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Summary The ultrastructure of the secretory, binucleate tapetum of Brassica oleracea in the micro spore mother cell (MMC) stage through to the mature pollen stage is reported. The tapetal cells differentiate as highly specialized cells whose development is involved in lipid accumulation in their final stage. They start breaking down just before anther dehiscence. Nuclei with dispersed chromatin, large nucleoli and many ribosomes in the cytoplasm characterize the tapetal cells. The wall-bearing tapetum phase ends at the tetrade stage. The dissolution of tapetal walls begins from the inner tangential wall oriented towards the loculus and proceeds gradually along the radial walls to the outer tangential one. The plasmodesmata transversing the radial walls between tapetal cells persist until the mature microspore, long after loss of the inner tangential wall. After wall dissolution, the tapetal protoplasts retain their integrity and position within the anther locule. The tapetal cell membrane is in direct contact with the exine of the microspores/pollen grains and forms tubular evaginations that increase its surface area and appear to be involved in the translocation of solutes from the tapetal cells to the microspores/ pollen grains. The tapetal cells exhibit a polarity expressed by spatial differentiation in the radial direction.  相似文献   

The spatial relationships observed during microsporogenesis and pollen development in Sorghum bicolor indicate that a strong polarization exists in the anther locule and within individual microspores and pollen grains. During all developmental stages, each sporogenous cell and its derivatives lie continuously adjacent to the tapetum. The microspores and pollen grains form depressions in the tapetal orbicular wall. When the single pore of each microspore is initiated, as a gap in the primexine, it too lies adjacent to the tapetum and remains tightly appressed there until pollen maturity. A sequence of polar phenomena in microspores and pollen grains centers on an axis through the pore and perpendicular to the tapetal surface. These events include migrations of the microspore and vegetative nuclei, initial placement of the generative cell opposite the pore and its later migration, and a polar engorgement process whereby the pore end of the pollen grain (adjacent to the tapetum) fills with starch grains first. The tapetal cytoplasm completely degenerates at precisely the time of pollen engorgement, and its degradation products are believed to be available for pollen uptake at this time. The continuous association of the sporogenous cells or their cellular derivatives and their pores with the tapetum is thought to play an indispensible role in pollen development in sorghum and probably in all other grasses as well. The consistent position of the pore adjacent to the tapetum should be considered another common feature of microsporogenesis in the Gramineae. The characteristic exine pattern forms over the operculum and annulus of the pore, but the lamellae, which underlie the annulus, form a highly modified multilayered nexine. Membrane-like cores are observed in these lamellae and are believed to be involved in the initiation of sporopollenin deposition, but they are obliterated by pollen maturity. Neither the cores nor the lamellae are found in other parts of the pore or in the nonapertured wall.  相似文献   

Low temperatures during rice (Oryza sativa L.) pollen development cause pollen sterility and decreased grain yield. We show that the time of highest sensitivity to cold coincides with the time of peak tapetal activity: the transition of the tetrad to early uni-nucleate stage (young microspore, YM stage). Low temperatures at this stage of pollen development result in an accumulation of sucrose in the anthers, accompanied by decreased activity of cell wall bound acid invertase and depletion of starch in mature pollen grains. Expression analysis of two cell wall (OSINV1, 4) and one vacuolar (OSINV2) acid invertase genes showed that OSINV4 is anther-specific and down-regulated by cold treatment. OSINV4 is transiently expressed in the tapetum cell layer at the YM stage, and later from the early binucleate stage in the maturing microspores. The down-regulation of OSINV4 expression in the tapetum at YM may cause a disruption in hexose production and starch formation in the pollen grains. In a cold-tolerant cultivar, OSINV4 expression was not reduced by cold; sucrose did not accumulate in the anthers and starch formation in the pollen grains was not affected.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, the exine components are derived from tapetum. Despite its importance to sexual plant reproduction, little is known about the translocation of exine materials from tapetum to developing microspores. Here we report functional characterization of the arabidopsis WBC27 gene. WBC27 encodes an adenosine tri-phosphate binding cassette (ABC) transporter and is expressed preferentially in tapetum. Mutation of WBC27 disrupted the exine formation. The wbc27 mutant microspores began to degenerate once released from tetrads and most of the microspores collapsed at the uninucleate stage. Only a small number of wbc27-1 microspores could develop into tricellular pollen grains. These survival pollen grains lacked exine and germinated in the anther before anthesis. All of these results suggest that the ABC transporter, WBC27 plays important roles in the formation of arabidopsis exine, possibly by translocation of lipidic precursors of sporopollenin from tapetum to developing microspores.  相似文献   

