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Four children with an immunodeficiency involving the absence of leukocyte membrane glycoproteins reacting with anti-LFA-1 and OKM-1 monoclonal antibodies were unable to mediate adherence-dependent leukocyte functions. Even with normal Fc receptor function, their PMN-ADCC and MC-NKC were markedly deficient. Single cell analysis demonstrated deficient antibody-mediated PMN-target cell adherence. Monoclonal antibodies against LFA-1 and OKM-1 reproduced this immunodeficiency in leukocytes from normal adults. LFA-1/OKM-1 mediates a PMN-target cell adhesive step.  相似文献   

Summary Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) mediated by peripheral blood monocytes was determined in 120 patients who had gastrointestinal tract (GIT), lung and breast cancer, melanoma, or Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Results were expressed in terms of maximum cytotoxicity and cytotoxicity at E : T=1 : 10 and were compared with the results obtained in 63 normal subjects. There was a significant decrease in maximal cytotoxicity for both the GIT cancer and the melanoma patient groups, but not for any of the other groups. These differences were not confirmed when results were expressed at low effector: target cell ratios, e.g., cytotoxicity at E : T=1 : 10. The relationship between monocyte ADCC and disease extent was examined in those groups with sufficient numbers. Monocyte ADCC was higher in patients with GIT cancer of limited extent than in patients with extensive GIT cancer and in the control group.  相似文献   

Interferon derived from virus-infected human leukocytes or fibroblasts was found to enhance spontaneous and antibody-dependent lymphocyte cytotoxicity against human target cell lines in vitro. The greater enhancement occurred with spontaneous lymphocyte cytotoxicity. Interferon exerted its effect directly on lymphocytes; no effect on target cells was seen. The mechanism of enhancement was unclear: It did not reflect antibody production or lymphocyte proliferation. Enhancement appeared to be immunologically nonspecific, but clarification of this effect awaits further study.  相似文献   

The effect of Parotis virus on antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity in vitro (ADCC) of human lymphocytes was investigated in a 51Cr-release assay and, at the effector cell level, in an ADCC plaque assay. Target cells were bovine or chicken erythrocytes, which are not susceptible to natural cytotoxicity (NK) of human lymphocytes. They were not killed when incubated with virus-treated lymphocytes in the absence of antibodies. Treatment of the lymphocytes or the target cells with small amounts of virus, however, resulted in a very significant enhancement of ADCC. The same results were obtained with live or UV-inactivated virus, suggesting that enhancement was a passive phenomenon not requiring infection. Enhancement was already significant after 3 hr of incubation, indicating that it was independent of endogenously released interferon. Enhancement of ADCC by virus was due to effector cell recruitment rather than due to the increase of the cytotoxic potential of the individual K cell. The highest frequency of effector cells was present in Percoll fractions enriched in large granular lymphocytes (LGL). Virus treatment resulted in recruitment of effector cells carrying T cell markers such as the T3 antigen (OKT3+), receptors for sheep erythrocytes, or Fc receptors for IgM. In contrast, the absolute number of K cells carrying the HNK-1 marker (Leu-7) or receptors for C3 fragments was not changed by the virus. It is concluded that Parotis virus enhances ADCC by improving effector cell-target cell contacts, resulting in recruitment of effector cells with T cell characteristics. Recruitment is accompanied by a significant reduction of the antibody concentration needed for ADCC induction. This virus-mediated enhancement of ADCC may be of importance for protection of the host in the early phases of a virus infection in which the amounts of anti-viral IgG antibodies capable of inducing cellular cytotoxicity may yet be very small.  相似文献   

Summary Natural killer (NK) cell activity and antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) was measured in 62 untreated cervical carcinoma patients and 25 normal healthy women, using a short-term chromium release assay. A significant reduction in NK and ADCC activity was observed in disseminated disease than in localized disease, when compared with normal donors. The majority of the patients received radiotherapy and both NK and ADCC activity recovered after therapy. Furthermore, interferon- was demonstrated to augment NK activity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors as well as patients. Also large granular lymphocytes separated on Percoll density gradient were the same in number in both the populations studied, although in cervical cancer there seemed to be a defect in killing activity.  相似文献   

