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Plasma membrane vesicles (R4-PM) prepared from mouse lymphoma cells (RDM4,H2k) were employed to investigate requirements for recognition of target cell membranes by allogeneic cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Using immunofluorescent staining and fluorescence microscopy, the R4-PM were tested for binding to CTL and were found to bind to these effector cells in a specific manner. However, this binding was very inefficient compared to the binding of whole RDM4 cells to CTL. The R4-PM were then attached to P388D1 cells (H-2d) in the presence of wheat germ agglutinin and polyethylene glycol (PEG), both under conditions which promote membrane fusion (40% PEG) and under conditions which do not (10% PEG). About 1 cell equivalent R4-PM becomes associated per P388D1 cell in both situations. In the cytotoxicity assays that were carried out, the P388D1 cells which had R4-PM attached under fusion conditions were lysed by CTL directed against H2k in a specific manner, while the P388D1 cells which had R4-PM attached under nonfusion conditions were not lysed above background levels by these CTL. These results suggest that recognition of target cells by allogeneic CTL such that lysis occurs requires more than presentation of the alloantigens as they are expressed in plasma membrane vesicles. However, fusion of these vesicles back into living cells apparently enhances the ability of the alloantigens to be recognized.  相似文献   

We have explored further the basis for resistance of cloned cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) to cell-mediated cytotoxicity. We find that most cloned CTLs recognized as specific target cells by other cloned CTLs used as effector cells fail to activate three early events that may be critical in triggering lysis in the effector CTLs: Ca2+ influx, microtubule organizing center (MTOC) reorientation, and serine esterase release. To the extent that any or all of these events are involved in activation or expression of the lytic pathway in effector CTLs, our results suggest that in addition to being inherently resistant to cytotoxic granule extracts, many CTLs are also unable to induce lytic function in other (effector) CTLs. We have found one CTL clone that can respond to recognizable cloned CTL target cells with at least MTOC reorientation and serine esterase release, although the target CTLs are still not lysed. In this case, the resistance of the target CTL to lysis may be due solely to its resistance to cytoplasmic granule contents.  相似文献   

Recognition and lysis of target cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A single cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) is capable of performing the two most fundamental functions of an immune response, recognition and elimination of foreign antigens. It is now clear that in a CTL these two functions are linked via the antigen-specific, heterodimeric receptor. We review here some experimental approaches that justify this conclusion and provide the means for further examination of the mechanisms by which CTLs lyse their target cells. When antireceptor antibodies serving as antigen substitutes are attached to various cells, they trigger the lytic activity of particular CTLs, which results in lysis of the antibody-modified cell. In the process, a novel serine esterase, which is located within cytolytic granules of the CTL, is released. The presence of this enzyme and a complement-like protein, perforin, in granules of a CTL has led to the suggestion that CTLs and complement have similar cytolytic mechanisms. However, the resistance of some CTLs to lysis by other CTLs, but not to lysis by antibody-activated complement, suggests fundamental differences between cytolytic mechanisms of CTLs and complement.  相似文献   

HLA-A2 specific human cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) cell lines have been developed using T cell growth factor and coculture of peripheral blood lymphocytes with selected allogeneic target cell lines. The CTL-8 line showed specificity for human leukocyte antigens (HLA)-A2 bearing target cells after 5 weeks in culture when tested against a panel of 14 lymphoblastoid cell lines in a 51Chromium (51Cr) release assay. Purified anti-human leukocyte antigens (HLA) monoclonal antibodies W6/32 and PA2.1 inhibited cytolysis by 85% and 60%, respectively. The CTL-8 line lysed non-HLA-A2 target cells in the presence of lectins concanavalin A (Con A) or phytohemagglutinin-P lectin (PHA-P) indicating the specificity of cytolysis was not due to nonspecific resistance of target cells to the CTL-lytic mechanism. The T5-1 HLA-A2 mutant cell series were tested as targets for the CTL-8 line. Cell clones 8.18.1, 8.21.1 and 8.6.1, which express altered HLA-A2 molecules as determined by their decreased reactivity with allospecific monoclonal antibodies, were lysed by the CTL-8 line as efficiently as the T5-1 wild type. These cell lines also acted as efficient cold target competitors for a normal HLA-A2 target cell. The 8.14.1 cell clone expressed a lower amount of HLA-A2 alloantigen and showed a corresponding decreased reactivity with CTL-8 in direct cytolytic and cold target competitive inhibition assays. In contrast, the M7 and DK1 HLA-A2 variant cell lines, which express normal HLA-A2 serological determinants, were inefficiently lysed by CTL-8 and did not act as competitive inhibitors of normal HLA-A2 target cells. These results support the concept that the alloantigenic determinant(s) recognized by T cells and antibodies occur at separate regions on the HLA-A2 molecule.  相似文献   