The development of pollen grains and tapetum in Mitriostigma axillare (Rubiaceae) was studied from anther primordium to dehiscence. Anthers were freeze-cracked and studied with SEM. Embedded anthers were sectioned and studied with LM and TEM. Cytochemistry was performed in order to distinguish the different layers of the sporoderm and to determine its chemical nature at different development stages. The pollen grains remained as tetrads by partial fusion of the exine, probably because of reduced callose septa during the stage of microspore tetrads within callose envelopes. Characteristic features of the sporoderm were an irregular foot layer, an endexine composed of amalgamated granules, a transient granular-fibrous layer beneath the endexine, and a thin intine. During maturation of the exine, the endexine became chemically different from the ectexine. All layers of the sporoderm were reduced in thickness due to stretching during the engorgement of the pollen grains prior to dehiscence. The pollen grains were colpoidorate with a reticulate to microreticulate tectum covered with a scanty surface coating. The mature pollen grains were binucleate and contained a lot of starch grains. Thick intineous onci protruded through the apertures and formed papillae. About 50% of the microspores were aborted. The tapetum was of secretory type, probably with cycles of hyperactivity and protrusions of the cells into the locular cavity. No syncytium was formed and there were neither orbicules nor tapetal membrane.  相似文献   

The effects on anther development of a fusion of the Arabidopsis anther-specific apg gene promoter to a ribonuclease (barnase) in transgenic tobacco plants were examined. Contrary to expectations, viable pollen grains were produced by these plants despite the demonstration that ribonuclease expression in the microspores and tapetum caused targeted cell ablation. Transformed plants were reduced in male fertility due to ablation of a proportion of pollen dependent on apg-barnase locus number. Plants were otherwise phenotypically normal and fully female fertile, confirming the anther-specific nature of the apg promoter. In microspores inheriting an apg-barnase locus following meiosis, loss of cell viability, as judged by fluorescein diacetate staining, occurred during mid to late microspore development. Microspores not inheriting a transgene went on to mature into viable pollen grains. Premature degeneration of the tapetum was also observed as a result of apg-barnase expression, but this did not appear to disrupt the subsequent microspore and pollen developmental programmes. This was substantiated by observations of microspore development in plants in which the tapetum was rescued from ablation by crossing in a second transgene encoding a tapetum-specific inhibitor of the ribonuclease. It was determined that tapetum cell disruption occurs at the early to mid uninucleate microspore stage in apg-barnase transformants. The data presented show that after this point in microspore development the tapetum is no longer essential for the production of viable pollen in tobacco.  相似文献   

