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Corpora lutea from cyclic ewes were dissociated by collagenase and trypsin/EGTA treatments, and enriched fractions of small and large luteal cells were prepared on gradients of Ficoll. These fractions were incubated separately or remixed before incubation. Colchicine, cytochalasin B and the calcium channel-blocker verapamil significantly reduced progesterone production by both small and large luteal cell fractions, while isoprenaline stimulated an increase in progesterone production by large luteal cell fractions only. When fractions of small and large luteal cells were remixed, no more and no less progesterone was produced than would have been predicted from equivalent fractions incubated separately. There was therefore no evidence of synergism between small and large luteal cells in the production of progesterone. Prostaglandin F-2 alpha, which can inhibit LH-stimulated progesterone production by ovine luteal tissue in vitro, had no effect on LH-stimulated progesterone production by small luteal cell fractions, but significantly inhibited that by enriched fractions of large luteal cells. Since large luteal cell fractions were contaminated with small luteal cells, which are probably responsible for the progesterone-secretory response of these fractions to LH, it was concluded that the inhibition of LH-stimulated progesterone production by small luteal cells is dependent on the presence of large luteal cells. Oxytocin added to large and small luteal cell fractions did not affect progesterone production by either fraction. It was therefore concluded that the inhibitory action of PGF-2 alpha on LH-stimulated progesterone production may require the interaction of large and small luteal cells, but that oxytocin is not likely to be an intermediary in this interaction.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to explore if, and in that case how, various preventive measures against mastitis influenced the whole-farm economic outcome, measured as technical efficiency, of a sample of specialised dairy farms in Sweden. In particular, the paper aimed at analysing whether a change to preventive measures applied by fully efficient farms would be a way for inefficient farms to become fully efficient. First, technical efficiency was assessed for each farm in the sample based on farm-level accounting data and the data envelopment analysis. In a second step, the effects of preventive measures against mastitis (collected through a mail questionnaire) on technical efficiency were assessed with logistic regression. Keeping cows in a loose-housing barn, stimulating udders manually during milking, and having cows standing on clean bedding during milking were found to significantly increase the probability of a farm being fully efficient. Once the farmer considers the somatic cell count (SCC) to be too high, undertaking measures such as contacting a veterinarian, checking overall hygiene routines, and culling cows with high SCC were found to significantly increase the probability of a farm being fully efficient. Thus, these measures may be plausible targets for advisory services aimed at assisting farmers to become fully efficient, especially if they are confirmed in future studies. Several common preventive measures against mastitis, that is, choice of bedding material, frequency of cleaning stalls, pre-milking, post-milking teat disinfection, applying a milking order based on the SCC of cows, and milking high-SCC cows with a separate cluster, were found to have no statistically significant effect on farm economic outcome. However, these measures may still be valuable for non-economic goals, such as increased animal welfare, and the results imply that they can be implemented without negative impact on the economic performance of the farm.  相似文献   

The energy cost of flight: do small bats fly more cheaply than birds?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Flapping flight is one of the most expensive activities in terms of metabolic cost and this cost has previously been considered equal for the two extant vertebrate groups which evolved flapping flight. Owing to the difficulty of obtaining accurate measurements without disturbing flight performance, current estimates of flight cost within the group of small birds and bats differ by more than a factor of five for given body masses. To minimize the potential problem that flight behaviour may be affected by the measurements, we developed an indirect method of measuring flight energy expenditure based on time budget analysis in which small nectar-feeding bats (Glossophaginae) could continue their natural rhythm of flying and resting entirely undisturbed. Estimates of metabolic flight power based on 172 24-h time and energy budget measurements were obtained for nine individual bats from six species (mass 7–28 g). Metabolic flight power (PF) of small bats was found to increase with body mass following the relation PF = 50.2 M0.771 (r2 = 0.96, n = 13, PF in W, M in kg). This is about 20–25% below the majority of current predictions of metabolic flight cost for small birds. Thus, either the flight cost of small birds is significantly lower than has previously been thought or, contrary to current opinion, small bats require less energy to fly than birds. Accepted: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,67(1-3):22-31
Economic decline accompanied by high population growth rates in sub-Saharan African cities has led to an increase in the importance of small-scale agriculture as a survival strategy. These crop or livestock producers should benefit from the urban infrastructure by easier access to inputs and services. This assumption was tested for sheep keeping in Maroua, Cameroon. An intensive survey of 38 urban and peri-urban flocks conducted between November 1994 and March 1995 revealed that management practices and flock productivity differed little from those in rural areas. No significant influence of more intensive management practices on flock productivity was found. A parallel study explored the availability and adequacy of livestock services for urban sheep producers and the effect of these on animal productivity. The main areas of livestock services, i.e. veterinary services, consultation, extension and supply of inputs, were provided by the nine organisations offering livestock services in Maroua. However, the focus of the organisations was on rural cattle rearing and urban sheep producers gained little from the existing knowledge and competence. Among the services used by the 58 sheep owners interviewed in the second study, ‘informal contact with a veterinarian’ was the only factor showing a significant, albeit weak, effect on flock productivity. Nevertheless, flock productivity increased with the frequency of use of most services. In order to fully realize the potential benefits from urban infrastructure, small-scale sheep production needs to be formally accepted as an economic activity and supported by adequate services and an institutional environment.  相似文献   