Xenogeneic antiserum (RH1) was prepared in Lewis rats by hyperimmunization with concanavalin A- (Con A) activated alloimmune human lymphocytes. The antiserum RH1 effectively inhibited human antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CMC), and natural killing (NK) in the absence of complement (C). Inhibition by RH1 was dependent on the dilution of antiserum employed and the number of cytotoxic lymphocytes present during cytolysis. Pretreatment of lymphocytes with RH1 or the presence of RH1 in culture did not inhibit lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by Con A, phytohemagglutinin, or allogeneic cells; lymphokine production as measured by leukocyte-inhibiting factor production; antibody-dependent C lysis; or CMC mediated by murine cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Analysis of the mechanism of inhibition of cytotoxicity by RH1 revealed that 1) RH1 was not cytotoxic for human lymphocytes at 37 degrees C in the absence of C; 2) purified F(ab')2 fragments were equally inhibitory as whole serum; 3) pretreatment of lymphocytes with RH1 effectively inhibited their capacity to mediate ADCC, CMC, or NK, and this effect was reversible by culturing the cells overnight at 37 degrees C; 4) RH1 did not inhibit target cell binding by K cells, effector cells of ADCC, or alloimmune T cells, but did inhibit binding by NK cells; and finally, 5) the addition of RH1 to preformed lymphocyte-target conjugates in a single cell cytotoxicity assay inhibited killing of the bound target cells in all three systems without disrupting the conjugates. Collectively, these findings suggest that RH1 antiserum interacts with structures present on the surfaces of cytotoxic lymphocytes that are involved in the activation of the lytic mechanism(s) or with the actual lytic molecule or molecules themselves. Furthermore, the ability of RH1 to inhibit ADCC, CMC, and NK during the post-binding cytolytic phase of these reactions indicates that binding and cytolysis are distinct and separate events in all types of cell-mediated cytolysis.  相似文献   

NK cells, CD3- large granular lymphocytes, have diverse means by which they lyse targets, including antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. The low affinity receptor for the Fc portion of Ig (Fc gamma RIIIA), like the TCR, is a multimeric receptor complex coupled to a protein tyrosine kinase. In the present study, we observed that inhibition of tyrosine kinase activity by herbimycin A interferes with receptor-mediated phosphorylation of a variety of substrates and mobilization of intracellular calcium. Fc gamma RIIIA induced IL-2R alpha-chain expression was also extremely sensitive to herbimycin A as was antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, in fact more so than receptor-mediated phosphorylation and calcium mobilization. In contrast to Fc gamma RIIIA, the surface molecules and biochemical mechanisms involved in NK cytotoxicity and lymphokine-activated killing are not well characterized. Interestingly, however, herbimycin A also blocks these modes of cytolysis, implicating a role for tyrosine kinase function in these processes. Whether FcR-mediated signaling and receptor-mediated signaling involved in NK activity share specific biochemical intermediates is not known, but the involvement of tyrosine kinase function in the latter means of cytotoxicity may provide novel avenues for understanding the biochemical basis of this perplexing cellular function.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in three lymphoma cell lines has been studied following cytotoxicity induced in vitro by normal human blood lymphocytes utilizing either natural killer (NK) or antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic (ADCC) mechanisms. Guinea-pig L2C leukaemic lymphocytes, but not the human cell lines Daudi and Jurkat, revealed a degree of time- and temperature-dependent apoptotic death upon simple culture in vitro. NK cytotoxicity at low effector: target ratios (E: T) induced both release of51Cr and apoptosis. However NK cytotoxicity at higher E : T, and ADCC at all E : T, increased the level of51Cr release while reducing the level of apoptosis. The findings were consistent with the apoptotic process being cut short by intervention of necrotic death. The same characteristics accompanied ADCC whether the effectors were recruited by Fc regions of antibody coating the targets, or by bispecific antibodies attaching one arm to the targets and the other to Fc receptors type III on effectors. This finding, and the high level of cytotoxicity elicited by the bispecific method, confirm the belief that NK cells, in addition to exerting NK cytotoxicity, represent the principal effectors for ADCC among blood mononuclear cells. Our results suggest that NK cells have both apoptotic and necrotic mechanisms available for killing their targets, but use only the latter for ADCC.  相似文献   