Cytotoxic T lymphocytes play a crucial role in the immunological control of microbial infections and in the design of vaccines and immunotherapies. Measurement of cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity requires that the test antigen is presented by target cells having the same or compatible class I major hystocompatibility complex antigens as the effector cells. Conventional assays use target cells labeled with 51chromium and infer cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity by measuring the isotope released by the target cells lysed following incubation with antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. This assay is sensitive but needs manipulation and disposal of hazardous radioactive reagents and provides a bulk estimate of the reporter released, which may be influenced by spontaneous release of the label and other poorly controllable variables. Here we describe a novel method for producing target in outbred hosts and assessing cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

We developed an in vitro system for the generation of human cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTL) that avoids the necessity of constituting a panel of HLA-typed fibroblasts. Autologous donor leucocytes were coated with CMV antigens and were used as both stimulator and target cells. With the use of this system, CMV-specific effector cells were efficiently generated from seropositive but not seronegative donors. These CMV-specific effectors were HLA-restricted and had characteristics of T cells. Maximum lymphoproliferation preceded the appearance of maximum CTL activity by 3 to 4 days, and a close correlation was seen between both activities. Mouse anti-CMV monoclonal antibodies were used in blocking experiments in an attempt to define target antigens recognized by CMV-specific cytotoxic lymphocytes. Monoclonal antibodies directed against an early CMV membrane antigen, against neutralization epitopes, or against nuclear inclusion body protein all specifically inhibited CMV-sensitized effector cell activity but did not affect influenza virus-specific lysis. Monoclonal antibodies directed against a normal cell determinant or against poliovirus did not affect CMV-specific CTL activity. CMV-immune cytotoxic T cells could be consistently and specifically inhibited in their lytic activity by pretreating antigen-coated target cells with monoclonal antibodies directed against CMV-related proteins.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer (PC) is a deadly human malignancy. Dendritic cell (DC)-based immunotherapy with whole tumor antigens demonstrates potential efficiency in cancer treatment. Tumor RNA and tumor fusion hybrid cells are sources of whole tumor antigens for preparing DC tumor vaccines. However, the efficacy of these sources in eliciting immune responses against PC has not yet to be directly compared. In the present study, patient-derived PC cells and DCs were fused (DC–tumor hybrids) and primary cultured PC cell-derived total RNA was electroporated into autologous DCs (DC–tumor RNA). The antitumor immune responses induced by DC–tumor hybrids and DC–tumor RNA were compared directly. The results showed that both RNA and hybrid methodologies could induce tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses, but pulsing DCs with total tumor RNA could induce a higher frequency of activated CTLs and T-helper cells than fusing DCs with autologous tumor cells. In addition, DC–tumor RNA triggered stronger autologous tumor cell lysis than DC–tumor hybrids. It could be concluded that DCs pulsed with whole tumor RNA are superior to those fused with tumor cells in priming anti-PC CTL responses. Electroporation with total tumor RNA may be more suitable for DC-based PC vaccination.  相似文献   

