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Cystolith Development and Structure in Pilea cadierei (Urticaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cystolith formation, structure and composition have been investigatedin leaves and stem internodes of Pilea cadierei (Urticaceae)using a variety of techniques at the light and electron microscopelevels. The development of lithocysts from epidermal cells hasbeen followed. These cells are cytoplasmically similar to otherepidermal cells but possess a much more active Golgi apparatusand more numerous mitochondria. The cystolith is a spindle-shapedbody composed of concentric layers of longitudinally orientatedcellulose microfibrils associated with pectins and other cellwall polysaccharides. At maturity it is heavily impregnatedwith calcium carbonate. Some cystoliths also contain siliconand are covered in a sheath of siliceous material. Cystolithformation occurs at the tip of a peg that grows in from thelithocyst wall. Evidence from ultrastructure suggests that thelithocytst cytoplasm transports carbohydrates to the cystolithvia Golgi vesicles, and organizes the deposition of cystolithcellulose microfibrils via a system of microtubules lying beneaththe plasma membrane that envelopes the growing cystolith. Thepeg is composed of heavily staining amorphous material likethat of an apoplastically sealed cell wall. It is incapableof supporting the migration of lanthanum ions into the cystolith.We conclude that cystoliths are isolated volumes of apoplastthat act as repositories for inorganic salts, principally calciumcarbonate. We propose that calcium ions move into the lithocystprotoplast from surrounding cells and are then transported acrossthe plasma membrane boundary into the cystolith. This proposalconflicts with previous suggestions that calcium enters by diffusionthrough the peg. Cystolith, lithocyst, cell wall, calcium, silicon, cytochemistry, electron probe analysis, Pilea cadierei  相似文献   

Cells from the sub-epidermal layer of Pilea cadierei preparedfor electron microscopy using standard fixation and embeddingprocedures appear extremely osmiophilic, with the organellesstanding out in negative relief. However, when tissues werefixed in glutaraldehyde supplemented with either procaine orcaffeine (substances known to complex with phenols) the osmiophilicmaterial was generally limited to the vacuole. After procaineor caffeine fixation the surrounding cytoplasm appeared as inadjacent, nonphenolic cells. Some small aggregates of phenolicmaterial appear in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticular,indicating these organelles may be involved in either the synthesisor transport of phenolics in Pilea. Since one of the major functionsof phenolics is in light-screening, air blisters may serve toscreen out damaging radiation from the underlying tissue. Thepresence of typical shade-type plastids in Pilea air blistersis a further indication of this light-screening role. Pilea cadierei, aluminium plant, air blister, cytochemistry, ultrastructure, light screening, phenolics  相似文献   

Development of Air Blisters in Pilea cadierei Gagnep. and Guillaumin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ultrastructural study was conducted to determine the originand development of the air blisters in leaves of Pilea cadierei.At early developmental stages (characterized visually by ananthocyanin flush to the blistered region, in leaves 0.5–1.8cm long) two epidermal layers separated by a small intracellularspace from a sub-epidermal layer of phenolic cells are observed.Osmiophilic phenol aggregates occur in the central vacuole,minivacuoles (or provacuoles) and in the endoplasmic reticulaof the phenol cells. Plastids in the phenol-containing cellshave extremely osmiophilic thylakoids, perhaps indicative ofphenol—caffeine complexes in the plastid. Later developmentalstages (characterized by a silver coloration in the air blisters)show an increase in the intracellular space, due at least inpart to the apparent collapse of the second epidermal layerand breaking of cell connexions. Phenol-containing cells havetwo different types of electron-opaque deposit: a grey granulardeposit and a continuous caffeine—phenol agglutination.Plastids are shade type and are much less opaque than in earlierstages. Several possible reasons for the presence of air blistersin many genera are discussed. Pilea cadierei, air blisters, ultrastructure, phenolics, tannin  相似文献   

CHAFFEY  N. J. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(1):65-75
Aspects of the structure and ultrastructure of the membranousligule of mature leaves of Lolium temulentum L. are described.In transverse section the ligule was lens-shaped and wedge-shapedin longitudinal section, 6 or 7 cells wide near the base and1 or 2 cells wide at the edges. Two uniseriate epidermes encloseda chlorenchymatous mesophyll tissue of varying thicknesses;both epidermes were continuous with the leaf adaxial epidermis.The cells comprising these three issues all appeared like typicalgrass epidermal long cells; elongate papillate cells were presentat the edges. No stomata, trichomes, intercellular spaces orvascular tissue were found in the ligule. A marked polarizationof ultrastructural complexity existed from the large-vacuolateabaxial epidermis to the ‘densely cytoplasmic’ small-vacuolateadaxial epidermis. Cells of the latter tissue contained numerousmitochondria, hypersecretory dictyosomes and abundant strandsof rough endoplasmic reticulum. Fluorescence microscopy providedevidence for the accumulation of a polysaccharide-containingmaterial within the periplasmic space next to the outer tangentialwall of adaxial epidermal cells. The ligule is considered tobe a highly organized and differentiated leaf organ with a pholosyntheticmesophyll and an adaxial epidermis active in the synthesis ofprotein and polysaccharide. Darnel, fluorescence microscopy, ligule, Lolium temulentum L., Poaceae, ultrastructure  相似文献   