Microtubules are highly dynamic polymers of α/β tubulin heterodimers that play key roles in cell division and in organizing cell cytoplasm. Although they have been discovered more than two decades ago, tubulin post-translational modifications recently gained a new interest as their role was increasingly highlighted in neuron differentiation and neurodegenerative disorders. Here, we specifically focus on tubulin acetylation from its discovery to recent studies that provide new insights into how it is regulated in health and disease and how it impacts microtubule functions. Even though new mechanisms involving tubulin acetylation are regularly being uncovered, the molecular links between its location inside the microtubule lumen and its regulators and effectors is still poorly understood. This review highlights the emerging roles of tubulin acetylation in multiple cellular functions, ranging from cell motility, cell cycle progression or cell differentiation to intracellular trafficking and signalling. It also points out that tubulin acetylation should no longer be seen as a passive marker of microtubule stability, but as a broad regulator of microtubule functions.  相似文献   

Leaves are most vulnerable to herbivory during expansion. We hypothesised that one factor favouring small leaves could be that smaller-leaved species have shorter expansion times and are therefore exposed to high levels of herbivory for a shorter period than large leaves. In order to test this hypothesis, leaf expansion time and leaf area loss were measured for 51 species from Sydney, Australia. Strong positive correlations were found between leaf length and area and leaf expansion time, confirming that small leaves do expand in a shorter time than large leaves. The amount of leaf area lost was highly variable (from 0.5 to 90% of total leaf area), but was significantly related to both leaf expansion time and log leaf area. The amount of leaf area lost was not significantly correlated with specific leaf area nor with the presence of distasteful substances in the leaves, but was lower on species with hairy expanding leaves.  相似文献   

Seasonal fluctuation of allochthonous subsidies influences food web structure and dynamics in recipient communities. This study investigated whether aquatic subsidies influence the dynamics of insectivorous birds in entire catchment. We estimated the prey biomass and bird density in riparian and upland habitats in three catchments in temperate deciduous forests in Hokkaido, Japan. Aquatic prey was found only in riparian forests and the biomass peaked in early spring, while terrestrial prey was equally distributed between habitats and increased in biomass in late spring. Bird density was higher in riparian than in upland forests before bud break, when the biomass of aquatic insects peaked, but was similar in both forests during the rest of the seasons. These results suggest that aquatic prey subsidies are used not only by birds inhabiting riparian forests, but also by birds associated with upland forests. Aquatic prey subsidies may be particularly important in the spring as a critical food resource for survival and the breeding activities of birds, thereby, influencing the population dynamics of bird communities.  相似文献   

Native and alien invasive plants: more of the same?   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
We compare the ecological and habitat characteristics of alien and native vascular plants which have recently expanded in range m England, Scotland, the Republic of Ireland and the Netherlands In the great majority of respects, expanding aliens and natives are functionally indistinguishable However, there are a few consistent differences aliens are more likely than natives to be clonal, polycarpic perennials with erect, leafy stems, and to have transient seed banks We discuss these trends m the context of the difficulties faced by aliens in invading mostly closed plant communities in relatively cool, damp climates Our results are consistent with some predictions of the attributes of'ideal'invaders, but contradict others We argue that the ecological attributes of successful alien invaders are strongly habitat-dependent  相似文献   