The effect of L-ornithine on several types of immune reactions was analyzed. L-ornithine was found to suppress the activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in vivo and in vitro. This suppressive effect was not observed with the structural analogues D-ornithine, L-lysine, or putrescine or with the amino acids L-histidine or L-alanine. The concentration of 9 X 10(-3) M L-ornithine was found to mediate a practically complete suppression of the cytotoxic response in vitro if applied on day 0 or day 1 of the culture, but a comparably weak suppression if applied on day 3. The same concentration of L-ornithine had no effect on the production of the lymphokines interleukin 2 (IL 2) and gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma). This concentration of ornithine had also no substantial effect on several types of proliferative responses, including the allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction, the concanavalin A-activated IL 2-dependent proliferation of thymocytes, and IL 2-dependent proliferation of the T cell clone W-2. These observations suggest that L-ornithine inhibits selectively the differentiation of CTL effector cells. By the criteria tested, the immunosuppressive effect of L-ornithine is more selective than that of cyclosporine A, which was previously found to suppress not only the activation of cytotoxic activity but also proliferative responses and the production of the lymphokines IL 2 and IFN-gamma.  相似文献   



The imidazoquinoline derivate imiquimod induces inflammatory responses and protection against transplanted tumors when applied to the skin in combination with a cognate peptide epitope (transcutaneous immunization, TCI). Here we investigated the role of regulatory T cells (Treg) and the suppressive cytokine IL-10 in restricting TCI-induced cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses.

Methodology/Principal Findings

TCI was performed with an ointment containing the TLR7 agonist imiquimod and a CTL epitope was applied to the depilated back skin of C57BL/6 mice. Using specific antibodies and FoxP3-diphteria toxin receptor transgenic (DEREG) mice, we interrogated inhibiting factors after TCI: by depleting FoxP3+ regulatory T cells we found that specific CTL-responses were greatly enhanced. Beyond this, in IL-10 deficient (IL-10-/-) mice or after blocking of IL-10 signalling with an IL-10 receptor specific antibody, the TCI induced CTL response is greatly enhanced indicating an important role for this cytokine in TCI. However, by transfer of Treg in IL-10-/- mice and the use of B cell deficient JHT-/- mice, we can exclude Treg and B cells as source of IL-10 in the setting of TCI.


We identify Treg and IL-10 as two important and independently acting suppressors of CTL-responses induced by transcutaneous immunization. Advanced vaccination strategies inhibiting Treg function and IL-10 release may lead the development of effective vaccination protocols aiming at the induction of T cell responses suitable for the prophylaxis or treatment of persistent infections or tumors.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of short-term incubation of cloned and in vivo-produced cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) with phorbol esters on their lytic activity against weak and nonspecific targets. These experiments demonstrate that 4 beta-phorbol-12-myristate, 13-acetate (PMA), 4 beta-phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate, and 4 beta-phorbol-12,13-didecanoate, but not the 4 alpha-phorbol-12,13 didecanoate esters stimulate the lytic apparatus. The stimulation is specific for the CTL rather than the target and appears to be nearly instantaneous in action. This rapid stimulation of the CTL lytic process is consistent with previously reported effects of phorbol esters associated with T cell activation in other functional assays.  相似文献   

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) substituted in 12 to 15 amino groups with 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl (Tnp-BSA) or carbobenzoxy (Cbz-BSA) or acetyl (Ac-BSA) groups was tested as inhibitor of the reaction in which anti-Tnp cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) lysed syngeneic 51Cr-labeled Tnp-modified spleen cells [concanavalin A (Con A) blasts]. Inhibition was observed with some consistency only with Tnp-BSA at extremely high concentration (50 mg/ml). To explore the significance of this observation, inhibition of anti-Tnp CTLs was also tested with Tnp-modified cells on which products of the major histocompatibility loci H-2K and H-2D were lacking or different from those on the stimulator cells used to elicit the CTLs. Only those Tnp cells with the same H-2 products as the stimulators were inhibitory, even though all the Tnp cells tested had essentially the same surface density of Tnp (ca 1 × 108 groups/cell). It is concluded that effective specific inhibitors of anti-Tnp CTLs have both Tnp groups and the correct H-2 products on the same particle and that the specific inhibitory activity of soluble Tnp-BSA was probably due to its adsorption onto cells in the suspensions used to assay cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

