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Glycerate kinase (ATP : D-glycerate 2-phosphotransferase EC is a key enzyme of gluconeogenesis from serine via hydroxypyruvate. A differential centrifugation of rat liver homogenate and an analysis of the particle fraction by sucrose density gradient centrifugation indicated that 72% and 26% of glycerate kinase are present in mitochondria and cytosol, respectively. A study on the intramitochondrial localization of the enzyme suggested that the mitochondrial glycerate kinase was present in inner membrane and/or matrix. It was found that dietary protein selectively induced mitochondrial glycerate kinase. This result suggested that mitochondrial glycerate kinase had a physiological function for gluconeogenesis from serine. However, the metabolic significance of the cytoplasmic enzyme was still unclear. The properties of solubilized-mitochondrial and cytosolic glycerate kinases were compared. However, no difference between the two enzymes could be found in the kinetic properties, thermal stability, molecular size or electrochemical properties. These results suggested that both enzymes originate from common genetic information. In order to elucidate the regulatory mechanism of the intracellular distribution of glycerate kinase in rat liver, the responses of mitochondrial and cytosolic glycerate kinases to an alteration of dietary protein were studied. The result suggested that an alteration of dietary protein content may regulate the distribution and the translocation of glycerate kinase to mitochondria and cytosol as well as the total amount of glycerate kinase.  相似文献   

Mitochondria import a large number of nuclear-encoded proteins via membrane-bound transport machineries; however, little is known about regulation of the preprotein translocases. We report that the main protein entry gate of mitochondria, the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM complex), is phosphorylated by cytosolic kinases-in particular, casein kinase 2 (CK2) and protein kinase A (PKA). CK2 promotes biogenesis of the TOM complex by phosphorylation of two key components, the receptor Tom22 and the import protein Mim1, which in turn are required for import of further Tom proteins. Inactivation of CK2 decreases the levels of the TOM complex and thus mitochondrial protein import. PKA phosphorylates Tom70 under nonrespiring conditions, thereby inhibiting its receptor activity and the import of mitochondrial metabolite carriers. We conclude that cytosolic kinases exert stimulatory and inhibitory effects on biogenesis and function of the TOM complex and thus regulate protein import into mitochondria.  相似文献   

The distribution of glycerate kinase [ATP:D-glycerate 2-phosphotransferase, EC] in kidney was studied. This enzyme was found to be present in the renal cortex. By differential centrifugation of the homogenate and sucrose density gradient analysis, it was found that 42% and 60% of the renal glycerate kinase were localized in the cytosol and mitochondria, respectively. The mitochondrial enzyme appeared to be present in the inner membrane and/or matrix. No difference was found between the solubilized-mitochondrial and cytosolic glycerate kinase as regards kinetic properties, thermal stability, electrochemical properties, and molecular size. Immunochemical identity of these enzymes was demonstrated using a rabbit antibody against mitochondrial glycerate kinase purified from rat liver. Although the hepatic enzyme was induced by dietary protein (Kitagawa, Y., Katayama, H., & Sugimoto, E. [1979] Biochim. Biophys. Acta 582, 260--275), the renal enzyme in mitochondria and cytosol was not affected by dietary protein. These results on renal glycerate kinase are compared with those for the hepatic enzyme, and the regulatory mechanism for intracellular distribution of the enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   

