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The plasmid R64 thin pilus identified as a type IV pilus.   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The entire nucleotide sequence of the pil region of the IncI1 plasmid R64 was determined. Analysis of the sequence indicated that 14 genes, designated pilI through pilV, are involved in the formation of the R64 thin pilus. Protein products of eight pil genes were identified by the maxicell procedure. The pilN product was shown to be a lipoprotein by an experiment using globomycin. A computer search revealed that several R64 pil genes have amino acid sequence homology with proteins involved in type IV pilus biogenesis, protein secretion, and transformation competence. The pilS and pilV products were suggested to be prepilins for the R64 thin pilus, and the pilU product appears to be a prepilin peptidase. These results suggest that the R64 thin pilus belongs to the type IV family, specifically group IVB, of pili. The requirement of the pilR and pilU genes for R64 liquid mating was demonstrated by constructing their frameshift mutations. Comparison of three type IVB pilus biogenesis systems, the pil system of R64, the toxin-coregulated pilus (tcp) system of Vibrio cholerae, and the bundle-forming pilus (bfp) system of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, suggests that they have evolved from a common ancestral gene system.  相似文献   

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Microbes have evolved sophisticated mechanisms of motility allowing them to respond to changing environmental conditions. While this cellular process is well characterized in bacteria, the mode and mechanisms of motility are poorly understood in archaea. This study examines the motility of individual cells of the thermoacidophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Specifically, we investigated motility of cells producing exclusively the archaeal swimming organelle, the archaellum. Archaella are structurally and in sequence similar to bacterial type IV pili involved in surface motility via pilus extension‐retraction cycles and not to rotating bacterial flagella. Unexpectedly, our studies reveal a novel type of behaviour for type IV pilus like structures: archaella rotate and their rotation drives swimming motility. Moreover, we demonstrate that temperature has a direct effect on rotation velocity explaining temperature‐dependent swimming velocity.  相似文献   

Role of chromosomal rearrangement in N. gonorrhoeae pilus phase variation   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
E Segal  E Billyard  M So  S Storzbach  T F Meyer 《Cell》1985,40(2):293-300
N. gonorrhoeae undergoes pilus phase and antigenic variation. During phase variation, the pilin gene is turned on and off at high frequencies. Two loci on the gonococcal chromosome from strain MS11 function as expression sites for the pilin gene (pilE1 and pilE2); many other sites apparently contain silent variant pilin sequences. We reported previously that during pilus phase variation, when cells switch from the pilus expressing state (P+) to the nonexpressing state (P-), genome rearrangement occurs. We have examined phase variation in more detail, and we report that in most P+ to P- switches a deletion of pilin gene information occurs in one or both expression sites. This deletion is due to either a simple or a multiple-step recombination event involving directly repeated sequences in the expression loci. The deletion explains the state of some P- cells, but not all. In the latter cells pilin expression is probably controlled by an undefined regulator.  相似文献   

The genus Neisseria contains at least eight commensal and two pathogenic species. According to the Neisseria phylogenetic tree, commensals are basal to the pathogens. N. elongata, which is at the opposite end of the tree from N. gonorrhoeae, has been observed to be fimbriated, and these fimbriae are correlated with genetic competence in this organism. We tested the hypothesis that the fimbriae of N. elongata are Type IV pili (Tfp), and that Tfp functions in genetic competence. We provide evidence that the N. elongata fimbriae are indeed Tfp. Tfp, as well as the DNA Uptake Sequence (DUS), greatly enhance N. elongata DNA transformation. Tfp allows N. elongata to make intimate contact with N. gonorrhoeae and to mediate the transfer of antibiotic resistance markers between these two species. We conclude that Tfp functional for genetic competence is a trait of a commensal member of the Neisseria genus. Our findings provide a mechanism for the horizontal gene transfer that has been observed among Neisseria species.  相似文献   

Type IV pili (Tfp) play central roles in prokaryotic cell biology and disease pathogenesis. As dynamic filamentous polymers, they undergo rounds of extension and retraction modelled as pilin subunit polymerization and depolymerization events. Currently, the molecular mechanisms and components influencing Tfp dynamics remain poorly understood. Using Neisseria gonorrhoeae as a model system, we show that mutants lacking any one of a set of five proteins sharing structural similarity to the pilus subunit are dramatically reduced in Tfp expression and that these defects are suppressed in the absence of the PilT pilus retraction protein. Thus, these molecules are not canonical assembly factors but rather act as effectors of pilus homeostasis by promoting extension/polymerization events in the presence of PilT. Furthermore, localization studies support the conclusion that these molecules form a Tfp-associated complex and influence levels of PilC, the epithelial cell adhesin, in Tfp-enriched shear fractions. This is the first time that the step at which individual pilin-like proteins impact on Tfp expression has been defined. The findings have important implications for understanding Tfp dynamics and fundamental Tfp structure/function relationships.  相似文献   