Humans obtain most of their vitamin D through the exposure of skin to sunlight. The immunoregulatory properties of vitamin D have been demonstrated in studies showing that vitamin D deficiency is associated with poor immune function and increased disease susceptibility. The benefits of moderate ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure and the positive latitude gradients observed for some immune-mediated diseases may therefore reflect the activities of UV-induced vitamin D. Alternatively, other mediators that are induced by UV radiation may be more important for UV-mediated immunomodulation. Here, we compare and contrast the effects of UV radiation and vitamin D on immune function in immunopathological diseases, such as psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and asthma, and during infection.  相似文献   

In patchy habitats, the relationship between animal abundance and cover of a preferred habitat may change with the availability of that habitat, resulting in a functional response in habitat use. Here, we investigate the relationship of two specialized herbivores, willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) and mountain hare (Lepus timidus), to willows (Salix spp.) in three regions of the shrub tundra zone-northern Norway, northern European Russia and western Siberia. Shrub tundra is a naturally patchy habitat where willow thickets represent a major structural element and are important for herbivores both as food and shelter. Habitat use was quantified using feces counts in a hierarchical spatial design and related to several measures of willow thicket configuration. We document a functional response in the use of willow thickets by ptarmigan, but not by hares. For hares, whose range extends into forested regions, occurrence increased overall with willow cover. The occurrence of willow ptarmigan showed a strong positive relationship to willow cover and a negative relationship to thicket fragmentation in the region with lowest willow cover at landscape scale, where willow growth may be limited by reindeer browsing. In regions with higher cover, in contrast, such relationships were not observed. Differences in predator communities among the regions may contribute to the observed pattern, enhancing the need for cover where willow thickets are scarce. Such region-specific relationships reflecting regional characteristics of the ecosystem highlight the importance of large-scale investigations to understand the relationships of habitat availability and use, which is a critical issue considering that habitat availability changes quickly with climate change and human impact.  相似文献   

Understanding the screening by salts of charge-charge interactions in proteins is important for at least two reasons: a), screening by intracellular salt concentration may modulate the stability and interactions of proteins in vivo; and b), the in vitro experimental estimation of the contributions from charge-charge interactions to molecular processes involving proteins is generally carried out on the basis of the salt effect on process energetics, under the assumption that these interactions are screened out by moderate salt concentrations. Here, we explore experimentally the extent to which the screening efficiency depends on the nature of the salt. To this end, we have carried out an energetic characterization of the effect of NaCl (a nondenaturing salt), guanidinium chloride (a denaturing salt), and guanidinium thiocyanate (a stronger denaturant) on the stability of the wild-type form and a T14K variant of Escherichia coli thioredoxin. Our results suggest that the efficiency of different salts to screen charge-charge interactions correlates with their denaturing strength and with the position of the constituent ions in the Hofmeister rankings. This result appears consistent with the plausible relation of the Hofmeister rankings with the extent of solute accumulation/exclusion from protein surfaces.  相似文献   

More than 20 years have passed since the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 was identified as the cause of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). With rapid early progress, the development of a vaccine was predicted within 2-10 years. However, over two decades later, we have seen only a single vaccine candidate complete Phase III clinical efficacy trials. These trials showed the vaccine was not able to protect the trial volunteers from HIV infection or subsequently modify the early clinical progression. It is now accepted that the initial optimism in the field was misguided, as the complexity of the problem stretched beyond the known horizons of vaccinology, immunology and retrovirology. In the intervening 20 years, unprecedented research efforts have pushed the cutting edge of these fields forward to such a degree that we are better able to put the problem of developing a vaccine for HIV-1 into context. Now it is time to examine the prospects for HIV-1 vaccines and ascertain whether real progress is being made.  相似文献   