By immunofluorescence observations with cell couples of cloned murine cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and target cells, evidence is presented for a rapid reorientation of the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) and the Golgi apparatus (GA) in the effector cell (but not in the target cell) toward the contact area with the target. The reorientation of the MTOC/GA and the cytotoxic activity of the CTL were inhibited reversibly by nocodazole, a microtubule-disrupting agent. In lectin-formed cell couples of CTL and neuraminidase-treated target cells, the MTOC in essentially all of the CTL was oriented toward the effector-target contact area of a lysable target cell, but was left randomly oriented with a nonlysable target cell. A similar random orientation of the effector-MTOC was also observed in cell couples of cloned natural killer cells and nonlysable targets. These findings indicate that the repositioning of the MTOC and the GA, which is shared by CTL and natural killer cells, is an essential and early event in the onset of the cytolytic mechanism. It is suggested that this reorientation serves the purpose of directing to the bound target cell secretory vesicles derived from the GA that contain cytotoxic substances.  相似文献   

The original polarity of lysis experiments suggested that CTL are themselves sensitive to whatever mechanism it is that CTL use to lyse their targets. This concept has placed certain limitations on possible mechanisms of lysis by CTL. Recently, we found in studies with cloned CTL as targets that cloned CTL are in fact highly resistant to lysis by other CTL, as well as to their cytotoxic granule proteins. We show here that although cloned CTL are extremely resistant to lysis by primary and cloned CTL, they are readily inactivated functionally by all primary CTL and by at least one CTL clone. Moreover, cloned CTL are also functionally inactivated by cytotoxic granule proteins. The activation of CTL, which we call inhibitin, is Ca2+ insensitive and distinct from hemolytic activity, and is, thus, unlikely to be perforin. These experiments suggest a possible alternative interpretation of the original polarity of lysis experiments.  相似文献   

Effector cytolytic T (Tc) lymphocytes, deficient in the exocytosis-mediated pathway of target cell lysis, induce Fas on target cells and, in turn, delayed cell death and apoptosis via the Fas ligand-Fas interaction. The induction of Fas can be blocked by anti- IFN-gamma Abs. This Fas up-regulation on initially Fas-negative target cells is not mediated by TCR-MHC/peptide signaling per se, but by secreted IFN-gamma from Tc cells after Ag engagement. The Fas up-regulation by Tc cells can be mimicked by treatment of target cells with rIFN-gamma. Tc cells from IFN-gamma knockout mice do not induce Fas expression on target cells. Tc cell-mediated Fas expression on third party, bystander, target cells does not enhance their susceptibility to lysis by these nominal effector cells. The results are discussed as to the possible relevance of the phenomenon in efficiency and regulation of the Tc cell response to infections by viruses.  相似文献   

The capacity of epidermal cells (EC) to stimulate T cell activation is a Langerhans cell (LC)-dependent phenomenon. In all in vitro assays probed, LC subserve antigen-presenting cell functions in that they display surface-bound foreign or altered-self structures and thereby activate T cell responses. In contrast, attempts to demonstrate accessory cell (ACC) function of LC-containing EC have yielded negative results, i.e., EC lacking foreign cell surface antigens were not able to restore cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in Ia+ adherent cell-depleted cultures. Reasoning that the ACC function of EC might be critically linked to cluster formation between LC and other cell types involved, we tested the ACC function of EC under experimental conditions that allow a close physical contact between the cell types involved (round-bottomed microtiter plates and brief centrifugation of culture plates). By using these modifications, the failure of highly purified B6 T cells to develop alloreactive CTL activity when stimulated with either highly purified, mitomycin C-treated C3H or B6CF1 T cells was restored by the addition of B6 EC. The CTL thus generated produced significant lysis of Con-A-stimulated C3H or BALB/c, but not B6, spleen cell targets. In a similar fashion, TNP- or FITC-specific CTL were generated when (in a syngeneic system) mitomycin C-treated TNP- or FITC-modified stimulator T cells and responder T cells were co-cultured in the presence, but not in the absence, of unmodified EC. The capacity of EC to restore CTL activity in a culture system depleted of Ia-bearing cells was not dependent upon their H-2 type, but was critically linked to the presence of Ia-bearing LC. We therefore conclude that LC-containing EC can subserve the ACC function in the generation of H-2-restricted CTL, provided that culture conditions are chosen that allow a close physical contact between the cell types involved.  相似文献   

Generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in mixed leukocyte cultures was suppressed by a factor elaborated by alloantigen-activated T cells. This suppressor factor, CTL-TsF, in contrast to a factor that suppresses proliferative responses in mixed leukocyte reactions (MLR-TsF), was effective only when added during the first 24 hr of a 6-day-culture period. Moreover, removal of CTL-TsF 24 hr after culture initiation failed to restore CTL responses. CTL activity could be rescued from suppressed cultures, however, by addition of 2-mercaptoethanol on days 3 or 4. Similarly, transfer of nonadherent cells at 3 or 4 days from cultures treated with CTL-TsF to cultures of adherent cells initiated in control factor restored CTL responses. Mixing experiments with cells pulsed with CTL-TsF for 4 hr at culture initiation identified a target of CTL-TsF as a Thy-1 negative cell that was adherent to plastic and to Sephadex G-10. Suppression was not due to interference with physiologic accessory cell function, but more likely was accomplished via a negative signal from CTL-TsF-pulsed cells. The results thus suggest that CTL-TsF acts early, but reversibly, in the CTL differentiative process via a second suppressor effector cell, possibly a macrophage.  相似文献   

A functional assay is described that measures the reversal of specific cytolytic T cell (CTL)-target cell binding. Binding of 51Cr-labeled P815 cells was stable in suspension but could be readily reversed by the addition of unlabeled P815 cells. The reversal of CTL-tumor cell and CTL-spleen cell binding was H-2 specific; only cells of the same H-2 type as the bound target cell could induce reversal. In all cases, tumor cells were substantially more efficient than spleen cells in inducing specific reversal.  相似文献   

I have compared the requirements for T helper (Th) cell function during the generation of virus-specific and alloreactive cytotoxic thymus (T)-derived lymphocyte (CTL) responses. Restimulation of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)-immune T cells (VSV memory CTLs) with VSV-infected stimulators resulted in the generation of class I-restricted, VSV-specific CTLs. Progression of VSV memory CTLs (Lyt-1-2+) into VSV-specific CTLs required inductive signals derived from VSV-induced, Lyt-1+2- Th cells because: (i) cultures depleted by negative selection of Lyt-1+ T cells failed to generate CTLs; (ii) titration of VSV memory CTLs into a limiting dilution (LD) microculture system depleted of Th cells generated curves which were not consistent with a single limiting cell type; (iii) LD analysis of VSV memory CTLs did produce single-hit curves in the presence of Lyt-1+2- T cells sensitized against VSV; and (iv) monoclonal anti-L3T4 antibody completely abrogated CTL generation against VSV. Similar results were also obtained with Sendai virus (SV), a member of the paramyxovirus family. The notion that a class II-restricted, L3T4+ Th cell plays an obligatory role in the generation of CTLs against these viruses is also supported by the observation that purified T cell lymphoblasts (class II antigen negative) failed to function as antigen-presenting cells for CTL responses against VSV and SV. T cell lymphoblasts were efficiently lysed by class I-restricted, anti-VSV and -SV CTLs, indicating that activated T cells expressed the appropriate viral peptides for CTL recognition. Furthermore, heterogeneity in the VSV-induced Th cell population was detected by LD analysis, suggesting that at least two types of Th cells were required for the generation of an anti-VSV CTL response. VSV-induced Th cell function could not simply be replaced by exogenous IL-2 because this lymphokine induced cytotoxic cells that had the characteristics of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells and not anti-viral CTLs. In contrast, CTL responses against allogeneic determinants could not be completely blocked with antibodies against L3T4 and depletion of L3T4+ cells did not prevent the generation of alloreactive CTLs in cultures stimulated with allogeneic spleen cells or activated T cell lymphoblasts. Thus, these studies demonstrate an obligatory requirement for an L3T4-dependent Th cell pathway for CTL responses against viruses such as VSV and SV; whereas, CTL responses against allogeneic determinants can utilize an L3T4-independent pathway.  相似文献   

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