Up to eight different types of secretion systems, and several more subtypes, have been described in Gram-negative bacteria. Here, we focus on the diversity and assembly mechanism of one of the best-studied secretion systems, the widespread chaperone-usher pathway known to assemble and secrete adhesive surface structures, called pili or fimbriae, which play essential roles in targeting bacterial pathogens to the host.  相似文献   

Three gonococcal genes have been identified which encode proteins with substantial similarities to known components of the type IV pilus biogenesis pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Two of the genes were identified based on their hybridization with a DNA probe derived from the pilB gene of P. aeruginosa under conditions of reduced stringency. The product of the gonococcal pilF gene is most closely related to the pilus assembly protein PilB of P. aeruginosa while the product of the gonococcal pilT gene is most similar to the PilT protein of P. aeruginosa which is involved in pilus-associated twitching motility and colony morphology. The products of both of these genes display canonical nucleoside triphosphate binding sites and are predicted to be to cytoplasmically localized based on their overall hydrophilicity. The gonococcal pilD gene, identified by virtue of its linkage to the pilF gene, is homologous to a family of prepilin leader peptidase genes. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the gonococcal PilD protein functions to process gonococcal prepilin in a manner consistent with its being gonococcal prepilin peptidase. These results suggest that Neisseria gonorrhoeae is capable of expressing many of the essential elements of a highly conserved protein translocation system and that these gene products are probably involved in pilus biogenesis.  相似文献   

The expression of type IV pili (Tfp) by Neisseria gonorrhoeae has been shown to be essential for natural genetic transformation at the level of sequence-specific uptake of DNA. All previously characterized mutants defective in this step of transformation either lack Tfp or are altered in the expression of Tfp-associated properties, such as twitching motility, autoagglutination and the ability to bind to human epithelial cells. To examine the basis for this relationship, we identified potential genes encoding polypeptides sharing structural similarities to PilE, the Tfp subunit, within the N. gonorrhoeae genome sequence database. We found that disruption of one such gene, designated comP (for competence-associated prepilin), leads to a severe defect in the capacity to take up DNA in a sequence-specific manner, but does not alter Tfp biogenesis or expression of the Tfp-associated properties of auto-agglutination, twitching motility and human epithelial cell adherence. Indirect evidence based on immunodetection suggests that ComP is expressed at very low levels relative to that of PilE. The process of DNA uptake in gonococci, therefore, is now known to require the expression of at least three distinct components: Tfp, the recently identified PilT protein and ComP.  相似文献   

Catalytically active, recombinant fusion proteins of bacteriophage E endosialidase were expressed and purified from Escherichia coli. Constructs with different fusion partners added to the amino terminus of the endosialidase were enzymatically active. A post-translational proteolytic cleavage was shown to occur between serine 706 and aspartate 707 to generate the 76 kDa mature enzyme from the 90 kDa translation product. Endosialidase truncated at the C-terminus from aspartate 707 was observed to have the same 76 kDa molecular weight as wild-type enzyme using denaturing SDS-PAGE but, under native PAGE conditions, was not observed to form the approximately 250 kDa trimeric wild-type enzyme, implying that the C-terminus of the enzyme may be required for correct assembly of active trimer, rather than as part of the active site as has been previously suggested. Mutagenesis of aspartate 138 to alanine greatly reduced enzyme activity whereas conversion of other selected aspartate residues to alanine had less effect, consistent with similarities between the structure and cata-lytic mechanism of bacteriophage E endosialidase and those of exosialidases.  相似文献   

Up to eight different types of secretion systems, and several more subtypes, have been described in Gram-negative bacteria. Here, we focus on the diversity and assembly mechanism of one of the best-studied secretion systems, the widespread chaperone–usher pathway known to assemble and secrete adhesive surface structures, called pili or fimbriae, which play essential roles in targeting bacterial pathogens to the host.  相似文献   