Foliar application of 1.5% benzotriazole induced 100% pollen sterility in H. annuus. Pollen abortion in treated plants was mainly associated with abnormal behaviour of tapetum. A limited number of anther locule showed early degeneration of tapetum followed by disintegration of sporogenous tissues. On the other hand, some locules showed normal development of tapetum at initial stages. However, this tapetum exhibited degenerated and non-functional cell organelles. In both these situations tapetum failed to provide proper nourishment to developing microspores. The ultrastructure of both tapetum and microspores is different from that of control material with irregularities of exine deposition, endopolyploidy of tapetal nuclei and an alteration of organelle composition being correlated with sterility. Pollen grains thus developed were devoid of nucleus and cell organelles and were complete sterile.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, the tapetum, the innermost layer of the anther, provides both nutrient and lipid components to developing microspores, pollen grains, and the pollen coat. Though the programmed cell death of the tapetum is one of the most critical and sensitive steps for fertility and is affected by various environmental stresses, its regulatory mechanisms remain mostly unknown. Here we show that autophagy is required for the metabolic regulation and nutrient supply in anthers and that autophagic degradation within tapetum cells is essential for postmeiotic anther development in rice. Autophagosome-like structures and several vacuole-enclosed lipid bodies were observed in postmeiotic tapetum cells specifically at the uninucleate stage during pollen development, which were completely abolished in a retrotransposon-insertional OsATG7 (autophagy-related 7)-knockout mutant defective in autophagy, suggesting that autophagy is induced in tapetum cells. Surprisingly, the mutant showed complete sporophytic male sterility, failed to accumulate lipidic and starch components in pollen grains at the flowering stage, showed reduced pollen germination activity, and had limited anther dehiscence. Lipidomic analyses suggested impairment of editing of phosphatidylcholines and lipid desaturation in the mutant during pollen maturation. These results indicate a critical involvement of autophagy in a reproductive developmental process of rice, and shed light on the novel autophagy-mediated regulation of lipid metabolism in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, the tapetum, the innermost layer of the anther, provides both nutrient and lipid components to developing microspores, pollen grains, and the pollen coat. Though the programmed cell death of the tapetum is one of the most critical and sensitive steps for fertility and is affected by various environmental stresses, its regulatory mechanisms remain mostly unknown. Here we show that autophagy is required for the metabolic regulation and nutrient supply in anthers and that autophagic degradation within tapetum cells is essential for postmeiotic anther development in rice. Autophagosome-like structures and several vacuole-enclosed lipid bodies were observed in postmeiotic tapetum cells specifically at the uninucleate stage during pollen development, which were completely abolished in a retrotransposon-insertional OsATG7 (autophagy-related 7)-knockout mutant defective in autophagy, suggesting that autophagy is induced in tapetum cells. Surprisingly, the mutant showed complete sporophytic male sterility, failed to accumulate lipidic and starch components in pollen grains at the flowering stage, showed reduced pollen germination activity, and had limited anther dehiscence. Lipidomic analyses suggested impairment of editing of phosphatidylcholines and lipid desaturation in the mutant during pollen maturation. These results indicate a critical involvement of autophagy in a reproductive developmental process of rice, and shed light on the novel autophagy-mediated regulation of lipid metabolism in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

This paper describes megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis, and development of female and male gametophytes in Eleutherococcus senticosus. The main results are as follows: Flowers of E. senticosus are epigynous, pentamerous. Anthers are 4 -microsporangiate. An ovary has 5 loculi. Each ovary loculus has 2 ovules: the upper ovule and the lower ovule. The upper one is orthotropous and degenerates after the formation of archesporial cell, while the lower one is anatropous, unitegmic and crassinucellar, and able to continue developing. In male plants, microsporogenesis and development of male gametophytes took place in regular way, but a series of abnormal phenomena were found in megasporogenesis and development of female gametophytes. The microspore mother cells gave rise to tetrahedral tetrads by meiosis. Cytokinesis was of the simultaneous type. The mature pollen was 3-celled and shed singly. The anther wall formation belonged to the dicotyledonous type. At the stage of microspore mother cell, the anther wall consisted of four layers, i.e. epidermis, endothecium, middle layer, and tapetum. The tapetum was of glandular type and its most cells were binucleate. When microspores were at the uninucleate stage, the tapetum began to degenerate in situ. When microspores developed into 3-celled pollen grains, the tapetum had fully degenerates. In the lower ovule of male flower, the megaspore mother cell gave rise to a linear or “T” -shaped tetrad. In some cases, a new archesporial cell over the tetrad or two tetrads parallel or in a series were observed. Furthermore, the position of functional megaspore was variable; any one or two megaspores might be functional, or one megaspore gave rise to a uninucleate embryo sac, but two other megaspores also had a potentiality of developing into the embryo sac. In generally, on the day when flowers opened, female gametophytes contained only 4 cells: a central cell, two irregular synergids and one unusual egg cell. In female plants, microspore mother cells and secondary sporogenous cells were observed. But at the stage of secondary sporogenous cell, the newly differentiated tapetum took the appearance of degeneration. Later, during the whole stage of meiosis, the trace of degenerative tapetum could be seen. At last, the microsporangium degenerated and no tetrad formed. On the blossom day, all anthers shriveled without pollen grains. In female flowers, megasporogenesis and development of female gametophytes were normal: the tetrad of megaspores was linear or “T”-shaped; the chalazal megaspore was usually functional; the development of embryo sac was of the Polygonum type. On the blossom day, most embryo sacs consisted of 7 cells with 8 nuclei or 7 cells with 7 nuclei; but the egg apparatus was not fully developed. In hermaphroditic plants, microsporogenesis was normal but the development of male gametophytes was partially abnormal. When the hermaphroditic flowers blossomed, there were more or less empty pollen grains in the microsporangium and these pollen grains were quite different in size. The development of most gynoecia was normal but numerous abnormal embryo sacs could be seen. On the blossom day, female gametophytes were mainly 7-celled with 8-nuclei or with 7-nuclei or 4-celled with antipodal cells degenerated; the egg apparatus wasnot fully developed either.  相似文献   