The discovery of a cold-labile cytosolic acetyl-CoA hydrolase of high activity in rat liver by Prass et al. [(1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 5215-5223] has questioned the importance of mitochondrial acetyl-CoA hydrolase for the formation of free acetate [Grigat et al. (1979) Biochem. J. 177, 71-79] under physiological conditions. Therefore this problem has been reevaluated by comparing various properties of the two enzymes. Cold-labile cytosolic acetyl-CoA hydrolase bands with an apparent Mr of 68000 during SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, while the native enzyme elutes in two peaks with apparent Mr of 136000 and 245000 during gel chromatography in the presence of 2 mM ATP. The mitochondrial enzyme elutes under the same conditions with an apparent Mr of 157000. Under conditions where the cold-labile enzyme binds strongly to DEAE-Bio-Gel and ATP-agarose, the mitochondrial enzyme remains unbound. The cold-labile enzyme can be activated 14-fold by ATP, half-maximal activation occurring already at 40 microM ATP. AdoPP[NH]P, AdoPP[CH2]P and GTP have a similar though weaker effect. ADP as well as GDP can completely inhibit the cold-labile enzyme with 50% inhibition occurring for both nucleotides at about 1.45 microM. The binding of ATP and ADP is competitive. Acetyl phosphate and pyrophosphate have no effect on the activity of the cold-labile enzyme. The mitochondrial acetyl-CoA hydrolase is not affected by these nucleotides. CoASH is a strong product inhibitor (approximately equal to 80% inhibition at 40 microM CoASH) of the cold-labile enzyme, but only a weak inhibitor of the mitochondrial enzyme. Under in vivo conditions the activity of the cold-labile cytosolic acetyl-CoA hydrolase can be no more than 7% of the activity calculated for mitochondrial acetyl-CoA hydrolase under the same conditions. Accordingly the mitochondrial enzyme seems to be mainly responsible for the formation of free acetate by the intact liver, especially in view of the fact that the substrate specificity of the mitochondrial enzyme is much higher (activity ratios acetyl-CoA/butyryl-CoA 4.99 and 1.16 for the mitochondrial and the cold-labile enzyme respectively). Alloxan diabetes neither increased the activity of the cold-labile enzyme nor that of the mitochondrial enzyme. No experimental support has been found yet for the hypothesis that the acetyl-CoA hydrolase activity of the cold-labile enzyme represents the side-activity of an acetyl-transferase.  相似文献   

Adequate supply of selenium (Se) is critical for synthesis of selenoproteins through selenocysteine insertion mechanism. To explore this process we investigated the expression of the cytosolic and mitochondrial isoenzymes of thioredoxin reductase (TrxR1 and TrxR2) in response to altered Se supply. Rats were fed diets containing different quantities of selenium and the levels of TrxR1 and TrxR2 protein and their corresponding mRNAs were determined in liver and kidney. Expression of the two isoenzymes was differentially affected, with TrxR1 being more sensitive to Se depletion than TrxR2 and greater changes in liver than kidney. In order to determine if the selenocysteine incorporation sequence (SECIS) element was critical in this response liver and kidney cell lines (H4 and NRK-52E) were transfected with reporter constructs in which expression of luciferase required read-through at a UGA codon and which contained either the TrxR1 or TrxR2 3'UTR, or a combination of the TrxR1 5' and 3'UTRs. Cell lines expressing constructs with the TrxR1 3'UTR demonstrated no response to restricted Se supply. In comparison the Se-deficient cells expressing constructs with the TrxR2 3'UTR showed considerably less luciferase activity than the Se-adequate cells. No disparity of response to Se supply was observed in the constructs containing the different TrxR1 5'UTR variants. The data show that there is a prioritisation of TrxR2 over TrxR1 during Se deficiency such that TrxR1 expression is more sensitive to Se supply than TrxR2 but this sensitivity of TrxR1 was not fully accounted for by TrxR1 5' or 3'UTR sequences when assessed using luciferase reporter constructs.  相似文献   

Two cyclic nucleotide-independent protein kinases (ATP:protein phosphotransferase, EC have been purified to homogeneity from rat liver nuclei. While these enzymes have many similar catalytic properties (preference for acid rather than basic proteins), they differ in molecular weight and subunit composition. Protein kinase NII will utilize ATP and GTP as phosphate donors while protein kinase NI will only effectively use ATP. Both enzymes reveal an unusual activation by Fe2+.  相似文献   

