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The community structure of two confluent streams in southern Sweden was investigated, one stream was spring-fed and the other lake-fed. There was a downstream decrease in the number of species present in the lake outlet stream, no such change being discernible in the spring-fed stream. Taking the sampling site nearest the source of the spring-fed stream as the reference point, there was a downstream increase in dissimilarity and this increase was maintained upstream from the confluence in the lake-fed stream. Apart from generalists, all functional feeding groups showed decreased numbers from the lake outlet to the confluence in the lake-fed stream. In the spring-fed stream, densities of functional groups increased downstream, with the exception of grazers and generalists. There were indications of more predictable changes along the lake-fed stream compared to the spring-fed one, which seemed more influenced by site-specific factors.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize benthic communities and physical habitat in both an urban (Kirker Creek) and residential (Pleasant Grove Creek) stream in California in late spring of 2006 and 2007. Concurrent water quality evaluations, physical sediment parameters, pyrethroids, bulk metals, and SEM/AVS ratios were also measured during both years of this study. The relationship of various benthic metrics to physical habitat metrics, pyrethroids, and metals was evaluated for each stream using stepwise multiple linear regressions with both years combined for each stream, as well as both years and both streams combined, to increase the statistical power for determining significant relationships. Physical habitat was determined to be poor in each stream during both years of sampling. More than 100 benthic taxa were reported annually for both streams based on 2006 and 2007 sampling. A significant result from the stepwise regression analysis combining data for 2 years across both streams is that when habitat metrics and to a lesser degree metals are considered in the statistical models pyrethroids do not display any significant relationships to the benthic metrics. In summary, it is apparent from this analysis that the health of benthic communities in both streams is primarily affected by habitat metrics.  相似文献   

In the creek “Oberer Seebach”, 355 springtails belonging to 42 species were collected from the water-filled pore space of the bed gravel proper and the adjacent bank sediment. Almost 10 % of 2094 samples contained Collembola, with a mean density of 1.8 specimens per positive sample. The topographic distribution of the most abundant species Lepidocyrtus lignorum, Agrenia bidenticulata, and Folsomia quadrioculata suggests that riparian and eurytopic forms are frequently washed into the channel and transported down to a considerable sediment depth without injury to the animals. The rising groundwater table in the bank sediment traps no riparian, but predominantly hemiedaphic species. Euedaphic springtails are rare, especially in the groundwater samples.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to summarize and map bifenthrin sediment measurements from California waterbodies from 2001 to 2010 to show sites where bifenthrin has been measured in sediment (including both detected and non-detected concentrations) and where corresponding toxicity or its lack has been reported or predicted. Bifenthrin measurements were available from depositional areas at 359 sites with concurrent total organic carbon (TOC) measurements in California waterbodies and values from approximately 37% of these sites were below the level of detection. Sediment toxicity data based on Hyalella azteca single species ambient toxicity tests were available for 268 sites with concurrent bifenthrin measurements and 62% of these sites showed no significant toxicity. Sixteen percent of the 140 California sites with non-detected bifenthrin concentrations had some significant sediment toxicity thus suggesting that toxicity at these sites is due to factors other than bifenthrin. One percent TOC normalized bifenthrin measurements reported from 268 sites showed no predicted significant toxicity at 83% of the sites based on a comparison with a Hyalella azteca acute value of 6.1 ng/g while 99.3% of the sites showed no predicted significant toxicity based on a Chironomus tentans acute toxicity value of 177.5 ng/g. The test species toxicity data (i.e., Hyalella or Chironomus) used to predict bifenthrin toxicity in the field is therefore critical as the use of Hyalella toxicity data (a highly sensitive species to bifenthrin) may be overprotective and this species is less representative of most California waterbodies when compared with Chironomids.  相似文献   

The hydropsychids of two Mediterranean river basins in southern Spain (Guadaira and Guadalete) were investigated from January 1988 to January 1989. The distribution of hydropsychids along an environmental gradient related to altitude varied depending on species. Two distinct species assemblages were observed. one located in the lower altitude sites (the “downstream assemblage” comprising Hydropsyche pictetorum, Hydropsyche exocellata and Cheumatopsyche lepida) and the other in the upper-most areas (the “upstream assemblage” comprising Hydropsyche punica, Hydropsyche infernalis, Hydropsyche instabilis), which displayed a statistically significant preference for this type of habitat. Finally, H. pictetorum, selected the lowest sites. From a temporal point of view most species displayed a high variability in density dynamics between sites, suggesting a strong plasticity in life-cycle phenology.  相似文献   