The obtaining of calluses and plantlets from cultured wheat anthersat the stages from pollen mother cell to trinucleate microspore has been reported previously. Haploids as well as diploids existed among the regenerated plantlets derivedfrom anthers at these stages. Present paper reports the study on androgenesis patter-ns of cultured anthers at meiosis, tetrad, early mid- and late uninucleate and trinucleate stage. Cytological evidence of pollen-origin of calluses produced by anthers atthese stages was given. Observation showed that meiosis of wheat anthers was able tocomplete under culture conditions, resulting in releasing microspores, from which multinucleate and multicellular pollen grains formed. In meiosis anthers, abnormal cells,including syncytium and two kinds of binueleate calls were sometimes observed. Theymight be products of abnormal meiosis and abnormal development of tapetum cells. Itwas noted that failure and/or uncomplction of forming callus wall and/or pollen wallin in vitro anthers at meiosis, tetrad and early uninucleate stage occured often. Itmight lead to the low frequency of callus induction. Mature wheat anthers (trinucleate stage) contained both normal and abnormal pollen grains (pollen dimorphism); onlythe abnormal pollen grains developed into embryoids while all the normai trinucleatepollen grains degenerated rapidly. However, the date of the frequency of equal divisionof microspores suggested that abnormal pollen (N pollen, small pollen) could not be theonly source of androgenic pollens in cultured anthers at late uninucleate and other earlier stages.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in sunflower anthers is compared with its normal (N) line by using light and electron microscopy. Degeneration and disintegration of CMS tapetum and microspore tetrads occur after meiosis II, resulting in sterility. At the onset of meiosis, the CMS tapetum enlarges radially and shows signs of disorganization of organelles and walls. The developing CMS meiocytes and tetrads of microspores do not show these abnormalities when compared with their N counterparts. The CMS microspore tetrads remain viable until a rudimentary exine forms around each microspore. At this time, the radially enlarged tapetum disintegrates, followed by disintegration of the tetrads. In N-line microsporogenesis, a peripheral, dense tapetum is present at the tetrad stage, and as each locule enlarges, free spaces occur around the tetrads. After a rudimentary exine with associated spines and colpi is formed around each microspore, the callose holding each tetrad together dissolves, freeing the microspores for further development. Eventually the binucleate tapetum becomes plasmodial, persisting until the vacuolate pollen stage.  相似文献   

小盐芥小孢子发生和雄配子体发育研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
在显微水平上研究了小盐芥的小孢子发生及雄配子体发育过程,以及不同阶段与花蕾外部形态的相关性.本实验报道的小孢子发生及雄配子体发育的研究结果表明:雄蕊为四强雄蕊,每个花药具4个花粉囊.小孢子母细胞减数分裂属同时型,小孢子在四分体中的排列方式属四面体型.成熟花粉粒属3-细胞型,有3个萌发沟.花粉囊壁发育属双子叶型,由4层细胞构成——表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层.绒毡层为腺质绒毡层.植株花蕾肉眼可见时,雄性孢原细胞开始分化.花蕾露白即蕾长1.1~1.7 mm时,形成成熟的雄配子体,即3-细胞花粉粒.  相似文献   