We examined the molecular basis of rat P130, a nuclear scaffold protein, and its functions. P130 comprising 845 amino acid residues possesses several functional domains and yields an electrophoretically distinctive isoform, P123, by altering its phosphorylation status in association with translocation across the nuclear membrane and from the digitonin-extractable fraction of the nucleus to the nuclear scaffold. The functional domains, NLS, NES, and zinc-finger bearing DNA-binding domains, ZF1 and ZF2, aid these translocations. P130 binds RNA through two RNA-binding domains (RB1 and RB2) similar to those of hnRNPs I and L. Microsome- and polysome-localized P130 and P123 were found in rat liver and Ac2F hepatoma cells. This localization required prior entry of P130 to the nucleus, but did not require RB1 and RB2. Thus, P130 initially purified from rat liver nuclear scaffold has the potential to play a variety of roles in biological events not only in the nuclear scaffold but also in various subcellular compartments. P130 (AB205483) is identical to matrin 3 (M63485 and BC062231), although the primary structure of rat matrin 3 has been revised, since it was first published.  相似文献   

Glutathione reductase has been purified 5,500-fold from rat liver mitochondrial matrix in a yield of 30%. The mitochondrial enzyme was immunochemically indistinguishable from that of the cytosol and the subunit molecular weight was apparently similar to that of the cytosolic enzyme, that is, 50,000 daltons. The optimum pH and kinetic properties investigated were not significantly different from those of the cytosolic enzyme. When rats were fed a riboflavin-deficient diet, the enzyme activity in the mitochondria decreased to a greater extent than that in the cytosol, and greater accumulation of apo-enzyme in the former than that in the latter was confirmed by the amount of immunoprecipitable protein, activation by FAD addition in vitro, and the enzyme activity recovery after injection of riboflavin, into riboflavin-deficient rats.  相似文献   

Two cAMP-independent protein kinases were purified from rat ventral-prostate and liver cytosol, and were designated PK-C1 and PK-C2 to distinguish them from the nuclear protein kinases described in the preceding paper. The yield of the prostate enzymes was about 5% each, and about 10% each for the liver enzymes. The average fold purification of the prostatic enzymes was 1892 and 3176 for protein kinase C1 and C2, respectively. Their average respective specific activity towards casein was 40,111 and 67,340 nmol 32P incorporated/hr per mg of enzyme protein. protein kinase C1 comprised one polypeptide of Mr 39,000 which underwent phosphorylation in the presence of Mg2+ + ATP. Protein kinase C2 comprised three polypeptides of Mr 41,000; 38,000; 26,000. Of these only the Mr 26,000 polypeptide was autophosphorylated. The Mg2+ requirement for protein kinase C1 and C2 was between 1 and 4 mM depending on the nature of the protein substrate. Both enzymes were stimulated by 100-200 mM NaCl. Km for ATP for C1 and C2 kinases was 0.01 mM; GTP could be used only by protein kinase C2 but with a markedly lower affinity. The enzymes were active towards casein, phosvitin, dephosphophosvitin, and spermine-binding protein in vitro, but demonstrated little activity towards histones. Despite several similarities in these general properties of cytosolic protein kinases C1 and C2 with those of nuclear protein kinases N1 and N2, a number of differences are also noted.  相似文献   

Ethanol (50 mM) inhibited proteolysis in the perfused rat liver during stringent amino acid deprivation and also in the presence of normal and 10 times normal concentrations of plasma amino acids. The concentration-response curve of ethanol reached a plateau after 5 mM in both the presence and the absence of normal plasma amino acids, suggesting inhibition by oxidation products of ethanol. Intracellular glutamine, tyrosine and proline increased in concentration with ethanol, but the increases were too small to explain the observed inhibition of proteolysis. The uptake of 125I-asialofetuin was slightly decreased and the output of ammonia increased in the presence of ethanol. These, together with a significant suppression of basal proteolysis in the presence of amino acids, suggest that lysosomal function was directly affected. Electron-microscopic examination of lysosomal components showed that the aggregate volume of autophagosomes (initial vacuoles) were significantly smaller in livers perfused with ethanol than in controls. However, the equivalent volume of autolysosomes (degradative vacuoles) was the same in both groups. According to these results, ethanol inhibits protein degradation in the liver by two discrete mechanisms: one decreasing the formation of autophagic vacuoles and the other involving lysosomotropic inhibition, possibly via ammonia.  相似文献   