Predictability of stream discharge and particulate organic matter (POM) in the water column was estimated, using Colwell's indices of constancy and contingency, for 6 Texas prairie streams (1 each of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th order with intermittent or perennial discharge). Stream discharge in these 6 prairie streams varied between 0 and 36000 1 s–1, depending on the stream and season. Predictability (P) of discharge in these streams ranged from 0.45 to 0.62, within the range of values expected for North American streams. Predictability of stream discharge was not significantly different between streams. Particulate organic matter concentrations in these prairie streams are relatively low, ranging from 0.25 to 4.00 mg AFDM 1–1. Predictability of POM concentration in these streams was high, ranging from 0.75 to 0.85, and was largely the result of constancy of POM concentrations. Within the different POM size classes, Fine POM (FPOM) had the highest predictability (P = 0.89–0.96). In spite of relatively unpredictable stream discharge, POM remained fairly constant providing a measure of habitat predictability and stability.  相似文献   

The stonefly distribution and its relationship with habitat changes, based on stream physico chemical features, were investigated in two Mediterranean river basins (Guadaira and Guadalete, S Spain). Plecopteran nymph distribution varied along an elevation gradient. Both stonefly species richness and species diversity increased with altitude. Stoneflies were able to tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions but were absent from low altitude sites, temporary streams with high salinity values and high water temperature. A total of 13 stonefly species were found in the study area, from which Tyrrhenoleuctra minuta (Klapálek ) and Protonemura sp. were dominant. The most widespread species were Nemoura lacustris and Capnioneura mitis. Three distinct species assemblages were observed according to their distribution patterns, but with similar environmental preferences. Capnioneura petitpierreae and T. minuta showed preferences to low altitude sites, whereas C. mitis and N. lacustris were found throughout all sites. T. minuta and N. lacustris inhabited permanent and temporary sites, while the same species and C. mitis also were found in semipermanent streams. Temporally, most stoneflies were caught during winter (85.9%), especially at the low altitude sites.  相似文献   

Despite frequent disturbances from flow, stream meiofauna form diverse and abundant assemblages suggesting that they are resistant and/or resilient to flow disturbances. Stream flow profoundly influences benthic invertebrate communities but these effects remain poorly understood. We examined the influence of flow on meiofauna colonization at small spatial scales (2–3 m) using artificial streams in conjunction with similar sites (flow, depth, substrates) in the reference stream (Illinois River, Arkansas). Colonization of meiofauna was found to be rapid and generally increased with flow rates examined (1–2, 6–7, and 11–12 cm s−1). Six of the 10 most abundant taxa successfully completed colonization in artificial channels (equaled or exceeded reference benthic densities) within 5 days. Benthic meiofauna were more abundant in fast flows in artificial channels and in fast and slow flows in reference stream sites. A diverse assemblage of meiofauna was collected from the plankton which was dominated by rotifers, copepods (mostly nauplii), dipterans, and cladocerans. Densities of drifting meiofauna (potential colonists of the benthos) were low (5 no. l−1) and similar among artificial channels and reference sites regardless of flow rates (F 1,18 = 2.19, p = 0.1407). Although densities were low, the numbers of drifting meiofauna were more than sufficient to colonize the benthos. Less than 0.65% of the drifting meiofauna were needed to colonize the substrates of artificial streams. The benthic assemblage paralleled that of the plankton, consisting mainly of rotifers, copepods (mainly nauplii), and dipterans. Evidence for active control over dispersal was observed as meiofauna densities varied between the plankton and benthos over the diel cycle (F 1,18 = 6.02, p = 0.0001 and F 1,18 = 9.88, p = 0.006, respectively). Rotifers, copepods, and nematodes were more abundant in the plankton during the day and in the substrates at night. These results suggest that meiofauna assemblages can change rapidly in response to alterations of habitat patches by disturbance.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Microform bed clusters are bedform microunits in streams. They consist of an obstacle clast (a large surface stone) against which other stones are stacked in a specific manner. Stream ecologists have suggested that these clusters are better flood refugia and more valuable habitats for invertebrates than single surface stones because of their higher stability during high‐flow events and their greater diversity of microhabitats available for colonisation. 2. To test these predictions in the Schmiedlaine, a flood‐prone prealpine stream, we sampled invertebrates on clustered and single stones on a total of seven occasions including before and after a moderate spate, two major floods and a minor spate. We also monitored surface particle stability during the second major flood and the minor spate. 3. Before the second flood (return period 1–2 years), we determined the exact positions of 60 clusters (60 obstacle clasts with 136 associated smaller particles) and 50 single stones in a 250‐m reach. We sampled the fauna on stones in the clusters, on well‐embedded single stones, and on loose single stones. Only six obstacle clasts and one single stone remained after the flood, implying movement of almost the entire surface layer. Therefore, we sampled the invertebrates on stones in newly formed clusters, on well‐embedded and single loose stones 3 and 11 days after the flood. The minor spate, in contrast to the second flood, moved only one of 495 monitored surface particles. 4. Three days after the flood, invertebrate density on clustered stones and both single stone categories were similar and equalled 34% of the mean pre‐flood density. Eight days later, density had almost doubled. The relatively high survival and rapid recovery suggest that invertebrates found refugia during the flood. However, the very low stability of clusters and single stones implied that surface particles were unimportant as refugia. 5. Total invertebrate density and taxon richness were never higher on clustered than on single stones (regardless of the timing of sampling relative to the last previous high‐flow event). Densities of the seven most common taxa and invertebrate community structure were also generally similar between particle types. We conclude that microform bed clusters cannot be regarded as more valuable invertebrate habitats than single surface stones in the Schmiedlaine.  相似文献   