Summary Low natural killer (NK) cell activity against the K-562 leukemia cell line was observed in patients with acute leukemia in the early stages of remission, i.e., 2–4 months (11.3%±7.95% specific target cell lysis). This parameter was found to be normal among leukemia patients after a longer time in remission (19.53%±7.55%) when compared with healthy donors (18.46%±12.98%). A similar pattern of activity was observed in studies of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytolysis (ADCC) to the CEM lymphoid tumor cell line in the same group (37.58%±12.4% vs. 51%±6.79% specific target cell lysis).ADCC to chicken red blood cells (CRBC) and to human red blood cells (HRBC) was not significantly different from that for healthy controls at either duration of remission.Nine patients relapsed over a follow-up period of 9 months. They were found to have slightly lower NK activity (14.4%±9.3%) and ADCC to CEM (41.4%±8.5%) than the patients who remained in remission (17.1%±6.8%; 48.7%±9.7%, respectively).These data indicate a lymphocyte deficit which may persist for some time after remission has been induced, and which may be due to the effect of leukemic cell burden or the effect of aggressive chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Recent investigations have indicated that the OKM1 hybridoma monoclonal antibody reactive with cells of the myelomonocytic series identifies a subpopulation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) which mediate natural and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). However, it was not clear whether this OKM1+ group was heterogeneous with regard to cytotoxic function or the presence of receptors for sheep erythrocytes. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to further define the phenotype of the ADCC effector cell and natural killer (NK) cell using a combination of reactivity with hybridoma antibodies and separation of subsets by sheep erythrocyte rosette (E+) formation. Furthermore, the phenotypes of the NK population were assessed directly by performing two-color immunofluorescent staining on tumor cell conjugates. These studies led to the following conclusions: (1) that NK activity is mediated by both E+ OKM1+ and E- OKM1+ cells; the E+ OKT3+ cell possessed essentially no ADCC or NK activity; (2) that E+ OKM1+ cells mediated more NK activity on a per cell basis than E- OKM1+ cells; this was verified by separating OKM1+ cells on a cell sorter into E+ and E- with the OKT11 monoclonal antibody (anti-E-receptor antibody); (3) that E+ OKM1+ cells mediated both ADCC and NK activity; (4) that the phenotypes of PBMNC forming tumor cell conjugates were (a) OKM1+ (both E-receptor positive and negative) and (b) OKM1- E-receptor positive.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic potential of rabbit peripheral blood monocytes and alveolar macrophages in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) toward both erythrocyte (RBCox) and tumor cell (CEM T-lymphoblast) targets was examined. ADCC was measured in a 4-hr 51Cr-release assay. Alveolar macrophages were more efficient at killing the tumor cell targets (optimally sensitized with rabbit antisera) than monocytes at similar effector cell/target cell (ET) ratios. Tumor cell targets sensitized with seven different antisera (anti-CEM) were lysed by alveolar macrophages but not by the monocytes. In marked contrast, the monocytes were more effective at lysing the sensitized erythrocyte target cells. The degree of cytolysis of RBCox and CEM was dependent on the ET ratio and the degree of sensitization of these target cells. It was demonstrated that the effector cell selectivity in ADCC was directly related to their ability or inability to bind the sensitized target cells as determined by Fc-receptor rosette formation. The transition from monocyte to macrophage may, therefore, have resulted in an alteration in the criteria necessary for Fc-receptor binding to antibody-sensitized target cells and subsequent ADCC.  相似文献   

The present study strongly suggests that, in humans, natural killer (NK) activity and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) are mediated by the same effector cell population. This is supported by two different experimental approaches. First, competition for NK effector cells was accompanied by simultaneous inhibition of ADCC activity. Target cells sensitive to NK activity were capable of inhibiting specifically an ADCC assay in cold target competition experiments. Second, specific removal of NK cells on monolayers formed by target cells sensitive to NK activity caused simultaneous depletion of ADCC effector cells. In association with the removal on the monolayers of effector cells for ADCC as well as NK activity, we also found a significant depletion of cells bearing Fc gamma receptors.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in HIV-specific antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) as an effective immune response to prevent or control HIV infection. ADCC relies on innate immune effector cells, particularly NK cells, to mediate control of virus-infected cells. The activation of NK cells (i.e., expression of cytokines and/or degranulation) by ADCC antibodies in serum is likely subject to the influence of other factors that are also present. We observed that the HIV-specific ADCC antibodies, within serum samples from a panel of HIV-infected individuals induced divergent activation profiles of NK cells from the same donor. Some serum samples primarily induced NK cell cytokine expression (i.e., IFNγ), some primarily initiated NK cell expression of a degranulation marker (CD107a) and others initiated a similar magnitude of responses across both effector functions. We therefore evaluated a number of HIV-relevant soluble factors for their influence on the activation of NK cells by HIV-specific ADCC antibodies. Key findings were that the cytokines IL-15 and IL-10 consistently enhanced the ability of NK cells to respond to HIV-specific ADCC antibodies. Furthermore, IL-15 was demonstrated to potently activate "educated" KIR3DL1(+) NK cells from individuals carrying its HLA-Bw4 ligand. The cytokine was also demonstrated to activate "uneducated" KIR3DL1(+) NK cells from HLA-Bw6 homozygotes, but to a lesser extent. Our results show that cytokines influence the ability of NK cells to respond to ADCC antibodies in vitro. Manipulating the immunological environment to enhance the potency of NK cell-mediated HIV-specific ADCC effector functions could be a promising immunotherapy or vaccine strategy.  相似文献   

