像数据,从城市土地利用角度,利用半变异函数对不同尺度的景观多样性、聚集度与分维数的空间变异进行了定量分析.结果表明,不同尺度下3种指数的空间变异具有相似特征,各个尺度上都具有空间依赖性,尺度越小,空间依赖性越大,空间变异的细节更显著,空间自相关性对总体变异的贡献逐渐增加,但尺度过小,有时会破坏景观内部结构.不同指数的半变异函数模型在相同尺度上差异显著,说明不同景观指数在不同尺度下的半变异函数模型不具可比性.就研究上海市内部土地利用结构而言,1 km的幅度是较合适的空间尺度.景观指数空间变异特征是尺度的函数,尺度对景观格局的影响不能忽视.景观综合指数对尺度响应的生态过程揭示了上海城市空间结构的规律性:在小尺度上的复杂无规律性,中尺度上的多中心性和大尺度上的圈层结构性,但各个尺度是相互依赖的,没有绝对界限.  相似文献   

Herbivorous insects use highly specific volatiles or blends of volatiles characteristic to particular plant species to locate their host plants. Thus, data on olfactory preferences can be valuable in developing integrated pest management tools that deal with manipulation of pest insect behaviour. We examined host plant odour preferences of the tomato leafminer, Liriomyza bryoniae (Kaltenbach) (Diptera: Agromyzidae), which is an economically important agricultural pest widespread throughout Europe. The odour preferences of leafminers were tested in dependence of feeding experiences. We ranked host plant odours by their appeal to L. bryoniae based on two‐choice tests using a Y‐tube olfactometer with five host plants: tomato, Solanum lycopersicum Mill.; bittersweet, Solanum dulcamara L.; downy ground‐cherry, Physalis pubescens L. (all Solanaceae); white goosefoot, Chenopodium album L. (Chenopodiaceae); and dead nettle, Lamium album L. (Lamiaceae). The results imply that ranking of host plant odours by their attractiveness to L. bryoniae is complicated due to the influence of larval and adult feeding experiences. Without any feeding experience as an adult, L. bryoniae males showed a preference for the airflow with host plant odour vs. pure air, whereas females did not display a preference. Further tests revealed that adult feeding experience can alter the odour choice of L. bryoniae females. After feeding experience, females showed a preference for host plant odour vs. pure air. Feeding experience in the larval stage influenced the choice by adults of both sexes: for males as well as females reared on bittersweet the odour of that plant was the most attractive. Thus, host feeding experience both in larval and/or adult stage of polyphagous tomato leafminer L. bryoniae influences host plant odour preference by adults.  相似文献   

The winter distributions of a range of polyphagous predators were investigated in relation to field boundary structure. The distribution of Demetrias atricapillus was significantly positively correlated with the density of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) tussocks, and Forficula auricularia and Tachyporus chrysomelinus were significantly positively correlated with percentage cover of deciduous leaf litter, However, although densities of predators varied significantly between field boundaries, no further relationships were identified to explain the observed predator distribution patterns. It is suggested that detailed intensive investigations rather than the extensive approaches of the present study, are required to address questions relating to successful over wintering and selection of over wintering site.  相似文献   

Within- and between-host disease processes occur on the same timescales, therefore changes in the within-host dynamics of parasites, resources, and immunity can interact with changes in the epidemiological dynamics to affect evolutionary outcomes. Consequently, studies of the evolution of disease life histories, that is, infection-age-specific patterns of transmission and virulence, have been constrained by the need for a mechanistic understanding of within-host disease dynamics. In a companion paper (Day et al. 2011), we develop a novel approach that quantifies the relevant within-host aspects of disease through genetic covariance functions. Here, we demonstrate how to apply this theory to data. Using two previously published datasets from rodent malaria infections, we show how to translate experimental measures into disease life-history traits, and how to quantify the covariance in these traits. Our results show how patterns of covariance can interact with epidemiological dynamics to affect evolutionary predictions for disease life history. We also find that the selective constraints on disease life-history evolution can vary qualitatively, and that "simple" virulence-transmission trade-offs that are often the subject of experimental investigation can be obscured by trade-offs within one trait alone. Finally, we highlight the type and quality of data required for future applications.  相似文献   

A significant goal of recent theoretical research on pathogen evolution has been to develop theory that bridges within- and between-host dynamics. The main approach used to date is one that nests within-host models of pathogen replication in models for the between-host spread of infectious diseases. Although this provides an elegant approach, it nevertheless suffers from some practical difficulties. In particular, the information required to satisfactorily model the mechanistic details of the within-host dynamics is not often available. Here, we present a theoretical approach that circumvents these difficulties by quantifying the relevant within-host factors in an empirically tractable way. The approach is closely related to quantitative genetic models for function-valued traits, and it also allows for the prediction of general characteristics of disease life history, including the timing of virulence, transmission, and host recovery. In a companion paper, we illustrate the approach by applying it to data from a model system of malaria.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Over 3400 larvae of the polyphagous ground dwelling arctiid Grammia geneura were sampled and reared over seven generations in order to characterise its parasitoid assemblage and examine how and why this assemblage varies over time and space at a variety of scales.
2. The total parasitoid assemblage of 14 species was dominated both in diversity and frequency by relatively polyphagous tachinid flies.
3. Both the composition of the parasitoid assemblage and frequency of parasitism varied strikingly among and within sampling sites, seasons, and years.
4. Overall rates of parasitism increased consistently over the duration of caterpillar development.
5. Within sampling sites, parasitism rates were non-random with respect to habitat structure and caterpillar behaviour for the most abundant parasitoid species.
6. The large variability in parasitoid assemblage structure over space and time in this system may be a function of local host population abundance, habitat-specific parasitism, and indirect interactions between G. geneura and other Macrolepidoptera through shared oligophagous and polyphagous parasitoids.  相似文献   

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