SACHS  T. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(6):693-700
The development of the leaf epidermis of Vinca major L. wasfollowed in situ by epi-illumination microscopy and evidencewas sought for cellular interactions. Stomata were often foundto be initiated in adjoining cells. The epidermal cells whichseparated such stomata when they had matured were formed fromthe same cells as the stomatal complexes themselves. The presenceof developing and mature stomata may influence only the orientationof divisions in neighbouring cells, and not the initiation andmaturation of stomata. There is great variability in the relativeorientation, timing and number of divisions which intervenebetween the first unequal division and the maturation of a stomaas well as the location of stomata relative to the spongy mesophylland minor veins. The results indicate that continuous short-rangeinteractions between the future guard cells and the adjoiningcells, rather than interactions between future stomata or afixed programme of development, are essential for the formationof the pattern of functional stomata in the mature leaf. Vinca major L., cell lineage, cellular interactions, development of stomata, epi-illumination microscopy, meristemoids, patterned differentiation, stomata  相似文献   

The cuticle, epidermis and stomatal ontogeny of Casuarina equisetifoliaForst. is described. The cuticle shows well marked impressionsof the epidermal cells and stomata. The epidermis of leaf andstem shows transversely oriented, tetracytic, mesoperigenousstomata with two lateral mesogene subsidiaries and two polarperigene neighbouring cells. Although the epidermal structureof Casuarina shows a good deal of resemblance with that of theBennettitales, it may not indicate any phylogenetic relationshipssince there are important differences in the structure and reproductionof the plants of these two groups.  相似文献   

The general problem was the meaning of the variability of cellulardevelopment of the stomata-bearing epidermis of Ruscus hypoglossumin which 'immature stomata' occur, i.e. cells that have gonethrough part but not the final stages of stomatal development.The development of the epidermis was followed in vivo, by makingrepeated replicas of the same developing tissues using dentalimpression material. The development of stomata occurred overthe entire surface of large phyllodes and was not synchronous.The early development of future and 'immature stomata' couldnot be distinguished, neither by the form of the cells nor bythe timing of the initial, unequal divisions. The process ofstomatal development did not stop at any one, characteristicsstage. Statistical analyses indicated that the pattern of functionalstomata would have been less orderly if all stomatal initialshad developed into mature structures. The results suggest thatin Ruscus epidermal patterning occurs during, rather than preceding,stomatal development: many stomata are initiated, but they followa labile developmental program and cellular interactions selectthose that reach the mature functional state.Copyright 1993,1999 Academic Press Cellular patterns, epigenetic selection, immature stomata, Ruscus hypoglossum, spacing patterns, stomata, subsidiary cells, unequal divisions  相似文献   

Cotton leaves are more physiologically active than the bractand the capsule wall of the fruiting structures. To elucidatethe disparities in their physiological behaviour, epidermalcell density, stomatal index, stomatal size, trichome densityand type, and epicuticular wax ultrastructure of cotton leaf,bract and capsule wall were delineated using scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM). The epidermal cells of the outer periclinalwalls on both surfaces of the leaf and bract were raised andconvex. Conversely, the capsule wall epidermal cells were polygonalwith flat outer periclinal walls. The stomatal complex in theleaf and bract was paracytic, whereas in the capsule wall thestomatal complex was anomocytic. The adaxial and abaxial stomataof the leaf were coplanar to the epidermal surface, as opposedto the raised adaxial stomata on the bract. On the contrary,the stomata on the capsule wall surface appeared to be slightlysunken. Furthermore, the capsule wall stomata were larger thanthe stomata on either surface of both the leaf and the bract.The stomatal index was greater on the abaxial surfaces of theleaf and the bract (18.4 and 9.4, respectively) than their correspondingadaxial surfaces (14.4 and 4.7, respectively). Leaves had thehighest stomatal index followed by the bract and the capsulewall. The indumentum consisted of glandular and nonglandulartrichomes, the density of which was greater on the abaxial surfacesthan on the adaxial surfaces of the leaf and bract. The capsulewall indumentum lacked nonglandular trichomes. Epicuticularwax occurred in the form of striations. However, the striationpattern varied among the organs. This study clearly illustratesmorphological disparities in the epidermal features of leaf,bract and capsule wall, helping to explain their physiologicaldivergence. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Gossypium hirsutum, epicuticular wax, raised stomata, scanning electron microscopy, stomatal index, trichomes  相似文献   

