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Abstract The purported blocker of anion transport 4, 4′ di-isothiocyano-2-2′ stilbene disulfonate (DIDS) has been shown to partially inhibit 36Cl? influx, 36CIO?3 influx and 35SO2?4 influx into Pisum salivum L. cv. Feltham First seedlings. This inhibitory effect could be prevented by pretreatment with the respective unlabelled medium. There was no effect of DIDS on 14C methylamine influx. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the binding of DIDS to the site of anion-carrier interaction is responsible for its observed inhibitory effects on anion fluxes. The fluorescent properties of DIDS upon binding to membrane proteins was exploited in an attempt to examine the major sites of anion pumping in whole roots. The results show clearly that in the presence of DIDS the epidermal layers became brightly fluorescent, while cortical layers did not fiuoresce. Lycopersicum esculentum cells taken from locular fluid were plasmolysed using sucrose solution, and the patterns of fluorescence in the presence of DIDS showed in an unambiguous way that the fluorescence is associated with cell membranes. The potential usefulness of this technique to probe sites of anion transport in whole plants and tissues is discussed.  相似文献   

Interleukin 19 (IL-19) is a cytokine produced by monocytes and belongs to the family of IL-10. The IL-19 protein stimulates fibronectin (FN) expression and assembly, metastasis, and cell division in breast cancer (BC) cells. IL-19, which is connected to breast pathogenesis and has an autocrine action in BC cells, is a key predictor of prognosis for many tumour forms, including breast cancer. Augmented IL-19 expression has been related to poorer clinical outcomes for patients with BC and directly enhances proliferation and migration while also serving as a microenvironment for tumour formation. The main aim of our study was to examine the expression profile, functional role, and prognostic significance of interleukin-19 in BC pathogenesis and also to find out the molecular mechanism of IL-19 in BC. In this work, we used the various computational approach and tools, to evaluate the expression profile and prognostic implication of IL-19 in BC and discover the role of IL-19 in BC pathogenesis. IL-19 was shown to be highly upregulated in BC as compared to other interleukins. Also, its levels were highly overexpressed in liminal BC patients, mostly in 3rd stage groups under the age group of 21–40 years. IL-19 levels were increased in BC and elevated expression of IL-19 was examined to have worse overall survival (OS). The KEGG analysis and gene ontology of IL-19 depict that IL-19 is significantly augmented in cytokine activity and receptor-ligand activity and also in the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. Moreover, IL-19 showed a high correlation with IL20RA, as later is involved with the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. The in-vivo and in-vitro studies have also reflected that upregulation of IL-19 enhances tumor development and affects clinical outcomes in BC patients through several pathways including the JAK TAT signalling pathway. Overall, our study indicates that IL-19 increases tumour growth and that inhibiting it in addition to standard treatments will greatly improve BC patient’s therapeutic responses.  相似文献   

A vast majority of pharmacons are beset by possible interactions and side effects which have usually been tested in laboratory animals. However, better methods are needed to reduce the number of animal experiments and interspecies differences with respect to drug metabolism, as well as to provide a faster and more cost-effective way of analysis. These facts have led to the development of in vitro models based on isolated primary hepatocytes to better assess drug metabolism, interactions, and toxicity. A new small-scale bioreactor with the hepatic sandwich model and a gas-permeable membrane at the bottom allowing a definable oxygen exchange, has been constructed and compared with the conventional well plates. Compared to hepatocytes cultured in conventional systems, the cells exhibited a stronger liver-specific capacity and remained in a differentiated state in the small-scale bioreactor over a cultivation period of 17 days. This in vitro model could serve as a tool to predict the liver response to newly developed drugs.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease, causing death of motor neurons controlling voluntary muscles. The pathological mechanisms of the disease are only partially understood. The hSOD1‐G93A ALS rat model is characterized by an overexpression of human mutated SOD1, causing increased vulnerability by forming intracellular protein aggregates, inducing excitotoxicity, affecting oxidative balance and disturbing axonal transport. In this study we followed the bio‐macromolecular organic composition and compartmentalization together with trace metal distribution in situ in single astrocytes from the ALS rat model and compared them to the control astrocytes from nontransgenic littermates by simultaneous use of two synchrotron radiation‐based methods: Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (SR‐FTIR) and hard X‐ray fluorescence microscopy (XRF). We show that ALS cells contained more Cu, which colocalized with total lipids, increased carbonyl groups and oxidized lipids, thus implying direct involvement of Cu in oxidative stress of lipidic components without direct connection to protein aggregation in situ.  相似文献   