Reversed-phase chromatography separates lysyl-tRNA from mammalian tissues into five isoaccepting species. The major peaks are designated lysyl-tRNA2 and lysyl-tRNA5. In ribosomal binding experiments lysyl-tRNA2 binds exclusively for AAG, whereas lysyl-tRNA5 codes preferentially for AAA. The results presented here show that the lysyl-tRNA5 peak in liver tissue is a mixture of two different lysyl-tRNAs which we have designated as lysyl-tRNA5 and lysyl-tRNA5B. These two lysyl-tRNAs were distinguished by the fact that lysyl-tRNA5B could still accept lysine after iodine oxidation, whereas lysyl-tRNA5 could not. Lysyl-tRNA5B, however, was modified by the iodine treatment because it eluted at a different position during RPC-5 chromatography. Similar results were obtained when cyanogen bromide was used in place of iodine as the modifying reagent. It was also shown that iodine oxidation of lysyl-tRNA5B caused a loss of the ability of this tRNA to bind to ribosomes in response to both ApApA and ApApG. Reversal of the effects of iodine by incubation with sodium thiosulfate restored some of the ribosomal binding activity. Under these conditions lysyl-tRNA5B bound in response to ApApG, but not to ApApA. Based upon these data, lysyl-tRNA5B appears to be a sulfur-containing lysyl-tRNA which codes for AAG exclusively. It is postulated that this tRNA may contain a 2-thiocytidine in the anticodon loop.  相似文献   

The influence of desialylation of human transcortin on transport of the transcortin-cortisol complex into the liver cells and its intracellular distribution was investigated in perfused rat liver. Under experimental conditions used the half-time of cortisol in perfusion medium was decreased more than 200 times in presence of asialotranscortin compared to that of native transcortin. Experiments with [3H]cortisol and [131I]asialotranscortin demonstrated a simultaneous uptake of cortisol and asialotranscortin by the hepatocytes. Distribution of [3H]cortisol and [131I]asialotranscortin in subcellular fractions showed the following pathway of cortisol-asialotranscortin complex: cell membrane, lysosomes, cytoplasm. The complex dissociates in lysosomes.  相似文献   

The protein kinases of rat liver nuclei   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two compounds with properties of Factor F-430 were purified from Methanobacteriumbryantii by column chromatography. Analysis of these compounds by neutron activation and atomic absorption spectroscopy revealed the presence of nickel and the absence of other metals commonly associated with molecules of biological origin. For the two compounds, the masses are 3300 daltons per mol Ni and 1500 daltons per mol Ni. The absorbance at 430 nm of both compounds is between 2.7?2.1 × 104 cm?1 L (mol Ni)?1. Factor F-430 appears to be a unique, nickel-containing compound of low molecular weight.  相似文献   

Protein kinase associated with rat liver microsomes was only partly extracted by treatment with 1.5 M KCl. The enzyme was solubilised by Triton X-100 or sodium deoxycholate at the same or slightly higher detergent concentrations than microsomal marker components. The enzyme activity increased 2-3 fold upon solubilisation. Three peaks with protein kinase activity (fractions MI, MII and MIII) were resolved on DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Fraction MIII but not fractions MI or MII was activated by adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP). All fractions catalysed the phosphorylation of protamine and histones but not that of casein or phosvitin. Fractions MI and MIII had a similar substrate specificity and phosphorylated histones at a relatively much higher rate than did fraction MII. The isoelectric points were 8.1 for fraction MI, 5.5 for fraction MII and 4.9 for fraction MIII. On incubation of fraction MIII with cyclic AMP it was split into two catalytically active components with pI 8.1 and 7.35. The component with pI 8.1 was predominant and corresponded to fraction MI. Five protein kinase peaks were resolved from rat liver cytosol by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Three of them (fractions CIa, CIIb and CIII) had the same properties as each of the microsomal kinase fractions. A forth fraction (CIIa) was cyclic-AMP-dependent and had the same substrate specificity as fractions MI and MIII. Its pI was 5.1, and it was split into two components by cyclic AMP (pI 8.1 and 7.35). In binding studies fraction CIIb bound more efficiently to microsomes than fraction CIII, while fractions CIa, CIIa and the microsomal protein kinase fractions did not bind appreciably. When microsomes were treated with trypsin exposed protein kinase was inactivated and the latency of the remaining enzyme increased substantially. Most of fraction MII was inactivated by trypsin while fraction MIII was resistant. The possible orientation of protein kinase fractions MII and MIII in the microsomal membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