Wheat seedlings {Triticum aestivum L.) were grown on soils withcontrasted resistances to root penetration (measured as penetrometerresistance, Rs. High Rs reduced the rates of leaf appearanceand expansion. Although the duration of expansion was increased,mature leaves were smaller. Underlying changes in leaf anatomywere investigated on cleared mature leaves, focusing on theepidermes. Three leaves were analysed: leaves 1 and 3 whichstarted their development in the embryo, and leaf 5 which wasinitiated on the seedling, after imposition of contrasted soilconditions. In all leaves, high Rs, caused a reduction in maturecell sizes, lengths and widths, and a shift in the relativeproportions of functionally different cell types, with a decreasein the relative proportions of stomata and associated cell types(interstomatal and sister cells) and an increase in the proportionsof unspecialized elongated epidermal cells and of trichomes.In leaves 3 and 5 the number of cellular files across the bladewas also reduced, while in leaf 1 it was similar at the twoRs. These differences between leaves are attributed to differencesin their developmental stage when root stress was first perceived.Remarkably, Rs had no effect (leaf 1) or relatively small effects(leaves 3 and 5) on the total number of cells per file, suggestingthat this parameter is either largely insensitive to variationin root environment, or is programmed at the outset before stresswas perceived at the apex. Key words: Wheat, anatomy, mature epidermis, root impedance  相似文献   

Stem fragments identified as Frenelopsis varions Fontaine have been found in the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) of central Texas. The cuticle is extremely thick and characterized by 5–6 subsidiary cells with papillae overarching the stomatal chamber. Guard cells are deeply sunken below the epidermis. Stomatal complexes are arranged in axial rows extending from the base of an internode to its apex. The rows of stomata continue into the sheathing leaf where the rows curve towards the leaf apex. The epidermis of F. varions was apparently long persistent and underwent prolonged growth. Axial rows of stomata are frequently disrupted resulting in a random pattern of stomata. A single, highly reduced, sheathing leaf is present at each node. The margin of the leaf has numerous unicellular trichomes and extends to form a slightly triangular blade.  相似文献   

Prussian blue deposition in transpiring leaves of Gossypiumhirsutum L. indicated that water moved rapidly from the trachearyelements by a path along the bundle sheath parenchyma to thebundle sheath extension parenchyma and then laterally throughthe epidermis to the sub-stomatal cavities or to the tnchomes.A slower pathway of water movement to the substomatal cavitiesoccurred through the mesophyll. The path of Prussian blue depositionindicated that waterleft the leaf through the stomata and toa lesser extent through the trichomes. In the outer periclinalwall of epidermalcells Prussian blue was deposited below butnot within the cuticle.  相似文献   

Ash and silica content and their depositional patterns in differenttissues of the mature corn plant (Zea mays L.) were determined.Ash and silica were highest in the leaf blades (up to 16.6 and10.9 per cent, respectively) followed by the leaf sheath, tassel,roots, stem epidermis and pith, and ear husk. The percentageof ash as silica was also highest in the leaves. Silica wasextremely low in the kernels. The upper stem epidermis and pithcontained nearly twice the silica content as did the lower portion.The patterns of ash and silica distribution were similar inplants grown in two different areas of Kansas, but were in lowerconcentration in the leaves and leaf sheaths from the area withlower soluble silica in the soil. Silica was deposited in theepidermis in a continuous matrix with cell walls showing serratedinterlocking margins in both leaves and stem. Rows of lobedphytoliths of denser silica were found in the epidermis as wellas highly silicified guard cells and trichomes. The silica matrixof the epidermis appears smooth on the outer surface and porousor spongy on the inner surface. Zea mays L. Corn, maize, ash content, silica deposition, scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