Cord blood lymphocytes (CBL) were compared with adult peripheral blood lymphocytes (a-PBL) for their: (i) natural killer (NK) and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic (ADCC) activities, (ii) target-binding capacity, (iii) ability to induce soluble natural killer cytotoxic factor (NKCF), (iv) interferon (IFN)-, interleukin 2 (IL-2)-, and lectin-induced augmentation of NK activity, and (v) ability to produce IFN against tumor targets in vitro. CBL depleted of adherent cells and Percoll-separated, NK-enriched subpopulations demonstrated significantly lower NK, ADCC, and target-binding activities compared to a-PBL. CBL produced significantly lower levels of NKCF directed against K562 tumor targets in comparison with a-PBL. Although the NK activity of CBL was not stimulated by either IFN or IL-2 to the same levels shown by a-PBL, the percentage enhancement of cytotoxicity of CBL by IFN and IL-2 was greater than that of a-PBL. Lectin-induced enhancement of cytotoxicity was significantly greater for CBL in comparison with a-PBL. Further, the ability of CBL lymphocytes to produce IFN-gamma in vitro against K562 target cells was significantly lower than that of adult PBL. These studies suggest an association between decreased NK, ADCC, and target-binding activities, induction of NKCF and IFN production by CBL, and increased susceptibility of neonates to infection.  相似文献   

NK cells are large granular lymphocytes capable of killing certain tumor cells and virally infected cells in a non-MHC-restricted manner. NK cells can also effect an antibody dependent cytotoxicity that is triggered by CD16, an FcR for IgG. In NK cells, CD16 is expressed in association with zeta, a signal transducing subunit of the TCR complex. Here we show that, just as T cell activation via the TCR complex results in tyrosine phosphorylation of zeta TCR, NK cell activation via CD16 results in tyrosine phosphorylation of zeta NK. Whereas antibody-dependent cytotoxicity also results in tyrosine phosphorylation of zeta, natural cytotoxicity does not. Our results indicate that zeta functions as a transducing element for antibody dependent, but not antibody independent killing by NK cells. Consequently, NK cells are likely to express at least two distinct receptor complexes capable of triggering cytolytic effector function.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from irradiated, bone marrow-reconstituted mice were tested for their ability to mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity against P815 target (ADCC-P815), ADCC against sheep red blood cells (ADCC-SRBC), and natural killer (NK) activity judged as YAC-1 lysis at different times after bone marrow reconstitution. Donor-derived ADCC-P815 effectors were found to appear in the spleens 10-12 days after bone marrow reconstitution simultaneously with the appearance of donor-derived NK cells. NK cells recently derived from bone marrow are known to express the Thy-1 antigen; the phenotype of the "early" ADCC-P815 effectors was found to be the same as that of NK cells, i.e., Thy-1+, asialo-GM1+. These data suggest that ADCC-P815 effector cells belong to the NK cell population. ADCC-SRBC, in contrast to ADCC-P815 and NK activity, was already high on Day 7 after bone marrow reconstitution. However, it was mediated partly by recipient-derived effectors. ADCC-SRBC effectors were characterized to be different from ADCC-P815 effectors.  相似文献   

The in vitro effect of histamine and its antagonists, cimetidine and clemastine fumarate, on natural killer (NK) and antibody-dependent cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC) activities of human lymphocytes was investigated. The histamine 1 (H1) antagonist, clemastine fumarate, and the histamine 2 (H2) antagonist, cimetidine, but not histamine alone, inhibited the NK and ADCC activities of lymphocytes when added directly to the mixture of effector and target cells in a 51Cr-release assay. This inhibition was proportional to the concentration of drugs added and was observed at various effector to target ratios against several targets. H1 and H2 antagonists also inhibited NK activities of T cells as well as Percoll-separated, NK-enriched effector cells. The inhibition was significantly reversed by histamine. In target binding assays, clemastine fumarate and cimetidine also decreased the target binding capacity of effector lymphocytes. Further, PBL precultured with histamine (10?3–10?4M) for 24 hr showed a significant decrease in their NK and ADCC activities. In coculture experiments, PBL precultured with histamine suppressed the NK activity of normal autologous effector lymphocytes. PBL precultured with histamine showed an increased number of OKT8+ cells, as estimated using monoclonal antibodies. The suppression of Cytotoxicity was not due to either direct toxicity, steric hindrance, crowding, or cell death, but by functionally viable suppressor cells. An immunoregulatory role for histamine in NK and ADCC reactions is proposed.  相似文献   

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