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翼手目(蝙蝠)物种独特的飞行能力、夜间活动模式及相近的形态学特征,增大了科研人员在野外对其进行准确鉴别和调查的难度,因此翼手目物种的多样性和分布信息亟需综合多种调查技术开展广泛深入研究。2019年8月,作者在辽宁省朝阳市野外调查发现1种蝙蝠,经分子标记比对、系统发育关系重建及形态学数据鉴定为大耳菊头蝠(Rhinolophus macrotis),是辽宁省翼手目物种新记录。  相似文献   

贵州习水发现亚洲宽耳蝠   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
物种分布是物种的生物地理学基本特征,能反映生物多样性的重要信息.近年来,翼手目(Chiroptera)蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidae)宽耳蝠属(Barbastella)物种分布记录不断增加.根据形态学特征和地理分布,基本可区分宽耳蝠属的不同物种.2019年8月16日于贵州省习水县同民镇雷声村用网捕法采集到1只...  相似文献   

水鼠耳蝠 Myotis daubentonii(Chiroptera,Vespertilionidae),广泛分布于欧洲和亚洲,亚种分化众多,在亚洲已报道有 M.d.ussuriensis,M.d.loukashkini,M.d.petax和M.d.laniger但其分类地位一直受到国内外学者的关注.中国的水鼠耳蝠长期以来被认为属于水鼠耳蝠M daubentonii亚种.最近有研究认为中国的水鼠耳蝠与欧洲的水鼠耳蝠M.daubentonii不同,并把"petax"提升为种.在中国境内相继采到17只鼠耳蝠标本,根据外形、头骨、牙齿、阴茎骨、线粒体DNA细胞色素b等特征,鉴定为东亚水鼠耳蝠Myotis petax,对中国水鼠耳蝠的种和亚种分类做一讨论.  相似文献   

三峡工程重庆库区民翼手类研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1996年至1997年,通过对三峡工程重庆库区13个县(区)68个洞穴的考察和标本采集,结合历史资料记述,确认重庆库区共有翼手目动物4科26种。其中8种为重庆市新记录,分别是绒菊头蝠、皮菊头蝠、西南鼠耳蝠、水鼠耳蝠、尖耳鼠耳蝠、大足鼠耳蝠、长折翼蝠和皱唇蝠。研究发现冀手类更喜欢潮湿、低海拔、人类干扰少、洞深在50m以上、周围是农田-草灌的洞穴。  相似文献   

海南岛位于我国南部, 地处热带北缘, 其独特的岛屿气候环境孕育了丰富的生物资源, 为我国生物多样性热点地区之一。为探究岛内的翼手目物种多样性状况, 本研究组使用雾网、蝙蝠竖琴网等工具, 于2002年至2016年先后对海南岛进行了15次翼手目多样性调查, 并根据其外形与头骨特征及系统发育学方法进行标本鉴定。共获取了1,025号标本, 隶属5科15属31种, 其中2016年12月21日在海南琼中捕获的艾氏管鼻蝠(Murina eleryi)为海南岛蝙蝠分布新记录。结合前人调查及发表结果统计, 岛内共有翼手类8科20属41种。同时基于本调查采集位点和前人调查位置信息(共计363个位点), 结合WorldClim 32种气候数据, 运用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)对海南岛翼手目物种的分布进行预测, 结果显示五指山、吊罗山、鹦哥岭、尖峰岭及海口火山口国家地质公园等地为翼手目物种多样性较丰富的区域, 而三亚、澄迈、屯昌、临高、琼海等地翼手目物种多样性较低。本研究结果为海南岛翼手目资源分布及多样性状况提供了基础资料, 也为岛内后续开展翼手目资源保护管理、蝙蝠疾病防控等提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

为了解荔波世界自然遗产地翼手目动物的物种多样性和生存现状, 作者于2010年10月至2011年10月, 对中国南方喀斯特荔波世界自然遗产地区域内6个镇(乡)69个洞穴的翼手目动物进行了考察, 发现60个洞穴有翼手目动物栖息痕迹, 其中可以确定具体栖息物种的洞穴有37个。本次调查观察记录到翼手目动物10万余只, 隶属5科15种, 结合文献记载及贵州师范大学动物标本室保存的翼手目动物标本, 确认该地区共有翼手目动物7科24种。11种翼手目动物在荔波世界自然遗产地为首次记录, 其中狭耳鼠耳蝠(Myotis blythii)、果树蹄蝠(Hipposideros pomona)2种为贵州省翼手目新记录。该地区一些洞穴已被开发为旅游景点, 严重影响了洞穴内翼手目动物的生存, 翼手目动物保护状况令人担忧, 建议对翼手目动物栖息的洞穴采取必要的保护措施。  相似文献   

