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Homogenates of chicken embryo epiphyseal cartilage were prepared in buffered saline. The bulk of the sulfotransferase was found in the supernatant. However, small amounts of sulfotransferase were consistently found in the particulate fraction. Detergents (Triton X-100 and C12E8) added to the incubation mixture activated the sulfation of exogenous sulfate acceptor by the particulate fraction, whereas detergent treatment during homogenization increased sulfotransferase activity in the supernatant at the expense of that in the particulate fraction. Since sulfotransferase activities of the supernatant and particulate fractions had similar properties concerning specificity, affinity for chondroitin with different degrees of sulfation, thermal stability and activation by protamine, we conclude that the same enzyme is present in both fractions and that detergent activates indirectly, by releasing it to the medium.  相似文献   

Homozygous brachymorphic (bmbm) mice have a disproportionately short stature, similar to human achondroplasia. We previously showed that each zone of growth in young bmbm epiphyseal cartilages is smaller than normal and that the extracellular matrix appears to contain normal collagen fibrils, but smaller and reduced numbers of proteoglycan matrix granules. Our studies reported here indicate that mutant, like normal cartilage, synthesizes type II collagen and contains normal quantities of glycosaminoglycans as judged by uronic acid content. However, the glycosaminoglycans from the mutant differ from the normal in their chromatographic and electrophoretic properties. Further studies established that glycosaminoglycans from cartilages of brachymorphic animals were undersulfated. Whereas chondroitinase digests of glycosaminoglycans from cartilage of normal C57Bl6J 5-day-old mice contained predominantly disaccharides sulfated in the 4-position, that of the mutant contained appreciable unsulfated disaccharides as well.  相似文献   

Recent studies in this laboratory have suggested that proteoglycan may function as a Ca ion-exchanger in the calcification of epiphyseal growth plate cartilage. Specifically, it has been proposed that phosphate liberated from hypertrophic chondrocytes may displace calcium ions bound to the anionic groups of proteoglycans, thereby raising the Ca x PO4 activity product above the threshold for precipitation of hydroxyapatite. In order to determine whether this mechanism is quantitatively feasible, a mathematical model of the interaction between Ca, Na, proteoglycan and phosphate has now been developed. This model is based on a general binding theory, and utilizes previously-determined values for the binding constants of the Ca-proteoglycan interaction, inhibition constants for the effect of Na and phosphate on this interaction, and literature values for the concentrations of proteoglycan, Na and Ca in epiphyseal cartilage. Using this approach, it was predicted that the free Ca concentration in epiphyseal cartilage in the absence of phosphate will be 1.55 mM. At 0.7 mM phosphate, the approximate concentration in non-calcified cartilage matrix, the free Ca concentration will be 2.40 mM, corresponding to a Ca x PO4 product of 1.68 (mM)2. In order to achieve a Ca x PO4 product sufficient for spontaneous precipitation of hydroxyapatite [approximately 4.3 (mM)2], a phosphate concentration of approximately 1.40 mM is required. Therefore, calcification of epiphyseal cartilage matrix by the mechanism described above will require an approximate doubling of the phosphate concentration in the pre-calcifying zones, indicating that the release of a fraction of the intracellular phosphate could trigger the calcification process.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan aggregates and proteoglycan subunits were extracted from bovine articular cartilage with guanidine-HC1 folowed by fractionation by equilibrium centrifugation in cesium chloride density gradients. The distribution of chondroitin sulfates (CS) in the cartilage proteoglycans was studied at the disaccharide level by digestion with chondroitinases. In the proteoglycan aggregate fraction, it was observed that the proportion of 4-sulfated disaccharide units to total CS increased from the bottom to the top fractions, whereas that of 6-sulfated disaccharide units was in the reverse order. Thus, the ratio of 4-sulfated disaccharide units to 6-sulfated disaccharide units increased significantly with decreasing density. The proportion of non-sulfated disaccharide units to total CS tended to increase with increasing density. These data indicate a polydisperse distribution of CS chains, under the conditions used here, in proteoglycan aggregates from bovine articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix vesicles, which have been shown to be associated with initial calcification of cartilage, were isolated, characterized, and studied with 45calcium isotope to determine whether they could form mineral in vitro. It was found that the isolated matrix vesicles contain a phosphatase, active at neutral pH, which has a very wide specificity and will hydrolyze a variety of nucleotide triphosphates, diphosphates, monophosphates, and other phosphate-containing substrate and metabolites. Acid phosphatase, beta-glucuronidase, and cathepsin D were found to be in the cell fractions, in lysosomes; these enzymes are not present in matrix vesicles and this is additional evidence for the difference between matrix vesicles and lysosomes. Matrix vesicles were found to take up 45Ca even in the presence of low levels of Ca and P1 and also to facilitate precipitation of hydroxylapatite when incubated under physiological conditions in the presence of ATP and other phosphate-containing substrates. Systematic electron probe analysis of a septum of epiphyseal cartilage indicates that matrix vesicles gradually accumulate calcium and then phosphorus and thus facilitate the advance of the calcification front. Adjoinging nonvesicular matrix in the hypertrophic zone, cell cytoplasm, and cell processes had very low levels of calcium and phosphorus in a region where matrix vesicles showed high levels of these elements. New concepts are put forward that take accounts of these findings which provide a better understanding of the sequence of mineralization in growth cartilage.  相似文献   

Summary Alkaline phosphatase of chicken epiphyseal cartilage has been localized by two immunohistochemical methods. Double layer immunofluorescence and peroxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP) methods gave similar results. Alkaline phosphatase in epiphyseal cartilage is extracellular as well as intracellular in the localization. Extracellular reaction was strongest in the lower layers of growth plate and the most intense reaction was noted in the pericellular lacunae of hypertrophic chondrocytes. Also intracellular immunoreaction was noticed through the whole growth plate.  相似文献   