The methylation-dependent restriction endonuclease McrBC from Escherichia coli K12 cleaves DNA containing two R(m)C dinucleotides separated by about 40 to 2000 base-pairs. McrBC is unique in that cleavage is totally dependent on GTP hydrolysis. McrB is the GTP binding and hydrolyzing subunit, whereas MrC stimulates its GTP hydrolysis. The C-terminal part of McrB contains the sequences characteristic for GTP-binding proteins, consisting of the GxxxxGK(S/T) motif (position 201-208), followed by the DxxG motif (position 300-303). The third motif (NKxD) is present only in a non-canonical form (NTAD 333-336). Here we report a mutational analysis of the putative GTP-binding domain of McrB. Amino acid substitutions were initially performed in the three proposed GTP-binding motifs. Whereas substitutions in motif 1 (P203V) and 2 (D300N) show the expected, albeit modest effects, mutation in the motif 3 is at variance with the expectations. Unlike the corresponding EF-Tu and ras -p21 variants, the D336N mutation in McrB does not change the nucleotide specificity from GTP to XTP, but results in a lack of GTPase stimulation by McrC. The finding that McrB is not a typical G protein motivated us to perform a search for similar sequences in DNA databases. Eight microbial sequences were found, mainly from unfinished sequencing projects, with highly conserved sequence blocks within a presumptive GTP-binding domain. From the five sequences showing the highest homology, 17 invariant charged or polar residues outside the classical three GTP-binding motifs were identified and subsequently exchanged to alanine. Several mutations specifically affect GTP affinity and/or GTPase activity. Our data allow us to conclude that McrB is not a typical member of the superfamily of GTP-binding proteins, but defines a new subfamily within the superfamily of GTP-binding proteins, together with similar prokaryotic proteins of as yet unidentified function.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury triggers a complex set of events that lead to tissue healing without the restoration of normal function due to the poor regenerative capacity of the spinal cord. Nevertheless, current knowledge about the intrinsic regenerative ability of central nervous system axons, when in a supportive environment, has made the prospect of treating spinal cord injury a reality. Among the range of strategies under investigation, cell‐based therapies offer the most promising results, due to the multifactorial roles that these cells can fulfil. However, the best cell source is still a matter of debate, as are clinical issues that include the optimal cell dose as well as the timing and route of administration. In this context, the role of biomaterials is gaining importance. These can not only act as vehicles for the administered cells but also, in the case of chronic lesions, can be used to fill the permanent cyst, thus creating a more favourable and conducive environment for axonal regeneration in addition to serving as local delivery systems of therapeutic agents to improve the regenerative milieu. Some of the candidate molecules for the future are discussed in view of the knowledge derived from studying the mechanisms that facilitate the intrinsic regenerative capacity of central nervous system neurons. The future challenge for the multidisciplinary teams working in the field is to translate the knowledge acquired in basic research into effective combinatorial therapies to be applied in the clinic.  相似文献   

The great damage caused by native invasive species on natural ecosystems is prompting increasing concern worldwide. Many studies have focused on exotic invasive species. In general, exotic invasive plants have higher resource capture ability and utilization capacity, and lower leaf construction cost (CC) compared to noninvasive plants. However, the physiological mechanisms that determine the invasiveness of native plants are poorly understood. We hypothesized that native invaders, like exotic invaders, may have higher resource capture ability and utilization efficiency compared to native noninvaders. To test this hypothesis, ecophysiological traits including light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Amax), specific leaf area (SLA), photosynthetic nitrogen use-efficiency (PNUE), photosynthetic energy-use efficiency (PEUE), and mass-based and area-based leaf construction cost (CCmass and CCarea) were measured. We compared the above traits between three pairs of native invasive and noninvasive native species, and between three pairs of exotic invasive and noninvasive species in Guangzhou, southern China. Our results showed that the native invaders had higher Amax, SLA, PNUE, PEUE and lower CCmass, CCarea, compared to native noninvaders and that these traits were also found in the exotic invaders. PNUE and PEUE in the native invaders were 150.3 and 129.0% higher, respectively, than in noninvasive native species, while these same measures in exotic invaders were 43.0 and 94.2% higher, respectively, than in exotic noninvasive species. The results indicated that native invaders have higher resource capture ability and resource utilization efficiency, suggesting that these traits may be a common biological foundation underlying successful invasion by both native and exotic invasives.  相似文献   

The term 'circadian rhythm' describes an oscillatory behavior in the absence of exogenous environmental cues, with a period of about a day. As yet, we don't fully understand which biological mechanisms join together to supply a stable and self-sustained oscillation with such a long period. By chipping away at the molecular mechanism with genetic approaches, some common features are emerging. In combining molecular analyses and physiological experiments, those features that are crucial for structuring a circadian day could be uncovered.  相似文献   

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