Algal community structure on natural substrates of thermally altered artificial streams was studied for one year. The streams were fed by a natural blackwater stream near Aiken, South Carolina. Temperature-related shifts in the abundance of major species were demonstrated. Red algae were absent from a stream heated 12·5°C above ambient, but remained abundant in streams heated 7·5°C or less. Water temperatures above 30°C produced blue-green algal dominance and eliminated several indigenous species. Substrate specificity was exhibited by all major taxa. Several taxa were abundant only on the bottom sediments and some showed a distinct affinity for either sand or silt, the principal bottom types.  相似文献   

Metabolism of a Sonoran Desert stream was investigated by both enclosure and whole system oxygen techniques. We used recirculating chambers to estimate surface sediment metabolism and measured deep sediment respiration in isolated sediment cores. Metabolism of the stream ecosystem was determined for a 30-m reach as dark and light oxygen change with and without black plastic sheeting that darkened the stream and prevented diffusion. Average ecosystem respiration for two dates in August (440 mg O2 m-2 h-1) exceeded respiration of either the surface sediment community (155 Mg O2 m-2 h-1) or the hyporheic community (170 mg O2 m-2 h-1) alone. Deep sediments show substantial oxygen and nitrate uptake when isolated. In the stream, this low nitrate interstitial water is exchanged with surface water. Metabolism of the isolated surface community suggests a highly productive and autotrophic system, yet gross production is balanced or exceeded by community respiration when ecosystem boundaries include the hyporheic zone. Thus, despite high rates of gross primary production (600–1200 mg O2 m-2 h-1), desert streams may be heterotrophic (PG < R) during summer.  相似文献   

1. Stream ecosystems exhibit a highly consistent dendritic geometry in which linear habitat units intersect to create a hierarchical network of connected branches.
2. Ecological and life history traits of species living in streams, such as the potential for overland movement, may interact with this architecture to shape patterns of occupancy and response to disturbance. Specifically, large-scale habitat alteration that fragments stream networks and reduces connectivity may reduce the probability a stream is occupied by sensitive species, such as stream salamanders.
3. We collected habitat occupancy data on four species of stream salamanders in first-order (i.e. headwater) streams in undeveloped and urbanised regions of the eastern U.S.A. We then used an information–theoretic approach to test alternative models of salamander occupancy based on a priori predictions of the effects of network configuration, region and salamander life history.
4. Across all four species, we found that streams connected to other first-order streams had higher occupancy than those flowing directly into larger streams and rivers. For three of the four species, occupancy was lower in the urbanised region than in the undeveloped region.
5. These results demonstrate that the spatial configuration of stream networks within protected areas affects the occurrences of stream salamander species. We strongly encourage preservation of network connections between first-order streams in conservation planning and management decisions that may affect stream species.  相似文献   