Associated proteoglycans were prepared with guanidine-HCl from bovine articular cartilage of various ages. They were purified and fractionated by equilibrium centrifugation in cesium chloride (CsCl) density gradients. The compositions of chondroitin sulfate (CS) isomers in associated proteoglycans of articular cartilages of three ages were compared based on the relative amounts of disaccharide units. The results indicated that the proportions of 4-sulfated disaccharide units comprised around 2/3, 1/3, and 1/6 of the total CS in the associated proteoglycans of calf, 18-month-old cow, and 8-year-old cow, respectively. In contrast, the proportions of 6-sulfated disaccharide units in the proteoglycans were in the reverse order; they comprised nearly 1/3, 1/2, and 2/3 of the total CS, respectively, at the three ages. Thus, with increasing age, the ratio of 4-sulfated disaccharide units to 6-sulfated disaccharide units decreased significantly. With the decrease of CsCl density in the gradients, the proportion of 4-sulfated disaccharide units to total CS as well as that of 4-sulfated disaccharide units to 6-sulfated disaccharide units increased in the associated proteoglycans of all ages. The increased ratios of 4-sulfated to 6-sulfated disaccharide units with decreasing CsCl density were significant among the individual proteoglycans: 1.84-2.36 in calf, 0.40-0.89 in 18-month-old cow, and 0.16-0.28 in 8-year-old cow.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans (PGs) are closely associated with cartilage calcification. We have examined the hypertrophic zone of rat epiphyseal cartilage, in which calcification is occurring, using the high-iron diamine-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (HID-TCH-SP) method for sulfated glycosaminoglycans, an immunoferritin method specific for chondroitin sulfate A, and the tannic acid-ferric chloride (TA-Fe) method to stain cartilage matrix granules (MGs) presumed to be PG monomers. HID-TCH-SP produced stain deposits with a diameter of 11.2 +/- 3.2 nm (mean +/- SD; n = 200) in the MGs. However, HID-TCH-SP staining was not discernible in membrane-limited matrix vesicles (MVs). In areas of advanced calcification, partially disrupted MVs and globular bodies (GBs), derived in part from disrupted and/or degenerated MVs, contained a few too many small HID-TCH-SP stain deposits. Further down the epiphyseal cartilage, intact MVs markedly decreased and the GBs, containing many small HID-TCH-SP stain deposits, significantly increased in number. These GBs were found exclusively in the longitudinal septa rather than in the transverse septa. After enzyme digestion with testicular hyaluronidase, small (7.2 +/- 1.2 nm in diameter) stain deposits remained in the MGs and GBs, presumably localized to keratan sulfate. Immunoferritin localizing chondroitin sulfate strongly stained MGs, whereas MVs and GBs lacked staining. TA-Fe staining of glycoconjugates in the GBs demonstrated a striking decrease in the diameter of MGs associated with calcification in the GBs as compared with those in the noncalcifying area around the GBs. These results indicate that the GBs containing needle-like apatite crystals in morphologic preparations represent sites of chondroitin sulfate degradation. Testicular hyaluronidase-resistant sulfated glycosaminoglycans presumed to be keratan sulfate and partially degraded PGs selectively remain within the GBs as a probable requisite for expansion of the initial calcification in MVs.  相似文献   

Content of chondroitin sulphate, the number and average length of its chains are studied in isolated glycosamineglycanes from unchanged and degeneratively changed cartilage in men of different age. The chondroitin sulphate amount in the cartilage tissue is shown to decrease without change in the number of its chains with the age and with the development of the degenerative process in the cartilage. It occurs as a result of shortening of the average length of chondroitin sulphate chains which can be induced either during atypical chondrocyte synthesis of proteoglycanes or under destruction of the latter by enzymes.  相似文献   

Shark cartilage chondroitin sulfate C was fractionated by chromatography on Sepharose CL-4B-2.5 to 1.5M ammonium sulfate in 10mM hydrochloric acid at 4 degrees. Both unit-disaccharide composition and molecular-size distribution clearly affected the fractionation. Comparison of this fractionation with the fractionation on Sepharose 6B gel in 0.2M sodium chloride revealed that the former is distinctly superior to the latter. The fractionation on Sepharose CL-4B in the presence of ammonium sulfate also showed that the chondroitin sulfate C molecules having a larger molecular size contain generally more chondroitin 6-sulfate units (as major constituent) and less chondroitin disulfate units (D type, as minor constituent) than those having a smaller molecular size).  相似文献   

The proximal growth plate cartilage of rat tibia was fixed in the presence of ruthenium hexamine trichloride (RHT) in order to preserve proteoglycans in the tissue. Quantitative changes of chondroitin sulfates during endochondral calcification were investigated by immunoelectron microscopy using mouse monoclonal antibodies 1-B-5, 2-B-6, and 3-B-3, which recognize unsulfated, 4-sulfated, and 6-sulfated chondroitin sulfates, respectively. The content of chondroitin-4-sulfate in the cartilage matrix increased from the proliferative zone to the calcifying zone, while that of unsulfated chondroitin sulfate decreased. Chondroitin-6-sulfate remained constant from the proliferative zone to the upper hypertrophic zone, then decreased in the calcifying zone. The immunoreaction to each antibody increased conspicuously in the cartilagenous core of metaphysial bone trabeculae. The changes of sulfation in chondroitin sulfate chains of proteoglycans may play an important role in inducing and/or promoting calcification in growth plate cartilage.  相似文献   

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