2022年7月和9月,本研究组在湖南开展翼手目多样性资源调查时,于常德市桃源县、湘西州保靖县、永州市双牌县和邵阳市绥宁县使用蝙蝠竖琴网分别采集到9只鼠耳蝠(7♂,2♀)和5只管鼻蝠(2♂,3♀),结合传统形态学和分子系统发育学方法对上述标本进行物种鉴定。该批鼠耳蝠体型中等,前臂长43.41~50.89 mm,全身毛发呈红褐色,耳廓端部、鼻孔周围、五趾与爪及尾末端均呈黑褐色,翼膜掌指间有三角形状的红褐色斑直达翼缘;头骨顶部平缓,颧弓发达,脑颅高而凸显,其形态特征和度量数据均与渡濑氏鼠耳蝠(Myotis rufoniger)相符。同时,采集的管鼻蝠标本体型中等,前臂长33.83~37.53 mm,背毛棕褐色,腹毛呈浅黄色;颅全长16.74~17.29 mm,颧弓平直而宽厚,其外形特征和度量数据均与中管鼻蝠(Murinahuttoni)相符。基于Cytb和COI基因构建的系统发育树均支持以上形态学鉴定结果。该报道为渡濑氏鼠耳蝠和中管鼻蝠在湖南省分布的新发现。标本现存于广州大学华南生物多样性保护与利用重点实验室,其中渡濑氏鼠耳蝠标本号为GZHU22429、GZHU22430、GZHU 2245...  相似文献   

2020年5至9月,在江西省南昌市向塘机场七里港火车桥底、高访立交桥底、横岗铁路桥底和浙江省衢州市衢州机场西山村涵洞分别捕获到1号(雌性)、4号(2雄性、2雌性)、2号(2雄性)和1号(雌性)鼠耳蝠。上述鼠耳蝠体型较小,头体长42.89 ~ 51.41 mm,前臂长40.18 ~ 42.22 mm;头骨较小,脑颅略低,顶部平缓,矢状脊不明显,吻长较短,吻宽较长,超过眶间宽,颧弓纤细且发达,宽度明显超过后头宽,明显区别于该地区已报道的鼠耳蝠物种。通过外部形态鉴定以及Cyt bCOI序列比对和系统发育关系结果,鉴定上述标本为东亚水鼠耳蝠(Myotis petax),且该种是在江西省和浙江省翼手目分布新记录种。上述标本保存于广东省科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

同地共栖三种鼠耳蝠食性差异及其生态位分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hu KL  Yang J  Tan LJ  Zhang LB 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):177-181
2005年9—11月在贵州省安龙县笃山乡暗河村,分析了共栖同一山洞3种鼠耳蝠的形态特征和食性。在体型上,华南水鼠耳蝠体重为(4.46±0.53)g,前臂长为(34.63±1.45)mm;毛腿鼠耳蝠体重为(5.15±1.76)g,前臂长为(35.20±1.07)mm;西南鼠耳蝠体重为(10.94±0.87)g,前臂长为(45.21±1.15)mm。3种鼠耳蝠的体重两两之间差异显著,西南鼠耳蝠与另外2种鼠耳蝠的前臂长相比两两之间差异显著。在食物组成上,华南水鼠耳蝠主要捕食近水面活动的双翅目及其幼虫,体积百分比和频次百分比分别为79.7%和100%;毛腿鼠耳蝠主要捕食双翅目和小型鞘翅目,体积百分比分别占59.6%和28.8%,频次百分比分别为91.3%和80.1%;西南鼠耳蝠的食物组成主要为近地面或在地表活动的鞘翅目步甲科和埋葬虫科昆虫,体积百分比和频次百分比分别为80.8%和100%;3种鼠耳蝠食物组成存在显著差异。结果表明,同地共栖3种鼠耳蝠除了形态结构上出现差异,食物组成也存在明显的差异。据此,推测3种鼠耳蝠可能采取不同的捕食生境和捕食策略,从而导致捕食生态位分离,避免出现激烈竞争,使得3种近缘鼠耳蝠能够同地共栖。  相似文献   

西南鼠耳蝠广东新纪录及其核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>西南鼠耳蝠(Myotis altarium Thomas,1911),因峨眉山为其模式产地,又称峨眉鼠耳蝠或者四川鼠耳蝠。隶属于翼手目(Chiroptera)蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidae)鼠耳蝠属(Myotis),主要分布  相似文献   