Zoobenthic Communities of Inlets and Outlets of High Altitude Alpine Lakes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Due to their sensitivity, remote mountain lakes and streams are not only vulnerable to environmental change but also excellent sensors of such changes. Notwithstanding their importance as an ultimate resource of unpolluted waters, the alpine biome remains one of the less studied ecosystems in the world. This study involved the analysis of a database of zoobenthic communities collected in 36 inlets and 44 outlets of Swiss (Canton Bern) and Italian (Piedmont, Trentino-Alto Adige) Alpine lakes. All the streams are above the tree line and were sampled qualitatively in September/October (mostly in 2000) by disturbing the substrate and concentrating the dislodged animals with a standard pond net (250 μm mesh size). Generally higher population densities and taxon richness were found in the outlets than in the inlets. Fifty-seven per cent of taxa were common to the two stream types, with 17% found exclusively in the inlets and 26% in the outlets. Piedmont had the highest number of taxa found only in the region, Trentino-Alto Adige the lowest number. Insects represented 89% and 81% of the zoobenthic community of inlets and outlets, respectively. Among the insects, Diptera prevailed, with Chironomidae accounting for 68% of the mean inlet communities and 45% of those found in the outlets. The subfamily of Diamesinae was far more abundant in the inlets (16%) than in the outlets (1%). In contrast, the outlets hosted more Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Plecoptera, Oligochaeta and Tricladida. Some significant differences regarding the distribution of some species were found along the West–East and South–North gradients. The lakes appeared to affect the structure of the stream zoobenthic community by ameliorating the harsh physico-chemical conditions of the tributaries but no evidence was found indicating an increase in organic matter. In fact, filter-feeding invertebrates did not show any significant increase in the outlets, though the number of these taxa was higher downstream of the lakes.  相似文献   

1. Most Finnish streams were channelised during the 19th and 20th century to facilitate timber floating. By the late 1970s, extensive programmes were initiated to restore these degraded streams. The responses of fish populations to restoration have been little studied, however, and monitoring of other stream biota has been negligible. In this paper, we review results from a set of studies on the effects of stream restoration on habitat structure, brown trout populations, benthic macroinvertebrates and leaf retention. 2. In general, restoration greatly increased stream bed heterogeneity. The cover of mosses in channelised streams was close to that of unmodified reference sites, but after restoration moss cover declined to one‐tenth of the pre‐restoration value. 3. In one stream, densities of age‐0 trout were slightly lower after restoration, but the difference to an unmodified reference stream was non‐significant, indicating no effect of restoration. In another stream, trout density increased after restoration, indicating a weakly positive response. The overall weak response of trout to habitat manipulations probably relates to the fact that restoration did not increase the amount of pools, a key winter habitat for salmonids. 4. Benthic invertebrate community composition was more variable in streams restored 4–6 years before sampling than in unmodified reference streams or streams restored 8 years before sampling. Channelised streams supported a distinctive set of indicator species, most of which were filter‐feeders or scrapers, while most of the indicators in streams restored 8 years before sampling were shredders. 5. Leaf retentiveness in reference streams was high, with 60–70% of experimentally released leaves being retained within 50 m. Channelised streams were poorly retentive (c. 10% of leaves retained), and the increase in retention following restoration was modest (+14% on average). Aquatic mosses were a key retentive feature in both channelised and natural streams, but their cover was drastically reduced through restoration. 6. Mitigation of the detrimental impacts of forestry (e.g. removal of mature riparian forests) is a major challenge to the management of boreal streams. This goal cannot be achieved by focusing efforts only on restoration of physical structures in stream channels, but also requires conservation and ecologically sound management of riparian forests.  相似文献   

The effects of selenium on streamecosystems were studied in outdoor,experimental stream mesocosms during a dosingperiod in which sodium selenite was added atnominal concentrations of 30 µg/L,10 µg/L, and 2.5 µg/L. The durationof the high, medium, and low treatments were573 d, 972 d, and 311 d, respectively. Apost-dosing period of three years (hightreatment) and two years (medium, lowtreatments) also was studied. Seleniumconcentrations in water, sediment, plants, andmacroinvertebrates were measured throughoutthe dosing and recovery periods. Fatheadminnows and bluegill sunfish were periodicallyheld in the streams to measure seleniumaccumulation and its effects on fish survivaland reproduction. Quantitative samples ofmacroinvertebrates were collected to assessselenium effects on macroinvertebratecommunities.Mean selenium concentration inwater was quite close to the nominalconcentration. Selenium accumulated in thesediment in all three treated streams, but notin the control streams. Sediment seleniumdecreased slowly after dosing ceased, but wasstill significantly higher than in controlstreams three years (high treatment) and twoyears (medium treatment) later.Macrophytetissue selenium concentrations weresignificantly greater in all three treatmentsthan those in the control streams duringdosing. Macrophyte selenium bioaccumulationfactors (BAFs) ranged from about 300 to 1900. Tissue selenium decreased rapidly in all threetreatments after dosing ended.During dosing,selenium concentrations in animals from allthree treatments were significantly higherthan in those from control streams. The BAFsfor macroinvertebrates ranged from 1100 to2000. Isopods accumulated more, and amphipodsless, selenium than other invertebrates. Therewere no significant effects of selenium onmacroinvertebrate abundance, richness ordiversity. Several macroinvertebrates werenot affected by exposure to selenium, butisopod and Tubifex populations weredramatically reduced in the high and mediumtreatments. After dosing, mean seleniumconcentration in macroinvertebrates decreasedslowly.Bluegill sunfish accumulated seleniumduring dosing and after selenium additionsceased. Tissue selenium was highest in theliver, followed by the gonads, skeletalmuscle, and whole body. Tissue seleniumconcentrations one (high, medium) and two(high) years after dosing were lower thanduring dosing, but whole body, skeletal muscleand liver concentrations were high enough tobe considered potentially toxic.Recovery ofselenium contaminated streams includes bothreduction of tissue selenium concentration tonon-toxic levels in fish and their foodorganisms and recovery of populations of taxadeleteriously affected by selenium exposure. Our results suggest that when selenium iseliminated from the water in streams, seleniumconcentrations in sediment, plants,macroinvertebrates, and fishes will decreaseto levels that approach concentrationsconsidered to be non-toxic to fish andwildlife and that affected populations willrecover within several years. Based onselenium accumulation in the food chain andthe presence of real, but not statisticallysignificant, effects on fish mortality andreproduction in the low treatment streams, wesupport a selenium water quality criterion forthe protection of fishes and sensitiveinvertebrates of 2 µg/L or less.  相似文献   