Type IV pili (T4Ps) are long cell surface filaments, essential for microcolony formation, tissue adherence, motility, transformation, and virulence by human pathogens. The enteropathogenic Escherichia coli bundle-forming pilus is a prototypic T4P assembled and powered by BfpD, a conserved GspE secretion superfamily ATPase held by inner-membrane proteins BfpC and BfpE, a GspF-family membrane protein. Although the T4P assembly machinery shares similarity with type II secretion (T2S) systems, the structural biochemistry of the T4P machine has been obscure. Here, we report the crystal structure of the two-domain BfpC cytoplasmic region (N-BfpC), responsible for binding to ATPase BfpD and membrane protein BfpE. The N-BfpC structure reveals a prominent central cleft between two α/β-domains. Despite negligible sequence similarity, N-BfpC resembles PilM, a cytoplasmic T4P biogenesis protein. Yet surprisingly, N-BfpC has far greater structural similarity to T2S component EpsL, with which it also shares virtually no sequence identity. The C-terminus of the cytoplasmic domain, which leads to the transmembrane segment not present in the crystal structure, exits N-BfpC at a positively charged surface that most likely interacts with the inner membrane, positioning its central cleft for interactions with other Bfp components. Point mutations in surface-exposed N-BfpC residues predicted to be critical for interactions among BfpC, BfpE, and BfpD disrupt pilus biogenesis without precluding interactions with BfpE and BfpD and without affecting BfpD ATPase activity. These results illuminate the relationships between T4P biogenesis and T2S systems, imply that subtle changes in component residue interactions can have profound effects on function and pathogenesis, and suggest that T4P systems may be disrupted by inhibitors that do not preclude component assembly.  相似文献   

Production of type IV bundle-forming pili (BFP) by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) requires the protein products of 12 genes of the 14-gene bfp operon. Antisera against each of these proteins were used to demonstrate that in-frame deletion of individual genes within the operon reduces the abundance of other bfp operon-encoded proteins. This result was demonstrated not to be due to downstream polar effects of the mutations but rather was taken as evidence for protein-protein interactions and their role in the stabilization of the BFP assembly complex. These data, combined with the results of cell compartment localization studies, suggest that pilus formation requires the presence of a topographically discrete assembly complex that is composed of BFP proteins in stoichiometric amounts. The assembly complex appears to consist of an inner membrane component containing three processed, pilin-like proteins, BfpI, -J, and -K, that localize with BfpE, -L, and -A (the major pilin subunit); an outer membrane, secretin-like component, BfpB and -G; and a periplasmic component composed of BfpU. Of these, only BfpL consistently localizes with both the inner and outer membranes and thus, together with BfpU, may articulate between the Bfp proteins in the inner membrane and outer membrane compartments.  相似文献   

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Expression of Type IV pili (Tfp), multifunctional surface appendages expressed by Gram-negative species of medical and environmental significance, has previously been shown to be regulated by consensus two-component systems. Elucidation of their unique biogenesis pathway and the dynamics of pilus growth and retraction involved in motility have revealed a novel step at which regulation might be imposed. Studies of Tfp expression following adherence to host tissue clearly demonstrate regulation by modulation of the retraction process. In addition, a large set of components related to flagellar chemosensory pathways has been shown to influence Tfp expression levels in many species. Like their flagellar counterparts, the Tfp-dedicated homologues are proposed to function by regulating motor function. Rather than dictating the switch frequencies of organelle rotation, however, they are hypothesized to control the rates of fiber extrusion and retraction.  相似文献   

The Neisseria gonorrhoeae Type IV pilus is a multifunctional, dynamic fiber involved in host cell attachment, DNA transformation, and twitching motility. We previously reported that the N. gonorrhoeae pilus is also required for resistance against hydrogen peroxide-, antimicrobial peptide LL-37-, and non-oxidative, neutrophil-mediated killing. We tested whether the hydrogen peroxide, LL-37, and neutrophil hypersensitivity phenotypes in non-piliated N. gonorrhoeae could be due to elevated iron levels. Iron chelation in the growth medium rescued a nonpiliated pilE mutant from both hydrogen peroxide- and antimicrobial peptide LL-37-mediated killing, suggesting these phenotypes are related to iron availability. We used the antibiotic streptonigrin, which depends on free cytoplasmic iron and oxidation to kill bacteria, to determine whether piliation affected intracellular iron levels. Several non-piliated, loss-of-function mutants were more sensitive to streptonigrin killing than the piliated parental strain. Consistent with the idea that higher available iron levels in the under- and non-piliated strains were responsible for the higher streptonigrin sensitivity, iron limitation by desferal chelation restored resistance to streptonigrin in these strains and the addition of iron restored the sensitivity to streptonigrin killing. The antioxidants tiron and dimethylthiourea rescued the pilE mutant from streptonigrin-mediated killing, suggesting that the elevated labile iron pool in non-piliated bacteria leads to streptonigrin-dependent reactive oxygen species production. These antioxidants did not affect LL-37-mediated killing. We confirmed that the pilE mutant is not more sensitive to other antibiotics showing that the streptonigrin phenotypes are not due to general bacterial envelope disruption. The total iron content of the cell was unaltered by piliation when measured using ICP-MS suggesting that only the labile iron pool is affected by piliation. These results support the hypothesis that piliation state affects N. gonorrhoeae iron homeostasis and influences sensitivity to various host-derived antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