The two sibling bat species Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii occur in sympatry over wide areas of Southern and Central Europe. Morphological, ecological and previous genetic evidence supported the view that the two species constitute two well-differentiated groups, but recent phylogenetic analyses have shown that the two species share some mtDNA haplotypes when they occur in sympatry. In order to see whether some genetic exchange has occurred between the two species, we sequenced a highly variable segment of the mitochondrial control region in both species living in sympatry and in allopatry. We also analysed the nuclear diversity of 160 individuals of both species found in two mixed nursery colonies located north and south of the Alps. MtDNA analysis confirmed that European M. blythii share multiple, identical or very similar haplotypes with M. myotis. Since allopatric Asian M. blythii presents mtDNA sequences that are very divergent from those of the two species found in Europe, we postulate that the mitochondrial genome of the European M. blythii has been replaced by that of M. myotis. The analysis of nuclear diversity shows a strikingly different pattern, as both species are well differentiated within mixed nursery colonies (F(ST) = 0.18). However, a Bayesian analysis of admixture reveals that the hybrids can be frequently observed, as about 25% of sampled M. blythii show introgressed genes of M. myotis origin. In contrast, less than 4% of the M. myotis analysed were classified as non-parental genotypes, revealing an asymmetry in the pattern of hybridization between the two species. These results show that the two species can interbreed and that the hybridization is still ongoing in the areas of sympatry. The persistence of well-differentiated nuclear gene pools, in spite of an apparent replacement of mitochondrial genome in European M. blythii by that of M. myotis, is best explained by a series of introgression events having occurred repeatedly during the recent colonization of Europe by M. blythii from Asia. The sharp contrast obtained from the analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear markers further points to the need to cautiously interpret results based on a single class of genetic markers.  相似文献   

The actual geographic distribution of the two sibling mouse-eared bat species Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii , which occur widely sympatrically in the western Palaearctic region, remains largely controversial. This concerns particularly the specific attribution of marginal populations from the Mediterranean islands and from adjacent areas of North Africa and Asia, which are morphologically intermediate between continental M. myotis and M. blythii from Europe. This study attempts to clarify this question by using four different approaches: cranial morphology, external morphology, genetics and trophic ecology. The three latter methods show unambiguously that North Africa, Malta, Sardinia and Corsica are presently inhabited by monospecific populations of M. myotis . In contrast, cranial morphometrics do not yield conclusive results. These results contradict all recent studies, which attribute North African and Maltese mouse-eared bats to M. blythii and consider that Sardinia and Corsica harbour sympatric populations of the two species. As concerns south-eastem populations, doubts are also expressed about the attribution of the subspecific taxon omari which may actually refer to M. myotis instead of M. blythii. Protein electrophoresis is presently the only absolute method available for determining M. myotis and M. blythii throughout their distribution ranges. However, species identification may be approached by relying on less sophisticated morphometrical methods as presented in this study. Species-specific habitat specializations are probably responsible for the differences observed between the geographic distributions of M. myotis and M. blythii , as they provide a logical groundwork for a coherent model of speciation for these two bat species.  相似文献   

The Vespertilionidae is the largest family in the order Chiroptera and has a worldwide distribution in the temperate and tropical regions. In order to further clarify the karyotype relationships at the lower taxonomic level in Vespertilionidae, genome-wide comparative maps have been constructed between Myotis myotis (MMY, 2n = 44) and six vesper bats from China: Myotis altarium (MAL, 2n = 44), Hypsugo pulveratus (HPU, 2n = 44), Nyctalus velutinus (NVE, 2n = 36), Tylonycteris robustula (TRO, 2n = 32), Tylonycteris sp. (TSP, 2n = 30)and Miniopterus fuliginosus (MFU, 2n = 46) by cross-species chromosome painting with a set of painting probes derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of Myotis myotis. Each Myotis myotis autosomal probe detected a single homologous chromosomal segment in the genomes of these six vesper bats except for MMY chromosome 3/4 paint which hybridized onto two chromosomes in the genome of M. fuliginosus. Our results show that Robertsonian translocation is the main mode of karyotype evolution in Vespertilionidae and that the addition of heterochromatic material also plays an important role in the karyotypic evolution of the genera Tylonycteris and Nyctalus. Two conserved syntenic associations (MMY9 + 23 and 18 + 19) could be the synapomorphic features for the genus Tylonycteris. The integration of our maps with the published maps has enabled us to deduce chromosomal homologies between human and these six vesper bats and provided new insight into the karyotype evolution of the family Vespertilionidae.  相似文献   