凉水和帽儿山地区低级溪流生境和水质状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究不同植被景观土地利用下低级溪流的生境状况和水质差异,对凉水国家级自然保护区红松原始林内和帽儿山国家森林公园境内天然次生林植被和农田背景下各3条溪流生境和水质状况进行调查。对溪流生物特性(悬浮藻、附着藻)和理化性质(温度、混浊度、溶解氧(DO)、pH、NH4^+-N、NO3^-N、PO4^3-P、总氮(TN)和总磷(11P))以及细小颗粒有机物质(FPOM)和粗大有机物质(CPOM))进行测定。研究结果表明,凉水地区原始林溪流的生境状况好于帽儿山地区的次生林,帽儿山地区农田溪流生境最差。原始林溪流具有稳定的溪底生物生活基质,稳水区和急流区均匀分布,稳水区尺度变化大,受淀积物沉降干扰小,河道较弯曲,河岸稳定,河岸植被覆盖度高;次生林溪流以急流区为主,稳定基质相对较差,并受到一定程度的淀积物沉降干扰,河岸尚稳定,有一定程度的人为干扰;农田溪流基质不稳定,受到强烈淀积物沉降影响,渠道化严重,河岸带植被严重破坏。3种景观背景下溪流总磷(11P)、溶解氧(DO)、混浊度、温度、氮磷比值(N/P)(P〈0.05)存在显著差异。原始林溪流NH4^+、DO、TP、TN、悬浮藻浓度和pH较高、附着藻数量较多,温度较低、FPOM和CPOM的数量较少;次生林溪流的NO3^--N、N/P和TDIN较高。 浊度较低;农田溪流浊度、温度、PO4^3--P较高,DO和pH较低,附着藻数量较少。景观尺度上的土地利用对溪流生境具有深刻的影响,同时决定溪流的水质状况。  相似文献   

1. The spatial distribution of stream‐dwelling organisms is often considered to be limited primarily according to the hierarchical structure of the hydrologic network, and previous conceptual models of population genetic structure have reflected this generality. Headwater specialists, however, are confined to short upstream sections of the network, and therefore are unlikely to respond in the same way as species with a broader range of habitat tolerance. 2. Here, we propose a model to describe spatial patterns of genetic diversity in headwater specialists with a limited ability for among‐stream dispersal. The headwater model predicts a partitioning of genetic variance according to higher‐elevation ‘islands’ of terrestrial habitat that provide required headwater stream conditions. The model therefore expects a geographic pattern of genetic variance similar to that expected for low‐dispersal terrestrial species occupying the adjacent habitat. 3. Using a 1032‐bp mitochondrial DNA fragment encompassing parts of the COI and COII genes, we demonstrate that Madrean Sky Islands populations of the giant water bug Abedus herberti conform to the proposed headwater model. Furthermore, they exhibit phylogeographic patterns broadly concordant with those shown for several terrestrial species in the region, including a major zone of discontinuity in the Chiricahua mountain range. 4. Overall, populations are highly isolated from one another, and a nested clade analysis suggested that A. herberti population structure, similarly to terrestrial Sky Islands species studied previously, has been influenced by Pleistocene climatic cycles causing expansion and contraction of temperate woodland habitat. 5. Because they have no ability to disperse among present‐day mountaintop habitat islands, A. herberti and other headwater species with limited dispersal ability are vulnerable to the projected increasing rate of climatic warming in this region.  相似文献   

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