To gain more insight into the nature of the substrate specificity of protein phosphatases, four forms of glycogen synthase D were used as substrates for previously characterized protein phosphatases, IA, IB, and II, from rat liver cytosol. The phosphatase activity was measured as the conversion of glycogen synthase D to synthase I. While glycogen synthase isolated from rat liver as the D-form was activated mainly by phosphatase IA, rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen synthase previously phosphorylated in vitro by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase or phosphorylase kinase was activated efficiently by phosphatases IA, IB, and II. Glycogen synthase isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle as the D-form, however, was a poor substrate for all three phosphatases. These results suggest that the phosphorylation state as well as the primary structure of synthase D markedly affects the rate of its activation by individual protein phosphatases. A protein phosphatase released from rat liver particulate glycogen, on the other hand, activated all forms of synthase D used here readily and at about the same rate.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the developmentally regulated Soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) protein Spo20p mediates the fusion of vesicles with the prospore membrane, which is required for the formation of spores. Spo20p is subject to both positive and negative regulation by separate sequences in its aminoterminal domain. We report that the positive activity is conferred by a short, amphipathic helix that is sufficient to confer plasma membrane or prospore membrane localization to green fluorescent protein. In vitro, this helix binds to acidic phospholipids, and mutations that reduce or eliminate phospholipid binding in vitro inactivate Spo20p in vivo. Genetic manipulation of phospholipid pools indicates that the likely in vivo ligand of this domain is phosphatidic acid. The inhibitory activity is a nuclear targeting signal, which confers nuclear localization in vegetative cells and in cells entering meiosis. However, as cells initiate spore formation, fusions containing the inhibitory domain exit the nucleus and localize to the nascent prospore membrane. Thus, the SNARE Spo20p is both positively and negatively regulated by control of its intracellular localization.  相似文献   

Regulation of phosphatidylinositol kinase (EC and phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtdIns4P) kinase (EC was investigated in highly enriched plasma-membrane and cytosolic fractions derived from cloned rat pituitary (GH3) cells. In plasma membranes, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2] added exogenously enhanced incorporation of [32P]phosphate from [gamma-32P]MgATP2- into PtdIns(4,5)P2 and PtdIns4P to 150% of control; half-maximal effect occurred with 0.03 mM exogenous PtdIns(4,5)P2. Exogenous PtdIns4P and phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) had no effect. When plasma membranes prepared from cells prelabelled to isotopic steady state with [3H]inositol were used, there was a MgATP2- dependent increase in the content of [3H]PtdIns(4,5)P2 and [3H]PtdIns4P that was enhanced specifically by exogenous PtdIns(4,5)P2 also. Degradation of 32P- and 3H-labelled PtdIns(4,5)P2 and PtdIns4P within the plasma-membrane fraction was not affected by exogenous PtdIns(4,5)P2. Phosphoinositide kinase activities in the cytosolic fraction were assayed by using exogenous substrates. Phosphoinositide kinase activities in cytosol were inhibited by exogenously added PtdIns(4,5)P2. These findings demonstrate that exogenously added PtdIns(4,5)P2 enhances phosphoinositide kinase activities (and formation of polyphosphoinositides) in plasma membranes, but decreases these kinase activities in cytosol derived from GH3 cells. These data suggest that flux of PtdIns to PtdIns4P to PtdIns(4,5)P2 in the plasma membrane cannot be increased simply by release of membrane-associated phosphoinositide kinases from product inhibition as PtdIns(4,5)P2 is hydrolysed.  相似文献   

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