Specific stress treatments (sucrose starvation, alone or combined with a heat shock) applied to isolated tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) microspores irreversibly blocked normal gametophytic development and induced the formation of embryogenic cells, which developed subsequently into pollen-derived embryos by culture at 25°C in a sugar-containing medium. A cold shock at 4°C did not inhibit microspore maturation in vitro and did not induce cell division activity, even when combined with a starvation treatment. In the absence of sucrose, microspores isolated in the G1 phase of the cell cycle replicated their DNA and accumulated in G2. Late microspores underwent miotosis during the first day of culture which resulted in a mixed population of bicellular pollen grains and uninucleate microspores, both embryogenic. After the inductive stress treatments the origin of the first multicellular structures, formed in the sugar-containing medium, could be traced to divisions of the microspore cell or divisions of the vegetative cell of bicellular pollen, indicating that the symmetry of microspore mitosis in vitro is not important for embryogenic induction. These results represent a step forward towards a unified model of induction of embryogenesis from microspores/pollen which, within a relatively wide developmental window, are competent to deviate from normal gametophytic development and initiate the alternative sporophytic programme, in response to specific stress signals.Abbreviation DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole We acknowledge the help of Monica Boscaiu and Zarko Hrzenjak with the artwork, and Michaela Braun-Mayer for growing the tobacco plants. This project was financed by the Austrian Fonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, grant S6003-BIO.  相似文献   

In plants, pollen is the male gametophyte that is generated from microspores, which are haploid cells produced after meiosis of diploid pollen mother cells in floral anthers. In normal maturation, microspores interact with the tapetum, which consists of one layer of metabolically active cells enclosing the locule in anthers. The tapetum plays several important roles in the maturation of microspores. ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are a highly conserved protein super-family that uses the energy released in ATP hydrolysis to transport substrates. The ABC transporter gene family is more diverse in plants than in animals. Previously, we reported that an Arabidopsis half-size type ABC transporter gene, COF1/AtWBC11/AtABCG11, is involved in lipid transport for the construction of cuticle layers and pollen coats in normal organ formation, as compared to CER5/AtWBC12/AtABCG12. However, physiological functions of most other ABCG members are unknown. Here, we identified another family gene, AtABCG26, which is required for pollen development in Arabidopsis. An AtABCG26 mutant developed very few pollen grains, resulting in a male-sterile phenotype. By investigating microspore and pollen development in this mutant, we observed that there was a slight abnormality in tetrad morphology prior to the formation of haploid microspores. At a later stage, we could not detect exine deposition on the microspore surface. During pollen maturation, many grains in the mutant anthers got aborted, and surviving grains were found to be defective in mitosis. Transmission of the mutant allele through male gametophytes appeared to be normal in genetic transmission analysis, supporting the view that the pollen function was disturbed by sporophytic defects in the AtABCG26 mutant. AtABCG26 can be expected to be involved in the transport of substrates such as sporopollenin monomers from tapetum to microspores, which both are plant-specific structures critical to pollen development.  相似文献   

华木莲花药的发生发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道华木莲花药的结构和小孢子的形成与发育。华木莲雄蕊多数、离生;每一花药具4个花粉囊。花粉囊由1层表皮、1层纤维层、2层中层和2层绒毡层细胞组成。腺质绒毡层在小孢子发生发育过程中,呈现出解体-恢复-解体直至消失的现象。减数分裂为同时型,四分体主要为左右对称和四面体形。撒粉时的成熟花粉为二细胞结构。  相似文献   