In a search for factors that could contribute to the ability of the plant growth-stimulating Pseudomonas putida WCS358 to colonize plant roots, the organism was analyzed for the presence of genes required for pilus biosynthesis. The pilD gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which has also been designated xcpA, is involved in protein secretion and in the biogenesis of type IV pili. It encodes a peptidase that processes the precursors of the pilin subunits and of several components of the secretion apparatus. Prepilin processing activity could be demonstrated in P. putida WCS358, suggesting that this nonpathogenic strain may contain type IV pili as well. A DNA fragment containing the pilD (xcpA) gene of P. putida was cloned and found to complement a pilD (xcpA) mutation in P. aeruginosa. Nucleotide sequencing revealed, next to the pilD (xcpA) gene, the presence of two additional genes, pilA and pilC, that are highly homologous to genes involved in the biogenesis of type IV pili. The pilA gene encodes the pilin subunit, and pilC is an accessory gene, required for the assembly of the subunits into pili. In comparison with the pil gene cluster in P. aeruginosa, a gene homologous to pilB is lacking in the P. putida gene cluster. Pili were not detected on the cell surface of P. putida itself, not even when pilA was expressed from the tac promoter on a plasmid, indicating that not all the genes required for pilus biogenesis were expressed under the conditions tested. Expression of pilA of P. putida in P. aeruginosa resulted in the production of pili containing P. putida PilA subunits.  相似文献   

Archaea display a variety of type IV pili on their surface and employ them in different physiological functions. In the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius the most abundant surface structure is the aap pilus (a rchaeal a dhesive p ilus). The construction of in frame deletions of the aap genes revealed that all the five genes (aapA, aapX, aapE, aapF, aapB) are indispensible for assembly of the pilus and an impact on surface motility and biofilm formation was observed. Our analyses revealed that there exists a regulatory cross‐talk between the expression of aap genes and archaella (formerly archaeal flagella) genes during different growth phases. The structure of the aap pilus is entirely different from the known bacterial type IV pili as well as other archaeal type IV pili. An aap pilus displayed 3 stranded helices where there is a rotation per subunit of ~ 138° and a rise per subunit of ~ 5.7 Å. The filaments have a diameter of ~ 110 Å and the resolution was judged to be ~ 9 Å. We concluded that small changes in sequence might be amplified by large changes in higher‐order packing. Our finding of an extraordinary stability of aap pili possibly represents an adaptation to harsh environments that S. acidocaldarius encounters.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa inner membrane protein FimV is among several proteins of unknown function required for type IV pilus-mediated twitching motility, arising from extension and retraction of pili from their site of assembly in the inner membrane. The pili transit the periplasm and peptidoglycan (PG) layer, ultimately exiting the cell through the PilQ secretin. Although fimV mutants are nonmotile, they are susceptible to killing by pilus-specific bacteriophage, a hallmark of retractable surface pili. Here we show that levels of recoverable surface pili were markedly decreased in fimV pilT retraction-deficient mutants compared with levels in the pilT control, demonstrating that FimV acts at the level of pilus assembly. Levels of inner membrane assembly subcomplex proteins PilM/N/O/P were decreased in fimV mutants, but supplementation of these components in trans did not restore pilus assembly or motility. Loss of FimV dramatically reduced the levels of the PilQ secretin multimer through which pili exit the cell, in part due to decreased levels of PilQ monomers, while PilF pilotin levels were unchanged. Expression of pilQ in trans in the wild type or fimV mutants increased total PilQ monomer levels but did not alter secretin multimer levels or motility. PG pulldown assays showed that the N terminus of FimV bound PG in a LysM motif-dependent manner, and a mutant with an in-frame chromosomal deletion of the LysM motif had reduced motility, secretin levels, and surface piliation. Together, our data show that FimV's role in pilus assembly is to promote secretin formation and that this function depends upon its PG-binding domain.  相似文献   

The type II secretion system (T2SS) exports folded proteins from the periplasms of Gram‐negative bacteria. The type IV pilus system (T4PS) is a multifunctional machine used for adherence, motility and DNA transfer in bacteria and archaea. Partial sequence identity between the two systems suggests that they are related and might function via a similar mechanism, the dynamic assembly and disassembly of pseudopilus (T2SS) or pilus (T4PS) filaments. The major subunit in each system is thought to form the bulk of the (pseudo)pilus, while minor (low‐abundance) subunits have proposed roles in assembly initiation, antagonism of disassembly, or modulation of (pseudo)pilus functional properties. In this issue, Cisneros et al. ( 2012 ) extend their previous finding that pseudopilus assembly is primed by the minor pseudopilins, showing that the same proteins can initiate assembly of Escherichia coli T4P. Similarly, they show that the E. coli minor pilins prime the polymerization of T2S pseudopili, although unlike genuine pseudopili, the chimeric filaments did not support secretion. This work reinforces the notion of a common assembly mechanism for the T2S and T4P systems.  相似文献   

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