Viral movement proteins exploit host endomembranes and the cytoskeleton to move within the cell via routes that, in some cases, are dependent on the secretory pathway. For example, melon necrotic spot virus p7B, a type II transmembrane protein, leaves the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) through the COPII‐dependent Golgi pathway to reach the plasmodesmata. Here we investigated the sequence requirements and putative mechanisms governing p7B transport through the early secretory pathway. Deletion of either the cytoplasmic N–terminal region (CR) or the luminal C–terminal region (LR) led to ER retention, suggesting that they are both essential for ER export. Through alanine‐scanning mutagenesis, we identified residues in the CR and LR that are critical for both ER export and for viral cell‐to‐cell movement. Within the CR, alanine substitution of aspartic and proline residues in the DSSP β–turn motif (D7AP10A) led to movement of discrete structures along the cortical ER in an actin‐dependent manner. In contrast, alanine substitution of a lysine residue in the LR (K49A) resulted in a homogenous ER distribution of the movement protein and inhibition of ER–Golgi traffic. Moreover, the ability of p7B to recruit Sar1 to the ER membrane is lost in the D7AP10A mutant, but enhanced in the K49A mutant. In addition, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching revealed that K49A but not D7AP10A dramatically diminished protein lateral mobility. From these data, we propose a model whereby the LR directs actin‐dependent mobility toward the cortical ER, where the cytoplasmic DSSP β–turn favors assembly of COPII vesicles for export of p7B from the ER.  相似文献   

Alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) is a plasma inhibitor of proteinases, the steric mechanism of which is based on a considerable conformational change. The typical and distinct H-like shape of alpha 2M-chymotrypsin (alpha 2M-chy) complexes seen by electron microscopy led us to an ultrastructural study of the binding of a monoclonal antibody (Mab) specific for this conformation of alpha 2M. The epitope of this Mab is located near the extremities of the 4 arms of the H-like alpha 2M-chy, at a site that is not accessible on the native molecule. The identical binding of the Mab on the 4 arms of the tetrameric molecule demonstrates that these arms are equivalent portions of the 4 monomers. Various types of immune complexes between alpha 2M and IgG are described, and images of individual immune complexes were processed by correspondence analysis. This extracts new information concerning the organization of chymotrypsin-transformed alpha 2M. The molecule appears asymmetrical, presents 2 conformational states (which we describe as relaxed and twisted), and has flexible arms. These intramolecular motions are supposed to be related to IgG binding. The results are discussed in comparison with previously published models of proteinase-transformed alpha 2M.  相似文献   

1,3-Butadiene (BD) is metabolized in humans and rodents to mutagenic and carcinogenic species. Our previous work has focused on developing a physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) model for BD to estimate its metabolic rate to 1,2-epoxy-3-butene (EB), using exhaled breath BD concentrations in human volunteers exposed by inhalation. In this paper, we extend our BD model to describe the kinetics of its four major metabolites EB, 1,2:3,4-diepoxybutane (DEB), 3-butene-1,2-diol (BDD), and 3,4-epoxy-1,2-butanediol (EBD), and to test whether the extended model and experimental data (to be collected for BD and metabolites in humans) are together adequate to estimate the metabolic rate constants of each of the above chemicals. Global sensitivity analyses (GSA) were conducted to evaluate the relative importance of the model parameters on model outputs during the 20min of exposure and the 40min after exposure ended. All model parameters were studied together with various potentially measurable model outputs: concentrations of BD and EB in exhaled air, concentrations of BD and all metabolites in venous blood, and cumulated amounts of urinary metabolites excreted within 24h. Our results show that pulmonary absorption of BD and subsequent distribution and metabolism in the well-perfused tissues compartment are the critical processes in the toxicokinetics of BD and metabolites. In particular, three parameters influence numerous outputs: the blood:air partition coefficient for BD, the metabolic rate of BD to EB, and the volume of the well-perfused tissues. Other influential parameters include other metabolic rates, some partition coefficients, and parameters driving the gas exchanges (in particular, for BD outputs). GSA shows that the impact of the metabolic rate of BD to EB on the BD concentrations in exhaled air is greatly increased if a few of the model's important parameters (such as the blood:air partition coefficient for BD) are measured experimentally. GSA also shows that all the transformation pathways described in the PBTK model may not be estimable if only data on the studied outputs are collected, and that data on a specific output for a chemical may not inform all the transformations involving that chemical.  相似文献   

The cell membrane serves, at the same time, both as a barrier that segregates as well as a functional layer that facilitates selective communication. It is characterized as much by the complexity of its components as by the myriad of signaling process that it supports. And, herein lays the problems in its study and understanding of its behavior — it has a complex and dynamic nature that is further entangled by the fact that many events are both temporal and transient in their nature. Model membrane systems that bypass cellular complexity and compositional diversity have tremendously accelerated our understanding of the mechanisms and biological consequences of lipid–lipid and protein–lipid interactions. Concurrently, in some cases, the validity and applicability of model membrane systems are tarnished by inherent methodical limitations as well as undefined quality criteria. In this review we introduce membrane model systems widely used to study protein–lipid interactions in the context of key parameters of the membrane that govern lipid availability for peripheral membrane proteins. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Tools to study lipid functions.  相似文献   

Nuclear receptors (NRs) represent attractive targets for the treatment of metabolic syndrome-related diseases. In addition, natural products are an interesting pool of potential ligands since they have been refined under evolutionary pressure to interact with proteins or other biological targets.This review aims to briefly summarize current basic knowledge regarding the liver X (LXR) and farnesoid X receptors (FXR) that form permissive heterodimers with retinoid X receptors (RXR). Natural product-based ligands for these receptors are summarized and the potential of LXR, FXR and RXR as targets in precision medicine is discussed.  相似文献   

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