Summary A study of pollen development in wheat was made using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Microspores contain undifferentiated plastids and mitochondria that are dividing. Vacuolation occurs, probably due to the coalescence of small vacuoles budded off the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). As the pollen grain is formed and matures, the ER becomes distended with deposits of granular storage material. Mitochondria proliferate and become filled with cristae. Similarly, plastids divide and accumulate starch. The exine wall is deposited at a rapid rate throughout development, and the precursors appear to be synthesized in the tapetum. Tapetal cells become binucleate during the meiosis stage, and Ubisch bodies form on the plasma membrane surface that faces the locule. Tapetal plastids become surrounded by an electron-translucent halo. Rough ER is associated with the halo around the plastids and with the plasma membrane. We hypothesize that the sporopollenin precursors for both the Ubisch bodies and exine pollen wall are synthesized in the tapetal plastids and are transported to the tapetal cell surface via the ER. The microspore plastids appear to be involved in activities other than precursor synthesis: plastid proliferation in young microspores, and starch synthesis later in development. Plants treated with the chemical hybridizing agent RH0007 show a pattern of development similar to that shown by untreated control plants through the meiosis stage. In the young microspore stage the exine wall is deposited irregularly and is thinner than that of control plants. In many cases the microspores are seen to have wavy contours. With the onset of vacuolation, microspores become plasmolyzed and abort. The tapetal cells in RH0007-treated locules divide normally through the meiosis stage. Less sporopollenin is deposited in the Ubisch bodies, and the pattern is less regular than that of the control. In many cases, the tapetal cells expand into the locule. At the base of one of the locules treated with a dosage of RH0007 that causes 95% male sterility, several microspores survived and developed into pollen grains that were sterile. The conditions at the base of the locule may have reduced the osmotic stress on the microspores, allowing them to survive. Preliminary work showed that the extractable quantity of carotenoids in RHOOO7-treated anthers was slightly greater than in controls. We concluded that RH0007 appears to interfere with the polymerization of carotenoid precursors into the exine wall and Ubisch bodies, rather than interfering with the synthesis of the precursors.  相似文献   

Receptor-like kinases (RLK) comprise a large gene family within the Arabidopsis genome and play important roles in plant growth and development as well as in hormone and stress responses. Here we report that a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK), RECEPTOR-LIKE PROTEIN KINASE2 (RPK2), is a key regulator of anther development in Arabidopsis. Two RPK2 T-DNA insertional mutants (rpk2-1 and rpk2-2) displayed enhanced shoot growth and male sterility due to defects in anther dehiscence and pollen maturation. The rpk2 anthers only developed three cell layers surrounding the male gametophyte: the middle layer was not differentiated from inner secondary parietal cells. Pollen mother cells in rpk2 anthers could undergo meiosis, but subsequent differentiation of microspores was inhibited by tapetum hypertrophy, with most resulting pollen grains exhibiting highly aggregated morphologies. The presence of tetrads and microspores in individual anthers was observed during microspore formation, indicating that the developmental homeostasis of rpk2 anther locules was disrupted. Anther locules were finally crushed without stomium breakage, a phenomenon that was possibly caused by inadequate thickening and lignification of the endothecium. Microarray analyses revealed that many genes encoding metabolic enzymes, including those involved in cell wall metabolism and lignin biosynthesis, were downregulated throughout anther development in rpk2 mutants. RPK2 mRNA was abundant in the tapetum of wild-type anthers during microspore maturation. These results suggest that RPK2 controls tapetal cell fate by triggering subsequent tapetum degradation, and that mutating RPK2 impairs normal pollen maturation and anther dehiscence due to disruption of key metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana MALE STERILITY 2 ( MS2 ) gene product is involved in male gametogenesis. The first abnormalities in pollen development of ms2 mutants are seen at the stage in microsporogenesis when microspores are released from tetrads. Expression of the MS2 gene is observed in tapetum of wild-type flowers at, and shortly after, the release of microspores from tetrads. The MS2 promoter controls GUS expression at a comparable stage in the tapetum of transgenic tobacco containing an MS2 promoter–GUS fusion. The occasional pollen grains produced by mutant ms2 plants have very thin pollen walls. They are also sensitive to acetolysis treatment, which is a test for the presence of an exine layer. The MS2 gene product shows sequence similarity to a jojoba protein that converts wax fatty acids to fatty alcohols. A possible function of the MS2 protein as a fatty acyl reductase in the formation of pollen wall substances is discussed.  相似文献   

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