Effect of the Mesophyll on Stomatal Opening in Commelina communis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of a number of factors on the opening of stomatain the intact leaf and in the isolated leaf epidermis of Commelinacommunishas been investigated. Stomata in the intact leaf opened widein the light and closed rapidly on transfer to the dark. Theywere also sensitive to CO2. In contrast, stomata in isolatedepidermis floated on an incubation solution containing 100 molm–3KCl responded neither to light nor CO2. They opened as widelyas those in the intact leaf when treated with fusicoccin. Stomata in isolated epidermis opened almost as wide as thosein the intact leaf when they were incubated with isolatedmesophyllcells in the light. The solution in which the mesophyll cellswere incubated was separated by centrifugation. Themedium fromcells previously incubated in the light caused the stomata inisolated epidermis to open but that from cells kept inthe darkhad no effect. A similar effect was observed when isolated chloroplastswere incubated with the isolated epidermis.However, the supernatantfrom the chloroplast suspension had no significant effect onstomatal opening. These results indicate that the mesophyll plays an importantrole in stomatal opening in the light. The mesophyll appearstoproduce in the light, but not in the dark, a soluble compoundwhich moves to the guard cells to bring about stomatal opening.Theexperiments with isolated chloroplasts suggest that this substanceis a product of photosynthesis. Key words: Commelina communis, stomata, light, mesophyll  相似文献   

This research examined the hypothesis that as cacti evolve tothe leafless condition, the stem epidermis and cortex becomemore leaflike and more compatible with a photosynthetic role.All cacti in the relict genus Pereskia have non-succulent stemsand broad, thin leaves. All members of the derived subfamilyCactoideae are ‘leafless’, having an expanded cortexthat is the plant's only photosynthetic tissue. In Pereskia,leaves have a high stomatal density (mean: 50.7 stomata mm–2in the lower epidermis, 38.1 mm–2 in the upper epidermis),but stems have low stomatal densities (mean: 11.3 mm 2, threeof the species have none). Stems of Cactoideae have a high stomataldensity (mean: 31.1 mm–2, all species have stomata). Theouter cortex cells of stems of Cactoideae occur in columns,forming a palisade cortex similar to a leaf palisade parenchyma.In this palisade cortex, the fraction of tissue volume availablefor gas diffusion has a mean volume of 12.9%, which is identicalto that of Pereskia leaf palisade parenchyma. Pereskia stemcortex is much less aerenchymatous (mean: 5.3% of cortex volume).Cactoideae palisade cortex has a high internal surface density(0.0207 cm2 cm–2 which is higher than in Pereskia stemcortex (0.0150 cm2 cm–3) but not as high as Pereskia leafpalisade parenchyma (0.0396 cm2 cm–3). Pereskia stem cortexhas no cortical bundles, but Cactoideae cortexes have extensivenetworks of collateral vascular bundles that resemble leaf veins. Cactaceae, cactus, intercellular space, stomatal density, internal surface/volume, evolution  相似文献   

麦冬、土麦冬和阔叶土麦冬叶表皮形态结构的观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用光镜和扫描电镜观察了麦冬(Ophiopogon japonicus(L.f)Ker—Gawl.]、土麦冬(Liriope spicata Lour.)和阔叶土麦冬(L.platyphylla Wanget Tang)叶表皮显微结构、亚显微结构和角质层内表面的形态结构。结果表明,气孔主要分布于麦冬、土麦冬和阔叶土麦冬叶片的下表皮,气孔密度分别为76.4、114.3和99.8个·mm^-2;仅阔叶土麦冬叶片上表皮有少量气孔分布。3种植物的气孔器均不具有副卫细胞,并在叶脉间形成纵向气孔带。表皮细胞长方形,气孔带与非气孔带处表皮细胞的形态和大小差异较明显。麦冬气孔周围的表皮细胞平周壁具明显瘤状突起,导致气孔下陷;土麦冬气孔周围的表皮细胞平周壁呈波浪状突起,使气孔相对下陷;阔叶土麦冬气孔周围的表皮细胞平周壁基本无突起,气孔不下陷。3种植物的叶表皮均有发达的角质层和丰富的蜡质,且蜡质主要分布于下表皮气孔带处。这些结构特征可能与它们所具有的喜阳、耐阴和耐旱等特性有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

In this study, the anatomical features of the leaf and stem, besides the pollen and nutlet characteristics of Teucrium sandrasicum are investigated. T. sandrasicum, belonging to sect. Teucrium, is an endemic perennial herb growing on serpentine around Muğla province. The anatomical studies on T. sandrasicum revealed that the stem shares the general characteristics of the Labiatae family. The leaves clearly exhibit xeromorphy due to features such as the distribution of stomata on the lower surface (hipostomatic), the occurrence of guard cells below the epidermis (xeromorphic type), inrolled margins, thick cuticle layer, thick outer epidermal cell wall, a high density of trichomes and thick palisade layer of the mesophyll. The anatomical studies showed that the upper epidermal cells of the leaf include many spherocrystals. The pollen grains are prolate, medium in size, 3-colpate with verrucate ornamentation. The nutlets are ellipsoid with a reticulate-verrucate surface. The results have proven that T. sandrasicum is different from the other species of the sect. Teucrium because of the branched trichomes on the stem and the lack of eglandular trichomes on the nutlets.  相似文献   