裴俊峰 《四川动物》2012,31(2):290-292
2010年4月16日,在陕西省安康市镇坪县一岩洞内(31°44.888’N,109°22.736’E,海拔1290m)采获1号雄性蝙蝠标本,经鉴定为西南鼠耳蝠Myotis altarium,属陕西省翼手类新纪录,标本保存于陕西省动物研究所标本室。本文对西南鼠耳蝠的形态特征和相关测量数据进行了报道,并对其分布和保护现状进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

Although groups of bats may be genetically distinguishable at large spatial scales, the effects of forest disturbances, particularly permanent land use conversions on fine-scale population structure and gene flow of summer aggregations of philopatric bat species are less clear. We genotyped and analyzed variation at 10 nuclear DNA microsatellite markers in 182 individuals of the forest-dwelling northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) at multiple spatial scales, from within first-order watersheds scaling up to larger regional areas in West Virginia and New York. Our results indicate that groups of northern myotis were genetically indistinguishable at any spatial scale we considered, and the collective population maintained high genetic diversity. It is likely that the ability to migrate, exploit small forest patches, and use networks of mating sites located throughout the Appalachian Mountains, Interior Highlands, and elsewhere in the hibernation range have allowed northern myotis to maintain high genetic diversity and gene flow regardless of forest disturbances at local and regional spatial scales. A consequence of maintaining high gene flow might be the potential to minimize genetic founder effects following population declines caused currently by the enzootic White-nose Syndrome.  相似文献   

Andreas  Zahn  Barbara  Dippel 《Journal of Zoology》1997,243(4):659-674
Attic-dwelling male Myotis myotis use different roost sites, but prefer one (or a few) of them and visit others sporadically. Roost-site preference can change, especially during the mating season. The males use their roost sites over years. Mean occupancy of all roost sites shows a maximum during the mating season. Females of different nursery colonies meet at male roost sites as far as 12 km from their colonies. They stay, on average, four days with one male, may join several males during one mating season and may visit their mating sites over years. Males appear to show no special behaviour to attract females but extend the time they are present at the roost site during the mating season. Each male is visited by about seven adult mates, on average. Differences in reproductive success are indicated by the times males were joined by females and by the numbers of mates and copulations. Two typical mating postures, copulation and five different social calls are described. Since females of different colonies meet at the male roost sites, the mating system of Myotis myotis may favour genetic exchange between colonies.  相似文献   

2004年12月10日,在广西南宁地区马山县金伦洞捕到2只雄性印度假吸血蝠(Megaderma lyra:Megadermatidae,Chiroptera),分析其中的胃容物,发现有蝙蝠的残遗物,包括牙齿、后足、骨骼、毛发(棕黄色);未发现昆虫残遗物。通过对残遗物中牙齿(上颌齿式:的鉴定,与蝙蝠科鼠耳蝠属(Myotis)的齿式一致,因此确定印度假吸血蝠捕食了鼠耳蝠属的蝙蝠。  相似文献   

Abstract: Several species of bats in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, including long-legged myotis (Myotis volans), are dependent on snags in coniferous forests during summer for roosting and rearing young. Thus, data on roosting preferences of this species are needed to integrate their habitat requirements into shifting plans for management of forests in this region. Therefore, from 2001 to 2006, we radiotracked adult female long-legged myotis (n = 153) to day roosts (n = 395) across 6 watersheds in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, USA, and compared characteristics associated with roosting sites to those of random snags (n = 260) sampled in the same watersheds using use-availability logistic regression and an information-theoretic approach. Model rankings varied among geographic locations, with quantity of stem surface for roosting the best model for explaining roost-site selection of long-legged myotis in both Washington and Oregon. Model rankings for populations of bats in Idaho found stand- and landscape-scale features to be important in roost-site selection, with a habitat fragmentation model and a foraging habitat quality model both demonstrating strong support as best model. Choice of day roosts by long-legged myotis was associated with snags that were taller, intact at the top of the stem, possessing a greater amount of exfoliating bark, in stands with a larger basal area of dead stems, and in landscapes that were unfragmented (i.e., supporting lesser amounts of edge). Results indicate that roost-site selection of bats in western coniferous forests, particularly long-legged myotis, is likely to be region-specific. We encourage land managers to consider importance of geographic variation in intraspecific habitat use in forest-dwelling bats when implementing silvicultural systems to promote biological diversity in actively managed forests of the Pacific Northwest region.  相似文献   

在重庆和辽宁发现绯鼠耳蝠Myotis formosus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗键  高红英 《四川动物》2006,25(1):131-132
在重庆市奉节县天坑地缝自然保护区和沙坪坝区城区及辽宁省桓仁县老秃顶子山自然保护区发现绯鼠耳蝠[Myotis formosus(Hodgson,1835)]5只,为重庆市及辽宁省翼手目新记录。  相似文献   

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