在光学显微镜和电子扫描显微镜下观察了茜草科(Rubiaceae)野丁香属(Leptodermis Wall.) 35种8变种植物的叶表皮微形态特征.结果表明,野丁香属植物叶表皮细胞为多边形或不规则形状,垂周壁平直、弓状或波状.气孔器全部位于下表皮,有辐射型、平列型两种,其中平列型较为普遍.表皮毛在上下表皮都有分布,有单...  相似文献   

红树植物是一类生长在热带、亚热带海岸潮间带的乔木、灌木或草本植物,根据其分布特征可分为真红树植物植物和半红树植物。为了探究两者对海岸潮间带高盐、高光和缺氧等环境的生态适应策略的异同,该文选取5种真红树植物植物[卤蕨(Acrostichum aureum)、木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)、老鼠簕(Acanthus ilicifolius)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)、秋茄(Kandelia candel)]和4种半红树植物[银叶树(Heritiera littoralis)、水黄皮(Pongamia pinnata)、黄槿(Hibiscus tiliaceus)、杨叶肖槿(Thespesia populnea)]为研究对象,对叶片解剖和功能性状进行了对比研究。结果表明:(1)9种红树植物叶片的共同特征表现为均具有角质层、叶肉具有栅栏组织和海绵组织分化、气孔下陷等。(2)不同之处在于真红树植物植物叶片有蜡质层和内皮层、无表皮毛、气孔仅分布在下表皮,而半红树植物的叶片则较少有蜡质层,部分有表皮毛,无内皮层,气孔在上下表皮分布不完全一致。(3)真红树植物植物的气孔密度和比叶面积显著小于半红树植物(P<0.05),而叶片厚度、含水量、比叶重和鲜干重比则显著大于半红树植物(P<0.05)。以上结果说明真红树植物植物的叶片性状使其在维持盐度平衡及贮水保水能力方面强于半红树植物,从而能更好地适应海岸潮间带高盐环境。  相似文献   

The leaf epidermis of 14 species ofCodonanthe and 10 species of Nematanthus has been examined. Species of Codonanthe section Codonanthe are geographically restricted to south-eastern Brazil, and are diploid. They possess multicellular-uniseriate nonglandular trichomes, glandular trichomes with a four-celled head and a short body, anisocytic stomata and lack extrafloral nectaries. Species of Codonanthe section Spathuliformae and Codonanthe subgenus Codonanthella are distributed from southern Mexico through Central America to north-western South America and are tetraploid. They possess unicellular non-glandular trichomes (except C. caribaea), glandular trichomes with a two-celled head (except C. caribaea) and a short body, anisocytic stomata and extrafloral nectaries (except C. caribaea). All Nematanthus species are distributed in south-eastern Brazil and are diploid (N=8). Six species of Nematanthus consistently have multicellular-uniseriate nonglandular trichomes, glandular trichomes with a four-celled head and a short (unicellular) or long (multicellular) body, anisocytic stomata and lack extrafloral nectaries. Four species of Nematanthus have multicellular-uniseriate non-glandular trichomes, glandular trichomes with a head of more than four cells and a short body, anisocytic and helicocytic stomata and lack extrafloral nectaries.  相似文献   

SHAH  G. L.; GOPAL  B. V. 《Annals of botany》1972,36(5):997-1004
Stomata and trichomes are described on the leaves of six speciesof Dioscorea. As many as six types were found in D. bulbiferaand D. oppositifolia, four types in D.hispida and D. wallichii,three types in D. belophylla, but only two types in D. alata.Although there is a diversity of stomata even on the same surface,the predominant type is anomocytic in all the species exceptD. bulbifera in which it is tricytic. Rarely a stoma is alsocyclocytic in D. bulbifera. An increase in the number of subsidiarycells in paracytic, tricytic, or diacytic stomata takes placeby the wall formation in them. Similarly a reduction in thenumber of subsidiary cells of a tetracytic stoma is the resultof lateral subsidiary cells assuming the form of epidermal cells.Abnormalities such as a stoma with one guard cell, degenerationof guard cells, and contiguous stomata are also met with. Theorganization of different types of stomata is studied in D.bulbifera and D. wallichii and shown to be perigenous. Capitateglandular hairs were seen on the leaves of D. belophylla, D.bulbifera, D. hispida, and D. wallichii but non-glandular, uniseriate,3-celled trichomes were observed only in D. hispida.  相似文献   

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